Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Experts in classified information said the unusual search underscores deep concern among government officials about the types of information they thought could be located at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and potentially in danger of falling into the wrong hands.
“Falling into the wrong hands” LOL. Those fucking documents weren’t going to “fall” or be “misplaced”. Trump was going to sell or trade them. It looks like what happened is that Trump first turned over some documents voluntarily, then he was subpoenaed for some more, then a little bird told the FBI that there were still more documents, so they executed a search warrant and carried them away. I’ll bet there are some more documents squirreled away in his laundry hamper or hidden under one of his packages of adult diapers.
I’d like to think that this will hurt Republicans, especially those who came out with their “defund the FBI” bullshit, but watching the immense gullibility and ignorance of the so-called liberal press makes me think that whatever the next round of horseshit that Republicans dream up to cover up for this massive, unprecedented security breach will be eagerly lapped up by Maggie Haberman and other book writers who have hitched their wagon to Trump.
Still, this motherfucker was never going to keep just the Patels, and I think he’s in deep trouble.
Gives some heft to speculation that it’s Jared who flipped.
Some thread music: “Fugata” from La Camorra, Astor Piazzolla. I think the bass might just have entered.
ETA I would like to thank the Academy, my parents, …
Could you fill in what you mean about keeping just the Patels? I know of Kash Patel, but I don’t think that’s what you mean.
Thanks for a great post as well!
Lock. Him. Up.
If I were writing a fiction novel like this, I’d write in a tip off of a deal being discussed for a sale of the documents at a Saudi sponsored golf tournament at the former President’s golf club causing the warrant to be issued…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s nuclear secrets, as in nuclear weapons, if true. It doesn’t get more stark or simple than that, imo. That can’t be defended or justified. What the hell would he need with them?
Villago Delenda Est
The motherfucker (to borrow and apt turn of word from Beto) is guilty, guilty, GUILTY! (to borrow three words from Marc Slackmeyer).
There are two things I am sure of. First, this is going to be stupid. Second, Trump is panicking about this in a way he almost never does over scandals. I certainly can see ‘Trump kept whole boxes of nuclear secrets because it made him feel like he’s still president’ fitting those two requirements.
I’m praying that they had MAL bugged or at least had willing eyes telling them who was coming and going.
I’m also praying Putin kicks the bucket before he can make use of whatever Trump passed to him. Because you know he passed SOMETHING.
Trump is stupid enough to steal documents that are too hot to sell.
@moonbat: They already have surveillance camera footage.
insert clever nickname here mistermix
It’s from a scene in Glengarry Glen Ross. Warning: lots of profanity, but the idea is that Patel leads are worthless and Glengarry leads are the best.
There is twitter speculation about the contents of Ivana’s casket, seeing as how she was cremated. The trumps are such a bunch of freaks, I’m willing to to entertain that possibility that it’s full of stolen documents.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, I’m just catching up on my blogs.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What’s more, is he ignored that grand jury subpoena. Lawyers, what happens when normal people try to ignore grand jury subpoenas?
In a single day I’ve gone from cheering the FBI on for getting this material secure to ready to scream at them, “Why did you wait so long?!”
No need to treat this ass with kid gloves. He tried to overthrow the government for christsakes. I am SURE the Biden people had the smarts to change every code the second they took office, but nuclear secrets? That’s not the kind of stuff you just leave in the hands of the most feckless, venal man ever to hold the office for a year and a half.
EVERYONE in the inner circle of Trump’s administration needs to go to jail.
I thought Pacino’s incredulous “Patel?!” was the best line in the movie
Dorothy A. Winsor
John Brennan is on MSNBC. He’s close to hysterics over nuclear secrets being stashed at Mar-a-Lago
Villago Delenda Est
@Frankensteinbeck: Well, that is worth considering, because his three-year-old ego is that fragile.
Dan B
@MagdaInBlack: Yep. Nine pallbearers struggling with a heavy casket full of ashes? It would be criminal not to speculate.
Villago Delenda Est
@moonbat: The codes change regularly every 24 hours in the first place. However, information on deployment, technical specs, stuff like that does not, and that’s most likely what is involved.
Captain C
@Tinare: Would Phil Mickelson be the snitch? And if he was, would the reward money be gambled away within a week?
Omnes Omnibus
Isn’t the Trump Razor that it’s always the stupidest explanation?
FISA taps on everyone. Secret Service on site that Trump trusts. Covert agents embedded in the staff. Docs probably subverted/disinfo as well.
Highest-stakes honeypot ever.
Or maybe the batch of documents he voluntarily returned in June includes the letters from Kim Jong-Un, and he forgot that one of them said:
“Thanks for the nuclear bomb designs! And I’m thinking about that trade you offered, plutonium for the exclusive right to build a luxury casino-hotel in Pyongyang! Hugs from your fave dictator!”
@Omnes Omnibus:
In that case, I’m going with he used our nuclear secrets to wrap his china in.
