In its first three hearings, the House panel investigating the Capitol insurrection has laid out the beginnings of its case against former President Donald Trump.
Here’s a rundown of what we’ve learned so far from the hearings and what’s next:
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 17, 2022
How many people are watching the Jan. 6 hearings? That's not quite the best question to ask, writes @dbauder. Instead, it's the slicing and dicing of clips that matter — and what gets shared. Here are some breakout moments.
— The Associated Press (@AP) June 20, 2022
… Is you taking notes on a criminal f*cking conspiracy?
Here is how the Watergate story was revealed to the public, connection by connection, leading from a mysterious break-in all the way to President Richard M. Nixon.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 13, 2022
I wonder what Natasha ordered at the diner.
What’s the point of revisiting Watergate? These are two totally separate scandals.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I hope it was a steaming cup of STFU
Wyatt Salamanca
# Fuck Mike Pence! Fuck Mike Pence!
Within days of learning more details about Mike Pence’s close call with the MAGA lunatics on January 6th who were incited by Trump, he’s decided to double down on his scumbaggery:
@Wyatt Salamanca:
And just think there were actual Democrats calling this guy a hero the other day. I’ve stepped on cockroaches with more principles and moral courage than Mike Pence.
The dude is deluding himself that he still has a political future.
Jerzy Russian
@Wyatt Salamanca: Christ, what an asshole! (Am I talking about Pence or Kudlow? Yes.)
I was impatient earlier for these hearings to commence. Now I think they were worth the wait. I believe the Committee’s mandate runs to the end of this Congress, so they are not prevented from staging more public hearings if neccesary. I guess we might hear about this in the final scheduled hearing. There certainly be an exhaustive written Report, perhaps an interim one by September and a final one before the end of this Congress.
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Dunce doesn’t even know he could just yell “But Democrats are worse!” and be done with it. (And somewhere, Chuck Todd would pop a boner. (Not sorry.))
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m hoping criminal charges will result from the hearings
Don’t take that to the bank. Mike Pence knows that the US has an inexhaustible supply of stupid voters.
I’m looking forward to Congresswoman Elaine Luria (VA 2nd) taking her turn on the national stage. Luria faces a tough reelection in her coastal Virginia district. Tomorrow’s primary will determine her opponent. The likely winner is another female retired Navy officer.
Wyatt Salamanca
It’s been infuriating to hear individuals whom I thought were intelligent (i.e. Eugene Robinson) slobbering over Pence as if he were a hero when he’s clearly a scumbag. One correct decision on January 6th, does not excuse 4 years of enabling Trump’s corruption. Pence can go fuck himself.
We should stop associating the elephant with the party of traitors. They are such noble beasts.
@schrodingers_cat: agreed. They don’t actually deserve mammal status.
The republican base considers Pence a traitor.
He’s a man without a party.
@Wyatt Salamanca:
And his one correct decision was the result of him trying to save his own ass.
@SpaceUnit: We shall see. He obviously has Fox News on his side.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Chuck Todd a week or two ago was citing some poll about how a majority of voters see politicians as primarily self-interested, in it for themselves in politics, broken down by Dems, Indies, and Repubs. Surprisingly, Democrats were the highest at 66%, followed by Independents and then Republicans at 63%. Todd described this as an even worse problem than polarization
I’m sure Todd has had nothing to do with that //
Yeah. Looks like they’re trying to rehabilitate his image with their viewers.
Not sure why they’d bother.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Spanky: @SpaceUnit:
Who’s more delusional, Trump for believing that the 2020 election was stolen from him or Pence for believing that he can actually become the Republican nominee for 2024 ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Case in point, Sarah Palin likely winning her primary for the late Don Young’s congressional seat
At least until TFG finds out!
OT Going to bore you guys with my art again.
I made some changes to my picture from this afternoon, also daffodils from Saturday
@Wyatt Salamanca:
I’m going with Pence.
Pretty sure Trump knew he’d lost. The Big Lie was all he had left work with.
