Danielle Ponder, a Rochester R&B singer and public defender (yep you read that right), has just released her first album, Only the Lonely. You can stream it from her site, on all the major streaming services, or buy it on Bandcamp. It’s really good.
Open thread.
Frederick Douglass lived there for a long time and is buried there. Gave his famous Independence Day speech there.
Chief Oshkosh
Living her best life! :)
Thanks for sharing.
She’s playing Sunday Oct 2 at Hardly, Strictly Bluegrass in SF’s Golden Gate Park….for free and I AM GOING TO SEE DANIELLE PONDER
she does an most excellent cover of Radiohead’s Creep and it will move you if you have even half a heart.
Trump needs to respond to DOJ’s stay motion in the 11th Circuit by noon on Tuesday.
Heard her story and her singing on All Things Considered tonight. Killer voice, so earthy and beautiful.
My sister called me before the end of the NPR piece in tears – tears which I was also dropping as I stared out the kitchen window, holding my breath until the piece finished.
Thanks for the intro to her.
Busy day here. I made a pot of chili and a pumpkin cake, did a power yoga class, got a haircut with olaplex, then went to Costco. Now I am tired….but full of chili and pumpkin cake.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Suzanne: That sounds like a good day
her song about student debt goes “I did sixteen a day / can’t get rid of Sallie Mae.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trump is having his Save America Rally at the Covelli Centre. There was a guy on screen next to Dump in the audience behind him with the Blacks for Trump 2020. What, they couldn’t have updated them?
@WereBear: What size ukulele are you getting? I play a low G tenor and strongly recommend that size as not too high and not too low. I just got a tenor guitar and had it set up to be tuned the same way.
@Baud: There will be another important legal proceeding next week, in a Tallahassee, Florida federal courtroom: former Hillsborough County Prosecutor Andrew Warren will argue that Florida Governor DeSantis improperly fired him and that he should be reinstated.
Senior District Judge Hinkle will hear Warren’s case Monday morning at 9am. Warren and DeSantis’ lawyers will get 30 minutes each to argue and answer questions from the judge. They have already submitted written briefs.
The city of Tampa is in Hillsborough County, and the Tampa Bay Times should have good coverage of the trial. The judge could give his decision Monday, but a Times article said the judge would likely take a couple days to issue a jugement and that an appeal is likely.
The album is called Some of Us Are Brave. “Only the Lonely” is a song on it, true.
@TheRealHoarse has a number of links to Danielle Ponder in his Twitter feed. Here’s one to an appearance she did on CBS Mornings.
ETA: Ponder’s Twitter page.
So let’s see, we gotta public defender singing R&B and bringing tears to Juicers’ eyes, we got one on the Supreme Court … where’s the MLB shortstop?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Mr. Majewski, the OH 9th CD candidate, spoke earlier and I caught a short clip. He looked like a thug, and talked like one too. I sure hope Marcy Kaptur can beat him!
@phdesmond: Heard that piece. What angers me is that in the sixties state colleges were funded decently by states ($1100 a year, room and board, tuition for me in Maine) and then money dried up. The later generations were forced to make up the difference in tuition. Forgive the loans, for decency’s sake. We are making up for what our governments (state) did not do.
@Baud: Good. The motion to lift the stay is separate from the appeal of the District Court Order and doesn’t follow the same briefing schedule. That means a decision on the motion to lift the stay could come next week. It should result in lifting the stay. If it does not, we know what we are dealing with in the 11th Circuit.
@sralloway: see also the difference between, say, Pat Brown’s expansion of the UC system and the still-resonant 1981 (just after Reagan’s election) rejection by voters in a Michigan school system of funding to keep the district’s schools open, forcing them to close halfway through the school year.
In addition to being the party of deeply insecure violent bigots, Republicans are also the party of stupidly short-sighted greed.
Great party you all got there, just sayin’…
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Don’t forget Arthea Franklin was a judge on Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Attorneys and courts still quote her seminal opinion:
I think it was Obama who said best when he said… (video)
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Does he really need three days to write: “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV”
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
That cover is amazing indeed-thanks for sharing.
@Lapassionara: Anyone wanna give odds? I’ll do … 2-to-1 against lifting the stay, because, I dunno, they combine the proceedings, or deliberate chin-scratching about questions of fact requiring proper hearing, or because True President Donald.
@laura: lovely!
More NY talent: the guitarist from BRKN LOVE lives in Brooklyn and gives guitar lessons to my wife! They are the sweetest bunch of rock n’ roll boys. If you like to rock out their album is totally worth it and they are on tour!!
@Baud: And… TFG’s lawyers need to meet with the Special Master @ 2 ET in NY same day. Tues is gonna be interesting!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jackie: At least these folks are moving with speed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Me, too! Hopefully both the Appeals Court and the Special Master think Cannon is the idiot we all know she is, and want to get the ball(s) going quickly.
Then, off to the SC. Sigh…