Omelette from Madeline Sharafian on Vimeo.
After the Great Merge, a Purge. The long-suffering hamsters are still fainting off their little tread-wheels here and there, and I’m trying to cut back the number of drafts I’ve been ‘saving for later’ since (in some cases) 2013. So y’all can expect some ‘historical’ surprises to pop up for the next week or so… Omelette is from, IIRC, 2014, and I don’t think BettyC’s Badger had even been born yet!
We have a path to victory in November.
@MalloryMcMorrow: "We have to shut hate & extremism down, loudly, confidently, so that we can show the policies and proposals that we actually have that will benefit people's lives."— Jewish Dems (@USJewishDems) July 23, 2022
Republicans once again side with their reactionary, out-of-touch right wing activist base instead of embracing the popular, common sense policies Americans crave.
Time for a couple dozen op-eds from GOP strategists + elected officials about how this will cost them votes.
— Aaron Huertas (@aaronhuertas) July 21, 2022
Twitter must have created straw shortages
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 24, 2022
Good morning? Unless that was covered in the garden chat.
zhena gogolia
Good morning. I’m rewatching all the hearings. Picking up tidbits I missed the first time around.
TFG is a terrorist and a traitor. And so are all his supporters.
You forgot incompetent, unaware, and childish.
Excuse me… I’m being informed those are what his defenders are saying.
The dog in Omelette is adorable.
@Layer8Problem: Morning is when one says it is.
I am having a depress at the thought that 2014 is now “a long time ago.”
I think that voting against the contraception bill is going to cost Republicans too; lots of folks who aren’t supportive of pro-choice understand and approve of birth control as a way of reducing the need for abortions. Only the hard core crazees think contraception induces abortion, so I hope that everyone makes sure their friends and family know that Republicans are now officially anti-contraception too.
Shee-it, why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?
Penn is one of those running for Hawaii governor as a (surprise, surprise) Republican.
I’m optimistic and ignoring all smart-ass deep-thinker op-ed declarations that the Democrats are doing it wrong and that it could all be fixed with this one weird trick (Pelosi hates it!) and all hot takes ending with ” . . . therefore, voting is useless. Q.E.D.”
@NotMax: That’s some outside-the-envelope thinking there. If Suzanne’s up perhaps she can weigh in on hospital design vs. home master bedroom treatments.
Work with me here, this could be a whole new show on HGTV.
@NotMax: Beds is beds. Everyone knows that, libtard.
Gin & Tonic
@satby: OT, but feel free to email Adam with the refugee details. I told him you might.
@satby: Of the eight Republicans voting
againstFOR the contraception bill, four- Katko, Upton, Gonzales, and Kinzinger are retiring. These four also voted to impeach trump the second time. Cheney was another Impeacher and faces a very tough primary next month.There are not very many Congressional districts in play, but there must be a dozen or so Republicans whose no-votes may come back to bite them. It appears that they are hunkering down and trying to keep the Republican Party’s base base behind them. They’ll probably argue that contraception is not actually at risk and they weren’t going to let Nancy Pelosi sucker them into a performative vote. That’s bullshit of course but they need to shovel plenty more anyway.
I mean never mind the envelope, that’s outside the entire postal system.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Gin & Tonic
Had a perfect summer dinner last night: fresh bluefish on the grill, local sweet corn and tomatoes from my garden. All caught or harvested that day. I could eat that seven days a week.
One of the usual suspects already did that very thing. (But I can’t remember which one)
Liminal Owl
i am enjoying Jorts the cat talking about monkeypox:
“Bad for the capybaras. Bad for the voles.”
@Gin & Tonic: ok, I will, thanks. I did tell the single guy that “my group” leaned toward sponsoring a family that was in a more urgent situation and he closed the connection with me, so both our instincts were right there.
I wish I was rich, there’s so much desperation in some of the letters.
@Gin & Tonic: How the hell did people survive winter 200 years ago?
@Liminal Owl: That cat is having thoughts!
@Geminid: I think you meant “the 8 Republicans voting for the bill”?
Gin & Tonic
@satby: This bears repeating, but you are a really good human being.
