This morning I asked:
Is it crazy to hope that we can meet our $25,000 goal for VAAC within a week?
I now know that the answer is “no, it is not crazy!”
Why am I so sure?
In the last two days…
A Balloon Juice Angel has written a check to VAAC for $5,000.
We completed two $1,000 angel matches this morning.
A new Balloon Juice Angel stepped forward this morning with an offer to match $1,000.
That means we have two Balloon Juice Angels left, offering to match $1,000 each.
How We Get to $25,000
Because of the $5k check, when the thermometer reads $20k, we will have reached our $25k goal.
We are currently at $16,301 $16,476.
We have two Balloon Juice Angels pledging $1,000 each, so that’s $2k guaranteed.
Which leaves only $1,700 about $1,500 needed in order to reach our $25k goal.
Angel Matches Today
The two final angel matches today will match any amount up to $250.
As I write this, we are already $300 nearly $500 into the $2,000 match amount.
Let’s do this!
The Past 15 Months
In early 2021, we looked back on what Balloon Juice was able to raise for the 2020 cycle (plus Georgia in Jan 2021) and we wanted to do two things going forward: 1) provide early money, and 2) focus on groups that are doing boots on the ground organizing.
We did the research, talked with the groups, figured out what we could do for each effort that the groups couldn’t do without us, set a fundraising goal, arranged for external matches in almost every case, held a blog Q & A, and a zoom Q & A, and mostly tried to raise about $25k for each specific effort.
That is what I would call our “high-dollar” goal-oriented fundraising – where 1) we developed a relationship with a group. 2) had a very specific goal and a match amount to reach, and 3) had an amazing number of Balloon Juice Angels to help us get there.
But we’re getting fairly close to election season, so Voting Access for All Coalition (VAAC) will be our last “high-dollar goal-oriented” fundraising until after November. By Feb 2023, win or lose in November, we’ll be looking at providing early money and doing the high-dollar goal-oriented fundraising again.
(I’ll write a post next week looking back at the big picture and the difference we have surely made these past 15 months.)
But for today, let’s take a look at the next 5 months.
From Now Until November
We are still researching boots-on-the ground organizations and we will still be putting up BJ thermometers, but after we reach our goal for VAAC, there won’t be external matches or a concerted effort to reach a particular goal.
So in a week or so we might put up 3 links to good boots-on-the-ground organizations in North Carolina. And a week or two later we’ll put up links to 2 or 3 groups that are focused on the youth vote, etc.
We still think that boots-on-the-ground is generally a better investment than contributing to a campaign – because those boots can identify and bring in voters who can vote for every race from dog-catcher to senator – but may also have thermometers for things like “these 5 races can turn the legislature from red to blue” in MI or PA or some other key state. We may also have thermometers for donations to candidates and state and local parties.
More on that once DougJ and I have a chance to talk. In the meantime, you can certainly chime in below with suggestions of great boots-on-the-ground efforts or let us know if yours is one of the states where just a few seats in the state legislature can change the balance of power.
Back to Today
So, back to today… we need just over $1,500 dollars in matching donations in order for the 2 remaining angels to add their combined $2k and for us to complete this last big high-dollar effort before the election.
We Did It!!!!
A big thank you to every single person who donated (and to the married ones!), to every person who wrote an encouraging note, to every person who offered to be an angel, and to our Balloon Juice angel who wrote the $5k check.
Thank you one and all!
Balloon Juice for VAAC
Watch their one-minute video.
You won’t regret it.
FYI, the current matches are now matching up to $250 per person.
I’m in for $75.
In for $25, thanks Watergirl – you rock!!
In for another $50. This is exciting!
February seems awfully early. Maybe April.
@NotMax: NotMax, I’m not sure you ever not criticized some detail of anything I have said!
@SiubhanDuinne: Glad you think so, I think so, too!
Large difference between a criticism and an opinion.
WG, I really like this early boots on ground approach that we’re taking. It seems like it will be much more effective than dumping millions into a long-shot campaign like the one last time to unseat McConnell. Thanks for all your work on this.
Looks like a significant recovery after the ‘fire’.
Thanks WaterGirl and a very generous install.local community.
Joy in FL
$109 from me. This is exciting !!!
