Atlanta's Music Midtown festival has been cancelled due to Georgia's gun laws. The festival attempted to ban weapons, but does not have the standing to supersede the law and enforce its own ban
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) August 1, 2022
… because one ammosexual — excuse me, ‘activist’ — decided to throw a public hissy, and Gov. Kemp didn’t have the guts to stand up to him.
The cancellation of Music Midtown will cost Georgia’s economy $50 million.
It's shameful, but not surprising, that the governor cares more about protecting dangerous people carrying guns in public than saving jobs and keeping business in Georgia.
— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) August 1, 2022
TL; DR, per Axios:
… Why it matters: Owned by Live Nation, the outdoor concert series is one of metro Atlanta’s largest cultural events and attracts local and regional crowds.
What’s happening: This morning, festival organizers said they were “looking forward to reuniting in September and hope we can all get back to enjoying the festival together again soon.”
What they’re saying: “Public policy has real impacts and in this case- economic and social implications on a great tradition,” Atlanta City Council President Doug Shipman tweeted…
What we’re watching: Whether organizers of festivals like the upcoming ONE Music Fest and Shaky Knees — both of which are held in Central Park, also a public greenspace — will change plans or relocate to private venues not covered by the law…
Before anyone accuses Music Midtown of being political, please remember: they literally cannot hold the festival if they can’t honor artists’ riders. And most, if not all, of those riders would include a weapons ban at the venue.
— Stephanie Archambeau (@starchambeau) August 1, 2022
The cancelation is a major blow to the city of Atlanta’s tourism trade and the city’s mystique as a music mecca. #gapol #atlpol
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) August 1, 2022
Here's the background, written by my very long term friend John Ruch at Saporta. Read him. He is wise.
— George Chidi — The Atlanta Objective (@neonflag) July 29, 2022
… In 2014, Evans deliberately tested a firearms ban at the Botanical Garden, which occupies a large section of Piedmont Park. After being kicked out, he and GA2A (then known as sued. After a long and complex legal battle — including two trips to the Supreme Court of Georgia — the Botanical Garden won early this year in a decision from the Georgia Court of Appeals.
But the legal reasoning that allowed the Garden to ban guns also means that Music Midtown cannot, Evans and Monroe say. The core ruling in the legal battle came in the 2019 Georgia Supreme Court case v. Atlanta Botanical Garden. The Court ruled that a private tenant on publicly owned land can ban guns only if it has a type of lease called an “estate for years,” a typically long-term deal that grants it some property rights and responsibilities, such as erecting buildings and paying property taxes. Short-term tenants in another type of lease deal known as a “usufruct” have no such private property rights and cannot ban guns, the Court ruled.
Evans eventually lost because the Court of Appeals later determined that the Garden — which has been in the park for decades and has a 50-year lease — indeed has an estate-for-years status. Music Midtown, a two-day annual festival, likely does not have that kind of deal…
Atlanta residents: He’s not even *from* here!
Sources tell Channel 2 that a Monroe County man is challenging public events that stop people from carrying weapons in public places.
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) August 2, 2022
Who, little me?
Activist Phil Evans on FB:
— Chuck Roberts (@nmmi68) August 1, 2022
Their freedom requires your slavery.
What an ass.
There’s a projected $10M+ economic loss to the region because of the cancellation. You’d think that would sway our “let’s run government like a business!” Republican overlords.
ETA: Somehow managed to miss Stacey’s post above. She says $50M in lost revenue, which is 5x more than I had seen. A lot, anyhow.
@Baud: That’s a great line!
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
I’m betting you can’t bring guns into Georgia’s supreme court
I hope this happens a lot. Who wants to go to a concert or any mass event where all kinds of morons are packing?
And “activist” Phil Evans sounds like a bullying ass. I hope he comes to a bad end.
Loud mouthed, spoiled rotten terrorist fucks the city out of $millions. Great job, 2A Assholes.
This must become a trend.
Atlanta lost the all star game too because GA needs to wingnut.
This a$$hole is from Monroe county, and this is victory for him. He wants liberals in Atlanta to suffer. These $assholes don’t care about any of the destruction they cause.
Their sole aim is to burn it all down and then rule in hell.
