Testing, testing…
Still a few bugs in the system!
(But at least I’ve got permission to let people out of moderation jail, you’re welcome, COLE.)
ETA: Y’all know who this is intended for…
“I ate a Smurf.” https://t.co/mlqJYvGVB8
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) May 29, 2022
I should be in bed.
The RSS feed didn’t reconnect in my feed reader. Not a complaint, just an FYI. I looked it up again and the one I added is working fine, in case anyone else is in the same situation.
Chetan Murthy
@Redshift: I noticed the same thing. Unfollow, then follow, fixed it.
BTW, I notice that the posts aren’t in descending chronological order. That is to say, the newest post is not the first on the page.
Night, all.
Heather Cox Richardson was on Amanpour & Co last Friday night. Transcript and/or 17 minute video at the link.
BTW, the temporary site was great, but this place, with all its little blemishes*, looks and feels sooo much better. It’s definitely home.
M. Bouffant
Okey-doke, testing, testing … this thing on? Hello out there, I can hear you breathing …
Damnit, moderation is not the answer!
@M. Bouffant: is this what they mean with the proverbial Everything in moderation… ?
M. Bouffant
@Mousebumples: I get my moderation by burning the candle at both ends.
I just spent 8 hours at the Home of the Orange Apron, putting together ONE delivery, hundreds of pieces of lumber. Whoever put this delivery together must have dropped acid before setting it up.
@ BillinGlendaleCA:
I thought you were part time?
You say that as if it’s a bad thing….
@Jay: I became full time in January.
@NotMax: It is when you’re either scheduling employees or taking an order for delivery.
Yeah, what’s up with that? ;)
It’s nice to be back.
Here’s a bit of the order I was dealing with…one line calls for 39 2″x6″x20′, then a few other items and 5 2″x6″x20′, which totally confused our order fullfillment app. Why not just have one line with 44 2″x6″x20′? Totally bonkers.
@JWR: Thank you for the link. Her newsletter is a treasure and I’m pleased she continues to write.
@JWR: I won’t even discuss how crazy my work schedule is…I told the HR person, I need 2 consecutive days off, since I’m a photographer and I need to travel to dark places that can be a bit far away and can’t do that with one day off. Nope, get like Thursday and Sunday off. Nuts!
@ BillinGlendaleCA: any luck trading shifts with coworkers? Eg, can someone pickup your Wednesday, and you’ll work their Sunday?
Working in retail is generally not fun. Hope your coworkers are good, at least.
It’s good to be back.
Just checking to see if the site remembers me. Thanks for being here, Annie Laurie.
@Chetan Murthy:
The posts are in the usual descending order except for Cole’s initial one at the top, which I’m sure is glued there for a while to let people know about the comeback.
@ BillinGlendaleCA: I hope you keep pressing HR and they come around. You are a valuable employee, but your other work is valuable also.
@M. Bouffant:
Repeating from last night, for all who wonder:
The blog is starting over from scratch, so everybody’s first comment goes into moderation until it is approved by a front-pager. After that you’re good to go for future comments, if you checked the “save my info” box below the comment form.
@JPL: “Her newsletter is a treasure”
Definitely gonna check that out. (Hmm. Did I even know about her newsletter?) Oh, and you’re welcome!
PS to all. HCR’s blog: Letters from an American
@Redshift: Mine came back on its own. I use Leaf, which is fed by Feedly.
It just came back a few minutes ago. My guess is that after no response for some time, different RSS readers check sites on different schedules.
The lazy route worked for me!
@Chetan Murthy: Well, they are, except that Cole pinned his welcome tweet at the top of the page. I unpinned it when I got up this morning.
@ BillinGlendaleCA: “I told the HR person, I need 2 consecutive days off,”
Why don’t you guys just start a union??? /s
But dude, that sucks. Speaking of sucktitude, one time a few of us were on an important job and had worked overtime all week, when we were asked to come in 11-12 hours on Saturday, followed by the same hours on Sunday, but in one guy’s garage machine shop. That was 12 days I swore I’d never repeat.
@JWR: I highly recommend her newsletter!
@RedDirtGirl: Thanks. I’ve got it open right now.
John Cole
I’d like to note that in her very first post back on the new site, Anne Laurie spent it yelling and dragging me. So things are back to normal.
@John Cole: I haven’t read the post yet, so I can ask this in good faith.
Did you deserve the yelling and the dragging?
edit: okay, I just read the post up top. That’s yelling and dragging?
John Cole
She edited it.
I think she edited her post. Last night she was yelling about Cole locking her out of the dashboard.
@John Cole: Ah. That explains it!
Thank you.
Anne Laurie
@John Cole: I yelled at you in the comments to your post before this, you snowflake.
You deserved far worse!