The Library of Congress has announced 46-year-old Ada Limón as the 24th U.S. poet laureate. Limón, who succeeds Joy Harjo, is an award-winning and unusually popular poet, with her acclaimed collection “Bright Dead Things” selling more than 40,000 copies.
— The Associated Press (@AP) July 12, 2022
And from our own commentor Phdesmond:
Holocaust survivors start to stand to greet Biden at Yad Vashem in Israel, he instead bends down to talk with them so they don't have to
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) July 13, 2022
This anti-Trump arson and graffiti attack became a big cause celebre on the right in 2020 as proof of liberal violence. Now the feds say it was staged by the pro-Trump property owner as part of an insurance fraud scheme.
— Will Sommer (@willsommer) July 13, 2022
No wonder they thought the 10 year old rape victim was fake. It’s what they would do.
I’m surprised the guy spelled ‘Biden’ correctly.
Phdesmond will be the poet laureate in the Baud! administration.
Splitting Image
Well, he had to try and make it look convincing.
@Mimi: Me too. Remember the McCain campaign kid who carved the B on her face backwards to fake an “Obama’s thugs” attack? Backwards because she did it using a mirror. Should have taken that as the foreshadowing it was.
I was just about to post the exact same comment.
ETA: glad I read the comments first.
ETA2: that woman was MAGA before MAGA was (not) cool.
Joe Biden is a Mensch.
Phdesmond: that is really, really good. So much in just those three graceful lines.
@SiubhanDuinne: Agreed!
@SiubhanDuinne: Indeed. It’s impossible to imagine his immediate predecessor doing that. Biden is a really good person, as well as being a very good President.
To be fair, not every president can stand up again after kneeling down. Taft, for example, would have had difficulty because of his girth. There may have been one or two others who were similarly weak.
FDR, because of his polio-withered legs. JFK because of his bad back. TFG because of being TFG.
Good list.
ETA: And bipartisan!
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
@Baud: Dead give away: the graffiti has an A for anarchist symbol and they aren’t voting anyone, let alone a Dem.
germy shoemangler
Biden has a very high EQ, something I think he has in common with Obama.
@David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch:
That’s because Dems haven’t earned their vote!
@germy shoemangler:
I think he stole some of mine.
@Baud: Careful with that trigger word.
ETA: Fuck Taft!
@David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch: I noticed that too…I don’t know anyone screaming “Anarchy now!”
@Baud: girth
Apparently, Biden’s trip to the ME is “high-stakes.”
Why is that a trigger word? It seems quite genteel.
@Baud: Oh there was a big dustup here!! I can’t remember the participants but someone was horrified!
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
@Baud: Hmmmm…. Steaks
JULY 2, 2022 AT 9:21 PM
“Girth” is one of those words that is just inexplicably, irrationally disgusting.
“Moist” is the worst, but “girth” is also pretty fucken gross.
And, as today is the 10th Anniversary of my 130 lb Yellowfin catch on Maui if couldn’t help but post
That’s a rotating tag if ever there was one.
@Baud: As in post-trip headlines reading “Biden fails to achieve eternal peace in Middle East”? (Which have already been written pre-trip, and are just waiting for the event, and for the pundits to explain how easy this should have been.)
Thanks. I’ll try to remember to use fatass in the future.
David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch
I just lost my appetite for moist cake
Good Morning, Everyone
Good morning.
@Ken: yeah, if he had only brought along Jared! He was so close to solving all of the conflicts in the Middle East!
It’s going to be a scandal when Biden refuses to touch the orb of friendship.
This seems particularly timely. World in a bandbasket, so to speak. Anyone got a reading list?
@Baud: Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Amir Khalid
More precisely, TFG wouldn’t kneel for anyone in the first place.
No, but they should.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Can’t wait.
Biden is one of the most decent presidents we’ve ever had.
But he’s old. //
@Amir Khalid: VVP.
Not that he could get back up.
@zhena gogolia:
It’s a little ironic that there’s all this newfound respect for Jimmy Carter, but. Biden is being taken for granted.
zhena gogolia
@Spanky: They must have had some special arrangement for those BJs. A pulley?
zhena gogolia
@Baud: I KNOW. I lived through the Carter administration, and his decency (and his prescience about the environment) were ridiculed.
