I have no idea who this woman is, but I don’t are. I am here for it. Every. Single. Word.
— Jon Cooper (@joncoopertweets) September 9, 2022
Open thread.
Update: OzarkHillbilly tells me that Germy Shoemangler says this is Ana Kasparian. She is apparently on Young Turks, whatever that is. :-)
Yep, she nailed it for I bet 80% of the American populace. First? Holy shit, where are you people?
Unknown blond woman has a point.
Uncle Jeffy
She speaks for me with every word.
Good Morning, Everyone😊😊😊
Thats Ana Kasparian. Commentator on The Young Turks.
It looks like she’s talking to someone as if in a debate. Do you know the context of this clip?
I found that yesterday, then couldn’t find it again. Now bookmarked.
via Germy Shoemangler, Ana Kasparian.
To the young woman in the video
Damn! You go, girl!
Another Scott
Ana Kasparian at Wikipedia :
She sounds fairly bright, but apparently still hasn’t figured out the line between performance and treating politics as deadly serious business when it comes to being responsible with one’s vote.
You don’t want to know what Young Turks is. But leftier-than-you can still be correct sometimes, and this is a bullseye.
@Another Scott:
I wonder what she did in 2016.
People giving themselves permission to not stand in solidarity with everyone else give other people moral permission do so where it does matter.
And hopefully it will have a positive effect on people we need to show up.
But really, aren’t we progressives making the Right live by our religion, by not letting them discriminate against gay people and people of color, by expecting them to quit burning carbon before the planet catches fire, and most especially, by not letting them win every election?
(it’s DougJ rubbing off on me, sorry)
Politics is about justice and power. Religion is about truth and morality. They are of course related, but if you don’t respect the differences, you corrupt one or both.
The Thin Black Duke
@Another Scott: Meh. Useless Performance Artist. When the Supreme Court was in play, how many holier-than-thou white women like her put their money where their mouths were and voted for Hillary? Not enough.
I don’t. However, I doubt it’s a debate. It looks to me like a segment of their show. The Young Turks do have debates from time to time but mostly they just comment on the news of the day. I suspect that is what was happening here.
I should add that although I very much agree with what she is saying here and I agree with many things she says and believes politically, she is also very much aligned with the sort of hard left “NeoLiberal Biden is not doing enough” crowd that is often (rightfully) mocked on this forum. Indeed, most of The Young Turks are part of that crowd.
It’s not snark. The right doesn’t distinguish between the personal and the political. We are trying to force them to live in the type of free and equal society that they hate. We should own up to it and be proud of it.
I’m aware of the Young Turks generally, but I don’t follow them day to day. (Kind of like Greenwald in that sense). I take this for what it — an on-point rant. I’m not going to subscribe to their newsletter.
I just hope it helps get the vote out.
Young Turks is Fox News for lefties. They tried to torpedo Joe Biden. Pretty sure they ran hard on the “Biden’s a rapist” lie, and never retracted it. They certainly helped tank Hillary in 2016. My sister refused to vote for HRC and explained to me that it was because of what she heard on YT, which she bought hook, line, and sinker. This lady was part of those lies. I’ll pass, I don’t care what she has to say now.
@The Thin Black Duke:
citizen dave
I saw this on twitter. It’s earnest, and welcome in the media scrum, but many many people in the country believe the same thing. So I don’t find this clip earthshaking in any way.
Somehow, the majority of the eligible voters–who knows what they think and believe, because they don’t vote. How can we get more people to participate in our self-governance experience?
Happy Caturday!
I think it takes a younger, freer, person to criticize the overwhelming predominance of Christianity in the US.
From Wikipedia:
Breaking free of the Catholic hold on our film censorship didn’t end until 1966, and the generational effect hangs on in minds that don’t grow and develop. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Authoritarian, fundamentalist, forms of religion create in their followers.
I don’t think anyone official could ever say this. So I’m glad she broke the ice.
There’s respect and then there’s being an egg, a mark, a sucker. I think we have let our good manners and good intentions go on too long.
Another Scott
@Baud: I’m not sure I understand that (not fully awake yet).
I was kinda in her shoes, I think. I voted for Anderson and Perot and Nader. I don’t think doing so made any larger point for anyone else. It’s just that I wasn’t willing at the time to recognize that I needed to stand up and actually make a real choice. I think part of growing up is recognizing that one of the 2 major candidates is nearly always going to win. I have a responsibility to say where I stand between them, not some other hypothetical choice.
I’ve never done a write in for president – that seems (and would have seemed) like over the top performance art to me even then. Especially when the choice is so stark.
Yeah, her one vote didn’t sway California’s result, but her one vote always matters because every vote always matters. And she decided to set it on fire for St. Bernard.
My $0.02.
@Jeffro: It’s funny because it’s true. The Southern Baptists are a cult, and when they started merchandising to their own followers, it was great to have liberals as a Dark Side.
And their “holy” alternative.
Stopped clock and all that.
I’ve been hoping to see you here to find out how the start of your school year has been.
