The democracy-endangering antics of the wretched would-be influencers on the political desk have understandably alienated many former New York Times subscribers. But the erstwhile paper of record still does some things well, including obituaries, crossword puzzles and providing a high-profile platform for the excellent Michelle Goldberg. Also, some of the book reviews are amusing.
The latter is the subject of this post, specifically, a review of Jared Kushner’s “Breaking History,” which the NYT review headline describes as “soulless” and “very selective.” Dwight Garner drew the short straw for this assignment. A few choice lines:
- Kushner looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one…
- Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute. Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo. [Eww!]
- A therapist might call these [a lengthy list of included quotes praising Kushner] cries for help.
- Every political cliché gets a fresh shampooing… “Every day here is sand through an hourglass, and we have to make it count.” So true, for these are the days of our lives.
In a satisfactory way, Garner pisses all over Kushner’s smug disregard for the central role wealth and nepotism have played in his life so far, his bland corporatism, his gross name-dropping, his cathedral-sized self regard, his tragically (in the world-historical sense) misplaced confidence in his own abilities, etc.
Garner also intersperses Kushner’s accounts of events with allusions to the fate of other terrible Trump administration figures who were central to them. The impression is that at least grubby operatives like Lewandowski and Bannon earned the trip by riding the shaggy orange Beast to the White House. All Kushner had to do was shag the Beast’s favorite daughter.
Anyway, it sounds like a gross memoir of a grotesque fraction of a person, and I am grateful I’m not obligated to read it. But Garner’s ending was elegiac, at least for me, because it hits close to home:
It makes a kind of sense that Kushner is likely to remain exiled in Florida. “The whole peninsula of Florida was weighted down with regret,” as Cynthia Ozick put it in “The Shawl.” “Everyone had left behind a real life.”
Sometimes you really can’t go home again.
Open thread.
A valuable reminder of the first rule of celebrity publishing: Keep on good terms with your ghost writer.
Jerzy Russian
As I have noted before, I am grateful to Jared for making me aware of the word “gormless”. That is about the most positive thing I can say on this topic.
Sounds like the Dr. Oz of memoirs.
How does one forget about the cat licking the dog’s eye goo. Asking for someone who read the review earlier. Still queasy after reading the review, never mind the book.
Didn’t know mannequins had sex with each other.
Betty Cracker
@Ken: In fairness to the ghostwriter, it sounds like she absolutely nailed her client’s voice, which is what good ghostwriters do.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ken: considering the timing of the books release, August, in the middle of another Trump scandal, sounds like Jared also irritated his publisher lol
Gin & Tonic
I will add this to the list of books I will never read.
I thought, and said in the morning thread, that every word of that review was pitch-perfect.
And I did love this line describing Jared: He’s a pair of dimples without a demographic. Just … 😘
@Gin & Tonic: Im putting it at the top of my similar list!
But that reviewer and the “days of our lives” reference: Chef’s kiss.
One of the small evil delights I get out of this whole saga: the knowledge that Javanka will never be a part of the social circles to which they so desperately want to belong. They were sorta kinda able to get in the door before, but the stank isn’t likely to wash off any time soon, and neither brings anything to the table. Some people get in because of what they know, some because of whom they know, and Javanka has neither type of knowledge at this point.
From the publisher blurb on Amazon:
The marketing team deserves a bonus for this kind of BS.
Mommy, where do mannequins come from?
@Betty Cracker: With some clients, the revenge is an inaccurate rendition; with others, perfect accuracy is the cruelest.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: There was probably some deadline involved. If they tried to wait until there wasn’t a current Trump scandal, well…
Betty Cracker
@Scout211: Whoever wrote “earnest businessman” should have spontaneously combusted.
Dwight Garner is my favorite book reviewer in the Times. I always look at his list top 10 books for the year when trying to decide what to read. It was through Garner that I found Jesmyn Ward’s “Men We Reaped,” a book you should read if you have not already.
@narya: I enjoy the fact that Anna will never ask them to the Met Gala again.
And to be purely catty, one reason that I want to see Ivanka in prison is to see her real hair color. Meow!
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: “earnest businessman”? hahahaha
I think his name is really Jack. Or Algernon.
Well, dear, let’s read John Collier’s “Evening Primrose”, and then watch the Twilight Zone episode “The After Hours”….
Translation: Too few competent adminis-traitors willing to work for Trump. So rather than delegating these tasks normally, he gave them all to the nearest person he could find with no competencies whatsoever.
I love references I don’t get. Gives me an unneeded excuse for unneeded media consumption.
I expect it will end up in the RNC and CPAC gift bags, with a dozen other books no one will ever read.
@eclare: Oh, yes, absolutely about the Met gala. Delicious.
Another Scott
Cheney’s clip of Jared in one of the January 6 televised hearings
was perfect. Nobody needs to read “his” book after seeing that.
