Part 2: Three great AZ Democrats and 3 horrible Republicans
Arizona seems to be Ground Zero this year for rabid election-deniers, with Trump-endorsed vote fraudsters dominating the races up and down the ballot. They must be stopped.
Winning these races – Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General – can provide an Arizona firewall for 2024.
The secretary of State in Arizona has significant power over the election.
The Arizona primary was held on August 2, 2022, very late in the process. There was a tight race in the Democratic primary, forcing the winner, Adrian Fonte, to focus on his Democratic primary opponent until just recently.
Meet the rabid Republican Election Denier: Mark Finchem
The Republican candidate, Mark Finchem is particularly dangerous. As a State Legislator, he introduced resolutions to decertify the 2020 election results in three key Counties. He’s a member of Trump-backed America First Secretary of State Coalition, which promotes the candidacy of election deniers and various voter suppression measures. He was a vocal supporter of the Cyber Ninja audit.
⭐️ Mark Finchem has the power and the motivation to potentially steal the election in Arizona.🌟
Meet the Excellent Democrat: Adrian Fonte
Adrian Fonte prevailed in a close primary against a worthy opponent.
Fonte is especially qualified and battle-tested: Since 2016 he has been the Registrar for Maricopa County, Arizona’s largest by far. His responsibilities included election oversight in the County that contains roughly 60% of Arizona’s voters. He is a former Marine, a former Prosecutor and worked in the Arizona Attorney General’s office. He was the first Latino to ever hold a County-wide office in Maricopa County.
Adrian Fonte is an impressive candidate, who had to contend with a late primary date, leaving him with a short window to introduce himself to general election voters.
Link to Adrian Fonte’s website for more information.
The current AG, Republican Mark Brnovich, is termed out, so this is an open seat.
Meet the rabid Republican Election Denier: Abraham Hamadeh
He is – like the other candidates the Republicans are running in Arizona – an extremist. He is firmly in the election conspiracy camp, has stated that he would not have certified the 2020 vote, and vowed to use his office to protect “election integrity.” We all know what that means: curbing voting rights and exerting more powers over elections.
Ironically, when he was 16, on an on-line message board, Hamadeh admitted to altering his mother’s absentee ballot. On that same board, he engaged in anti-Semitic, sexist and racists rants. (He seems nice.) Now 31 years old, and never having held office, he wants to bring that same bigotry to the office of State Attorney General, and it’s clear that electoral issues are the centerpiece of Hamadeh’s campaign.
By temperament, he is a Trump-ist in the extreme, spewing out invective regarding his opponent, Kristin Mayes. Here is a link to an article from an Arizona on-line publication discussing his unfitness for office.
Meet the Excellent Democrat: Kristin Mayes
The Democrat, Kristin Mayes, is currently a law professor at ASU focusing on energy issues. She was formerly the Arizona Corporation Commissioner. As Corporation Commissioner, she built a reputation as a fierce consumer advocate, and co-wrote Arizona’s first renewable energy standard.
She was also a former journalist.
Link to Kristin Mayes’ website for more information.
The dreadful Republican candidate Hamadeh is using Kristin Mayes’ journalist background to attack her as a biased member of the liberal press. Painting Mayes as a radical will be a tough sell: she was a moderate Republican before switching parties.
Meet the rabid Republican Election Denier: Kari Lake
Arizona Republican Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is an aggressively dishonest promoter of election lies and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. A former television journalist and Obama voter, she has mutated into a MAGA true believer, with “God, Guns & Glory” as her unofficial campaign slogan. She has repeatedly insisted that the 2020 election was “corrupt” and “stolen,” and characterized her primary opponent’s refusal to say the election was stolen as “disqualifying” and “sickening.” She has never held public office.
Here’s a deeper dive into Kari Lake’s character and transition to MAGA extremist.
Meet the Excellent Democrat: Katie Hobbs
Democratic candidate Katie Hobbs is the current Secretary of State for Arizona and calmly and effectively weathered the repeated attacks on the integrity of the election by MAGA-ites and the Cyber Ninjas. Prior to that, she served for eight years on the State Legislature. She is also a former social worker and helped run a domestic violence shelter.
Link to Katie Hobbs’ website for more information.
We simply cannot let them win in November.
For more details about Arizona, I’ll include this link again. How the hard-right turn in the Arizona GOP is an anti-democracy experiment.
*The thermometer was started for the 3 critical executive offices in AZ: Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General. MazeDancer talked me into adding Jevin Hodge in AZ-01, a Biden +1.5 district where Hodge is currently down by 1.
Tomorrow, we will introduce an Arizona-based program that can really make a difference.
Just added my bit.
Thanks for this post
I just stomped on you. Sorry!
Almost Retired
The narrow loss of Arizona seems to really stick in TFG’s craw. It would totally throw him into paroxysms of rage if all of his deranged disciples in Arizona this cycle lost….and lost big.
Glad we’re focusing on Arizona. It’s got 11 electoral votes, and is trending in the right direction (I guess there’s more priced-out-of California migrants and fewer retired Midwestern farmers these days).
@TaMara: That’s only fair, because I forgot to check Biden’s public events this morning, or I would have have put up a post myself, and I would certainly have known this was coming up.
J R in WV
we have been contributing to the Gov nominee and Sen Kelly monthly for quite a while now… no way to include that pn this thermometer, but I just wanted to let the community know FYI.
Roe, Roe, Roe your Vote !!!
PS: Sen Graham’s Senate bill to “Protect Unborn Children” is despicable and revolting. Like its author.
Thank you for helping us keep our eyes on the goal.
The AZ GOP is as crazy as Florida’s, but it’s a dry crazy
ETA: Tossed in some $
just a reminder that Four Directions made a difference here where the Native vote swung Navajo County into the blue. With that success, my guess is that this is driving even more tribal outreach and forays into the barrios of Phoenix and Tucson.
I’ve seen the print ads, signage and media ads for all of the GOP candidates and they represent the broad spectrum of crazy as all of them embrace Trump. With the very pointed GOP primary season that took place, there is some debate whether the GOP comes home to the crazy or if there are indeed some bridges that are too far, thinking especially of the suburban moms and the current position of GOP pols on abortion.
Oh, yes, and the $75k raised (our $25k + double match) is certainly making a difference in AZ. But we’re not done helping AZ yet!
Is any of this information useful or helpful to anyone? Because we’re planning to do this for several more key states, unless it’s of no interest or no use.
Asparagus Aspersions
Just threw some in the pot.
@Asparagus Aspersions: Love your nym!
@WaterGirl: Useful. Very.
I’m in. Receipt sent.
J R in WV
Four Directions has been on our monthly donation list for quite a while now, and they really seem to do a lot of good work.
I just added a bit.
Thanks to all who contributed!