Today, the Washington Post was kind enough to devote an entire article to one of the principles I laid out in a short-lived post with “Coming Attractions” about our political fundraising plans.
I say “short-lived” because it was clearly the wrong post for that day/hour/minute/whatever, so I pulled it to post at another time when more than 2 people might actually read it!
An excerpt from my post yesterday:
Once we raise the remaining
$10,000$8,000 for Four Directions Nevada, we’re still going to (mostly) resist the temptation to put up links to candidates we love – like Beto and Fetterman and Stacey Abrams and Mark Kelly and more – and try to maintain our strategic approach to fundraising for this cycle.We are still looking at key states: AZ, NV, MI, GA, WI, PA, TX.
We’re plan to put together several “Key State” thermometers for all of the executive positions in each particular key state: Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, etc. That will pay dividends in 2022 and can help put some firewalls in place for those states in 2024.
I’ll let the Washington Post make the rest of the case for me, with specifics.
Election deniers march toward power in key 2024 battlegrounds
From the Washington Post article:
The winners [of the Republican primaries] fit a pattern: Across the battleground states that decided the 2020 vote, candidates who deny the legitimacy of that election have claimed nearly two-thirds of GOP nominations for state and federal offices with authority over elections, according to a Washington Post analysis.
Had those candidates held power in 2020, they would have had the electoral clout to try something that the current officeholders refused: overturning the vote and denying Biden the presidency.
But the experts agree on one thing: A close presidential contest that comes down to the outcome in states where officials are willing to try to thwart the popular will could throw the country into chaos. It would potentially delay the result, undermine confidence in the democratic system and sow the seeds of civil strife on a scale even greater than what the nation saw on Jan. 6, 2021.
The predilection among Republican primary voters toward candidates who deny the result of the last election extends well beyond Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona — three states that together accounted for 47 electoral votes in 2020, more than enough to flip the last election to Donald Trump.
Open thread.
I don’t want you to pull this, so I’ll just say I’m out right now but will read it as soon as I get home!
Fetterman, Demings, Ryan, and others are creating a joint fund to help each other:
I’ve been saying for the past two years that we’re heading for civil war. This article only reinforces that belief.
Old School
If the post would have been left up, we wouldn’t think you were just copying the Washington Post.
For those of us who weren’t able to be in the Zooms, was there anything exciting/uplifting about the progress that can be shared?
@Belafon: I changed your URL to a link because long URLs break the margins on phones. Hope you don’t mind!
That’s interesting that they are doing that!
@WaterGirl: That’s great. Go ahead and fix whatever’s needed.
@Belafon: Flippable Five fund. Great idea!
@brendancalling: Only if most of those candidates win. What if we shut them down?
@Old School: Hey, the Washington Post is probably copying us. :-)
It was a quiet afternoon on BJ and I didn’t want Cole to be stuck with a post that was getting no action at the top of the blog.
edit: Timing is everything. :-)
Omnes Omnibus
@brendancalling: This is what you chose as your takeaway?
In 2018, I knew that the Democrats would pick up seats in Congress, because I was volunteering with the local Democratic party, and people in 2018 – particularly women – were FURIOUS and showing up in droves to help get out the vote.
I have somewhat the same feeling about 2022. The fury is there, and our fundraising for GOTV organizations is vital work.
Also… if possible, find a way to volunteer in some manner: donations, postcard-writing, phonebanking, canvassing, data entry, whatever seems doable at least one time. Maybe donate a microwave-popcorn package or two to a local group that does voter outreach – that totally counts. :-)
Almost Retired
Arizona is really an extraordinary case, and one that I’ve been following closely. Did the Republicans over-reach with their bat-shit crazy Gubernatorial and Secretary of State candidates?
Mark Finchem (Republican SoS candidate) is a Oath Keeper and full on QAnon conspiracy theorist. The Democratic candidate who emerged from the August 2 primary, Adrian Fontes, is the battle-tested former registrar of Maricopa County (Phoenix) who had to suffer through the Cyber Ninjas in his official capacity. Could he really lose to that Conspirofuck Finchem? Waiting for polling, for what that’s worth.
@Old School: The third zoom is coming up NEXT week. But the first two were really inspiring, I thought.
Voces was last week, and that’s the most fresh in my mind. It was so interesting hearing from the young people who are out there in the trenches. I think we’re likely to see the young man –who was part of the zoom – running for representative as soon as he is 25. I think he is 22 now and he was so thoughtful, so impressive, so inspiring. I would vote for him.
Seeing the leadership coming from the young pups left me feeling optimistic. Hopeful.
