From the Miami Herald:
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio is co-sponsoring a bill that would ban abortions nationwide after 15 weeks, an aide confirmed Wednesday, throwing support behind a measure that both aligns with his longstanding desire to restrict access to abortion and risks complicating his reelection bid less than two months before Election Day.
The bill, unveiled this week by GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, would allow for exceptions after 15 weeks in cases of rape or incest or if the life of the mother is in danger. It is the first attempt to reduce abortion rights federally since the Supreme Court in June revoked the right to abortion in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
The legislation, if passed, would likely have little effect on Florida, which already bans abortions after 15 weeks.
If Rubio wants to douse his crotch with gasoline and light matches 55 days before the election, I’ve got no problem with that.
Open thread.
Ohio Mom
Of course. I could have bet on that and made some money. But I don’t think anyone here would have taken me up on that.
The bill also specifically allows states to ban abortion prior to 15 weeks and specifically says that it does not guarantee any right to abortion. It’s a cap without a floor. Which means it wouldn’t change the draconian limitations that we are seeing in Texas, Ohio, Indiana and other states. So fucking dishonest.
It’s always a horserace with them. Also, first of a kajillion bills like this, no doubt, until the rights of women to choose their own destiny – like the adults they are – is codified into law.
@Barbara: I knew exactly what it was before the details came out. Anyone who thought otherwise hasn’t been paying attention.
(Sorry, Baud!)
A Ghost to Most
Sorry to intrude, but you may see an influx of internet refugees. RawStory is killing its Disqus community tomorrow, and most will not have anything to do with OpenWeb, me included. Bummer. Carry on.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@A Ghost to Most:
Is Disqus itself on the decline? I think LGM also uses Disqus as it’s commenting system
I’ve never regarded Graham or Rubio as particularly stupid men, although not notably bright either. I’m rapidly coming to a different view.
“Why do you keep slamming the door on your hand?”
“Because it feels so good when I stop.”
Moderation? wtf?
Betty Cracker
@danielx: No idea what caused that.
I mean, I didn’t even refer to Graham or Rubio as weeping pustules on Satan’s dick.
eta: they are, but one tries to maintain decorum here at BJ.
@danielx: The plugin that does the SPAM filtering and comment moderation has been flaky for the past couple of months.
Don’t take it personally.
karen marie
@A Ghost to Most: What does this mean? Raw Story will no longer have disqus as an option for commenting?
Personally, I think Raw Story is a waste of bandwidth – it’s a news aggregator, and an hysterical one at that, so I don’t bother looking at it much less commenting.
@danielx: I would have released that one right away had betty not seen it first! :-)
As I noted elsewhere on reading this, grab that anchor Marco. Grab it with both hands!
I cannot figure out why Rubio thinks this is a good idea. Graham isn’t facing reelection this November. Rubio is and I can’t see how co-signing on will help him. It may end up not hurting (see: Florida) but I can’t see it helping. So why do it?
Ugh. I worry about some Littlefinger-level strategizing, but Rubio isn’t that intelligent.
(Though, on rereading the above and seeing that Florida already bans after 15 weeks, maybe he figures it will get the base out for him, as they would be happy to foist Florida on the rest of the nation. I know the Orlando friends I cut out of my life after 2016 were single-issue voters where abortion was concerned.)
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@WaterGirl: what is “45 minutes ago” referencing here?
Chris Cillizza just wrote a whole “analysis “ that failed to mention the bill permits states to regulate abortion as much as they like. I don’t understand how our media can be so saturated with imbeciles.
A Man for All Seaonings (formerly Geeno)
@A Man for All Seaonings (formerly Geeno): I got you out of limbo
It’s just stranger than hell that they’d do this, unless they want to bait the Democrats into filibustering the bill… which, again, makes no sense.
Unless they think the Democrats would be stupid enough NOT to filibuster the bill.
I mean: On the one hand, it would be great to get the GOP on the record of ignoring their own “let it go back to the states” rhetoric.
On the other, the optics of the Democrats refusing to filibuster an anti-freedom bill of this magnitude, just to put the GOP on the spot, would be awful.
If it is bait, I hope the Democrats don’t fall for the trick.