If being shouty is her schtick, then it would get old fast, but in this particular instance I think it worked really well. I really couldn’t disagree with a single word.
@citizen dave:
Unfortunately, I think we’ve seen that affect and packaging has a lot to do with whether a message sinks in with different groups of people. We like to think of the left of center as better than that, but we’re really not.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
I didn’t watch, but I’m not here for this kinda thing anymore. I’ve been burned too many times by righteous ranters. Anyone remember Alan Grayson?
And YT is a shitshow in every sense of the word. Fuck those assholes.
@Baud: As Democrats, we are a channel people click by. We have a bunch of earnest people trying to use facts and logic and we should know by now that only attracts earnest people trying to use facts and logic.
We have to acknowledge the other people :) We have to show them how their vote helps turn the battleship.
We need Randy Rainbow to join the Opening Arguments podcast.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: I agree with her point that I don’t care about public professions of piety and paying attention to some 2000 year old book written by a bunch of mystics. I’m much more of a “works” person, myself. And, yes, that pushback is valuable. But, I too don’t think that she is the best messenger.
@Another Scott:
She’s obviously a media figure with an audience. She also obviously told people that she was going to write in Bermie instead of voting for Biden. Even if she said she is privileged because she lives in a blue state and that voters in purple states should vote for Biden, she didn’t lead by example through her actions. And a lot of people who share her politics may not be inclined to make the “moral” sacrifice of voting for the Dem where it matters, and instead follow her example.
Long term, that sort of attitude is the death knell for any solidarity movement or collective action.
But honest to gawd, Republicans tried to overthrow the government.
If we can’t get people on board with voting against the Reichification of America, we just aren’t trying.
Here’s your protest vote, people. Don’t throw it away.
Via the hellsite, Russian retreat is real:
In fact the Bible does not condemn abortion. On the contrary, it requires it, in the case of an unfaithful wife. Viz. Numbers 5. Other than that, abortion is never mentioned, New Testament or Old. So this is not about what the Bible says in the first place. “Christian” condemnation of abortion is a purely modern phenomenon, with no basis in scripture whatever.
@Jeffro: That’s a great impersonation of a Church of England Vicar
Unfaithful wives need to file a class action lawsuit!
Frank Wilhoit
Christianity without the privilege of crushing everyone else into the ground has no emotional value. “It’s the dominance, stupid”: any pretext, any label.
Well, morality, at any rate.
@WaterGirl: Agree with both you. That’s my take on it.
Viewed as a thing in and of itself I’m fully behind it and it may very well help shift a few votes to us.
For me that style gets old very fast except when it’s Desi Lydic spoofing it which I find hilarious and even then in small doses
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Yup. They do a lot of damage.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Young Turks show/podcast/whatever. It’s usually two people at a desk like a news anchor setup, so they flip between talking to the camera or to the other person (off camera in this clip).
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Marmot: Some religions are a genuine search for truth. Clearly not the dogmatic religions that dominate the world, but some…
It’s nice to see the opposite viewpoint get out there, regardless of how widely held it is or how unpopular this person might be. We all know the Christian nationalists never shut up about it and force their BS down everyone else’s throats. Though they only use bible verses that help their cause and ignore the inconvenient ones.
Isn’t what she’s saying about the Bible pretty much the same as what MAGA says about the US Constitution?
Betty Cracker
Seems like a solid ad for a Dem in a Trump-ish state:
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Apparently, voters do. He lost a primary to a Gen Zer last month.
@Betty Cracker:
I like it. But I’m not the audience.
@Brent: The Young Turks slam Democrats even when they rip Republicans. The latter part of Kasparian’s rant was in response to co-anchor Cenk Uygur’s comment that Democrats showed little passion about these issues. It’s their version of “Both Sides.”.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: That’s certainly a big part of the marketing! But the religious “search for truth” and “truth” are different things. I’ll leave it at that.
Truth be told, ahem, this YT lady sounds like me at 14. Maybe we need more of that nowadays, to keep freaking standard secularism normal. But it does little for me.
@Betty Cracker: Tim Ryan knows he has an uphill battle in a state trump carried by 8 points (twice), but he’s fighting for every inch. I think this election will be close.
The hussy has a point. :-)
Today. in Afghanistan, women and girls are protesting the Taliban forcing secondary schools to remain closed until they can figure out how to “educate” pesky females in an Islamic fashion. Betting a journalism major is not in their future.
1. The bravest women on the planet.
2. What our fundies dream of imposing on us.
Why are you making Sunday posts on a Saturday?
I thought leaving the Southern Baptists in my mid-teens, then moving a thousand miles north to date in a different pool, would get them out of my life. Instead, my life story is still about how they manage to keep coming, like something in a Stephen King novel, still trying to force me into that Barbie doll coffin.
@Betty Cracker: Trade football for AR15–yeehaw!
IDK the audience in the least, but Vance seems like somebody with such a fake “tough guy” media image he should fold like a cheap suit confronted with reality.