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Don’t you mean Mamie Eisenhower’s china?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
He just became radioactive
Rory Montana
If they can’t prove he was going to sell them this is going to turn into a debate about overdue library books and he’s going to walk.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: @Villago Delenda Est: Possible.
Dan B
@Omnes Omnibus: Someone came up with “Pumpkin Tits”.
Brian Beutler reminisces.
I always thought that DOJ wanted to go as big as possible, and that assembling the means to do so, not tone calculations or whatever people were talking about, was the reason things were taking so long. Looks like we’re about to find out. If this news bears out, it might carry with it a need to act pretty soon.
“Michaelangelo 70,” Piazzolla
patrick II
It often seems like dealing with a five year old boundary testing more than having rationa! motives
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Somebody tell me if they also remember this sequence of events:
Trump takes office.
Makes the first of his many unrecorded calls to Putin.
Next day, a bunch of highly-placed people in Russia are accused of being CIA assets, rounded up with bags over their heads and taken off (presumably to be executed).
I am just saying that Ivana was cremated but then buried in a casket and ten (!) pall bearers struggled to carry the casket.
If I were the Feds I would dig up that grave and check the contents of that grave.
Dan B
@Rory Montana: My bet is Garland has the goods already. It may have happened at his Saudi golf tournament.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the silence of the Lowry
ETA: they had fallen off my radar before we had never-trumpers and anti-antis, but if I had been asked to bet years ago, I would’ve gotten it exactly backwards which side of the line Rich Lowry and Jonah Goldberg would land on
zhena gogolia
@Rory Montana: А вы в Москве или в Петербурге? В Екатеринбурге?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Heh. Norman Coordinate.
Mai Naem mobile
I think it comes down to Meadows, Ivanka or Jared. Jared because his daddy went to prison and so has an idea how this stuff works. He’ also a self entitled prick with a law degree. Ivanka because daddy is close to eighty and a good chance he will kick the bucket before he gets to do any time, while chances are she’s got another 50 years of life to live and doesn’t want to spend any of that time in prison. Meadows because he’s about as stupid as TFG and was in on everything. Cippolone doesn’t seem like he was in TFG’s inner inner circle.
Metaphorically, or does the tracking system for these documents include tracer isotopes?
(I was watching an old Adam West “Batman” a couple of days ago, and they were putting radioactive Bat-Spray on something so they could track it from a couple miles away. Uh, dynamic duo, if it’s that active you just killed yourselves…)
Dan B
@zhena gogolia: Good one!!!
zhena gogolia
@Mai Naem mobile: I don’t believe Jared has a law degree.
Remember the Cheney Doctrine: He’s in his seventies, stop using excuses you wouldn’t accept for a five-year-old.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@patrick II: Olivia Nuzzi once described trump’s odd speech as “at once sinister and child-like”. It applies to so many aspects of The Beast
Reddit comment
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Rory Montana:
Classified government documents, especially nuclear secrets, are not the same as “overdue library books”
I’m half expecting Trump will be in one of them tomorrow, and a hell of a lot of people in Congress and on Fox will be flailing for a way to disassociate themselves from him.
(I humbly suggest that they give away all their worldly possessions, take a vow of silence, and enter a religious order where they will hoe a vegetable garden and flagellate themselves for the rest of their lives.)
Is there some way to scan the contents–sonar, GPR–to see if there’s a body present w/o digging?
Poe Larity
Nukular secrets are so antwacky. At least he could have squirreled away all those Benghazi docs in case Hillary runs in 2024.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Of course, nuclear secrets missing is a serious, but did you know that the SHARPIE PEN MAP IS MISSING!!?!
The link goes to a nice timeline explainer on, beginning in May of 2021 when the National Archives started asking for missing documents. (Like the sharpie map).
If Trump stole nuclear secrets, I can’t even imagine the types of things Hillary had done.
WV Blondie
The Reichwing’s new talking point is that TFG declassified them. The problem with that argument is that he/his lawyers would have already told the National Archives (the agency this whole thing started with). And he would have whined to Faux Noise or OAN about it.
Tony G
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): That’s right, of course. But our “liberal media” (The New York Times, NPR, etc.) will probably treat this like “overdue library books”. (Unlike Hillary Clinton’s “email crimes”.)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Yeah, she might’ve deleted emails ; )
i’m old enough to remember just yesterday when ‘the daily’ had maggie on for an extended segment that talked a lot about a ‘raid’ and ‘descended’ and ‘searched the premises’ but somehow managed to not mention anything about a warrant
Villago Delenda Est
@Baud: Oh, this one is easy. The top secret risotto recipes.
I’m reading this stuff and am horrified by the realization that any of them could be true, and that the more idiotic the scenario, the more likely it is that that’s the one.
I’ve moved beyond Schadenfreude to Brando contemplating a worm on a straight razor, i.e., no longer enjoying it.
Regardless of what comes of this ongoing shitshow, congrats to all of the stupid, selfish shitstains who screamed, “Fuck you, Hillary!” with their ballots.
Villago Delenda Est
@WV Blondie: There’s also a rather elaborate physical process that takes place when you declassify documents that I doubt very much TFG had the attention span to follow.