On the Four Directions zoom we got to hear from a young woman who is running for office in NV. She swears she has grown children but I thought she looked like she was 25! She is working her behind off and seems to be doing all the right things. To use the term someone else used on BJ yesterday, she is optimistic about her chances, but not complacent. Again, inspiring.
Maybe others who were at one or the other zoom will chime in, too, and share their thoughts.
An item on says the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was justified. It’s labeled ‘opinion’, but, still. We’ll see how long it stays there.
[happy dance]
@Almost Retired: If you’re still here, might you have anything to share about the Voces zoom?
Ditto for Subaru Diane, though I think she was a hit and run because she’s out and about.
@MattF: Ha!
By Bradley P. Moss | Fox News
soon to be… Bradley P. Moss, formerly of Fox News?
@MattF: from the link
Mike in NC
Every Republican running for office is deliberately trying to become a mini-Trump. The body language, the baggy blue suit, the extra long red necktie. If any of them lose their election, they’ll cry and scream about how it was “rigged and stolen”. Trump broke the system forever.
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: I second WaterGirl’s observations about the Voces staff, particularly Jose Rivera (shout out!!), whose title is Relational Voter Program Organizer.
Jose, Fabi and Liz (was that her name? I’m a horrible sexist for not being sure) were a totally engaging combination of youthful enthusiasm and extraordinary strategic sophistication about the challenges of turning out voters in a heavily-gerrymandered state.
This is an organization that is clearly thinking strategically, and not just sending paid canvassers to pester people door-to-door. Lots or participation in voter-rich community events, targeted messaging, etc. I left feeling totally inspired. I also left feeling kind of old and lazy by comparison, as per usual.
ETA: Another take away was do NOT give up on Wisconsin – not that we were going to do that anyway.
@Omnes Omnibus: Question for you- the above information from WAPO seems to indicate Ron Johnson does not question the 2020 results. How accurate is that information? My recollections is that Johnson was involved with trying to get fake electors to Pence.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike in NC: I guess it’s time for a break from Balloon Juice. We have a run of good news but people are still sure that everything is going to hell in a handbasket.
Back in the Publix parking lot now. As soon as I get home and
open a bottle of wineunload the groceries, I’ll comment. By 5:15-5:30, I expect.Omnes Omnibus
@ian: He may not question it now. He sure as hell did then. Dishonest piece of shit, that he is.
@WaterGirl: I think Mr. Moss’s immediate future depends on whether Murdoch is trying to jettison Trump. Though if he tries, I think he’ll learn (as have others) that he’s not able to control the creature.
That’s actually quite smart
@Omnes Omnibus: But only for seconds!
Old School
You can confirm that one post down.
Excellent. I love seeing this kind of cooperation.
@Omnes Omnibus: Don’t let them bring you down, it’s only castles burning. . .
Ann Marie
Is anyone here familiar with the New Pennsylvania Project? I’ve been getting a lot of emails from them asking for money. They sound good, but I get so many emails from so many organizations with good-sounding names that I feel lost. Here’s a quote from one of their recent emails:
“The New Pennsylvania Project is working hard to engage, empower and mobilize the communities we center throughout Pennsylvania to expand our democracy so it reflects our demographically changing population. We are purposely centering communities that have historically been disenfranchised and ignored from the democratic process to EXPAND democracy. Through relational organizing we are providing civic education to potential voters about how participating in municipal, state and federal elections can help make the promise of our democracy real for all of us.”
Does anyone know if they are worth donating to? I’m a PA resident.
Right-wing shitheads in Kansas demanded a recount after their bullshit abortion measure was routed in a landslide victory for the good guys.
Old School
I’d go with three Pinocchios.
@Omnes Omnibus: Please don’t. We need you to push back against the cynics and Eeyores
Cynicism is so damn cheap.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: It’s very good.
@Omnes Omnibus: I bet if we counted the comments on this post and rated them on whether it appears the person believes it’s all going to hell in a hand basket, I believe the NOs would have it!
@HumboldtBlue: I understand the count shifted by nearly 100 votes in their favor. So if they just force 1,660 more recounts, they might come up with a tie!
@Ken: Wise observation on the first part.
I hold out hope that eventually gravity will set in, even for T****.
@HumboldtBlue: I’m happy that they can spend a shit-ton of money to lose again.
@Ann Marie: I have heard a little about them, and it seems like they are trying to do for PA what Stacey Abrams and others did for GA with their “New Georgia” project that started in 2010 or so.
I think more research might be in order, but I think you will find that this is a good group.
I tried to refrain from an unkind comment about the combination of TFG’s gut and platform shoes, but couldn’t.
@WaterGirl: I do wonder if this is a case of ‘gradually and then suddenly’.
@SiubhanDuinne: Only if you share the wine!