Ben Cisco
@NotMax: They are only consistent in their awfulness.
Gin & Tonic
@different-church-lady: Many didn’t.
Good post from Teri Kanefield about Bannon, and some more on her DOJ FAQs. I really enjoy her writings, which I wouldn’t have discovered without Twitter. Sorry haters, but I 💙 Twitter.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Medicare kicked my DIL’s father out of the rehab place he was in yesterday. He can’t dress or wash himself. He fell after a rehab session two days ago and it took two people to get him back in his wheelchair. He has infusions periodically. His wife doesn’t drive. My son and DIL live 80 miles away. Usually by this point in the summer, she’d be getting ready for the new kindergarten class she’d be teaching in the fall, but she’s been spending several days a week with them. Her parents are not well off. I don’t know what they’re going to do
Cannot. Resist. Linking. Once again. Omelet, the Musical.
So I won the lottery. The Masters tickets lottery-Wednesday practice round.
@Gin & Tonic: as I said to Baud, only if I can help. Aspiring isn’t doing. And I am concerned about meeting the financial requirement without roping one of my kids into cosigning.😆 Gotta try though!
And if anyone is interested in sponsoring a refugee family under the humanitarian parole for Ukrainians, info here. The need is desperate for some.
We did stage an expedition to far northwest New Jersey yesterday and were gratified to see that there are far fewer TFG flags and signs than on previous visits, and those remaining are tattered.
@satby: Yeah, once again I’m saying the opposite of what I mean. Dog gone proofreader is laying down on the job again! I’d fire him but he’s family.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh gosh, that’s awful.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: is it too early to consider long term care in a nursing home? Home health care can help, but that’s limited in Medicare too. Just went through this last month with my late friend, who ultimately decided on hospice care, which is not only limited to immediately terminal people, though he turned out to be.
@Geminid: hey, I can’t tell you the number of times my Kindle has me doing random capitalizations that make my comments look like I should be banned from online platforms.
@Phylllis: Congratulations? Hope the weather is nice for you at least.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: I don’t know. Long term care is probably what he needs. I just don’t know how the practicalities would work. My DIL is probably trying to figure that out. I’ll ask my son when we talk to him today. If only his leukemia were the only problem!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Would it be worth it to talk to an attorney who specializes in Medicare/Medicaid issues for an hour or so? I went through this with my parents a few years ago, and I was completely dependent upon what the rehab and long term care facilities told me. It is very confusing.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@eclare: They do need information, and it’s astonishingly hard to get. I hate our for-profit health care system
@satby: Can you put the link of the organization you are working with? Thanks. I want to see if there is anything I can do to help.
@satby: That may have come off as ungracious, I’m sorry. I just don’t want credit for stuff I haven’t done yet, it feels like stolen valor. I think most people are, or try to be “good people”. I’m just more prone to throwing myself into situations and figuring it out later.
@satby: Thanks. Weather has been a crapshoot during the tournament for the past several years. I’ve been doing the ticket lottery for years, mostly on a whim.
@schrodingers_cat: Here it is again. It’s more of an informational clearing house and a means to connect potential sponsors to those seeking to come here.
@satby: Thanks much. Bookmarked.
Good morning.
Not me! I gave up trying to be good a long time ago.
I’m beginning to think that the most important consequence of Thursday night’s hearing is the spate of Murdoch-press editorials condemning TFG. I didn’t bother trying to get around the pay wall to read the entire WSJ version, but the NY Post ends by saying, “Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.” Obviously large swaths of the great unwashed still venerate the old loser, but this is the best evidence I’ve seen so far that the money boys are ready to take the risk of cutting him loose in favor of a younger model. I do not, of course, think the editorialists are actually shocked or disturbed by what he did, just worried that he will keep losing popular support at the margins beyond the ability of corrupt GQP judges and politicians to corrupt elections.
germy shoemangler
I’ve always liked Marcel
Marcel The Shell With Shoes On
germy shoemangler
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Any other industrialized nation almost certainly has it set up better. Here the information balance between the health care edifice we have and the individual is asymmetric; they know the drill, we have to tease out what we can from advertising-weighted Google searches for basic information, paid assistance from elder law specialists, obscure and well-hidden local and state assistance, on-site visits to a number of facilities to make sure things at least look decent, and the occasional inside source like a nurse or physical therapist. Not a lot of people have the time for that kind of work, even with the best will in the world and a loved one in need.
