NOW: Final Senate vote!
Just like that, as happens, a rainbow appears.
— Lisa Desjardins (@LisaDNews) August 7, 2022
BREAKING: Senate passes historic bill, Democrats cheer as VP Harris casts the tie-breaking vote.
The bill that significantly affects health care, climate and tax policy looked dead just a few weeks ago.
Now it moves to the House – passage expected Friday.
— Lisa Desjardins (@LisaDNews) August 7, 2022
Democrats are jubilant, bear hugging each other on the floor, in particular the climate hawks. Lots of hand shakes for Joe Manchin, pats on his back.
Rs rushed out of the chamber immediately after voting for 14 hours
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) August 7, 2022
American Rescue Plan. Violence against Women Act. Biggest climate action literally ever. Reducing the cost of prescription drugs. The first gun safety bill in a generation. CHIPS. Giving veterans exposed to burn pits health care. Objectively this is a productive congress.
— Brian Schatz (@brianschatz) August 7, 2022
Maybe if they hadn’t said “Let’s go” to Brandon so many times he wouldn’t be getting so much done.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) August 7, 2022
Some folks can be gracious about the new IRA passing…
I dumped all over Schumer three months ago. I would like some A1 sauce with my crow
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) August 7, 2022
Also worth noting that the last three times Democrats have won a trifecta, they have used it to raise taxes on rich people, while Republicans have used each of theirs to dramatically cut taxes for rich people. Worth bearing in mind when people say the parties are the same!!!
— Happy Nute Conservative Party Leadership Contest (@DawnNute) August 7, 2022
Others, not so much!
On the one hand: we're making an unprecedented investment in stopping a civilization-ending crisis while lowering the costs of vital medical care & clawing back $millions from the 1%. On the other: the shit-libs are happy. Really tough to say if it was worth it.
— Nied (@B_Nied) August 6, 2022
Much of what the Biden admin is doing mostly falls under the radar. Also, the administration has been hampered by the stupid requirement for the Senate to confirm a gazillion appointees. But putting competent ppl in charge of agencies will start to show results in 2023-24
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) August 5, 2022
BREAKING: Amy Weirich, the Republican DA of Shelby County (Memphis), has LOST re-election to reform-side Dem Steve Mulroy.
Weirich is the DA who prosecuted Pamela Moses, the Black woman who registered to vote erroneously & ended up with a 6-year sentence:
— Taniel (@Taniel) August 5, 2022
I love the smell of Democratic victory in the morning!
The first two years of Obama’s term were incredibly productive also (and frankly, Clinton’s). I’m happy to see it being appreciated this time. Hopefully, the lesson sticks.
@Baud: Lesson won’t stick in a Teflon mind…
germy shoemangler
I’ve never met a nonpartisan policy geek, though.
@germy shoemangler:
Those are the people who pretend not to be Republican so their attacks on Dems will be featured in the NYT as independent criticisms.
@germy shoemangler: suspect it was a less rare breed before the GQP went insane. Non-partisan standing in for people who consider themselves more academic maybe?
The Thin Black Duke
@WereBear: If they’re outnumbered, who cares?
The Thin Black Duke
@WereBear: If they’re outnumbered, who cares?
Is it me or does this site drag on refresh again?
The mobile site is ok for me.
Nothing like a spinal injection in the morning!
Today show seems to be ignoring the bill. They had a clip on Trump at CPAC. Maybe I missed it.
@Baud: yeah, I owe AT&T $$, so they could be throttling my service, but it’s only on this site that it bounces all over the place while pages take some time to refresh.
Jeez, Today show is doing a story on the teacher shortage, and all the states they’re highlighting are red states. But they won’t that. They are saying “across the U.S.”
ETA: they did talk about NV, which is more purple.
I’ve had that problem at times. But it’s ok for me now.
@Baud: thanks
@Baud: I haven’t watched such shows since they adopted the Chihuahua-on-expresso style of presentation, but they always seem to be in the tank for Rs.
Probably because old people with antennas are their main viewers now…
@Baud: The carny shows always featured the pencil-necked geeks and bearded ladies. Normalcy doesn’t sell.
“But they’re winning in the wrong way.” — the people the Neid tweets are about
Oh, baby Hippo at the Cincinnatus Zoo!!!
Fuck all you Today show haters.
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
So true. We’re part of the least exclusive club, but with the highest dues.
How are you feeling?
Good morning.
@The Thin Black Duke: That’s the lesson we all must take to heart.
Our political enemies have entered the criminal mindset. Now to deter the ones who respond to punishment and lock up the ones who don’t.
Music to my ears.
Biden has been the best president for labor in living memory. Time for the labor community to show up.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Saw a clip of Schumer giving a press conference yesterday (the YouTube algorithm is throwing a lot of MSNBC clips at me lately). He seemed to be going out of his way to heap praise on Manchin, but as far as I recall didn’t mention Sinema or anyone else by name. I wonder what’s up with that? I’m sure there was some careful calculation there.
Re the Dana Houle tweet: One appointment I heard about yesterday was a USPS board chair who is expected to be the final vote to oust DeJoy.
Re Amy Weirich: I read that to my wife and she has requested that I stop reading political news to her in the morning as the phrase “6 years in jail for registering wrong” has her so angry she can’t enjoy breakfast.