@MattF: I have had a similar thought recently. Hoping the answer is YES.
Mai Naem mobile
@Almost Retired: at this point I wouldn’t even trust polling. We don’t know what how the voter suppression stuff is going to work out. Let me demonstrate what happened to me when I went to vote in the primary. I have had a POBox and a street address for years. I’ve lived in the same town for years. Voted in the same precinct for years. My drivers license has the POBox(POBox is in my town). I misplaced my voters registration card so i didn’t have that with me(I generally don’t have my voters registration card because my DL has always sufficed.) For the first time ever I was asked for proof of residency at my house – utility bill or whatever. Luckily I happened to have a utility bill on my phone so it worked out for me but how many people are going to get caught up by stupid little stuff like this.
I was on the Michigan zoom and I was so impressed with all of the people who were devoting themselves to this cause. And how important it really is.
@H.E.Wolf: Your feeling is better than MTG who apparently got a feeling that Trump would win Georgia whatever it was by looking at how many boats were on some lake. 🙄
In case anyone missed it, here’s today’s Three Cops Beating Hell out of a Civilian video. I roll my eyes hard every time a newsreader says something like, “the video doesn’t show what led up to the event”, as if anything could reasonably have led up to this. And I remember thinking the same thing back when the Rodney King video came out. I was told to chill, because there’s no telling what might have triggered the cops. Yeah right. WARNING: The video is graphic.
lowtechcyclist is a good ongoing source of information about state and local elections that matter to us. Daniel Nichanian (@taniel on Twitter), who is one of the main organizers of this project, has been working in this vineyard since the 2018 cycle at least.
@Elizabelle: shit – was I supposed to panic about 1.5 Billion dropped to help the GOP – probably because that grifter fuck, Rick Scott stole all the money and now there isn’t anything for the candidates.
News flash: they still aint gonna get anything – silly old man, just wasted 1.5 billion dollars giving soros checks to everyone :D
I see no reason to panic – in fact, the more money they get, the more they’ll laze it and just keep the money.
I know this is not why you posted that link, but if you scroll about halfway down the article there’s a photo of TFG (captioned “Donald Trump leaves NYC on August 8 after FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago resort”) and I swear to FSM the man is wearing so much rouge he looks like a fucking cockatiel.
No, Donald. It’s not “sculpting” your cheekbones; it’s two little round patches of red and it doesn’t make your face look thinner. This is like you studied make-up artistry with Chuckles, Bozo, and Emmett Kelly.
@JWR: There was no other reason other than they were enraged against their authority. Notice how they suddenly got real frightened when they found out that they were being filmed.
There is absolutely no excuse for the kind of violence on an individual that was already on the ground, unarmed and subdued – even if the man, by all reports was a shit stain of a human. You represented the govt and the people – do better.
@lowtechcyclist: That looks like an interesting resource, thanks!
For “supermarket jug red,” it’s not bad at all!
@SiubhanDuinne: Dare I ask????
J R in WV
No offense, but an actual name and office being sought would aid those of us inclined to contribute directly to candidates. Even a link to their ActBlue page. We give four directions a monthly donation that I think of as sizable, others might not. Also Val Demings, Beto, Kelly in AZ, etc.
Whats with Special Master shit? Can the Courts tell TFG’s lawyers to go straight to hell?
No coincidence my ex-friend who’s High School newspaper column was called “The Cynic’s Voice” ended up a Tea Partier — and as noted, an ex-friend.
The rest, I’ll outsource to a younger Dr. King:
Fuck sitting around and waiting for them to put us up against a damned wall. I might be messy and busy as hell in my personal life at the moment, but I stand for anyone who’s ready to yell and fight and organize to stop this.
And I know — I KNOW — if all of us did?
These asshats would be running scared.
Ain’t no way I be selling my birthright on the cheap.
patrick II
@Old School:
@Almost Retired:
You can add my nym to the list. I found him a thoroughly engaging young man. He knows what he’s against; more importantly, he knows what he’s for, and he’s very clear in explaining his positions. Smart, articulate (I’m kind of nervous about using that word, but I assure you I mean it only in the highest and most admiring sense), and — this is kind of superficial, but not to be sneezed at — absolutely adorable! (Remember the ladies!!) I do think he’ll go far in electoral politics if that what he wants.
ETA: Fiddled with, for clarity.
@WaterGirl: I’ve not heard of them either, but this is very much what I hoped would happen — a bound of local/regional groups emulating that model of success.