Ohio Mom
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I also was going to suggest an Elder Care attorney. Though I might start with a social worker from the hospital where he’s getting his leukemia treatment since lawyers can be costly. Also would look for advice from the local Council on Aging. But an Elder Care lawyer would definitely know if and what help would be available and be the quickest.
Last week another parent, much further along the road of parenting a disabled adult child than I am, told me one secret to getting more funding for your child is to divorce.
One underlying assumption the system works on is that the family is supplying “natural supports” (that is, working for free), and divorce probably means the mom has to go back into the workforce.
I offer this as one example of tne stinginess of the Medicaid system. Maybe if the family had more funding supports to begin with, money that could buy respite and help in caring for the family member, divorce could be prevented?
@germy shoemangler: Let it be so.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Layer8Problem: @Ohio Mom: Everything you’re saying is true and appalling.
Did you mean to write “eight Republicans voting in favor of the legislation?”
ETA: Should have read further before commenting. Satby got there before me.
@Geminid: “Don’t they have editors at that rag anymore?”
How presidential.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@different-church-lady: The random caps in TFG’s messages look illiterate. How can people admire this clown?
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Fomenting an assault on the capitals.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: Oh god
@NotMax: Groan + eye roll
@Josie: I saw a news item about a very large crowd that Beto O’Rourke drew for a rally in Lubbock, Texas. Lubbock is known more as the home of Buddy Holly than as a Democratic stronghold. Large crowds don’t neccesarily translate into votes, but Democrats need enthusiasm to win Texas and they appear to have it.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Stupid recognize stupid.
@Geminid: Margins are thin. If things like this push the the zeitgeist in the right direction we might avoid catastrophe after all.
Yes, I saw that article and was happy to read it. I know Beto is still a long shot, but I’m hoping for a miracle. Although I am limited in how much I can give political candidates, I signed up for a little recurring contribution to him. I believe in his ability to make a huge difference in Texas.
@satby: She left out the best part of that interview though. Garland reiterated (again) that
“No person is above the law in this country. Nothing stops us”
the interviewer interjected “Even the Former President?” at which point Garland shows visible frustration, putting his hand on his heart and saying
“I don’t know how to…let me say that again. No person is above the law in this country. I can’t say it any more clearly than that. There is nothing in the principles of prosecution, in any other factors that prevents us from prosecuting anyone, ANYONE who is criminally responsible for an attempt to undo a democratic election.”
You can see it here at the 1:30 mark.
It should be pretty clear to everyone that prosecuting Trump is in no way off the table. He can’t come out and name Trump specifically, but this is about as close as he can get without crossing that line. This really should end any speculation that Garland thinks Trump can’t be prosecuted (a position for which there was never any evidence that he held.). He is answering the nagging question of ‘does DOJ consider former presidents above the law?’ The answer is a crystal-clear, NO.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: All one can do is try as best as one can. Perseverance furthers, but don’t forget to step back occasionally and take care of oneself as well in order to get back to the effort strengthened.
Fair Economist
That was a cute video! Looking forward to more archive cleaning.
@Geminid: Dave Joyce of Ohio, usually a moderate, voted yes on this bill. The Republicans have lost their minds. Republicans now have to follow Opus Dei dictates apparently
ETA Per Satby, he voted No on this bill.
J R in WV
I am, somehow, a natural optimist about things working out well, if not for the best at least for better.
Lately that natural optimism has been more difficult to maintain — no clue as to why! /s
. . . ;~)
Gary K
I was curious about the delightful music in the video. It’s “Aguas de Março,” probably being sung by Elis Regina. The words are almost dadaist:
“It’s the stick, it’s the stone, it’s the end of the road
It’s a stump rest, it’s a little lonely
It’s a shard of glass, it’s life, it’s the sun
It’s the night, it’s death, it’s a noose, it’s the hook… [much omitted]
…It’s the March waters closing the summer
It’s the promise of life in your heart.”
