A male in a grey shirt and body armor attempted to enter the FBI office in Cincinnati, fired a nail gun, waved his AR-15 and sped off. Apparently, he’s now in a standoff with law enforcement.
I’m just surprised it took this long, and also that it hasn’t happened in more places, given the Trump, Fox and general Republican response to the FBI executing a search warrant at St. Donald’s golden clubhouse.
I’m sure half of the early reported information is wrong, and this guy could have some other beef with the FBI, but I’ll make a prediction right now that he’s not a member of the Forward Party, and this isn’t a misunderstanding over some finish carpentry at a FBI field office.
Declaring war on the FBI always works out so well in the end.
Raoul Paste
If he has a nail gun, it’s probably a dispute over a roofing job
(Who uses a nail gun? It’s like “who throws a shoe?”)
Old School
Probably Antifa.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Old School: You joke, but I expect to hear this from a MAGA mouth
Bobby Thomson
I’m betting it isn’t Chris Partlow, either
After Yang’s latest tweets I’m not sure the Forward Party isn’t just another MAGA grifting group.
So that prediction might be wrong.
Shooting at FBI buildings! We should of stomped those hippie asses in 1970.
Why would you bring a nail gun and an AR-15?
The important thing to remember is that this is an isolated nutcase, and in no way part of some larger activity.
Even when the guy’s van is found plastered over with “TRUMP 2024” posters, his most recent facebook updates are tirades about the Mar-a-Lago operation, and he turns out to have a giant signed poster of MTG on the ceiling over his bed.
Raoul Paste
These people never think these things through. What did he expect to happen when he went to the FBI office?
@dlwchico: Assuming this person is thinking clearly…maybe to save ammo?
Maybe he nailed his manifesto to the door of the FBI office?
BC in Illinois
This kind of thing is a natural result of the Trump/Fox/GOP screams about “what an outrageous thing the FBI has done!” As if that were the atrocity of the day.
You add this kind of outrage to this group’s peculiar reading of the Second Amendment:
+ + +
And if you switch the focus from the FBI/DOJ to Trump, then one question comes up:
Proposition: Trump didn’t take these documents to read them, or study presidential policy, or do research for a book.
Proposition: Trump is interested only in enriching himself.
Remaining question: “How did Trump figure to get profit or power from these documents?”
hells littlest angel
@dlwchico: In case you run out of nails.
@Raoul Paste: I say this with a sense of revulsion, but at least he didn’t go to a synagogue or an elementary school.
@Bobby Thomson:
More like Ziggy.
@dlwchico: Who can know, with these lone-wolf nutcases who make these inexplicable, totally unmotivated attacks. Perhaps some sort of murder-suicide thing, and save the last nail for himself?
Roger Moore
So you can argue diminished mental capacity in your trial?
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
With drippy stalactites.
Because a nailgun is a tool and not a firearm, so he can’t get busted on firearm charges. Quid Ego Demosthenes, libtard.
Granted, it’s a piece of abject idiocy up there with Admiralty Law, Timecube, and other Wingnut Logic, but it’s all I got.
Tony G
@lee: The “Forward Party”. Jesus H Christ. I enjoy pain, so I often listen to NPR. Example number 10,365 of the uselessness of NPR’s “journalists” was a few days ago when one of the NPR “personalities” was interviewing Christine Todd Whitman about the “Forward Party” and she somehow neglected to ask Whitman about her lies about the air quality in lower Manhattan after 9/11/01 — lies that caused thousands of people to be unnecessarily sickened with cancer and that caused many people to die. Whitman really should not have shown her face in public for the past 21 years, yet here she is touting this bullshit “party” while NPR throws softball questions at her.
Frank Wilhoit
@BC in Illinois: I notice that each of your suggested paraphrases of the 2d Amendment preserves the misplaced comma that makes the text ungrammatical and therefore, in principle, meaningless.
@dlwchico: Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a gun nut website out there that recommends using nail guns for close-quarters combat.
Update: my son advises me that nail guns are available as weapons in Call of Duty.
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg:
I’m billing you for the eyebleach AND the pepto, just so you know.
A nail gun? I invoke early report skepticism, that’s nuts, especially combined with body armor. I could see a suicide by cop thing using a nail gun as a weapon, but this is weird.
There is this weird cognitive dissonance in the MAGA conservative world.
On the one hand they seem to think that there is this all-powerful and despotic deep state of which the FBI is a part of that has tentacles reaching everywhere from George Soros-led Jewish banking conspiracies to UN-plots to take their guns. Under this viewpoint, the FBI is problematic because it is all-powerful.
On the other hand, they think that if a few of them and their fellow “patriots” just own enough AR-15s then they can overthrow the despots by just making a show of force and standing up for their 2nd Amendment rights.
