It was not done in the “regular” session. They called a special session ostensibly to deal with taxes a couple weeks back, debated abortion the entire time, couldn’t get anything agreed upon, so called another one today and did this:
The West Virginia legislature on Tuesday passed a bill to prohibit nearly all abortions, making it the second state to pass a new ban since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade in June.
The State Senate passed the bill 22 to 7, after a brief debate Tuesday afternoon. The State House concurred and passed the bill with a 78 to 17 vote. The ban will take effect 90 days after passage.
West Virginia Republicans moved forward with the strict ban despite signs in other parts of the country that many American voters do not support the Supreme Court’s ruling and largely oppose the harshest restrictions on abortion. A similar effort to pass a near-total abortion ban in South Carolina fizzled out last week and voters resoundingly rejected a ballot measure in Kansas that would have stripped abortion protections from the state constitution.
WV already has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the country, as well as is one of the unhealthiest states in the country, which should probably get worse when all the OB/GYN’s leave because who wants to deal with this bullshit?
In other news, a the closeted Trumpist popinjay from South Carolina brought this into the public forum:
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina introduced legislation on Tuesday that would institute a federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, reigniting debate on an issue that Republicans have worked to confront before midterm elections in which abortion rights have become a potent issue.
There is no chance that Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, would allow such a bill to receive a vote in the Senate, where his party has been focused on preserving abortion access after the Supreme Court’s ruling in June ending the constitutional right to abortion.
And the proposal quickly divided Republicans, splitting their leaders and reflecting the difficult politics of abortion for the party in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision.
Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the minority leader, who has previously said his party was unlikely to pursue an abortion ban, told reporters on Tuesday that he thought the issue should be left up to the states and that most members of his conference agreed. When pressed on the details of Mr. Graham’s bill, Mr. McConnell sought to distance himself, saying, “You’ll have to ask him about it.”
Let’s all take a moment to mourn the untimely death Republican reverance states rights.
At any rate, this has been the plan all along, and as I noted on the twitter machine, the funeral dirge for the death of this nation will be “Republicans Would Never Do That” sung by the Centrist Independent I Don’t Pay Attention to Politics Choir of America, musical accompaniment provided by the Chuck Todd Sunday Morning Band featuring the NYT Editorial Board.
In some good news, purse-lipped panty sniffing concern troll Ken Starr died, so the day was not a total loss.
Might have been mentioned in another thread, but Ken Starr died today.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@Urza: And Satan tosses another one on the fire.
Sister Golden Bear
Meanwhile in California, Gov. Newsom launched a new website on Tuesday with information about abortion access and reproductive health in the state.
Jerzy Russian
@Urza: I will read his obituary with great pleasure.
I bet those numbers increase.
Keep digging that hole Republicans! You’re doing great!
@Baud: Only matters if those that oppose it actually vote against the politicians pushing it. I don’t see it happening since they hate socialism more (most likely).
@Baud: Joe Manchin is thinking “Damn. Maybe I can go for another term.”
I hope we see a lot of (good!) reshuffling as a result of Dobbs, and TFG’s assault on the courts and government. Can no longer hide that.
Except from the Chuck Todds of the world. And it’s possible he gets a big salary to remain that obtuse.
Yes, it depends on their priorities.
Tony G
@Baud: This is why Republicans throughout the country are trying their best to suppress voting and, they hope, allow unrepresentative state legislatures to override votes that are cast.
Speak not ill of the dead.
Ken Starr is dead.
@Jerzy Russian: My sentiments exactly. Actually, my first response was “Yay!” But, being a liberal, I felt a slight twinge of shame…
Was the vote purely partisan? There are some not so great Dems in WV (like other red states).
Splitting Image
In other words, polling is suggesting they may not win either house and making an issue out of abortion isn’t looking like a winner this year.
They’ll do the ban in January if they win. No need to talk about it now.
At first glance I thought Graham was proposing his abortion ban bill in order to give some Republicans a chance to vote against it.
I gave that dixie shitbird too much credit.
Sure Lurkalot
@Jerzy Russian:
This one is basically fact free.
@Splitting Image:
I don’t know when it will ever not be an issue. The only thing stopping them from a total nationwide ban is their need to control both houses of Congress and the White House. They can’t hide behind the Supreme Court anymore.
Old School
This was from the NYT this weekend (via Atrios):
Chief Oshkosh
I do not understand why Schumer doesn’t allow Lindsey’s bill to come up for a vote. Make them own it.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Floor time is valuable.