@Shalimar: I always perceive a whiff of borsht and rubles when on infrequent occasions I encounter Young Turks online.
@Betty Cracker: The $30 million the Rs are investing in Ohio is showing up in ads for Vance now. I’ve seen one that is blaming Tim Ryan for schools being unsafe, because he’s on the side of criminals. Gee maybe our schools are unsafe because Ohio has open carry??
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I would’ve told him to chuckle ruefully on the “still got it”, but these campaigns never send their high-priced consultants to my hidey-hole to ask for my free advice. Which I would happily sell to them.
Seems like once a week Val Demmings has to push back against defunding.
Yep. I have had it with the Leftier Than Thou segment. It’s actually constitutional, representative democracy they have a problem with.
But the real-life alternative is genuine fascism, not utopia. But y’all all know that.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Amen. I don’t consider them to be allies.
We want to reach the greatest number of reachable people, right?
The same message won’t resonate with everyone, nor will the same style resonate with everyone. That’s why we focus messages on this or that and we present it using different mediums.
Paraphrase on an old Onion headline:
Woman choses to live life based on poorly translated, misunderstood, writings of nomadic bronze age people
@Betty Cracker: I think that ad is awesome.
@Jeffro: And there’s the rub, indeed.
@WaterGirl: Exactly. My issues with the YT’s don’t prevent me from agreeing with her message on this issue
Eta: Kinda like with Liz Cheney.
Citizen Alan
@WereBear: I still struggle with whether to identify as a Christian or not in my head. I was raised Southern Baptist. But today, my religious views can be summed up in 3 principles..
1. There is a supreme being who created the universe and who someday will hold us to account for our actions.
2. There is great moral value in the teachings of Jesus Christ, at least as I understand them.
3. As an institution, Christianity, and eespecially the Southern Baptist version of it, is so perniciously corrupted by tribalism, hatefulness, and a lust for temporal power that I genuinely fear that associating with it will endanger my immortal soul.
I’m going to out myself here but religion is about morality. Truth, not so much. Politics is about power. Now our democracy has at least tried to keep that power as limited as necessary. It doesn’t always work that way.
@Eunicecycle: But making people pass a criminal background check to buy a gun is a completely unacceptable violation of gun-humper rights. Of course the contradictions don’t matter.
There’s no viable logical argument. Liberals are going to have to accept that mass mobilization politics is the only way we’ll win some of these policy fights, even if something like background checks polls way over a majority.
Just saw a political ad for Mike Franken, who’s trying to unseat Chuck Grassley – Iowa – on MSNBC. Good ad, but surprised to see it on a national news program.
Citizen Alan
@Baud: Agreed. In 2000, I voted for Nader in Mississippi where Al Gore had absolutely no chance of winning. And I did so because I had not yet yet had the epiphany about the true danger of 3rd party movements: That for everyone who buys into the idea that democrats and republicans are all the same to the point of voting 3rd party, there are at least 3 or 4 people who accept the same idea but just stay home.
Princess Leia
Did I miss John’s kitten update???
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Citizen Alan
@Cervantes: Not one conservative Christian in a 1000 is aware of that passage from the Old Testament, and the ones who do know about it handwave it away with some bullshit about how Jesus died on the cross and therefore they can ignore inconvenient Old Testament verses.
@Another Scott:
Didn’t know this. That’s even more adorable than voting for Dump in 2016 as a “joke.”
@Princess Leia:
We haven’t heard whether that’s happened yet or not.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
True. Probably.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: FWIW I am solidly agnostic (my dog tags in the army listed my religion and No Religious Preference), my family is a pretty solid mix of believers and nonbelievers (Lutherans), and I know that I was brought up in a largely Christian environment. I think, for many of us, it is simply the water we swim it. The number of literary references in European based cultures that are biblical or Christianity-based is simply staggering. Even those who are rejecting it, are reaction to it. Also, some of our best and worst cultural heritage comes from Christianity.
Also, isn’t this eversor bait?
West of the Rockies
@The Thin Black Duke:
You don’t think she speaks truly how many people genuinely feel? Do you find no value in her words or perspective?
Citizen Alan
@Kevin: I have taken the position that most right wing christians actually worship the devil and are too dumb to realize it. They will turn up their noses at a non believer telling them that their religion is nonsense, ibut they get really hot under the collar when you point out they are utterly failing to live as Jesus clearly told them to. ” The mark of the beast came in the form of a red MAGA hat, and 4 out of 5 evangelicals took it” is my battle cry.
@Starfish: How is this a Sunday post? Because it’s about religion?
@Geminid: I must correct myself. I confused the video that is the post’s subject with another Young Turk’s clip I saw recently. The latter half of the woman’s rant is not in response to Cenk Uygur’s comment that Democrats showed little passion on these issues.
I’m not even sure that the woman is Ana Kasparian, but at any rate my comment was based on a different video.
@Princess Leia: john is planning to do a post, he was just really busy yesterday. I think we’ll see it this weekend.
