idk, there's a bunch of ways Trump is a bad client that aren't about the charges and thinking he doesn't deserve zealous representation abstractly
— ProofOfBurden (@ProofofBurden) August 17, 2022
Did I mention he doesn't pay his representation? That seems really important to consider
— ProofOfBurden (@ProofofBurden) August 17, 2022
For your start-the-weekend entertainment…
Trump expects his lawyers to lie for him. Nobody decent will do that.
— Pomodoro (Dad Joke Era) (@ilpomodoro2) August 17, 2022
Trump is able to find two types of lawyers: wannabe instagram influencers and formerly prominent guys form the 80s and 90s who are just as Fox News and internet poisoned as he is.
— Pomodoro (Dad Joke Era) (@ilpomodoro2) August 17, 2022
bill barr was the most dangerous man alive for a period of time because he was exactly the guy to let trump run wild while making his problems go away, and trump couldn’t shut the fuck up long enough to keep him on board. that’s a big ol red flag to any future decent lawyers
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) August 17, 2022
and barr wasn’t even the personal attorney! imagine watching pat cipollone sit for the jan 6 committee looking like he ingested a couple triple a batteries and thinking hey that could be me! that looks awesome!
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) August 17, 2022
Alexandra Petri, for the Washington Post, remains a national treasure:
Must be: experienced lawyer!! Can say if things are legal or, if not, how to make them legal! Knows all the laws but isn’t TOO attached to them! If client has exciting new idea that might or might not be in keeping with law, lawyer should at least be OPEN to it and not come across all judgmental!
Must be willing to think outside the box. Should at least be familiar-ish with the laws that are laws FOR NOW but might get repealed soon (Rand Paul is working on it as hard as he can, but he can only do so much)…
Compensation: Doesn’t like money too much! Is motivated to do great work for reasons other than money or being paid promptly! Ideally not obsessed with financial compensation and can find other rewards in the work itself. We will pay you in LOTS and lots of exposure! Ideal position for someone who wants to be on the national stage and is not obsessed with billing hours…
Nice to have: previous dealings with a federal criminal probe!
Other acceptable forms of experience: being on TV on a panel and yelling; being on TV on a panel and maintaining a judicious silence; being on FOX NEWS!!! (OAN acceptable but not preferred); being in real estate; appearing on TV in a commercial with at least a couple of cool sound effects like a gavel going SLAM or a cash register going CHA-CHING; appearing on a big billboard in a good location; having passed the bar; having passed *a* bar; owns several of those big leather-bound books with all the laws in them; has a desk blotter; has lots of fancy pens; has a business card that says LAWYER on it; has business card that on further inspection says LAVVYER on it; once met Mike Lindell; active member in good standing of r/legaladvice or has friend with an account who can ask questions for you…
No-No’s (do not apply if any of these apply to you!!!): if you would describe yourself as a “real big stickler for upholding law” or “gets mad if client ignores legal advice” or “not at least a nine (if female)”; if you say stuff like “instead of repealing all the laws and inciting the public against the people whose job it is to enforce them, maybe you could simply try obeying the laws” (not necessary at this time); or if you’re Rudy Giuliani again.
Perhaps I should have him cut an ad for @EliasLawGroup???
Steve Bannon: "Well, the Republican lawyers, we have a group. They’re just not as good as the Democrats. Democrat lawyers are just fantastic. They’re just better."
— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) August 17, 2022
That’s because they’re liars hustling cultists.
— 18Hat793 (@Popehat) August 18, 2022
— Paul ?? (@pablo_honey1) August 18, 2022
He can always ask for a public defender.
germy shoemangler
Why doesn’t he just hire Jenna Ellis? I mean, she has an Esq. after her name and everything.
germy shoemangler
Almost Retired
And this from The New Republic:
Maybe they don’t view it as a good career move to defend a Russian agent who stole nuclear secrets and hid them at Casa Bonita.
I mean, how do you frame that on Linkedin?
Carlo Graziani
I thought that was a requirement to practice commercial real estate law.
Did you hear the one about the commercial real estate lawyer who changed his practice to criminal law because he got sick and tired of dealing with the scum of the earth every day of his working life?
germy shoemangler
Petri for the win and Bannon wins too for telling the truth in a very Bannon way.
@Carlo Graziani: Trump expects his lawyers to openly break the law for him.
You know what these same “zealous representation [in this one case]” people think about actual public defenders.
Villago Delenda Est
Doesn’t listen, doesn’t pay. Goodbye, chump.
“Experienced with international, criminal, and constitutional law.”