So I am not sure I totally get the politics here. Why wouldn’t Schumer want to this to go up for a vote and put Republicans on the records voting for a National ban? It’s not like there is any chance such a bill would pass.
@Old School:
Keep the stories coming. The only thing that can stop this is 52 Senators and a Dem House.
@Danielx: Best thing he ever did, so you are not speaking ill.
Besides the floor time issue, it’s easy for a GOP Senator to vote against this on the grounds that it isn’t draconian enough.
@Baud: I mean, sure. But having Republicans on the record on this is also pretty valuable. What else is a priority at this stage?
J R in WV
John, Thanks for the wrap up of the bad news. I think it would be wise if ALL the doctors did a strike for medical freedom immediately. I say this as an old white guy with an appointment for a Cat Scan next week. But if no one could see a doctor, be admitted to a hospital, for at least a few days it might, maybe wake up some people with regard to the crazy in the legislature.
And also thanks for the use of the old but great term popinjay for Sen. Graham, who I described in an earlier thread as needing to roll in a puddle of despicable every morning after his shower. Perfect for him!
I have to say…
I do appreciate Lindsey dispensing with the “return the issue to the states” pretense and cutting to the chase of wanting to force minority religious views on the rest of us.
Do you think we need a vote on this? Seems like the GOP is already on the ropes.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Danielx: It’s Ken Starr, it’s not like a rabid possum or something equally sympathetic has died. Ken Starr’s funeral is a funeral I approve of.
No proof… but it’s quite possible that Joe Manchin saw this coming. And decided to preserve his own butt by supporting Biden’s legislative agenda. We shall see.
@Baud: Sure. But thats not an advantage for them. They are either at odds with the anti-choice people for voting against a ban or at odds with the pro-choice people for publicly staking a more draconian position. Right now, they can at least pretend that they might support some moderate ground.
I’ll say for the third time today that this is one of the dumbest political moves I’ve seen someone make. I just don’t get it.
Somehow the AP thought the teeny weeny detail that this ban would only allow further restrictions, rather than establish a national floor or honor states who currently have longer limits, did not merit mention until paragraph 17.
I don’t see it making a big difference. I’ll defer to whatever Schumer decides.
@Baud: Walker believes that abortion is illegal after conception. No exceptions!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: At this time, I only ask that others respect the Starr family’s privacy in the same way that Ken respected the Clintons’.
J R in WV
@Sure Lurkalot:
One fact they included is that Starr died after a lengthy illness. Good!
They also barely mentioned that his leadership at Baylor ended because the football team was allowed to run wild over the coeds, sexually wilding among them. Quite a change from his blowjob work on Bill Clinton.
Ken Starr is dead after a long illness. Good!
Pfft. A real conservative would ban abortion before conception.
@Baud: As I suggest, it’s probably likely that I am missing some political nuances here but whatever it is we need I am not sure why the default assumption is that this vote something we don’t want. To extend your boxing analogy, you don’t let up when a boxer is “on the ropes.” Thats when you pour it on.
I hope that Bill and Hill are both enjoying a big glass of wine over the news of the late independent counsel.
Agreed about pouring it on, but I don’t know if a vote adds much pour. Maybe if they couple it with the Dem’s bill, which they’ve already voted on, it’ll have more oomph.
But I could be wrong about all of that.
@Baud: omg Warnock please ask Walker why not before conception, since the odds are he won’t know the answer.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
I’m beginning to wonder if there is a bottom they can rush to. They just keep sinking ever lower with no end in sight.
@Baud: Perception it will energize R voters? Best I got.
@Jess: I felt the “yay” without even a hint of shame.
It only takes 40 Senators to filibuster a vote. The Dems would filibuster Graham’s bill, and it would never come to a vote. So there is no point to bringing the bill up for a vote.
(If the Demos don’t filibuster, that would be a PR nightmare of epic proportions. None of this “let them hang themselves with their own rope”: all the MSM would report, and all that people would see, is the Dems refusing to filibuster a sweeping, draconian abortion bill.)
Sure Lurkalot
Brett Favre, in on the grifter action
Do any of these people spend their own copious fortunes?
I could see the Republicans filibustering to avoid taking this vote too.
