The final dance in Dirty Dancing, but they’re dancing to The Muppet Show theme tune.
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) May 17, 2022
We *could* announce a new dress code (only the Blogmaster shall mop while naked, and that only after warning the proper authorities)…
New advancements in increasing property values
— Sushil ?? (@sushil_js) July 20, 2022
… But probably it’s best to settle for achievable goals:
— ???? ???????????????????? (@mywheelhouseftw) July 17, 2022
(“No quokkas or other repeat dine-and-dash offenders”)
And maybe watch a little educational tv:
I think quokkas would enhance the dining experience. I know they would enhance mine.
Only if there’s a dress code for them.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: There’s a HOA rising to a new level of madness
First he went after DeSantis, now Governor Newsom is going after Abbott.
Flash out of the past.
“Y’know, on second thought maybe hiring someone so closely associated professionally with giving people the heebie-jeebies as company spokesman wasn’t our best idea.”
Apparently, Manchin and Collins weren’t just sipping Mai Tai’s on his houseboat.
@Baud: Let us imagine that there is an open Democratic primary in 2024 (Biden pulls an LBJ). Do you really hope for a Harris v. Newsom California death match (loser leaves town!) I don’t.
@Immanentize: It won’t just be those two.
Yeah, I can imagine the kind of person who wants to peruse people’s dress…
@Baud: i know that, it would be multitudes! But who else is going to join the Hunger Games? Any non-white women besides Harris?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@RSA: The HOA president from hell
ETA: Someone once said that fantasy often literalizes a metaphor. “HOA president from Hell” is a metaphor it would be fun to literalize in a story. The person is an actual devil
@Baud: They’ll be for it before they’re against it.
@Immanentize: Tulsi?
ETA: Interestingly, Newsom and Harris and now Whitmer and Buttigieg can’t be on the ticket together.
@Scout211: this is excellent…moar please, Dem leaders!
Pierce’s twitter feed has some priceless Hawley running man jabs.
@Immanentize: Culling the field before they run doesn’t make sense, IMHO. Harris ran against Biden in the primary and was highly criticized for going after him in one of the debates. They worked it out and all was forgiven.
Both Newsom and Harris are skilled politicians. They will be fine even if they run against each other. I am just glad a Democrat is prominently going after the awful GOP governors and their awful policies.
Anne Laurie
Some people are saying it’s ‘bait’ — trolling intended to draw cries of outrage. Poe’s Law strikes again… or does it?
@Baud: Jamelle Bouie continues (thank goodness) to highlight that the Electoral College will remain coup-friendly as long as it exists in its current form:
He could have added, “if the GOP had won the popular vote but lost in the EC in 2000 and 2016 – ie, if positions and parties were reversed – we would already have done away with it”, obvs.
Gregory Robinson (NASA Webb Telescope director) on approaching retirement: “I’m still exploring what I’m going to do when I grow up.”
I support national popular vote, but Congress can’t do that. Besides amending the Constitution, the only way to get there is for a majority of electoral college states to allocate their electors to the national vote winner
Of course. It’s much harder for Dems for Dems to stand in the way of good policy.
@Immanentize: Harris and Newsime have been talking to the wealthy Democratic donors in California together. I don’t think that they are going to go at each other. The donors would probably pull money from one before allowing it to happen.
Matt McIrvin
Looked up “HOA dress code” and the most I found was a discussion of HOAs enforcing dress codes in HOA facilities, like country clubs, and public areas in condo buildings:
There seems to be a general feeling that going further than that is not going to work.
@Matt McIrvin:
Well, not until the Supreme Court allows HOAs to outlaw abortions.
Betty Cracker
@Scout211: Same! I liked what Newsom had to say on the news for everyone in the party to unload on those awful policies. He’s right.
Not the perfect remedy but a far sight less porous and byzantine than what’s on the books now.
The New Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Another Jan. 6 Would Actually Work.
Some advocates don’t like parts of it.
@satby: Careful, quokkas might be one of those cute-looking animals that turns out to carry leprosy, or squirt urine everywhere, or fly into sudden face-eating rages.
Mo Salad
? Did Pete change his residency to Michigan?
So what you’re saying is that quokkas have the inside track for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.
@Mo Salad: Yes.
‘Twas ever thus. At least it wasn’t rushed into passage at warp 99 speed like the so-called PATRIOT Act.
loved hearing what Gregory Robinson had to tell Trevor about the Webb telescope. what a life story, too! though it’s not a total surprise to hear him praise the high quality of the teachers he learned from in Virginia’s segregated school system.
