I wanted to highlight some compassionate individuals today. Starting with our President.
From Steeplejack (who, I swear is trying to make me cry at least twice a week):
Man, this is so good. pic.twitter.com/2V62tOF5e2
— Tim Hogan (@timjhogan) April 16, 2022
Located here in Colorado, many may not know about it, but about 20 years ago I was privileged to attend a beautiful play at Denver Center for Performing Arts that told the story with courage and compassion:

A Japanese-American interment camp from the Second World War in Colorado, preserved for years by local students, has been folded into the care of the National Park Service.
As a new National Historic Site, the Amache Internment Camp is now part of the Service’s commitment to tell the entire story of American history, good and bad.
But the real story lies in the work of the Amache Preservation Society (APS), a group of volunteer students from the local school district of Granada RE1, in southeast Colorado, led for 30 years by John Hopper.
A social studies teacher in 1993, Hopper, who doesn’t have Japanese ancestry, was teaching some “really bright students” who turned a one-time class project speaking with a survivor of the camp, whom Hopper’s family knew, into an-always operational preservation society, and focused on giving class presentations, operating a museum, and maintaining the site—a large collection of government-issue barracks where thousands of innocent Japanese Americans were detained.
“It is a heavy, heavy topic, especially when you talk about civil liberties,” Hopper told Christian Science Monitor. “But that’s part of my job I enjoy talking about—needs to be talked about.”
The APS works on presentations to other schools; in recent years it also began organizing trips to Japan to stay with host families and do their presentations in Japanese high schools.
“I can’t think of any group that does more for Amache,” Calvin Taro Hada, an Amache descendant and Japanese community leader, told CS Monitor.
In 2006, Amache was designated a historic landmark, and last month, President Biden designated the camp a National Historic Site—announcing the intention to transfer responsibility and ownership of the town of Granada to the National Park Service.
Though Hopper is now Dean of Students and not in the classroom, students from the same school still run tours of the site, mow the lawns, and even pursue occasional excavations under the supervision of the University of Denver.
“It is our solemn responsibility as caretakers of America’s national treasures to tell the whole story of our nation’s heritage for the benefit of present and future generations,” said National Park Service Director Chuck Sams. “The National Park Service will continue working closely with key stakeholders dedicated to the preservation of Amache, [including the APS…] to preserve and interpret this significant historic site to the public.”
Dad breakfast from SiubhanDuinne:
Grab a tissue before you hit play on this one (also it autoplays after the video, pause to make it stop):
That’s it for tonight. Keep sending me your acts of kindness, I’m running a bit low.
And finally, your weekly update on one of my many critters. This little girl is just making herself known. Always helping me, whether I need it or not.
Biden is such a people person.
Raoul Paste
A pox on the people who smear this good man. Go Joe!
That last video had me crying out loud. What a little Bodhisattva.
Mom’s little helper.
@jeffreyw: Good kitty. The ducks do my mouse disposal. LOL
Love the Fred Guttenberg clip.
God, Biden is the very dictionary definition of mensch, isn’t he?
Awww ?
Poor li’l mousie.
Exceled news about Amache! I have visited the site a couple of times, and it is haunting, stark, and worthy of protection so that more folks can appreciate it in the future.
Dan B
@Albatrossity: Friends and in laws of ours were in the camps. Hadn’t heard of Amache.
Cried good tears at the adopted boy who cares for old dogs. We trap feral cats and get them “tutored”. We’ve got two who love us hoomins and just got a big handsome boy who loved hoomins and trusted them, “tutored” and adopted. We would have loved to have kept him but he would have thrown our two crazy with fear because he was so big. We love giving them love or getting them where they get loved.
Not really an act of kindness, but the new episode of the Shedunnit podcast is about dogs in detective fiction. I’ll listen tonight, but given the interests of the jackals, I thought I’d post a link. The episode’s page includes a list of the books and short stories included, in case you just want something to read. The Detective’s Best Friend
Thank you so much for this, TaMara.
Right in the feels, as the kids say.
@Dan B: You are good people!
Compassion personified.
Question: my fam is flying cross country in May to see my folks and brother’s fam for the first time in forever, but now that masking isn’t required on planes I want masks that protect us as well as others. Does anyone know which is the best option? N95? KN95? Thanks
@Benw: Depends on your ears. KN95s pop off because my ears aren’t stiff enough, so for me N95s give a better seal, and are comfortable for longer. KN95s are more convenient to put on but for a long flight you might have trouble keeping it on.
@sab: thanks, my aunt said the same thing about N95s being very comfortable for her when she had a long trip.
Cats know that we always need help. We just aren’t smart enough to figure it out.
@sab: I find the KN95s more comfortable, but for long wear they start to hurt my ears. So I got this little dealie-bob that’s a kind of stretchy thing that goes behind your head and attaches to the ear loops. Like this thing –
Such a good man, forged by tragedy.
How anyone could think Trump was a better president than this man is beyond me. God bless you always, Joe.
@JoyceH: Thanks. Those look useful.
That is a wonderful clip with Biden!
Bruce K in ATH-GR
I still say that Jimmy Carter is the best human being to have occupied the Oval Office since Lincoln, but the more of Joe Biden I see, the higher he ranks on that list.
Ruckus ??
N95. More comfortable and will filter longer. At least that’s my findings. And I’ve worn masks for some tasks for years. A decent place to purchase is WellBefore. Good pricing and delivery. Google to find their site.
Miss Bianca
“I’ve just been there.”
Man, I’m puddling up just thinking about those words.
Thanks everyone for playing along.
Professor Bigfoot
Every. Single. Day.
Handsome Joe makes me proud and happy for my vote *every single day.*
A man this righteous on the little things will make righteous choices on the big things, too.