A Man for All Seaonings (formerly Geeno)
I’m still in moderation. I changed browsers to firefox.
A Man for All Seaonings (formerly Geeno)
Thank you, ruemara
Val Demings for the Senate. Vote for her. Toss Third Place Rubio into the deep hole he’s dug for himself.
What a maroon!
What’s that? I can hear Val Demings whistling. Laughing. And singing.
Please let this be an anvil. Please, please, please.
germy shoemangler
@danielx: Graham was on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah sometime in 2016. He came across as personable, funny, and a hell of a pool player (dad owned a bar where he would work.)
He threw every bit of his reputation away to be close to power. ETTD.
How many people notice this sort of inside baseball? If it gets to the floor and gets defeated there, the vote total and how the Senators in your state voted, plus a few snippets from the speechifying, will be all that makes the news AFAICT.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Embrace the good. Ward off the stupid.
zhena gogolia
Haha, love you, Betty.
@Barbara: Of course they’re counting on people not knowing that, not knowing that if a state has a 6 week ban it wouldn’t go up to 15 weeks with this bill.They want to appear to be reasonable which 15 weeks isn’t but they want to be able to throw it back on Democrats. Grasping at straws hoping that our media and ignorance will help them escape the consequences of their actions.
germy shoemangler
“If Rubio wants to douse his crotch with gasoline and light matches 55 days before the election, I’ve got no problem with that.”
Hell, I’ll even lend him my lighter!!
Edmund Dantes
@Nicole: yeah but DeSantis has been running from getting pinned down on an abortion stance.
seems weird they both see the political field that differently in Florida for abortion.
@danielx: Makes me mindful of the Stones’ Sympathy for the Devil.
germy shoemangler
@Edmund Dantes:
I saw a clip of DeSantis today. He said if Stacey Abrams wins her election there’ll be a “cold war” between Florida and Georgia. It’s an old clip but it was new to me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Excellent news! As for Patagonia, I have a fleece pullover from them that is over twenty years old. The elastic at the wrists is shot, but I still wear it. I will definitely stick with that brand.
@karen marie:
Agreed. I recall about eight years or so ago one of their writers literally plagiarized an article written by a friend and local journalist. I even emailed TBogg about as he was writing there at the time. Haven’t read it since.
Also, if anyone is hungry for wonton soup or wontons in general, Boebert has you covered.
I’m starting to believe this is the result of oxygen-deprivation from breathing too long in the Fox News bubble.
Except: part of the language in Graham’s bill talks about the setting the limit to be before the fetus can feel pain (there was some other rhetorical trick he’s playing, too, but I’ve forgotten what it is). His bill, he hopes, will put Democrats into the position of seeming to be in favor of inflicting suffering on fetuses, which is the sort of thing Republicans will happily point out.
@germy shoemangler: Hey now, my DIL is a pharmacist and a perfectly lovely, caring human being.
Than again… she did marry my son. Well, nobody’s perfect.
steve g
Like magic, the Democratic party now becomes the defender of states rights. California will decide what happens in California!
@germy shoemangler: What the fuck does that even mean? No travel between the states?
Mike in NC
Both Graham and Rubio launched presidential campaigns that were laughed at until they quickly folded. Most people probably don’t even remember.
I guess Rubio’s support of Graham’s proposal is attempting to fend off attacks from the right— but I haven’t seen that happening. It would sorta make sense, but is still a puzzle. It is something Rubio would be sensitive to and we left-wing crazies would not.
That’s exactly the problem:
If the Democrats do NOT filibuster the bill – because they want the GOP to show how little regard it has for women, medicine, and so on – then the GOP and allies will run ads saying “See? The Dems really don’t care about your rights: they refused to filibuster this bill! They actually agree with our position!”… and the folks who don’t pay much attention to politics, and/or spout that “both parties are the same” bullshit, will fall for it.
IOW, I don’t want the Dems to try playing some kind of 13th Dimensional Chess on this one. Just filibuster the stinkin’ thing.
ETA: If the bill even gets out of committee, which it probably won’t.
zhena gogolia
@OzarkHillbilly: Our pharmacists are all lovely. And my next-door neighbor’s son and his wife are pharmacists, also very nice.