That’s what they said about Bush and Cheney, but it turns out that provision doesn’t apply if
you’re a Republicanyou own two or more houses, since you can claim any of them as your state of residence.I’m more surprised by the number of Senators and would-be Senators who don’t live in their state, but again that’s explained because
they’re Republicansthe state laws don’t require residency, or don’t specify it carefully.“Why yes, yes, someday my wife and I plan to build a house on that property that my sister owns, and reside in the beautiful state that I so proudly represent. Wherever that is.”
@Ken: Me too. I always thought residency was a universal requirement.
@Baud: I know Congress can’t do that (and didn’t say that it could?)
I’m saying Dems would be smart to keep talking about the EC and pointing out the multiple ways it endangers democracy/devalues most of America’s voters/produces idiotic results. Keep laying the groundwork for either an amendment or the NPVIC (preferably the former, since the Compact would likely be ruled unconstitutional by our current SCOTUS)
@NotMax: agreed
It’ll be funny to see the ‘no’ votes try and justify that position as anything other than wanting to leave the door open for trumpov to do it all. over. again.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Wasn’t that an X-Files episode? Googling… Close; in “Arcadia” the HOA enforced the rules with a supernatural creature, though not from the Christian mythos.
Hmm, an HOA that was tied to the Cthulhu mythos…
“I wasn’t fleeing. I’d made the mistake of quickly gulping down Taco Bell for lunch.”
Link, please? Sounds interesting.
@Ken: Since they are a variety of wallaby, don’t they just poop cubes?
ETa Ooops. Those are wombats. Difficult to keep Australian fauma straight since all marsupials.
@Mo Salad:
I think there’s a fundamental problem with solving a coup attempt with a law. They knew it was lawless- they did it anyway. This was not a matter of statutory interpretation. We’ve had 8 hearings where many lawyers have explained they told Donald Trump that what he was plotting was illegal.
I guess there’s no harm in it, other than Trump judges appointing other Trumpists to a panel, but they need to face the fact that these people were operating outside the law and I’m not clear why they would follow a better one.
The most important thing they can do to avoid another coup attempt is to prosecute the coup planners.
@SiubhanDuinne: there is a YouTube link in the post.
This story from Jonathan Swan at Axios is concerning. I’ve read some about it before, but evidently Trumpies are planning this time, and want to decapitate the civil service if TFG gets in office again so they can install complete loyalists in many more key positions, especially the Justice Department. They are convinced that the whole Federal government is against them, and if you leave out the law enforcement parts they’re probably not that wrong. What I’m afraid of is that all Republicans will start embracing this idea, and it will eventually happen.
Yep, make sure people know there is a price to pay for doing this. I do think they want people to know that they are concerned about it, and trying to do something.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Don’t ever indulge authoritarian fantasies. My new life goal.
I have the same problem with eukaryotes.
As long as we’re stuck with the electoral college system, applying a coating of Kevlar to it is beneficial.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I picture the devil scorning the job at first: “Nitpick at people about how big their mailbox is? Do I look like a bureaucrat?”
But then realizes just how annoying these stupid things can be. He it can lead to mayhem…
Oh, it’s the haunted antique shop all over again…
@NotMax: Pratt’s Finest Blend?
@NotMax: The part where he said it worked well enough for 100+ years annoyed me because there was an opportunity to acknowledge people trying to overcome disenfranchisement in Mississippi during the 1960s.
People need to feel that the elections are legitimate, and I am not sure how much legitimacy the courts and governor’s can bring with the games that are being played lately.
@WereBear: That was Crowley’s view in Good Omens. Yes, you can spend hours crafting an ideal temptation to damn one person. But knocking out cell service in central London at lunchtime will cause millions of people to be shitty to one another, and nudge every one of them a little closer to hell.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ken: I listened to Good Omens on a long drive a couple of weeks ago. That’s probably where I got the idea.
what tom said — it’s at the end of this morning’s post we’re chatting about.
Right- as long as everyone understands that if they can find a far Right nutjob, unethical lawyer to exploit the imaginary “VP loophole” they can also find a far Right nutjob, unethical lawyer to exploit Sec C, sub a of the new longer law.
A coup is an unlawful act. They don’t follow laws. By definition.
@Matt McIrvin:
But you can tell they WANT to.