Does anyone have any constitutional law training? I’ve never quite understood the obligation of contracts clause (Article I section 10: “No State shall […] pass any […] Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts [,,,]”).
In this case the concert promoters had contracts with the artists, and as a result of Georgia law and the recent court rulings, were unable to fulfill the contracts. Any Article I section 10 action here?
Hopefully enough Atlantans will decide they are tired of being GA’s bitch.
Almost Retired
This sucks. I absolutely love Atlanta. I went there for the first time as an adult 10 years ago, and have been back three times since – always staying at my favorite hotel. My youngest son said “It’s kinda like LA, but with nice people.”
But rural Georgia has power that rural California does not, and much of the rest of the state (I’m carving out Athens and Savannah and probably other places), drags a great city down. That’s why the “fuck the red states” attitude is so irritating. Sigh.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Wasserman says the Eric whose last name is Schmitt will be the R candidate for Senate. Under the circumstances, that doesn’t tell us much about how TFG’s endorsements are doing
An early result in the Democratic Rep-on-Rep primary for the Michigan 11th CD: Haley Stevens is projected to win over Andy Levin, the son of Sander Levin and nephew of Carl Levin.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
That sucks for our chances, but it’s good that the other Eric didn’t win.
@Almost Retired:
GA has two Dem senators. We’re not giving up on them yet.
That’s frightening and depressing perfect. This should be a rotating tag, a T-shirt, a bumper sticker, a billboard, a tattoo, and a campaign slogan, among other things.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
Since it’s an OT and because this little queer is very happy about this:
(Blockquoting a chunk of it for those of you who hit the paywall)
Zelenskyy has shown support for the LGBTQ+ community in the past so I was hopeful about his response, and it makes sense to me, as an outsider, why he can’t just get it done on his own with a flick of his pen. But pushing for civil partnerships is a good first step, IMO, and I especially appreciate that he frames it as a human rights issue.
I hope every single public concert gets canceled, including the ones republicans like.
Maybe when people miss their nice things, something will change.
Almost Retired
@Baud: Yup, I think (hope) Georgia is the next Virginia.
That wasn’t about open carry, though. MLB pulled the 2021 All-Star Game from ATL because of the restrictive voting bill (“No water for voters even if you’ve been standing in line in the hot sun for three hours!”) that the lege had just passed and Kemp had just signed into law.
ETA: No argument over the wingnut stuff, however.
@SiubhanDuinne: Right. Still wingnut.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I’m hoping all of SFB’s (to borrow from Ruckus) primary wins get absolutely crushed in defeat in the General!
Right you are! Also not giving up on Stacey Abrams becoming our next Governor.
Evidently gun “rights” supersede all others.
It is the second amendment, and every juicer knows that second is the most auspicious place to be.
Seeing as we have a music theme for the open thread, here is what many consider the greatest music mashup ever made.
Dirty Dancing to The Muppet Show theme song.
Old Dan and Little Ann
usufruct read to me as you sure fucked.
Blue Galangal
Well, you know, maybe Georgians should stop voting for the GOP?
It’s just hard to muster any more sympathy. They keep voting GOP and then keep acting surprised when we can’t have nice stuff any more.
So far it looks like the anti-abortion amendment in Kansas is going down to defeat.
No vote leads 66 to 34 with 21% of the returns in.
I guess that is good.
Got a long ways to go until we get the WA results which I’m waiting for.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Kent: I just saw Wasserman commenting on this too.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Of true then great that Grietens lost, but also a real pity Grietens lost. Hard to tell what to root for with a complete monster like that vs chance of picking up a Senate seat.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
KS has a Dem governor so they are capable of doing good.
In no way a lawyer obvs, but I just read a statement on Twitter that the Festival had to honor the riders in the contracts of the performers and all of those, 100 percent, had a no firearms’ clause.
Good example of a way to use private action to push back (although I’m sure the riders are for the artists safety)
Almost Retired
Kansas isn’t hopeless. I had no connection with the state until my widowed mother married a researcher with the UK medical school in Wichita and moved there 25 years ago. She said there are lines at the polls today, which is evidently highly unusual in off-year primaries. Anecdata, but almost everyone she spoke to in line in NE Wichita (a mile from the Koch Brothers HQ) was a “no” vote. Maybe there’s not that much the matter with Kansas? We’ll see.
