We’ve been on vacation this week celebrating our anniversary. We stayed in a cottage that has a spiral staircase. Neither of our dogs had ever encountered such a thing, and when I read about that feature while booking the stay, I wondered how they’d do on the spiral stairs.
Badger was skeptical at first but eventually made it to the top:
Small dog vs. spiral staircase: pic.twitter.com/afqP61Ddln
— Betty Cracker (@bettycrackerfl) June 9, 2022
Pete made it to the top too, though he required more encouragement to make the attempt and cried the whole way up on the first trip. I don’t blame him; spiral stairs are kind of scary!
The dogs also got to ride in a golf cart for the first time, and they did seem to enjoy that, especially the opportunity to snarl at other dogs from the safety of a moving cart. (No photos because it’s impossible to control two dogs in a golf cart and take pictures at the same time. At least for me it is.)
I was mostly unplugged from the news for the last few days, but I am looking forward to the hearing this evening. Rick Wilson predicts stunt-MAGAs like Greene, Gaetz, Boebert, etc., will try to disrupt the proceedings. That would be on-brand. Here’s hoping there will be burly bailiffs on hand to eject them.
A random though related item I saw while catching up, via Detroit News:
Allendale — FBI agents arrested Republican gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley on misdemeanor charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.
The arrest and search that unfolded at Kelley’s home in Allendale outside of Grand Rapids add more uncertainty to a chaotic race for governor that has seen several Republican candidates blocked from the ballot for submitting fraudulent nominating petition signatures.
What the hell is going on in Michigan? I hope Governor Whitmer kicks the ass of whichever crook ends up with the R nomination. I don’t follow Michigan politics that closely, but Whitmer seems really impressive from afar. What say our Michiganders?
Open thread!
No pictures of Badger’s descent? I’m imagining something like a Slinky™.
germy shoemangler
I hope that doesn’t happen. Because if it does, that’ll be the shiny object the MSM will focus its attention on.
@germy shoemangler:
True. Unfortunately.
Repost from down below since it fits here a bit better, it’s not just R candidates getting swept up.
Another J6 arrest today nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/dc-chiropractor-stormed-capitol-arrested-jan-6-charges-rcna32679
Two Texas brothers were arrested Tuesday. link to kltv.com
When I lived in London I lived in a flat with a much narrower spiral staircase! It was scary, especially after an evening at the pub. And the bedroom and bathroom were upstairs, so it had to be conquered.
Gin & Tonic
Dear wife and I recently ascended the spiral staircase at the Cape Henry lighthouse in Virginia, which is probably much longer than the one BCrack had at the vacation place. We marveled at the fact that in the old days, the lighthouse keeper ascended those stairs four times a night to light the lamp, trim the wick (twice) and check the oil, and then extinguish the lamp. Mustn’t have been a very restful night – every night. The job paid well, and was apparently in high demand.
That Ryan Kelley case could be very interesting. Video footage shows Kelley egging the crowd on, but he did not follow them into the Capitol. Kelley says he then left for home when he heard about Ms. Babbitt being shot. A shrewd man; I’m glad the FBI got him.
Kelley was cofounder of American Patriot Council, which sponsored the armed invasion of the Michigan Capitol. Some of the men who plotted to kidnap and try Governor Whitman were affiliated with the APC.
Kelley has been a “lifestyle vlogger” since 2015, and there is reporting that Kelley’s vlogging audience helped propel his political carreer.
Bobby Thomson
Very disappointed it was just misdemeanor charges. Not a great sign.
@germy shoemangler: if I was a ruthless pol and a cynical SOB, I would have the US Marshalls on hand and as evidence was presented that indicated and implicated their involvement, would simply go ahead and arrest them.
Hell, if they have the proof of collaboration, just get it out of the way… name names, have them stood up, arrested on Live TV, have another set of Marshalls at Fox News, arrest those folks there as well that helped coordinate and walk them off.
