@newsprojoeThe coffee ordering game will never be the same (wait for it)♬ original sound – NewsProJoe
I’m off to walk the dogs before it get too hot. Enjoy your caturday!
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by TaMara| 132 Comments
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Open Threads, Pet Blogging
@newsprojoeThe coffee ordering game will never be the same (wait for it)♬ original sound – NewsProJoe
I’m off to walk the dogs before it get too hot. Enjoy your caturday!
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BTW, I checked, you can click through without an account to read the comments, which are a hoot.
“I’ll have a fluffuccino, please”
I also tried to find out more about this, but can find no reason for the kitten delivery. LOL
Oh lord, Hudson heard the cat meow in the video and is having a colossal fit. LOL
zhena gogolia
@TaMara: I was hoping for the backstory!
germy shoemangler
Buy 2 coffees, get a free kitten?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Benw: That’s funny!
‘@TaMara, I usually lurk but been meaning to ask you if there are ever CO front range get-togethers? I recently moved back to Boulder after NYC (went to 1 meetup pre-Covid), and I’m interested if there are more of us out here.
@mrmoshpotato: “No, sir, the free kitten is mandatory with your order.”
I’m thinking semi-staged, because the person in the car behind was recording it. (It’s not a security camera, you can see the camera motion.)
@Ken: That’s what you get at the drive-thru of Coffee And Kittens.
This made me think of a photo I’ve seen in “Why You Want to be a Vet” videos. A veterinarian, lying on the floor of his examination room, with something like 8 kittens crawling all over him.
I love cats, but do miss kittens. Something very special about those tiny creatures exploring the world with their tails straight up and their ears forward. Indomitable curiosity.
germy shoemangler
Clarence Day describes a world where cats have evolved, instead of primates.
My sister is visiting, and she is doing really well.
If we remember, she was diagnosed with a big cancer in 2021, and this is her first time traveling outside her home state since the beginning of the pandemic.
zhena gogolia
@Starfish: That’s good news.
Squirrel getting fry at the Arby’s drive through.
@Starfish: Excellent news!
@Starfish: That’s a biggie! Have a wonderful visit!
@germy shoemangler: There’s also Neil Gaiman’s vision, in “A Dream of a Thousand Cats“.
@germy shoemangler:
I love cats of yore.
Because it’s such a happy image:
Good God NYT. For real? This isn’t parody?
More obsessing about rich white people’s problems:
I do admit to reading the NYT because they do good reporting on some topics I’m interested in like climate, science, and travel. But seriously.
I had a male cat named Biscuit because I saw him outside my house while I was eating a biscuit and commented—oh look at that cat, it is the same color as my biscuit—-anyway, rescued him and called him Bisky for the next 13 years.
I’m more of a perspiring public intellectual myself.
@Baud: I prefer to do my intellecting in private.
I have to believe that story is basically the NYT throwing down the gauntlet at DougJ.
It is less illegal that way.
Another Scott
PSA – Jackal fancycwabs running for the Democratic nomination for Congress in TN-6 has an ActBlue page up now.
Getting dragged up and down the Internet.
And other comments!
Bonus: The article’s author is named Anemona Hartocollis.
@nickdag: Front Ranger as well. Would be interested too.
@Steeplejack: Hah! Thanks for the twitter link. Too funny.
Got a neighbor-relations question for y’all.
One of my trees overhangs part of my next-door neighbor’s driveway and front yard. I’ve told him I’m okay if he wants to trim it, or even take the whole thing down: I’ve got a grove of trees over there, and it’s the nearest one to his house, and if he has it cut down, honestly I’ll barely notice its absence because I can barely see it through the other trees.
My neighbor’s father is up for a visit, and he’s asking me how much I’d be willing to contribute to having the tree cut down, because it’s on my yard. And I’m thinking, HUH?? My thought is: I’m just fine with the tree the way it is, my contribution is letting him cut down this tree anyway and not being an asshole about it. The benefit’s all his, why should I contribute a penny? If I wanted to be an asshole, I’d say that because it’s on my property, I should get to charge him for the privilege of being allowed to take it down.