Both propositions can’t be simultaneously true
Of course rational thinking has never been their strong point.
That’s it. My God.
He thought it would be stealthy. He thought it would be like using a subsonic round.
The knots some tie themselves into to not admit one of our major political parties has become a terrorist death cult; now suppose the left were promoting terrorism…
@BC in Illinois:
Among many other things, they fail to grasp that the line “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” was sarcasm in a letter written by Jefferson about how fucking dumbass the rebellions that the new government had faced so far were. That no matter how good your government, some dipsticks were going to always going to think contributing to the common good was as bad as being ruled by a foreign government you weren’t allowed to take part in.
Omnes Omnibus
@dlwchico: Can’t nail yourself to a cross with an AR-15.
Are these battery-powered nail guns?
I have 4 nail guns in my garage right now. They are all pneumatic and require that I drag around an air hose and compressor that must be plugged into the wall.
@Kropacetic: Maybe I needed the snark tags?
I suspect this person might be a ding-a-ling.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: Why do you need four? That seems suspicious to me. When was the last time you were in Cincinnati?
Bobby Thomson
@Subsole: good call
@Kent: There are electric ones and also ones that use small explosive charges, the latter used mostly to put anchors in concrete.
@Ken: I didn’t mean you. The unfortunate thing is that the argument you made in snark is often employed sincerely.
That “some” is those folk.
@Kent: Umberto Eco mentioned this.
Fascism requires one’s enemy to be simultaneously, soft, effeminate, and helpless, so you (the big strong virile manly man) can kill and abuse them guilt-free.
It also requires that your enemy be strong, malevolent, overwhelming, and dangerous, so you (the righteohs, innocent, harmless, just-minding-my-own, officer everyman) can abuse and kill them guilt free.
Basically, if I read Mr. Eco correctly, fascism is one long, dreary quest for a thin pseudo-logical veneer to paste upon one’s seething id.
It’s all just snot-nosed bullies shrieking about why they hit you back first.
@Kent: Might be powder-charge?
Tony G
@Tony G: To put Whitman’s lies into perspective — my home in New Jersey is about 20 miles away from “ground zero”, yet for several days after 9/11/01 there was a strong smell of burning chemicals in the air near my home. I can only imagine how toxic the air was in lower Manhattan. Whitman was, and is, a criminal.
@BC in Illinois:
They were keepsakes that he could trot out to impress Mar-A-Lardo visitors, and to remind himself that by golly, once upon a time he really was the president.
He never really understood that as president, he was not a king. He was a public servant, living in public housing. And everything there belonged to the landlord. Us.
And I nominate “Can’t nail yourself to a cross with an AR-15.” for a rotating tagline, if it isn’t one already!
No Country for Old Men
@Kent: Maybe “staple gun” is a more accurate description but the media got it wrong? ETA Hoodie likely got it right; electric or explosive charge nail gun.
Let’s get deeper into the crazy: you bring a nail gun so you can try for a diminished capacity defense, but that assumes a level of rationality not in evidence here. However, your prior comment about their cognitive dissonance makes an excellent case that trying to find “rational” with regards to these people is it’s own kind of crazy speculation.
Going after an FBI office is pretty stupid because you know a large number of the people inside are armed. I wonder how many rightward thinking FBI agents will start worrying about neighbours knowing what they do for a living?
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@dlwchico: In the mind of someone like that, I’m sure it’s “Why wouldn’t you?” I’m surprised he didn’t also have a taser, a super soaker, and a tranquilizer dart gun.
@Bobby Thomson: Yeah, except Ziggy you can actually feel bad for. Dude had nobody around him to actually give good advice. Just family who, admittedly, cared – but not enough to keep him out of a game he had no part even being aware of.
I really, really love that show, by the by.
Gin & Tonic
@dlwchico: Does nobody remember No Country for Old Men?
@Kropacetic: Oh yes. Generally the ones making the “lone crazy” claim are the same people who, 24 hours ago on their Wednesday night show, were screaming about how the FBI is the enemy of American patriots everywhere.
FTFY – These are religious nutcases after all.
@Ken: Radio
RwandaMurcaRoger Moore
I would assume so. Most of the cordless models are for finish nails, which seem like they’d be kind of wimpy as a weapon, but they do make cordless framing nail guns. I would think they’d be too heavy and awkward to make a good weapon compared to, say, a Glock 19, but what do I know.
@dlwchico: The nail gun to shoot and not kill, the AR-15 to let everyone know you have it.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛: He probably does, but he left them at home for his kids to practice with.
@Omnes Omnibus: haha yeah that was my first reaction, too. I mean, not about Cincinnati but about “why four”.