West of the Rockies
Clearly Graham and Micro think this posturing behooves them. I’m guessing they are saying something like, “Hey, we’ll look reasonable and sympathetic: 92% of abortions take place in the first 15 weeks, so the bill will really only impact a minority of women; also, there are rape and incest exceptions. See? We look super reasonable (while also appealing to our crazed base).”
They’re gambling that few will notice that the bill doesn’t preclude states from outlawing abortion prior to 15 weeks.
But states rights!!!!
How can anyone believe anything these clowns say?
On any bill, any Senator can offer up any amendments.
Democrats should come up with about 50 abortion-related amendments and offer them up and force the GOP to vote on every one.
For example, the first amendment to offer would be to change this from a ceiling to a floor. In other words, guarantee by Federal law 15 weeks in every state.
and then keep going and force the GOP to vote on every single abortion-related topic.
@germy shoemangler: wtf – and we’re the ones who get tone policed by the media. What the fuck was that comment about – the DC people just don’t give a shit do they?
I tried to find a response from Val Demings, but instead found this obnoxious commentary posted on one of our favorite organization’s website, The Federalist.
It may be a clue why Rubio decided to sign on to Graham’s bill one day after the Federalist panned Demings for her views on reproductive freedom.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@steve g: To borrow a line from the philosopher John Oliver, California will now become a bacchanalian buy-one-get-one-free abortion paradise. WOOHOO!
OTOH, there’s the possibility that Graham and Rubio are playing zero-dimensional chess. Hard to tell.
If the media selects for imbeciles, it gets imbeciles, hence Cillizza.
In what universe do you think Schumer will let that bill anywhere near the Senate floor?
@HumboldtBlue: Schumer probably has other things to do.
Rubio is probably thinking that he cannot lose against Demings. He may or not be right about that. But the national 15 week ban is good for DeSantis if he runs for Pres in 24 because that is “the Florida way” already. So Rubio may well be just shilling for DeSantis here.
Omnes Omnibus
@HumboldtBlue: No need to filibuster something that never comes to the floor.
@HumboldtBlue: I read that McConnell will not let that bill get to the floor. This is all just noise for Fox.
ETA and as a counterpoint to the marriage equality bill that Schumer promises will get to the floor.
Someone had a great ad today against Walker, using a clip where he says no exceptions, and then it changes to say no exceptions to rape, incest or the life of the mother. That will help in GA
It wasn’t paid by Warnock.
@HumboldtBlue: I have no idea what his schedule looks like, or how closely he pays attention to every bill that gets put in the hopper. I hope someone on his staff is detailed to keep an eye out for anything related to reproductive rights, and and give him a heads-up.
I also like @Kent:’s idea!
germy shoemangler
Tough talk kidding on the square.
“I can’t have Castro to the south of me and Abrams to the north!”
Speaking of great ads this ad against Mastriano is very good.
Elsewhere, Dahlia Lithwick has a piece on Roberts and his dissembling about the court and its public image.
@germy shoemangler:
Let me be clear. I am 1,000,000 percent against pharmacists injecting their dumb ass religious beliefs into filling a goddam prescription.
But I know of a number of situations where a pharmacist knew more than a doctor about a drug being prescribed, about correct dosage levels, about drug interactions or better alternatives and prevented some major medical mishaps by challenging or discussing the prescription with the doctor.
So while some pharmacists may be nuts, others are worth their weight in gold.
@Immanentize: If it does make it to the floor, the dems should label it carry your baby that won’t survive outside the womb to term ad. Maybe a shorter version, just like the olden days, carry that dead baby to term.
Sorry to be so graphic, but that happened.
@Scout211: I would urge caution against linking or pasting directly from radicalizing articles like that. It increases exposure to writing literally designed to traumatize followers into violence and the rest of us out of resisting. Much like the signs they carry. Words can be weapons.
@HumboldtBlue: whoa Excellent
@Scout211: The Federalist and every death cult Republican can f*ck off with this. Republicans get abortions (at probably the same, if not higher rates than anyone else) and use birth control.