I think this is strictly neighbor’s dad’s idea, and that my neighbor, who I get along well with, has no interest in this. But am I right that it makes no sense to be asked to contribute to this? Or am I looking at it the wrong way? I haven’t actually said any of the above yet, figured I’d bounce it off some other people first.
Lazy holiday: bear in a tree.
@Steeplejack: They all do somehow look entirely plastic (even the food!) and one can only imagine that is the desired state — for both participants in the production.
@Steeplejack: Perhaps the author of this article is hoping ” Town and Country” mag will make an offer.
@Steeplejack: Sweet photo.
@lowtechcyclist: If it is providing any kind of danger to the neighbors property in any way then there is an argument to sharing the cost of its removal. You don’t want your tree falling down and damaging their property.
If they just don’t like it for some aesthetic reason then not your problem. I would just tell them it isn’t in your landscaping budget to do tree removal but you are fine with it if they want it professionally removed or trimmed.
And DougJ with the last word:
@lowtechcyclist: You could just file neighbor’s dad’s comment under “it doesn’t hurt to ask” and then decide whether or not to provide him with the accurate value of Zero dollars as your preferred level of monetary contribution. But there is a strong case for not involving dad at all. You could just bring up the issue again directly with the actual neighbor underlining that you really wouldn’t mind his altering the tree to his preferences (you might give a thought to your preferences as to stump and stumpgrinding if the tree is removed completely) but that’s it — tossing in any contribution in labor you’d be willing to do (or not). But direct communication is always preferable to indirect hints to my mind.
Challenge accepted!
Dan B
@lowtechcyclist: The law in most places is you can trim vegetation that overhangs your property as long as you don’t cause damage to the plant. Your offer to allow the neighbor to take down the tree is fine. The neighbor’s request that you share in the cost seems impolite at best. You are a better judge of how to navigate this so it doesn’t cause a rift between you. I had a loathing for clientele (I was a landscape designer / contractor.) with waterfront property because of the nearly inevitable feuds.
The tree’s in no particular danger of falling down, but if it did, it would fall on lawn and pavement. So no real risk to anything. It’s all about getting some sunlight in where there’s a lot of shade right now.
Ah, gone too soon: @PatsyBaloneyHat has become @AllTheMajorInternetsHat (0:58 in linked video)
@Baud: “The readers outside looked from NYT article to DougJ tweet, and from DougJ tweet to NYT article, and from NYT article to DougJ tweet again, but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
With all due apologies to George Orwell.
James E Powell
It is the third article she’s written on that professor. She seems to be covering the cancelled professor beat.
I agree with Kent’s response above and think that he is right on target with the response to the neighbor that tree trimming/removal isn’t in your budget right now.
I also agree that it would be different if the tree were causing any kind of harm to the neighbor. Shade can be a nuisance in some scenarios, as it can lead to excess moisture and mold on a home’s siding or roof. For that reason, I trimmed back a tree on one side of my property because it was indirectly causing a problem with an outbuilding in my neighbor’s yard.
I have not asked my neighbor on the other side to trim his trees, as the harm to me in the latter case is mostly raking leaves and cleaning tree detritus off of my car. That doesn’t rise to the level where I can justifiably ask him to spend the money to trim back them back.
@Dan B:
Yeah, I think I can navigate this one OK, I just wanted to be sure that my intuition here was right.
I actually told the neighbor when he moved in that if he ever wanted to trim any overhanging branches, to just go ahead and do it. Really the only thing new is the suggestion of taking down the tree entirely.
Liz Cheney in a nutshell.
@Steeplejack: I wonder if Ms. Gold wants the “conservative chair” on The View, formerly held by Meghan McCain.
Or as her fellow Timespeople call her at their weekly cosmos-and-poker fests, “Obvious Pseudonym.”
Sandia Blanca
Speaking of adorable kittens, my brother has four sweeties that are ready for adoption. He took in a stray cat, and was surprised when he took her to the vet to get spayed and found out she was pregnant! He’s in Central California and is willing to deliver to good homes. Let me know if you want more information.
@lowtechcyclist: I had a neighbor asked if I wanted to split the cost of trimming my tree. The way he asked put me off wanting to cooperate. He said my tree caused a lot of damage to his building because it clogged up the gutter. It was an accusation. When I said the cleaning gutters is an ordinary maintenance task, he got very defensive. I don’t need grief from people.