@zhena gogolia:
Damn. You nasty.
@David ☘The Establishment☘ Koch: Yes, anarchists are unlikely to be Biden fans. Also, the A for Anarchy symbol is wrong. The real symbol has the A extending outside the circle and is faster to spray paint.
46 is a good and decent man
zhena gogolia
Just for the inspiration, the LP folks have set Raskin’s closing remarks to music:
@zhena gogolia: And here I am trying be decent, and questioning if it’s too early in the day to talking about Dump blowing Putin!
@zhena gogolia:
He is a good and decent human being. The contrast in basic humanity between him and Dolt45 is the size of the Grand Canyon
zhena gogolia
@mrmoshpotato: There’s never a wrong time to talk about that.
It’s Balloon Juice After Dark somewhere in the world.
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: Yep.
@VOR: The road to anarchy begins with the inability to color within the lines.
@zhena gogolia: I was going to say “always the wrong time”. On reflection, I’m sure the right answer is either “never” or “always”. Maybe we should have a poll.
One side of that canyon doesn’t exist.
@zhena gogolia: That was such a great speech. I bet he is an exceptional professor.
@mrmoshpotato: Ok, I’m not the only one in tears and can’t stop laughing.
As I commented at the time, she could have saved herself a lot of heartache if she had just carved his other initial backward.
@SFAW: Hahaha…
Dorothy A. Winsor
Is twitter down?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You mean we’re saved?
Since this AM’s semi-topic is geography-related poetry, here’s my contribution:
The Bronx?
No thonx!
[Side note to SubaruDianne: Shhh!]
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: It’s possible. Maybe Elon is yanking the plug
@Dorothy A. Winsor: banned again, eh?
(Yes I think it is down)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: I did wonder.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Down detector says yes.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Twitter tells me something’s wrong, but it’s not my fault. <– Relief emoji supposedly. (I imagine that emoji really had to pee.)
@Scout211: Down detector classes twitter as a microblog? Hah, not even a nearly-top-10000 blog!
@Baud: Seconded.
Any time the anarchy symbol (or the vague approximation above) is used, you know it’s a right-winger pretending the graffiti was done by someone on the left. Like, these people are just dumb. Anarchists and Joe Biden voters are two separate circles on the Venn Diagram. You’d think at some point one of them would catch on and do a better job with their fake vandalism, but as they get their impressions of Teh Left entirely from Fox and OANN, it’s not likely.
@Ken: Yeah, I saw that. Maybe because of the “short messages” that users can post.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Scout211: I never saw that before. Cool.
It says, “I have a problem with twitter.” Well, yes. So do the rest of us. And yet, I tweet.
@Scout211: I think most of my comments here are under 280 characters. For the longer ones, I suspect everyone stops reading well before hitting that point.
Off-topic, but:
This AM I received an e-mail, wherein the author, “Dr. Robert Jeffress,” claims that “America was founded as a Christian nation…here’s proof.” He went on to spout some usual false/BS talking points.
Because I’m an asshole*, I decided to reply:
“Thou shalt not bear false witness” is the main point of the Ninth Commandment.
But I guess since God gave those Commandments to Moses — that Jewish guy — you feel it’s OK to lie? Because that’s what you’re doing. “Founded as a Christian nation”? You should be ashamed of yourself, since you (presumably) call yourself a “Christian.” Or did Jesus say “sure, it’s OK to lie, as long as you’re lying to political factions you hate”?
You liars make me sick. But you know who LOVES you for your lying? Satan.
As a lifelong, devout atheist — someone who the RWMFs would love to do away with, as they do with Blacks, browns, LGBTQ, and other “out” group — I was more than happy to “contribute” to their political discourse.
* Not news to you and Omnes, of course, but others might not yet know.
OT – DC League of Super-Pets? (Just saw a trailer)
Who is this psycho orange kitten?
@Stacib: I think I may have ruptured something
“Girth” in the same category as “moist”? WTF? Buncha commies.