Citizen Alan
@Omnes Omnibus: I assume the whole thread is eversor bait, and I’m genuinely surprised that they haven’t shown up to show their ass yet.
Another Scott
@Baud: Made me look. I haven’t found her purported vote, but I did find this (from November 10, 2016):
She forgot
“Corrupt” and“Millionaires and Billionaires”.(groucho-roll-eyes.gif)
The TrueBelievery (performance art, at minimum) is strong with this one. I think it’s easy to guess, with high probability of certainty, her 2016 vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@Citizen Alan: Yeah, I meant the whole thread, if that wasn’t clear.
Ohio Mom
@Xavier: Depends on the religion, Judaism values the pursuit of justice very highly. It is considered a religious obligation. As our ancestors said, “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue Justice.”
@Another Scott:
He also wouldn’t have had to deal with false accusations of a rigged primary and the misogyny.
West of the Rockies
@West of the Rockies:
I have not seen Kaspariam before and don’t watch YT (though have encountered links on the internet before). I guess that even if she is being performative, she’s saying true and useful words for our contemporary argument about religion and how it impacts politics.
Aren’t most (all) people on TV news(ish) shows performative? Rachel, Chris, Joy, Lawrence, Ari, Jason? I think many of their guests are sometimes performative, too.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: With an Armenian name like she has, Armenian genocide denial would not be a surprising hot button issue.
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Rockies:
That kind of shoutiness tends to turn me off.
@MomSense: I come home exhausted every day, I wake up two hours before I have to wake up due to stress dreams, I’m drowning in paperwork and redundant trainings, and there’s no work/life balance. I woke up at 7:00 this morning—sleeping in when you usually get up at 5:30 for work—and sat down to complete one of those redundant trainings, and then this afternoon I’m calling about ten parents of class cutters. And this is my supposed weekend!
In other news, I applied to the Philadelphia Orchestra for a FT, union stagehand position this week. I’m following up on Monday. I loved stagehand work when I was in Nashville.
I don’t know WTF I was thinking when I decided to pivot to teaching. Well, pension I guess. But I get that as a union stagehand too.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
I’m reading Queen Elizabeth met with every US president during her adult life, except LBJ – I guess she was influenced by Raven
@West of the Rockies:
@Omnes Omnibus:
I actually don’t watch much MSNBC anymore because I find the style of speaking to be very loud. My old ears no longer enjoy that.
Another Scott
@Baud: “Yeah, I have some business dealings in Russia. I have business dealings everywhere. I’m a successful, world-famous, business man and everyone wants to do business with me. Bigly. Nobody can buy me because I’m rich.
“Unlike my Communist opponent, I never went to the Communist USSR on my honeymoon! What kind of America-hater Communist goes to the Communist USSR on their honeymoon??! I don’t think America is ready for a Communist USSR-loving Communist to be President.
“[hugs flagpole] MAGA! Send me money! Click this link!!”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Agreed, national-scale fund raising.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: my iPhone has been telling me lately that I’m playing my headphones at “loud”, to which I say: Mind your own damn business, damned spy box! and I wonder if my hearing’s starting to go already (already?)
I will confess here that I voted for the Socialist Workers candidate for Philadelphia mayor when Ed Rendell was running for reelection – yes, a meaningless ballot cast simply as a protest.
Methinks that “Young Turks” has been ‘naturalized’ into English long enough to lose former connections to politics of Asia Minor.
zhena gogolia
Ukrainians took Izium.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
The Queen was more like Bugger LBJ.
Ohio Mom
@brendancalling: You have described my mom’s first years of teaching. I was in in the last years of elementary school and my main memory is that she would come home everyday and nap until we woke her up because we were hungry for dinner. Well, sometimes she set an alarm for 5 pm.
The first years of teaching are notoriously difficult, it’s not you, it’s the system. We really need an apprenticeship instead. Start teachers as interventionists working with small groups so they can acclimate to all the complexities of the job. But no one has put me in charge of that yet.
All that said, good luck on your stage hand application.
Citizen Alan
@Another Scott: The level of denial in Sanders followers is followers enrages me. How can they not understand that Bernie Sanders’ apparent strength against trump was due to the fact that at that point, neither Hillary nor anyone else had dumped any of the tons of opposition research on him that existed. Had Bernie somehow won the democratic primary, the republicans and the entire media establishment would have had him painted as the Jewish American equivalent of chairman mao within 6 weeks at most.
Another Scott
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: There was a comment here a few days ago that said a politician there promised that LBJ would get loud protests everywhere he went if he went to the UK. Let’s see…
HumboltBlue from 9/8.
I miss a lot of things about teaching but NOT the paperwork. What you are experiencing is sooo frustrating because it doesn’t have to be that way and we’ve known for decades that the lack of support for teachers was causing good teachers to leave the profession. Sending you strength and support. Take care of yourself!!!!
Princess Leia
Thanks for letting me know!!!
If Trump somehow does get an invite to Elizabeth’s funeral maybe the DOJ could declare him a flight risk in order to prevent International embarrassment .