Sure, that may be ALL that everyone talks about, but then we’re talking about what they did and how they attempted to subvert Democracy versus a bunch of fucking gaslighting.
Kevin McCarthy on Jan 6 just now on house floor “I think everyone in the country was responsible”
Roger Moore
I think there are two things. One is the whole fraudulent signature scandal that knocked a bunch of candidates out of the gubernatorial race. That included several of the leading candidates, so they’re left with a bunch of people who probably wouldn’t have had a real chance otherwise. On top of that, Big Gretch is pretty damn popular, so I think the best candidates were a bit scared to face her. The net result is that the Republican candidates are, if not the absolute dregs, at least lower quality than you’d normally expect.
@Roger Moore: I hope that you are right.
@ian: What a POS.
There were no surprises in the New Jersey primary, and many people took advantage of the fine weather and did something else. Only problem was that firemen took time getting up, moving engine out of way – we were a few minutes late opening polls.
But in recompense, the firemen made us breakfast. Yum.
Anyway, coming Tuesday is runoff election for East Ward Councilman. Even though local elections are officially non-partisan, I’ve occasionally thought that, Newark having been founded by a group af Scots, local politics often resembles multi-generational Highland clan feuds.
Gonna cross every I, dot every T , cause things’ll get serious at the polls. Lady from Board of Elections doing training class, two years ago, said “You folks from Newark, if you’ve been through city election, there’s nothing from Trump’s people you’ll have to fear”
Have great weekend, everyone !
germy shoemangler
McCarthy shouted out
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
Dorothy A. Winsor
My fear is that SCOTUS will release a controversial decision late this afternoon
germy shoemangler
That would certainly get their attention
Gin & Tonic
@ian: I don’t think I was, frankly.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I normally don’t have an issue with spiral staircases, but on a visit to some old cathedral in Europe, to access the highest level there was a stone spiral staircase that was completely enclosed and it triggered claustrophobia. I couldn’t go more than a couple of turns.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Thoughts of a dog in a golf cart cruising past other, inferior dogs: Grrr, you all are lucky I’m in this golf cart. Otherwise I would mess you up
First probable Dem pickup of 2022 is CA-4. Tom McClintock is jumping districts and CA-4 had two Dems and six GOPs on the primary ticket. The six GOPs split the vote to such a degree that the two Dems are currently the top two vote getters and will face off in the general.
CA-4 should be about an R+10 district.
@germy shoemangler: nice.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They are not scheduled to release any decisions until Monday.
ETA: And they release decisions in the morning.
Sure, Kevin!
“Isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we are not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!”
I thought that only happened to us. Nice.
Just heard on an ad which came along in the background; one thing stood out (emphasis added).
“All five of my children started in public school and transitioned to home schooling. … It helps to know they’re [now] getting the <b>curriculums</b> that they needed.”
Oh dear.
Kevin, you ignorant, insurrectionist slut!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
That’s not how opinions are released.
They are released starting at 10 a.m. on pre-announced “decision days.” There are still thirty or so argued cases to be issued. And, normally, the Court wraps up by July 4 at the very latest. Mondays are the traditional decision days — so the calendar tells me they will be announcing a whole slew of additional decision days in the coming weeks. Or issue ten decisions each Monday? EEEK!
Bolded text went kablooey? Try again.
Just heard on an ad which came along in the background; one thing stood out (emphasis added).
“All five of my children started in public school and transitioned to home schooling. … It helps to know they’re [now] getting the curriculums that they needed.”
Oh dear.
Spiral staircases are beautiful to look at — I love the pattern they make — but I get all vertiginous and claustrophobic if I’m forced to use one. Climbing up I can manage, but the descent terrifies me.
@Gin & Tonic: It was a third shift job, the pay was good, and the days were your own. Lots of time to read…. I’d do that job.
Progress continues apace on the Immp front? We all are fervently rooting for Team Immanentize.
