BREAKING: The Secret Service knew of a threat to Nancy Pelosi on January 6th days before the insurrection, but did not pass it along until hours after the Capitol had been breached
— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) August 17, 2022
The SS spokesperson is currently arguing that, under the letter of the law, it was no business of theirs if some nutter wanted to assassinate Nancy Pelosi.
Perhaps all those emails disappeared because quips were passed about just such a possibility?
Just In: A government watchdog group obtained emails showing the Secret Service identified a social media account threatening Speaker Nancy Pelosi two days before the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) August 17, 2022
Speaker Pelosi’s hometown paper:
… The email says the Secret Service discovered a post on the social network Parler, a favorite of right-wing users, that threatened then-President-Elect Joe Biden, which said, “we CANNOT allow #Biden to enter the white house.”
Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, confirmed that the email was authentic. He noted that Pelosi, D-San Francisco, is not a protectee of the Secret Service, which oversees security for the president. The messages were sent to Capitol police out of “an abundance of caution” even though they did not contain “a specific threat of violence to her on that evening,” he said.
The Secret Service flagged the account because it had posted a specific threat of harm to Biden. U.S. Capitol Police conduct their own surveillance of similar threats against members of Congress and were likely following the same information the Secret Service had, Guglielmi said…
The Secret Service email also lists other posts by the Parler account and a Twitter account linked to the same user, including a post on Jan. 3 that said: “We’re all on a mission to save America. Lone wolf attacks are the way to go. Stay anonymous. Stay alive. Guns up patriots!!”
Other posts listed in the email included violent threats against Biden, including one saying, “Biden will die shortly after being elected. Patriots are going to tear his head off.” Another post from Dec. 31 gave travel tips for people “GOING TO DC TO FORCE CONGRESS TO REFUSE BIDEN’S RIGGED ELECTION.”
Staffers in Pelosi’s office also did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment…
Our first piece:
— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) August 17, 2022
Our second piece on the Secret Service emails:
— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) August 17, 2022
Every Trump loyalist needs to be purged from the Secret Service
Every agent involved in the mass deletion of texts needs to be held accountable
Are Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato still covering for Trump?
I don’t trust any of them around POTUS
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) August 17, 2022
If you're interested in our Secret Service work, you might be interested in how they viewed the Proud Boys as having "no indication of civil disobedience" on January 6th
— Citizens for Ethics (@CREWcrew) August 17, 2022
Of course, people assume the worst — for reasons:
They had plans.
— Michelle Mullica ⬅️ I'm just a warning ⚠️ 🚨 (@meventing) August 17, 2022
These people are like ticks, burying themselves into the body politic and not letting go while sucking the blood out of it.
ETA – really? MFs couldn’t give me #2?
@cain: We should treat them like ticks. Cut off their oxygen or a flame in the ass.
Good luck with that. They need more than a housecleaning. Everybody needs to get fired and then anyone who wants to can APPLY for a job.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Open thread? Today my publisher offered me a contract for the book about the glassmaker. I’m very pleased. And relieved.
Why not both.
Poe Larity
They should have never been moved out of Treasury.
But everyone wet their pantaloons after 9/11.
@Dangerman: Nowadays they recommend just pulling them out gently with a pair of tweezers.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congrats.
We need to nuke the SS from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.
The SS also received emails that Pence was under threat – well before J6, and didn’t notify Capitol Police.
They HAD to be corrupted by Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
@MinuteMan: Are we talking about fingernails?
Oh my.
It’s pretty horrifying seeing my suspicions turn out to be correct.
Eric S.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congrats!
@Dorothy A. Winsor
No pane, no gain.
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Tricky Dick asked the Secret Service to become campaign spies and they had no problem.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: YASSSSSSS!!!
ETA 17! or #2 + 15! I win!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congratulations. They know a winner when they see (read) one.
@MagdaInBlack: Do we still not know who told the Trump trash about non-reinforced windows?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh, yay!
Wait, what? I obviously missed something important.
TFG’s grift just keeps on grifting…
“Former president Donald Trump bombarded his supporters with more than 100 emails asking for money based on the FBI’s search of his Florida Mar-a-Lago Club for classified materials last week. They paid off,” the Washington Post reports.
“Contributions to Trump’s political action committee topped $1 million on at least two days after the Aug. 8 search, according to two people familiar with the figures. The daily hauls jumped from a level of $200,000 to $300,000 that had been typical in recent months.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@WaterGirl: fired, pensions suspended, credentials revoked
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I’m no expert here, but this seems less than ideal.