Seems like an expensive hobby to just collect nail guns ;)
Falling Diphthong
If anything, I’m a bit surprised someone has sprinted out to start the revolution. I think the vast majority of the het up are hanging out online, waiting for the victorious mobs to march past their homes and then they’ll pop out and join in.
John Wilkes Booth and Timothy McVeigh both believed that they were firing the first shots in a grand uprising, and were afterward quite bitter that no one materialized to man the barricades and carry on the glorious revolution.
@BC in Illinois: The profit part doesn’t make sense to me in this context. If the info was what Trump wanted for purposes of selling it to others, why would he not just copy the docs and give them back to the archives? He could sell that just as easily. In addition, any national security stuff (intelligence briefings, etc.) would already be in the government’s possession since that was generated by someone else, so there would be risk to him that a leak of that type of info would get back to him since he’s the only other person with that info. Keeps leading me to wonder if he held on to stuff that is evidence that he thinks no one else has, such as personal notes or notes by his political staff. You know he went through it because he did give some of the stuff back.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I don’t know if you win the thread, but this is definitely a contender.
@Kent: Now I’m imagining the guy had his pickup truck outside, with a portable air compressor chugging away in the bed and a fifty-foot rubber hose snaking into the FBI lobby.
It would explain why he didn’t get very far into the building. Well, that and even the sort of minimal security you get in a commercial office building, much less a federal law-enforcement agency.
Gin & Tonic
@hotshoe: Less expensive than collecting gun guns.
Roger Moore
Of course. The last thing they want is anyone making a connection between talking about how someone deserves to be subject to violence and somebody attempting violence against them.
@HinTN: Well, Jesus was supposedly a carpenter, or should have been, so GI Jesus would sport a fully automated hammer for clearing the room I guess.
Roofing nails, framing nails, finish nails, and brads
We also have the much-more-recent example of the J6 rioters, many of whom have been quite vocally bitter that TFG didn’t give them the pardons they were expecting.
@Roger Moore: In a prior life, I used Hilti guns that employed small center-fire charges (kind of like a 22 without a bullet) to drive nails into concrete for things like setting sill plates in commercial buildings.
Steve Doocy has gone rogue!
@MoCaAce: Very aggressive Lee Press-on Nails. . . .
Each one is for different size nails.
I have a big framing gun used to put together 2x4s, rafters, and such.
I have a 16 gauge finish nailer used for things like baseboards and window casings.
I have a smaller 18 gauge finish nailer used for smaller things like picture frames
And I have a pneumatic stapler used for things like crown molding.
The Moar You Know
@Kent: They make gunpowder fired versions as well; looks like a .22 short blank round, but even smaller. I don’t think it would shoot a nail further than a few feet, and weakly at that.
Thor Heyerdahl
FTFY – These are religious nutcases after all.
@Falling Diphthong: “Got up, got a latte, attacked the Capitol…”… Some January 6th participant probably.
Roger Moore
The Lockpicking Lawyer has an interesting series where he uses one of those guns (sans nails) to destroy otherwise very tough locks. Lock companies love to brag about how their locks can survive being shot- there was a classic series of Master Lock ads built around this- but that’s because the shots are always aimed to avoid the critical mechanical parts. If you can aim very precisely, even some quite tough locks can be destroyed by the power of a .22 blank cartridge.
That wasn’t a nail gun used in that movie. That was a Captive Bolt Stunning Gun used to kill cattle in slaughterhouses.
It shoots out a bolt or rod that then retracts back into the pistol.
So this piece in Psychology Today gets, I think, to explaining a lot of straight white dude frustration.
From the key points: “Dating opportunities for heterosexual men are diminishing as healthy relationship standards increase.”
I honestly think underscores much of our bad politics right now, including this MAGA asshole in Ohio. And why Trump scratches an itch for his base that no one else does, including DeSantis.
The Moar You Know
@Falling Diphthong: I would argue that John Wilkes Booth fired the last shot of the Civil War, and won it by doing so.
Oh sure, no more Confederacy. But everything Lincoln had planned got put in the trashcan, and Andrew Johnson basically said “it’s all good” and nobody went to jail. Blacks could leave, but for what? Wasn’t until WW2 that they had anyplace they could go.
Now, the inconsistencies are getting to you? I mean, good, I guess…
@Kent:Most likely the 22 caliber fired nail guns would be my guess.
I’m sure it’s a good article, but it could have used a proofreader. First sentence:
The Lodger
@Subsole: Well, the state of ballistic analysis on fired nails probably isn’t real precise…
On the other hand, the opportunities are probably actually increasing for those men willing to live up to higher standards or meet the minimum standard of not being a flaming asshole.
