This went well with my coffee this morning:
Hillary Clinton asks Melania Trump, “How’s your summer going?”
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) September 9, 2022
I lost track of time this week and completely spaced the kindness post. I have no excuses except I worked the holiday and then went on a mid-week hike in RMNP and now I have no idea what day it is. But here’s a fun little Biden tidbit:
Our 6 yo told his friend that he will be running for President in 2052 (he worked out the math). His platform is everyone gets all the food they need and ending racism.
He was thrilled to find this letter waiting for him at home in response to a letter he sent @POTUS in June.
— Amanda Kim, MD (@AmandaKimPdx) September 2, 2022
And as we head into football season, I bookmarked this happiness to share at some point:
Green Bay Packers Football Stars Join Young Fan’s Impromptu Tea Party on Sideline – WATCH
— Travis Akers (@travisakers) August 12, 2022
This is a wide-open thread. Anyone heard anything about Cole’s new kitten?
I believe her new show drops today on Apple.
@Baud: Cole’s kitten has a show?
@Baud: Hillary can really think on her feet!
Kid’s got my vote.
Yes, that was impressive.
@SiubhanDuinne: You might want to check the details of the plan. Perhaps it’s “kill the racists and make them into soylent green to feed everyone else”.
Who’d want to eat racist meat?
Scrolling through youtube I came across a thing: YA vlog reactions to college acceptance/rejection news. That’s not what I found interesting about the videos, but the NUMBER of schools these kids are applying to: 20 +/- ! Is this just a product of the ones making videos, or is this now SOP for highschoolers? Back in my day (when dinosaurs still existed) among people I knew, it was generally 2 reach schools, 2-3 target schools, 2 safe schools. Maybe I got a false impression back then?
germy shoemangler
Somewhere there’s a republican kid who wants to get everyone all the racism they need and end food.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@Baud: It’s Trump’s favorite meal.
@Ken: They say one bad apple can spoil the barrel. A whole barrel of racist apples would spoil apples for me forever.
Don’t know how many Rammstein fans there are around here, but I went to their show last Saturday in Chicago (Soldier Field) – it was quite the spectacle. If you are a fan it is worth going to see them as they complete their North American stadium tour.
@germy shoemangler:
ABC’s got a window to look out of as they cover the ceremonies…and Chris Christie is there! Earlier in the program they’d gotten his take on the Queen’s passing. He must be the network roustabout.
@germy shoemangler:
Both sides!
zhena gogolia
@p.a.: I’m afraid it’s SOP now. Everything is so different (and not in a good way). Their anxiety is through the roof.
@WaterGirl: She’s always been a really smart person. We were really robbed of something special in 2016.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@WaterGirl: Not only on her feet, but also backwards and in high heels
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: I’m listening….
zhena gogolia
The tea party clip is so cute.
I don’t dispute that Hillary is brilliant, but I can’t believe she ad libbed all those. I’m sure she devised the questions, but she probably got a little time to think about it.
@MisterForkbeard: Agree that she’s really really smart!
But not all people who are smart can think on their feet like that, and be clever about it, too boot.
@zhena gogolia: oh, no! Now we are going to have question-gate about whether Hillary got the questions in advance!!!
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: forget I said it
Matt McIrvin
@JCJ: Last week we saw They Might Be Giants in Portsmouth, NH.
In June they tried to return to touring after a two-year absence for the pandemic, and immediately after the very first show in New York City, John Flansburgh’s car got T-boned by a drunk driver and he broke several ribs. So he was out a few months for that, and I’m actually amazed he got back in action as quickly as he did. He’s not quite as hyperactive as he used to be, but it was a fantastic show, two long sets of music (including all of the classic album Flood) and two encores.
My 16yo daughter, who has been a fan since she was raised on their kids’ music, told me “they dress like YOU.”
@p.a.: I believe things have changed in that there universal applications and lower fees.
@zhena gogolia: Not from you! I was thinking of jackasses on the internet!
I thought that was us.
I TOLD Cole he should get that kitten. Squee!
Matt McIrvin
@p.a.: Automation makes it easier to apply to a lot of schools than it used to be. For one thing, the done thing seems to be to carefully construct one big college essay that you use for your common application–you’re not banging out different essays with a typewriter on every paper application.
And the selective schools have gotten far more selective, because they receive so many applications, so kids feel they have to use a massive shotgun approach just to get in somewhere. It’s a vicious cycle, kind of like sending out resumes during the Great Recession.
My daughter is a high-school junior and we’re just starting to look into the process as it exists today. They’re actually trying to persuade kids NOT to apply to more than 10 schools, and it’s a struggle.
@Matt McIrvin: Saw them ages ago at the Pantages, a beautiful old theater in Hollywood. Place was packed. About half the audience was wearing red fezzes, a fitting tribute to a great band
It’s been a long time, but I recall some application fees, or fees for copies of test scores. Does stuff like that still apply?
Even if no cost, I can’t imagine applying to 20 schools.
