kink at white pride
— Comirnaty By Nature (@canderaid) April 15, 2022
… is forcing the rest of us to watch their depraved antics…
Soon the big lie and the assorted grifts and the vigilante violence will merge into one dark core, a monstrous dead star without name, that which cannot be looked at, only its shadow.
1/1, buy now for 4,500 eth on OpenSea— Jacob Silverman (@SilvermanJacob) April 15, 2022
Bring on the Ancient Curse(s)!
They didn't seal the corpse in lead, bury it 65 feet underneath Notre Dame, and obliterate every record of this huge project because it's got candy in it…
Crack it open and stick it next to that stone prison to the evil fox God that spontaneously split open earlier this year
— UAE Exotic Falconry & Finance (@FalconryFinance) April 15, 2022
I know it’s silly, I’m kind of wary for scientists to open that sarcophagus.
@eclare: itâs probably just the medieval Jimmy Hoffa. Â The mob is old. Very old.
Lead was a fairly common lining for coffins, ( soft, easily shaped, easily sealed with solder), often used for burials of suspected disease carriers.
Given that 2020, 2021, 2022 was scripted by Steven King,
Cinematography by Quentin Terentino,
Sound track by Yoko Ono,……………….
DO NOT OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amir Khalid
I have a hunch the person in the lead sarcophagus is Quasimodo.
@Amir Khalid:
if the stories are true, not the right shape.
looks more like a female coffin.
Richard Thompson has a song for that.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Since this an open thread. now the pandemic is easing more and more of the staff that were working at home are coming back and now I have problem with female cowokers with whom I am apparently the first single adult male who isn’t a blood relative they’ve been in the same room with in two years. In general it’s awkward in a “this isn’t professional” kind of way, but the real killer is at lest one them forgot how to act like a civilized human and can only express her interest in me with various passive aggressive attacks, like sabotaging the coffee machine right before I use it.
Nothing says “respect for family” like posing with your little kids in front of a giant sign saying “F??k Biden”. I bet one of the kids even asked “what does that say?”.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
get a âworkâ Bodium, stash the good coffee in your desk, then just use the hot water feature or the microwave.
sucks to be you, âLast Man on Earthâ,……
(Being flippant, worked all through Covid face to face, but we have a whole new crew, ( 121 so far) who didnât work retail through covid that we are trying hard to help out.
Chetan Murthy
@Jesse: Like they say, “You’ve got to be carefully taught”. Sigh.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Jay: I could have sworn someone said on Twitter that 2022 was a Tom Clancy novel as written by Terry Pratchett.
also with âfamily valuesâ strippers holding the flag,…..
Ohio here.
Thereâs some other gorgeous stuff under that Notre Dame floor. Â They’ve already peeked into the coffin, so hold onto something secure!
@sab: Ate the rest of my comment.
Republican Senate race continues to be the usual clown car crab bucket. Only halfway normal person is Matt Dolan. Everyone else was scrabbling for Trump endorsement. JD Vance won that, either because Faux News loves him or because Peter Thiel bought the endorsement. My guess is Faux.
Voting this month. I will be trotting out as usual, partly because I always do and mostly because I like Tim Ryan and Morgan Harper horrifies me.
Cleveland NPR had Shontel Brown on their usual Friday Cleveland City Club. What a breathe of fresh air she is. Not my district but she does represent a big chunk of my city. Go Shontel Brown
ETA I think she is up against Nina Turner again. Weird thing is AOC crowd likes Nina Turner more, but Shontel Brown is way more progressive, and also gets along with people.
Florida brags about banning math textbooks with CRT and social emotional learning strategies.Â
social studies adoption will be fun.
Tony Jay
“Visitors to ‘Vince McMahon’s America‘ are greeted on arrival with a display of the traditional Fukku Fillinz wardance, followed by a live-action reenactment of the Revolution of January Sixth performed by the children of their sponsor family and expendable prisoners from the local State Reeducation Compound.”