@germy shoemangler: Equip the doormen with actual swords. Sweep across the hamstrings of the offenders as they try to barge past, then bundle them onto the gurney for a stop at the nearest hospital. If you want to be extra vengeful, slice their achilles while they’re down. They won’t fuck around with publicity stunts like that again.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Hey there, perfesser, is this Border Patrol decision as bad as the Chicken Littles on Twitter are making it sound? Can they just waltz into my house any time they want without a warrant or my permission?
@SiubhanDuinne: im the opposite. It’s the up that freaks me out. Not just spiral stairs, but backless steps generally. I describe it not as fear of heights, but fear of becoming very thin and slipping through the space. Shiver.
“Height.” “High.” Such a weird language.
@ian: Well, insofar as the various complicit Congress critter were elected, blame could be apportioned to their respective constituents. But that’s hardly a majority of the populace.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: That’s reassuring.
@SiubhanDuinne: Walking up a staircase, hill, anything is safer than walking down. If you fall up, you are limited as to how far you go. If you fall down, the floor is how far you could fall.
@Gin & Tonic: Whenever I read about lighthouses I think about A Clockwork Orange.
I grew up in a house with a spiral staircase, so they don’t bother me in the least.
Know your memes….
@NotMax: yes he is feeling stronger and is almost back to what is “normal” for him eating. I think I have helped put about half or more of the 15 pounds he lost when he was in hospital. Sadly, my cooking is good to me as well….
The present news is that he has started his summer/fall internship with a big multi-everything corp. in their programming/dev. department. It is remote, so perfect for the moment he finds himself in.
I dunno, I’ve had times when a fall while hiking uphill turned into a fast slide, on my face, going back down.
@Gin & Tonic: Made me think of The Lighthouse, greatest horror movie of our time….
@Immanentize: I will never understand backless steps, and the buildings at my former employer used them exclusively. I talked with a coworker who went to a party at the home of one of the architects. The stairs had no handrails.
What is wrong with designers?
I might believe he meant that, if he put it in his letter of resignation.
I feel terrible for all the damage I did at the Capitol, while I was sitting at home finishing work and shocked to see what was happening live via news streams.
So should it be “curriculata”, or “curricupodes”?
@Immanentize: A coworker posted an image in Faceborg of probably the most frightening steps I’d ever seen. The first four steps were just a side support coming up from the floor, and then the tread connecting to the adjacent wall. The remaining steps had the supports dropping from the ceiling instead, same arrangement, No handrail and visible horizontal separation between treads. I foresee several broken limbs for anyone foolish enough to actually install such abominations.
I’m not claustrophobic, but I get a little queasy with heights. So I’m fine with enclosed staircases. I did a lot of them in Britain. The highest one I climbed was Durham Cathedral, with 325 steps. Worth it for the view.
@eclare: Like the old Johnny Carson joke about the senior astronaut calling for help from zero-g capsule: “I’ve risen and I can’t fall down!”
@Immanentize: So good to hear.
@Gin & Tonic: It is bad, but not as bad as you suggest. The guy who was suing the border patrol whose home was really wrongly invaded (the guy was also assaulted) actually lives on the Canadian border. 5 feet of his property is in Canada and he has no fence there so crossing is quite easy (and during COVID a big no no for Canada). So the fellow is not a pure soul. Which is one reason the Court probably took this particular case.
That said, it does lessen all of our rights to seek real redress against federal officers’ violations of our constitutional rights. But that was always super hard because of a number of other doctrines (good faith exceptions and qualified immunity to name two).
But yeah, it was a bad ruling. That was five opinions for Thomas, so hopefully we will be hearing a bit less from him for the rest of the term.
@Ken: I believe George W. Bush did the most accurate verbalization with “curriculamaterizeraling.”
@eclare: As Kate Bush reminds us….
Sadly, McClintock didn’t jump far enough for us. He still is in my district, now the 5th. And he still got the most votes in the primary.
He will have a Democratic challenger, though. The closest Republican running had 11%, Barkley (the Democrat) had 38% vs. 44% for McClintock.*
*votes are still being counted. As of yesterday, my county had 4,000 yet to be counted.
