loiterin around schools in my GROOMERS shirt yelling incomprehensible gibberish at children to own the libs
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) April 6, 2022
They are simultaneously mad at Disney for old school moral panic reasons AND that the Green M&M no longer wears fuckme boots. https://t.co/rjCTjWCtlU
— zeddy (@Zeddary) April 6, 2022
having known some people who have worked for disney corporate, i am actually not worried about this (their security rivals some nation states) but i worry about the next big disney movie https://t.co/5IZV6L5MSu
— GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) April 7, 2022
(We’re coming up on the tenth anniversary of the Aurora movie-theater massacre.)
As we see more and more of the mainstream GOP embrace Qanon child sex traffic conspiracy theories – Hawley, Cruz, Greene et al – and as we see it now focus on Disney, I'm curious whether Disney lawyers are going to get in on the action. I mean, they have a reputation to …
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 6, 2022
3/ theories abut the voting machine companies.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 6, 2022
Disagree with Josh here. Disney lawyers are generically evil but not dumb. The GOP blather about Disney is rhetoric, hyperbole, insult, and opinion, not provably false statement of fact. Disney lawyers will menace a day care center for a Goofy mural but probably not file a SLAPP. https://t.co/RAoASDr35x
— HatIsWithCriminalDefendants (@Popehat) April 7, 2022
the funny thing is that before this happened Disney was doing a major repositioning to be more GOP friendly, more both sides, less Hollywood liberal. And they tried to wade into the Florida don’t say gay thing to make that clear and it blew up in their face. Sad.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 7, 2022
Hey, Gym Jordan — remember Denny Hastert?
With all the republican lies circulating these days I just wanted to remind everyone the longest serving republican House Speaker in history went to prison for abusing children. pic.twitter.com/ROv04bgsbd
— Bill Pascrell, Jr. ???????? (@BillPascrell) April 7, 2022
Calling someone a pedophile in this context is tantamount to saying they are subhuman and that they deserve any vengeance anyone wants to inflict on them. It has nothing to do with sex, per se. It’s all about permission for violence.
— Lindsay Beyerstein (@beyerstein) April 6, 2022
It’s the same gambit Russia is using when it falsely accuses Ukrainians of being Nazis and drug addicts—two other classes of people marked for indiscriminate violence in this discourse.
— Lindsay Beyerstein (@beyerstein) April 6, 2022
Mouse trumps rat.
The drooling dummkopfs anxiously awaiting publication of Unca Dearest by Huey, Dewey and Louie.
given the appropriation of Disney(TM) property, the Mouse’s lawyers need to get off the fence and pick a side.
@Jay: Agree.
Mugwumpery is so-o-o 19th century.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Disney owns ABC and they were (imo) the 2nd worst “but her emails” offenders, behind NYT. Now the monster they helped create for corporate tax cuts has turned on them.
who coulda known
Between this behavior and Republican U.S. Representatives asking various people “What is a man?” how far are we from them just flinging poo at people testifying on the floor of the House?
If we’re lobbing darts back that far, Walt’s cooperation with HUAC.
Dude, have you met any assholes and bigots? Sure, it’s about permission for violence. Micro aggressions, not some strategy to cause terrorist events. They want their asshole thrill of getting to end any debate with calling their opponent a groomer. They love it. They LOVE it. They’re in hysterics of joy over getting to be that publicly obnoxious.
It harkens to their desire to turn the clock back to when they could and did beat gays to death and nobody cared, sure. That’s not at all the kind of “Would someone rid me of these meddlesome gays?” you’re talking about. This is about the thrill of being insulting.
Adding: Thank the sun pony for the incredible Republican talent for self-owns. “Okay, Groomer” is the ultimate bad faith argument, slap-in-the-face insulting, a zinger they can throw out and not have to worry about actual debate. It is hitting the rocks in widespread cultural use because when they throw it out they’re getting universally replied to with “Tennessee Republicans are making it legal to marry children, you sick pedos.”