I find this interview with someone from that Project, it might help in evaluating it’s worthiness!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
any of our local lawyers with some time on their hands want to skim over this? Am I reading (non-lawyer, like me, FTR) Marcy Wheeler’s thread correctly that trump’s lawyers are trying to keep their distance from his latest motion (for the Special Master, I think?) on the Feds’ search warrant? Is it typical for a defendant/party to describe themselves as acting pro se, when they’re clearly not? These are Wheeler’s comment on the original document, which doesn’t cut and paste
as I read this (again, not a lawyer) trump had a heavier hand in the composition of this document than any experienced and professional (grown-up) lawyer would allow, which is reinforced by the way several sentences (on page 3) to explaining to the judge that Mar-A-Lago is a historic landmark, with 54 bedrooms and 38 (or whatever) bathrooms (My name is Elmer J Fudd, milionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht...), and translating Mar-A-Lago, for the judge’s benefit, I guess.
@J R in WV: Mercedes Krause.
Link to her campaign website.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Dangerman: delaying tactic, as I (NAL) read it
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: According to this tweet, it’s likely a system error that happens on the regular:
And there’s a couple of tweets that say it’s now updated with “proper” lawyers: is one.
@MisterDancer: Thank you! We’ll take a look.
I know that in 2020 one of the Stacey organizations, I can’t remember which one, was meeting with people who wanted to model organizations after what GA had done.
I wonder if PA took advantage of that opportunity?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MisterDancer: damn, I hoped his own strip-mall lawyers were hanging him out to dry
It’s not literally a jug — that’s just my personal term for inexpensive grocery store wine. This is Woodbridge Pinot Noir in one of those outsized bottles you can get for (today) around $10 bucks. It’s nothing that’s going to have the sommeliers racing to be the first to get to my house, but it’s very decent and drinkable.
@SiubhanDuinne: A girl has to have priorities!
zhena gogolia
@cain: Yeah, I can’t get too worked up about this.
Brink’s trucks full of cash!!!
Wyatt Salamanca
Herschel Walker is never at a loss for words and is always thinking outside the box:
@Wyatt Salamanca:
That’s something a child might ask. Sad.
J R in WV
OK, thanks a lot. I know it was just an oversight, hope you weren’t offended by my ask1!!
Off to look at her campaign!
@J R in WV: Well, we weren’t promoting her as a candidate as much as we were having her talk with us about the situation on the ground in NV.
But I’m happy to provide her name and info. She was quite impressive. She (hopefully) will represent the biggest district in Nevada, so big that the district actually borders on 4 different states!
@SiubhanDuinne: Good to know. In Pinot we trust.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hey, I’ve been almost continually disappointed with the Democratic Party ever since I first identified* as one. And for practically the first time in all those eons (with the exception of maybe a little while in 2008-2009), I feel both impressed with the party and optimistic about its prospects.
Remember that I’m the guy who has frequently expressed the sentiment that people around here are far too often being cheerleaders rather than looking even a little critically at how the party and its leaders are really doing.
So don’t let a few commenters get you down, is what I’m saying. If I’m like this, there can’t be that many gloom-and-doomers.
* I was living in Virginia at the time – no party registration.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
More evidence that trump insisted on writing at least some of that motion: “One of the FBI agents said, Thank you, you did not need to show us the storage room, but we appreciate it. Now it all makes sense.”
As somebody said in a tweet I can’t find now, the lawyers must have cut out, a big, tough, FBI agent, tough like nobody’s ever seen, with tears in his eyes, said, Sir….
@Wyatt Salamanca:
What the very fuck?
@SiubhanDuinne: Actually, I thought he was going more for the 18th-century prostitute look.
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Wyatt Salamanca:
It’s a feature, not a bug
A girl does!
Well, TFG wasn’t there, so no need for “Sir”. Though that might not be how he now remembers the day of the search.
In addition to seconding your response to Omnes, I just wanted to say that’s one of my favorite songs ever.
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
I wasn’t baffled. Amused, horrified, but not baffled.
@WaterGirl: we will be shutting them down for years to come. But yes—we absolutely need to do that.
@Omnes Omnibus: that has been my takeaway for the past two years. Others smarter than me have been saying the same (and others, also smarter than me, predict the opposite). But yeah, that’s been my gut feeling for the last two years. At least.
J R in WV
@WaterGirl: Thanks! Contribution made, monthly….I have a cousin in NV, hope he’s working for the Democratic party! Knowing his dad, I feel sure he is.
I want to point out that I think Alito and his minions throwing Roe on the trash heap will have a huge effect on the upcoming election cycle. I expect the vote count will be far beyond any suppression or gerrymander that could have worked in the past.
Roe, Roe, Roe your Vote is a wonderful slogan!!
Semi OT. Via reddit, squirrel enjoying concert.
And as is often the case, Monty Python’s FC comes through, with their “Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things” sketch (Episode 18):
Surprise, nice police officers. You’re on candid camera!