Right wing garbage novels aren’t there to be read. They’re there to funnel money to right wing politicians and talking heads, to sit on shelves for virtue signalling purposes, and to marginally contribute to deforestation efforts.
@Kropacetic: The Collier story was also made into a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. There was a broadcast version of it starring Anthony Perkins.
Math Guy
In James Salter’s novel “Solo Faces” the main character is a mountaineer who loses his nerve and fails at the climax of his career. He ends up running a junk yard in Florida.
The only reason to read a book on this subject is to hopefully find what makes shit able to breathe and talk.
And I seriously doubt that would be revealed by reading this particular book.
So I’m out.
Found this tweet posted over at TPM. This is hopeful and if it continues going forward, Republicans may well have caught the proverbial car only to suffer the most dire of consequences. If the link doesn’t work for some reason, basically new voter registration across multiple states is skewing heavily female, from +40% in KS down to +5-6% in multiple states.
Ohio Mom
@narya: In 2003, a Johnson and Johnson scion in his early twenties made a documentary about his ultra wealthy peer group and Ivanka was included. The film is “Born Rich” and it is easily googleable. I watched it for free, probably on YouTube.
One of the themes of the film was that by and large, these young people’s parents thought it best to not bring attention to their families; Jamie Johnson’s parents were not enthused about his project but I guess they felt beyond harm by things like the scene of the family meeting with the wealth retention advisor. Staying rich apparently is a shared, life-long task.
Obviously the Trump family would be the exception to this but of course the Trumps are not the same type of money as the other families in the film. You can see that even then, Ivanka did not quite fit in.
Now that the young people in the film are 19 years older, I am guessing they have seen the wisdom of their parents in laying low, out of the public eye. Which you don’t accomplish by being seen with the likes of Javanka.
They caught the car only to find out it was, at the time, moving in reverse.
@Kropacetic: “When two pretend humans pretend to love one another very much….”
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: Ketchup dripping down the wall.
I love this:
@Barbara: Dwight Garner is a favorite. A main reason for keeping the FTF NY Times sub.
@Gin & Tonic:
That is a personal rotating tag.
FWIW, I cannot abide any books about Trump. It’s just too painful. I have Mary Trump’s book; glad to have helped make it a bestseller but … just cannot devote that amount of attention to this awful man.
He demands so much of our attention, whether we wish to give it or not. Enough.
I wonder if the book was published now because Jared needs the $$, and the market for Trump related books will get saturated very easily.
Will ask forgiveness in advance for (a) tooting my own horn, and (b) repeating something from a few years ago, but this is unexpectedly relevant:
Sometime midway through TFG’s administration, I wrote parodies of Edward Arlington Robinson’s two best-known poems, only my versions were about the Jarvanka instead of Miniver Cheevy (Ivanka) and Richard Cory (Jared).
Anyhow, I just looked up the one about Jared, and IMNSHO it has stood the test of time tolerably well, and I thought some of you might enjoy seeing it again. So here it is:
@Immanentize: And, FWIW, Snoop is branching into Snoop Loopz. Breakfast cereal. Apparently with
mushroomsmarshmallows (the confectionary kind). Wine for the parents, cereal for the littles.CNN link.
@SiubhanDuinne: Excellent!!
/snort. That is killer.
@Elizabelle: they sound horrible!. 👍👍
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@lowtechcyclist: I think in this case it’s whatever happens when you decided to take the clothes off your Barbie and Ken dolls and put them together.
I mean, I’ve heard that happens. From other people.
@SiubhanDuinne: very fine!
Morgan (@kilday_morgan) tweeted at 10:17 PM on Tue, Aug 16, 2022:
“The Republican party was not hijacked by Donald Trump. It was revealed by him.”
Republican strategist on the 11th hour tonight.
@Ken: Streaming the Twilight Zone episode right now.
@Immanentize: I meant marshmallows. Not mushrooms. LOL.
That’s a bridge, even for Snoop.
@rikyrah: Stuart Stevens. He also said Liz Cheney was too bright to get caught up with Andrew Yang’s Forward. What a vanity project.
@Elizabelle: I was picturing hallucinogenics for the kiddies. That was what the two thumbs up were for.
Anonymous At Work
Did the reviewer actually draw the short straw, gett caught stealing from the editor’s booze stash, or accidentally make a pass at his boss’s wife? That would add to the review. Otherwise, only Chuck Pierce or Andy Borowitz can add to it.
zhena gogolia
@Immanentize: me too
@Ken: Here’s a PDF of John Collier’s Evening Primrose. Never heard of it.
@Immanentize: Payback for getting dragged to Chuck E. Cheese’s.
(Which, in fairness, had the good sense to include wine on its menu.)
Love this imagery
AnotherSlyFoxChris (@SlyisBackonTwit) tweeted at 6:08 PM on Tue, Aug 16, 2022:
Folks, we’ve basically got the media grousing at the fact that Joe Biden is the Roadrunner and they are Wile E. Coyote, mad as shit wondering how the hell they keep falling off of the cliff.