In today’s milieu Folger’s would probably bring out a zombie Mrs. Olson.
“Mmmm. Nearly as rich and luscious as (takes a sip) BRAINSSSS!”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ken: Fox Mulder: “Bring it on!”
That face. Those little hands. Why does everyone not have a quokka at home? [refuses to look up quokka behavior and general fragrance]
Dirty Muppeting for the win.
We approves. At some point, a protagonist twists ankle, falls, lies helpless as Mrs. Olson approaches slowly, really really slowly, brandishing a pie cutter.
Matt McIrvin
@NotMax: They can still get around it by having states pass laws legitimizing the legislature directly picking the electors, in advance of the election. But that means those legislators are on record as having done that–no hiding behind weird interpretations of constitutional language.
@NotMax: Virginia Christine would be there for it!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Game on. Oz, for a media guy, seems very poor at the whole “elect me” thing. One hopes this continues.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s some A+ trolling.
If anyone wants to start a neighborhood dress code, I think Hugo Boss had some appropriate designs in the mid 1930s / early 1940s. They could check those out.
@Jado: This is especially funny to me, who now lives in pajamas (no job, no money, no need for new clothes!)
When I go out, I wear those fake-pants: the leggings they painted pockets on. All I could find that was reasonable.
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: The plot of Hot Fuzz was close, but more British (and not explicitly supernatural).
Citizen Alan
And I am saying that we will never get a constitutional amendment which decreases the electoral power of he smallest 25 States. We would be better served by expanding the House of Representatives and thereby giving more electoral votes to the larger States that are currently underrepresented in the EC.
Roger Moore
+100. This is the most fundamental thing: you can’t prevent lawless people from doing what they want if they ever manage to take power. The Constitution is ultimately just a bunch of words that require human agency to have any force. You may be able to make it harder for people who hate the Constitution to be put in charge, but no amount of clever design will stop lawless people from doing what they want if they ever manage to take the reins of power.
Matt McIrvin
@Citizen Alan: The small-state advantage is, from a purely partisan perspective, not the worst thing for us–more of the small states are Democratic-voting than you might think. They have the sparsely populated Western ones, but we have the dinky Eastern ones and Hawaii.
It’s more that the EC gives outsize power to any slim majority in large, purple states, and the Republicans have been working hard to disenfranchise their Democratic voters and lock down most of them as permanently Republican in the past couple of cycles. With a popular-vote system that strategy would be harder to swing a presidential election with. Expanding the House to change the EC balance doesn’t actually help with that, in fact it makes it slightly worse.
Gas prices are down another $0.10 here. It’s down $0.70 in the past 3 weeks. I have yet to year anything thank Biden for that! LOL
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He was a D-list Dr Phil, who was himself a D-list Oprah. Apparently he was once a legit and respected doctor, but then again, so was Ben Carson, which is even scarier. I don’t get the lure of having a TV camera pointed at you. I turned down my one chance with a person-on-the-street local news crew, and the reporter seemed shocked that I said no.
Roger Moore
That’s because Oz is a different kind of media guy. He’s a con man who finds suckers and convinces them to believe in his woo. Being a con man is about getting a small percentage of people to believe in you intensely rather than a majority of people to prefer you over the other guy. It’s a fundamentally different goal from electoral politics.
@Kay: I think of the laws as creating a structure for recourse. ‘Cause you-all are certainly right, the people who would do these things in the first place are not the kind to be restrained by law.
@prostratedragon: They need to be aware they WILL be constrained, and the institutions are to carry that out.
A civil service where black people can take a test and do well is anathema to them. Also women.
@WereBear: Yes, I’m sure that gives some of the less marginal pause, which in turn reduces the chance of success for these gambits. But as counterexamples there are enough other laws broken that I don’t think laws can be trusted to eliminate the behavior completely.
That’s a really good point. When they break it they could hopefully be charged and detained immediately.
Too, the next time there won’t be the two months of pretending what was happening was not happening. They probably only get that ridiculous window of credibility and deference once.
@Baud: Neither can DeSantis and Donald Trump. Or Ivanka Trump, as IIRC she has moved to Miami Beach.
Although back in 2000 Dick Cheney quickly shifted his residency back to Wyoming to be on a ticket with fellow Texan George W. Bush. And Mitt Romney moved his residence between Massachusetts and Utah as his political career required.