I saw that earlier – it was horrible. Those cops need to be tried, convicted, and sentenced to serious time in the slammer.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Cute. St. Thomas.
Whatever he was going for, he ended up with Clown College Cockatiel. Rather pitiable.
@Wyatt Salamanca: Words fail me.
@lowtechcyclist: Also, suspended, not fired. Guessing it’s suspended with pay or “suspended without pay” would have been noted.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Wyatt Salamanca: He’s also claiming to have been offered ‘academic scholarships’ to Harvard and Yale.
For anti-elitist populists, they do have an obsession with the Ivies.
J R in WV
I hope those cops wind up fired for cause, lost pension benefits, can’t ever get another job as a cop. Unbelievable violence against a helpless person being beaten. And they didn’t stop when they noticed the person videoing the scene.
At least they didn’t commence beating the person with the camera on them!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Have a laugh that’s kind of mean but at the expense of people who deserve it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: the full motion is posted here
Republicans seem to have a very strange relationship with trees.
Saint Ronnie believed that trees cause acid rain.
Mittens had a thing about all the trees in Michigan being “just the right height.” Okay, Goldilocks.
Now, that towering intellect Herschel Walker thinks maybe we have enough trees? Too many trees?
These people are enough to make a snail laugh.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
“Go water your mother.”
Van Buren
It’s a little depressing to realize that from now on, a significant % of Republican politicians will always cry fraud at every loss, and can be expected to test the safeguards of the system whenever possible.
This shit is not going to go away.
zhena gogolia
@Van Buren: They’ve been doing it for a very long time. Nothing new.
It’s probably only because I’m +1, but the WaPo front page, which I usually just find slightly annoying in places, is instead totally pissing me off tonight.
It’s not so much their choice of headlines — only a few of those are problematic — but also just how fucked up everything in this country is.
I really really really can’t wait for Trump to just fucking die and take his weird spells with him.
I saw the article pulled in real time. I had just posted that I liked the thermometer idea for each featured state. (possibly the best comment I have ever made. gone.
HaI mean tear emoji here.)Through the reeds and rushes, the media, I am netting a positive, possible November outcome. Precursor shifts in positivity. No bubble. No bias. Ha.
I told you he was a witch.
@WaterGirl: or just actuarial morbidity predictions.
Before I forget, with the mentions here about MyPillowFace guys Major, Earthshattering, Election Denying Event, it’s now been approximately 3 weeks since my Saturday morning cartoons were last polluted by his stupid commercials. I suppose he could be saving up for another big ad buy, but I’m hoping the frivolous lawsuits he’s gotten himself into are finally beginning to take a toll on his bottom line.
Maybe even though he questioned it then, it may have been to grab power, not sincere. Even though his public position has changed, his private feelings may not have.
Point is that I don’t know what’s in Ron Johnson’s heart, I just know he needs to go.
@artem1s: And here is the Trumpy addendum to the filing.
zhena gogolia
@Kropacetic: None of them were sincere. None of them. They all knew it was bullshit, up to and including Trump.
I’ve just re-watched all the hearings (not quite done with the last one), and it is so abundantly clear that he is the most evil person to ever get within sniffing distance of the Oval Office.
ETA: Speaking of which, there were nine hearings, not eight. We keep forgetting the first one, with Fanone and company.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@WaterGirl: Both Zooms were very good. I learned a lot about NV and WI both. All of the people were impressive in their organizing and canvassing. I’m looking forward to the next Zoom. I hope more people come watch. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. You don’t even have to show your face or turn on your microphone. But I think showing these groups some of the people supporting them will help boost their morale and enthusiasm and I know it helped mine.
Hasn’t the warrant been made public?
WTF is a special master (no caps required)? Is that like when the sadist role plays as a private dick?
@Wyatt Salamanca:
No. Moar trees please.
Perhaps. Granted, we never got live televised hearings involving Andrews Jackson or Johnson.
Sister Golden Bear
The rest of the thread gets better.
Ann Marie
@WaterGirl: Thank you. I’ll give them a chance.
Ann Marie
@MisterDancer: Thank you for finding this!
@Baud: Squirrel was into it!
Cheney clearly stated that it was the 9th hearing at the beginning of the last one. I wasn’t sure why some people thought it was #8 in the live blog thread comments, but now it makes more sense.
ETA: I was disappointed when I saw on the official J6 site that no additional hearings are scheduled at this time. It just seems like so much has been happening lately and so many more Trump advisors are being interviewed that I was hoping there might a new hearing scheduled. Maybe September, let’s hope.