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” – Groucho
“I’ve a mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.” – Groucho
Today show coverage of the bill coming up.
This morning’s Politico Playbook includes a fairly long review of the process that led to passing the Inflation Reduction Act. The timeline starts last summer and briefly follows events through the fall, winter and spring.
The article gets more detailed over the last five weeks, including a houseboat vignette:
Manchin returned Warner’s freshly pressed suit to him Saturday morning.
It’s a yacht.
Nah, my ‘living memory’ includes LBJ, and there are people still living who have good memories of FDR.
But your point is well taken: it’s been quite a while since we’ve had this pro-labor a President. It wasn’t like Obama or Clinton or Carter were anti-labor, but their issues just didn’t matter as much to them.
Problem is, so much of your traditional blue-collar class is pretty well embedded in right-wing culture these days. If we can make a difference in the lives of wait staff, fast-food workers, and the like, things could get interesting. We really have to think of people in jobs like that as ‘labor,’ and not have our mental picture be of an assembly-line worker in an automobile plant.
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I have the same problem when I watch Porn hub.
Turn it off. You’ll just end up having to buy a new TV after their guests, Sens. McConnell and Graham and Reps. Boebert and Greene, explain how bad the bill is.
(Disclaimer: guest list made up, and possibly more typical of the Sunday news analysis shows.)
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Geminid: Is it wrong that I’m wondering if Warner was also wearing Manchin’s underwear?
What did (Fuck) LBJ do for labor? Honest question, I just don’t remember. He had a bunch of other domestic accomplishments, obviously, but I can’t recall his labor legacy.
Christ, it’s almost like Cleek’s law applys to very-online progressives just as much as republicans.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Warner probably went commando.
@Baud: Those little guys can hold their breate under water nefore they can even walk.
LOL! Go suck Dump’s ass, Rethuglicans!
germy shoemangler
Worst tenant ever
And I didn’t even get my security deposit back.
Thank goodness for “Access Sally” (as Roy Edroso calls her)
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@lowtechcyclist: Obama rescuing the entire auto industry and its subsidiary industries when Mittens and the media were saying “Let Detroit go bankrupt” and when the policy was literally opposed by 72% wants to have a word with you.
That said, “GM is alive and bin Laden is dead”
Dark Brandon mashup I made from two other tweets.
@lowtechcyclist: Every time I’ve done political canvassing door to door there have been union people out with me, and they know the neighborhoods because they are out there for every election, not just the exciting ones.
Especially at 8:15 in the morning. Feels like I could draw pictures in the air. And have them stay for a while – oops! Air movement!
@sab: I need to proofread better. Typing better on a mobile device is a lost cause.
@lowtechcyclist: I wonder how the union vote came out in 2020. Union leadership backed thd Democratic ticket. Membership of unions like the SEIU(sp?) and Teamsters include a lot of women and many Black, Latino and other minority members. And despite the stereopype, a lot of white union members vote for Dems. I think unions could have made the difference in several states.
I wonder how impactful unions will be these midterms in battleground districts such as Marcy Kaptur’s in Northeast Ohio.
Adam McKay is wet blanketing the bill on Twitter because it gives him bad vibes. Or something like that, as he admits he hasn’t read it. He’s getting deservedly roasted.
I’m happy people aren’t dumping on Schumer for a change. I think he’s, in fact, really good at his job; he just doesn’t make for good TV (which, of course, doesn’t stop him from trying to get on TV whenever possible, but his willingness to show up for ANYTHING is one of the things I like about him. Gov. Hochul is the same. That’s a real politician, in the good way).
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@germy shoemangler:
Who knew Axis Maggie was so close with the Tidy Bowl Man
Raised the minimum wage from $1.25 to $1.60/hour, which doesn’t sound like much but was a 28% increase.
And Medicare meant a hell of a lot more to the working classes than to upper middle class people (let alone the rich). They were the ones who weren’t going to be able to pay for health care after they stopped working.
Ok, but I don’t think that overtakes Biden if that’s all there is.
As it’s an open thread, a fun news read- for horse-crazy Boomers and Gen-Xers, Misty of Chincoteague was a part of our childhood (my family vacationed on Chincoteague for years thanks to my love of that book). Legend had it the Assateague ponies were descendants of a shipwrecked Spanish ship. Now, DNA indicates it might be more than legend. I like to think the ghost of Marguerite Henry is fist pumping the air somewhere today.
(I say Boomers and Gen-Xers because this Gen-Xer tried to read the book to her horse-crazy 12-year-old but no go. 1940’s writing style a little slow for him.)
I confess I’ve never heard of this guy before. Does he have much of a following? I’m not sure whether he’s an idiot or just lazy, but I can’t think of a reason to care about what he says.
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
“I have the same problem when I watch Porn hub.”
Porn hub shows you clips of Schumer?
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
“I have the same problem when I watch Porn hub.”
Porn hub shows you clips of Schumer?
@Nicole: I listen to a lot of network radio news and get to hear both Schumer and McConnell when there is news out of the Senate. They each will get a ten second sound bite and Schumer handles his well I think. He gets a lot of punch into a couple of sentences. I expect Schumer comes across in similarly on TV news shows.