And any pharmacist who proclaims that they are such delicate daisies that they cannot perform the functions of their job due to “deeply-held religious beliefs” needs to have their entire adult life investigated to see just how much they actually adhere to those beliefs. And since we can all guess that they actually don’t follow their religion, they can then be shown the exit door.
And, OO la la!
Hope that is all true.
We know Trump blackmails people, and that Graham’s attitude changed sharply after golf with Trump. Trump hates McConnell and would like to undermine him. Could Trump be blackmailing Graham to tank McConnell’s chance of being Majority Leader?
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: Do you really think someone is going sneak an abortion ban through the Senate? Come on!
randy khan
It’s never getting to the floor in either the Senate or the House in this session, since Schumer and Pelosi control such things.
And honestly the Republicans supporting it don’t care because they think that just saying they support the bill and would vote for it in a Republican-controlled Congress will help them. (It’s as if they have seen what’s happened since Dobbs, on both sides of the issue. I mean, never mind what Dems think, Republicans seem to want only a full-bore ban on abortion and none of this weak tea compromise stuff.)
@Immanentize: Could be true. It’s difficult to really delete things.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@JPL: That’s probably for the best. Warnock can focus his ads on the Democrats’ accomplishments and how they will help the people in GA.
@MattF: I thought the same thing. I do believe that the J6 Cmmt has received more material from the USSS pursuant to subpoena — and they are actually the preeminent cyber security retrievers in the country. So, entirely possible. “Hope in my bosom grows.”
Meanwhile, gotta get ready to teach (at 8-10 on Wednesdays this semester). Fight like rabid dogs!
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Love that and thank you for sharing it. I had not seen that before.
@A Man for All Seaonings (formerly Geeno): Love your new nym.
@MattF: PS There have been a bunch of secret service retirements lately, including that Enya guy — Oronoco?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Omnes Omnibus:
Great-now I’m sure we will get even more media coverage about the queen!
@Immanentize: Yep. And SS management person as well, I think.
@livewyre: Good point. Mea culpa.
@Immanentize: Oh my god, let’s have a party if that’s true!
@germy shoemangler:
Spanish moss vs. kudzu?
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
OT but this cracked me up in a very immature way. From a WaPo article about putin refusing to accept reality about the current state of the war:
I am pretty sure they meant to say “toppling” there, because “topping” Zelenskyy would mean something quite different and pretty much illegal in russia 😜
ETA: or maybe not
@Immanentize: oh. :-(
Really good discussion on Nicole Wallace’s show about elections and personal values and how Democrats, particularly Biden, are doing something they rarely do in elections, they are focusing on values instead of issues. As Wallace and a panelist pointed out, in 2004 the Bush team said “let the Dems talk about issues, we will focus on values and if we do that we will win.”
Very enlightening discussion.
Old School
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s not the same thing, obviously, but my impression was that the bill to end daylight savings time seemed to be snuck through the Senate. As I recall, it was passed in two seconds or so.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛:
I get the impression that Graham enjoys being Trump’s toady.
@Baud: You Biden-ized it!
@SiubhanDuinne: As far as I know, they still get a lot of water from us. Bring on the dams.
I don’t think this law will make it to the Senate floor this Congress and it probably wasn’t intended to. It’s a promise for next year, an incentive for anti-abortion voters to turn out for the midterms.
As a practical matter, I think it’s a really bad strategem for Republicans. Rubio’s a fool to support it, but Graham put all his colleagued in an invidious position by throwing this proposal out seven weeks before the midterms McConnell probably wants to choke him.
I dunno. Not spiking the football yet, This feels very Access Hollywood tape. “Events” could undo all that Biden has so carefully done, and doom us to this shit until we drown in melted polar ice in like 2027.
I assume because it’s too close to an election,
Kyle Griffin
Omnes Omnibus
@Old School: It is not the same thing indeed.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: I’m afraid it will be nothing. But we’ll see.
@Geminid: Ted Budd signed on.
Not a joke.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I was trying to avoid the copyright violation.
I think you are exactly right. Message: “We’re not done yet!”
I know some people in Canada. I could probably find us some beavers 🦫 at a good discount.