@Blue Galangal: who gives a fuck about your sympathy ?
Joe Falco
@Blue Galangal:
Excuse you, but there are plenty of Georgians that vote blue. Enough so to put 2 Democrats in the Senate. There were also plenty of Georgians that voted for Stacey Abrams in the last gubernatorial election to make it as close as a contest in two decades. So us Georgians don’t need your sympathy. We need you to lay off unless you want to ride to the state on your high horse and help elect more Democrats.
Gun rights guy Phil Evans has a nutcase blog, for anyone interested.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: There are so many choices for great music mashups.
DJ Cummerbund – YYMilk (4:24) – Rush’s YYZ + Kelis’ Milkshake + some other weird stuff at the end.
@Almost Retired: Incidentally: speaking of the Commonwealth of Virginia: Youngkin’s pick to join the state’s Historic Resources Board had to withdraw this week. She turned out to be a great defender of Confederate monuments. Then doubled down in a later interview, comparing Yankees to Russians, thus making Confederates … Ukrainians? Ouch.
Top story on the local ABC station’s website.
And then: in a subsequent interview:
@HumboldtBlue: I cannot imagine a performer who wouldn’t have that policy in their rider. After the Las Vegas thing? I would bet that even the most Nugent-y performers aren’t dumb enough to take that chance.
@Another Scott:
Your link is borked.
@Suzanne: @Baud: @Anotherlurker:
Steve in the ATL
Yeah—fuck Georgia and fuck Atlanta!
wait a minute ….
Roger Moore
As I understand it, the contract clause applies to cases where a state would write a law to nullify a contract after it had been signed. This was used under the Articles of Confederation to do favors for influential people by freeing them from obligations (chiefly debts) they had freely entered into. It doesn’t prevent states from restricting terms that can be included in contracts more generally. For example, California law prohibits non-compete clauses in employment contracts, and that’s just fine.
More generally, you can’t use a contract with a third party as an excuse for doing something you otherwise wouldn’t be allowed to. The law says someone who rents public property for a short term isn’t allowed to ban guns on that property while they’re renting it. The concert promoter doesn’t suddenly get the power to do that because they have a “no guns allowed” contract with a musician. Instead, they’re just unable to live up to their side of the contract, and the musician is entitled to whatever penalty the contract includes for non-performance.
@HumboldtBlue: I’ll bet you asshole Ted Nugent has a no firearms rider in his performance contracts.
Someone should ask him about this.
Monroe County is shitbird country down near Macon. About 27,000 population, 70% white.
@Blue Galangal:
Oh please. I’ve been a Georgian since 1984, and not once in those 38 years have I voted for a Republican in a partisan race, for any office. And I’m far from alone. In 2020 we helped elect Joe Biden, and in a special runoff election we fucking FLIPPED two US Senate seats and dumped two incumbent Republicans. Is it hard work? An uphill battle? Yes, it absolutely is. Is it harder and even more uphill when someone like you tells us our votes and volunteering and money are pointless. Please.
Well, yes. “I hate that rendition!”
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yay! Such good news. The coverage was so anti-womens rights I was nervous. Maybe they got complacent with national media cheering them on.
@Barbara: And thank dog for that.
I hope these horrible, horrible decisions by the five retrogrades on the Supreme Court come back to bite them, hard. Their decisions undermine Americans’ actual safety, and have severe economic consequences, too.
I hope all manner of events and institutions fight back against this insanity. For one thing, the vast majority of those who would buy a ticket and support these events do not want to become shooting targets.
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: I fixed it. :-)
Dorothy A. Winsor
Steve Kornaki says turnout in Kansas today is about double what would be predicted for a primary.
ETA: Rs really have overreached on abortion
Dimebag Darrell
enough said.
@Another Scott:
I had foolishly removed my glasses just before seeing your comment, and read that as “great music mishaps.”
Almost Retired
@Dorothy A. Winsor: See my comment at #37. My Mom in Wichita had to wait in line to vote for the first time ever. Usually, she could waltz right in, vote, and leave. Not today.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I looked at NYT, and 44% of votes are in and No leads at 66%, with a significant percentage of votes still left in Wichita and other strongly no counties. There’s no way the yes county results will be disproportionate enough to offset that.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Almost Retired: I saw that! A good sign
@Another Scott:
That’s really fucking good.