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Citizen Alan: arguing with people who think Sanders could have won a general election in this country is like arguing with Barney Frank’s dining room table, but trump isn’t the only politician to think big, enthusiastic rally crowds mean broad and deep popular support, and Bernie and his supporters aren’t the only ones outside of trump-world to fall, or jump, into the trap of that delusion
Tapper’s mental masturbations aside, Trump won’t be invited.
@Citizen Alan: I researched Sanders’s life before Congress back when I worried about him winning the 2020 nomination. Karl Rove must have been licking his ugly chops at the prospect of using the opposition research. That’s one reason for the not-so-subtle support Republicans gave Sanders.
Another Scott
@Citizen Alan:
@zhena gogolia: Detailed map.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Another Scott:
Not in 1965. And he wasn’t going to London, the Queen had invited him to Balmoral.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Seriously.
They called Biden a socialist, and THAT eroded a lot of support in key segments of the population that would vote Democratic (and probably lots of independents).
Sanders is proud of being a socialist and the same thing would have happened to him.
@Baud: I know, there’s not chance in hell
West of the Rockies
Teaching is brutal. I taught for 14 years. It became an endless grind of emails, evaluations, meetings, and conferences. I was adjunct, so every semester was fraught with worry and stress. Will my classes make? How will I juggle raising my daughter if I end up with a weird schedule?
One semester I drove 30 minutes to teach a class. I jumped back into the car and drove 75 minutes north to teach another, then back south 30 minutes for a closed-circuit TV class to students in five different venues (and in front of live students in the room with me). I came home to eat dinner then went to a final class in the town where I lived.
Best wishes, Brendan Is Calling.
Show me your shocked face.
Jake Fapper?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Even if Sanders didn’t have a weird background, this country has repeatedly been suckers for Red Scares. That alone would have sunk him, especially with the help of the corporate media.
My brother is an avid listener and I have a hard time talking politics with him because the doom and gloom he keeps projecting. Like the right it’s all about being angry and resentful against Democrats .. this party really does get shit on by everyone.
Ohio Mom
@Omnes Omnibus: I think what we need to adopt is the term ”secular Christian.” Because I think that’s what you and many, many others are.
I call myself a secular Jew. Judaism is my heritage, my culture, where I am at home, and how others will always see me, for better or worse (a fair amount of “worse” over the millennia but also some noteworthy “better”).
I observe various customs and rituals; I celebrate holidays enthusiastically even when I don’t believe anything about what they are about, except in the most metaphorical sense — Oh look! A winter solstice celebration! (Hanukkah) A feast to welcome spring! (Passover). And so on.
I get the injokes — does Christianity have any injokes? Maybe you have to be a minority group to have injokes.
This is why I take any statistic on religious affiliation skeptically. Lots of people who haven’t given it as much thought as you have identify as Christian, which makes it sound like the pews are bursting every Sunday and tne collection plates are full. Nope.
Dorothy A. Winsor
My father was raised what he called Hard Shell Baptist but was irreligious as far as I could tell. My mother was Catholic. We kids were raised Catholic, but nobody was too worked up about it.
@Baud: I expect Jake’s take is meant to be a non starter that he is using to demonstrate how biased Joe is toward Donnie boy.
zhena gogolia
@MattF: Seems worthy of a front-page story! Slava Ukraini!
Canniest move Ben Mankiewicz made was to divorce himself from the Young Turks* in order to accept the offer to host at TCM.
*Cenk Uygur has turned up the WATB dial to 11 since the days of YT on Air America.
No, the Bible mentions abortion one other time. There is a legal punishment for causing another man’s wife to have a miscarriage by hitting her. It’s a minor fine, because you may have denied the husband a son. So, very definitely not murder.
PS – I promise, the hitting a woman part would be a separate crime. No doubt with an extremely complex rule system varying wildly over the centuries, because Judaism.
@Frank Wilhoit: the Christianity I grew up with emphasized humility and “the first shall be last”. In that version of Christianity, the Pharisees who think they’re holier and better than others are the bad guys, not the good guys. Those Christians are still around, doing good, but they don’t have the megaphone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom: Secular Christian, interesting idea. Although, that’s pretty much what the Church of England is. And the UUs.
Russian troops retreat victoriously. Ukrainian Army runs after them in panic 😊
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dnfree: every once in a while when someone talks about “evangelical christians”– as with “working class”, the white part is often left off– and their support for trump and Republicans, I try to imagine a bunch of angry Bubbas with their faces painted red white and blue furiously chanting “Feed! The! Poor! Heal! The! Sick!”
Another Scott
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m leery of trusting the Daily Mail even with a story that seems highly likely, but I’m wondering if search warrants for Bedminster, the tower and Seven Springs and probably a few other properties aren’t working their way through the system
My son’s brief foray into teaching sounded much like what you are describing. It’s such a shame that the system discourages young people who are actually really good teachers. He only lasted three months before he returned to the practice of law. You should do whatever is best for your mental and physical health.