I forgot to mention:
Between what we raised here and the external matched they worked hard to get after we asked them to match our goal, the money raised is funding 95 HOURS A WEEK – of boots on the ground – for the 20 WEEKS between now and the election.
@Rockstar: @SiubhanDuinne: @Z!: @Joy in FL:
Thank you so much, all of you!!!!
@Z!: Not sure if this is your first comment ever or your first comment back after the fire. Either way, welcome!
Just put in $50. Let’s go!
@Nora: thank you!
Just $1,050 more + the two putting theirs in, and we will be there!
la caterina
I just threw in $100. We’re getting close!
Putting in a few bucks, thereby getting a badge from Act Blue. You can thank the voters of the East Ward, who split their ballots in municipal elections such to require a runoff Tuesday. So passing along some of my paycheck therefrom.
Ann Marie
I just added $100.
In for $100. Let’s get this done!
@frosty: I really hope so!
@Nora: @la caterina: @JAFD: @Ann Marie: @KrackenJack:
Thank you all so much!
We are just $550 away from $20k in the thermometer!
In for $75.
Memory Pallas
I added another $100.
@Sfinny: @Memory Pallas:
Wow, thank you so much!
Just $375 to go!
How can I resist? Here is another $50!
Just added $50. I’m so glad to be a follower, for many years, of this blog. Why aren’t more left-leaning blogs doing this? I guess it’s because they don’t have WaterGirl.
@Wolvesvalley: @SuzieC:
Thank you so much! Almost there!
Suburban Mom
I just kicked in $100.
Wow, $15 to go!
Just put in $100.00. So we made it?!
@greengoblin: Yes!
It’s saying 985, and I just added 15 which hasn’t shown up yet, so we are there!
Look for the $1,000 from each of our two final Balloon Juice angels. One is anonymous, the other is Armadillo.
VFX Lurker
I’m a former Michigander. I just contributed $250.
Thank you so much for doing this.
Anonymous Angel Match #7, I see that your $1,000 has been added – thank you so much for helping to make this happen.
@VFX Lurker: Thank you so much.
I just left a message for the folks at VAAC. They will be over the moon!
Armadillo may be away from his email at the moment, but as soon as his $1,000 goes into the thermometer, we will be at $20,250.
With the $5,000 check that’s in the mail, we made our $25,000. And then some!
I will leave the thermometer up until tomorrow so everyone can see that we made it!
Just tossed in $250.
ETA: Thought I’d be the one to push us over the line, but I’m perfectly good with being beaten to the punch! I’m sure they can put any extra $$ to good use.
@lowtechcyclist: All in this together, thanks for the generous push!!
$25 just in. This is so great.
In for $100.
ETA like lowtechcyclist I thought I might be the last one under the wire. No matter, kudos to all!
Armadillo’s $1,000 is in the thermometer! We had 8 Balloon Juice angels this time. Well, 7 actually, because one of them said she could be an angel again if we needed her at the end, which we did.
Note added up top:
We Did It!!!!
A big thank you to every single person who donated (and to the married ones!), to every person who wrote an encouraging note, to every person Balloon Juice angel, and to our Balloon Juice angel who wrote the $5k check.
Way to go, everyone! This is amazing!
zhena gogolia
There hasn’t been a new thread in a while. I need to vent my spleen at learning that effing AOC endorsed Sean Maloney’s primary opponent
H.E. Wolf
Thanks for the overview of what the Jackals have done this year for fundraising. Phenomenal!
joel hanes
In for $64
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Maloney is not pure as the driven snow either.
You’re welcome to talk about whatever you want in this thread, but it has been quite some time since there has been a new post so I just put up a post I had just hanging out for whenever we need a new one.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic: What’s wrong with him? He was fantastic in the first impeachment.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: Not going to type it out on the phone, but look into the NY redistricting and Maloney’s decision process.
AJ formerly of the Honey and Mustard Search and Rescue team
@WaterGirl: 95 HOURS A WEEK – of boots on the ground – for the 20 WEEKS between now and the election.
Every week? So like 1900 hours total? Wowwwwwwwww
@AJ formerly of the Honey and Mustard Search and Rescue team: Yep!
Except now we’re up to 97.75 hours a week for 20 weeks.