I can imagine that a lot of people are going to be interviewed in regards to who had access to those documents. This is going to be a pretty big deal – GOP people grandstanding on this is going to not only look bad, but could be criminal.
A lot of people are going to be in big trouble if they were exposed to that box of documents.
I’m kind of thinking that it’s going to be like raiders of the lost ark when they open the ark and shit goes downhill from there.
Gin & Tonic
@Kristine: She was cremated.
For context:
Confidential information would cause “damage” and secret information would cause “serious damage” if publicly available. Top secret? Exceptionally grave damage. This is drilled into government employees in annual training. No one in their right mind treats it lightly.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Can you still hear the centrists screaming, Clarice?
@zhena gogolia: nice :)
though I think my phrasebook needs updating as an alternative it gave
“My hovercraft is full of jellied eels”
Paul Krugman: “So the FBI raid on Mar a Lago was just a fission expedition?”
“Ima finna cut da bitch”
I’m starting to think it’s likely Trump will oppose release of the warrant.
@cain: From the CNN timeline.
“someone who served in the White House counsel’s office under Trump, who was the point of contact for recordkeeping matters.”
Patsy Baloney?
The documents themselves are nuclear?
Bill Arnold
@WV Blondie:
Ah, but J. Biden reclassified them shortly after taking office, using … a similar procedure.
Apparently, anyone wandering around Mar-a-Lago, at least up until they put a padlock on the room with the file boxes of nuclear secrets.
The one bright spot is that we know the security at Mar-a-Lago is very strict: your check has to clear before your wedding party is given the run of the place.
This is a time when my mind wanders back over all the pictures of Trump desperately currying favor with Russians. The laugh-fest with Lavrov and that Pillsbury dough boy ambassador. Eager-puppy-style trying to catch Putin’s eye at dinner and making that frantic hand gesture “Look at me! Want to have a chat, like pals?” And of course Trumpie’s gloomy whipped dog walk, a half stride behind Putin doing his best the strutting banty rooster imitation.
That guy would do anything to impress his hero.
Villago Delenda Est
@RSA: I held a TS, but I never actually read a TS document, never had a need to know, only got the clearance so I could be put on a roster of officers for nuclear related duties. I did see a TS cover sheet, once. That’s as close as I got. And yes this shit is drilled into you. Omnes, for example, would know all about that sort of thing, in the Field Artillery you had to be TS to deal with nuke stuff.
So it would be pretty big news if there is a body in the grave?
Want to thank you for tonight’s music. I love Piazzolla.
@zhena gogolia:
It is kind of hard to believe, but according to Wikipedia it’s true:
@Bill Arnold: In fact, Biden double-super-reclassified them.
Moderation?!? Did I mistype my email address or something?
@Ken: Has anybody seen Mark Meadows recently?
For eyes only:
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Whose show?
Chetan Murthy
@PPCLI: As we all know, retroactive classification of public domain material is a thing. So retroactive reclassification would par for the course.
smedley the uncertain
@Kristine: Ashes…
Hate to rain on everyone’s parade, but the only source we have for this story is an anonymous one talking to WaPo.
And considering how the MSM loves to hit Warp 7 if they have a scoop, I’m guessing there was no effort to find a second source, or get confirmation of any kind.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I mean, this is all a far, far cry from email server management practices.
Dear god, I hope every last media dope who piled on Hillary gets their twitter feeds DROWNED in scorn.
@zhena gogolia:
I didn’t think so either, but apparently he does:
@Ken: No worries, I’m sure they downed their Anti-Radiation Bat Pills before applying the spray..
Chris T.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
IANAL (and also, I am not a lawyer), but as I understand it, the usual thing is that the judge issues a bench warrant. This means the person is now subject to arrest. Depending on the reason for the subpoena and how fast one’s lawyers can tap-dance, you can get the bench warrant deferred or even quashed by spending enough time, effort, and money.
I would guess that would be a great hiding place for physical stuff that was looted, like gifts that wouldn’t deteriorate. It seems less likely they’d stash documents there, but maybe
ETA how many reams of paper can you fit in a coffin and how much would it weigh?
@Immanentize: OMG, maybe it’s the seriousness of all of this, and my brain needs a break, but this right here is cracking me up.
@CaseyL: Thats my take, too. Let’s wait for more confirmation, but if true it’s absolutely insane.
You know, sometimes I wonder whether the right wing nut jobs come to this blog to harvest their next talking points.
Something Baud throws out as a joke I’ll see a day later as a straight-faced explanation on the Twitter machine.
Bill Arnold
Trump’s cover story will be that this is related to development of defenses against the Chinese Hurricane Gun, but really, it was about weapons like (cough) the HAARP-steered Cassaba Howitzer.generated[1] nuclear plasma bolt, for defense against aliens. Eat Hot Nuclear Plasma, Alien Spacecraft!
Or, he’s fucked, if the search found any such documents.
[1] Sorry, http link ’cause their cert is broken.
@stacib: my work here is done.
@moonbat: Baud is their front man? The guy a the start of the puke funnel? Say it isn’t so.