He definitely knew he lost. He was told to his face several times right after the election.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The first watercolor you linked has really turned out well : )
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Whaaaat? Did Chuck Todd ask Young about that on “Face the Undead”?
(ETA – Not to be confused with “Meet the Press Corpse”.)
@Wyatt Salamanca: I think Pence has no chance for the 2024 nomination, and I expect donors will agree. Pence thinks he does; as Abraham Lincoln observed, once the worm of Presidential ambition starts to gnaw, it gnaws deep.
@SpaceUnit: Maybe the 1/6 bros deserve another shot at him.
It consumes me.
@Baud: I think I saw that on an old Star Trek movie.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): If this special election is like other Alaska elections this year, winning the primary is only the first step. The top four finishers will advance to a ranked-choice general election. At least that’s how Lisa Murkowski’s Senate reelection will work.
@schrodingers_cat: Really good. I espescially like the daffodills
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as one of the Udalls, I think Mo, put it: A disease for which the only cure is embalming fluid.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Sarah Palin did ‘win’ that primary, in the sense she got the most votes. The top 4 recipients of voters (Palin (R), Gross (I), Begich (R), and Sattler (D)) all move onto special election. The special election is August 16
@debbie: By the time I post this it might be the fiftieth response. It would be mentioned no matter what because it’s the fiftieth anniversary.
Wyatt Salamanca
In spite of Pence’s actions on January 6th, I hope his name will live in infamy because he, along with McConnell and McCarthy, were the greatest enablers of Trump’s lunacy for 4 years.
I understand that Pence feels obligated to criticize Biden’s policies because he dreams of becoming the 2024 Republican nominee, but I can’t believe this asshole doesn’t have the courage or self-respect to publicly state that Trump is morally and ethically unfit to serve as President. Pence is, far and away, the most gutless and spineless politician in American history.
Villago Delenda Est
That’s the official Village narrative. The Village should be nuked from orbit.
@Wyatt Salamanca: I think Minority “Leader” Kevin McCarthy has Pence beat in the gutless, spineless category.
It was the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in a few days ago. The WaPo was going to “revisit” that timeline regardless of January 6.
I suppose. It is a distraction though.
Alison Rose
@schrodingers_cat: petition to change it to a raccoon, since they love trash so much
@Geminid: nope. At least once McCarthy is mentioned as being concerned about trump being on the Russian payroll. Pence even after have an x on his back is still defending him.
Google “far side what cats hear”.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
No, lol
I’m not especially familiar with the race, but given it’s a GOP district, in a GOP-leaning election year, with Palin’s name recognition, shouldn’t she have a good shot?
I think they’re also pointing out that Trump’s corruption and malfeasance makes Nixon look like a piker.
No small feat.
@Wyatt Salamanca: From a GOP perspective, Pence got it right. He said Joe is the President most disconnected from American voters,what with those liberal views and all. Many people are saying that, which once you stipulate it is Republicans saying it, is accurate.
Granted, Trump is the President most disconnected from reality, but that seems to explain rather than refute his arguably deeper connection to voters vs. Trump.
Wyatt Salamanca
It’s certainly a close call between the two of them, but I have to go with Pence because Trump incited a mob to kill him and all Mike can say about it is that Trump’s theory was wrong. He can’t bring himself to publicly state that Trump is a bloodthirsty lunatic. Given Pence’s inability to denounce Trump for almost getting him killed, I don’t know how he can sleep at night or look himself in the mirror.
Ha ha ha! Don’t these people realize that loyalty to TFG only goes one way?
Trump criticizes “foolish” Kevin McCarthy for not appointing Republicans to the January 6 committee.
Anne Laurie
People tend to forget that ‘Watergate’ actually unfolded over several years, with the Very Serious Media Villagers yawping all the way about ‘nothingburgers’ and ‘Democratic abuse of the judiciary’ and ‘butwhatabout [insert long forgotten trope] ‘.
As the top cartoon notes, Nixon ‘solved’ his Watergate problems by skipping out for California… and his hand-picked replacement, Jerry ‘Extremely Mediocre’ Ford, was allowed to grant a blanket amnesty that let a generation of bad actors skitter off & plan bigger crimes in the future. (Exemplar: Dick Cheney, of CREEP.)