Re: Poetry
Have I mentioned that when the Immp was post-op in the hospital and suffering from his horrible infection, I decided to read Longfellow to him. Specifically, The Song of Hiawatha. A sample (for Raven)–
There is current controversy about the epic poem (appropriation) and controversy when it was first published (humanized a people we want to exterminate). But to the two of us in a hospital room, with my son in tachycardia with hbr over 135 per, it was a soothing trip in a complicated rythmic meter that reduced his heart beats by at least 10/min.
I recommend it!
I use mine every day.
Well, maybe not “use”; more like “sit on.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think it m8ght be. I can’t get in either.
Rhyming cedar with cedar is cheating.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: How’s he doing?
I had a roommate who could not, COULD NOT, stand the sound of the word, “canasta.” Fortunately, as none of us living together at the time were 1950s housewives, there wasn’t a lot of need to use the word in her presence.
now i’m definitely voting for you! and i hope you’re planning to appoint @Anne Laurie to some high post?
thank you so much! it came out like an epigram.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Well. He is heading back to Houston on Saturday.
That was Longfellow’s fall-back; he originally wrote
With his fishing line of orange
I missed last nights Entitled Punks thread. I get into that argument* at least twice a year. I always look it up on the BLS website. This last year I saw one category broken out I hadn’t seen before: Crossing guards. Guess what?
Being a crossing guard is more dangerous than being a cop.
Sure Lurkalot
Why doesn’t Fucker just move to Russia?
Tucker: Is Vladimir Putin more communist than Sandy Cortez? Is Putin throwing Americans in jail for attending political rallies at the Capitol? Is he trying to confiscate the rifles from your bedroom?
See? It can be made awful
@Immanentize: Congrats to the Immp and his long suffering father.
By the way: I apologize for seeming to make light of your poem; I did like it. But for some bizarre reason, I glommed onto the Florida “focus,” and Ogden Nash popped into my head.
@mrmoshpotato: Garfield
@Baud: Repetition is a very big part of the soothing nature of the poem. That and the trochaic tetrameter.
Betty Cracker
I made the mistake of reading the letters to the editor section of our local newspaper this morning, and now I’m desperately hoping that it really is just the cranks who write in and that the sentiments shared aren’t representative of the community. (Sadly, I know better.)
One woman writes in to share that the fall of Roe is really a great opportunity for women! She says women should carry a contract around with them and make men sign it before they have sex so there’s an understanding about child support, etc. I’m sure that’ll work and that the teen pregnancy rate here will plummet. In her world, just as in the abortion restrictions bill the governor recently signed, there’s no such thing as rape and incest.
A man writes in to rebut a letter published earlier from citizen who urged the county to ban fireworks:
I have a feeling the pregnant teens who work the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru hear from this guy a lot.
Sure Lurkalot
They’re doxxing, threatening and endangering the doctor who aborted a 10 year old’s rapist’s spawn. They really think forcing a rape victim to carry a child to term is a winning issue?
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks, I guess. His return to Texas means I will miss him something awful while enjoying my solitude.
How about rhyming Homer with homer?
a vivid example of the hypnotic power of poems.
It’s apparent that the “author” of that masterpiece either has the same literary skills as Dan Brown*, or was trying for the Bulwer-Lytton Prize.
By the way: I’m really happy to hear that Immp is OK. My “attendance” here has been spotty, so I didn’t know (until now) how he was/is doing.
*He has some interesting plots, but he’s a shitty writer (in my opinion).
@SFAW: Of the twisted bark of sporange.
That sounds like a fancy term for what Trump would do to Putin, according to zhena.
O. Felix Culpa
Now that’s just showing off! :)
@SFAW: Well, as you guessed, I just whipped that up in an instant. But comparison to Dan Brown still feels insulting :-)
@Betty Cracker:
Do we need to send someone to your place, for a wellness check?
@Betty Cracker: maybe that woman wants to go live in Missouri, where that contract she so desperately wants already exits: Pregnant Women Can’t Get Divorced in Missouri
Humblest apologies; I thought you were quoting someone else.
I would never knowingly make a comparison like that, regarding you.
That’s rich.