I remember spending time in San Francisco back in the late 1980s when I was in my mid-20s. At that time it was an amazing place to be a young single straight guy because: (1) this was before the tech boom so there were many more women then men living in San Francisco, and (2) about half the men were gay. But you still had to clean up and make yourself presentable and not be an asshole
The problem with a lot of these incel types is not that they can’t meet women. Its that they watch WAY too much porn and think they are entitled to meet Zendaya and not the ordinary girl who works in the next cubicle over.
The Moar You Know
@Suzanne: a man these days has to wipe his ass and not act like a raging asshole in public to get a woman. What kind of world are we leaving our children?
False Nail Flag!
BC in Illinois
From the Twitter (Hugo Lowell @hugolowell):
@Kent: Shudder.
Gin & Tonic
@Kent: Not every attempt at humor needs a “well, actually…”
Well, of course.
But for generations, straight white dudes got to play the game of life on easy mode. Women were financially dependent and so good employment was primarily the realm of white guys. This is no longer the case, and Trump represents this doodtype.
The grotesque displays of heterosexuality, and the marriage to a cartoon woman despite being really physically gross…. highly aspirational.
@JaySinWA: Like this https://www.amazon.com/ITW-Brands-40066-Caliber-Trigger/dp/B002GCU3SO/ref=sr_1_1?c=ts&keywords=Powder-Actuated+Tools&qid=1660239917&s=power-hand-tools&sr=1-1&ts_id=9022408011
Although battery powered nail guns are more common now, I see
ETA The Wire had an episode featuring the powder fired tool as more reliable than batteries since they were often stored in the back of a van and didn’t need a reliable person to keep them charged.
@The Moar You Know: Don’t worry, things will go back to normal after society collapses.
By “normal”, I mean of course that every man will have to be heavily armed and on guard at all times, lest some other man kill him and take his women, gold, and NFTs.
@The Moar You Know: Im not sure how folks are thinking that something that fires a steel shank 6 inches deep into reinforced concrete is only going to travel a couple feet.
I don’t know that a nail is going to stay straight in flight, and I don’t know how much drag that head is going to put on things. But overall I don’t think folks understand how powerful even pneumatic ones are and charge ones are probably 10x that.
@Kent: There’s an app for that!
Put it in a little backpack (camo).
It is made WAY WORSE by the evangelical and fundamentalist churches that have wormed their way into MAGA-land. All the bullshit they preach about complementarianism and women’s roles. The Southern Baptist Church is currently tearing itself apart over this very issue and the horror represented by women actually preaching from the pulpit instead of making babies.
@SpaceUnit: Yes. MAGAs self-culling their own herd.
Roger Moore
I guess self-improvement never seemed like a plausible approach to the MAGA-types.
Tony G
@Suzanne: “Young, abusive heterosexual assholes are really angry about the fact that there are no young women who want to have sex with them. It’s not fair!”. Clearly this is the fault of the young women.
Well he can’t get very far if he’s dragging around an air compressor for that nail gun. And where will he plug it in?
Standards always were my Achilles heel.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.”
Ha! People would be dancing in the street like they did when Biden won.
No shit. There are a LOT of tools out there that kill with impunity if used as weapons. Chain saws, blow torches, sledge hammers, circular saws, wood chippers, etc.
You can kill a LOT of people with the average automobile too.
But yeah, I don’t think the average nail gun is going to have very much range. The nails aren’t going to fly straight and while they might still do damage, they aren’t likely going to drive straight into your heart if fired from 100 feet away despite what is shown in the movies.
@Roger Moore:
What, read a book? Go to the gym? Engage in personal grooming? Get an education or a non-shit job? Heresy.
What the hell? What does that even mean?
Weapon X
@Baud: Substandard is still a kind of standard, right? But you say that to some people and they look at you like you’re some kind of jerk.
@BC in Illinois:
Ooh! I hope an FP will put up a thread with a link.
They realized they were perfect how they were in fifth grade and never looked back.
I just realized I may be MAGA.
@Kent: “I has seen battery-operated nail guns with my own eyes , I has.
The other FBI-related story I’m seeing this afternoon in the NYT is that DOJ issued a subpoena for the missing documents months before the search warrant was served. So days of pundit speculation from all quarters about why there was no subpoena is based on a false premise. Fox types claimed this proved the “raid” was political; sensible folks claimed it proved that the preternaturally cautious AG must have had substantial reason to expect destruction or a national security breach. All that punditry wasted.
As usual, DOJ said nothing and is saying nothing. It was a Trump associate who revealed this, apparently on the theory that it somehow shows that negotiations over compliance were in progress, making the “raid” an unnecessary travesty. The rest of us will pivot to saying that it shows DOJ exhausted every polite means before seeking a search warrant.