@zhena gogolia: WaPo agrees.
dr. luba
Brilliant video: Life and Death of a Rashist
@Another Scott: Heh.
Stuff happening quickly and between “fog of war” and various filters applied to news, it’s impossible to know Ukraine’s progress with any level of detail but broad-brush, their accomplishments of the last few days are dazzling.
ETA posted 6:44 p.m. today, but what time zone?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Box 1: Bronzer
Box 2: Back-up bronzer
Box 3: Emergency back-up bronzer
Box 4: Substitute emergency back-up bronzer
That is some deep metaphysical rebellion right there.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Has he started saving his urine in jars yet??
@MattF: As does the BBC
BBC News – Kharkiv offensive: Russian forces retreat as Ukraine takes key towns
here’s an interesting bit
The Thin Black Duke
@West of the Rockies: No. As someone said earlier, “works” not “words”.
@Another Scott: Oh good. With twitter Dick Nixon, DPRK News Service, Darth Putin, and Number 10 Cat, I now have news from most of the major world leaders. Still need something from Chairman Mao and Mahatma Gandhi
Somewhat more seriously, I see that Darth Putin and followers have quite the collection of bad takes from earlier this year — headlines like “Ukraine Aid Won’t Make a Difference”, or analyses like “Russia has concentrated its development on its army, and now has the finest land forces in the world.”
Most all religions are about telling others what to do.
For American Christians, that’s probably 90% of the appeal.
@Ken: No love for Genghiz Khan?
We are catching our first break from the heat since late August, perhaps the first September day to not cross the hundred mark. Fingers crossed.
To the east, an out of control fire has had towns evacuated and is poisoning the air–to the point the city of Auburn has an AQI of 500. The pall is parked just a few miles to the east of us.
IOW, fall in California.
@Geminid: Cenk Uygur = Leftist troll.
I once got suspended at Daily Kos for telling him to fuck off with his shit.
@Ohio Mom: the minister who married my husband and me in 1967 was a campus minister for the United Church of Christ (a mostly liberal denomination that supports gay rights and has as one of its sayings “God is still speaking”). In later years he called himself a Christian atheist. He believed in Jesus but not God.
Another Scott
@dr. luba: That is really excellent. The foreshadowing with the sunflower seed snacks couldn’t be better.
Thanks very much.
Slava Ukraini!
Highly recommend listening to behind the bastards podcast on the southernBaptist cchurch
The fact that they started out lberal was kind of mind blowing. They went to the dark side due to slavery
In Bedminster
Did FUBAR Khan
A pleasure dome decree
dr. luba
@trollhattan: If it’s the Kyiv Independent, that would be Ukraine’s time zone, so EST + 7 hours, i.e. 11:44 am.
zhena gogolia
@dnfree: There’s nothing more UCC than that! lol
Need a special master to sort it out!
Another Scott
@trollhattan: Kyiv is 7 hours ahead of EDT. So that seems to be from a little over an hour ago.
Does that reply to 153 or 156?
@Ohio Mom: I don’t know about Christian in-jokes, but I remember some Unitarian-Universalist in-jokes. To wit, “The only time you’ll hear Jesus Christ mentioned in a UU church is when the janitor falls down the stairs.” And “If a UU member comes to a fork in the road, with one sign saying ‘This way to heaven’ and the other saying ‘This way to a discussion about heaven’, they will follow the second sign.”
dr. luba
@kalakal: This is from a CNN article:
I see they are making excuses/projecting blame already. I think they do protest too much…..
West of the Rockies
@dr. luba:
That was excellent.
@different-church-lady: the minister who performed the ceremony uniting my husband and me in marriage?
I admit to not being an expert in Oxford comma humor.
@Ruckus: I would also say one cannot have justice without truth.
And morality is what a collective of people decide is right or wrong (e.g. how dare a woman show her ankles!). Pity that religion doesn’t use ethics for determining harm done.
@JaySinWA: Having watched the Tapper clip I should revise my statement. He’s saying it would be clever, as in a political move, implying that Biden isn’t clever.
It would be an interesting thought experiment that none big thinkers on the panel flesh out. Biden invites T, how does that affect international relations. T accepts, what happens? The expectation that T declines is baked into the assumptions.
Oh and the real idiot (Jeff Zeleny) on the panel talks about doing the invite in “the spirit of giving and forgiving”.
James E Powell
@Betty Cracker:
As an Ohio native who is all too familiar with the portion of the electorate that shifted D to R over the last 30 years (e.g., my brother & the guys from high school), Tim Ryan is hitting all the right notes. I hope it works.
Instead of “a guy you want to have a beer with” Ryan is presenting himself as “a guy you would be happy to work with.” Whether it’s in an office, a factory, or on a construction site, Ryan is a guy you’re okay with, Vance is a dick who no one likes.
My only suggestion is that instead of that t-shirt, go with a Buckeyes jersey.
I think Biden should invite Trump and all the ex-presidents and their wives so they can all snub Trump at a funeral again.
@different-church-lady: here’s a philosophy joke for you, not related to grammar.