Betty Cracker
@Immanentize: Weird how that works with “adult” children (scare quotes on mine; I don’t presume to apply them to yours). One can crave their presence and long for an empty nest at the same time. I think family compounds are a great idea. ;-)
@Betty Cracker:
Who can forget the amendment protecting our rights to bottle rockets, Saturn missiles, etc?
@O. Felix Culpa: It seems one literary critic (in the NYTimes IIRC) SAVAGED the meter because, he reported, everyone in society was talking in that form. Ha! Now that is a pop culture work that had reach!*
My Grandmother (b 1891) had a beautiful small book of the poem with a patterned cloth cover. I have it now, but the G kids got ahold of it at sometime — crayons on some pages and one page ripped out. SAD.
(*Why yes, I have read too much about the poem, why do you ask?)
ogden nash is admirable!
Nice try, but that word is actually pronounced spo-RAHN-geh
As SubaruDianne and phdesmond could tell you.
@Sure Lurkalot:
Well, when you don’t see women and girls as people…
@Baud: Oh yeah, saw that and had a sad chuckle. They can’t pick which lane they want to oppress from, so they’re just riding in the middle fucking everyone over.
@SFAW: no need for an apology! I wrote it
for effect, not for literary acclaim.
Tony Jay bait – Revealed: Queen’s sweeping immunity from more than 160 laws
The shocking not surprising part :
You lost me at “under 280 characters.”
Mai Naem mobile
@Dorothy A. Winsor: please tell me it is. Yesterday’s trending was Biden OMG shaking hands with the Israelis by mistake instead of fist bumping and what was he going to do with MBS? Would a fist bump be offensive to MBS? Jeezus. Maybe Biden should kiss him like Dubbya kissed the Saudi king.
It’s good to be the queen.
Joe Falco
Biden knows how to charm his way in Israel. I heard on the radio earlier Biden was making the usual US speech to the Israelis: Special relationship with Israel, must prevent Iran from making a nuclear bomb, etc.
I’m more interested in his upcoming visit to the Saudis. I wish Biden could tell Crown Prince Bonesaw that the US will not forget nor forgive MBS for having Khashoggi murdered. At best, I hope Biden can hold the Saudis’ feet to the fire about purchasing stolen Ukrainian wheat from Russia.
Well, Greg Abbott said that he’s going to end rape in Texass now that they’ve banned those pesky abortions, so once he shows the way, I’m sure DeSantis will follow.
It’s too bad Abbott’s been distracted by Uvalde. I assume that’s why he and the Texass legislature haven’t gotten around to ending rape just yet.
@Betty Cracker: Too true.
And probably all adults remain somewhat children forever to their parents. The Immp is definitely in that category to me. Plus, paying for his college….
Betty Cracker
@mrmoshpotato: Right? When I first moved back to the ancestral county and subscribed to its thoroughly wretched paper of record, I’d write in to rebut some of the more egregious nonsense. But it was a full-time job, and I already have one of those.
@Nicole: Those are fighting words! I love Canasta.
Pistols at dawn.
@Joe Falco:
Since our democracy apparently depends on low gas prices, I wouldn’t hold your breadth.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know. If he wants to, my son can have me on the floor screaming five minutes after he walks through the door. He knows exactly what buttons to push.
@Sure Lurkalot: Who’d be a gyn right now?
@Betty Cracker:
I didn’t realize taking care of Badger and not-Badger took so much time.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Mai Naem mobile: It’s back up. My editor will be pleased. Amazon has one of my books on sale and I was supposed to be promoting it. I usually forget and today I remembered and then twitter thwarted me
Can’t a guy have breakfast before you destroy his life’s foundation?
@Immanentize: It’s hard getting used to that empty seat in the car, but it is inevitable. My eldest calls me 2 or 3 times a week. The youngest, once a week if I’m lucky. Sometimes he’ll go 3 or 4 weeks. By then, I’ll call him.
In a couple weeks my eldest and I are gonna spend 4 or 5 days on a river, just him and me, maybe his eldest daughter too. We were hoping his brother could make it up for the float but, not to be. His job is in the summer doldrums and he can’t afford to miss any shifts.