@Baud: Some of what red states are experiencing, purply states are experiencing for similar reasons.
For example, as some districts cut school down to four-day weeks, a number of rural districts in Colorado have already done so.
Do you want to accept pay that does not cover your housing expenses to go live in an expensive ski town? Most people do not want that.
cnn estimate of 2020 vote
union household Biden +16
not union household Biden +1
SEIU is excellent
@Nicole: Wow. Cool news. Fellow Chincoteague vacationer! Had all the Marguerite Henry books. Even got my Girl Scout troop to go camping on Assateague. There was a group camping site right on the beach, don’t know if it’s still there.
@Danielx: humidity here 98%, and it’s not raining yet. 😭
Dorothy A. Winsor
538 Deluxe Senate Forecast: 59% chance of Dem control
Gin & Tonic
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: You see Cuck Schumer on PornHub? Yuck.
@Baud: I tried to reply but they came and got me! Somehow they decided I was a fall risk and made me go out to the car in a frickin wheelchair! This was a little strange, we decided to put a “minimally invasive implant” in but when they called for this appointment they said we were going to do the same spinal injection that we did in January without much success. I had an injection about 3 months ago that was directly to the femoral nerve and it helped for a while. I asked the doc and he had consulted with my other doc and thought this was the way to go based on my last mri. I remain a believer in western medicine so I basically do what I’m told. TMI for sure!
Gin & Tonic
@sab: Comments 39 and 40 together made me say “whut?”
@Starfish: I’m loving how Democrats took over the Brandon thing to create the Dark Brandon meme.
@satby: I had to go look up the Dark Brandon meme because I had no clue what all the youth here were talking about.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@raven: They seem to make everyone go in wheelchairs. Although when I went to the ER with my heart attack, they had me walk to exam room with the nurse strolling casually next to me. But when I went home, then they rolled out the wheelchair.
Gin & Tonic
@Starfish: I still have no idea.
Me too. Who am I to argue?
@lowtechcyclist: Writer / Producer of the Big Short and Don’t Look Up films… but what tf does he understand about legislation?
I think some people just feel like they are losing when Dems are winning.
@Feathers: You may have camped at Pea Island campground. It’s gone now due to erosion but the other four campgrounds in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore are still there.
ETA: but now I see you’re talking Assateague! Never mind (I guess I got my ponies mixed up. There is a herd in Corrola, in North Carolina north of the Outer Banks). Assateague State Park is still there.
When I was a kid my family would drive down to the Outer Banks and camp at Hatteras point campground, a mile or so from the lighthouse. That campground was just over the dunes from the beach back in the late 1960s, but I visited it a few years ago and the ocean was a half mile away.
I started following Jorts the cat on twitter in December, and, in addition to providing much-needed timeline cleanses, Jorts’ supervisor is very good at documenting all of the unionization going on with S’bucks, Amazon, farm workers, Trader Joe’s, etc.–the folks who didn’t immediately come to mind with the old union model. The site just has a lot of good info about the NLRB, unionizing, workers’ rights, etc. All from a cat who has trashcan mishaps.
Same here. You just can’t go through life without adhering to some rules of thumb, even if you know those rules aren’t 100 percent right 100 percent of the time. Grudgingly doing what the doctors tell us to do is a good strategy.
That’s great to hear.
I voted for Mulroy!
Amir Khalid
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
George Romney made his millions in the car industry, didn’t he? I wonder what he would have thought of Mittens’ cavalier disregard for its fate.
@Gin & Tonic: You know how Peele created Obama’s anger translator?
It is a little like that.
Dark Brandon is Joe Biden’s alter-ego, who definitely has a socialist agenda. However, we don’t completely understand the powers of the Dark Brandon, and there may be some contradictions in here.
@Baud: It’s very sweet, too. But also, just having a thorough source of info that easily available–it’s weirdly like an IWW of twitter or something. I really think it has helped the unionization efforts in several places. It has also highlighted various rules–you can discuss your pay with coworkers! these actions are illegal union-busting! here’s how and when to contact the NLRB!–in ways that really empower people, and I particularly appreciate the highlighting of farmworkers, and the explanation (racism!) of how they’ve been excluded.
edit: typos
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yea, I don’t know how I was flagged as a fall risk, maybe it’s because I brought my cane? They let me walk out the last two times.
Hmm. Maybe I need an alter ego. How about Dapper Baud!?
@Starfish: @Gin & Tonic: or it could be compared to the Superman mythos: mild mannered, nebbishy guy turns out to have super powers. My comment at #44 links to a tweet where I put two other tweets together and it sort of summarizes it.
@Geminid: We went to Hatteras on our honeymoon and that was when they moved the lighthouse. They moved it twice as fast as planned and people who had scheduled they vacations to see it were disappointed! Did you know they lubed the railroad ties that they slid it on with ivory soap?
@Baud: Baud with pants.
@Baud: I actually think Biden has been more productive, partly due to greater familiarity with the Senate, and partly because whatever they say in public, Dems now realize that there’s no use in negotiating with Rs. Obama wasted time and capital with the odious Olympia Snowe, but bought and paid for Dems like Baucus were also in the way. When I consider the margins Biden has to work with — he’s an honest to God miracle worker.