Matt McIrvin
@Blue Galangal:
Well, arguably that’s happening. In 2020-21 they voted for a Democratic President and two Democratic Senators, and Kemp’s win in 2018 was really, really close and the way he got to preside over his own election probably helped. Given the general state of things the Republicans might do better there next time around, but Georgia seems bluer than the surrounding states at the moment.
@Almost Retired: If only all of Kansas were like Wichita . . .
Took a quick look. Yet another exercise in applied dickishness. Naturally, not a word about the “no guns” clause in artists’ contracts, blames everything on promoter.
No, asshole, neither the promoting company nor the state – nor you – have any ability to invalidate contractual obligations. If that means you’ll boycott those artists, I’m sure they won’t mind and I’m equally sure you can find a lynyrd skynyrd cover band playing in some shithole bar who will encourage the audience to carry.
Probably won’t play Saturday Night Special though…
Almost Retired
@Barbara: But when Johnson, Sedgwick, Wyandotte and Douglas Counties come in, this could be a blow-out. It worries me that I know this much about Kansas Counties and politics….Nerd!
@HumboldtBlue: OK, that mashup was amazing!
You rang?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The Kansas result means trouble for Republicans this November. Good!
It also bodes well for Sharice Davids’ reelection prospects in the KS 3rd CD, and for Laura Kelly’s reelection as Governor.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Another Scott
@Anotherlurker: It’s come up. (from 2018):
So, he might be trying to have it both ways there, I dunno.
He’s got a history with guns in the audience.
IIRC, he said in an interview about it decades ago that he was watching the guy closely and recognized the gun and knew that it had to be cocked (or whatever) to fire it so as long as the guy didn’t do that then he knew he was fine. No big deal. (groucho-roll-eyes.gif)
Of course, it might have been yet another incident that he was talking about… :-/
Folks advocating concealed carry and all that nonsense don’t have a good answer for what happened at the Bataclan. I really want a bunch of drunk and stoned people taking out their pistols and who knows what else and going up against guys with AKs and suicide vests in the dark in a crowd, don’t you??!
“Whoops, sorry buddy, I didn’t see you there…!”
The long term goal is to destroy all public activities. Public concerts, public schools, public parks (I remember when Reagan and Bush I were presidents a push to privatize all public campgrounds.). Privatize and and kill anything that brings us together. Guns and fear are helpful tools to further atomize us so we can have no group power or voice. Just another step with killing off concerts in public spaces.
Told ya.
Dear gods. Now I need to go listen to some Jonathan and Darlene Edwards, or Florence Foster Jenkins, or somebody.
…then it would look nothing like Kansas.
A lifetime’s worth of connections to Kansas finally came to a close a couple years ago, when my cousins sold my late uncle and aunt’s Cowley County ranch. But a piece of my heart will always be there, and it gladdens my heart to see that it’s still sane enough to reject this abomination of an amendment.
Matt McIrvin
@Another Scott:
I imagine it’d just be “deport all the Muslims”. It’s always people not like them who are the problem.
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: Tom Jones + Blink 182 – It’s Not Unusual, Dammit (2:49)
I laugh at a lot of stuff I re-watch, but I guaran-damn-tee you, I start snorting at the first note.
Sweet Jesus beating an orphan with a stick, Pat Toomey is a contumelious fuck.
Also, here’s a look at Zawahiri was taken out.
Paul Begala's Pink Tie
@SiubhanDuinne: it is like this here in Houston, where we Dem voters show up in every election, and do what we can to turn the state as blue as possible… and yet my friends in places like New York, California, and even Virginia (where I grew up) behave as though we are all full-on Cruz, Cornyn, Trump and Bush voters. I hear from friends — Leave so you’ll be safer! Stay so you can flip the state! Guess what, some of your fellow state citizens elected the likes of Elise Stefanik and Glenn Youngkin.
@Skepticat: That already is a rotating tag. I added it right after I read comment 1. :-)
re: Zawahiri, why are they publicizing that? Surely that information is covered under sources and methods.
@Baud: Greitens is a worse person, but either one is a train wreck as a Senator.