@WereBear: I think we all told Cole he should get the kitten. :-)
edit: okay, two people said he should meet the kitten first. But that’s pretty close to “all”!
Paul in KY
@JCJ: Have heard that Rammstein have one of the best stadium shows going. Glad you got to see them!
Maybe they’ll come to Louder Than Life someday.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@different-church-lady: Don’t forget GOP kid’s promise to find a cure for altruism.
@WaterGirl: Judges say yes. But he might not have listened, or found another on the side of the road eating biscuit mix and took that one too.
Matt McIrvin
@Haydnseek: The first TMBG show I saw was back in 1990 when they were touring for Flood, in Boulder, Colorado. That was one of the greatest concerts I’ve ever been to, and in those days, it was just the two guys with a drum machine and recorded backing and a lot of weird instruments and props (they got their start in the performance-art scene in New York). They first got a full band on the next tour in ’92.
@Baud: Cue Eating Raoul: “It’s amazing what you can do with a cheap piece of meat.”
@WereBear: Did he get the kitten? I hadn’t heard. :)
I know we were all rooting for it, but…
John has a story to tell about the kitten, but it is not mine to tell.
Someone should tweet at him and nudge him to put up a post about it.
@Matt McIrvin: The “Flood” tour was fantastic. I’m old. I’ve managed to accumulate a lot of records and seen all the great bands, and “Flood” is in my all-time desert island Top Ten.
@p.a.: In my era, or maybe just my location, we applied to an inexpensive state school near home that our parents could afford, and that they could also drive us back and forth to because there was no car going to college with us.
In those days I had no concept that Harvard or another elite school was that much better than Northern Illinois University, and no concept of the importance of “networking” to future success. We thought we’d go to college and then succeed based on our merits. HAHAHAHA….
Villago Delenda Est
How is it possible that this kid sent this letter from Portland, OR? I mean, TFG assures me that the entire city was burned to the ground by antifa and BLM during the summer of 2020.
“OMG you have left it way too late, you should have been sending college application letters when she was in preschool!!!” — Far too many parents
Paul in KY
@Matt McIrvin: I saw them up in Newport, KY several years ago. Fun show.
@WaterGirl: As long as the story doesn’t start “The kitten is on the roof and won’t come down.“
Villago Delenda Est
@Ken: Well, the brother was a fast learner.
Villago Delenda Est
@WaterGirl: The crucial test is will the kitten and Steve get along? The dogs I suspect won’t be a problem, but another feline in the house, threatening the ABSOLUTE RULE of Steve might get a bit contentious.
zhena gogolia
@Villago Delenda Est: As someone said that day, I’d be more concerned if Steve were a female. My boy cats always accepted newcomers with bored aplomb.
Old School
@Matt McIrvin: You must be thinking of some other band.
@zhena gogolia: My boy cats are usually slightly tolerant of kittens (though it starts a dominance fight a year or two later), but they’re also usually much angrier about full grown cats.
My girl kitties have just been generally angry at all newcomers but not to the extent they’ll get into huge fights about it.
what? wait, are we talking about a theoretical kitten or an actual real life kitten that needs a forever home? and WHY NO PICTURES! even theoretical kittehs deserve pictures!
@Villago Delenda Est:
I have noticed that listening to SFB for more than 5 seconds a decade can lower a person’s IQ 10 points, just from the stupid factor that he broadcasts every time he opens his mouth. That is how he got the support level that fucked up this country, he stole the IQ points of conservatives, making them stupider. (Who knew that was possible?) Unfortunately for him his IQ is so extremely low that adding the lost IQ points of his supporters to his actually made him even dumber. (Who knew that conservative IQ points are negative?)
Old School
@artem1s: Kitten pictures.
Can I interest you in my new line of kitteh picture NFTs? All your favorite internet cat pictures, now with a theoretical certificate of ownership that’s stored on the blockchain!!!
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: Getting your 3-year-old into the right preschool with the pipeline to the Ivy League is key.
Matt McIrvin
@Old School: “Who’s There May Be Giants? I took off the intellectuals, I put on There May Be Giants.”
Villago Delenda Est
@zhena gogolia: Yeah, good point there. Her Serene Highness has little tolerance for anyone feline intruding on her realm. Even fully grown males get the cold shoulder treatment.
@Villago Delenda Est: We went to PDX in June and found several shipping containers and an AM-PM comprise most of downtown now. It also rained.
I assume the kid lives in one of the shipping containers.
Tea party avec Packers is the most adorable thing I’ve seen all year.
Ours would pour “tea” for an hour, nonstop. “Tea daddy, tea?”
Couldn’t he just climb down the willow?
From John’s post the other night.
Miss Bianca
@p.a.: Shoot, I only applied to four colleges myself. Ended up going to my safety school, but since that was the University of Michigan, I didn’t exactly feel deprived.
Chief Oshkosh
@Ken: So the kid has big dreams AND is practical.