@Immanentize: LOL
Roger Moore
The bad ones care more about form than function.
Gin & Tonic
@Cameron: Locally, the Whale Rock Lighthouse, at the entrance of the West Passage to Narragansett Bay, was washed away in the 1938 hurricane, presumably killing the assistant keeper, whose body was never found (the primary keeper had gone ashore the day before for supplies, and was unable to return.) So maybe not such an ideal job after all.
@ian: Yes, I imagine those of us who didn’t vote for Trump are the most culpable.
@eclare: Ah yes, the floating step. All the rage with some modernists. Can be seen in some probably notable movies of the late 60s and 70s to say “hip” or “batchelor pad,” but I’d have to get NotMax to help us decide if they are memorable.
@eclare: I’ve been in a fair number of hotel bathrooms that gave me the impression that they were designed by someone who never washes. Often lack of light, but also just being plain unpractical.
zhena gogolia
Betty, I hope you’ve seen the puppy on Hacks by now.
My travelling partner and I toured a couple of Irish castles including Blarney. The defensive spirals were spooky. Narrow, tight and fully enclosed spirals ascending to the right to thwart right handed sword carriers.
@zhena gogolia: I have! Got the last two eps to go. Ep six was in my town, Memphis! Looks like they really filmed here.
Omnes Omnibus
The fact that the steps were backless might have been more of a factor than the spiral. Beau hated backless steps.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: Thank you.
“Should we blame the government? Or blame society? Or should we blame the images on TV?”
@Roger Moore: So true. Where I worked, the outside of the buildings was all shiny modern. In the inside, everything was that shade of brown determined not to show dirt. So it continually looked dirty.
Roger Moore
IIRC, the first written number that contains a “c” is one octillion. The first number that contains each letter when written in English makes an interesting puzzle. Also fun is that “one plus twelve” and “two plus eleven” are anagrams.
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: She said nothing about walking up hills. And her advice about running running up them is limited to “that” hill.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Fuck him. I didn’t take part in an insurrection that day or ever.
Mike in NC
A few years ago, we had to flee an oncoming hurricane and went to stay with a friend in Raleigh. She has a two-level townhouse and our three cats had never encountered stairs before. They got to be pretty excited racing up and down them all day long, and were unhappy when we left.
Republicans: America is perfect and if you suggest otherwise you’re an unpatriotic commie.
Also Republicans: The reason we have insurrections and mass shootings is because Americans are just bad people and there’s nothing that can be done.
Takes a circuitous route to reach nowadays but the Little Red Lighthouse still overlooks the Hudson.
Nearly as memorable as the upholstered swing-out bars that would put The Savoy to shame. ;)
While on the subject a a daunting staircase….
Alternate translation: “Why are you hitting yourself?”
Hey, Kev, if you mean we’re all responsible because we didn’t re-elect TFG, then just come out and say so, and be an out and proud insurrectionist. Otherwise, GFY.
@Calouste: Hotel shower fixtures usually seem overly complex. There’s probably a trope for it.
(And doesn’t “Hotel Shower Fixtures Usually Seem Overly Complex” sound like it should be an acronym?)
Badger video is adorable and captures the essence of dog. “I’ll try it, but you best not be trying to trick me.” See, e.g., first trip to vet or groomer.
Our Rocco had many, many firsts on the day we got him: first time with collar and leash (not a fan); first car ride (puked); first time on a rug or carpet (learned the concept of traction, big fan); first encounter with stairs (training handled well by his new kid-mom); introduction to crate livin’ (did not know any better, today not so much); toys (“For me!?!”). We’re a scant few weeks from that day being six years ago. Yikes!
Hey Kev, kiss my ass, you cowardly cretin. I had nothing to do with that shit.
@realbtl: “Okay Lefty, you first.”
zhena gogolia
@eclare: I enjoyed the cruise episode best so far. I just finished that one.
