This smacked my gob.
'Billie Jean' a 8 manos y una guitarra – Barcelona Guitar Trio & Dance
— escribano (@tuidelescribano) August 12, 2022
If you need respite, this will help.
And yeah…this just might be an open thread.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I could be that guy on his knees tapping his fingers. I think.
That was fun! Thanks, TL.
Tom Levenson
@Old Dan and Little Ann: I wouldn’t make the cut for any role here.
Such talented folks.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Wow! That would take so much practice and coordination to do right
I saw another one like this recently … ah, here it is. Four men, one cello.
Eric NNY
The very creativity of this amazes me.
To follow the Michael Jackson theme, here is what just might be the greatest cover of an MJ song ever.
Oh, okay then. A little competitive Vivaldi
Emma from Miami
Insane. Absolutely gobsmackingly insane.
Poe Larity
California and Montreal Guitar Trios will need to step up.
@HumboldtBlue: This one ranks for me.
@Martin: The pups make it solid gold.
I shared that on Twitter too, just awesome! It’s amazing the fun stuff you can find.
@SiubhanDuinne: I enjoy them too. But I can’t imagine how strong that cello player is to be able to hold it up and play like that!
Speaking of unimaginable guitar wizardry, I was one of the lucky 150 or so guitar geeks who got to see a rare solo performance by Julian Lage in Chicago on Thursday. It was part of an event called Fretboard Summit, a sort of fantasy camp for guitar and mandolin players.
Mind thoroughly blown.
Yes, he did this one.
Ruff the Dog
A oldie but goody is Mnozil Brass rendition of Lonely Boy.
althoigh I guess strictly speaking it’s the opposite shortage.