Everything below is from my prior awareness and information collected recently. Corrections welcome:
If you need assistance, or want to help the fight via donations and/or volunteering? This document focuses on local/state level support groups.
(Thanks to UncleEbeneezer for the hookup on this!)
A broader, if slightly older (just a couple years), set of guidance is the Handbook for a Post-Roe America by Robin Marty. I can recommend the author as someone I paid into the Patreon of, before she closed it. And that was due to the quality, and importance, of her work in this area.
I hear from some sources, including a Doula I know, that acquiring Plan B now is wise — if you can w/o impacting overall supply. For those unaware, Plan B is a “morning after” drug. However, you should be clear on it’s usage and esp. it’s weight restrictions. It’s not dangerous, just has key limitations.
In addition to http://reprocare.com, mentioned in 1st link above, someone here noted https://aidaccess.org/ as another site for Abortion via mail.
I’m providing a variety of approaches — different people will have different needs. Even today, Roe is a dead letter for poorer people, especially of Color, due to lack of Internet access and ability to take time off for the procedure, if needed — including for bullshit “waiting periods”.
Many of the agencies and advocates mentioned above have experience, and guidance, in these areas. It’s worth at least getting familiar with modern options now, even if you’re in a “safe” State.
We have a lot of threads on the Roe leak. This one’s Open.
National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda was recommended to my network of peeps by a queer Jewish organizer I deeply respect in the work.
Of course there’s so many. blackrj.org
MisterDancer, if you want to make whatever comes of this thread into a list with links, I can make it into a WordPress page and link to it on the site as a resource.
There is a prescription-only more effective emergency contraceptive called ella (ulipristal acetate). If people think they may need emergency contraception, it’s perhaps a better choice—but emergency contraception is not getting us out of this problem.
PlanCpills.org is a site that links people who need medication abortion to options in their state.
Your local funds are listed at the bottom of the link, and you should donate to them.
Alison Rose ???
If you’re financially able to, I recommend setting up a recurring monthly donation to an abortion fund from the linked list. Even if it’s only 25 bucks or so, having that regular money they can count on is crucial
Also, let anyone you know who may be negatively impacted (i.e., living in a red state) that if they need assistance, they can come to you. Whether it’s money or maybe a ride somewhere or a place to crash–just putting it out there to your circles that you are someone who can help really matters.
Omnes Omnibus
@Argiope: Emergency contraception isn’t the solution to the problem but it may keep some women alive and healthy until there is a solution.
Omnes Omnibus
@Alison Rose ???: I have a fold-out couch.
They’ve all been smearing Sotomayor.
Also- the “former supreme court clerk” can’t identify the crime he believes has been committed, so that seems like a problem for such a fancy lawyer. Common pleas judges in my county can’t take a file out of the courthouse- which they complain about – but that’s just their own rule. Not a crime.
@Kay: Well I thought I couldn’t get any angrier but I was wrong. Lies, lies, lies. Who in the world would believe Benny fucking Johnson. I know that’s not the point. But damn.
Amir Khalid
Is this person suggesting that Justice Sotomayor, who is known for her own liberal bent, tacitly condones illegal actions by her staff?
As a resource there’s r/auntienetwork on reddit.
@Amir Khalid:
Oh, they’ll crack this case. From their home offices. They’re asking an assortment of people who have no idea and they all say “Sotomayor“. What more do you need?
This may also be a good place to talk about real-world effectiveness of various methods of contraception since many people are misinformed on this. Most effective are IUDs and the Nexplanon implant, which are comparable to female sterilization in efficacy but still reversible. Next tier down is birth control pills, rings, and patches which are about 10x less effective than IUDs and the implant, but still work well, resulting in about 8 pregnancies per 100 users per year with typical use. Barrier methods and emergency contraception are considerably less effective, but barriers combined with other methods work well. The most effective method we have is the vasectomy.
@Kay: Who leaked the decision remains a mystery, but the butthurt from the Benny Johnsons of the world comes through loud and clear.
@ Argiope: that’s a great idea, for here and for twitter. We have seen how much disinformation is out there on vaccines.
@EmanG: That’s cheerful. So many Colorado people helping out.
@WaterGirl: thanks so much!
Give me a bit, everyone. Today was obviously a bit draining and I need to decompress tonight.
“Self Care is the Best Care.”
I set up a monthly donation to NNAF today. I already give to a few orgs monthly, including PP, but this seems even more vital than political organizing.
I can’t give much at a time but as I understand being monthly helps them plan.
@MisterDancer: Hugs. It’s a marathon. But our side is stronger, even though it does not seem so on days like today.
@Kay: Searching for something positive, I have to say that Ryan has grown in my estimation substantially since his ill-chosen challenge of Pelosi. He didn’t switch parties or talk about how the Dem party left him…he’s championed core Democratic and democratic causes.
I’m not in Ohio, so my impression may not be totally accurate, but I think the Democratic party is fortunate to have him as a senate candidate.
It’s only 15% but look at that. Split in thirds. Disarray, is what I say.
I’m sure this has been suggested because it’s obvious, but this thing was a rat duck to box in some wavering justices. If Beerpong flips and Roe is upheld, he’ll need security.
zhena gogolia
@Dangerman: A rat duck? Is that from the Island of Dr. Moreau? (I know what you meant.)
He’s quite good. I’ve now seen him speak twice. But a long shot. Vance or Mandel have to beat Dolan to improve the odds a little.
@Kay: How much money was spent on J.D. Vance to come in just 2% above the other candidates?
rewirenewsgroup ought to be on everyone’s radar. Imani Gandy and Jessica Pieklo have the deep knowledge regarding law and fuckery, same set Strictscrutiny podcast with law professors Leah Litman, Melissa Murray and Kate Shaw. Fund local providers!
