On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Patrick II submitted these after their 4th of July weekend celebration last week. I wanted to post this because I believe that we shouldn’t let dastardly Republicans – who want to turn back the clock on so much that is good and right – rob us of simple joys like celebrating Independence Day.
So this is an antidote to the quicksand of despair that seems to be all around us lately, even at times on Balloon Juice.
This looks like a lovely, happy day and I’m happy that Patrick II has shared it with us. ~WaterGirl
This past winter my wife and I moved back to Northwest Indiana to be nearer to family. We were looking at a house in my old home town and, while looking for comparables on Zillow, we stumbled across a one-day-only estate sale the next day. We arranged to view the home and found it to be a house on a small (11 acre) lake. The house needed work, but it was a beautiful home with windows all along the backside overlooking the lake and was structurally sound, so we put in a bid and surprisingly won. I was thrilled. I still am.
I fished in this lake when I was a boy. It was all just prairie then. The land immediately around the lake has since been developed and the lake deepened but it is still surrounded by the prairie which has since been turned into a nature preserve. We get regular visits from some of its inhabitants. I have bought a bird book and am trying to better at identifying some of our visitors.
This past weekend we spent our first 4th of July here. The lake’s celebration was on Saturday. The small community (37 houses) had pitched in for fireworks and the display was set for Saturday night. People around the lake had visitors and picnics earlier and our neighbor was kind enough to invite us to theirs.