C’est la vie.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Twitter was down for me about thirty minutes ago. Just checked, back up.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: Thanks for checking.
Weapon X
There’s a Bugs Bunny cartoon with a character named Nasty Canasta. You should have played that on a loop (with peace and love, of course).
Dorothy A. Winsor
Btw, if you’re looking for something funny to watch, Mr DAW and I have been watching Derry Girls on Netflix. It’s hard to imagine comedy in the middle of the Troubles, but there it is. We have to have the captioning on though. We can’t understand the accents
And all is not well in the world again.
Betty Cracker
Speaking of TV shows, I appreciate the earlier recs for The Afterparty on Apple TV. Enjoying it so far!
The way people drive around here, no doubt. //
@Immanentize: Awesome!!!!
Where TF do you live? Most of us have been up for HOURS.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Have you watched Abbott Elementary? I hesitated, because network, but it is very funny and charming. It received, I think, seven Emmy nominations, well deserved. Streaming on Hulu now, originally shown on ABC
And yeah, I’ve given up on some shows because of British/Scottish/Irish accents. My ears just do not work that way!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: We haven’t. We don’t get Hulu. I’ll keep an eye out for it though
@OzarkHillbilly: The Current?
@debbie: No //, exactly. People get behind the wheel and become the biggest assholes in the world. “How dare you interfere with me and my life.” Road rage expresses itself in many ways.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: You should keep an eye out for Abbott Elementary. It’s funny and sweet. Young idealistic Black teacher in an inner city school learning the ropes from her more jaded elders. And the children are delightful.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: I’m sure it’s bittersweet, but it’s great that he’s well enough, and surely you know he has to fly off.
@OzarkHillbilly: I don’t doubt that statistic for crossing guards at all. I read in our paper that according to some survey, Memphis ranks third in the nation for pedestrian deaths.
@raven: I doubt it. He just did his annual birthday float there. He’s been talking up the Eleven Point while leaving open the possibility of something closer. I love the 11 Point but we never floated it all that much because it’s almost a 5 hr drive.
It’s 2022 and Thomas Pynchon’s “sado-anarchism” has been lying fallow since 1973. Now there’s some sod that needs bustin’!
But why was the national reporting of the story so bad though? The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have lavish resources- why would they try to discredit the local reporting rather than doing the work themselves?
If all the post-Roe stories are going to be local (and probably ignored) then the least national media could do is not jump in and do a lousy, sloppy job. Just don’t cover post-Roe at all if you’re going to churn out Right wing garbage.
No one at the WSJ or the Washington Post knows that Job and Family Services actions are not criminal investigations and only become criminal investigations after a referral to a prosecutor? Couldn’t they have asked someone in Ohio how the basic child abuse system works?
It is impossible for a pregnant ten year old to be lying about rape. Age of consent and all that. If she is ten and pregnant then she was indeed raped.
What is wrong with these people?!
@SFAW: Good for you!
Also in trochaic tetrameter, here’s some Finnish fishin’ from the Kalevala:
I may be mistaken, but I have a faint memory that Longfellow deliberately modelled The Song of Hiawatha on the Finnish epic.
zhena gogolia
@Immanentize: that is so sweet
zhena gogolia
@Baud: wait till you get to the Nokomis part
@Kay: SATSQ: No.
@Kay: I would have hoped that Yost our Ohio Attorney General would understand how the Ohio child abuse system works. Seems like he is showing a lack of basic competence for his job.
DeWine, also a former AG, didn’t make the mistake of denying the whole story as Yost did. He merely ignored the trauma to the pregnant child.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@sab: It’s always interesting to see how quickly they deny the law’s consequences if it feels like a man might be accused of something.
@sab: The thoughtful Magdi Semrau has a good twitter series analysing Glenn Kessler’s “fact checking” of this story, @magi_jay.
@SiubhanDuinne: Damn
I watched it play out in amazement. They know nothing about this story. These child abuse stories are complicated because of the two interlocking civil/criminal systems and privacy protections for minors.
They did absolutely no work on it. Yet these national newspapers are out declaring it a fraud.
