Hollywood guy, who made his fortune playing characters like ‘Dr. Evil’s son Scott’ in the Austin Powers movies, announces his plan to monetize those ‘Bored Apes’ NFTs for something more tangible than bragging rights. Hilarity ensues!
Not even gonna try to TL; DR this mess, because if your interest is tweaked, you’ll wanna RTWT anyways…
'international criminals have kidnapped the virtual persona that stars in a new hit show' is absolutely a mid-2000s cyberpunk plot, but we get the stupid version of it in this timeline
— James Palmer (@BeijingPalmer) May 24, 2022
Wheezing, crying
— Katie Notopoulos (@katienotopoulos) May 25, 2022
… The pseudonymous collector, who has said they are an Australian surgeon with a side hustle, believes they “bought it in good faith” and conceded that they have no plans for the NFT — including repatriating it to Green.
BuzzFeed News reported on Tuesday that the theft of Green’s NFTs could present complications for his forthcoming series, White Horse Tavern, which incorporates characters from the actor’s extensive NFT collection. It’s possible that after losing his Bored Ape to a phishing scam this month, Green also lost his license to commercially adapt the monkey. In what has become something of a hostage scenario, Green has since tried to negotiate the return of what he has called his “kidnapped” ape.
According to blockchain records, Bored Ape #8398 was purchased from the anonymous scammer by “DarkWing84,” a pseudonymous user who dropped more than $200,000 on the NFT before transferring it to another collection named “GBE_Vault.” The transfer happened within minutes, leading some internet sleuths to wonder if they were in fact the same person. Based on this information, Green located DarkWing84 on Twitter but thus far has failed to make contact…
Green did not respond to requests for comment. But his tweets make it abundantly clear that he’s willing to pursue legal action to reclaim the asset. On Tuesday, Green tweeted that he would “rather meet @DarkWing84 to make a deal, vs in court.” While NFTs have only begun to make an appearance in case law, Eric Goldman, an intellectual property and technology law professor at Santa Clara University, previously told BuzzFeed News that buyers of looted NFTs would likely be criticized for “not doing their homework.”…
Thousands of people tweeting "ha ha he can't make the show" well guess what, he can make a show about that
— Hemry, Local Bartender (@BartenderHemry) May 24, 2022
I feel like the way this story is going it's actually some guerilla marketing or something. Am I too suspicious of the brands?
— Barnabas Quimby (@hairybusiness) May 24, 2022
An ape community with justice and slurp juice for all
— The Bad Sports Friend (@badsportsfriend) May 24, 2022
I would inquire how someone can steal a NFT — I thought the whole point was that they couldn’t be falsified or whatever — but then I remembered that I really don’t give a shit and I would never watch this dumb show anyway.
Poe Larity
Can he not send in some Panther Moderns to fix his blockchain?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Wow. Didn’t know Seth Green was involved in this stupidity. I guess it’s true what they say, “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Worse than a sucker if he fell for a phishing scam.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Seth Green: “But that Nigerian prince promised me I really owned those pixels!”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Does anybody else really like the look and feel of this site?
If he was really clever, he’d pull a Charlie Kaufman and turn it into a show about having your dumb NFT stolen and make it all meta.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
He could, but he might not if he’s a true believer in this NFT stuff. Would be kind of admitting NFTs are bullshit, wouldn’t it?
Time to call in Max Headroom, P.I.
Well, yes, admitting that a bunch of pixels are not a tangible commodity would be part of the story arc.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Is anybody else having trouble posting Youtube links?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I guess if he’s ideologically flexible. Dude’s a comedian/comedy writer, so I guess he could be
I don’t know much about him beyond his role in the Austin Powers series and the fact that he created Robot Chicken
Poe Larity
Isn’t there an Austin Powers sequel coming?
Maybe a Matt Damon opening where he boldly jumps from space and his chute doesn’t open.
Captain C
INAL, so I’m not sure why he couldn’t just do the show with the ape anyway, and then challenge the receiver to stop him, although he claims not to want to go to court. Viral marketing, or just a true believer’s BS? Both? It’s amazing how prescient some of the better cyberpunk writers were.
And, aren’t there laws about receiving stolen goods, knowingly or otherwise?