Real men use gas powered nail guns. Not some hippy battery powered gun.
Mike in NC
Somebody once said, “Proud Boys stand down and stand by”. A perfectly innocent statement.
@Jackie: It means Steve Doocy has been among the worst propagators of logically inconsistent propaganda out there. Trump has been disparaging the FBI for years.
Why is it now a problem for Steve Doocy?
@Kent: There’s a scene in one of Pratchett’s novels about that. Something about regular troops going up against citizens who were technically unarmed, but only because the instruments they used daily as longshoremen, carpenters, masons, butchers, etc. were called tools, not arms.
Just read a thread on that, and the responses from women were enlightening and entertaining. “Maybe they should start by making friends with other men and learn how to handle their emotions instead of placing that burden on us.”
Elsewhere: At the Trump Presidential Library.
IIRC there is some thought that as the percentage of single men increases, you also see an increase in political turmoil. Often resulting in revolutions if not co-opted by the state.
For instance: Modi in India.
Roger Moore
This. Trump’s big appeal is promising to return to the days when life was easy for straight white dudes. It’s easy to see why this is so attractive to mediocre white dudes. It’s even a pretty good deal for straight white women who don’t have any more ambition than being a stay-at-home mom, and there’s a whole culture built around convincing women to limit their ambition that way.
i was think the same thing regarding the air compressor. Quite the picture I had in my head.
In case it hasn’t been mentioned yet, Colin Kaepernick signed a one-year contract with Cleveland.
Oh wow.
@Tony G:
@Tony G:
I’ve basically stopped listening to NPR. I’ll check out the news portions of ATC and Morning Edition, but once they go to “analysis” (you can’t say “analysis” without “anal”) I turn it off. I’m not about to listen to David Brooks natter on about character, and I don’t give a shit about whatever past-her-sell-by-date GOOPer Christie Todd Whitman’s advice for Democrats may be.
But lately it’s been getting worse. A few weeks ago, they had on some anti-abortion org that convinces pregnant women not to have an abortion, and then (supposedly) helps the women throughout the baby’s life. It was all softball questions, no criticism. The reporter giggled throughout. That same weekend, the Moth Radio Hour did a piece on how sweet and lovely the Russians were to some iditarod racer who lost her dog—and it’s like “um… the Russians are BLOWING UP DOGS in Ukraine RIGHT NOW. I’d sell a limb if they could get revamp Car Talk or some other useful and FUN show, but they won’t so I’ll keep my extremities.
As for the shooter in Cincinnati, I hope he gets what’s coming to him. Prison would be great, but if he ends up dead that’s totally fine too.
@Baud: Good news. I expect trump will blame President Biden cuz ..
Thanks, Biden!
ETA: haha. I posted my comment before I saw your edit.
“Of course rational thinking has never been their strong point.”
I nominate this for the understatement of the year.
I’m not sure I like or hate that people who are completely fucking insane are making a lot of money trying (and succeeding) in building a following of other completely insane assholes because they think that they are losing completely irrational political causes meant to spin back history at least 300 to 400 years by using logic scraped off the bottom of the shoes they wore while standing in cow shit working in a large dairy.
That paragraph makes far more sense than some of the political crap that gets pushed around by the conservative side of the aisle. I mean aren’t they at least supposed to be trying to conserve a political lifestyle that may have possibly, or actually existed, rather than an LSD inspired nightmare of insanity?
Roger Moore
I was thinking more like learning to treat women like human beings rather than sex robots.
Edmund Dantes
@Kent: battery powered nail guns exist now. Really make life a lot less dangerous on rooftops as no more hide lines to trip over. Plus a lot quieter than the air compressor running all the time.
@JPL: DAMMIT! Don’t make me root for Cleveland!
Which paper will lead with the headline
West of the Rockies
I think you nailed it.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@West of the Rockies: He did a good job of hammering the point home.
@Suzanne: Any of those can be plugged in as the “SHE” line in this joke I saw somewhere:
HE: “What do I have to do so you’ll go out with me?”
SHE: “Shower daily.”
HE: “Typical woman, always trying to control my life….”
(BTW The last line was rougher in the original, I have toned it down for this family blog.)
Wanna bet the main entry door is glass? It is after all a business office, not a fort from the early 1800s, which would have been out of wooden logs, so a nail gun might make…… Nope can’t get there from there.
@Baud: This is a link to twitter about the deal
@brendancalling: Sometime in the 1980s, Ian Shoales did a bit on what would happen if you crossed ATC with the National Enquirer to get an NPR show called “All Things Enquired”.
IIRC, the result sounded an awful lot like NPR during TFG years.
“I’ve got to go.”