Hello BJ…are we talking healthcare? Ok, let’s talk COVID
I just was asked about my professional opinion on COVID precautions by a friend so I decided to share it with you:
COVID is def here to stay. I can tell you we have seen a decline in positive cases, not nearly at the high level it was, but still out there.
If you are older or immunocompromised def take the extra precautions or if you just want to feel safer.
Here is my professional but if advice for the best way to to handle the new normal…
1) vaccination…I know there are deniers, but as with the flu vaccine, doesn’t mean you won’t get the virus but you if do, symptoms are milder and less harmful
2) always social distance if you can…I mean everywhere. Even before COVID I was never one to be standing so close to folks in I don’t know anyway, so social distancing come natural to me.
3)wear masks if you want in mixed company or people you don’t know, especially if not in a well aerated area. The more air between ya the better
4) Many respiratory viruses survive on surfaces for some time after leaving a host. For example: influenza A and B viruses survived for 24-48 hr on hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic but survived for less than 8-12 hr on cloth, paper, and tissues. So always always wash your hands or even sanitize after touching public surfaces and stuff especially places where you can’t be sure the cleaning process are up to standard.
5) don’t be afraid to wear masks if places wheee you don’t feel comfortable being unmasked it’s your health and your life and who wants to trust other folks to do the right then so protect yourself.
Right now, It’s def giving me the same feeling as how the flu (which is still out there BTW) season operates. Respiratory virus season tends to be when respiratory viruses prosper…let people outdoors, more people indoors. As this point, I think this is currently where we are at with COVID, unless some really bad strain really picks up
As some of ya’ll may recall, Microbiology literally is my life’s work…so I’m always ready and willing to give my professional opinion bout it all!
That would be my best guess too, but I can’t see that many R voters getting excited about 15 weeks with a rape and incest and life exception.
The only reason they went with 15 weeks in the first place was to appear reasonable to the Supreme Court, but that proved unnecessary.
I follow your rules!
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@Sister Golden Bear: Yep! I like living in a state that doesn’t hate me or view me as a second-class citizen.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: Graham isn’t up for reelection this year, so he can get away with shit talking. Maybe there is a fellow GOP senator who polling isn’t looking good, Graham don’t like and he is throwing the guy a weight.
I imagine for the rest they really have no choice at their point but to double down on the Death Cult nonsense.
@JPL: This campaign is going to be a real challenge to Warnock’s religion.
No. How do you think they accumulate fortunes? By spending other people’s money.
The Church of Baud offers temporary memberships!
Omnes Omnibus
Well played.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Baud: I’m not sure that Warnock embracing the pants-free lifestyle would endear him to his constituents.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: every sperm is sacred
every sperm is great
if a sperm gets wasted
God gets quite irate!
@lamh36: Thanks for the reminders.
O/T but
Cannona federal judge released a version of the search warrant with less redactions.Link
@lamh36: Thank you.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I had to check which comment this was a response to.
Now THIS is how you write a headline about Ken Starr!
That’s not Cannon.
ETA: I don’t think.
Do I also get to be on a Top Supporters List or get an autographed bar coaster or something, for a small donation?
@prostratedragon: Since Walker said he was offered a full academic scholarship to Harvard, I agree with you.
Do you guys still have the unlimited Parmesan Eucharist breadsticks?
Sure Lurkalot
@Martin: According to the Google, Brett Favre has a net worth of $100 million and makes $7 million per year in endorsements. But he had to steal TANF funds to build a volleyball facility for his kid?
I can only hope the well sourced story I linked to at comment 16 gets more exposure. Be a shame if anything happened to that endorsement income.
Since it posted twice, it was that good.
@Baud: Oh, who released the less redacted version? I just assumed it was Cannon. Sorry.
ETA: the CNN article said “a federal judge” so I changed the comment to a federal judge rather than Cannon.
@Baud: Do you have missionaries who canvass on Sunday mornings?
I’m reminded of the two Witness ladies who canvassed our neighborhood. They made the mistake of accosting my father one Sunday morning. While he was going out to start the car. Wearing his clerical collar. Now that was a man whose religion got challenged, and barely survived (paraphrase: What do you think this is I’m wearing?).
Fake Irishman
@Brent: confirming Democratic judges. Lots of them.
@lamh36: Thanks for sharing the advice but one question:
“4) Many respiratory viruses survive on surfaces for some time after leaving a host. For example: influenza A and B viruses survived for 24-48 hr on hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic but survived for less than 8-12 hr on cloth, paper, and tissues. So always always wash your hands or even sanitize after touching public surfaces and stuff especially places where you can’t be sure the cleaning process are up to standard.”
