Ari Melber suggests that Trump and his allies like Lindsey Graham are trying to scare prosecutors out of indicating the former president.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) August 29, 2022
“If you touch our guy, we’ll try to kill you” is the strongest possible argument for touching their guy tbh.
— Starfish In Charge Of WB Tax Evasion Dept. (@IRHotTakes) August 29, 2022
of course graham will rile these guys up and then sit on his porch drinking sweet tea or whatever it is they do in south carolina.
— romney lost so now i terrorize my neighbors (@CalmSporting) August 29, 2022
i would offer that moving on washington dc again would be a very bad idea indeed
— World Famous Art Thief (@CalmSporting) August 29, 2022
Thi talk of “riots in the streets” if Trump is prosecuted—which streets? Where? Trump’s base is rural & suburban. Too spread out to riot unless it converges. I do believe there’ll be political violence. That’s not a riot, either. It’s terrorism.
— Jeff Sharlet (@JeffSharlet) August 29, 2022
2/2 The threat of violence and insurrection is real, and needs to be taken seriously.
And SITTING US SENATORS should try to reduce it.
But: My bet is that if L Graham got out more, he would realize there is no longer any ground game for Trump. It's gone away.
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) August 29, 2022
I don't believe that there will be blood in the street if the grifting scrote is indicted and prosecuted. But if the price of a nation of laws is blood in the street then let it bleed. There's no other choice for a republic. None.
— David Simon (@AoDespair) August 29, 2022
What's bizarre to me is that this is actually a pattern of crime (it's illegal to make death threats! It's illegal to make bomb threats!) but even when it does get reported on it's like "ooh, this is a sad state of affairs, the incivility." Like no, this is a crime wave
— Hemry, Local Bartender (@BartenderHemry) August 29, 2022
Truly incredible how much mileage the right gets out of "yeah of course we make criminal threats, that's just the way we are" and everyone in media and government just goes "well it's true, that's just the way they are, i guess criminal threats are ok now"
— Hemry, Local Bartender (@BartenderHemry) August 29, 2022
Full clip of the top video:
On threats and “riots”…
— Ari Melber (@AriMelber) August 30, 2022
Concur. And let’s just plan to take a lot of video. I have deeply enjoyed watching the J6 MAGA goons be identified and convicted. LMAO.
I predict that most of the potential rioters will be like that group of truckers a while back who vowed to snarl up traffic on the Washington Beltway, apparently not realizing that it came pre-snarled, and after being ignored or mocked for months finally flounced off in disgust.
Yes, there will be some who are more dangerous, but not all that many. And those can be dealt with like criminals.
@Suzanne: Also concur. As many have said, they only thing worse than prosecuting a former President is, specially in this case, not prosecuting one.
Lindsey Graham threatening riots in the streets today, Trump demanding that he be reinstated yesterday…just another tricky day.
Or do I have my days mixed up? It’s hard to tell.
Roger Moore
I said it in a previous comment, but I think the threats of violence are a sign that Trump knows he can’t win in court. If he were confident his lawyers could win the case, he’d be bragging about how great they are and belittling the government’s case. Instead, he rapidly cycled through excuses- the files were planted, he declassified them, someone else packed the boxes, Obama did worse, etc.- and settled on threats when none of them worked. That’s not the behavior of someone who thinks he’s going to win on the merits of the case.
Yeah, we all need someone we can bleed onYeah, and if you want it, baby, well, you can bleed on me, yeah
My one free article, Charles P. Pierce at Esquire.
. . .
If Democrats hold the House and expand the majority in the Senate, the assault weapon (renewed) ban will put a bit of a crimp in the domestic terrorists’ plans.<
The various Jan. 6 insurrectionists who are convicted and serving time may also have a sobering effect on their playfellows.
ETA: Yes to @danielx:
, upthread.
Another Scott
There’s always a tweet…
Another Scott
Amir Khalid
I saw the post, and it reminded me of an old song.
The question is, are the threats working? Will the prosecutors and judges throw the match to avoid the “riots in the streets?”
7 more Republican leaders endorse Democrat Josh Shapiro for Pennsylvania governor, following news of GOP candidate Doug Mastriano wearing a Confederate military uniform
Perhaps someone who watches more teevee news than me (which is literally everyone not living a hermit’s life in a cave) can tell us if any of the pundits or hosts have said anything about how divisive this “riots in the streets” rhetoric from the Republicans is.
I’m going to guess that the next commenter who says it will be the first.
From The Daily Beast.
The domestic terrorism is spreading.
msnbc has been indignant for days about lindsay evocation of violence in the streets.
They’re going to burn down the Cracker Barrel.
@Leto: Robert E Lee is the enemy commander responsible for the most US Army deaths in history. Why is a US Army war college member wearing his uniform?
Our fellow citizens.
Citizen Alan
@caphilldcne: Alabama 2018 proved that Republicans would overwhelmingly support a known child molester over a Democrat.
@JanieM: Went from confident and obnoxious in Canada to ridiculous in D.C.
@gratuitous: Every program on MSNBC following Biden’s speech, has shamed Lindsey. Lawrence O’Donnell is really getting into it.
@danielx: he should be careful – imagine if he gets charged with a felony and then forced off the Senate because he’s got to go to jail.
That leaves an open seat to be contested next year. (if that’s allowed)
Paul in KY
@Scout211: Renfeld from Castle Dracula is exactly who he’s patterning his fawning/toadying after!