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Porn Hub is showing you Schumer Press Conferences? That totally validates, once and for all, Rule 34.
@schrodingers_cat: How is India treating you?
@Barbara: A lot of that is that the Democratic Party has undergone a transition over the last 10-15 years. There is a lot more core unity nowadays.
@schrodingers_cat: Something distinctive, like bell bottoms.
Groovy Baud!
Spot on! I just wish the Dems were better at this.
The news about the bill’s passing almost brought tears to my eyes. Perhaps there is hope?
@Baud: I thought what we see here is your alter ego.
@Baud: Right. Sinema and Manchin don’t have the same clout that Baucus did.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Feathers: We got it into our heads to go camping on Assateague one weekend without advance planning or reservations. There was no camping available on the immediate beach area, but they told us there was plenty of space available if we were willing to walk 4 miles away from the parking area.
We had a small toddler and opted not to do that.
We ended up pitching our tent in the State Park on the island.
Sounds like your “group camping site” was the first one we went to, that was already full.
@raven: I did not know that. That must have been a sturdy railbed.
I once worked for a furniture maker who pushed his screws into a can of bowling alley wax before he used them. Made the screws drive more easily.
@Feathers: My sister camps at a state park in Assateague, which still has no development, unlike Chincoteague.
Arlo & Janis!! Absolutely my favorite comic in the world! I highly recommend it for any Boomer (or early Gen X) in that certain age group! Actually I recommend it for any age group but as a Late Boomer I especially enjoy a comic about a happy marriage between two Boomers.
@Baud: Show me your hats and pocket squares.
zhena gogolia
Okay, a Hogg tweet I approve of.
Genius, although I trust the wax was at least warmed.
@Geminid: I made threads for a shipped housing on my lawnmower using jb weld. I filled the hole and coated the bolt with beeswax, drove it in and let it set and the bolt backed right out!!
@zhena gogolia:
Let’s help Rubio out in November, Florida.
@Baud: I am feeling completely out of sorts, the jetlag is epic. I feel like a stranger, part Margaret Mead and part bumbling Yankee.
@Baud: Don’t forget Grassley, having to miss a family event because of a vote.
@schrodingers_cat: Imaginary Homeland. . .
Sounds like the kind of guy who would yell at kids playing in his yard.
@schrodingers_cat: Jetlag always gets me. I hope you get in the groove once you are feeling better.
@Ken: He didn’t need to be there for the vote. His presence added nothing to the proceedings.
@raven: It doesn’t exist anymore. You can’t revisit the past except in your memories.
Not the right meter for a limerick, but definite potential here.
Also 12:12 (loosely), so there are a number of hymn tunes that could be used.
@Baud: I would not be surprised if the Republicans insisted everyone be there, so that VP Harris would also need to be there. Also on the off chance one of the Democratic senators was ill — they’d be kicking themselves forever if a few of theirs had skipped it.
Has anyone else read the Politico piece linked in last night’s open thread by @Percysowner? It’s quite a story.
Probably so.
@JWR: I wonder if the Republican has any qualifications other than a criminal attempt to interfere with the election in Trump’s favor?
This might be the first case where the main prosecution evidence is the defendant’s campaign ads.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Obama’s memoir is pretty frank and kinda funny about Snowe. Harry Reid told him: she’ll string you along until she tells you she’s gonna vote ‘no’, but you have to put on the show for people like Baucus. And Tim Russert (Reid didn’t say that, but resentment of Monsignor Pumpkinhead remains a hobbyhorse of mine).
And after going along with McConnell’s total obstruction strategy, Snowe walked away from the job because everyone was so mean
Dems are always politicizing crimes.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The camping area I am remembering was in the National Seashore in the Virginia end of the island. That was back in the 70s, though. Looks like it is no longer there. Not surprised. It was basically on flat sand beyond one of the beach parking lots. Scout groups could use it, maybe church groups. The island closed at night, so if you were staying at the campground, you had the island to yourself. There may have been a ranger who stayed overnight, but they were at a house nowhere nearby. Can see why they got rid of it.
Great memories. Recently came across a bunch of pictures. B&W! Haven’t been on the book of faces for years, but should I go an post bathing suit pics of my old Girl Scout troop. We were in high school. Probably would have been mortified to have them shared then, but as they say, you were way better looking in high school than you knew.
Time to go write my 70s teens camping on Assateague YA horror novel.
@schrodingers_cat: I’m sure you are aware of this.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ken: as someone pointed out on twitter, 89 YO Dianne Feinstein was there at whatever middle-of-the-night hour voting ‘no’ on poison-pill amendments. I guess the spry youth from Iowa was too
@schrodingers_cat: When you mentioned a day or so ago that you were up reading B-J while everyone else was asleep I was wondering how the jetlag would be. I get it going east from California to Baltimore; can’t imagine how long it would take to recover from a 12-hour (?) flight.
Plus the culture shock, too. Hang in there!
@Baud: you are not already using SuperBaud?
@raven: Actually I didn’t know about this. Thanks, I will go get his book of essays.
@Danielx: David kept the wax at room temperature. The friction probably warmed it.