@Kropacetic: A special master is some qualified person appointed by a court for a particular task. For instance, when Virginia’s new reapportionment commission deadlocked, the matter went to the State Supreme Court. They appointed two special masters to draw the maps and then the court approved them.
@Wyatt Salamanca: Well, it has caused Popehat to change his nym to EnoughTreesHat.
@Geminid: Ah, makes sense. Less fun, though.
Wyatt Salamanca
Kudos to Crikey for taking on the sleazy Murdoch family:
An open letter to Lachlan Murdoch, co-chairman of News Corporation and executive chairman of Fox Corporation
This article is part of a series about a legal threat sent to Crikey by Lachlan Murdoch, over an article Crikey published about the January 6 riots in the US. For the series introduction go here and for the full series go here
@Wyatt Salamanca:
What the hell kind of name is Lachlan? Is that Australian?
@MattF: I believe that was written by Bradley Moss, a D. C. lawyer who has represented whistleblowers . He is on Fox from time to time.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Wyatt Salamanca:
Oh that’s nothing! I actually had a conversation a month or so with a customer I met while at work, who had been living in Texas for awhile, which coincided with the power outage due to the winter storms a few years back. Somebody my age too. I brought up how foolish it was that the state had it’s own power grid completely disconnected from the rest of the country’s. He came back with something or other about regulations limiting carbon emissions were responsible. I then said, “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but too much carbon emissions are bad for the environment/climate”.
“Carbon dioxide is good for trees, isn’t”
I nearly had a stroke from the stupidity
So it was an administration- wide policy under Trump to deactivate and wipe department-issued phones. Imagine that. Link
@Sister Golden Bear:
From the second tweet in that thread:
I don’t know if this is true, but someone, somewhere in that thread, said that the reason they filed in the “wrong” court was because T***p went judge-shopping, and wound up with one of “his” own.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Wyatt Salamanca:
That happened to me recently. I actually had a conversation a month or so with a customer I met while at work, who had been living in Texas for awhile, which coincided with the power outage due to the winter storms a few years back. Somebody my age too. I brought up how foolish it was that the state had it’s own power grid completely disconnected from the rest of the country’s. He came back with something or other about regulations limiting carbon emissions were responsible. I then said, “I don’t know if that’s true or not, but too much carbon emissions are bad for the environment/climate”.
“Carbon dioxide is good for trees, isn’t”
I nearly had a stroke from the stupidity
Via Reddit
J R in WV
So — someone has irritated the Murdoch companies enough to attract their attention, legally. Someone with a budget for lawyers, and no inclination to run away from the Murdoch family. Fuck those fascists hard, Crickey. Give it to them and then do it again. Hateful monsters who deserve to spend the rest of their lives in court, losing to pro bono lawyers working for a free press principle….
ETA: I doubt the lawyers for Crickey are pro bono, but I hope they’re capable of giving the Murdochs what they deserve!
I was just about to mention that story. I wonder what happened to government-issued phones under Obama, and if there’s a government- wide standard?
@Scout211: You can’t run the government like a secret police if you can’t keep most things secret.
Gin & Tonic
Not sure if anyone remembers a while back when the good citizens of Lithuania crowdfunded a Bayraktar for Ukraine. Here it is at work:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
“Tree hugger.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I talked to my folks today and were they pissed about it, rightly seeing it as a delaying tactic.
My mother, who is most definitely not a lawyer, said that “they’re” (meaning all of the investigators) are all “chickenshits” who should’ve arrested Trump immediately; that this would have happened to anyone else who did what he did. I replied that well, that’s just the legal process.
However, this did get me to thinking, if it really was anybody else, and the FBI recovered stolen government documents like Trump apparently took, would they still be out of jail like he is?
Gin & Tonic
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Ask Reality Winner.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Gin & Tonic:
So IOW, no. He’s getting special treatment/advantages because of who he is and how much money he has. That’s bullshit.
Hey Watergirl, what is the best link describing what y’all are doing with Four Directions that I can signal boost on Facebook? The ActBlue link takes me to the donation page but doesn’t really talk about the goal of funding field organizers (if I remember correctly?)
I have a friend with decent sized circle of liberal/activist friends who is right now encouraging people to donate to Nevada and I’d love to send people to Four Directions.
Another Scott
@JWR: Reporting like this drives me nuts.
Of course they should wipe the phones when they get them back from the user. If the phones are passed back to the vendor, or on to someone else, or sent out for recycling, you don’t want any information on there. So, you wipe it.
The question is, what are the agency policies about text message and all the rest on government furnished equipment (GFE)? If the agency policy is 1) the GFE phone can only be used for official business, and 2) anything done on the GFE phone is an official Government Record (which has a legal meaning that requires things like making sure it is archived correctly), then someone was breaking the agency policy (and potentially the law) by wiping the phone (or letting the user wipe their text messages, etc., before turning them in) before the Government Records were backed up and filed and documented as the rules and law require.