Also, yeah, don’t open that coffin. Vampire Jacques de Molay can stay exactly where he is.
Jack the Cold Warrior
@Jesse: Also note that the parents have all the kiddies shooting the bird. Nice family values, eh?
Jack the Cold Warrior
The family that says” Fuck Biden” together, stays together?
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Warblewarble: No, the wife and kids are supposed to stay loyal to Daddy, whatever Daddy does. Daddy’s not bound by those rules.
@sab: Nina Turner has friends in national media. Jeez, at one point she was ib their payroll, for years,
@sab: Did you see that the House Progressive Caucus endorsed Shontel Brown last week? It was big and bad news for some parts of the left. There were calls to “primary Pramila.” Marianne Williamson took it especially hard, said that people should be “shouting” about this.
A number of Progessive Caucus members endorsed Turner in last year’s special election primary. They got a lot of criticism here. But Raskin, Porter, Jayapal and the others may have been relieved when Brown won. Turner tried to come across as a kinder, gentler person for that primary, but once her big lead crumbled Turner went down snarling.
I was very relieved. Nina Turner is bad news for the Democratic Party. If she’d made it to the House, Turner have been worth ten Boeberts to the Republicans.
One day in the future, if they’re lucky, some of those little girls will be the strippers at an event like this.
Whatever is in that sarcophagus will vault to frontrunner status in the GOP primary.
@Baud: probably. Left a comment for you just now in the Friday Odds and Ends thread, which I would link to, but my Kindle is truncating it.
You expect me to navigate there without a link!!!
Just kidding. Thanks for your comment. It is quite an ugly decline. I didn’t appreciate what was happening as a child. I just hope it isn’t hereditary.
@Baud: I was out of town helping his wife arrange hospice at home for him, and physically had to stand between them to stop the screaming at each other. It’s horrible, and everyone spirals. What an ordeal for a child!
And sorry to put a naked link, but here’s Mary G’s obituary, in case anyone wants to sign the virtual guestbook.
@Amir Khalid:
Canât believe Iâm the first to have seen what you did there!!
Been looking for examples of banned books or offending material. Haven’t found any yet (interesting in itself), but have found suggestions:
the bi-nomial theorem
Arabic numerals
the transitive property
the equal sign
@Baud:Â Forgot about all the homo- this that and the other, though I guess those don’t come into K-5 math much.
Homo-geneous linear equations, polynomials, …
It’s a minefield!!!
@eclare:Â â
I think someone must have found a matching sarcophagus in 2016.
On the other hand, the pizza box brigade appears to be making headway.
Did you hear Morgan Harper showed up at a high school demonstration and the school’s filed a police report?
Nice intro to one of the more conservative communities in Columbus. ?
WRT the awful, awful people in the top photo: Â pointing and laughing is also giving their actions attention. Â I do not know why people retweet shit like that.
That photo did nothing but bring me down. Â I feel sorry for the children.
@Elizabelle: Their little no neck monsters will turn on them one day.
What a disrespectful douchebag that guy is; and way to go training your kids to be redneck assholes. My Dad would have broken both my middle fingers if there was a picture of me doing that. Geez what a dickhead.
Chief Oshkosh
@docNC: I don’t know about disrespectful. I guess. To me there’s some sort of psychopathology going on here.
Separately, can you imagine a liberal family staging something like this? I can’t. But I can sure imagine the press response.
Florida has always been at war with
Eastasiamath textbooks?Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: I saw it!
Snarki, child of Loki
If the standard is “causing student anxiety”, then yes, the math textbooks are all going to get banned.
Can’t recruit for The Stoopid Partei without bringing The Stoopid.
Another Scott
@Jay: That is excellent. Thanks for the pointer.
@Chief Oshkosh: honestly, I can’t imagine any family doing that, especially with young children.  I’d fire the prick if he worked for me.
@SFAW: I’ve taken a LOT of math classes and can’t recall anything racial about the experience.