It was a busy day in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Besides candidate Kelley being arraigned at the federal courthouse, the local DA charged the officer who killed Patrick Lyoya with second degree murder. The officer has turned himself in and will be arraigned tomorrow.
There was a small demonstration outside the federal courthouse supporting Ryan Kelley. Kelley was released and walked out smiling; Marcy Wheeler commented that it was the smile of a man who had improved his electoral chances because he was arrested. I assume she was talking about the primary.
Kelley is one skinny guy. He has the anorexic look I associate with speed freaks.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Actually the key thing is “up”
Road, hill, building. Do it! (If you can, run!)
@ian: I’d like to refer to noted congressman Kevin McCarthy, who publicly and privately blamed Trump for the Jan 6th insurrection attempt. We should hear from that guy.
As if we need any further proof of the blatantly partisan nature of the Roberts Court, opinions will drop both Monday and Wednesday next week.
Golly! Which of the five days next week will have J6 hearings? It’s a mystery.
The Golux
My father was an architect and theater buff who occasionally designed sets for local theater groups. One set had floating steps extending from a wall up to a landing, which was pretty impressive considering the whole structure was built only with wood, and had to support the actors using them. The staircase was at least four feet wide. Sadly, that was his last design; he died before the play was produced.
One of the local groups had Peter Falk as a member before he became a professional actor. I have a picture of he and my father acting in The Crucible.
germy shoemangler
@ian: I hold 190,222 Californians responsible for unleashing this about-80 IQ shitweasel on the American people.
eta: 80 is the lower bound of “dull normal” which is just about perfect for ol’ Kev there.
@zhena gogolia: That ep was brilliant. And wow, did it take a *turn*!
germy shoemangler
@RaflW: That decision could conceivably backfire, if SCOTUS is releasing high-profile decisions that go against precedent, common sense, morality, and most Americans’ opinion. Which is to say, it might remind a lot of people what the fight is all about, and how a corrupt fascist Party has made SCOTUS part of its own apparatus.
Shorter McCarthy: “If you had voted for Trump instead of Biden, this would have never happened. Your fault!”
Fuck that POS.
Another Scott
@Immanentize: Obligatory…
She’s part Spiderman!!
Chief Oshkosh
@lowtechcyclist: Goddammit Merrick, he is punking YOU and the rest of us. This is reason 9,247 that we need to prosecute everyone of these fucks. They’ll just do it again in 2024 if they’re still free walking the streets and halls of power.
@germy shoemangler:
I didn’t even shoot the sheriff.
(excuse me I’m old)
zhena gogolia
@eclare: Yeah! I keep regaling my husband with the plot twists on our daily walk.
Since this is an open thread, I just want to say that I am dreading whatever the third thing will be. As in things always come in threes.
First my younger sister was diagnosed with a very quick moving form of breast cancer just a couple of weeks ago. She started what her oncologist calls the “punch in the gut” chemo this week.
Just found out that my BIL (married to a different sister) had a stroke last night. He’s in the hospital, they are still doing tests and, based on what my sister is saying (and there is no guarantee she’s getting the story straight since any type of health issue–even a small cut–sends her into a panic), the clot is in a very dangerous place in one of the arteries in his neck.
I dread what comes next.
Second issue I’m having today: who was it here who recently got a reverse mortgage? We are thinking about it since we have no kids (well, John does but is definitely not leaving his awful daughter the house or much of anything else) and really don’t want to move. My John wants to quit working part-time, which keeps us able to live up to the standard we had previous to his retirement. I also would like to retire in a few years and extra income and/or no mortgage sounds great. I’ve done some research, but can’t quite figure out if it would be good for us. I’d like to hear about someone else’s experiences with it.
Old Dan and Little Ann
My wife’s uncle had a Golden Retriever who only went up their stairs by walking backwards. I never really believed it until i saw it in-person.
germy shoemangler
I think it was Raven who got the reverse mortgage
@germy shoemangler:
Thanks. I couldn’t decide if it was him or Ozark.