If the agency policy is that text messages are never official records, or that it’s up to the user to determine whether their text messages are official records or not, then that needs to be told to Congress and the people in clear terms, and they need to justify it. Because, obviously, it invites abuse.
tl;dr – Tell us the policy and if the policy was broken. If the policy was broken, tell us by whom and why.
My $0.02.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That is a word that has gotten thrown out a lot at environmentalists, hasn’t it? It’s meant to minimize/trivialize practical concerns about the environment and climate change.
Like, this isn’t just about people loving nature for nature’s sake or something. Biodiversity is a Thing and humans are still apart of nature; destroying it is only destroying ourselves because we rely on it to live
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I was TS/EBI a long time ago (I think EBI is like SCI but I don’t keep up with the TLA’s).
If I had taken anything home, I would have been arrested so fast my head woulda been spinning.
If I had a conversation with an apparently Eastern European woman at a bar or similar and not reported it, I woulda been fired.
Reminded of a memorable snatch of dialogue from a film noir whose title escapes me:
“No. He used to be cop, now he’s a dick.”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yes, since the ‘70s certainly, and possibly the ‘60s. “Dirty tree-hugging hippie” used to roll off the tongues of Nixon and his henchpersons.
@Sister Golden Bear: Over in Limerick, Ireland, journalist Marcy Wheeler is having a grand time with trump’s court filing:
Wheeler isn’t usually this colorful, but it’s late in the evening over there.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Gin & Tonic:
It looks like at least two of those guys on the right are dead from the direct hit while the other two are crawling away, probably injured from the shrapnel; the one artillery on the right is definitely destroyed. The truck was probably also damaged.
Those Bayraktar TB-2 “Vanagas” UCAVs seem to be very effective and I’m glad they’re aiding UKR’s war effort
@Another Scott:
Bingo, thank you, and it wasn’t tl;dr at all.
; )
Gaelic pedigree name. Sounds best when spoken with a brogue.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A simpler time when we didn’t recognize one can be both.
I set four directions and Voces on automatic monthly donations through Act Blue. I assume those show up in our totals. It’s just easier for me to do it that way. I can’t chip in extra right now – just made a big tuition payment.
Kid leaves for school on Sunday and I’m going to be a basket case. Fortunately my local campaigning picks up right after he leaves. I’m doing Voter Protection again this year plus persuasion calls and GOTV.
We’ve seen this play before, admit to the crime to then argue “clearly it wasn’t a crime or I wouldn’t have admitted to it.”
Bold, manipulative legal strategy? Ex post factor rationalization for a mistake? Our panel will decide.
zhena gogolia
@Scout211: I think they have said there will be hearings in September
J R in WV
Regarding Four Directions, they have quite a bit of good data on their web site, which is not ActBlue, where the money is accessed.
This is a good start. We hit them up the same monthly amount we donate to Val Demings to support her personal Senate campaign.
I mostly donate to individual candidates, to avoid helping to pay the overhead of Emily’s List, etc. But Four Directions is important in Indian Country, just as Planned Parenthood is important in reproductive rights.
@UncleEbeneezer: just sent money to Cortez Mastro. She has to win
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think this relates to a message trump sent to Garland some days ago that the country was “on fire” and he would cooperate to turn down the heat if the AG was willing to help. Of course, the country wasn’t on fire and Garland seems to have ignored trump.
This was an implicit threat, and it sounds like trump cited it in his filing. Observers are saying that it looks like trump wrote much of the filing, and his second rate attorneys let him.
Gin & Tonic
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I thought for a second that I should feel sorry for the guy crawling away, but it passed.
@Another Scott
From the CNN article I cited above: was it official policy or was it “guidance” and what, if any was the difference? And the employees and appointees themselves were responsible to save data that was “official business.” Seems kind of questionable.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Exactly. Trump should be no different
I think that whole “lol treehuggers amirite” thing isn’t nearly as present as it used to be though. The advances in green energy and tech along with the investments in such, have made it much more economical; it’s not as associated with the DFHs anymore. Plus, the last decade has shown ample evidence of climate change, and I think people are becoming more environmentally conscious these days somewhat
@Scout211: I just went to American Oversight, and they have this, re mobile devices:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Polls have shown for some time now that a solid majority of Americans recognize climate change as a danger and think that governments should take steps to combat it. Like gun safety and reproductive rights, it is an issue where Republicans have dug themselves in on the wrong side of public opinion.