Seriously though, none of these fuckwads are ever going to stop until we make them stop. I think, and I hope, that a fairly wide swath of people in this country are slowly waking up to the fact that one of our two political parties is full of certifiable crazies. That’s a beginning at least.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: brava!
Urban Suburbanite
So Port Townsend, this waterfront, tourist-y, artsy town in Washington, is big news in the TERFosphere. So this elderly nuisance decided it would be a great idea to follow around a trans kid working at the YMCA pool and scream about how she’s a pedophile out to rape children. And because she’s an elderly nuisance with a history of this behavior, she was banned for life. Which meant she had to go running to some of the more virulent Seattle-area conservative grifters and wail about her supposed victimhood. This was followed by some out of town bigots and fascist hangers-on (not the Proud Boy types, but the hateful older people who tend to show up in their periphery) tried to do some rally for spiteful twunts, but got told off by the town. There’s now a lot of weird British women waxing hysteric about how womanhood is under attack and Port Townsend is so scary (kitschy, sure. Scary? Helllllllll no).
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congratulations!
Roger Moore
@Poe Larity:
Yep. DHS was a bad idea that turned out worse in practice. The whole department should be broken up and the various agencies returned to other departments as appropriate.
@WaterGirl: If I remember correctly, the Trump trash that attacked the Capitol building seemed to know which windows weren’t reinforced.
Mallard Filmore
Search Google.
gives this:
pacem appellant
@Jackie: My takeaway is that it means less money for real candidates.
I dream of the GOP going down in flames this November. But it’s going to take a lot of work.
@Urban Suburbanite: Sounds like someone’s bored with retirement – and also a busybody bigot.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
Mike S
At least we won’t have to pay for the insignia change on their stationary if Trump gets back in office.
Ohio Mom
@Roger Moore: “Yep. DHS was a bad idea that turned out worse in practice.”
A bad idea that came out of a Republican administration. What a surprise.
@mrmoshpotato: @Mallard Filmore:
Wow, I had not heard that before.
I still want to know who pulled out the panic buttons in the Capitol.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛:
That’s sums up the past 7+ days nicely.
@Ohio Mom: 9/11 was a gift to Republicans. Thanks a fucking lot Osama. Burn in hell.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Thank you, everyone. I love the way jackals rejoice or commiserate with one another.
Is anyone in the White House paying attention to these things? Secret Service traitors, Louis DeJoy continuing to fck up the USPS, the DHS Inspector General, etc. etc. Why is nothing being done?
@mrmoshpotato: and my cat’s reaction to less food this week.
@pacem appellant: or a lot of straitjackets to put the crazies in
That too.
Sure Lurkalot
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s wonderful! It’s beer thirty here and I tip my can. May your latest effort be a resounding success!
@MinuteMan: And then you squish them, of course.
zhena gogolia
@Ohio Mom: let’s merge it with Space Force
Grassley knew. I’d pay good money if they were to broadcast his auto da fe on pay per view.
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor: congratulations!🎈🍾
Faithful Lurker
@Urban Suburbanite: I live 10 miles from Port Townsend and only knew about the banning. WTF is all this about protests and such? I was in PT today and it looked like it always does. Link?
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@mrmoshpotato: or 7+ years
Edmund Dantes
As I said before, I think Major got a raw deal. Still think his SS biting incidents were provoked or he was just pointing out the evil ones.
@Edmund Dantes:
The dog always knows.
Dan B
@Faithful Lurker: Port Townsend is very low on the list of towns that would have a right wing demonstration. The locals would come out to protest the wingnuts.
@SoCalKaren: Maybe check out a recent article about the Post Office and DeJoy?
@SoCalKaren: I read somewhere that with Biden’s people officially on the board as of maybe two weeks ago (? unsure of the timing) DeJoy has been effectively sidelined. His order for a bunch of gas guzzling vehicles was overturned and it’s back to ordering EV’s. A Google of DeJoy and post office returns a link to a 8/2/2022 WaPo article that I think explains this, judging from the title. I don’t have a sub so I can’t look to be sure.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: YAAAAYYYY!!!! Congrats!
I, too, want to know about the panic buttons, and the windows, and the thugs who headed for offices about which they should not have known. I have thought since day one that there was inside help of some kind (perhaps many kinds). I also wish a SS agent who knew about the fuckery but wasn’t part of it had saved their texts.