This is the cheap junk national coverage we’re going to get post-Roe. The events will either be ignored or they’ll churn out sloppy Right wing garbage. They don’t care enough about it to put any resources toward it.
@OzarkHillbilly: Looks awesome.
@Gin & Tonic: I imagine that having them fly off it tougher after the year they just had than it would ordinarily be.
edit: I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got till it’s gone
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kay: It affects “only” women.
Unless there’s talk of rape, of course
@Kay: The right wing media will likely not change anytime soon but the MSM had better learn a different way to write these stories. I posted this commentary yesterday and AL front paged it. It is worth a read. Unimaginable abortion stories will become more common. Is American journalism ready?
The mostly right wing media was insisting that a “one source” news story was bad journalism and therefore not factual (ignoring privacy, age, victim of crime, etc.) That was laughable because when does the right wing media need more than “some people are saying” or breathlessly repeating the words of an unnamed “source?”
The right wing disinformation network will likely not change, it works too well for them. But the mainstream media had better change how they report these abortion stories from the states that have banned them. These stories must be told. And told well.
@sab: I’m sure they are thinking 10-year old s-l-u-t.
Good thread (with informed comments from others) about the fiasco surrounding the 10-year-old rape victim. Hat tip to Kay, who predicted that these abortion laws were not thought out at all and are leading to chaos.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: They also deny how horribly common it is for very young girls to be sexually assaulted.
Betty Cracker
This is from a Reason hack who jumped all over the Ohio story, but it’s typical of the genre:
“How is this being ratioed?” she asks. My gawd. Just shut the fuck up and review every goddamn life choice that led you to this moment, Ms. Wolfe.
CNN has more information about the staffer who was contacted by a trump.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: Hey, can’t you see that Wolfe is the victim here?/
@Immanentize: “I will miss him something awful while enjoying my solitude.”
Our youngest has just received his AA degree after several years and will be moving out this fall to finish a BA. This describes exactly how we feel about it
Super Dave
It’s always projection. That’s why they believe all the false flag bullshit. They’re false flag masters.
@Betty Cracker: Oh my. That tweet says so much about too many journalists today. It’s all about them. ☹️
@zhena gogolia: So is Nancy Pelosi, boomer. //
(channeling “progressives” who yearn for young blood in the form of the 80 year old Vt senator who is an outsider despite being in the Congress since before I came to the US)
How did I do?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I just started a writing course and this very story was brought up, and the fact that it was “one source”. The reasons why a journalism teacher would teach this are at heart good ones. We all know the stories that WERE made up and had to be retracted. You want to make sure your story is not one of those. There has to be some attempt to make sure you’re talking about real facts so you don’t get burned as Dan Rather by George W’s campaign back in the day.
The WaPo story the teacher linked to implied that no single aspect of this story could be confirmed. No doctor who had performed such a procedure, no record they could find of law enforcement dealing with such a case, etc.
Best case scenario is that the original reported had made an attempt at due diligence and verified enough facts to go with the story. I don’t know where the original was published, it was already viral by the time I heard the story. But enough was being kept secret (for good and valid privacy reasons, the alternative would be to open up everybody to the snarling right-wing mob) that it sounds like other reporters weren’t able to do a normal amount of due diligence.
Or maybe they were, and it was the WaPo distorting that process. I don’t know.
But I do know we still need a mechanism to make sure that the horrifying realities we’re about to see reported in anti-abortion states are in fact verifiable reality.
Betty Cracker
@Scout211: I bet Trump personally engaged in witness tampering not to squirm off the hook for one of the many serious crimes in which he’s implicated but instead something dumb and relatively inconsequential, like the plate-throwing story or the tantrum in the limo. He rightly perceives that it makes him look like a weak and petulant baby.
@Betty Cracker: Most of the Beltway punditariat is Republican enabling. She is no exception.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: that WaPost story got through their executive editor, Sally Buzbee.
Whom Jeff Bezos hired. She is a disaster hire. Quel surprise.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The story broke first in the IndyStar on July 1st.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
That alone certainly looks like enough for other reporters to be able to make a phone call and verify.