@geg6: One negative for reverse mortgages is the amount of time the heirs have to pay back. Raven I’m sure can provide more information, but if you do not plan on selling, why not.
There will be no heirs, so no problem there. And I was told by the guy we talked to that, although it’s technically John’s house, we can set it up so that if anything happens to him, I will be able to stay.
@RaflW: Don’t be that guy. Mondays are always the decision days. Wednesdays or Thursdays are the tradition “extra” decision days.
You may have found this in your research.
Reverse mortgage loans | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (consumerfinance.gov)
germy shoemangler
@geg6: Post this in the morning open thread. Raven did one. I also am considering the same when I get older. I don’t have any heirs, or relatives that I would contribute to, they are all way upper middle class, so why not
And I am sorry for all that you are going through. Fuck cancer can not be said enough.
@The Golux: that would have been a production I would have loved to have seen!
And sorry about your dad not getting to see his floating/cantilevered steps in action before his passing.
@Another Scott: i certainly have Kate Bush vinyl older than any gif.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@eclare: In April I took a tour of English cathedrals (wonderful), and I climbed a couple of narrow stone spiral staircases to get to the upper floor of a couple of buildings. Thank God for railings! Took it slow, and the climbs were so worth it, especially the one to a roof area of Ely cathedral with wonderful views.
Roger Moore
Pretty much. It’s absolutely abuser language, and that needs to be pointed out until people recognize what is happening. Unfortunately, the media are so used to making excuses for the abuse they can’t even see it anymore.
germy shoemangler
zhena gogolia
@The Golux: Being on stage with Peter Falk must have been fantastic!
Middle kid just moved to a new apartment and his doodle refuses to go up the spiral staircase to the loft. Funny thing is I also refused to go up the spiral staircase.
zhena gogolia
@MomSense: I would too!
zhena gogolia
The Yale music library used to have a spiral staircase to the basement. I used it, but did not like it. And I was a lot younger then.
@MomSense: you probably don’t want to see what is in that loft….
@geg6: It might be helpful to add your name to the deed before. That would protect you if his children contested the will.
Again. Again. Again. Wash, rinse repeat.
The local Fox channel is scheduled to air the hearings.
zhena gogolia
@Delk: What are you referring to?
@zhena gogolia: another mass shooting
@geg6: It’s been a few years so this may not be useful.
Circa 2015 I was appointed Conservator for an Uncle and had no choice but to do a reverse mortgage. It worked well enough for him but, again, no option given his desire to live out his days at home (around the clock care is expensive).
My basic memory is reverse mortgages are right for some people (my Uncle) but very wrong for others. Tread carefully and seek help with the decision through a Senior Center or similar.
@geg6: Look very closely at the terms, get comparative offers and try to obtain information on the track record of the purchaser. Apparently, costs can vary quite a bit between purchasers.
I read a few articles and they all linked to an industry site that has a reverse mortgage calculator, to help work through the finances of whether it makes sense: https://www.reversemortgage.org/
This post gave me a welcome distraction on a busy day. Stair Design Fails
@geg6: You’re married and have wills? If not, that’s probably the first thing to fix.
zhena gogolia
@Delk: Ugh.
The Golux
@zhena gogolia:
When Falk was in The Prisoner of Second Avenue on Broadway, my parents met him for dinner (after the show, I’d assume). I’m pretty sure my father would have acted professionally if he could.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@geg6: Fingers crossed your troubles have all surfaced already. Sorry to hear about them
Just found out that my county had the worst turnout in the state. Just 5% of the registered voters showed up. We came in just below Imperial at 6% and Kern at 7%. I have been canvassing for Josh Harder since March and from what I saw it was predictable.
I am feeling a good bit of anxiety going into the hearing tonight. Some of it could be general existential angst, which ebbs and flows—plus the torrent of bad news lately—but I feel like tonight is a critical juncture for the republic, and I hope it doesn’t get screwed up. But I feel shaky about that.