I thought it was fairly well established that there is no evidence of significant Covid transmission via surface-contact? That was one of the early worries that didn’t turn out to be true. Has that changed with new variants?
Yes, we offer Holy Coasters to vued tithers.
Baud Saves!…Your Coffee Table
I don’t think she has the search affidavit. Probably the other judge in Florida.
Republicans still revere states rights but as we see only when it involves subjugating certain groups of people. “The state should decide!” was the same strategy they used for Jim Crow and now women.
They are all for federal rights when it can be used to make discrimination legal or to subjugate democracy. See religious “beliefs” of corporations and money as free speech.
Let’s just say we have practices that can be described as missionary in nature.
@Baud: A very delicately expressed position.
I’ve never bought into the idea that we should not speak ill of the dead. That they are dead does not mitigate the harm that they did while alive, nor should we ignore that harm, particularly if they never repented or did anything to mitigate that harm, which happens to be the case for Starr.
So yes, absolutely, point out the harm that Starr caused. The more we do this when public figures die, the more we shine the light on the harm they caused, the better, as far as I’m concerned. I’m sick and tired of whitewashing someone’s record. If you don’t want people to speak ill of you, then don’t do ill while you’re alive. It’s not complicated.
Yes. The Body of Baud requires an all you can eat buffet style communion.
@Brent: never underestimate the opportunity for the MSM to frame this as “bad news for Dems/both sides” no matter what it says.
Emma from Miami
@lamh36: ooooh yes indeedy.
Holy shit, it’s all the Christ you can eat!
Another Scott
@Scout211: Thanks for the pointer.
I get very annoyed by reporting like that CNN story.
1) Does the judge have a name?
2) Does the court have a name?
3) Where’s the link to the source document so that I can read it myself?
Our Christ on a Cracker is to die and get resurrected for.
Sister Golden Bear
@Baud: Leading to members screaming, “oh god, oh god, oh god!”
@Fake Irishman: Thats definitely a good point. AS is the earlier point that Democrats might also face some blowback for NOT filibustering.
Omnes Omnibus
@PaulB: I don’t really think that it is aimed at public figures so much. It is more suited as an admonition not to go to someone’s funeral and bad mouth the deceased in front of their family and friends. In other words, have due respect for the bereaved. What respect is due may vary.
@Another Scott:
Here’s a copy I found on Scribd
ETA: Scribd says “read free for 30 days.” I was able to scroll through.
Courtesy of Bette Davis
“You should never say bad things about the dead, only good …
Joan CrawfordKen Starr is dead. Good”Brachiator
Thank you so much for this.
Please remind me, where do you do your health work? I have a family member who is interested in public health and related areas.
@Another Scott:
From a commenter at Emptywheel, here’s a comparison version (pdf) with the newly unredacted parts highlighted.
Citizen Alan
@Cacti: I was actually just wondering if it would be (a) crash or (b) illegal to send the Clinton’s a bottle of champagne.
I heard someone refer to the 15 week ban as ‘unrestricted abortions for the first trimester + 3 weeks’.
I’m sure Chuck Todd would probably refer to it that way.
J R in WV
Thanks you, dear, for your great advice. We will be getting newest booster this week!! Mask everywhere but in a sit down restaurant, where we eat way off schedule, so not so many people around.
@J R in WV:
I can’t seem to find an appointment for the new vaccine.
@Baud: I hope you’re being facetious.
Republicans and Jim Crow??
@Baud: Ah, that is good point.
@Brachiator: Who do you think the dixiecrats are now?
I should say, pretty much the old confederacy. The now republicans were the old southern democrats. Same in a lot of ways.
But you are correct, it was the dixiecrats who were all in on Jim Crow. They had switched to republican after Johnson’s CRA and Atwater’s Southern Strategy.
The labels changed, the race politics did not.
I do think of republicans as in a direct line with Bull Connor’s race politics . Because they are. You’ve surely noticed the modern GOP maps overlap very well with the old slave states.
@Scout211: I don’t see anything new in there. ??
@Baud: Do you see anything new in there? Because I don’t, but maybe i am missing something.
J R in WV
Local health dept has it here in WV, on a walk-in basis. Will be going there asap.
Cousin got his at Walgreens drug, downtown Charleston, WV, made an appointment on their web site.