I would say 20-30 years ago, Republican lawyers were much better than Democratic lawyers. Representing a party that at least accepts the outcome of elections, for the most part, probably helped Republican trial lawyers. Plus, the older generation didn’t come up through the Federalist Society wingnut welfare circuit, and actually had to win cases to get noticed.
Villago Delenda Est
“Also fixing parking tickets.”
@Almost Retired: It’s not too late for you to change your mind about retirement!
Who’s denying him representation? He can get a court-appointed public defender as well as anyone.
I’m wondering if a good contract attorney could do well out of this. We know he doesn’t read (or perhaps doesn’t understand) contracts — witness the one with the ghostwriter of his book.
So the attorney says “I’m willing to work for you, here’s the contract for my services.” TFG glances as the hourly rate, figures it looks good, and signs. The attorney waits a day and point out the multiple stipulations he’s already broken — should be easy enough, just include “keep your mouth shut and don’t talk to the press”. Then invoke the penalty clauses.
germy shoemangler
@SpaceUnit: “Casa Bonita”. I’m so stealing that.
@germy shoemangler: Lately I have found myself entertaining the thought that some of the Republican gerrymanders may be overwhelmed. Drawing the lines so your party has 54% of the vote in 90% of the districts looks clever until it suddenly doesn’t.
I can see why Rudy Giuliani is no longer an option, he never passes a bar, he just goes in and orders a double.
@germy shoemangler:
This blog needs a rim-shot function.
It’s like two trains sharing three tracks. Gonna be a crash.
Down Florida way,
@germy shoemangler:
is saddened that it takes losing rights to activate FAFO and all of those caught in the wake of repercussions, but if that delivers a House and Senate majority of Dems to get shit done, then so be it.
Just maddening that all of the attempts to get people off their asses to stop this from taking place just didn’t register…. be it the Dems for “crappy messaging”, the media for their “both sides” or just indifference to thinking politics doesn’t “affect them”.
Agree. I try not to think about it.
Anyway, was checking out the local Salvation Army thrift store earlier today. If anyone wants an EZ-Pass transponder cover advertising the Trump Taj Mahal casino-resort (now ye Hard Rock c&r), will grab one for you. Figureout what it’s worth to you, add postage, contribute that amount to one of the blue bars in the right column…
@Villago Delenda Est: “Fuck You. Pay me!”
@Ken: As I understand it, that’s basically the strategy Twitter has been following when dealing with Elon Musk.
@Ken: This is the problem with extreme gerrymandering, where it might be more like 51% GOP. A small shift in demographics can cause a shift to the other party.
Actually wanted to be a train brake person. Got to be an ore wagon break person. Essential wagon personnel.
Three rails. Two trains. Lots of music tracks.
How much are they willing to pay shoppers to remove them from the store?
Once more, and always, fuck traitor trump, hope he chokes out on a cheeseburger.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: That’s the thing with gerrymanders. All those thin majority districts can go kaboom if there is a wave.
germy shoemangler
“Well he died doing what he loved”
@NotMax: I just reported his IG account. Can’t hurt, I mean, Facebook sucks but if enough people report it, maybe he’ll get banned on IG and Facebook/Meta.
“Who Wants To Be a Trump Lawyer?” A new reality show! Must pitch it to Mark Burnett!
Speaking of schadenfreude,
‘It’s a rip-off’: GOP spending under fire as Senate hopefuls seek rescue
“A cash crunch at campaigns and the NRSC set off a panic as GOP candidates emerged from bruising primaries playing catch-up in polls and advertising”
Favorite bit:
(emphasis added). You suspect that, huh? I wonder why.
“Run out and find me a zealot.” /groucho
I’m surprised Rand Paul hasn’t tried to certify himself as a lawyer too.
Open Thread
Jethro Tull, Locomotive Breath.
Mike E
@germy shoemangler: I’m betting that truth bomb has Biden’s face pasted over the security footage a la Fatboy Slim’s video. At this point who’d doubt that Team Turd would stoop so low?
Gee, ya think? Also funny how the blame goes to Facebook, email spam filters, etc.; but not to them electing shitty candidates.
I could swear I saw something about this a couple weeks ago — some Republican group, might have been the RNC, suing an email service because it was classifying most of their fundraising emails as spam.
Probably the combo of asking for money and ranting about “soCialism”, which as we all know trips the filters.
I just saw my first anti Tim Ryan commercial. He apparently caused inflation!
To be fair, RNC fundraising emails are delicious pan fried.