@Geminid: I agree with you, I think Schumer actually is fine on TV as a politician, but because we have a bad habit of electing celebrities who have spent decades on TV, I think some politicians get unfairly compared to those who developed being on television as a skill, even though the TV personalities are often less successful as politicians. I like Schumer, I don’t get the hate that he gets.
@Ken: What I’m hoping for now is getting Mike Lindell, who’s mentioned in the story, out of my sub-channel TV viewing enjoyment, preferably by way of indictment.
Fetterman seems to be an exception, and boy howdy, I am happy about that!
Fake Irishman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
As was 80-something Patrick Leahy, who broke his hip a month ago in a fall at home.
The IRA vote was the first time he’s been in the chamber since June.
@Feathers: that’s so cool you went with your Girl Scout troop! For us it was family vacations; we went one year because I begged and pleaded, and then we all liked it so much we went the next seven years in a row. Only did Pony Penning one year though, man that was crowded. I think it was the same week Charles and Diana got married, come to think of it. Which I don’t think contributed to the crowds. ;)
(We stopped going the year they finally got a McDonald’s on the island.)
J R in WV
I got news for CNN — Joe Biden will NOT be on the 2020 ballots anywhere. He might be on the 2024 ballots, in which case this polling info might be germane in the future, but not this year at all.
ETA: it is still interesting, of course, and I think the RWNJ MSM take that the upcoming midterm elections will be bad for Democratic candidates is way wrong.
@Geminid: I forget where I heard about the soaped up threads on wood screws, but it works great!
@schrodingers_cat: Here’s a starter.
Gin & Tonic
@Ken: Still not as good as Nantucket.
@J R in WV: Why would the numbers be different in the midterms? Most of those people will be voting again. Now that President Biden’s administration has shown itself to be supportive of labor, the percentage might even go up.
@frosty: not gonna lie, I have heard rumblings that Fetterman is not much of a workhorse (prior to his heart issues), but, honestly, as has been said here, the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican so I will be more than happy to say Senator Fetterman come November.
(And in fairness to him, he still started as a politician, not a TV personality.)
@Gin & Tonic: Well, yes, but Nantucket is the Mozart of limericks.
BC in Illinois
This is the first time I have seen in print, evidence of the existence of another human being who actually looks at the numbers at the bottom of the page in the hymnbook – – a practice that is useful in finding inappropriate matching of text and tune.
(For the uninitiated, think of Amazing Grace to the tune of House of the Rising Sun.)
(And, once you have done that, think of House of the Rising Sun to the tune of Amazing Grace. That’s even better.)
@J R in WV:
was a reply to Geminid @48
@raven: Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984. Thanks for the link! I will read it.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Manchin is more vain than Sinema. Manchin has publicly stated he has torpedoed some legislation because somebody said mean things about him. I’m sure the deal came with an understanding that Manchin’s ego would be fellated.
@Gin & Tonic: @Starfish:
Heh. I think you’re overthinking it. I’d say the reason is “Fine. You want to give our guy a pseudonym and say he’s a bad guy? Then he’s a motherfucking SUPERVILLAIN who’s KICKING YOUR ASSES.”
J R in WV
This is so true. Wife and I lived in Key West for the first year or two of our marriage in 1971-72, and loved it there. A lovely little shrimper town with great food, artists and divers, cubanos and hippies. And a Navy base.
Then we went back 34 years later — 80 hotels ( 6 when we lived there!) junk food, tee shirt shops, giant cruise liners where the Navy base was, hoards of tourists. Was really sad, didn’t enjoy the return to the place of our youth at all.
But India will still remind you of your early days once you get over the jet lag. Keep us posted, I hear there will be rituals and big family meals, etc.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
All about liability insurance!
@BC in Illinois: How about the Deutschland Uber Alles lyrics sung to the All Things Considered theme music ?
An amazing New Yorker article about Trump/military relations. I haven’t gotten to the J6 part yet, but…
(ETA) Trump’s push to attack Iran is scary enough.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
This, from a coming book, is a new version of a story that’s been around a while, trump’s admiration for Nazis, but more revelations going to Baker and Glasser instead of Jamie Raskin during the second set of impeachment hearings. Sounds like Kelly was a major source.
@BC in Illinois: What I mostly use it for is to figure out why the tune is familiar. Like, a couple of weeks ago there was a new hymn, but the tune was familiar, so I checked and found it was “CRADLE SONG” — which explains why I didn’t recognize it, because who expects “Away in a Manager” in July?
@J R in WV: Me and my buddies are going to Marathon to fish in October. In 1974 I was going there and got in a wreck in Atlanta, broke my back and never made it!
@schrodingers_cat: It’s crazy, I got the book because it has an interview with Michael Herr, author of “Dispatches” and I used that in my dissertation.
Some people would say there’s a lot of subtext there.
twbrandt (formerly tom)
@BC in Illinois: One of my favorites is the doxology sung to Hernando’s Hideaway.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Holy Cow! I tune out for one weekend, and all we do is win, win, win!
J R in WV
That might be OK, no cruise liners putting in to Marathon. I think the upper keys may still be a little bit old-fashioned. Let us know how Marathon was for you. Best of luck with the fishing. We wanted to go snorkeling while we were in Key West last, but the weather got sucky and we backed out, big seas isn’t so good for swimming around coral heads.