@JaySinWA: Not knowingly, I hope. But wait if we don’t see something like his comment at 52 regurgitated tomorrow or the next day. lol
He built it all by himself with his tiny, tiny hands.
@insert clever nickname here mistermix: Thanks a million!
@Villago Delenda Est:
The Rosenbergs would like a word.
I believe they have security recordings.
Princess Leia
Thank you for pointing this out- could be a strategy to make anything less bad look like a nothingburger.
@geg6: I sincerely hope they do. I’ve read conflicting reports that they were seeking but had not yet secured them.
I just gotta say that a grave the size of this one is not usually for a cremated individual, in my experience.
Someone flew a plane over MAL with a banner saying “Ha ha ha ha”.
link to Twitter
YY_Sima Qian
Sheesh. I am afraid the classified information may already be in Russian/Chinese/Israeli hands.
WaPo says more than one source
Whether “they” spoke to the Post separately or together is not discussed.
@Princess Leia:
If it turns out to be true, and if anyone (Saudis, Chinese) had a chance to so much as glance at the information, then… well, I can’t even imagine the shitstorm.
@TS: Ah. They did get confirmation. Though I really, really dislike anonymous sources. The MSM keeps using the ones who have lied to them.
@moonbat: We’ve already seen it, but with Obama (“took 33 million pages of classified documents”), not Hillary Clinton.
I suspect you’re right, though, and the RW noise machine will start talking about Hillary soon enough. Oh, the more sensible among them might not want people to be contrasting email server best practices with nuclear secrets; but the sensible have not been in charge of the right for some time.
@YY_Sima Qian: Don’t forget the Saudis! Jared sure hasn’t.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
The Firm
Dan B
@CaseyL: I thought there were two sources.
@Dan B: Apparently so. I’m still a little leery, but I’m hardwired to be leery.
@YY_Sima Qian: fucking execute him- trial, firing squad. Done. Bury his ashes by Ivana or Bin Laden. And jail every single person in his inner circle that played a part.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Kash Patel says, “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves,”
Yet oddly enough we don’t know what these documents are, never mind what they say.
Kash Patel, former aide to Devin Nunes. What kind of person is an aide to Devin Nunes?
“Only the best…” Gah.
I mean, it’s the New York Post and all, but you don’t usually use terms like “buried” and “laid to rest” when discussing the disposition of cremated remains. I actually haven’t seen anything, except here at BJ, to suggest Ivana was cremated. (Not that I’ve looked; didn’t really care until the speculation started about documents in the casket.)
A always
B be
C crime-ing
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s why I still think the most likely thing is he kept them to show off and make himself look important. Maybe Jared or someone else in his circle traded some for influence, but more likely the major risk is the many foreign spies who are club members getting a look at them for free, just by flattering him.
That’s the stupidest explanation I can come up with that fits the facts. Maybe someone with more imagination can come up with something stupider.
How did that sack of shit get unpied? Fixed.
8 boxes of 8 reams, so 400lbs, not including the coffin.
Some coffins are air tight and sealed against the elements and will stay intact for more than 50 years.
the ones with bells and semaphores in case the occupant was buried alive went out of “style” in the 1920’s and were never adopted by Mob Bosses,….
Villago Delenda Est
Now there’s scuttlebutt that SIGINT is in the mix of Merde-A-Loser booty.
Major Major Major Major
@CaseyL: Also, “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons” could mean anything from “lucrative details of nuclear technology to the Saudis” to “satellite photos of North Korea’s launch sites” or whatever. Will definitely be waiting for any details at all, but meanwhile enjoying the takes!
Alrighty then.
Either way, still a big nasty felony!
I’m thinking the word Sought leaves a lot of wiggle room.
Not Found but looking if they might be some there. Might be one of twenty categories of classified info the were looking for.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I was dozing off while Bradley Moss was talking to Lawrence O’Donnell, but apparently nuclear secrets are a whole ‘nother kettle of fish, and the magic declassification wand doesn’t work in this case, due to the Atomic Energy Act
the way this story keeps escalating we’re going to find out trump actually traded some documents already to the Saudis in order to host that LIV tournament at his golf course.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Just, wow.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
3.6 Roentgen. Not great, not terrible!
(trump keeps burning like Reactor Number 4 as the rest of the surrounding Republicans succumb to radiation sickness)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Does Josh know something we don’t, or is he talking out of his ass?
It’s a night like this that I can’t find myself going to bed even though I should.
@mrmoshpotato: Rhetorical question?
We have it, the stupidest possible explanation. Trump kept a bunch of nuclear secrets so he could feel like he’s still the president, like he still uses the presidential seal. A year later, he brags about it to the Saudis. They offer to let him host their tournament in exchange for friggin’ NUCLEAR SECRETS and Trump thinks this is great, so the FBI has to stop trying to handle this delicately and move in immediately to prevent the trade.
Major Major Major Major
Why would you hide your documents via a big flashy public ceremony instead of like, literally any other way?
Open Thread?