Chris Johnson
@Baud: What does it say? I absolutely will not dignify the NYT with even a free account.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Dorothy A. Winsor: X Files already sort of went there. I didn’t watch a lot of X Files toward the end of its run, but I remember one episode where an HOA was using a literal demon to eliminate people who earned their wrath. My favorite scene is the one where Mulder is trying to commit as many simultaneous violations as possible to attract their attention.
Edit: I see I’m not the only one to get there. Late to the party as usual.
@Citizen Alan: I’m good with that for the interim. Expand the House, add new states, all of it. But we should always keep “abolish the EC” in the discussion, too.
@Soprano2: there’s a funny political cartoon that I saw on Twitter, where a Republican elephant is trying to scrape one of those dumb Joe Biden “I did that!” stickers off of a gas pump (since prices are dropping rapidly) =)
@catclub: Truly an old story, going back at least to Wilson, who gave it a big push. Just now, checking on a thing or two, I found a blue-chip article in QJE that documents some of the effects: “The Costs of Employment Segregation: Evidence from the Federal Government Under Woodrow Wilson,” Aneja and Guo. They found an increase of the racial income gap of between 3 and 7 percent during Wilson’s presidency. Apparently, a racist Postmaster General urged Wilson on in the Jim Crowization effort.
Aaron Rupar Twitter
Hopefully, a front pager can post this in the comments?
@Jeffro: Heh-heh! Another example of premature overcommittment.
Gratuitous Josh, Haulin’ reference: “Let’s Turkey Trot,” Little Eva
@RSA: You obviously didn’t go to my junior high school. The administrators were relentless, and the dress code was so out-of-date that girls couldn’t buy anything in stores that met the dress code. Circa 1969, Midwest small city.
ETA Misread your comment. You can imagine such people.
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
Presumably you’re thinking of the old and long-since debunked interpretation of the misleading and vague language of the 12th Amendment.
But ackshully, if the VP candidate could plausibly be supposed to be capable of imagining someday forming the intention of considering, preferably in the near future, the possibility of maybe moving to Wyoming, the 12th is satisfied and the electors can vote for both the Pee and the V-Pee.
It is known
(ETA : for certain values of “plausibly”.)
@Kay: True, having an actual law or laws in place should eliminate those early recognition, etc., lags.
Now that I’m commuting and have ample opportunities for gas purchases, I can vouch premium is down a buck from late June. NB Not to say it’s so cheap I’m getting that RAM 2500, but the psychological relief having it under six bucks counts for something.
Going to India this August and am tense as hell about it. We are going to do a trip down south with MIL and SIL visiting temples and their relatives for a week or so. There are religious, traditional and speak a language that I don’t understand beyond a few words
They want to do at least 3 full days of religious ceremonies. I am non-believing agnostic. I hate these rituals which are laced in patriarchy.
@sab: We had a rare for Seattle snow day when I was in junior high and a lot of girls showed up in jeans. All were sent home.
Still baffled at the whole thing, not least because the place reminded me of a juvenile detention facility, based on the students’ general behavior.
This is another thing that’s just insane to me. They were planning it out in the open on social media! They weren’t exactly hiding what they were doing. How could the FBI and Homeland Security not know what was happening? I swear, I hope the days of “they’re just a bunch of good ole boy white guys, they aren’t going to do anything bad” are gone forever after 1/6.
@schrodingers_cat: Oh dear. A nondoctrinal approach often borrowed from religion is meditation. Lots of it. All the best …
Wasn’t able to watch the hearing live last night, so watching it now. Happened to have the closed captioning on, and although “Patsy Baloney” remains my favorite, “Pot Jerusalem” is giving it a run for the money.
Shades of Bolsonaro: “GOP NY Guv Nominee Zeldin Attacked On Stage While Campaigning” with some kind of knife or edge.
@Scout211: You know, Trump doesn’t have to be on Twitter, because reporters post everything he says there anyway. LOL I understand why they do it, and know it doesn’t have the same effect as him posting it, but still….
Have a wonderful trip, but August in India must be brutal.
@Baud: Actually just before the monsoon is the hottest that is usually May in western India. Don’t know about the southeast of India. Where we will be traveling.
@prostratedragon: Can’t meditate with all that chanting in Sanskrit.
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
@Scout211: Tagline nom!
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Matt McIrvin
@Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog: Yeah, the P and VP candidates can be from the same state, it’s just that the ticket forfeits that state’s electoral votes (which is bad). But it seems to be easy to get around by a nominal bullshit residency change at least if you’re a Republican.