@Ohio Mom: And I suspect that, for awhile, they could get away with hanging with the truly rich people–go to the schools, wear the clothes, donate to the charities, etc.–and may even have realized that you can’t just grift the charities, you actually have to sign a check here and there. But there was no real wealth, so that means they can’t buy their way back into people’s good graces with a wing of a museum or something. They’re broke (relatively speaking), and trashy, and they have TFG stank on them. The part that truly annoys me is the notion that either of them have ten cents worth of knowledge or brains or usefulness of any kind.
Anyone else think it’s almost inevitable that sometime in the next few days Trump’s lawyers will be trying to get a restraining order against release of Jared’s book, because someone’s noticed that it talks about TFG sharing classified documents with the Russian ambassador, or showing them to his Saudi business partners?
“Consequential” is a measure of influential impact, and not quality on the influence or results. Donald Rumsfeld is a perfect example of the difference, as is Dick Cheney. That said, it’s less clear how much actual impact Kushner’s brand of “griftplomacy” (diplomacy as a tool for grifting) actually had beyond well, exchanges that benefitted Trump family grifting, e.g. bailing Kushner out of a $2Billion bad real estate deal that could have bankrupted him.
@Barbara: Thanks for the book rec. Just got the ebook out of the elibrary!
Fabulous; you’re truly talented. Please post the Ivanka version!
Jared Kushner was one of the most consequential presidential advisers in modern history.
Indeed. Right up there with H.R. Haldeman and Albert Bacon Fall.
Thank you. I don’t think this holds up quite as well, but since you kindly asked:
Poe Larity
@cmorenc: RE bailout AND $2B for his Saudi Fund. And they bought “peace” in the ME by getting the Arab states to throw the Palestinians under the bus. So there’s a long-term FP impact that Dems don’t seem too broken up about.
Saw last night that JKush’s book had zero dust-jacket blurbs.
No one, not one person was willing to read and advance copy an say nice things? Arrogant, aloof Kush didn’t think anyone needed to praise him because his brilliance is so self-evident? (and I use that term very specifically)
zhena gogolia
@SiubhanDuinne: Nice!
@Poe Larity: The normalization of relations between Israel and Bahrain, the UAE, and Morocco was ready to happen anyway. I think it would have happened if Clinton were the President.
@Kropacetic: He speaks powerfully, like Conan.
@SiubhanDuinne: Brava! Yes, it has stood up to the changing scene.
@prostratedragon: Huh?
patrick II
I was surprised that Kushner would name his book “Breaking History” and am very sure he is too narcissistic to think of the broader and negative thoughts I have when reading that title from a book by someone named Jared Kushner.
@Kropacetic: Your cadence caught Conan perfectly. Unintended?
(Spacing edit)
@prostratedragon: Definitely unintended. I have not seen any productions of Conan, myself. I wasn’t even sure your comment was directed toward what I was saying or what I was responding to or even ironically toward Kushner’s drivel.
Paul in KY
@rikyrah: ‘Dark Brandon, Dark Brandon, running into history.
The MAGA loons will have to get out of his way.
Dark Brandon, The media’s been after you
When will they learn that they never can bring you down…’
@patrick II:
Yeah, my reaction to that is that his editor hates him (and he’s too obtuse to get it.) That’s in addition to the content revealing that his ghostwriter hates him.
My favorite of the excerpts I saw on Twitter is his story about how his father is “a good person who made some mistakes” and Chris Christie was a big meanie for prosecuting him.
The Art of Schlemiel.
@Ruckus: I with you, Ruckus. I won’t even read the review of this trash.
I’m still not entirely convinced he had a “real life” before moving to Florida.
Chief Oshkosh
@zhena gogolia: Just think of what the world would have profited if Trump had simply gone Bunburying instead of running for office.
zhena gogolia
@Chief Oshkosh: Yeah.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love that line
@RedDirtGirl: It starts a bit slowly, like any normal person’s memories of their childhood, and then, I don’t remember which chapter, it just builds into something that feels overwhelmingly sad. I just ached for the author and her family.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love that Jared calls buying a couple apartment buildings with his trust fund as “doing deals”. I don’t know if Matt Yglesias was joking or not when he says he members Jared calling a plumber from a classroom
@Kropacetic: Works pretty well as a summation of the descent from the barbarism of old to today’s, as you so aptly describe, drivel.
That review was beautiful, including the line about the cat licking the dog’s eye goo.
It might be worth the 99 cents when it goes to the discount bin; can never have enough kindling (or toilet paper, in a true emergency)
They must’ve come down with a bad case of acme.
That is one of the few joys I have of the Trump Administration. The entire family is going to be exiled to the swamp of Florida (apologies to Betty Cracker).
The New York social circle now will forever be out of their reach.