All this is further proof that the whole crypto/NFT thing seems to be a case of being a mark at the poker table for most people. cf. the whole GameStop pump-and-dump.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
‘@Poe Larity:
Why not? Top Gun is getting a sequel w/ Tom Cruise still an Air Force pilot despite having aged out several years ago. And folks apparently liked it
‘@goku I miss the pie filter and wish watergirl would turn on threaded comments
I gotta say Oz on Buffy was smarter than this, but here I am commenting on NFTs so who’s dumb now?
‘@2liberal: You got all the threaded comments you can eat over at LGM.
Ella in New Mexico
You know what sucks about this temporary site?
No like buttons.
Everybody gets one tonight
These two teachers died trying to protect 4th grade students from the weapons you manufacture. Since you’re quoting the Bible, here’s a verse for you: “You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal.” 1 Kings 14:9.
— Maya Contreras (@mayatcontreras) May 25, 2022
‘@ Steeplejack
Coward deleted his tweet.
“Does anybody else really like the look and feel of this site?”
It’s temporary, for fuck’s sake! You don’t put quartz countertops in a gras hut.
Pete Mack
I’m all in for ape contumely. (A word my spell-check does not recognize
Oops, Maya Contreras tweet posted in wrong thread. My apologies.
@debbie: Fuckers set their account to private.
Jay S in WA
Speaking of distraction, I was lamenting the lack of the BJ RSS feed. I was thinking I’d ask @Watergirl to enable it on this tent city, and then I thought, wait maybe there is one. I was wrong, there are two, one for posts and one for comments. For now I only want posts in my reader, but thanks to the current powers that be for giving me that.
Jay S in WA
‘@steeplejack “It’s temporary, for fuck’s sake! You don’t put quartz countertops in a gras hut.”
I for one like the current accommodations. They are probably unsustainable long term, but the creature comforts are welcome.
I’m team “marketing gimmick” on this one.
eddie blake
‘@ goku (aka amerikan baka) tom cruise was a naval aviator in top gun. in the sequel, he’s a test-pilot. he’s called back to train a group of top gun graduates how to survive a dangerous incursion. it was entertaining and adequate. i wouldn’t say it was a particularly good film
@poe larity nah. they signed an exclusive contract with molly after the sense/net caper.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Did you see my reply to you upthread?
“It’s temporary, for fuck’s sake! You don’t put quartz countertops in a gras hut.”
Well, it would be cool if the old site could get a face lift is all I meant
“Threaded comments”
Next you’ll be asking for a unicorn! ; )
@eddie blake:
Oh, well that sounds less ridiculous
Gin & Tonic
“Well, it would be cool if the old site could get a face lift is all I meant”
It did, not all that long ago. Next you’ll be wanting to colorize ‘Casablanca.’
Old School
Maybe I could read the article, but aren’t there like thousands of ape NFTs? Couldn’t the show just be based around a different one?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
‘@Gin & Tonic
I wouldn’t dream of colorizing “Casablanca”
I guess I forgot about the recent face-lift. It’s no big deal, honestly
Sounds like Mike Myers needs to bitchslap the shit out of his son. I hope Seth lost more that one MILLION dollars.
“I guess I forgot about the recent face-lift. It’s no big deal, honestly”
You go to town on some old Zima? :)
randy khan
If I own a thing (using the term loosely) and somebody steals it, that person has no rights related to the thing because, you know, it doesn’t belong to that person. So I don’t know why Green thinks he doesn’t have the IP license he needs to move forward with his show. (And it’s still theft if someone gets something from you under false pretenses.)
This does kind of make me wonder whether this is a publicity stunt of some kind.
‘@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka – @Gin & Tomic
A colorized version was released in 1988.
‘@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) [10:04]
That would be a
Naked (think of the children!) links only for now.
“Hello, Police? I’d like to report a kidnapping. Yes. My imaginary friend is missing.” Click.
randy khan:
Yeah, I can’t figure out if it’s a real thing or not either. I’ve never heard of NFTs conveying commercial rights, but it’s not quite the situation you’re describing either, because the whole stupidity of NFTs is that they *don’t* give you the actual thing, they just give you something that says you’re the real owner of the thing. So it seems like it could be plausible.
But also I don’t really care.
Lacuna Synecdoche
NFT’s, Bitcoin, Ethereum … It’s all tulips to me.