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Leopards, faces, etc.
Lately for some reason, this oldie has been on my mind:
I ask you who’s elated
When youse Methuselated
– “Li’l Abner”
@lowtechcyclist: You know Marie is the daughter, right? Mom, his ex, tore apart their happy home.
Speaking of L’il Abner, in the late 1960s, Al Capp, who had become a bit of a reactionary by then, added a student protest organization to the strip: S.W.I.N.E., short for Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything.
It may not have an appropriate moniker yet, but for some time now it’s been the wingnuts who have been wildly indignant about nearly everything. And now that they’ve lately become seditionists, it strikes me that the acronym wouldn’t even need changing.
Yeah, Al Capp ended up taking long strides off a very obsolescent pier.
@eclare: Maybe, but it’s not in the lyrics.
And Timothy was supposedly a mule, and not a fellow miner.
The Russians hit a crowded railway station in Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine with a ballistic missile. At first they were boasting about it, then tried to claim that the Ukrainians were doing this to themselves. At least 30 dead, at least 100 injured.
Just one more damned war crime.
Is that mule as in four-legged beastie or mule as in, uh, procurer?
@lowtechcyclist: the singer is singing about his child after a divorce, which was widely understood at the time.
@lowtechcyclist: LOL wow a ‘Timothy’ reference this early! Well played!!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Meh, the real point if this Disney Crap is so everyone’s crazy uncle will have something to scream about at their niece this Memorial Day. Not that it does doesn’t preclude a mass shooting from the some rando who takes it to 11.
On the other hand we will likely be seeing video of someone in a Mini Mouse costume being tortured live on Russian TV before this is over.
Disney should follow Dominion Voting System’s lead.
I’ll have to take your word for it. I heard it on a Statler Brothers album, completely, um, divorced from any commentary.
@Booger: Because a morning isn’t complete without an awful earworm, right? ;-)
Dominion and Smartmatic can show damages. Those companies contract with states and counties years ahead of time so they can show cancelled contracts or how they weren’t considered for contracts because of Fox and others smearing them. Smartmatic says they lost 2 billion dollars, for example. They’ll have to show that.
@lowtechcyclist: How about WHINE (Wingnuts Hate Including Nearly Everyone)?
Maybe it’s not literally stated therein, but it’s pretty obvious eclare has it right.
It’d be cool if Mickey and Minnie came out as trans.
@SFAW: I freaking live in Memphis.
High up on a hill?
ETA: To show you how un-hep I am, I heard Chuck’s original version long before I heard Johnny Rivers (or any of the other pretenders) sing it.
Disney will probably have a great year- all the pent up demand of the pandemic, low unemployment, people spending like crazy. The far Right boycott isn’t even going to make a blip. It’s to threaten them- to push them back into line and force them to align with far Right politicians. DeSantis is a thug – “nice theme park you got there, shame if something happened to it”. It’s not something a lawsuit can fix.
It’s the tossing around of words like “groomers” that drives me nuts.
@SFAW: Elvis here.
Agreed. It’s awful. The thing about content produced for kids is it’s also designed to appeal to their parents. It operates on two levels- little kids see things to keep them engaged and there’s another embedded level for their parents, so it’s interesting and engaging for them too. Disney really has two sets of customers- small children and their parents. The parents are not 65 years old- they’re 35. They expect to see gay characters or black or brown heroes or all the other things conservatives object to.
A lot of this seems to me to be “I demand that everything stay the same as it was in my childhood, teenage years or college experience”, where the speaker is either middle aged or late middle aged. They just don’t have to the right to demand that the culture they came up in remains frozen there. Successive generations get to make changes – it’s theirs. That’s the deal.
High up on a RIDGE, moron.
I mean, I can hear Chuck’s voice singing it in my head, and I still didn’t “play it through” to get the lyrics right.
I guess I’ll use the excuse that the other voices in my head were drowning him out.