What a despicable waste of protoplasm. Lies piled atop lies. (WaPo link.)
@Major Major Major Major: CNN sez documents recovered in January included ones under Special Access. If true, VE-ry naughty …
@PaulWartenberg: May I suggest beer? I mean, as long as you’re staying up…
@NotMax: 7+ years in the slammer. Good on ya, Trump trash!
@Redshift: I’ve got one even stupider: he was convinced he’d be reinstated as president within a few weeks and took them for the day he’d be back in charge.
@MobiusKlein: It’s also quite possible we won’t get confirmation of this immediately, or ever, even if Trump agrees to the release. The DOJ request for release notes that some redaction will be done for security purposes, and various people have said that even document titles can be classified.
Still, a long list of black boxes, each implicitly saying “this is so secret we can’t even show you the title”, will have its own impact.
…you know what? This is the dipshit who believed Hillary’s secret server with her 30,000 deleted emails was in Ukraine, and the one who ate up all the conspiracy theories batshit Kraken Woman fed to him about the stolen election. Your theory is actually plausible.
It does provide some evidence for the theory that we’re in a fictional universe, with a not-very-good writing team. In this case they’re leaning on the “arrogance of evil sowing the seeds of its own destruction” trope.
I’d forgotten about that particular dumbassery. I don’t thank you for the reminder.
We are living in a Scooby Doo episode then! (No offense to the ridiculousness that was Scooby Dooby Doo.)
@WV Blondie: Declassification is pretty easy to prove from the documents themselves. They all have classification info on them. If they are declassified, each document is marked as declassified. It isn’t a magic spell where he can just do it instantly without going through the proper procedures.
Regnad Kcin
@hueyplong: it was a snail, but your point is quite well-taken
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Kash Patel is going to find out that white adjacency that comes from palling around with white supremacists doesn’t really give you white privilege, only the illusion of it.
@mrmoshpotato: So someone’s going to rip Trump’s rubber face off, and we find out it was Hillary all along?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I can’t begin to fathom how stupid of a fuck you would have to be to “take nuclear secrets home”…
…and if he shared, say to Daddy Vladdy … heaven help us all…
Mike in DC
The nuclear secrets–the crown jewels, as it were–are not something you take with you inadvertently or accidentally. And certainly declining to return it twice, first when asked politely and again when subpoenaed, is indication of knowledge and intent.
He should go to prison. Lock him up.
Sadly, there most definitely are Trump trash schmucks who are waiting for that to actually happen.
Ah, the old misdirection ploy. Everyone thinks it’s the coffin when its really the ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@mrmoshpotato: I’m guessing that was a tongue-in-cheek response to trump’s claim that the former First Courtesan’s wardrobe was be-rummaged.
Villago Delenda Est
@bbleh: SCI stuff could be considered above generic “Top Secret”.
In addition to whatever he was going to sell, I’m sure there was stuff there he was using to blackmail people with.
Jay C
Amazingly, I just read an NBC News piece featuring opinions by various ex-Trump-Admin assclowns making that exact argument – that the actual specified procedures for declassifying secret/sensitive government documents are more-or-less irrelevant: if Trump wanted to declassify them, his intentions (i.e. just thinking about it) was enough to render said documents, in effect, declassified; and never mind all the petty bureaucratic minutiae like, y’know, writing it down, getting approval, signing off on things, etc.: Trump’s *thoughts* on the docs was all that mattered.
Seriously, they seem to actually believe this.
not bad, it got me going!
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Dumbest Fox Chyron Ever (seen on Jesse Waters’ show):
“FBI Snoops Through Melania’s Closet”
Of course the FBI searched the entire premises as authorized by the warrant. Including the closets.
That’s SOP, but Jesse Watters is trying to create outrage by implying its not standard operating procedure.
Villago Delenda Est
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): I may have mentioned this earlier here, but if they were doing so, they were looking for wardrobe items that were in good taste, and came up empty.
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): They’re still ginning up outrage over the search? Or was Waters’ show recorded before the latest revelations?
I just can’t get my head around this.
I know he’s stupid but to take nuclear weapons secrets?!?!?! Organisms found in petri dishes aren’t that stupid.
I wonder who actually selected the documents, I doubt TFGs ability to actually be able to distinguish between a top secret document and a bar tab.
If this all checks out there will be hell to pay
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman): I mean, was she assigned to Trump by the Russian government? Does anyone know?
@Villago Delenda Est:
It’s still TS though. I held a TSI SCI.
Also WOW at what they got at the golf course. Can we take him out back of the Pentagon and Old Yeller his ass then toss him in the Potomac yet? Good fucking god he stole nuke shit? If there was ever a reason to fucking field execute a jackass this has to be it. I mean this is clearly hanging stuff, if not draw and quarter.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: In another forum I follow, which boots right-wing bloviators but is tolerant of just about anything else, there was a lot of “but her emails” chortling followed by: “I’m more interested in those Honduran death squads she helped set up. Checkmate liberal pretending to be a leftist.”
So yeah.
@different-church-lady: Yep, that’s stupider. My hat’s off to you!