I was supposed to take my brother to the airport at 8:00, so I was going to listen on MSNBC on SiriusXM, which felt like it would lessen the impact. But now his flight has been delayed until after midnight, so I’m going to take pizza over to Sighthound Hall and we’re going to watch on TV before going to the airport. Fingers crossed.
@JPL: Really valid point. There might be gift tax issues to work through depending on the value of the house, but if you are married I think you might just be able to reform the deed. My brother lost his house when he and his GF broke up because their house — which he principally paid for — was titled in her name to avoid his creditors. He had no understanding of primary residence protections in the event of bankruptcy. He never let it go, emotionally.
@KrackenJack: Mere mortals not allowed.
Positional disorders can be acquired as well as innate, which would serve these designers right.
Sorry about all the family challenges. Best hopes to all!
Be cautious with reverse mortgages. Hard to summarize, as rules can vary, perhaps beginning with whether it’s a mortgage state or deed of trust state.
Begin with whether it makes better sense to take out a second (if you currently have a mortgage) or a first (if the home is paid for). A reverse mortgage begins with a bet on what the house will be worth in the future, and that depends on the market where you live. At present in California I’d be very wary about agreeing today, to some arbitrary number the lender would remove from their rear as to what it will be after # years. Rates are up here but that is not slowing the increase in sale prices, even a little.
Finally, your accountant can advise whether making mortgage interest payments is helpful with your taxes. They can kick some out of the standard deduction into itemizing; it’s one of the rare deductions still left to us.
I’ve just remembered why I don’t like spiral staircases – The Haunting (1963) has a very scary scene using one.
Geg6, start with sorting out the property issue in case he passes first. You don’t need a will for that. You can have a will, but your goal should be to try to pass everything outside one because that avoids probate.
PA has joint tenancy with a right of survivorship- the deed- for unmarried people (I think you are not married?) Get that sorted out before the reverse mortgage. Then you can mortgage it or whatever but your interest in the equity portion (value – mortgage) is secure.
I’m the heir to the house according to his will. Also our cabin. His shitty daughter is getting most of the insurance and his very expensive watch collection.
We are not married. We have wills. We have living wills. We have been together almost 20 years and have had time to discuss these things, seeing as neither of us is in any way young. Though he does have 11 years on me.
@zhena gogolia:
I think it’s his man loft / gaming escape. My gaming life maxed out with frogger and I only played when forced by overwhelming peer pressure. No need to go up there and see all his screens and devices.
Good news is middle kid and pup are in Maine – fiancée will join him at the end of this month.
How’s tings in Medfuh? Hope you and Immp are doing well.
Considering my already abysmal expectations, that says a lot.
@geg6: This might not matter to you, but one thing I learned as the executor to my mother’s estate, and co-executor to my brother’s estate, is that there is a potentially hefty inheritance tax in Pennsylvania and it doesn’t matter whether assets transfer outside of probate. We had to pay the tax on the value of my mother’s IRA, which passed to us automatically, along with everything else. That tax was 4.5%. When my brother died, we had to pay a whopping 12% of the value of his estate (which was basically his share of my mother’s estate). I think the tax is as high as 15% for other transferees. It’s zero for surviving spouses.
And again, you know your partner and I don’t, but a will can be changed at any time.
You will be better off financially and better protected overall if you are on the deed during your SO’s lifetime. If he dies before you, then only half the value would be part of his estate for inheritance tax.
@Ken: curricula
Yes, the inheritance tax is why his daughter does not get all his insurance. He took out one a decade or so ago so I’d have that to pay the tax. It should cover it nicely in addition to his funeral costs.
@NotMax: professional educators say curriculums and not curricula. I have a friend with a PhD in education who taught at a university who told me that’s correct when my teacher daughter referred to curriculums. We’re just behind the times.
Haven’t read the comments yet but I thought of Betty when I saw this…
@geg6: In your state, do living wills trump next-of-kin? Because his daughter, not you, is likely his next-of-kin and may get to make decisions about his care.
Getting married fixes this. At that point the shitty daughter has no leg to stand on.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
You are not alone there.