Uhhh… fascinating?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Do you have the hat? I think you have to have the hat.
@JPL: My cynical self tells me that the Browns signed Kaepernick so as to take some heat off Deshaun Watson.
@different-church-lady: There’s a little push back on Fox now. Doocy challenged Salise about the trashing the blue.
@Roger Moore:
Well, yeah. Of course.
But that’s not enough, that’s a baseline expectation.
@JPL: I hope they are a good club looking to get better and not a lousy one looking for publicity.
ETA: long overdue.
@different-church-lady: We really should approach the NYT and offer Balloon Juice as a cheaper alternative to Maggie. “Just as many obvious insights at a tenth of the price!”
@JPL: There’s kind of a historical pattern to this:
DEMS, SANE PRESS: “Trump did Wrong Thing X.”
GOP: “Thing X was not wrong, and Trump did not do Thing X.”
TRUMP, 24 HOURS LATER: “You’re goddamned right I did Thing X!!”
@BC in Illinois:
Remaining question: “How did Trump figure to get profit or power from these documents?”
This is shit for brains. Your first and only question is how did SFB expect to profit from ANYTHING? Because that is his only motivation. His entire life is based upon how to profit from not doing anything positive for anyone else. Dad taught him that, dipshit was not a good student but he has made an attempt. He missed the point about not drawing attention to ones self and thereby allowing everyone to see what a schmuck he actually turned out to be.
Maggie, your name is right on the Tweet. You don’t need to hide behind euphemisms.
“This is your warning.” Far fewer words.
The Lodger
@Ken: In the Vorkosigan Saga there’s a reference to a Count who got around the limitations on the number of Armsmen in his retinue by hiring chefs. Lots of chefs in white uniforms. All, of course, bearing knives.
@JPL: Omigosh, I did not see that!
…also did not know that Deshaun Watson was the Browns’ QB. Who is now suspended for at least 6 games, with the pressure on to extend that suspension.
Wow. I really look forward to seeing Kaep play, and hope he does well. Although I remember, some years back (not sure if it was after he was fired from the Niners or while he was still playing) a sports commentator saying Kaep was used to a very specific offensive strategy, that then-Coach Harbaugh had built around him.
@Kropacetic (and others): It’s not the Maggie part that’s confounding, it’s the “Trump’s people want to tamp this down because it’s gonna get even worse” part.
@different-church-lady: Whoever called Maggs Haberman the “court dwarf” called it.
It’s up there with Access Sally, etc. She is horrible. Nothing against dwarves, of course.
Dorothy A. Winsor
DOJ live stream, which should carry Garland’s statement
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Could someone report here on what Garland says? I’ve got the cleaner here and am keeping out of her way.
BC in Illinois
Washington Post Live Youtube of Merrick Garland (not yet begun).
@different-church-lady: Yes, though that has seemed likely since the raid occurred.
I still wanted to have a little fun with Maggie faithfully serving her role as messenger. Trump loves veiled threats and there are few better veils than anonymous sourcing.
but this is weird
What the hell do they think or say that isn’t?
This entire line of extreme idiots exists to draw attention away from people that are trying to make money by turning this country into a 17th century nut house because they can’t get rich by any other method — and because they think the 17th century was a rocking good time.
Old School
@JPL: Kaepernick signing seems to be a rumor at this time. I don’t see anything official.
@topclimber: “The Browns organization believes in second chances. We believe that Colin Kaepernick deserves a second chance after kneeling for the National Anthem, just like we believe that DeShaun Watson deserves another chance after settling sexual assault accusations with 20 women.”
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: I will be interested in seeing how he does. Especially if he is in a system he is not designed around him. Time off and age could come into play or he could shake off the rust and find that he has fresher legs and fewer nagging injuries than most players his age.
Garland about to do a press conference.
Fucking cowards. You’re not going to start your self-proclaimed civil war with a nail gun. If you actually believe the shit you’re saying, you’d be rolling in as hot as possible.
IOW, you know you’re lying. Just admit it.
zhena gogolia
@different-church-lady: Oh, nice.
She’s as much to blame as him. My SO is five years older than me and way more of a cartoon doll physically than Melania and she’d clobber the shit out of me if I pulled a Trump on anything. She also holds two masters and runs our joint, I’m manual labor.
Relationships are a colaborative agreement. You know damn well the person you are fucking and getting involved with so don’t dodge and run when they cause a whirlwind of shit.
Hot women aren’t dumb. You can’t just “she was a dumb bimbo” out of this. She damn well knew he was a crook and enabled it. His supporters may want to think Mrs Orange is an idiot but I’m sure she’s not.
So, IMO, this search warrant will not result in charges. The Natl Archive just wants their shit back. If he is charged over this, it’ll be rolled up with a bunch of much bigger stuff.