Did you know there are Dog Surfing Championships?
NB It is the dogs who surf, not humans surfing on dogs.
@BC in Illinois:
I’ve been doing that for years – I love singing one hymn to the tune of another.
Common Meter, 86.86. Don’t get me started, this is one of my favorite toys.
There’s a metric ton of songs to that meter, from those two to Christmas carols like O Little Town of Bethlehem and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (I’ve always wanted to be part of a group of carolers that sung them to each other’s tunes. I expect any listeners would realize something was ‘off,’ but how long would it take for them to realize what it was?) to Pop Goes the Weasel and the theme music from Leave It to Beaver, and of course the Gilligan’s Island theme.
You can also sing songs in common meter to the tune of Stairway to Heaven (gotta stretch out the syllables somewhat, but it’s doable) but the reverse doesn’t work.
Betty Cracker
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Kushner’s upcoming book alleges that Kelly shoved Ivanka in the hallway after leaving an Oval Office meeting in a fury and then apologized later. Kelly says that’s 100% bullshit. It’s hard to know where to assign credibility when all the participants are shameless liars, but I gotta go with Kelly’s version.
Cannot be said too often.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: I can see Kelly being rude and boorish, maybe brushing past her as if she were some mere staffer and making contact, but I’m sure Themselves are exaggerating. Kind of like Michael Tracy being brutally assaulted by Maxine Waters
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Good analogy.
@raven: Oh my, revisiting “Homelands” after many years, he ends with
@schrodingers_cat: once you cross the International date line, you’re in the upside down for awhile. Travel to Asia/Indian Subcontinent is brutal
@J R in WV: Yea, my buddy in Ft Meyers went to a wedding in Key West and hated it! This looks pretty good from the boat websites and Air bn B!
Definitely nominated.
@lowtechcyclist: Have to note that I won a competition in grad school for ‘best pun on the title of a Christmas carol that involves a fish’ with Little Tuna Bethlehem.
ETA: Runner-up was Shark, The Herald Angels Sing.
@Geminid: How posh! At the boat shop we used a toilet ring. Fresh out of the box, in case you were tempted to ask. Bronze screws will do bad things if over-stressed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The only thing missing is giant, dancing puppets
Mike in NC
New book coming out called “The Divider: Trump in the White House” by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser. He complained to John Kelley that the senior leadership in the Pentagon weren’t his loyal serfs. As if we needed more proof of what a worthless shitbag the Fat Orange Clown was.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in NC:
I’ll add: to those reporters, their sources who talk to Baker and Glasser instead of Jamie Raskin
Coupla random thoughts about stuff in this thread:
Dan B
@sab: “little guys”!?! May 100 pounds fall on you!! (Not.)
Had to laugh at “little guys”. So glad I don’t have to birth one. Soooo glad.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Agree completely. But it’s important to get this information out.
@Dan B: Little by hippo standards.
Dan B
@sab: I, for one, especially liked “nefore”. It sounds like a word that should exist. Nefore definition: phenomena that have sprung into being for the first time on record, unique in time.
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: I also refer to her as Axis Maggie on Twitter LOL!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: One could argue that she hasn’t changed a bit.
Ordinary people, also too, miss important events because of professional responsibilities. Like, all the time. We are now on the downward slope of our careers, but even so, my husband might have to cancel his side of our long-planned trip because of a work-related big deal thing that is still up in the air. My dad worked on Christmas and through innumerable family reunions to meet the demands of his infinitely less rewarding career. These GD cry babies. Resign or shut up.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Kelly is laundering his reputation. Not interested. Orange error is terrible but so is Kelly
Baker and Glasser are not that much better than MAGA Haberman.
@Mike in NC: “Finally, we have a businessman in the White House!” was my opening to tell anybody I knew who believed this was a good idea, what a rotten idea it is and will always be.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
How do we know she wasn’t supporting hedge funds and private equity in that pic?
Wheeling Feinstein in and out.
Too soon?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Not since Flynn left, at least.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MattF: I just finished that article. It’s chilling. Thanks for pointing it out.
@Baud: I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the last six months reading history and historical fiction about the Third Reich. Whatever knowledge I have gained leads me to the fixed opinion that using the Third Reich as a model for anything should mark someone as unfit for power of any kind.
I checked out the site and that is really fascinating. I’ll be interested to hear how well it works for you as opposed to the shot you got previously.
twbrandt (formerly tom)
@MattF: that’s one of the more frightening things I have ever read
Donald the Dove!
The only thing Hitler did was make the trains run on time, but conservatives hate trains! What gives?
(I’d look to Japan for good train performance anyway. Modern Japan, not WWII Japan)
@Barbara: Don’t forget the many workers, often part-time, who don’t know what hours they’ll be working each day, and are expected to rearrange their entire lives when their boss calls.
Hmmm…The Little Drumfish Boy? Anchovies Have Heard on High?
Figured I had to give it a try!
@Mike in NC:
Trump is a deeply psychologically damaged guy who demanded constant flattery and deference. It still astounds me that so many people were eager and willing, downright happy to comply.
