goddamn right https://t.co/FftR9ghDMA
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) July 9, 2022
Kissinger was trending on twitter, and yes I was disappointed it wasn’t an obituary.
There isn’t a single world leader, very much including Richard Nixon, who didn’t pay a price for listening to Henry Kissinger… so I’m very relieved that President Biden is being accused of ‘snubbing’ him.
BREAKING: Joe Biden has yet to meet amoral 99-year old foreign policy fossil who has monetary incentives for good relations with Russia and China.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) July 9, 2022
We already know what he wants right now, which is for Ukraine to quit all this ‘liberty’ ‘resistance’ chatter and surrender to Global Leader Putin. May he, and his media cheerleaders, continue to be disappointed in this and all their future endeavors…
JakeTapper and Jim Sciutto got personally mad at Biden in ways I’ve never seen any journalist drop that level of objectivity for, closest was when Trump would insult Mad Dog Mattis or when Dems did the David Betray-us (Ps Lmao Lol) and I’m seeing a pattern here. https://t.co/74jNlRmwkK
— Discorso Inferno (@ilpomodoro2) July 9, 2022
Good for Joe.
Hopefully the bastard doesn’t make it to 100.
Breaking: thing that didn’t happen hasn’t happened.
This explains my [checks notes] zero dates with Penelope Cruz.
For one’s health, running away from a Kissinger take is why we watch Evelyn Ashford, Alice Brown, Shelia Eccles and Florence Griffith Joyner.
I read this so now you have to. Graphic and definitely NSFW.
Officers get a little too involved in undercover work.
You were right, I didn’t need to read that.
Damn. It’s always good to watch that.
Kissinger – How in the hell do we consider that to be an actual human? There is no justice in this world, he’s 99 and my father, a far, far better human, only made it to 84.
You aren’t holding your breath waiting are you?
Cause that would be bad for you…..
@RinaX: Ewwww…
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Ruckus: In cases like that, I remember the saying: “Heaven won’t take him, and there’s no room for him in Hell…”
Anne Laurie
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: My Nana’s version was “Heaven won’t take him, and Hell doesn’t want him.”
Joey Maloney
“Heaven won’t take him, and Hell’s afraid he’ll take over.”
Amir Khalid
I remember seeing Henry Kissinger’s name in the news during my childhood, which was of course contemporaneous with Obama’s. I’m not convinced that Kissinger has brought his geopolitical thinking all the way into the 21st century (see his recent thoughts on the Russian war in Ukraine). If Biden assesses that there’s really nothing to be gained by meeting him, Biden is most likely right. Biden’s critics are just clutching at straws again.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
I’ve always heard it the way Anne said it in #10.
I was worried that Biden, during his campaign, would make the traditional Democratic pilgrimage to Kissinger to burnish his foreign policy hawk credentials, just as the Clintons and Obama did. I’m glad to know Biden has essentially confirmed that Kissinger has nothing to offer but discouragement of his generally sound foreign policy.
I see that the sting took place in Coconino County. Was one of the cops Offissa Pupp? Then who was keeping an eye out for brick-throwing mice?
@Amir Khalid:
Henry’s thinking has never been worth an actual shit. And it wouldn’t be worth anything more if he had any concept of current day affairs.
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
Kissinger proving only the good die young
@David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch:
I will live forever.
Lacuna Synecdoche
So … people who complain that Biden is too old complain that he won’t meet with an amoral war criminal who is 20 years older.
Do these people ever listen to themselves?
of course not, it’s about complaining just for the sake of complaining. And to try to take a Democratic president down.
@Baud: aha, you’re Keith!!!
I still harbor hopes that Kissinger will one day be on trial for war crimes at The Hague. To that end, I wish him continued life. But the media types who for no good reason reverence him to the point of giving Biden shit for not meeting with him – they’re welcome to drop off this mortal coil at their earliest convenience.
And yes, I still remember my shock on hearing Hillary say “Henry Kissinger is a friend of mine” on Morning Edition one morning back in 2014. I supported her against Bernie as well as Trump despite that, but now she’s welcome to move on as well.
Tony G
As always, I don’t know nothin, but, in my primitive understanding, Kissinger’s prescription for peace in Ukraine is essentially the same as that of “leftists” like Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges — that is, that Ukraine should have just surrendered to their Russian masters back in February. It’s very depressing.
Look, my view of Kissinger is probably more mixed than most around here, but who the fuck made him lifetime Yoda of the Oval Office?
@Ruckus: then there’s Mark Twain: “Heaven for climate, hell for conversation”
I can’t understand why the monster Kissinger has such a luster for people. I would say he was Machiavellian, but Machiavelli was arguably kinder.
J R in WV
Elderly schoolteacher and pal of parents used to say “Heaven for the climate, but Hell for good company!”
I didn’t know she was stealing from Twain…
@HumboldtBlue: Thank you!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I am a bit skeptical that even most Boomers know who Kissinger is at this point. The Nixon admin is what, two generations ago now? WTF does a guy who was out of politics before Disco got to say that Biden needs to listen.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@brantl: Kissinger looks and sounds the part of a “steely eyed realist who will tell you as it is”. So that shows you how vapid the MSM is.
When researching the screenplay for Dr. Strangelove, Terry Southern and Stanley Kubrick went to Harvard to talk with a renowned expert on nuclear diplomacy. And they were horrified as the expert would chuckle and provide estimated death totals for different scenarios. Southern and Kubrick had initially intended for the movie to be a straight drama, but because their research turned up so much nightmarish content — and because a couple of similarly themed dramas (Fail Safe and Seven Days in May) were in the works — they decided to make it a black comedy. And though they both insisted that the title character was not based on Kissinger, they gave him a German accent and a sick sense of humor.
patrick II
My first visit to South Bend was when my uncle took me my first Notre Dame game in the old stadium when I was a kid. Fighting Irish vs. the Pitt Panthers. The Panther mascot came over to visit the Notre Dame Leprechaun mascot during the third quarter. He threw her over his shoulder and ran her into the Notre Dame student body section where they passed her hand over hand to the top row of the stadium — and when there they threw her over the top!
Oh my God! They have just murdered the Pit Panther! I sat there in horror, but after a very long few moments the Pitt Panther jumped up from the middle of the student body, ran down to the field and jumped for joy with the Leprechuan. They had pulled a switch about halfway up. I was very relieved Notre Dame had not publicly killed the Pitt Panther mascot in a horrible way.
Before I was a naive adult I was a really naive kid.
brantl @25
Soldiers were not considered fungible in Machiavelli’s time. So there is that. Part of his writing was about the care (loyalty) and feeding (pay) of mercenaries that could decide that the grass was greener working for his opponents.
Kissinger also didn’t have to worry about mercenaries knocking on the door looking for their pay
Edit: my user name should be linnen. Got cut off.