“It’s all just snot-nosed bullies shrieking about why they hit you back first.”
One of the best encapsulations I’ve ever seen.
@Suzanne: I think you’re onto something here. My wife keeps telling me (10 years in!) that she’s amazed I wasn’t taken because I’m a reasonably emotionally healthy person who respects women and so on. I usually brush it off – it’s basic decency, right?
She keeps telling me that I don’t understand how rare this is. There’s a huge amount of dudes out there that are just… awful. Or who would make terrible long-term partners, and not for financials reasons.
@JPL: Whoa! I’ll have to cheer them on this season! Maybe Cleveland will whomp Tampa Bay in the SB! ://
You can start a civil war with a large knife.
Splitting Image
Nail gun?
Gotta be a Quake fan, then.
There is a saying, fuck for looks, date for values, marry for money.
@Splitting Image:
still waiting for my railgun and ltg gun
Merrick Garland is going to speak now. Tune to MSNBC.
Is Garland late because he is awaiting news that trump is in handcuffs? Inquiring minds want to know.
wishful thinking
@Suzanne: I dated a Mormon for about a year in 1981. We fought over everything – argued, not physical fighting. One of the things we argued about was the ERA, which was still trying to be ratified at the time.
His argument was how equal rights for women would undermine marriage.
I argued back, if women “have to” stay financially dependent and infantilized in order for marriage to survive, the problem is with the institution of marriage, not equal rights.
He was not pleased.
@JPL: I posted a link to that upstairs. It’ll be interesting to hear TFG’s reaction. Doocy was very *support the Blue* in that discussion.
@Kropacetic: If I had to guess, it’s so that they can start talking about how they back the blue except when they’re traitors. Which the FBI obviously are, amirite?
It’s 100% true. There are a lot of men who are deeply unhappy and are not being successful in their lives. That of course includes career and “economic anxiety”, but ability to sustain positive relationships (romantic, family, friendship) is upstream of career or public success. Political life generally only looks at the pocketbook issues, but the underlying conditions that created those pocketbook issues are changing. And I think that deep unhappiness is driving a lot of what ails us right now.
I will note that a woman who looks to marry a rich man is called a “gold digger”. A man who looks to marry a physically attractive woman is called a “normal man”.
@UncleEbeneezer: Trump saw the country as his “business”, in his mind he owned the USA. Everything including classified papers was his “property”, therefore he was taking what belonged to him.
@different-church-lady: Well in the old days this was like not counting your chickens before they hatch but today’s GOP has the restraint of sugared up three year old (with apologies to sugared up three year olds).
On the other hand, when Manchin deigned to support the IRA and it was announced, everyone seemed like it was a done deal. I was a cynic thinking, what about the new Arizona Maverick? Glad I was wrong.
@eversor: I married the lady who got me all three, thanks.
But more seriously, it’s always jarring when I talk to women about “men”, because it’s startling just how worried they are about us. What I consider to be normal, decent behavior just… isn’t.
@Suzanne: Yep. I see stuff like this on Tiktok and other places – lots of dudebros are super angry when women ask them how much they make. Which… I sort of get! Women who won’t even date a man who isn’t rich is kind of unfair and galling to men who try hard but aren’t well off. But those women are also justified – if you’re a schlub and won’t be able to support your family or have long-term planning then you’re a bad choice for commitment and they SHOULD ask.
Matt McIrvin
There’s that, but I think this is related to another thing, which is that a lot of them actually don’t like women very much–by which I don’t necessarily mean that they’re gay or ace, but that they want a relationship not for itself, but primarily as a means of signaling to other men that they are a heterosexual big baller. That also leads to this outsize sense of urgency and desperation, because it’s so tied up in self-image.
Women can sense this. It’s not attractive.
My immediate reaction to the Maggie Haberman thing is to translate the tweet to “FFS, do NOT push for disclosure of the subpoena.”
@Subsole: Nail guns also are usually pneumatic, so he’s either schlepping a small air compressor around in his kit, or he’s got a hella long hose running back to a compressor in his vehicle. Either way, not exactly a handy weapon
eta: nevermind – I see they’re getting all fancypants these days with battery ignition of compressed gases providing the oomph needed to drive the nails. What else will they come up with?
@Ruckus: We seem to have a large number of fellow americans who think that the 1850’s was the perfect time to be an american and want to take us back there at gunpoint if they can.
@Matt McIrvin: My impression is that a lot of these guys sort of feel entitled to ‘a woman’, someone who will love them and so on. Many also feel that the woman should be subservient to them, and that comes through.
But it’s tough, right? A lot of these dudes are genuinely really lonely and feel worthless. They feel like they should be able to have a relationship even if they’re not perfect, but they can’t make that work. So there must be some other problem out there.