I hear on B-J that CVS has it as well, but their database info is F’ed up and they don’t care about fixing it at all. I wouldn’t go there in that case if any other option worked out, but if no other option, do it.
Hope this helps!
Looks like more information on more documents being marked classified.
Dan B
@lamh36: We do as you’ve just reiterated. It helps that my partner had pneumonia once a year when he was a kid and every few years until I insisted he take modern allergy drugs. Me because of chemist father who was interested in human physiology and biology. We keep wondering who told people that Covid is over.
@WaterGirl: Try the link that prostratedragon posted at 95. The newly unredacted parts are highlighted in yellow.
Perfect. I can interview Real Americans there.
Dan B
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Graham’s legislation will tar most of the GOP. They cannot state that they support women’s right to abortion or to make their own decision with their doctor so are stuck seeming okay with Graham’s federal ban. No vote is needed. They’re already smeared with their extremism, or at least a good whiff of the stench.
Here’s a delightfully snarky piece on Lindsey Graham’s announcement from USA Today. “I picked 15 weeks”, sez Lindsey.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Republicans on Twitter are congratulating themselves about Lindsey Graham’s political masterstroke. What they imagine is that it’s a popular compromise position and Democrats will look like insane baby-butcher extremists to oppose it. They basically have not learned.
@Baud: I wonder if that matters to anyone. Are 49, or 149, classified documents okay, but 55 or 155 is a bridge too far? I even looked at the document with the newly unreacted stuff in yellow, and I still don’t see anything that’s really new.
Unless actual numbers matter, which to me they do not.
@UncleEbeneezer: there is so much still unknown about COVID, so in the lab we try to treat if like we would for any other respiratory virus, it’s more a safety precaution than anything else.
@Scout211: I did read that and I still don’t think there’s anything particularly noteworthy in there.
My comment at #114 was written before i saw your comment, but that shows more of my thoughts.
I wonder why the DOJ wanted that stuff unreacted. There must be some nuance I am missing?
Democrats created, maintained and sanctified Jim Crow. I don’t play revisionist games with history.
And when you get down to it, there was a time when both political parties were comfortable with Jim Crow.
But I also note the battle within the Democratic Party, especially from 1948 to 1968, to neutralize or purge Southern racists and to clearly embrace civil rights.
@Matt McIrvin:
I could see the “compromise” gambit having some play if the bill preserved abortion rights for 15 weeks nationwide. There’s no plausible way it can be considered a compromise if it allows states to be more restrictive. That’s what’s so nuts about it.
@Brachiator: I am a board certified Medical Technologist. My speciality is in Clinical Microbiology. I have worked in Clinical Lab setting (particularly Hospital medicine) for almost 20 years now.
Research medicine is not my thing, but the nature of microbes means I do have to keep up with current research finding alot more than most.
Every little thing mattered when it was Hillary’s emails. So I’m not complaining too much. But no, it won’t matter.
Dan B
@lamh36: Wowza! Journamalism being done with all the “high points” highlighted.
@lamh36: Thank you for this. It’s how I’m operating, wasn’t planning to change soon, but it’s good to hear it from someone who knows what they’re talking about
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Matt McIrvin: In order to avoid that impression, we’d have to make clear that Graham’s law would leave states like Texas etc. exactly as they are now. It would only make laws more repressive in Blue states.
@Scout211: I hope it didn’t sound like I was being critical of you. I desperately want there to be something new that will make it so this corrupt judge, or at least the 11th circuit, simply can not uphold her indefensible position.
Dan B
@Baud: Yep. Under Graham’s bill West Virginia’s ban would remain and Hershel’s wish for Georgia to ban all abortions from conception would stand if the leg and Gov passed it and signed it.
OT, more or less. Film director Jean-Luc Godard, who spearheaded the revolutionary French New Wave of cinema, has died at 91. Apparently he died by means of assisted suicide.
I did not love Godard as much as I loved Truffaut and Bergman, but I respected his influence on cinema. And I love that he and Truffaut and others blasted the stale and safe movie conventions of the late 40s and 50s. Challenged to do better, they said OK and then proceeded to revolutionize the art of cinema.
The Host with the Toast!
@Brent: more judges
Republicans simply cannot be trusted here. The Supreme Court decision has encouraged an overreach that is actively hostile towards women. Conservatives believe that they have the right not only to restrict abortion, but also to interfere with women’s reproductive rights and health decisions. They are willing to sacrifice women in order to “save babies.”