@Villago Delenda Est: silly question but are these papers that can be run through the copier or PDFs that can be scanned to a thumb drive or highly encrypted files no one can open …what are we talking about here ??
Princess Leia
TFG just posted that he is calling for the “immediate release” of the warrant docs. (Which he could do himself if he wanted to.)
@Major Major Major Major: Because he’s Donald Fucking Trump, that’s why. My next question would be, how did Ivana really die? A fall just seems too simple, while a shove seems much more plausible…she wasn’t Jeffrey Epstein, but she knew things, And a convenient funeral would give him a hidey hole, he’d think God, I hate that MF.
@Villago Delenda Est: Not really; I mean with all the compartmentalization we do (which is in the SCI name), it’s just part of the overall “TS” classification.
A good refresher (which I posted in the thread below) would be: Basic Laws and Authorities
I did this for too long, including nuclear stuff.
James E Powell
I understand why it’s happening, but I hate the fact that during the week when Democrats could be dancing in the streets & singing about all the good they are doing with the latest giant sized legislation, the news is all Trump, all day, all night.
I hate him, the political media, all Republicans, and everyone who didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016. In four equal-sized boxes of 100% pure hatred.
James E Powell
Moderation? What the fuck did I do? (McNulty voice).
@Princess Leia:
What he says in public may not be what he says in court. So this is important to hear, but I’ll wait for the judge to release the document just to be sure.
Bill Arnold
@Jay C:
The problem with this is that Biden, the actual President, surely preemptively re-classified with a thought everything that Trump improperly declassified with a thought. Biden didn’t need to tell anybody about this unorthodox reclassification of improperly declassified documents.
Biden’s (boring center) Leftist Logic destroys Trump’s Wingnut Logic!
@kalakal: I have to believe that he’s STILL operating under the belief that since no one has ever truly thwarted him on anything that he REALLY wanted to do…. cheat on his taxes, he’s been doing that for decades… make incendiary racist statements in public, bingo… sexually assault any women that he chooses to… badda bing! Be a faux TV celebrity boosting his “business acumen”, zing!
got impeached twice, so he suffered some bad press, no consequences; led a coup attempt… hell, he was golfing last weekend. All this court shit, fine, he’s beat that shit before, believes he will again.
He thinks he fucking golden and based on his history… I can see why he believes it.
all that shit is what ENDEARS him to the crowd, they all want to be him, to cut a swath thru it all and never have to pay for any of it.
And how many of the NYTs finest are now shredding the drafts of their forthcoming tomes in which they reveal how thanks to their
toadying to the toad in chiefheroic investigative skills they’ve known about this for 2 years but were just waiting for themost lucrativeright time tocash inperform their patriotic duty and let the rest of us (and the authorities) in on the secretPrincess Leia
Yes, I think this is just for his cult – the lawyers will oppose. Typical grandstanding, no substance.
Mike in NC
@kalakal: Jared was going to sell this stuff to the Saudis for $3B.
Major Major Major Major
@James E Powell: Probably a small typo in your nym or email.
Major Major Major Major
@leeleeFL: idk, it seems too stupid even for him.
Sheldon Vogt
@YY_Sima Qian: Saudi.
@SiubhanDuinne: Me too, you could say I was captured. But in addition something about it really fits the times.
@Shalimar: @Jay C:
It’s not like we have a whole specific office that handles all of this. (heavy sarcasm here)
It’s always dumber and it’s always worse.
@Mike in NC: now that I can see, he’s another Dunning Kruger poster boy.
The whole damn family couldn’t raise an EEG spike between them
I’m heading this a lot, and I would tend to believe that is the case, but I would swear I remember that the Shrub Administration (probably during the Scooter Libby business) argued that the president could declassify things without telling anyone, and got a ruling to that effect.
My memory could be faulty, because that seems ludicrous, but I remember it seeming ludicrous at the time.
Villago Delenda Est
@Bill: I’ve been out of the game for so long that much of this is beyond my personal experience; we were just getting started with email and such when I got out, and the rule of thumb was to treat everything as potentially at least CONFIDENTIAL, the lowest level of the classified system, which meant disks had to be over written at least three times, TEMPEST hazard mitigation was necessary (the first word processors sent signals that could be picked up a mile away, so no classified on them). I have no idea what they do with all this stuff now, but my understanding is that the Obama administration did almost everything electronically, with all the safeguards required, while hard copy made a comeback during the Trump years because TFG didn’t do the cyber aside from Twitter.
Basically the entire Trumpov admin shit on this section. Just about every section of this, from Jared and incest FLOTUS’s bad security clearance (everyone remember how they couldn’t get theirs?), to the current shit we’re still having to deal with now. Every section of this. Security officials were justifiably worried about something like this happening because of their total disdain for following just basic fucking rules. I’m getting way too worked up again and it’s too late in the evening.
Classification exists for the executive branch and so the president can declass at will. Congress folk get cleared by nature of being voted into office and thus don’t go through what the rest of us did when we got cleared.