Yesterday I attended the memorial service for an acquaintance in our little Ohio city. A large portion of the town was there. Most of the remarks at the microphone were about the escapades of his youth, uttered by grizzled gents. But he was also the guy who organized the first Earth Day here in 1970. They were displaying a blown-up newspaper photo of the bantam leading a parade down the main street in front of a banner and marching next to classmate Sherrod Brown.
Oh, Anne Laurie, I LOVE Omelette!
So glad you found that.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s horrible. What was their reason for kicking him out?
I am in England for a few weeks and I am currently on a train from Preston (Lancashire) to Leeds (Yorkshire) that crosses the Pennines by weaving its way through various river valleys. This includes Calderdale, the Happy Valley of the famous Sarah Lancashire series, with the towns of Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Sowerby Bridge often mentioned in the series. I think it was from the railway bridge in Sowerby Bridge that the murderous detective jumped to his death at the end of season 2
The train also stops at Halifax, as in the other famous Sarah Lancashire series.
The landscape is fabulous if very damp today
Dog, I love traveling by train
@Geminid: He snuck back in and fixed it. :-)
@sab: It’s simpler than that. Republicans didn’t vote NO en masse because they disagreed with the contents of the bill. They voted NO because they wanted to deny the Democrats and/or Joe Biden a win. It’s not about policy.
@Geminid: That’s a super-stupid argument for them to make, though. Most people use contraception at some point in their life. It would have been an easy way to show that they aren’t as unreasonable as Democrats claim they are. I saw on Twitter that some Republican voters and activists couldn’t figure out why more R’s didn’t vote for it because it didn’t have any “poison pills” in it. So now every Democrat can make the assertion that Republicans don’t want to make sure that you can access contraception when you need it. That could sway some independent and “normie” voters who would think the “it was a Pelosi trap” argument didn’t make any sense.
@Gary K: A while ago a FPer posted a brilliant video of Elis Regina and Tom Jobim performing Águas de Março
@Ohio Mom: I had a co-worker who got a divorce so his wife could qualify for Medicaid and get on the transplant list. She finally got the heart and lungs she needed, but she was so weak that when the lungs got an infection it killed her. Our medical system can be cruel and crazy.
@WaterGirl: I can only answer this in general terms. If a patient isn’t “making progress” after a certain period of time (I think it’s 21 days), Medicare quits paying for care under the idea that they don’t pay for long-term care. If you need long-term care like a nursing home they want you to do that rather than stay in a hospital or rehab facility.
Ohio Mom
@WaterGirl: Medicare has a cap on how many days of rehab they will pay for. And since rehab is horribly expensive, it’s not like a family can just shrug their shoulders and say, We’ll pay out of pocket from here on out.
I’ve said it before, anyone who says, Medicare for All obviously isn’t over 65. Medicare has a lot of not-so-hidden traps and shortcomings. Now Medicaid for all, that I could get behind.
Ohio Mom
@Soprano2: Except, as you probably know, Medicare does not pay for someone to move permantly to a nursing home.
That doesn’t sound quite like what DW’s son’s FIL needs right now, I just mention that because it’s an example of the Swiss cheese coverage provided by Medicare.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m so ready to move beyond white-haired white guys running everything, but nevertheless I <heart> Biden, Fauci, and Garland.
Mike in NC
This morning’s new “This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow” cartoon at Daily Kos is a keeper: a time traveler from 1977 has a bunch of questions, such as ‘Did the lessons of Watergate disqualify anyone as criminally vile as Richard Nixon from ever again ascending to our nation’s highest office?’.
Time traveler from 1977 — the year I graduated from college — should come back in a couple of years and ask about President Ron DeathSentence and the newest pandemic killing tens of thousands of Idiot-Americans.
I do too. I actually find a lot of good info there, and friendly interactions.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@WaterGirl: The number of days you can get that level of care is limited.
We just talked to our son. Our DIL took her dad straight back to the ER where they ran tests, decided his blood pressure was unsteady, and admitted him. I guess that’s good.