Of course, we know how they avoid the head spinning – roll with it, cognitive dissonance be damned.
Josh Marshall’s “Blew up in their face” sounds very Beltway Inbred, and rather ignorant of the heckler’s veto concept.
This leads me to my eternal question for our press corps: Exactly what has to be accomplished by any opponent of the right-wing puke funnel for it to be called a victory?
@Kay: That’s right. The parents of kids who are into Disney stuff were born somewhere between the mid-eighties and mid-nineties. They are not the Fox News demographic. Also, the people who are pushing this “boycott” seem to think that everyone lives in the same bubble that they do. I’m pretty sure that if you gathered 10,000 parents of kids who are into Disney and asked them what they think about “Disney grooming” the vast majority would have no idea what you’re talking about.
@SFAW: @lowtechcyclist: the context is that it was written at a time when custody of the children in a divorce was virtually always given to the mother and visitation rights were not routinely enforced.
“Just promise me I’ll never have to sit through Frozen again.”
@Kay: Don’t be painting middle aged or older people with such a broad brush. Most of them are fine with gay rights. It’s a minority, mostly fundie evangelicals and it includes a lot of young haters who have been raised in a church-homeschooled bubble. Cawthorn, Boebert, et all are not middle aged.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: If your mind goes to anywhere but that Marie is the singer’s daughter, that is on you.
@satby: It was also written at a time when, in rural America, especially in the Southeast, a pregnant 12 year old and the guy who knocked her up might find themselves in a shotgun wedding. Even if the guy was over 18.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Remember the first rule of holes.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, I guess if I don’t think of Jethro Tull’s “Cross-Eyed Mary” as being >18, that’s on me too.
Things have changed in a good way over my lifetime when it comes to societal attitudes about sex between adults and minors. That’s progress. But the progress was necessary! There was a time when sex between adults and kids was regarded as merely gross rather than criminally wrong, the subject of jokes rather than court cases. I’m glad we left that era behind, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist
ETA: Remembering the past as it was, rather than whitewashing it, is digging a hole?
Go keep company with the anti-CRT crowd.
Miss Bianca
@SFAW: Sandy Denny also does a bitchin’ version of that song, that’s the one I know best.
Omnes Omnibus
Dude, get over yourself.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sorry to upset your rose-colored-glasses view of the past.
@SFAW: Chuck’s is the version I hear in my head.
Though I’m very partial to Lonnie Mack’s instrumental version, man that guy could play
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Because I don’t think “Memphis, Tennessee” is about a pedophile…..? Prenez un grip.
Can i haz a “Boycott Goober’s ” tee shirt plueze.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s fine that you think that. I’m not telling you what’s right or wrong for you to think.
Now tell me what you meant by “If your mind goes to anywhere but that Marie is the singer’s daughter, that is on you.”
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: If you are so jaded and cynical that your mind automatically turns to a dark reading of those lyrics, that is a issue that you need to work out.
@Omnes Omnibus: What ‘dark reading’ are you referring to
ETA: I think your jumping to conclusions and assuming I’m thinking darker thoughts than I am is an issue YOU need to be working out.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: And on to bad faith argumentation….
@Omnes Omnibus: Look in the mirror. You’ve never asked me how I interpreted this, other than Marie not being the singer’s daughter. You’ve just assumed, and you know what that does. Only in this case, it just makes an ass of you, because that’s what you’re being in this thread.
So I’ll tell you. When I first heard this song at the age of eleven, my mental image was one of their basically playing house; sex wasn’t exactly on my radar.
Later on (like my late teens and on from there), looking back on this song and being aware that there were plenty of child brides in that area and era (early teens and sometimes pre-teens), I assumed that the songwriter took that reality and was exaggerating for humorous effect, making the girl six years old instead of 12.
So you can kindly go fuck yourself with all your talk about my issues and dark thoughts. You’re the one who was reading shit in, not into the song, which you can interpret any way you damn well please, but into me. And that’s what makes you an asshole.