Fuck that shit.
zhena gogolia
@lee: Did you try That’s how I found ours
@WaterGirl: Oh no, you didn’t seem to be critical of me at all. No worries.
You have the same questions that I do. Why release a few more lines, a few more top secret documents? Who asked the federal judge to do this? Or did the judge just decide to do it? Is this meant to force Cannon to see how egregious Trump’s crimes really were? That these documents could not possibly be Trump’s personal property or that Trump couldn’t possibly have declassified them? Who knows.
The CNN article lists more documents and for what it’s worth, adds this at the end:
The Lord on
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Whatever his fate in the next world, his departure improves this one.
@lamh36: Gotcha. Makes sense. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any new updates.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
is this new news? I’m sure this freak left a trail
@Brachiator: Minor quibble- Republicans can’t be trusted on anything wrt Civil rights
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
First I heard of it.
I approve.
@Brachiator: I agree and acknowledge both the Dem role in Jim Crow, and that both parties were at one time ok with it.
If the civil was ever about slavery it was also most certainly not about equality with the former slaves themselves. Free, yes. Equals, no.
FDR made a deal with the devil for southern states’ support of the New Deal. I keep that in mind whenever I hear idiots talk about chasing after Republican votes by being conciliatory toward their racism.
As you note some dems were not ok with the racism. They won control of the party as the republican party began to actively as policy accommodate the racists.
There is a direct link between modern republicans and the losers of the battle for the soul of the dem party, the dixiecrats, the holdout proponents of Jim Crow. That is not revisionist. The Jim Crow dems are in fact now the Republicans.
I did not make myself clear as I guess I internally think of them as very much the same except in name and I think of them mostly interchangeably. But I was born in an apartheid country, and living as I once did for years in the old confederate south, I noticed they really were and are the same. As the dem party abandoned racism as a platform they switched parties to the GOP, ironically the party of Lincoln, then dominated and controlled it.
It is why when you find a group of MAGAs with trump flags you will surely find a confederate flag. It’s what is under the hood of the MAGA vehicle. Or, rather, a hood is under the hood.
Thank you for your observations and response.
This is about other countries, not US.
Knew about Baylor, didn’t know about Epstein.
Lord, what a worthless piece of shit he was. Thank goodness he’s gone.
James E Powell
They are setting their voters on fire and betting that ours won’t show up. I wish I had complete confidence that it will not work.
A la mode twitter,
Now do Newt Gingrich!
Yes I am a bad person. But fair.
Ohio Mom
@Citizen Alan: I think people like the Clintons might freak out at unsolicited packages from strangers arriving at their house. Maybe just a card or letter?
His parents turned him into a newt!
He didn’t get better.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@James E Powell: I have no respect for Lindsey Graham, but I recognize he is not stupid. He has made his calculation that this is a net plus for him. It’s the same thinking as when he declared that the GOP can’t win without Trump. That was probably correct. Let’s hope this one is a mistake.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@GibberJack: Dinsdale! Dinsdale!!
@Baud: This is one of those “please proceeed, governor” – changing the political calculus – hopefully it wakes the people up and we can start changing the state governments everywhere.
That said, a lot of girls and women are going to be harmed by this act – and we’ll need to find ways for them to get the fuck out of the state.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@CaseyL: It takes 41
@GibberJack: Virginia Governor Mills Godwin is good example of the party realignment in the South. In 1965 Godwin was elected Governor as a Democrat, with the support of the powerful Byrd machine. In 1973 Godwin ran for Governor again, and won as a Republican. The elites that dominated state politics switched parties with him.
Central Planning
@J R in WV: @lee: I got mine yesterday at CVS. No side effects this time, except for maybe a tiny fever/joint aches maybe 18 hours after the shot. One dose of tylenol took care of that
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m gonna take this as confirmation
Tony G
@Urza: Yeah, they really hate socialism in West Virginia. On average, West Virginia gets $1.88 of federal benefits for ever dollar of federal taxes paid. Residents of my home state (The Garbage State — New Jersey) is one of the states that subsidizes those ignorant, Bible-humping, Manchin-voting, oxycontin-gobbling hillbillies in West Virginia. (Sorry, was that a rude way to say it?)
@Baud: It is amazing how cheaply some people can be bought.
@J R in WV:
I know this is really late but I finally figured it out. Yep CVS’s portal is seriously jacked up.