First philosopher to the second philosopher: Do you believe in baptism?
Second philosopher: Yes.
First philosopher: How do you justify that?
Second philosopher: I have to. I’ve seen it done.
@West of the Rockies: I woke up at 7 today and couldn’t fall back to sleep, because 7 am is sleeping in compared to my 5:30 am weekdays. I’m working today and working tomorrow. That’s my weekend.
I’m tired.
@dr. luba: That is indeed brilliant. Thanks for posting
James E Powell
Tapper is never going to forgive President Biden for taking his war away.
@trollhattan: I need about 20 more degrees cooler and less humidity though. Still muggy as hell, for SoCal. I don’t think I’ll really feel anything “Fall” until we visit the E Sierra in October.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Me, too, generally speaking.
But when it comes to this particular subject I feel pretty shouty myself, so she is channeling my anger quite nicely. I think it’s time for shouty about this. Just not all the time.
If people get too shouty, I’m like the dog who just hears “Ginger, blah blah blah, Ginger!”
GSUA reported 95 shelling locations today.
GSUA = Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, giving a rough guide to the general position of fighting.
Meaning: the Russian forces near Kherson are in serious jeopardy of being encircled.
Various source who have proven generally reliable in the past are starting to say the last Russian reserves: 3rd Army Corps and 90th tanks, were thrown into battle and have been savaged. Which is to be expected. Putting raw, badly trained, and badly led troops into harm’s way so they can be killed, wounded, and captured is standard Russian doctrine.
@Princess Leia: You are most welcome.
@Baud: Look at all the chatter that engendered. That was the point. For all our mockery, that’s a win for Jake Tapper.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Dammit by saying their name you will summon them !
The Young Turks spent 2016 claiming the primary was rigged (Bernie was ROBBED!!1!), that Hillary was corrupt and that there was no difference between the two candidates. They were very popular on the extremely-online Left and spread a ton of voter apathy. We are in this mess BECAUSE of groups like TYT. Fuck ‘em…
Dorothy A. Winsor
@dnfree: Former MI governor Jamie Blanchard grew up in the UU church Mr DAW and I attended when we lived there. He told that janitor joke, and the minister laughed about it the next Sunday. When the minister died, Mr DAW and I were at the funeral, and I thought who is that guy? I recognize him. And it was the governor
“Hey Former Guy? Biden here. I need to create an embarrassing international incident. What are you up to next week?”
Yeah Jake, that’s clever!
Somewhat surprised his “lawyers” haven’t yet petitioned the court for a delay because Dolt 45 is in mourning about Liz.
@dnfree: Back when the Universalists had not yet joined up with the Unitarians, Abe Lincoln told a joke about them:
I remember this anecdote from Carl Sandberg’s biography of Lincoln. Wonderful books.
The Lodger
@Omnes Omnibus: She has an Armenian name and yet here she is working for an outfit called the Young Turks. Go figure.
@Citizen Alan:
They worship Mannon. They will loudly claim they reject the Devil but are absolutely would be delighted with what that clown offers. Since they are so superficial unless it looks like a Renaissance pictorial image of satan they won’t blink an eye. Heh. I bet there is a south Park episode of this somewhere.
Ohio Mom
@dnfree: I suppose there is an argument that UUs are indeed a minority.
@UncleEbeneezer: Didn’t y’all have some crazy rain? That, combined with continuing heat can be miserable.
We’ve not had a drop in months. [sadface]
James E Powell
I understand that what she is saying & how she says it will upset some people. But but but! The problem is that we get one of these every year or so instead of a couple hundred.
Her points are all well taken and I believe that if they were repeated enough, they would start to be more commonly and more outwardly acceptable.
How different was it to challenge Jim Crow? Of course it pissed a lot of people off. Still had to be done.
To be clear, I am not suggesting anyone remotely close to the Democratic Party talk like this.
@Ohio Mom:
I love Judaism! There are some commonality between Hinduism and Judaism that I like. If I had to pick an Abrahamic religion it would be Judaism with some modifications
James E Powell
It rained on my commute home yesterday – real rain, not southern California mist. I actually had to use windshield wipers the whole way. The temperature dropped from 97 to 73.
We only need like 200 or so days just like that to get back to normal.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I know plenty of evangelical Hispanics who are just as anti-LGBT and anti-abortion and Republican as any white evangelicals.
The shorter version I remember was:
First theologian: “Do you believe in infant baptism?”
Second theologian: “Believe in it? I’ve seen it!”
@Xavier: Religion purports to be about truth and morality. This is just a front. The establishment of a religion, like any other social construct, is an inherently political act. Once the initial spiritual insight is supplanted by hierarchy and doctrine, it’s game over.
@Another Scott:
Exactly. The reason neither Trump nor the Republicans in general didn’t bother throwing shit at Bernie in 2016 was that they weren’t the least bit worried about being able to get most Americans to see him as a way-out leftist, and would have loved to see him win the Dem nomination.