@germy shoemangler: Lots of footage of FBI faces for his terrorists to go after, I imagine. And also edited to remove most of the shots of just how much shit Trump had stolen.
IIRC it was a (widely ridiculed — including here I think) tweet from Ronna Romney McDaniel, blaming Gmail for marking their fundraising spam as spam.
@Ken: They were (and are) screaming at Google about GMail’s spam filters sending some large fraction of their messages straight to the spam bin.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Eunicecycle: That was bad of him!
@Eunicecycle: Good, now we know how to stop inflation. Just give Ryan everything he wants.
(This concept brought to you by the deep thinkers who say Biden should pardon TFG so people will stop shooting FBI agents, or Ukraine could end the war by giving Russia what it wants. Curiously large overlap between those groups of deep thinkers.)
Rand Paul is way too busy trying to get the Espionage Act repealed.
Bundle it in a package to reverse everything else TFG got through Congress, including all his judicial appointments, and we have a starting point for talks.
His lifelong mission!
Since July.
John Heilman, filling in for Nicolle Wallace, did 20 minutes of scary experts discussing how much the GOP wants Civil War. The FBI is on alert.
MAGAs are just waiting for instructions.
But isn’t that the problem? Where do they shoot? FBI Office? Instant annihilation. .
If anyone has any ideas of how CivIl War can actually start and be maintained please advise.
I live on a block with 4 or 5 idiot, Trumpy,, aging white guys who own hunting rifles. They might want to shoot. But it is NY State, they won’t last long. Though they could eliminate me.
But there are liberals everywhere across America. How would Civil War work? What would be the point? Other than to express anger.
In moderation. Is it because I asked how Civ*l W#r might start? Is was a question with some degree of interest in self preservation.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s a temporary setback. A lot of the 2018 Democratic House wins got flipped back in 2020 leaving Dems with a small, but effective, majority.
Relying on Democratic wave elections to flip and then hold legislative seats isn’t easy.
@Omnes Omnibus: So you remember Tom DeLay who gerrymandered himself out of his own district.
@germy shoemangler: @MisterForkbeard: @Mike E: Any “release” will be a heavily edited propaganda/fundraising video. Why else would they do it?
I realize a lot of the cultists are … uh … differently cognitively abled, but the line between “back the blue” and “kill the FBI” seems like a very thin line indeed (hahaha thin line, geddit?)
Rand Paul – traitor trump’s personal senator and shoe shiner.
@LeftCoastYankee: I just cannot imagine why that would be a concern for him …
@dexwood: I think this is like what you see in statistics when two variables are highly correlated and you can’t figure out why until you realize they’re both driven by a third variable.
Cat door schmat door, that’s a SEAL door.
@dexwood: Rand Paul and Thing on Rand Paul’s Head. They’re a team, you know.
From what I’ve read, their digital fundraising team did a really bad job in avoiding email content that triggers spam filters.
An own goal.
Thing was smarter.
A wave this year can lead to gerrymandering reform though.
@dmsilev: I suspect that, whatever excuses they put in their press release, the RNC’s fundraising metrics show a sudden drop on June 24 and continued declines since.
Enjoy the taste of that bumper, doggies.
@trollhattan: Hey, brain-controlling parasitic symbionts have a right to representation, just like everyone else!
@gene108: Shit, email I want lands in the spam filter. Aren’t “unsolicited fundraising emails” exactly what those filters were designed for?
maybe not
Indeed, and then choke on it.
@lollipopguild: I don’t quite understand the Bannon quote as anything other than a compliment to democrats. Where is the slam/snark?
@MazeDancer.: NO idea why that went into moderation. Perhaps FYWP is a grammar nazi and it objected to your two commas in a row? :-)
Dogs [shakes head]
In the bin with the RNC fundraising emails
@trollhattan: No, “Thing” is a hand, Cousin It was the hair. :)
Now what if your income is off the books and not so legitimate? Asking for an enemy…
Very good point.
I really don’t care why the RNC is having trouble fundraising: I’m just gleeful that it is having trouble fundraising.
I incline toward the point of view that Trump’s ceaseless moneygrubbing has had a non-negligible impact. The MAGAts love Trump, not the RNC. In a Send-Money contest between the two… there is no contest. Trump gets it all.
If you’re the type of person to disparage lawyers as a group or professionalism in general…
@WaterGirl: Thought maybe it was firearm mention? Though could be commas.
Will try in another thread one day. Because I am genuinely interested in what people think could start and maintain a C*vil War.
Fair point. “The chair now recognizes senators Paul and Itt.”