It’s a very bad position for them. Either you need to fix something pretty key about yourself that you already feel bad about on some level, or you’re a giant asshole and won’t recognize it, and either way the easiest path is to… blame the women who won’t date you.
@hueyplong: That’s the message. “This is really bad, so the more public it is the worse it will look for Trump.”
That was a bad decision! LOL.
Assortative mating is proving to be really hard for a lot of men. There’s a lot of men who don’t bring a lot to the table. In the past, some of them would have found partners.
The Roe v Wade repeal is going to boomerang on men.
@Old School: Yeah, my google-fu isn’t strong enough to find an official announcement.
BC in Illinois
Merrick Garland is on.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That report did sound an awful lot like attempted suicide by cop, threatening the police with a fake weapon and all that. MAGA isn’t the only crazy going on.
Anonymous At Work
As it took place in Ohio, 60% chance it is Ohio State football related or college basketball related. 35% chance Trump related and 5% nutjob-unrelated-to-Trump (i.e. Martians and FBI are polluting the water supply, so I won’t catch as many fish).
@Kent: Had an extremely short stint working at a truss plant ages ago. Those fuckers would get bored and take potshots at each other with the pneumatic nailguns used to tack down the forms onto the press tables. They would hit on occasion, but rarely penetrate as they tended to tumble. But this was 40ish years ago, so tech likely improved in the interim.
GOP: You can’t handle the truth!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Whatever the guy’s intentions at first, now he appears to want to live. Local news reports say he is at his car in view of the cops who from a distance are trying to get him to surrender. The standoff has been going on for hours now. If the guy wants to die all he has to do is start firing.
But maybe he started out imagining himself going out in a blaze of glory and got cold feet. He definitely has a firearm and fired shots at cops pursuing him on the highway
@Roger Moore:
Why would anyone need to improve themselves if the world worked how they want? Your skin color and genitalia were the only 2 issues, and both were rather obvious from casual observation. Their world has a hierarchy, based upon race, gender and money. (Not necessarily in that order) The real world no longer does. We had a woman – A WOMAN ran for president, women serve in armed combat, men dress like women, women dress like men, men live with men, women with women, the hierarchy they think is proper has changed completely, and it makes no sense to simpletons who think they need everything to be just so, the way the world pretended to be but never really was. It was role playing and it was ridiculous. Some think we still need to have very structured lives to make sense, which life is actually the opposite of. I mean what are crickets good for, humans are the highest form of life?
@Gravenstone: Magnetic linear accelerators.
A Railnailgun, if you will.
Heavy, kicks like a mule, and schlepping liquid enough liquid helium to keep the rails chilled is a pain.
But boy, that pennyweight nail stays driven.
@lollipopguild: Oh no. Nonononono. They wouldn’t go back there if you paid them, all their protestations to the contraty.
They want to stay right here. In the Comfy Ages.
It’s the rest of us they want to drag gouging and kicking back to the Cruel Ages.
What’s the current status on the shootout/manhunt?
@Geminid: Fired at the cops, attacked the FBI. Having a calm conversation with negotiators.
One guess as to dude’s melanin level…
Ever since OK City FBI offices are basically fortresses. Built so rolling up a UHaul full of explosives right next to it isn’t really possible. There are camera’s everywhere. A lone gunman isn’t getting close to the front door, let alone near the people who have guns.
@MoCaAce: Oh cool, shows how little I know.
I do know which end of a hammer to pick up :) But that’s about it.
J R in WV
I have a nail gun — a Pasload gun — it sounds like a small .22 pistol when you pull the trigger, because it ignites a small chamber filled with propane gas to drive the nails.
Bam, Bam, stud nailed.
Or someone shot… with a small .22 pistol.
Welp. Wrong about that, wasn’t I…
@J R in WV: Oh, yeah.
You know it wouldn’t work.
I know it wouldn’t work.
I’m not laying money that he knew it wouldn’t work.
Yes we do.
Just remember an IQ of 100 is supposed to be the average. 120 points is not all that unusual. 80 points is not all that smart.
It seems he thought the nail gun would somehow be useful for breaking through the bulletproof glass:
On Truth Social, a social media platform founded by Trump’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group, Shiffer appeared to have posted a message detailing his failed attempt to gain entry to the FBI building.
“Well, I thought I had a way through bullet proof glass, and I didn’t. If you don’t hear from me, it is true I tried attacking the F.B.I., and it’ll mean either I was taken off the internet, the F.B.I. got me, or they sent the regular cops while,” the account @RickyWShifferJr wrote at 9:29 a.m. ET, shortly after police allege the shooting occurred…”