Thanks to a long sojourn in TX in my youth, my response to this type of drive-by shit-stirring is a kindly-delivered Bless Your Heart, Honey Child. :-)
@Faithful Lurker: I live in Port Ludlow and was walking through Port Townsend on Monday afternoon. Numerous police cars had Water Street blocked off from roughly Quincy to Taylor Streets and there were quite a few people hanging out in front of a building where the town council was meeting. While being called a protest, it was mostly just a lot of people hanging out and talking. Local P/T residents were acting like the whole thing is a farce.
@narya: I don’t believe for a minute that there wasn’t at least ONE secret service agent who cloned a phone, or kept a record, or something.
A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno)
If I’m Joe Biden, I take the whole Secret Service – IG and all on an outing on AF1 to Guantanamo, leave them there, then declare them enemy combatants and tell the Marines to regard them as such and get whatever information they can.
The Secret Service went from a professional organization to a hotbed of right-wing goobery when it was moved from Treasury to Homeland Security.
@WaterGirl: I would bet that NSA and some other Five Ears club member has all the texts. They could probably only be extracted from NSA on a counterintelligence investigation.
Citizen Alan
I remain convinced that, in private, every single Republican in Washington DC popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate 9/11. It all but guaranteed shrub’s reelection and gave the filthy Swine a license to attack the patriotism of every single Democrat who didn’t grovel before them
@Urban Suburbanite: PT is NOT scary. It’s a very cool place. I’d love to retire there.
Villago Delenda Est
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Woohoo! Congratulations!
@MinuteMan: that’s so you don’t leave the head in, which can fester and continue to deliver whatever nasty disease the little shits are carrying. You pull them out carefully and then torch them or just flush down the toilet.
Actually it’s best not to let them get embedded in the first place. Just sayin’.
Sure Lurkalot
New subpoena! Let’s goooooooooooooo!
Bill Arnold
Mike Pence was reported as not trusting people in the Secret Service other than his own detail in July 2021:
Mike Pence Refused to Get in Car With Secret Service During Capitol Riot: Book. (DARRAGH ROCHE, 7/16/21)
This, about Chuck Grassley opening the envelopes, because Pence would not be present, was reported Jan 5 2021:
Yeah, the Secret Service needs to clean house. With selective application of Piranha Solution. They have treasonous cells of Trump Cultists. (As does much of DHS.)
(And if any such are reading this, fuck you, Enemies of the United States of America.)
@Dorothy A. Winsor: big congrats!
Another Scott
(via SenSchumer)
Bill Arnold
Why do you presume that nothing is being done?
@A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno): Tthe IG who is not-so-interested in the “inspector” part of his title… yeah, he’s got to go.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yay! Congratulations!
@Another Scott: Interesting!
Faithful Lurker
@Dan B: Well, that’s what I thought. It’s no fun going to protests in PT. It’s like preaching to the choir.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The Secret Service has earned the reputation of being a professional organization dedicated to protecting the President and patriotic service; they’ve built up a mystique. With this shit, for TFG of all people, they’ve thrown all of that away. I wonder if they realize this or care. I would hope they would
Villago Delenda Est
@Bill Arnold: Because the vermin of the Village don’t report on boring, MEGO stuff like that. They’re more into palace intrigue, gossip, and gotcha questions.
Urban Suburbanite
@Faithful Lurker:
The rally was basically some out of town Helen Lovejoys getting told to fuck off.
@Citizen Alan:
Me too .. and they wave the flag and then do stupid shit .. what a wasted opportunity..
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yay!
Urban Suburbanite
@NotoriousJRT: Oh hell no. Wife and I went up there a couple years ago for a weekend trip. It’s a pretty area, which makes the handwringing from weird British people even more absurd.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Urban Suburbanite:
Good article. I thought it was really funny (and correct!) when it painted Jaman as a creep obsessed with trans people’s genitals
I think Biden needs to take a page from Reagan’s book on the Presidency and fire the entire Secret Service. Hire some people who want to work for him.
Trump is “considering” releasing the CCTV footage of the FBI executing the search warrant at MAL. Link
Yes. I think they would be just awesome. Feel free to show all the boxes, all the documents, Trump. I’m sure that footage will make you look so very innocent. So go ahead. We’ll be waiting.
Felanius Kootea
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Congratulations!
Another Scott
@Scout211: I assume the MAGAts intent would be to encourage doxing and threatening the various law enforcement agents on the scene who are on the tapes (if the tapes exist).
@Scout211: “Please proceed, goober.”
Firing the air traffic controllers was, as I understand it, a major issue that took years to recover from.
Getting rid of the entire Secret Service at one go, might just be worse.
The Service isn’t just protecting POTUS and other key people. It’s original role as the protector of America’s financial systems still stands, and is critical. (Note that the heroes in the WILD WILD WEST show and movie are Secret Service.)