Trump’s not smart enough to pull a Nixon — he’s not even smart enough to stop attacking the GOP henchmen who essentially threw a bag over his head & hustled him out of the Oval Office. But we Democrats need to be careful that no new, improved Gerald Ford clone gets his paws on the levers to ‘exonerate’ the Trump KKKrime Cartel!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oddly enough, and I do mean oddly, Palin would probably raise the competence level among the current GOP caucus.
Another Scott
@Geminid: The whole party is horrible.
Excerpts from Mary Trump’s book:
He would have been just a scammy local real estate developer and a washed-up “reality” TV show host without his enablers. FTFNYT, Moonves, Tuckems, Hannity, Limbaugh, Graham, Falwell Jr, Pence, McCarthy, Moscow Mitch, the RWNJs on the courts, all of them. All of them.
@Alison Rose :
Mike in NC
At one time I never imagined ever admiring the writings of Bill Kristol.
This, from Sunday noon, was quite good.
In the last interview, the one with Sarah Lipton-Lubet, Masters asked about the argument that if the Dems expand the court, the Rs will expand it again once they have the power. Here’s what Lipton-Lubet had to say about that, (my own juicy bits transcription):
I heard an interview on the same program the other day with a guy who’s lukewarm on expanding the court. He favors term limits, changing the scoring from a simple majority (5-4) to maybe 7-2. Stuff like that.
But one thing I’m sure of is that leaving the future of so many of us in the hands of so few will be our downfall.
@Mike in NC:
When we finally defeat fascism, I’m going to need to take a long hot shower.
@Alison Rose : Nooo! Raccoons are very smart ( and can be cute, espescially when they don’t crap in the swimming pool), I nominate tapeworms. Spineless parasites with no brains that thrive on shit. Ticks* all the GOP boxes.
*Another candidate
Five bucks says he told Kev not to appoint any members!
Another Scott
@Mike in NC: Kristol is still horrible – don’t be fooled. As I’ve mentioned before, he’s on the board of the Manhattan Institute, where the monster Rufo is on the payroll as a Senior Fellow.
@Anne Laurie:
I remember how it was revelation upon revelation and being so shocked at every single one. I can still picture sitting on my apartment’s balcony early on Sunday morning, drinking coffee and reading about the Saturday Night Massacre.
In fact, I think Watergate was about to fade away for the upteenth time when Alexander Butterfield took his place at the witness table.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Palin’s name recognition got her first place in the first round. I’ve read that she has a bad reputation among Alaskans generally. In a four way ranked-choice election a lot of people will rank her fourth or not at all. I don’t see Palin winning.
Roger Moore
I don’t know if Pence thinks he has any shot at the 2024 nomination, but he can be sure there’s some grifting opportunities if he runs. I honestly don’t think you can understand Republican presidential politics without figuring in the grifting opportunities.
Wyatt Salamanca
Thanks for posting that link! Background Briefing used to air on my local Pacifica radio station and I always found the program highly informative.
Anne Laurie
@Baud: Dung beetles. (I first said this back around 2016? maybe? on the former blog.)
Busy, busy invertebrates who collect & curate filth to nurture the next generation of dung beetles!
James E Powell
I think the comparison is supposed to encourage those of us who think these Trump & Jan 6 investigations and prosecutions are taking too long & producing too little.
NB – I don’t really believe that, but, as Tom Petty put it, the waiting is the hardest part.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I don’t claim to have any better knowledge of Alaska, maybe an Alaskan juicer can chime in. The special election is the same day as the next primary for the regular 2022 election, which may end up favoring the R team by having more competitive primaries elsewhere driving turnout. If I had to hazard a guess, many of the same 4 people will move onto the general election. Gross, the (I) candidate, was previously endorsed by dems in a senate race in 2020, so there is a strong likelihood that the Dem and Ind candidates will split the liberal/moderate voters from Juneau and Anchorage. The wildcard is Alaska’s larger than usual Native American population. Typically First Nations lean Democratic, but Native Alaskans have favored Murkowski and Young in the past, so it is beyond my knowledge to say how it will unfold
Edit: I forgot ranked voting is a factor too. More uncertainty
@Anne Laurie:
We should have a contest.
karen marie
Here’s a nice recap of ongoing violations of the “Stringer Bell Rule” by Trumpeters.