@lowtechcyclist: You can always offer a hundred bucks towards the project, plus permission. Some oil on troubled waters, so to speak. You can always pull the offer if they try to bargain for more, and maybe give the neighbor a heads up on that.
Not saying you ought to do this, just that you can.
I have two common milkweed in the backyard garden by my deck. I spotted at least 5 monarch eggs a few days ago, and this morning found 5 teeny caterpillars.
I do not have enough milkweed to feed all of them–I read that a single caterpillar will wipe out a whole plant. Hoping friends with milkweed can take a couple.
Dogs (video)!
@James E Powell: Clicking on her name it seems she covers “Higher Education” but 98% of her articles are about Ivy League gossip and those that aren’t are about Georgetown, USC, etc.
You would think there are no other institutions or issues in higher education.
In the summer of 1936 my grandfather, newly arrived in the USA after fleeing Nazi Germany, wrote two articles on the economic picture in Germany for a professional journal, under the pseudonym ‘Horace Endemic’.
We didn’t find out about this until after his death, so we never had an opportunity to ask why he chose that ‘nym….
Incidentally, I disgraced myself by saying “YAY!!” in an otherwise silent university library about 10 years ago, when I actually found the articles in a bound, archived copy of the journal. :-)
@lowtechcyclist: You don’t need to say anything. They have made a proposal you are not interested in. They can lawfully cut any part of the tree that hangs over their property line. You aren’t obligated in any way.
@H.E.Wolf: God, there must be a story behind that name.
@Kristine: Can you buy more milkweed at a local nursery?
My brother in RI had a big tree near a fence and it was bugging him because it was not in great shape and added too much shade. One weekend afternoon he was trash talking over with the guy who lives behind him and the neighbor brought up the aforementioned tree and offered to split the cost of removal as he wanted more sun for his garden.
My bro said heck ya and they made it happen the next week. They both have flourishing gardens now! Done and dusted!
@CaseyL: Worth checking out.
@Kent: Still not quite as stunning as their “Substance abuse woes of the rich mommies” from a dozen or so years back. (No, I’m not going to track it down.) I still think that’s peak NYT. They’ve been doing this shit for years — they know their audience.
Almost Retired
Anemona Hartocollis?!? Is that her name, or the reason she was prescribed an antibiotic?
@Steeplejack: Sadly that technique seems to be effective.
Alison Rose
@Almost Retired: Sounds like she’s from the Discworld.
In Pennsylvania the law was (early 1980’s) that if a tree on your property was diseased, you were liable for damages it caused if it fell on neighbor’s property.
I know this because my next-door neighbor’s fell in storm, totalled my car. Took two years before Michigan-Millers Insurance cut me a check, the day before sheriff showed up to auction off said neighbor’s property.
(This has absolutely no relevance, mere retrospective venting. Please pardon the interruption.)
@Sandia Blanca: I am currently kittehless and looking for a bonded pair but I am across the country and will be traveling in August.
@JAFD: BJ: come for the cat videos, stay for the interruptions.™
Sure Lurkalot
@lowtechcyclist: My neighbor’s tree overhangs ours and half of the branches broke in a late season snow storm. It’s a huge hazard.
After a few calls with him, a tree trimming company is coming on the 11th and he’s paying for it. It’s not our tree.
Part of the reason the anti-abortion states have such poor maternal health outcomes and drive down maternal health rates for the whole country is because maternal health is measured not just by the year of the pregnancy but the year after the pregnancy. For the mother’s health, the year after is just as important as the year she’s pregnant.
But of course it makes perfect sense when you realize anti-abortion people consider the mother completely expendable once her incubation duties are complete.
I got my hair cut and colored this morning and now I’m going to the movies to see the Regency rom-com “Mr. Malcolm’s List” this afternoon, so all y’all are going to have to go troll-hunting on your own today.
That action seems inconsistent with the GOP spin on how much they care about women.
“Seems” :) It’s amusing really. They have a bunch of media trained and expensively educated professional anti-abortion lobbyists all over tv insisting they will provide “support” but back in the anti-abortion states it’s all hard Right punishment and misery.