@gene108: Watch it turn out that one or more of the RNC’s digital fundraising team were making a nice side income attaching third party ads to the emails. “We’re sending the next batch Tuesday, I need your ‘cash 4 gold’ copy by Monday.”
@MazeDancer.: I released it, and then the content was gone, so you must have deleted it just as I was releasing the comment?
My “double comma” comment was totally a joke, definitely not why it went into moderation.
I didn’t see anything in your comment that SHOULD have sent it into moderation.
@MazeDancer.: Have you always had a period at the end of your nym? Could that be it?
* DVR Alert *
Akira Kurosawa’s epic Seven Samurai (1954) is coming up on TCM at 9:45 EDT. “A samurai answers a village’s request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs protection from bandits, so the samurai gathers six others to help him teach the people how to defend themselves.”
And it’s followed at 1:30 EDT by Kurosawa’s High and Low (1963) at 1:30. “An executive on the outs with his company gets in deeper when he pays off kidnappers who have abducted the wrong boy.”
Both feature the great actor Toshiro Mifune (in widely disparate roles).
@gene108: Democrats flipped 40 seats in the 2018 blue wave. In 2020 they held on to 28 of these and lost 12, or 30% of the 40.
Democrats also lost a 13th seat, Colin Peterson’s in western Minnesota. Petersen was a 30 year veteran who had hung on in a district that turned red years before.
Echo of the pandemic: Today I received my county car tax bill, and it’s higher than last year—$85.96 vs. $73.30. WTF? Very unusual as the doughty Kia has slid into (I hope) middle age. The bill has been going down steadily over the years.
The county included an apologetic insert saying that the COVID pandemic had caused used-car values to increase greatly and that the bill reflected a 15% “tax relief”—totaling $98 million for the whole county (Fairfax in Virginia). The K-whip was assessed at 85% of value instead of 100%, which the cynical part of me thinks probably still left the county coming out ahead. . . . Hmm. Quick Google search says used-car prices are up about 30-40% since March 2020.
Poe Larity
When a former President can’t get good legal representation it’s like we’re all stuck in a WordPress lexical parser vortex.
@FelonyGovt: Just discovered it. Deleted. No clue how it got there, but could be it.
Fair Economist
The Republican gerrymanders are usually much nastier than that. Generally they aim for at least 58% Republican, and they usually succeed. The TX 2012 gerrymander had like 3 districts between 60% and 40% R.
The Trump lawyer dogs are hilarious. Great use of that meme.
And Alexandra Petri is a genius. Consistently hits it out of the park.
@FelonyGovt: Good catch!
Yes, I’m sure that’s it. It was a new nym.
@MazeDancer: That’s definitely it! I just didn’t see the period.
Go FelonyGovt!
@delphinium: And “inflation”. Funny how “inflation” hasn’t caused Democratic fundraising to slow down.
The idea of the “inevitable Republican wave” causing fundraising to slow down is funny. I’m skeptical it’s true, but it’s nice to think that all that annoying lazy “pundit analysis” over the last couple of years had some positive effect.
It’s interesting that Democrats are running on passing a national law to reinstate Roe v. Wade and Republican fundraising isn’t improving in response.
@germy shoemangler:
That’s what my dumbass gets for not reading the thread.
@gene108: If it lets us pass voting rights legislation, it then becomes more durable. It just needs to be coupled with enough senate seats. Things are looking better on that front anyway.
Dan B
@trollhattan: There goes my plan to climb a tree if being chased by wolves. At least their descendants make it look less feasible.
And WOW pupperz!
The Lodger
@MazeDancer.: Is the problem due to the period at the end of your nym? I don’t remember seeing it earlier
ETA: looks like you all caught it. Mazel tov!
Dan B
@MazeDancer.: I have a feeling that some former military have hatched plans to take over communications and government offices. The likely outcome is chaos and random violence, not a “clean” or clear victory. You need a command structure and experienced leaders. Running a country as large as the USA needs planning and patience. Plus it needs total secrecy among tens of thousands.
@The Lodger:
What does ETA mean?
Has BJ become a Basque separatist movement?
Updated each second, lets wait for one to actually bite.
The Lodger
@HumboldtBlue: Whatever the initials mean for a retroactive edit. Edited This Again? Eated The Acronym?
Old School
@The Lodger: Edited To Add
The Lodger
@Old School: I learned something. Thanks!
Lacuna Synecdoche
Alexandra Petrie via Anne Laurie:
Primarily in an unpacking the box fashion:
Remarkably, not the Onion.