They knew from the get-go that it was Hillary they had to actually work to tear down enough to beat. And all their efforts there wouldn’t have sufficed without that big helping hand from James Comey, may he die alone and friendless.
Uncle Cosmo
@NotMax: Jerk Fapper.
@cain: The movie “Clap for Jesus, Save Your Soul” recently released on Peacock was definitely worth a watch. We saw it after hearing an interview with the two formerly SBC sisters who wrote the story.
@dnfree: There’s a Unitarian branch of the KKK*. They burn a question mark on your lawn.
*I know, just go with it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Yes, I’ve read that, particularly about TX, which complicates a lot of assumptions about going purple. And RW churches have a lot of membership/recruits among Asian immigrants and their families in So Cal, I believe.
@MomSense: Well, yes, truth not so much. In order to be a real religion, as opposed to a “system of beliefs”, adherents are required to believe at least one or two preposterous things.
If there are more raids theyll need a chorus of special masters .. we are heading into ‘master of puppets’ territory then.
@James E Powell:
I’m not sure that is a sacrifice SoCal folks are willing to make. They turn into something shitty when it is raining outside or if it is cloudy
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Interestingly Filipino and Vietnamese folks then to be the most conservative by observation.
Sister Golden Bear
She’s being the anger translator for a lot of women (and others targeted by the Christofascists).
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Those are fighting words in UU congregations I’ve been in.
Not the “secular” part. The “Christian” part. I remember one congregation being up in arms that the main worship area was called a “sanctuary”. That was too Christian for them. They changed it to “auditorium” or something.
UU is the religion I’ve come closest to identifying with, especially when I realized that their official beliefs are all about how we treat each other and the Earth. Anything else is between you and whatever Deity you believe in, if any.
@lowtechcyclist: Definitely pithier! I am not known for my joke-telling ability.
ETA that I got my version from the philosophy department, so apparently the theology department gets right to the point.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I was raised Unitarian (before the merger) and we called the building where we had services the Meeting House. I always liked that.
ETA: And Sunday school at the Unitarian Church was my first exposure to other religions. It was a wonderful education that taught us to honor other religions. We even had several field trips to attend services at other churches. It definitely was a nice foundation for me and for my sibs. My parents were always Republicans and were surprised that we turned out to be Democrats.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I only know a couple of philosophy jokes. Here they are.
The Dean is complaining to the chair of the Physics department about their expensive supplies and lab equipment. “Why can’t you be more like the Math department? All they need is paper and pencils, and trash cans. Or the Philosophy department? They don’t even need trash cans!”
Descartes is sipping a wine at the bar. As he finishes it, the bartender asks, “Another wine, Monsieur Descartes?”
Descartes answers, “I think not”.
And disappears.
(If you’re tempted to point out that this joke relies on the logical inverse of Descartes famous statement and a statement is not in fact equivalent to its inverse, you can keep it to yourself).
@Geminid: it’s a shame that Carl Sandburg has been nearly forgotten. One of the schools in our former town was named him, but I don’t know if they ever teach the students anything about him.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: oh, I know about the converse, the inverse, and the contrapositive, which came in very handy in my programming career. I used to gather other programmers around and explain it, and they were amazed.
I saw a bumper sticker last year that said something like “Honk IFF you like formal logic”. I honked.
ETA those are great jokes! I’ve not heard the first one, which I’ll share with my husband the philosophy major.
Ohio Mom
@cain: That makes you like all but the most Orthodox American Jews. All of us make our own private modifications. One contemporary Jewish scholar tried to put a positive spin in this, calling modern Judaism a heterodoxy.
@Betty Cracker: He had a great ad about the opioid crisis that I’d seen earlier this week.
J R in WV
My family was Presbyterian briefly, first to get married in Dad’s family church, my first church memory is my little brother’s chrisening, probably in 1954 or so. But then my parents got together with other socially liberal folks and founded a U-U fellowship, which was a congregation too small to afford a preacher, and folks took turns reading sermons from established UU groups.
Elderly teacher members, the Keyser sisters, used to say “Heaven for climate, Hell for company!” They were serious! That’s my only UU joke…
OMG, channel-scanning on streaming USA TV channels and “Network” is playing on some rando channel. A classic. Howard’s rant? 45+ years later is exactly the same! “I’m mad as hell and I’m gonna take it any more!” Yes, he’s a super conservative here in this flick, but IMHO a 1976 conservative is a centre-left person now, innit?!? FWIW, I’m considered far-left because I care about women’s rights, worker’s rights, less militarism in our lives (POLICE and military)…and I worked for the DoD for 25 years!
And Faye in her prime? those cheekbones…
Matt McIrvin
Absolutely not–they say the Constitution agrees with them and says they get to win every time.
Matt McIrvin
@Ohio Mom:
The individual denominations have injokes. Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc. I think Christianity as a whole is too big and broad.
Miss Bianca
@dr. luba: Holy shit
Paul in KY
@Another Scott: I voted for Anderson too, way back in the day. A very bad vote by me. Was a stupid young man back then.