So the WaPo “it can’t be verified” story is… odd. I guess Elizabelle at #181 has the explanation.
Matt McIrvin
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Part of the problem is that by passing sufficiently draconian laws, they can MAKE most of these stories one-source stories by making any information a knowledgeable person could provide about the case self-incriminating. The reporters could make as many calls as they want but who would talk to them? They’d be risking prison.
Gin & Tonic
@Matt McIrvin:
If the girl dies or is arrested, it’ll be easier to verify.
Amir Khalid
Here in Malaysia, the Cabinet has approved draft legislation to ban the sale of tobacco products to anyone born in 2005 (this age cohort turns 18 next year) or later. It’s undeniably well-intentioned, but I’m not entirely sure how they’re going to enforce it.
SO glad to read that :)
Tell Little Imma that he’s always in this Cyber Community’s thoughts :)
@SiubhanDuinne: You are correct!
Some say Longfellow stole from the Finnish poem. He admits he read it, but it is clear most of his source material came from a rather then-famous ethno sociologist, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, who Longfellow knew. Or so I’ve read. It is amazing to me how many knives were out for Longfellow when this came out. A lot of jealousy, no doubt, but some real fervent scholarly detractors too. Not that the two are mutually exclusive….
ETA can you imagine translating from Finnish to English to keep the meter?!
@Gin & Tonic: No words. Just dust in here.
60% of white women in Indiana and 55% of white women in Ohio voted for Trump in 2020. Unless that changes nothing will change.
@Betty Cracker:
Apparently the national media role will be as professional critics of local reporting, post- Roe.
It’s not important enough to cover as news.
They still don’t know shit, BTW. The vast majority of child abuse perpetrators are relatives of the victim, so their whole new sloppy, careless narrative about the “illegal alien” stranger rapist is probably also wrong or they have fucked it up or twisted it somehow.
But who cares? It’s just girls and women.
My favorite response to all the hair on fire journalism about “one source reporting”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
In light of how the “one source” story evolved, I think next week’s writing class is going to be very lively.
It’s a course in feature writing. My particular interest is in science writing so not so much on news or political stories, but the teacher considers that she’s teaching us journalism and keeps returning to that word. Other people in the course are very much hoping to be journalists of one flavor or another.
So this story, how it was verified or not, @Matt McIrvin’s point about how future stories by necessity will be one-source, all are right in line with the course.
Going to be an interesting class.
Here is that excellent Magdi Semrau thread mentioned above on fact checking and sexual assault:
@Immanentize: Ah yes, Schoolcraft, a man of many talents.
Theyre doing it because they don’t want these stories reported.
Theyre hoping to shut down any real coverage of the post – Roe country and how it affects women and girls.
The girls and women will just quietly disappear from the national narrative.
Paul in KY
@rikyrah: How about between here and the Andromeda Galaxy!!!
Captain C
@Sure Lurkalot:
To the hard core, it allows them to show that they are so moral that they’re happy to make someone else suffer horribly for their beliefs.
To the cynical, it gets support (especially financial) from the hard core.
For both, it gives them an acceptable* way to indulge their sadism.
*=Acceptable to those inside their bubble. Either they don’t give a fuck about how horrible they seem, or that’s a feature.
Paul in KY
@Nicole: I will say that I think ‘anarchists’ are even stupider than Libertarians. I hate them about as much as I hate the various right wing douchewads.
If we ever achieved true ‘Anarchy’, they’d be the first ones killed for sport.
I’ve been reading the comments and can’t help thinking about this:
How is a 10 year old girl even big enough to carry a fetus to term?
These people are psychopaths.
Betty Cracker
@Gin & Tonic: Jesus, that’s awful.
@Immanentize: Very good thread, thanks.
Captain C
I suspect in some cases that is a rock we may not really want to turn over, one better left to the proper legal authorities.
@OzarkHillbilly: thanks for that. Good bio summary. He was either multi-talented or a luckless gladly. I guess that is what the word “pioneer” means.
Paul in KY
@Nicole: For some people, mostly female, I think, it is the look your face makes when you are pronouncing the word that they do not like.
Just anecdata from me!