Roger Moore
@Villago Delenda Est:
It’s almost like you put this thought in your name or something.
@Wyatt Salamanca: You’re welcome! Did you hear why he left his spot at KPFK? It was basically, and I wish I could remember the way he put it, but “grifters to the left of me, charlatans to the right” pretty much summed it up.
@ian: I read that Murkowski’s singular win as a write in candidate in 2010 was made possible by her strong support from labor unions and Alaska’s ten Native Corporations
I doubt if the Native Corporations will see the fickle Palin as a reliable ally in Washington, and that’s what they want. There are plenty of other Alaskans who might vote for her, but I think she has a bad reputation in her state. We’ll see before too long.
@Roger Moore:
honestly don’t think you can understand Republican presidential politics without figuring in the grifting opportunities.
Skip the presidential and you’ve got the picture.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It would be great if you volunteered to become our Balloon Juice expert on that race and the candidates! You could keep us posted, and we’d all learn a lot. Go for it!
Wyatt Salamanca
I’m a New Yorker not a Californian, so I’m not a listener of KPFK. Background Briefing used to air on WBAI. The internal politics of BAI have been chaotic for decades, so I guess this chaos is a common thread among all of the Pacifica stations. Fortunately for listeners, talented broadcasters like Ian Masters have been able to produce great shows in spite of all the internal bickering and internecine warfare.
Roger Moore
If there’s one lesson everyone should learn from watching Saturday morning cartoons, it’s that evil can never be defeated, just driven away for a while. The moment you let your guard down because you think you’ve won, the tiny remnants of the evil you believed you had defeated forever will reassemble and start rebuilding.
@kalakal: Thanks! I want to try irises next. Trying to do the flowers in my garden.
@Roger Moore:
I was looking forward to showering.
Wyatt Salamanca
Between Gohmert, Gaetz, Gosar, MTG, and Boebert, doesn’t the Rethuglican Party currently have more than enough wingnuts in the House of Representatives? Must we add Saint Sarah Palin to this confederacy of dunces?
@Roger Moore:
So Republicans are like a fascist Wile E. Coyote?
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Well they are losing a Cawthorn, so they need another action figure to make the full power ranger set complete.
@debbie: That’s what I remember.
@Wyatt Salamanca: My Virginia 5th CD Congressman is as bad as any of them, just not as flamboyant. I won’t mention his name so close to dinnertime.
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: when I think of your presidential ambitions, I think “naw!”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So it’s not such a sure thing for her to win, then. Interesting.
It’s a race I’ll have to keep an eye on
@schrodingers_cat: Beautiful
@Anne Laurie: The sacred scarab? Truly a representative of the American right wing, feasting on carrion and dung……
Wyatt Salamanca
I can’t wrap my mind around the idea of an even larger collection of wingnuts serving in the House of Representatives. This country is on the verge of falling off the cliff.
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Pence making sure that nobody got the wrong impression of him from the hearing last Thursday.
Roger Moore
You say this in jest, but I think it’s exactly what’s happening. People like Pence did some stuff in what they thought was behind the scenes to undermine Trump. They hoped that by getting rid of him permanently, they’d open up space for their own ambitions. But once that came out, they have to act as loyal as possible publicly or the Trump-loving base will hate them.
Mike in NC
Watching a documentary series on Amazon Prime called, “The Impossible Peace” about the 20 years between the world wars. Life was as scary then as it is now, but at least fascism wasn’t on the rise in this country.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Thanks! I am glad you liked it.
If Elon has not destroyed Twitter by next year, you should submit something to Twitter Art Exhibit.
Here are some of the pictures in this year’s show.
It terrifies and sickens me, but I have to agree, even though that’s damning with verrrry faint praise.