It is, however, interesting to learn about the pushback from military officials since Trump always liked to brag about these people as being “my generals.”
Dan B
@Geminid: So easy. Why is e eryone missing: Hawt Baud?
“Vote for me, to represent you until you get out of this hellhole, and I’ll be right behind you” seems like a winning campaign message.
Little bastard will probably get elected, considering the district.
Mike E
@Barbara: The Rise of the Nazis on PBS, 6 episodes divided halfway by WW2, is well worth the watch.
It’s shit like that that makes me say that every worker should have a union. The only people who should be in that position are people who are getting paid a great deal extra on account of it, rather than being powerless serfs who can be both paid little and pushed around like that.
California: it’s so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.
Miss Bianca
@Nicole: Woot! Chincoteague and Assateague Islands have been on my bucket list ever since I first read Misty of Chincoteague as a wee one.
And Marguerite Henry was awesome. She personally answered my fan letters. (Tho’ that was nothing special to me, she answered all her fan letters personally, apparently. She even had a volume of them done up, called Dear Readers and Riders. Classy lady and great author.)
Traitor said what?
This fuckin’ guy. How many lives and how many billions does one need to expend before “sufficient commitment” is achieved? He sounds like the fuckers who blame Walter Cronkite for us “losing” Vietnam. And a hearty fuck you to Atlantic for publishing him. Do you not remember what he did?
@lowtechcyclist: Right?
“House prices plummet as Californians flee for Kansas” has yet to get above-the-fold treatment.
I’m not giving that a click, but does the word “Iraq” appear in that piece?
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Found earlier postings of the image Via TinEye.
It seems to be from a 2018 McSally ad. Warning – Politico.
This strikes me as “Hillary was a Goldwater Girl!!” stuff. Nothing good comes from amplifying GQP memes.
Bottom line: As bad as she is, we wouldn’t have the IRA and all the other good stuff the Senate has passed if she (and Manchin) weren’t in the Senate now.
@Dan B:
Or Haute Baud!
Not this bullshit again. I guess that some of our military leaders learned nothing from the Vietnam War and other pointless misadventures.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: I just thought it was funny
Mike E
@raven: best of luck on the shots, I did those for my neck… I’m going to try working out for my various back issues, a work in progress!
Miss E and I have camped out near Cape Lookout various times enduring the weather conditions that invariably arise, our last trip was on a friend’s boat from Morehead City to Shackleford Island ten years ago right after a hurricane! The conditions were glassy calm, easily our best trip out there. The wild horses were chilling on the dunes kickin’ fleas like bored dogs who could care less about us being there, amazing!
Dan B
@sab: True dat!
Old School
Yes, It does. However, the word “Bush” does not.
@Old School:
What do you mean “we,” kimosabe?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I’m married to someone who was a church organist for much of our marriage, so I learned about all the secret markings on hymns, as well as how to use the mysterious indexes at the back of the hymnal.
I’ve known pastors who liked to use the meter index to mix and match hymn tunes. Ancient wisdom: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
Raoul Paste
@Baud: I still like Nantucket Baud
It sounds like a riverboat gambler
From various reports.
This was the second consecutive year of population decline. It may be that the high cost of living, more than politics, is pushing people out. From another study:
@Raoul Paste:
That does have a nice ring to it. Also had the added benefit of shunning Alan Dershowitz.
IOW, we might have been able to achieve a better outcome in Afghanistan, but Bush and Cheney fucked it up. But Petraeus isn’t willing to say their names. What a worthless douchebag.
@Barbara: I you are still into the topic I can recommend The Deadly Embrace: Hitler, Stalin and the Nazi-Soviet Pact, 1939-41 (1988). Authors Anthony Dead and David Fisher give a detailed account of the diplomatic maneuvers between the Munich agreement and the Molotov-Ribbontrop treaty signed in late August, 1939 that set the stage for the Second World War. Then they follow developments between Germany and Russia between the Polish invasion up until the German invasion of Russia.
The book has a lot of material on Hitler as well as leaders like Chamberlain, Daladier and Poland’s Foreign Minister (who liked to call himself “the one and only Colonel Beck”). I got a much better picture of Stalin than I had before. He typically interacted with only a few people. Stalin stayed out of the public eye, and when he addressed his nation by radio, 10 days after it was invaded, that was the first time most of his countryman had heard his voice.
@Baud: Giga Baud.
@Old School:
This litany of excuses is driving me crazy.
So, the initial mission was flawed. And no one said anything?
The military and diplomatic officials dawdle for 8 freaking years, accomplishing nothing, and then just compounded their failures? And again, nobody said anything, or said it loud enough?
@trollhattan: he’s really not worthy
Amir Khalid
The US was never going to in succeed in Afghanistan.
It went in to hunt for Osama bin Laden, but he’d already given them the slip and gone to Pakistan
It never had a secondary reason to be there. It was totally ill-equipped and unprepared to deal with the hot mess of Afghanistan, and it spent two decades demonstrating that to all the world.
The smart thing to do would have been to leave Afghanistan as soon as they figured out Osama wasn’t there. But I gather the Commander in Chief at the time wasn’t always keen on doing the smart thing; and generals steeped in decades of military culture are loath to dissent from the C in C on anything.