Omnes Omnibus
@emmyelle: It is okay for us to have confidence. Complacency is the enemy. But we don’t have to worry all the time.
@Omnes Omnibus: Smart move.
This is worth a watch:
Cicilline: The claim that you’re not really attacking the FBI, one of your colleagues was selling t-shirts that said defund the FBI…
Speaking of political ads, Swalwell has a killer.
@germy shoemangler: Keep in mind that drugstores are where the bottom half of pharmacy school ends up. The top half goes to hospitals or do research or stuff like that.
@JPL: I’ve heard of ‘Lemon Laws,” but this one’s looking like a Lemming Law!
@Brachiator: Both rubio and graham are costume players who are virtue signaling.
I suspect there are quite a few voters misunderstanding this bill by Graham to mean 15 week ban on abortions and protection before that point. It doesn’t mean that.
But I’m going to take the contrarian view that Schumer should bring this bill to the floor. They should debate it fully, and make the GOP sign their names to it, because if the GOP does take the Senate next year, they’ll bring it to the floor and pass it with no debate. They should ask why its murder if a women isn’t raped but not murder when she is raped. Pull out all of the consequence of this idea. How will doctors be investigated after they perform an abortion at 16 weeks. What constitutes ‘life of the mother’? How many doctors need to agree she’s in danger over doctors that disagree? Demand to know what rights states can expand, or can they only curtail them now that the states rights issue needs a federal constraint on rights.
Let’s spill it all. They’re not going to do this honestly on their own, so take the opportunity they hand us. It won’t go well for them. We shouldn’t be afraid of this debate.
I think Biden’s been doing a great job of highlighting both, but am glad that values are being brought up. Far too often, values are only seen to be part of the Republican side.
@germy shoemangler: For the record, that tweet was written by comic Lily Lester (@TheLilyLester), who has the shift this week toTweet on Tig Notaro’s account. Tig (a national treasure) passes along the keys to her Twitter handle to a different person each week. Just giving credit where credit is due to the latest in a string of interesting posters.
@Omnes Omnibus: No, not at all; that wasn’t my point. The bill is going nowhere: the only question is whether it even makes it out of committee.
My point (which I made very badly) was that the GOP might be trying to put the Dems in a position where they’d have to decide whether to filibuster the bill, if it makes it to a floor vote.
The Dems might think “making every GOP Senator vote on this horrible bill” would be a good tactic, but in order for that to happen, the Dems would need to not filibuster the bill. Letting the bill go to a floor vote would be very bad.
I hope that’s clearer.
He named the colleague. “Suicide blonde from NE Georgia with the initials Marjorie Taylor Greene.”
ETA: ”Suicide blonde” = “dyed by her own hand,” for those of you too young to remember that particular epithet.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛:
Hahaha…spellcheck fail!
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛: Could still be one of Putin’s goals on some machismo shit.
@Calouste: When my dad was in the ICU, there was a guy sitting at a desk across from his room. Took me about a day to figure out he was the ICU pharmacist. Figured it out when he was ranting to one of the nurses about a drug combination a patient had come in with prescribed by a doctor at some other hospital.
Agreed, Joe has been all about values since he began campaigning, and it’s marked his first 18 months. The discussion was very good, as I said, enlightening.
Yeah he did, name names!
Also, LOLMets are back.
Oh, and Spanish language Phillies broadcasts are the absolute best!
Phillies de Filadelfia
Tony G
I’m genuinely curious about what “strategy” clowns like Graham and Rubio are pursuing here. I would have predicted that the GOP would be soft-pedaling the abortion issue and frothing at the mouth about Hunter Biden’s laptop or something else from their collection of Greatest Hits. Maybe they know that the midterm elections are already somehow rigged against legions of angry female voters? Or maybe these guys are not quite as bright as they think they are.
Dems are campaigning on eliminating the filibuster. They better start practicing this stuff before they do it.
“Suicide blonde” – hah! I heard that joke in an old movie; maybe it was ‘His Girl Friday’ ….
Dyed by her own hand.
Tony G
”Suicide blonde”. Ha! I’m definitely not young, but I’ve never heard that one!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JPL: Good.
Maybe my snark detector might be off.