West of the Rockies
When Palin increases the collective IQ of the party, it’s a verrrry stupid party.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Steeplejack: @Roger Moore:
Pence’s nickname of Dense is well-earned. If he’s dumb enough to run in 2024, I look forward to seeing him get completely humiliated in the primaries and caucuses.
There’s biggish news out of Israel this evening. Prime Minister Bennett and Foreign Minister Lapid held a news conference where they announced that they would move to dissolve parliament next week. Their 8 party coalition government lasted longer than many expected when it took power a year ago, but recent defections from Bennett’s Yamina party brought it’s numbers below 60 Knesset members and the coalition could not pass critical legislation.
Unless opposition leader Netanyahu can pull some parliamentary rabbit out his hat there will be new elections October 25 or so, with Lapid heading an interim government in the meantime. This will be Israel’s 5th election since 2019.
From the Times of Israel.
@Mike in NC:
You say that, but the German American Bund held a fascist rally (Nazi in all but name) in February 1939 in Madison Square Garden.
The Golux
I’ve been thinking for a while that the Democrats should be airing commercials about what a total failure the Republican party has become, and what a threat they are to democracy. (Not to mention to women’s health, human rights and the climate.) Kind of like Newt Gingrich’s campaign to cast everything Democrats do in a negative light, but with the advantage of it being true. A jackal brainstorming session to come up with pithy slogans might yield useful results. Thoughts?
I doubt Michael would want a damn thing to do with today’s GOP even if he were American. :)
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Somebody on Twitter said that Pence is so dumb that he’s running on autopilot: when you’re the vice president and your president’s term ends ( ) you get to run for president next. QED. That’s just science.
James E Powell
@The Golux:
I agree with you and do not think that it would be that hard to come up with a series of ads. Regular people in conversation. Set it up like one is explaining the situation to others in typical social settings.
Suggested topics include: The only thing they ever do when in power is tax cuts for the rich, they’ve got no solutions so they are fanning racist & anti-LGBTQ hysteria based on lies, they left a mess for Ds to clean up, they are spreading the big lie & suppressing voters.
ETA: Also giant Ku Klux Klan marches in Washington, D.C., in the 1920s.
J R in WV
The evening of Saturday, October 20, 1973, Wife and I were at a work Saturday night pizza party, with a radio on while we ate and drank beer and talked about current events, like Watergate. Work at that time was a local morning newspaper, which meant 6 days a week of putting out the current news.
Then we heard that the AG had quit/been fired, and then his deputy AG quit or was fired. We drove back to work, because we knew there would be current news coming across the new wires, news from the NY Times, the Washington Post, the AP, the UPI Wire, all the wires. And no one was in the teletype room that night but us.
We watched for at least a couple of hours, reading the words out of DC coming across at about 60 words a minute, high speed wire service back in 1973. Neither of us will ever forget that night.
And now we have the Jan 6th committee hearings, the unbelievable lawless Trump activity, that makes Nixon look like a law abiding leftist compared to current Republican office holders!!! Can’t believe what we’re seeing right now!!!
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Certainly true for KPFA, from what I’ve heard.
J R in WV
@J R in WV:
This was all the Saturday Night Massacre, when NIxon fired the leadership of the whole DoJ to save his presidency. Oops, that didn’t work either ~!!~
Dense’s party doesn’t believe in science.
@James E Powell: “Ask your Republican congressional candidates about their health care plan.”
Shot of the cows that died in Kansas during the last heat wave. “Do your Republican congressional candidates have a climate action plan yet?”
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
@Alison Rose :
Hagfish, I think, would be a closer match.
Edit : Or what @kalakal said.
@J R in WV:
Move along. Nothing to see here.
Mike in NC
@Steeplejack: Oh yeah, but the Bund was basically a fringe element, unlike the modern Republican Party funded by billionaires.
Anne Laurie
Of course they do; they’re blaming those dead cows on Bill Gates, who wants to force Real ‘Muricans to choke down his chip-laden *fake meat* plantburgers instead.