A kind of..disconnect between the anti-abortion base voter and what the fancy anti-abortion lobbyists want you to think the “movement” is about. As in all things on the Right, the base will win this. It will be 100% about punishing women.
zhena gogolia
@Mnemosyne: Let us know how the movie is. Theo James is always fun (“Mr. Pamuk”).
zhena gogolia
@Sure Lurkalot: We just took down one of our huge trees. It had just given up. So sad.
Not wasting my free article. Is professor hubby tenured? Then he’s not canceled. Thomas Pynchon would have gone with “Anemone Portcullis”
EDIT: Hard luck for the professor then. And he’s entering a crowded market. Anti-woke intellectuals are a dime a dozen.
The red states didn’t support pregnant women and new mothers before and they won’t now–especially there dozen or so states with abortion bans that instantly went into effect. Oddly enough, those laws don’t include any language about pre/post-natal care.
zhena gogolia
@lowtechcyclist: When we trimmed the branches of the neighbor’s tree overhanging our driveway, we paid for it. I don’t know what the objective ethics of this are, but it seemed right to us.
New Zealand designated two U.S. far-right groups, the Proud Boys and the Base, as terrorist organizations
zhena gogolia
@bjacques: He got fired. He did have tenure, but not no more.
Gin & Tonic
@Kristine: I have asclepias all over my yard, it seems to have spread like, well, a weed.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: The gypsy moths were bad for us. Lost a half-dozen mature oaks over a couple of years.
@NotMax: Heh. Good job Kiwis.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic: This was a spruce. I think it was just old age. The ones next to it are still fine. It’s always so depressing to lose an old tree.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m mostly seeing it for Zawe Ashton, who is not well-known in the US but is a great British comic actress. Her character gets paired off with Theo James’ and I’ve heard they’re hilarious together.
@Dan B: Late to the thread. Large plant trimming. When I moved in 20 years ago my neighbor on the south had a couple of well-maintained forty year old yew/taxis bushes next to their fence that separated our yards. We and he were happy. Then he got promoted and sold his house to a young doctor resident, than she graduated and sold her house to an infant mortgage banker with some heavy drinking roommates. Fun times. Then 2008 econ meltdown. She got married and moved to one of those new suburbs with huge houses and tiny new trees, and kept her old house as a rental because the house sale market sucked. Rented briefly to a couple we liked who moved to the shores of Lake Errie on retirement. So we rented it for our stepdaughter, thinking ” wheeeee, we can finally trim the shrubbery next door.” But lease said, quite specifically handwritten in by the landlord, that we couldn’t trim anything except grass unless given written permission by the landlord.
Landlord sold the house last year. New owner is overwhelmed by yard maintenance. The yew is also succeeding in killing his lovely crabapple tree.
The four foot high yew/ taxis is now 25 feet high and my yard to the north is so dark it looks like a graveyard at night.
The yew is salvageable. There are green shoots at the bottom.
If my city’s laws allow it, would I be okay hiring some experienced tree guys to cut everything off at property line? Would the tree guys be pissed? The next door neighbor would probably go along with a joint contract except he is financially already tapped out by similar yardwork on the other side. As a courtesy I would like to ask him, but I don’t want a no if his only issue is financial constraints.
Worst case I am sawing branches off in the dead of night and when he is at work.
ETA Question is should I hire tree guys now ( I have a couple of small trees to close to the house) or just chop in the dead of night?
If the gutter is on a difficult-to-access spot on an upper story to the house, your neighbor may just have a valid point, especially if any of the limbs have grown to point they are over or approaching being over the neighbors roofline.
I have a situation like that down at our beach house on the coast, where the neighbor’s beautiful live oak tree now extends over my upstairs roof ( which would be third story height bc barrier island houses sit atop raised pilings). Fortunately, i get along very well with my neighbors, many beers over 25 years shared with Ray.
They are perfectly willing to have the problem limbs trimmed back, and i am fine with them hiring a tree company, on a “let me know what my share of the cost for that part of the job is”, in part because they have a bunch of other tree work elsewhere in their yard they want done at the same time, including trimming a different live oak tree in the side of their house away from mine, for the same reason – tree limbs have overgrown their roofline. I should mention our houses are in a location on the nc coast that gets hurricanes.