Now that the economic benefits of the clean energy transition are more and more apparent, I think this has become a winning issue for Democrats in purple states and districts.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Gin & Tonic:
How many thousands or tens of thousands of lives, both Ukrainian and Russian, has Putin sacrificed at this point? For what, USSR Part 2 Electric Boogaloo?
I saw a headline the other day in the NYT about Wagner, the Russian PMC, plugging the holes in the Russian Army. Evidently, the Russian Defense Minister denied the involvement early on of Wagner, but now Russian state TV is showing the Russian people Wagner’s “heroic exploits” instead of the quagmire they put themselves into
Change “fascism” to “Republican” and voila!
@Omnes Omnibus: Naw, some people just can’t contain their inner Eeyore, never happy unless prophesying doom*. Ok, cool, whatever floats their boat, on the other hand a lot more of us got a real kick out of the last few weeks. I was delighted to see your prophecy about Biden getting a deal with Manchin come to pass
*I’m a Scot who spent decades in Yorkshire, dour pessimism elevated to an art form by both nature & nurture and I feel better in the last few weeks than I have in years
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s what I’ve read here and elsewhere. Bums me out though that because of sourcing requirements going into effect from the IRA, most EV models currently on the market won’t be eligible for the tax credits. Hopefully manufacturers will move quickly to meet those requirements
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Trump should ve just like anyone else and be arrested. Assuming facts are as they appear to be.
Sure, some of his cult will lose their shit but, oh well, they can go to jail, too.
That’s a good quote.
@Sister Golden Bear: My explanation for today’s filing: TFG, ever cheap, is trying to crowdsource it. So he tells the lawyers to file something ridiculous. Then wait for lawyers (Ken “PopeHat” White, Marcy “Emptywheel” Wheeler, etc.) to explain everything that’s wrong, and use that to amend the filing.
@Kropacetic: “Lemme know when you want me to call off my MAGA horde” is a mob boss type threat, but it’s not (to my non LEO ears) a criminal threat.
@Baud: Gaelic.
@Ann Marie: I got hooked up with NPP through Red2Blue and I’ve been calling people who recently registered to vote with NPP help. We follow up to give them info: looking for their voter registration card in the mail, info about voting in Nov, and offering other info and help. People appreciate the outreach. They’re a good organization.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: From one source I read the Pro se thing is a default in this district when a case is opened without supporting documents. It no longer lists as pro se per emptywheel and has one of the lead lawyers name attached.
Or what
said with receipts.
A lot of folks fell over themselves with the initial listing.
@Ken: Some observers characterize trump’s filing as a fancy press release, just some more propaganda to rile up his base supporters. trump is playing the martyr, so if the motion, or whatever it is, falls flat he can cite this as more evidence of how unfairly he is being treated.
trump can’t devise a legal strategy without knowledgeable and competent attorneys and he does not have any it seems. So for now he’s making this a political fight. But he’s an idiot, and he’s digging his hole deeper.
@Ann Marie: NPP is a good organization. I’ve been making calls through them to people they helped to register to vote. We follow through with info about getting their voter registration card, going to vote on Nov., and offering other help for new voters. People appreciate the outreach and it really encourages new voters.
@RaflW: Yeah, trump’s message to Garland was an implicit threat, not an explicit one. trump has the low cunning of a career criminal, and tries to skate close to but inside tbe law.
My Atlanta friend commented on this with respect to the Georgia election case. Warren is a sharp attorney (civil, not criminal defense), and he closely examined trump’s phone call to the Georgia elections chief. Warren hates trump as much as anyone here, but he wasn’t sure if trump crossed the line although he was right at it.
Fulton County Attorney Fani Willis appears intent on getting the grand jury to bring an indictment, though, and maybe she can.
@UncleEbeneezer: Maybe I can put up a simple post that describes them and what they are doing – with the thermometer – and you could share that link with them?
Or I could make it a PAGE instead of a post. Pages are static things, with no comments.
With no swears and no BJ in-jokes, obviously.
Would either of those ideas help?
@Another Scott: Something I read this morning indicated that it’s not just policy, it’s a law. But I didn’t recall where I read that, so i don’t have a link.
@MomSense: The monthly donations to Four Directions or Voces show up in the thermometer you created the monthly donation from.
If you did that during the Michigan fundraising, it’s still going to Michigan, for example.
If anyone wants to change their Four Directions recurring donation from one state to another, you can just let me know – they said they can make that change behind the scenes.
I just made a PAGE on Balloon Juice – so you and everyone who is interested can post this on twitter or facebook.
It’s a blurb from their page, along with a bit of information about the difference Four Directions made in AZ and GA (in 2020 and the runoffs) and it also has our Balloon Juice thermometer for Four Directions in Nevada.