(You *wish* I was kidding… )
@Anne Laurie: I know you’re not kidding, I saw that insanity too.
@mrmoshpotato: Since the thread says recap, and because I know your head will explode: the NYT Chicago TikTok Bimbo that you hoped was not a suburbanite?…is from St Charles, IL. Went to HS there, seems to still live there.
( stepping back to avoid brain fragments)
Another Scott
In other news, supposedly Biden is going to announce something to do with the federal gas tax and student loans this week. Maybe something like this, also too, from BlueVirginia.US:
Could be a very interesting summer. It looks like the gasoline futures traders are expecting something to happen – July futures prices are down from their peak.
Not surprised. (Scanners head explosion)
That’s one upside to the US system of government that doesn’t get enough credit. Imagine if we had to rehold elections every time we lost Manchin or Sinema’s vote
@Anne Laurie: Bill Gates suddenly becoming this evil genius would be hilarious if it weren’t so stupid.
Mike E
@Mike in NC: You also forget the monopolists’ coup plot of enticing Smedley Butler’s recruitment to usurp the FDR presidency. Fascists abounded then and they are never far enough away to think such things as unlikely, sadly.
‘@J R in WV
Speaking of RMN….
@schrodingers_cat: oOoOO, nice! The hyacinth one has more depth with the additions. I like the little bush in the lower left.
Tony G
@SiubhanDuinne: Beyond that, I think that it’s worthwhile to compare and contrast Watergate and 01/06/21. As corrupt and lawless as Nixon was, Trump and the current Republican Party are an order of magnitude worse.
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: Um, NotMax, did you read the post?
@schrodingers_cat: I like your sense of color, you are not afraid of it.
‘@Ohio Mom
Short term memory is the first to go.
(Actually, had neglected to enable images to show in my browser.)
I have been thinking of the attempt to deify Pence along with the gallows as a crucifixion story gone wrong. I think that doesn’t help Pence since he rejected his role as the sacrificial lamb that would bring salvation to the long suffering Trump supporters.
the Klan was big in Ohio and Indiana in the years after world war I.
Another Scott
@JaySinWA: Looks like the “edit other people’s comments” bug is still lurking – it gives me the option of editing your comment (though of course it will not ‘take’).
@ian: Israel has a very fractured political system. In the last election, 13 parties passed the 3.25% threashold to gain at least 4 of the 120 Knesset seats. If a party polls 10% it is awarded 12 seats. Netanyahu’s Likud won the most seats, at 27. Lapid’s Yesh Atid had second most with 17.
The party run by the Sephardic rabbis won 9 seats, and the one run by the Ashkenazi rabbis got 6. The Arab Joint List won 6 seats, while the Arab Islamic party Ra’am broke away from the Joint List and squeaked in with 4 MKs. Ra’am joined the coalition Lapid put together and became the first Arab Israeli party ever to serve in a government.
Some Israeli parties are durable, others only last from one election to the next. Prime Minister Bennett’s Yamina party likely will not even field a slate this fall.
@Another Scott: I’ve heard that from several people, haven’t seen it yet myself, It’s back of the queue for fixing. What I am seeing is the lack of the visual/text tabs and defaulting to text. Several times including just now.
the pollyanna from hell
Klan dominated Colorado in 1920’s
The main reason Don Young got First Nations votes was his first wife (think she died in 2012 or so) was a tribal member, & he pulled in a lot more pork for the Native corps than most white reps would bother. So obviously a card Palin can’t even begin to play.
@JaySinWA: Yes, I’m getting the lack of visual/text tabs, default to text quite frequently
test visual with save my name, email…
Edit save my name tik box is sticky now, I don’t remember it being sticky.
In any case I think I was always getting the text version without the save my name ticked. Now for two tries I am getting the visual tab and default to visual after ticking save my name
ETA and now save my name is unstuck, but still defaulting to visual
ETA 2 so maybe, just maybe if you tick save my name when in text mode (with no tabs?) it remembers too much?
The Lodger
@mrmoshpotato: Obviously more of the GOP should be Idle.