All that said this is the first president dumb enough to cart off documents related to nukes. If he needed stuff they would have set up an SCIF at his home with a SIPRNET and JWICS drop and be done with it.
Comedically nuke stuff is TS but the DOE clearance for it is called Q, so Trump got owned by Q in the end. Top Secret sums it up but it’s really a Q SAP level access for DOE. For us DOD types that’s TS SCI.
We might see someone be soooooo fucked that it defines a new level of being fucked. I can’t even on several levels, it’s sort of a “wait he did what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” oh you done fucked up good and proper. Followed by several minutes of “nobody can be this dumb, it’s not possible to be this dumb, can a human be this dumb”.
@Villago Delenda Est: we have different levels of encryption we can use with Outlook, but it’s only good for sending to other .mil/.gov addresses. Anything beyond that and we’re using our specific secure system (SIPR). SIPR is a closed loop system with heavy encryption. There’s also a myriad of different intel systems that do their own closed system stuff. Honestly, most of the time the rule of thumb was: if there’s even a hint of anything that shouldn’t be open source, get on SIPR. Most of the people who did that, outside of our COMSEC personnel, were NCOs so that was another way to limit access (section 4: safeguarding!)
@eversor: Honestly, I feel for all the people who are going to have an extra 20-30 mins added to their annual training because of this incident. Because there’s no way this won’t be added as an example of what not to do, and how historically bad this is. I can’t wait for some dumbass to try the: he’s the president, he can do what he wants! That’ll get bitch slapped down with a quickness.
Major Major Major Major
@Redshift: Internet lawyer T. Greg Doucette seems to think you need to announce it in one way or another
Also it’s only one of many possible felony charges
SIPR is only for up to SECRET level though. Go above and we had NSANET, JWICS, GWAN.
Thing is, an ex president can get this at home along with an SCIF. So not doing that and taking boxes of documents to padlock them is uh, beyond dumb.
@eversor: it 1000% is. But that’s Trumpov to a T.
@Leto: Perhaps one good thing to come out of it will be the, ah, de-hiring of Trump supporters who refuse to complete their assigned analysis of all the things Trump did wrong?
Someone has to point out that Mar-a-lago is not his only residence. What else could be lurking inside Bedminster and the Tower in Manhattan?
I forgot how much I hated the constant “OMG what the fuck did he do NOW??!!” feeling I had all the time when TFG was president. It’s coming back to me….
Villago Delenda Est
@eversor: I think that Biden cut TFG off from all classified everything, which means if there was a SCIF at the swamp palace, it was probably decommissioned.
@RSA: Yes, someone – a name I’m not familiar with – stated there’s different categories of *Top Secret,* and anything regarding Nuclear has its own category of Top Security, and can’t be declassified “just because.” He was on Msnbc – I believe the ODonnell show.
@Major Major Major Major: Deep thought: Trump falsely “leaked” the nuclear story so that when the warrant doesn’t show that. he can crow about how the whole thing is a setup.
Anyone else thinking of the Legion of Doom headquarters from the old Challenge of the Superfriends cartoon?
I’m back and forth with Amazon AWS over maybe accepting an offer which is TS/SCI will full polygraph. Pays well, I hold the clearance, local (Arlington VA baby!), but I really don’t want to go back to living in a SCIF. Who knows! You can probably figure out the real client I’d work for.
And yeah this is going to be a whole nother Snowden fiasco. Like I get it, but I got shit to do and I don’t want to sit here for two hours of traitors and nitwits training cause I’m you know, not a traitor, might be a nitwit jury is still out. Selling nuke secrets to Saudis was never on my bucket list or even thought about that could happen till today.
It’s sad but we are going to all go through “don’t take nuclear weapons documents home” session as you said for 30 mins with everyone groaning at the sheer idiocy of it all. “You don’t have to tell me not to steal nuclear weapons plans I’m not fucking stupid”.
Hasn’t that property changed hands several times since and is now maison Cracker?
@leeleeFL: Somewhere I saw reference to a forensic report that named torso wounds from a fall down stairs as the cause of death. So fishy that I wonder if it was a true report.
@Redshift: What Marcy Wheeler used to call “pixie dust” declassification. But as I recall, it was considered dubious at best then too.
Isn’t it moot whether Trump declassified these materials in his own brain? The second he was told to turn them over, he’s been informed they are re-classified. Hiding some instead of turning them over is stealing classified documents whether or not taking them home was.
This is false. Once you hit TS there are SCI and SAP programs which means the information is in a compartment. You have to work on the program and be read in to access it. Some of us (had/have) side clearences such as CYRPTO access (the encryption of communications) but these are not TS or above.
A TS with SCI or SAP access requires a bit more of the flashlight up your ass to make sure you can be trusted. But once in you simply get compartments opened and closed as you work on them.
To make a joke Leto is obviously military with a TS and I was Navy with TS. We are both cleared, but we don’t need to read into each others programs. If one us moved to the others command the commanding officer would issue us a temp clearance into the program based on what we had which would be revoked the moment we left and then we could never speak of it again.