@zhena gogolia: Most of these trees around here (North Olympic Peninsula, WA) are weed trees, evergreens and madronas. In the sandy soil conditions they just fall over, so the trick is cut them down just before do. Though we have high winds which will suddenly speed up the process.
@NotMax: What is “The Base” in Arabic, again?
@zhena gogolia: Fifty years ago there were two tornadoes here that knocked down many huge oaks. They planted water oaks in their place and many of them are falling all over the neighborhood. It sucks but folks are getting preemptive and taking them down before they crash.
zhena gogolia
@Raven: I’m kind of glad not to have this one staring into my back window in the next storm, but it’s sad anyway.
Dan B
@sab: Most qualified and licensed arborists and landscape professionals are well aware of legal and horticultural issues. Listen to the ones who know the pertinent details.
Yews of any age can be cut back to bare wood, even to the ground, and will come back. It is seasonal so mid to late summer is risky because new growth can freeze. A friend worked at Powys Castle. The head gardener cut the hundred year old yews back to bare stubs in late winter. They were 35 feet tall. By late summer they’d filled in.
You could probably do some pruning now but nothing radical, or at least that’s my guess.
@Mnemosyne: I should see this movie–I adore Theo James.
@sab: sold her house to an infant mortgage banker
I’ve heard of 10 year olds graduating from college, but a baby working as a mortgage banker? Seems like a waste of what must be a brilliant mind.
“@H.E.Wolf: God, there must be a story behind that name.”
I *know*! – and no one in the family has a clue what it might have been. It’s so tantalizing.
@Kent: What drivel. They are so self-absorbed it’s ridiculous. She’s the alpha, she’s the catalyst that changed him from the prof who everyone liked, into a guy who lets his racist freak flag fly. And she’s the only thing keeping him alive.
I don’t subscribe to The NY Times because I don’t have a birdcage to line or a puppy to house train.
Gin & Tonic
I am going to hell when I die, but these always make me grin.
@Raven: My neighbor has a huge black walnut tree very near our property line. I have told him many times that if it ever falls in my direction, all the wood on this side of the line is mine!
I have no idea what Nate Silver does for work now, but I hope he doesn’t get paid for insightful analysis.
@lowtechcyclist: Friend has a next-door neighbor whose tree was largely over friend’s yard, roof, etc. Years ago they talked about joining funds/forces to cut it down, but neighbor backed out. Friend hired folks this year to trim it back to the property line, which is all that’s legal for him to do. Looks like shit, but will no longer threaten friend’s garage, clog up his gutters, etc. I know you told neighbor it’s okay to cut it down, but it’s on your property, and I would personally be hesitant to do anything on someone else’s property, even with verbal permission.
And you would know!!!@Immanentize:
@senyordave: Mortgage banker fresh out of college new to the bank, which is why she filled her house with drunk young women renters.
We used to call the cops every time there was a federal holiday, because we knew they would be rioting drunk in the creek and she would have a $200 fine. Ten neighbors called her in every federal holiday because we knew she would have a drunken party at her hottub.
@persistentillusion: Great! Let’s see if TaMara posts something. Or, I’m open to suggestions.
I rarely read the comments, and I find it hard to keep track of replies. Don’t know how you all keep track of conversations!
Sandia Blanca
@schrodingers_cat: Thanks for the response. He does have a bonded pair (Danny, little orange boy and Betty, pretty tabby girl). Don’t know if they’ll still be available in August.
@H.E.Wolf: The most widely known “Horace” might be the early Roman poet. I think he did some social commentary. Maybe that figures into the pseudonym.
Alison Rose
@Gin & Tonic: I’ll be in the handbasket next to you, I fucking love to see it. russia giving the world a FAFO lesson every day.
Alison Rose
@James E Powell:
Uhhhh, she sounds perfect for authoring pieces on Black graduation ceremonies, a topic she surely became intimate with whilst attending [checks notes] Harvard.
Do note that not only did she take trains and buses while in Greece, she walked, y’all!