@Captain C: There is not a state or territory in the country that does not consider sex with a ten year old a sexual assault or rape.
Is that sufficient legal authority for you?
Paul in KY
@SFAW: Should have gone with:
With his fishing-line of cedar,
Not the twisted fronds of reeder,
@Immanentize: By the way, I’ve been meaning to thank you for that NM Blue Hole link you sent me.
Funny coincidence: On Saturday our appliance repairman fixed our washing machine and as always he and I got to talking. The subject of caving in NM came up and I mentioned I had done more than a little of it. He pulls out his smart phone and beep beep beep he pulls up a picture of the blue hole. Turns out he had gone to NM just a couple months previous and had stopped at there on his way back to MO.
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: It’s all about punishing the ‘sluts’ who have the temerity (and fun) of having sex outside a marriage!
Some of these prudes were never afforded that opportunity and they are damned sure gonna stick kit to those desirable biches!!!
@OzarkHillbilly: cool! I love such coincidences, but a lot of mine seem to be dark ones. So I am glad to be a small part of a happy one for a change.
@Betty Cracker:
I would like to get paid to negotiate sexual contracts. I endorse her idea.
Ohio Mom
Re: Holocaust durvivors: the last one in my extended family recently died at 99.
She was my mother’s cousin, their moms were sisters. They lived in Hungary, near the Ukraine border. The cousin’s mom married a dentist, which was a big deal and commanded a dowry to match.
The family story is that there was no money left to marry my grandmother off to anybody worth considering so at age 15 or 16 (she lied about her age) she left them all behind and got on a boat to New York, to be a nanny to a relative’s family there. They turned out to be abusive. Somehow she struck out on her own.
It was a twist of fate, the bad luck of being priced out of the marriage market saved my grandmother’s life. Her sister and dentist husband did not survive.
Anyway, whenever I read about unaccompanied minors lying about their age when arriving at our southern border, I think, Yup, there goes someone’s future grandma (or grandpa).
Paul in KY
@SiubhanDuinne: Tolkien also used that as basis for some of his epic verse in Silmarillion/LOTR.
Captain C
@Immanentize: More than enough; I’m just not recommending we ourselves probe too deeply into their severely fucked-up psychology; saying they are a bunch of child rape-enabling (or worse) assholes who should be shunned and watched carefully (and busted when necessary) is all I need.
@OzarkHillbilly: When I drive to New Mexico, Santa Rosa is usually my first stop. I’m no diver, but I always look in on Blue Hole because it’s such a pretty spot. Then I grab some takeout chile verde from the Comet II restaurent and head for Santa Rosa Lake State Park to set up camp.
@SFAW: Yes! Dan Brown is a shitty writer! Thank you!
Betty Cracker
@Ohio Mom: What an amazing heritage!
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: ‘Weird Timing’!!!! Poor 10 year old girls get abused all the damned time. This poor girl just happened to get pregnant from being raped! Jeezus fuck!!!!
@SFAW: OMG yes. I picked up Da Vinci Code after the hype. It was such drivel. It is the one and only book I have ever returned after buying it. I didn’t even finish it, it was so bad.
I made the mistake of reading an early opus of his (Digital Fortress, I think). Writing-wise, a piece of crap.
I have similar feelings about the Eragon series, but I cut Paolini a lot of slack because he was only 19 +/- when Eragon was published. Brown has no such excuse.
The Lodger
@Nicole: She’d have hated the shopping carts at my supermarket.
“No ninos en la canasta!”
I’m still amazed that, with all the other stuff he did, he had time to write things like The Call of Cthulu and Nyarlathotep (which was the basis for … well, I’ll leave that to the advanced student).
ETA: Thanks for the link. If I had ever heard/learned of Schoolcraft, I had forgotten him. Seems like an interesting guy.
Ben Cisco
@The Lodger: Ahem.
The Lodger
@Ben Cisco: Apparently Fred Meyer is not a native speaker of Spanish.
Ben Cisco
@The Lodger:
@OzarkHillbilly: I love the Current for this time of year because it’s spring-fed so it’s always high enough to float. It’s an easy, beautiful float too any time of the year.