Matt McIrvin
@Soprano2: If the FBI and Homeland Security are on the side of the coup plotters it doesn’t make a lot of difference.
@Baud: I just checked the average temps, its going to be a fucking oven in Tamil Nadu. Mumbai is mid 80s so not the most pleasant but bearable.
@schrodingers_cat: Really I was thinking about the necessary training before hand. Hours, hours, and hours of it.
Good morning.
@prostratedragon: That is one quality I have in extremely limited supply: patience.
Oh and they will make passive aggressive quips about America and Americans. I just hope that Ceiling Cat will give me enough strength not to drop f-bombs on these sanctimonious Indian Temple Ladies and Lads.
@schrodingers_cat: Well, if you feel like it you can at least enlighten us with observations political and otherwise.
I trust your trip will be safe at least.
@NotMax: that would make him the taco belcher.
@prostratedragon: Video:
James E Powell
Good Morning! May you all have a lovely day.
@Geminid: I am definitely writing everything down! Will share snippets.
Ah. It is blocked for me. “The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”
I’m in the USA. Wonder where this is from.
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin: I’ve got Hot Fuzz in the DVD queue right now. Is it as funny as everyone says?
Maybe they meant to block it in Georgia and clicked on the wrong one.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@SiubhanDuinne: Weird, I’m in the US and I can see it.
Guy just casually walks up onto the stage, stands next to him, and reaches over, and suddenly they’re wrestling on the ground.
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca: YES YES YES But you might have to watch it three times or so to start to get it. And you need to watch a couple of Midsomer Murders episodes (I recommend “Tainted Fruit”) as well as Bad Boys II to really get it. But that’s not absolutely necessary.
I teach it, so I’ve watched it about 1000 times, and I still laugh out loud.
ETA: It also helps to watch Shaun of the Dead, because part of the joke in HF is that Simon Pegg usually plays (or did then) slacker characters as in Shaun, but in HF he’s a hyper-competent and professional police officer. (not policeman, please)
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
It’s a good thing NY has strict gun laws.
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia: hmm, got it. I seem to be working my way backwards through the director’s oeuvre – was impressed by Last Night in Soho. Next up is Hot Fuzz, and I guess I will finally wind up at Shaun of the Dead. Good times!
@James E Powell: I love that song so much but 2 things about the video:
— love that Withers is just wearing a rugby shirt.
— the back up singers never even pretend to sing, because there are no female back up vocals in the song. But they look good!
@stinger: Also, during TFG’s attempt to record his non-concession speech, ” ‘yesterday’ is a Harvard word for me”.
@Baud: Exactly. Also the “attacker” was a sad, drunk vet who needs help. Other Republican! candidates saw that and have vowed to help the guy.
@stinger: No, that’s not the closed-captioning bot, TFG really does talk that way.
zhena gogolia
@Miss Bianca: If you liked Last Night in Soho, you should like Hot Fuzz.
James E Powell
I love Bill Withers. Sad that I never saw him live.
I think that video was put together by the youtube poster using the record with a lip-synched TV performance.
Paul in KY
In my old neighborhood, suggesting a dress code would be a surefire way to get your house egged.
Paul in KY
@Ken: I wonder what they taste like…
Paul in KY
@Kay: Completely correct, Kay. Must indict them!
Paul in KY
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Man, I love that guy’s sense of humour! Will send him some $s
Paul in KY
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s all that money for no actual ‘work’.
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: Good luck! Hope the BJP doesn’t get you.
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: Some great food in Southern India! Yum!
@sab: My Jr Hi required that, if you were wearing a skirt, that the hem touched the floor as you knelt. Asshats, all.
@Paul in KY: Yes! And Mumbai is great food city. I have my favorites, I wonder how many of them still exist.
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: Just be careful while you are there and try not to go off on those ladies. :-)
@Ken: Stomatolites. Hard to tell one from another
@schrodingers_cat: Good luck, enjoy the food, architecture and scenery etc
@Paul in KY: I will try, they are incredibly nosy and bossy.
And I am pretty much the opposite of the ideal Indian woman.
Ivan X
Ok, so, whoever wrote that lives in the very last neighborhood in which I would want to live, but I do think there could be a little more attention paid to how we wrap the corporeal package. We don’t have to look good, but why don’t we want to? It’s one reason I love NYC — there’s no dress code, but people of all shapes and sizes put thought into how to express themselves authentically and attractively, in both conventional and unconventional ways.