@Baud: Most of these nicknames are good, but I can’t help but think of what the youngs say*, “Stop trying to make fetch happen”.
* Or more likely, were saying twenty years ago. I can’t keep up with the hep cats and their way-out slang.
The net population drop was only 117k from 2021 to 2022, slowing the previous year’s trend.
@Amir Khalid: We joined a long line of attempts, expecting a different result.
It’s possible we might have caught Osama at Torabora but once again, relied on bombing the shit out of something instead of sending in soldiers. Something, something, hey, get ready for Iraq!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ken: if you wanna rap with the kids, you gotta stay groovy. If you put in the effort, the results can be far out
(just listened to the Mother Country Radicals podcast, by the son of Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dorhn. Maybe old hat to some people, but I learned a lot)
Another Scott
@Old School: As Baud says, who’s “we”??
But beyond that, it’s just transparently stupid revisionism:
This is stupid nonsense and he knows it. But I would expect nothing less from him.
Any US attempt to remake Afghanistan was doomed as long as Pakistan and India and Iran and other regional actors weren’t on board. And they – especially Pakistan – never were going to be. We weren’t going to go to war in Pakistan to somehow root out the Taliban in the “tribal areas”. And as long as the border was/is porous, the Taliban would always be able to throw bombs in the gears of Afghanistan’s government if they didn’t like it (and they wouldn’t like it as long as they were in charge). It’s stupid to think that more US bases and more US troops in Afghanistan would have changed that.
Petraeus and all the rest of the people trying to rewrite history know this. It’s transparent, cynical, bad-faith nonsense.
The only sensible path was to overthrow the Taliban, hold a loya-jirga that included representatives of factions inside Afghanistan and regional observers, and let them hash out what they wanted going forward. Our input should have only been:
1) We will actively support a democratic and representative government with aid and trade and diplomatic recognition. Anything less will get much, much less support. If the Taliban take over again, that’s terrible, but so be it. They’re an independent people and country.
2) We will conduct over-the-horizon military action if necessary to protect our interests to see that Al Qaeda and others do not use Afghanistan as a base for attacks against us or our interests. Any new Afghan government should and must act carefully.
That’s it.
Afghanistan has to figure out its own path. Perpetual occupation by the US only delays them finding that path.
My $0.02.
@Nicole: Thanks for the link. I read so many horse books in grade school. Henry’s White Stallion of Lipizza books were favorites.
Chris T.
My whole life is nothing but jet lag, regardless of whether I travel. I just don’t sync up with the sun.
Baud! 20XX!: He’ll make fetch happen!
Chris T.
I moved back to California for the climate (after moving away for family reasons), but it turns out the climate changed, literally: it got too hot, you need air conditioning even in Berkeley now. So we retired to cooler, wetter further-north. Cost was a big factor too though. The Bay Area requires enormous amounts of money….
The decline may have slowed, but the problems remain. Even though employment is improving, many cities are gradually lifting eviction moratoriums and ending rent control policies. This, along with continuing increases in the cost of living, may push more people out of the state.
@Josie: Well I probably messed up the post since I’m a bit on the groggy side. I didn’t get the implant, we went with the Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection, the same as the first one on January.
All our new neighbours here in Bend, OR are from CA, mostly the Bay Area with only one couple from Los A. Most are early retirees, or working from home. For all the complaints I’ve seen supposedly attributed to old time locals about the CA “invasion” these CA refugees are friendly and nice liberals. Given what they can sell their CA houses for compared to what they get here, I don’t blame them for moving. Every one of them is much more aware of water shortages than the long time evergreen chemlawn locals too. It is driving up housing costs though, along with lack of supply since builders only want to build high end homes apparently.
Dan B
@MattF: Quite the story about the relentless drive to hold power by ruthless means. The narrative is that the military saved democracy. I’m not completely persuaded. We have managed to be spared being ground to horrifying pieces by the thinnest of threads. Adam Smith is my representative. How he doesn’t spend his every waking moment screaming at those who wish to install a dictator, and at those who do not care, is beyond me.
Calls to mind a snippet from years past.
“There are four words you need to know to adequately prepare yourself for childbirth. Take notes here, ladies: I…want…my…epidural.”
– Northern Exposure
“Whatever knowledge I have gained leads me to the fixed opinion that using the Third Reich as a model for anything should mark someone as unfit for power of any kind.”
How about 440V power? That kind of power should render them fit enough not to be able to abuse their power.
@Baud: Baud/Mean Girls/2024!!!!!!!!!!!
Among the very first laws put into place upon their assuming power was the Reichstierschutzgesetz (Reich Animal Protection Act).
Things raced downhill at warp speed after that.
Most officers higher than O-2 I ever met would very much not like to be referred to as being owned. If having to deal with a higher ranked officer they seemed mostly to take out their frustration of not being on top on those ranks below them. Some were far worse than seemingly possible. Last ship I was on, for 4-5 weeks before discharge, the captain was one of those. Needless to say this did not endear him to
manyanyone. Now I never heard anyone refer to him as Captain Asshole, but the vibe was strong enough to hold up at least a 2 lane bridge.Ixnay
@MattF: of course, Tom Lehrer was there, God rest ye Merry merchants may ye make the yule tide pay.