Husband is really over-reacting to my ten(?) years ago heart issue. I can’t go anywhere+ or do anything without him going nuts to control me.
Can do dishes. Can’t do yardwork. Can’t do housework. Can grocery shop but cannot always get permission to cook. Can do dog walk sometimes ( dog does not want exceptions.)
I love the guy and I know he loves me , but often I want either to bash him over the head with a big heavy shovel or kill myself.
ETA As you get older life involves making compromises. Health fails. Limits you. Accept that
ETA I think it doesn’t require sitting in your house all day twiddling your thumbs because you might have a health issue. We all die eventually. I thought my husband realized this.
@sab: Whoa, draw your brakes. . .
James E Powell
I laughed when I saw that. The FTFNYT & their pseudo-anthropologist reporters. I imagine her wearing a pith helmet.
@sab: Can you challenge him to some one-on-one hoops and first to ten gets to go, you know, do things? Practice your outside shot before making the challenge, so you don’t need to run as much.
zhena gogolia
@sab: What does your doctor say? I’d start with that.
@raven: Naw. He neefs to get on board. I have issues and twenty yesrs later I am done.
Mike E
I just now finished watching the January 6th hearings being rerun by PBS with the “surprise” 6th day attendee Cassidy Hutchinson. Her poise and evident sense of humor really impressed me and I feel that like this young woman despite her
associates, but more to the thrust of this committee being meticulously professional in presenting their case, the testimony was effective, enthralling and appalling.sab
@zhena gogolia: Doc says I am fine. I turn pinkish with minor exercise. As a postmenopausal woman that is pretty much normal. If I am expected to live my whole postmenopausal life as if I was ten, I might as well kill myself now. Fuck your entertainment “experts” My Mom didn’t live like this and she lived to 84, and an inherited geneticmess killed her.
@trollhattan: He has an extremely bad back. Exempts him from any comparisons.
zhena gogolia
@Mike E: It was amazing.
zhena gogolia
@sab: I would think that moderate exercise would be good for you. Everyone turns pink. ETA : I mean wypipo
@Mike E: Was backpacking for that hearing and various SCOTUS hell that was barfed out. Wife told me about her so I chased down the excerpts and she is simply wonderful. I’ll give her the John Dean badge of the hearings, thus far (NB, not because she had a hand in the misdeeds like Dean did, but her testimony had a similar impact in my eyes).
@sab: when my MiL was dying of stomach cancer, my FiL would not leave her side. By that I mean, sit in the same room in the house day in and out. She used to concoct reasons to send him on errands and joined more groups — quilting, Bible study, etc
All she wanted was her normal time to herself, which she valued (she was famous for several times weekly shopping trips with no particular reason) but she never had it in her to tell him because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She died, he folded, died a few years later. Both of them would have been better off with a little honesty when she was alive.
@Another Scott: Thanks, I just threw a few bucks at him!
Yeah, that part was easy to figure out (not too many other Horaces a well-educated young man from Germany would have been acquainted with). But “Endemic”?! I mean, I know the meaning of the word, but why oh why was that part of the moniker? And for that matter, why Horace (the poet and farmer)? A mystery for the ages. :)
ETA: I think I might be able to find a photo of my grandpa online.
Yes! Front row, far right, age 12, at his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary celebration. Photo is cropped; we have the original, along with an extensive dossier on everyone in the photograph, contributed by my grandfather (who had an encyclopaedic memory).
This is being tracked.
Popehat Name Change Tracker
@lowtechcyclist: This might be a situation better dealt with once the neighbor’s father departs, though everyone’s comments seem excellent.
Yes, @PopeHatNames is a great reference. I just thought @PatsyBaloneyHat was one of the greats.
So Dobby was sitting at the top pf his cat tree. I thought he was so adorable that I went to scritch his tiny head. His reaction was ” Whoa! You need inspecting by cat nose.” After a long snuffling I got bored and said I don’t need to greet that cat. Cat came up for air and was upset that I shrugged off his security check and went home without a meeting. Things work both way, tiny feline guy with bad attitude. Most days I don’t actually have to meet you.
@Sandia Blanca: Do you have pictures? Besides I am on the east coast so too far. But I can admire them from afar.
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