Schumer does do a lot of things, like yesterday he gave a speech just so he could make sure everyone had heard about this awful bill.
Pardon formatting problems
@Martin: I don’t know. A lot of people aren’t going to pay attention, even if they should.
I think this is like Rick Scott’s lousy plan to “save America” by sunsetting Social Security and Medicare. So what if Senate Republicans aren’t made to go on record with a vote? Hang it around their dirty necks anyway!
Betty Cracker
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank your for explaining that phrase! It’s used in a song I like, but I never knew what it meant.
Oh my. Oh my oh my. LOL!
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
@Kropacetic: LOL he’s on the down low!
zhena gogolia
@geg6: apparently she didn’t say that, just that they had new information about SS actions that day
Here’s a Trump-related t-shirt worth getting.
eddie blake
inxs. suicide blonde. 1990.
@Tony G:
It’s great INXS song. It was inspired by Kylie Minogue (who was Michael Hutchence’s girlfriend at the time) talking about dying her hair. True story.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Geminid: That is what I was thinking. I’ve heard that enthusiasm among GOP voters is way down since Roe was overturned. Maybe they think that is because single issue anti-abortion voters in red states now don’t have a reason to vote GOP? Maybe they think this bill will get them back to the polls? It is all about getting your voters to show up.
@Tony G: It’s like the outcome of the Kansas referendum flew right over Graham’s head! After seeing that result, any Republican politician who wants to try and turn the midterms into a referendum on abortion rights is out of his mind.
@eddie blake:
My mother told me that joke in the 1940s.
J R in WV
So, off topic a little bit, but there you are.
Scheduled for a CT scan with additives like dye and stuff next Monday morning. Stopped at the imaging center to make sure — a good thing I did, because I wasn’t on the schedule, in spite of all the paperwork I have about that appointment. They are supposed to call in the AM to try to straighten things out.
Wish me luck!
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
A couple of days ago, my new “ROE ROE ROE YOUR VOTE” t-shirt arrived in the mail. I wore it today in public for the first time. Was wondering what kind of reaction it might get. As it turned out, one charming, elderly AA man who, as he approached me in Aisle 8, pointed to my chest and said “I love your shirt! I LOVE YOUR SHIRT!!”
eddie blake
@SiubhanDuinne: i had no idea michael hutchence was a time lord.
Joy in FL
@J R in WV: Absolutely. Wishing you good luck and smooth scheduling and procedures.
Tony G
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: Yeah, Rubio and Graham might be hoping to motivate the Bible-humping Christian-fascists to come out and vote. That might work in South Carolina. But is Florida really that far gone? I tend to think that Florida is not quite as ignorant and backward as, let’s say, Alabama and South Carolina. But maybe I’m behind the times in my thinking.
@J R in WV:
All the best and all the luck!
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Tony G: The panhandle of Florida might as well be Alabama.
Matt McIrvin
It’s the kind of thing that seems so transparently dumb that it prompts you to look for the hidden genius trick in it, and brace yourself for the terrible surprise.
(Especially after 2016.)
@Mike in NC:
I would argue that both Graham and Rubio are positioning themselves for another run, possibly 2028. That is why they are both supporting a bill that Schumer will never allow to come up for a vote.
Hopefully Demmings can sink Rubio with this. Not sure what SC Dems have in their back pocket for 2026.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@J R in WV: That sounds stressful. Let us know how it goes
Amir Khalid
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛:
It’s not illegal if Putin does it.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: That’s true but I think the anti-abortion people know that Dobbs is under attack and needs to be defended. I think the Republicans motivation problem is in other areas mainly having to do with a certain stable genius who won’t go away.
That’s not say say Graham might not think he’s come up with a crafty solution to a perceived problem. But I’ve never seen him show any strategic ability beyond brown nosing, and he sure isn’t showing any now.
Bill Arnold
@germy shoemangler:
I’d go with Vermont. No abortion restrictions and an easy procedure: Start an LLC in Vermont with these Five Easy Steps
(Pedants: should it be “a LLC” or “an LLC”?)