Thousands of us live by these rules each day and don’t violate them. It’s serious shit.
The whole classified/declassified thing is a red herring.
Regardless, they are not his property to remove.
Still plumbing the depths of stupidity of the traitorous orange bitch.
Skipping through posts… IF Trump has/had possession of nuclear top secret papers – how on earth did these papers leave the WH??? Apparently, anything pertaining to Nuclear had to be accounted for, and be under watch for every moment when outside of secured security.
These documents weren’t just brought to Trump’s desk and left to be picked up later.
@eversor: I think you’re agreeing with me? There’s TS and there’s Really TS. Regardless, I was pointing out that some TS info can’t be reclassified w/o jumping through extra hoops?
You have to frame it as to what it “could” be and why he’d have access. It can’t be codes those change daily. Schematics and science don’t matter because the issue is the ability to make the things not the know how.
For my money it’s plans. Layouts, sub information, locations, other such jazz. To take it down a level you can’t just download mythermonuclearbomb.pdf and even if you could most people are too stupid to read it and those who can don’t need it. What a President does have is plans, locations, and all that. Which is arguably worse. That shit is still nuclear and classified and if you don’t agree we have a whole Navy that will roll over laughing at you.
I’m guessing this is really fucking bad.
@WV Blondie:
There’s a process to declassification, otherwise nobody else but Trump would know he declassified documents.
He can’t just take stuff with him and when asked about it say he declassified it so no big deal.
It’s not how things work.
@Jackie: what the Trumpov admin was known for was meticulous attention to detail and abiding by the rule of law… (heavy snark here). Frankly I don’t care. It’s another major violation which should be prosecuted. We (the American public) have no idea if all the papers are back, what damage could have been done, or the how long the fallout will occur. It’s continuous and ongoing, and we probably won’t know the full extent for decades to come.
Roto Rooter doesn’t have a snake near lengthy enough.
@eversor: I think we’re in agreement. Whatever Trump stole from the WH is bad. He certainly didn’t take what he took for the good of America.
@schrodingers_cat: this
@Leto: Sadly, yes.
Oh, but for Hillary’s emails…
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
Of course, by “snooping” they mean smelling her panties or trying on her bras – you know, what they would do.
Anyone who confirmed it to Woodward had no business being surprised that Trump disclosed the information. They’re guilty of the same crime.
“Q” is literally called “Q” because he supposedly has a Q-clearance that gives him access to all the top secret information.
So maybe this is his stuff. /s
Speaking of Q: I was driving around yesterday, was behind a pickup with “ransom note style” decal letters spelling WWG1WGA on his gate. Part of me was tempted to call 911, tell them “there’s an insane person driving a black pickup, here’s his location.”
Well, it was signed by Ronny Jackson, who’s a admiral! So it must be true!
So if this is true, that Trump was somehow able to abscond with sensitive nuclear weapons specs or weapons project plans or something raises a troubling question: was there no chain of possession process for papers that sensitive? I imagine something like that would be “eyes only”, in other words someone from DOE or DOD shows them to the President so they can discuss them, then puts them back into one of those steel briefcases handcuffed to their wrists or something and goes back to headquarters in an armored vehicle. What were they doing just “lying around” the Oval Office or WH residence as the Trumps moved out?
Dorothy A. Winsor
My brother and sister have both claimed their dual US/Canada citizenships, but my son asked me not to because he needs security clearance for his job. He’s interviewed every six months, and one question they ask is if anyone in his immediate family is a dual citizen. That’s how careful he is compared to the grifter who was in the White House.
Snarki, child of Loki
It seems that a lot of the “nuclear secrets” are protected by STATUTE, not just by executive classification.
So magic pixie dust declassification wouldn’t work. And could be evidence of guilt.
Chief Oshkosh
@Major Major Major Major: Agreed. Why would you have physical documents at all?
As to what’s in the casket, my money is on money. Gold, cash in plastic bundles, stuff like that. It’s that or else it’s something that Trump (or the kids) never, ever want anyone to see.
But, at the end of the day, there’s probably nothing in the casket. The “struggles” of the pallbearers were probably just missteps of a drunken stagger. Hell, if I was a pallbearer for that clan, I’d be drunk off my ass, too.
J R in WV
Not only will a standard coffin hold something like a dozen banker boxes, you can actually get super-sized coffins.
We had a morbidly obese co-worker, a really nice guy but huge, needed nearly a double-wide coffin after his fatal heart attack. Had a great sense of humor. Handled with heavy equipment, not by human pall bearers.
@Villago Delenda Est: I had a TS clearance years ago when I worked as a security guard at a defense contractor. The contractor was building guidance systems for cruise missiles, and information regarding target sites for nuclear attack was kept in a “safe” (actually a couple of large metal filing cabinets that had a locked steel band around them) and I had to check to make sure the lock was in place a couple of times a shift. So I was in close proximity to highly classified documents but never saw any of them. And I thought it was pretty much security theater. If a foreign power wanted the information, compromising one of the engineers who actually was reading the documents would have been the way to go.
I was thinking the same thing.