Even outside of that, the planning and training it takes to manage all the very specific and complex protection protocols for POTUS and related folx are deep, y’all. As I was just learning a few days ago, the Service learned a lot of hard lessons from the horrors of the JFK shooting and its aftermath of snap decisions and poor planning.
This is not a duty you can pass to other services on the fly. Unwinding this issue without putting Biden and others at real risk will be complex and messy and mostly done outside our awareness, as it should be.
@H.E.Wolf: Ahhh, delicious round large pastry of the baked variety!
@MisterDancer: Biden won’t do anything big with the Secret Service until after November.
Shortly after November, he will take some action.
That’s my prediction, anyway.That’s my wild ass guess.*edited for accuracy!
@Bill Arnold: delightful flaky crust, excellent filling
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Wooohooo! Go you!
Dorothy A. Winsor
Again, thank you, folks. You make my evening.
Felanius Kootea
@MisterDancer: Can’t they move it back to Treasury from DHS? That seems to be part of the problem.
LOL. Sure, Donnie Dumpy definitely has the attention span to watch video tape of people moving boxes and shuffling paper for hours. The reason he hasn’t seen the footage is totally because it’s so “closely held”.
If they claimed he had “seen it”, there’s no way he “saw” more than a couple clips before he threw his ketchup-drenched lunch plate at the wall and climbed onto his desk for a rage-nap (to the tune of “Memory”).
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Dorothy, that’s great news! For you and for your fans!
Another Scott
@MisterDancer: +1
Something something clear, simple, and wrong.
2021 Annual Report (35 page .pdf)
We need the Secret Service. If management has been politicized, then that can and must be fixed. If its mission is too big for its 8000 employees, then we need to spend the money to do what’s necessary so that it can perform its mission.
@Felanius Kootea: Again, see above Nixon reference.
This is the same mindset, in many ways, that gets you cops that gun Black folx down, AND the vast majority of cops who say jack shit when that happens, for whatever reason.
People been saying for a damned long time that Law Enforcement in America is broken as fuck. Secret Service doing the bidding of Conservatives — in the 1970s, or today — is just one part of that.
You ain’t fixing that by moving them back under Treasury. There are ways to “patch” it — they did fine for Obama! — but I suspect the rot is very deep,indeed.
@WaterGirl: That’s a fair guess. I confess that Biden already knew, from the Obama years, some of the issues and has people working to mitigate risks.
It’s just that work is almost certainly compartmentalized, and for obvious reasons!
Grassley needs to be subpoenaed by the 1/6 committee because it sounds like he planned on Pence being gone so he’d have to be election certifier.
Faithful Lurker
@Urban Suburbanite: Thanks for the link. I had all the faith in the world that PT would do the right thing. The woman who caused the fuss seems to be known for mental unbalance in the community. It’s a very small town.
The people behind Herschel Walker do not love him.
Sister Golden Bear
@Urban Suburbanite: Worth noting that back in the day, Port Townsend was home to an annual trans convention — not sure if it’s still running — which was one of the few places many closeted trans people felt comfortable venturing out in public, often for the first time in their lives.
Aside from the locals being friendly — if for no other reason those sweet, sweet tourism dollars — the convention was located there because the out of the way location eased fears about being accidentally seen and outed.
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Wait. Why would Teddy Kennedy have had a SS detail back then? Were all Kennedys assigned SS protection after Bobby’s assassination or something?
I watched that and was like “wut?”
Walker is the epitome of the MAGA troll candidate. The MAGAts only support him because they know that such an untfit, unqualified person running for Senate makes liberals upset, who, you know, care about the country and want reasonable people running it. It’s like they’re all Ursa in Superman II, spitting with derision: “He actually cares for these Earth people?!”
Another Scott
FTFNYT from May 1972:
(It’s not clear to me where exactly this fits in the spying timeline of “before the 1972 election”.)
@Urban Suburbanite: Busybody nosy parkers.
@NotoriousJRT: My millennial offspring are a little salty about “rich hippies” retiring in PT! My daughter went there on a whim, and stayed, but had very little money in the beginning.
She now works in a boat yard, lives in a camper. Not down by the river.
Paul in KY
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Way to go, Dorothy!
Paul in KY
@Urban Suburbanite: That poor girl. So sorry this is happening to her.
Paul in KY
@Citizen Alan: Those PNAC traitors wished for something like that. I think Cheney and maybe Batshit McChimpy knew what was going to happen & let it so they could do all their evil stuff. Shrub was heading to a re-election loss before 911.