Old School
I guess Dana Houle doesn’t read the comment section at Balloon-Juice.
@Soprano2: I guess the “nos” are hoping that Independents overlook this vote. Republicans in battleground districts have to pray for a lot of indulgence from swing voters anyway, and hope that negative partisanship carries them. As in, “My opponent will try to make this vote sound a little goofy, but at least I’m not going to vote with the WOKE SOCIALIST MOBS that run the Democratic Party these days!”
I notice that 47 Republicans voted for the legislation regarding marriage equality. I wonder if some of those in swing districts might lose base voters over this. I could see some bible thumpers refusing to support a Republican because of this vote.
This is a general problem with the radical base for Republicans in purple states and districts. Politicians might not be able to win with the policies radicals demand, but they definitely cannot win without the radicals” votes. They are caught on the horns of a dilemma, so to speak.
Águas de Março! Some mentions of the song in the Omelette video above, but it really is such a wonderful song that too few people know. James Fallows of The Atlantic, and many elsewheres, has a long running series of why it is the best song ever, with videos linked of many many wonderful covers. It’s fascinating how it really was written to be sung in Portuguese, with all its soft consonants. It sounds OK in French, but isn’t really the same in English. Fantastic way to spend an afternoon, or save for later when you need cheering up:
One of the versions – David Byrne and Marisa Monte:
@VOR: I think it’s both!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That was a smart move on their part.
@Geminid: Just checking to see whether you got the email I sent you yesterday?
@WaterGirl: Well, he’ll get that extra pancake after all!
Thanks again.
@WaterGirl: I will look.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: What a strain on your already stressed family.
Ohio Mom
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I bet people in the field have a slang term for elderly who cycle between the hospital, rehab, home, the ER, back to a hospital bed, discharged to rehab, etc, etc.
That was one of my aunts. Spent the last six or seven months of her life on that merry-go-round.
Ohio Mom
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think going back to the hospital is only good if they keep him enough days so he qualifies for rehab again.
Not sure how many days that is but I know if they discharge you too quickly, Medicare won’t pay for rehab. I’m sure that is easily googeable but I suppose it’s up to the doctors and they certainly know the rules inside and out.
germy shoemangler
And yet it’s so popular here. “Medicaid for all! Transfer your assets, divorce your wife, get rid of your house and you’ll qualify!”
germy shoemangler
That’s why the slogan is “Improved Medicare For All”
@Geminid: The difference between those two votes is a puzzle to me. Contraception is more popular than gay marriage. 🤕🤕
@germy shoemangler: This is a special case; our insurance had a $250,000 cap on transplants, and it was a million dollar procedure then. It was literally the only way she could qualify to be on the list.
@Soprano2: Nebraska Republican Rep. Don Bacon voted Yea on the marriage bill and Nay on the contraception bill. He’s defending a district that Joe Biden carried by 6.5% in 2020. Trump tried to knock Bacon out this year because he voted for the Infrastructure bill, but Bacon won his primary. Bacon’s 2nd Nebraska CD is based in Omaha and its suburbs, and it’s hard for me to see how a no vote on the contraceptive bill helps him. Kevin McCarthy and other caucus leaders may be giving bad guidance. But McCarthy is an idiot.
@Geminid: It’s hard to remember which bills are which, but I think both of these are attempts to preserve rights, not take them away. Defense of Marriage should be a yes. Why no on contraception? That makes no sense.
@satby: Thanks for the link to Terri Kanefield, I read what you linked to and subscribed. She has such a calm and logical writing style, combined with actually knowing what she’s talking about!
@WaterGirl: Republicans have an irrational base, and making sense as we know it may not be a factor with them. Bacon may be hedging his position. This sounds like the kind of goofy plan that McCarthy, Scalise, and Stefanik might come up with.
Bacon has to attract voters outside his base to win the Nebraska 2nd CD, though. He faces a dynamic 37 year-old opponent who has a fighting chance. State Senator Tony Vargas has been pounding Bacon over his recent votes against two gun safety laws, and Bacon’s contraception vote gives Vargas another hammer.
Thanks, I needed that.