@eddie blake:
Sadly, Michael Hutchence was not a time lord. I do not believe he originated the phrase. He just wrote a great song about his girlfriend being one.
eddie blake
@geg6: (looks sideways at geg6)
…yes. i know he didn’t invent the term.
Bill Arnold
From the The Federalist piece you quote:
This is absolutely false. The neural infrastructure is absolutely not present, and arguably not relevant until well into the third trimester, and that’s assuming fetal consciousness.
Growth of Thalamocortical Fibers to the Somatosensory Cortex in the Human Fetal Brain (27 April 2017)
“Between 23 and 24 PCW, AChE-reactive TH-C axons penetrate the CP concomitantly with its initial lamination.”
(That means no connection of sensory neurons to the very rudimentary early fetal cortex, until postconceptional week 23/34.)
And speaking of Lindsey Graham
U.S. senators introduce bill to designate Russia state sponsor of terrorism
@Tony G: My impression is that yes, it is generally like other Southern states, with various blue pockets. I’m not a native, though, and I think the natives on this blog could address this much better.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: My daughter works for Patagonia and they are having a big party right now. She posted a picture of her new “Earth is our only shareholder” mug.
@Bill Arnold: That’s the part I was referring to about engineered trauma. Fact is not relevant to the endeavor – only the impulse it compels. In the follower to lash out; in others to hesitate. Reasoned examination of the world is exactly what it’s honed to bypass. Beware of repeating it.
how exciting, if so!
Dan B
@HumboldtBlue: Deach by dumpling!
Bill Arnold
I do not agree. Or rather, there are certainly contexts where one should not quote such material even inside a truth sandwich, but this comment thread is not one of them. IMO.
They (the anti-abortion fanatics, in this particular case) are getting the biology very wrong and commingling it with non-scriptural Christian Supremacist “theology” and are pushing/passing measures in obvious violation of the Establishment Clause, all while falsely asserting that they are science-based and “pro-life”.
Agreed. American voters have discovered the filibuster over the last couple of years. They know how it works and they’ll know if you’re trying to be clever.
You don’t gamble with their lives. Democrats have to show they will do anything they can to protect their constituents. They need to derail this bill, then make sure that everyone knows that -but for- the Democrats in the Senate, the rights of women and any other “liberal” demographic will be stripped to the bone.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think I’m gonna do some shopping….
Dan B
@SiubhanDuinne: Seen some maps that Flaw-ridda will soon have pulentee water!
Did you mean fresh water??
steve g
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: If the panhandle of Florida was part of Alabama, then Trump was right about hurricane Dorian hitting Alabama!
You lost me at “Trump-related”.
Central Planning
@SiubhanDuinne: “imbe-Cillizzas”
Lindsay Graham is crackers.
It’s my thought that the Federalist Soc. and others working for conservative deals and ideals have systematically preplanned to gum up the works, as necessary and temporary as mopping up a mess, to keep the focus off Trum and any liberal investigative postings, like the Jan6 committee and other proceedings, trials.. Mr. LG is a vacuous brand who delivers the goods, the appliance man. Nothing more.
@Bill Arnold: Alright, I think where we agree is that the facts do have to be highlighted. It’s just that “getting the biology wrong” seems to give a little too much credit to what’s being attempted, namely exempting biology from consideration in making policy on pregnancy.
This isn’t a mistake, in other words – at least not on that level. It’s lying for effect. If science and law are to be destroyed in the process, that’s part of the plan. Not to mention anyone who gets injured out of desperate reaction to lurid rhetoric.
Basically my claim is that repeating the inciting work is less than useless to refute it once it’s already hit the gut. In addition, it’s not necessary in order to form consensus on policy. We already know that abortion is a routine health procedure (or in medical terms, a common biological process), and can focus on that, rather than go chasing after shock stories in order to say “well, actually.” We have the explanatory advantage; let’s use it.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Suicide Blond
Always thought one of the lines was “God’s own revelation put into your hands.”
Looking up the lyrics, two agree it is “Got some revelation put into your hands.”
I’ll go with the first. It speaks to my revelation expectation. …”like rain upon the land.” Heavenly source. Not some generic revelation. Michael was not generic.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛:
an Abortionplex on every corner – kitty corner to the Taco trucks naturally