Oh, it’s not over. Trump ran ads for Vance constantly, though. His own horrible, weirdly monotomous voice where he e-nun-ciat-es all the words.
At least it’s not a runaway romp.
EarthWind&Fire (formerly bluegirlfromwyo)
@Kay: Since the right to privacy is made up, what grounds do they have?
Although we would have enjoyed Trump’s candidate losing, Dolan is a normal human being so therefore the worst case for us.
@EarthWind&Fire (formerly bluegirlfromwyo):
Beats me. I think it’s a Right wing scandal. My personal opinion.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Least-bad case scenario?
Agreed. Maybe they’ll lose time disputing the count.
I think
Dolanspent the most, mostly his own money.Sorry, that was Gibbons who spent his own money.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No, Mandel was better for us but Vance is also horrible. Josh Mandel’s supporters have disappointed me. No loyalty. Trump issued the order and they all hopped to it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Not seeing anything from the number-crunchers, but a lot of people confident Shontel Brown will wipe the floor with Bowl-of-Shit Turner
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Here you go.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Shontel’s 70% to Nina’s 29%.
Captain C
@Kay: Which clerk would that be, Benny? Who did they clerk for? Why, Benny, would you amplify their insinuation without letting us know the source?
@Captain C:
Weird how they’re not reveling in their victory but instead going after Sotomayor. The whiniest, most miserable people on the planet.
Captain C
@Captain C: Never mind, I looked up who he is. No reason to expect any good faith argument from him.
Captain C
@Kay: Among their lesser flaws is that they’re never happy unless they’re unhappy.
Why are they yelling about Sotomayor? That’s silly.
@debbie: Damn close to the crazification factor (27%). LOL.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m watching from this page. Color-coded county maps show who they voted for.
Captain C
@Captain C: Perhaps a part (and only a part) of it is that deep down, they know that they’re being cruel and causing lots of pain, and even if they want this and enjoy this, they know on some deep, probably subconscious level that the Jesus in whose name they act and speak, and from whom they expect to get get-out-of-hell-free cards from no matter what their earthly actions, that Jesus was firmly opposed to cruelty and sadism, and said so multiple times. In the back of their minds, they know that they and their triumph is bullshit.
Sure Lurkalot
@Kay: JD, the populist! Hedge fund guy supported by a billionaire with a multimillion dollar IRA account. He’s just like meeeeee!
No one was dumb enough to run against Joyce Beatty this time. Ryan’s “rival” Morgan Harper is only at 16%. Maybe she’ll finally figure out she needs to build an organization before running for office.
Yours is better. I was reading the NYtimes site. Ugh. Just terrible commentary from them, as usual. Reid Epstein would like you to know that all of the Democrats have lost the general already, so we can predict how this will be covered.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: @debbie: Good-bye, Nobody!
She’ll have to go back to Mercury Lobbying until it’s time to rev up the grift machine in two years, I guess.
No dedicated threads for the Ohio and Indiana primaries?
This is true. There was a marked “Dolan effect” in the big, populous counties. Not Trump fans.
Are you surprised at Whaley’s margin of victory?
It looks like mostly Columbus and Cleveland, so not very surprising.
Sure Lurkalot
James E Powell
Not sure why Turner bothered to run.
I’m late to this, but would like to amplify some info about Plan B. It is only effective in women who weigh less than
165155 lbs. That eliminates a large population of American women.Captain C
@James E Powell: Probably some combination of grift, spite, and self-righteousness. I couldn’t guess at the proportions thereof.
@skerry: Oops.
The weight limit is 155, not 165, lbs.
Not really. I think it’s been a done deal for a while. The county chair here actively dislikes her but he won’t tell me why. They got off on the wrong foot.
@Kay: Two thoughts: It’s the hallmark of a snitch to point fingers elsewhere. Second, who does CJ Roberts think is going to get his referral for prosecution should he be so stupid as to make one? Would that be Merrick Garland? Why yes, it would. I mean, did any of these guys actually practice law for a living?
@Kay: Vote for me! My mother was a dope addict but it was all the fault of the Mexicans.
90% of hating “woke” is just hating younger people:
@Captain C: Erick son of Erick is so happy about the Roe opinion that he’s wishing us all a bon voyage on our one way trip to hell. That’s how he celebrates.
The joyless, cruel, hideous p.o.s.
(Link is to Molly Jong-Fast who photo-quotes him so he doesn’t even get the additional ‘impression’ on his little satan-tabulator)
Seems to me they’re all looking in the wrong direction:
Wouldn’t it be crazy of it came from the Right and the people who are always the criminals are the criminals again? No one saw that coming.
@James E Powell: I don’t know where her campaign money came from, but in a general sense, I suspect she literally had nothing better to do.
Especially when the younger set barely know you’re alive.
@Kay: I assume it came from the right side of the house.
@Kay: Gawd, that Megyn Kelly is a bully!
@skerry: Because of the importance of the information, I went back and edited your comment to 155 lbs.
I love that she invented a “woke 20 something” to attack. And with such venom!
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: This is well outside my area of expertise, but this was interesting on the subject.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
This obviously comes from Roberts.
he’s more of a republican political operative than an ideologue.
Republicans have always wanted to keep abortion alive to drive the fundies to the polls so they can cut taxes and deregulate.
@Kay:Never mind that SC clerks are usually at least 26 – law school graduate plus one-year appellate clerkship.
Steve in the ATL
@Barbara: I was just about to say the same thing! I got my law license at 24 and there were no 20-year olds getting sworn in with me….
Is there guidance on setting up a network of safe houses and drivers?
I was looking for something else and came across this, fyi: