I’m about to hit the hay, so unless one of the other front pagers checks in, a lot of y’all are gonna be stuck in moderation for a short stretch. Hopefully some of you will have the good sense to think about your sins during your time in purgatory, but I am sure most of you won’t (I’m looking at you Baud and Omnes). Regardless, Anne Laurie or someone else will spring you soon enough and you’ll about your busy schedule of mucking up the now pristine comments sections.
Other than that, welcome back, and we missed you. Good night.
John Revolta
*Second post. But still…. first First!
Ben Cisco
Excellent work by all involved! Welcome back!
Goodness gracious great gherkins of Aldi!
Thanks to everyone who’s getting the site back on its feet!
And I REALLY hope the archive isn’t lost.
Always wanted to check out purgatory.
But- but- we were promised Tuesday!
Can’t trust anythin’ you read on the intertubez. grumble grumble
Omnes Omnibus
What sins?
‘@John Revolta
First Frist!
My Balloon Juice withdrawal is over. Thank you! Thank you! Ready to get juiced.
I can hardly believe it. Yay!
This’ll undoubtedly be the single and unique opportunity I’ll ever have to be among the admitted chosen. No way I’m making it into the annotated index of Purgatorio and even Limbo is a long shot. Might as well make the most of it.
Anne Laurie
Cole — I’m locked out of the Dashboard, and I’m pretty sure it’s YOUR FAULT!
(Commentors: If there’s no Covid update overnight, that’s why.)
Glad to see the old site back and thank you to the front pagers for the amazing amount of work to get it done
Good to see this place again. Thanks to everyone who helped bring it back
This is a weird space, man.
John Revolta
@NotMax: FREEBIRD!!1!!!11!
First repeat from downstairs.
A touch of music appropriate to the occasion.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
It’s really good to have the site again. Thank you John, and a HUGE thank you to Water Girl!!
Overnight news of the weird:
Mona Lisa Painting Gets Caked By Man Disguised As Elderly Woman in Wheelchair
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
It’s very nice to see familiar nyms again!
ghost cat
Yay!!! Thanks John & WaterGirl & everyone else who helped!
As for “the unpleasantness,” has Steve improved his hacking skills lately? Has he seemed happier in the last 2 weeks? Is it possible that this whole depressing episode has been Steve’s Revenge?
Yay!!! Thank you for the hard work getting this up and running!!
Beautiful! Thank you to all involved!
Oh Auntie Em, there’s no place like Balloon Juice. Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard for the return.
I was asleep and thus missed history in the making. But here I am appreciating with everyone else the work and dedication to all this. Balloon-Juice matters to me and I missed being able to check in several times a day.
Thank you all
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog:
Possibly of interest to you.
Hoo boy!!!! I’ve been a lurker for years and years. Never commented but love this site and the comments. And the withdrawal I experienced thanks to the crash has been terrible. I’m so glad y’all are back. Thanks for all the hard work.
@Krish: Welcome to commenting!
Commenting to get moderated and approved. May I request pet pics and Ukraine updates please?
I really missed this place and it was worse in the blank days when there wasn’t even an update explainer on an inactive page.
@Gvg: Yeah, not my favorite 16 days of all time.
I hope you saw the splash page as soon as it went up on the 16th.
Steep’s Helper
@Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog:
Of even more possible interest to you.
I have nothing nearly as exciting as the Mona Lisa getting caked, but it wonderful having my morning ritual of checking in with Balloon Juice restored. So great to hear from all of you! Thank you WaterGirl for all your hard work and Cole for keeping your sanity.
Finally signing up.
@AndreaPowers: Welcome to commenting!
Thank you, for getting the boat back up!
I see the visual/text bug is still here. We must be back if we’re complaining already!
Seriously though, much thanks to WaterGirl and the Blogfather for the resurrection!
Great to see the old boat afloat once again.
Thanks for keeping at it, JC and Water Girl.