Too good to be true. But I guess it is true!
“House Republican leaders unveiled their ‘Commitment to America’ agenda?and with it an inspirational video full of scenes presented as imagery of America that were actually stock footage from Russia & Ukraine.”
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) September 23, 2022
I’m told that low-level grifters sometimes choose to make their pitches look somewhat ‘amateur’, a bit imperfect, as a way of reassuring the marks that they’re not being spoken down to, that the grifter is just like them. But I think that it’s become a specific tic for the modern GOP Death Cult: They don’t care about how things look, because good design — even the self-respect of doing a job well — is for, well, p*ssies. Soyboys. Democrats!
this is a great example of the absolute, fundamental laziness and unseriousness of the republican party
— GONELIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) September 23, 2022
if we had a functional political media in this country rather than a bunch of nepotism hires and social climbers, meet the press would host kevin mccarthy and ask him to explain even *one* piece of proposed legislation that would deliver on just *one* talking point
— GONELIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) September 23, 2022
and, yes, i know, they've been like this for a long time, but i think it's worth retaining your capacity to be shocked and outraged that these profoundly lazy and vapid would-be talk radio hosts and podcasters would deign to rule you
— GONELIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) September 23, 2022
Dems are also happy with the rollout & see it as a key opp to attack Rs on issues they think will drive Dems to the polls in Nov
“There couldn't be a starker choice this year," DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney says. "McCarthy's cynical ploy only underscores those differences”
— Alayna Treene (@alaynatreene) September 23, 2022
What, no Five Year Plan?
They have a fuck you right now plan.
It’s all they’ve got. But then I have been told that trying to come up with a plan while trying to stuff their heads up their own asses does seem to be beyond them, likely because their heads are already up their own asses.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
They couldn’t even pass a run of the mill farm bill when they were in charge, they had to ask Nancy to do it for them.
@Ruckus: The “Fuck Off Right Now” plan is well on it’s way to a catchy acronym.
ETA: “Cut All Taxes Everyplace”
John Revolta
Never even bothered to come up with a platform for their convention in 2020.
@John Revolta:
Their platform has been consistent since black folk were afforded rights.
Wimmenz too.
Commitment Agenda is perfect – it was probably produced by their Ru handlers, who see no problem with it showing scenes of the Motherland (or the Daughterland, ha). We think it is a mistake, but it is, truly, the R agenda. We are so accustomed to them lying, that we think the truth is a mistake.
Ever since Reagan’s “the most terrifying words” line, they’ve been training their base that government is bad and harmful, and as a result they can spend their time in office trolling instead of doing their jobs and not get punished for accomplishing nothing.
Anybody who promulgates this deserves to be committed.
Citing the Newt Gingrich 1994 Contract With America, it was more like a contract On America.
it is kind of amazing isn’t it….. Dems come up with a plan to make something better and address a problem and the media wants to know how is it going to be paid for, how will it work, why isn’t it bipartisan etc etc etc…
The GOP says they’re going to institute tax cuts for rich people… and they just roll over and say nary a word, cut Medicare, make abortion illegal, means test for social security etc etc etc and its all reported faithfully in whatever frame they choose.
they never have to be civil, they never have to be bipartisan and no matter what they spout out, its always taken at face value, no questions asked,
@opiejeanne: I feel so old that I agree that people need to be reminded of this.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Same issue with budgets. The Democrats had to do it for them, when they started controlling the House in 2011.
More like Commitment To Bellevue, amirite?
Such a pisspoor job, that can only be explained by deep contempt for the work, for those who paid for it, and those it’s intended to benefit, reminds me of that Russian-American journalist Slava something who posted hilarious examples of Russian swearing, specifically about this, “beating it with your dick”.
@bjacques: That would by Slava Malamud. I used to see him retweeted a lot including here, but not so much lately.
Tony G
@Redshift: And, of course, with very few exceptions, the “red states” get more benefits from the federal government than they pay in federal taxes. The Republican leaders know their constituency. Proudly ignorant, stupid and bigoted.
That was because of the “Hastert Rule”, that a bill must pass with the votes of all the serial child rapists in the GOP caucus.
EDIT: Google tells me that I mis-remembered the rule.
zhena gogolia
I told my Russian friends about this, and they told me about how Russian TV had an image of a loving couple separated by the Great Fatherland War, and it was — Bonnie and Clyde.
Or maybe “Fuck America Right Now (And Forever)”? Still not exactly an acronym, but perhaps more to the point?
Were Dick Tuck (or maybe Stan Freberg?) still alive, he would probably consider creating a “Republican” campaign ad, saying (in a more subtle way) “Hi, we’re the Republican Party, and we want to destroy America and fuck over anyone who isn’t super-wealthy. You wanna eat cat food for the rest of your lives? Good, then we can help you get there! Vote for us!”
I’m not joking on this. Well, not completely.
ETA: Of course, the MAGAts will not “get” it, or they will say “Gollee, sounds gud to me!”; the target audience would be the remaining not-completely-batshit-insane voters, who might still have two functioning brain cells to rub together.
You need to substitute “pork” for “fuck”.
Or maybe “Phuck”? Solves a number of problems.
@SFAW: That works too. As long as the final message is that Republicans are pro-PORN.
@Shalimar: Hence my suggested mod.
I don’t know why people think Republicans “can’t govern”. They hate government and don’t want it to do anything to help people. It’s that simple.
Also, the title of their big new economic program is “More Money for Rich People” and the text reads “Keep doing what we’re doing ’cause it’s working.”
Bill Arnold
Maybe it’s a dominance thing. The Republicans insist that their supporters huff, and outwardly believe, wildly implausible and/or demonstrably false narratives to prove their support. A form of loyalty test, and common in cults.
It’s amusing that the HuffPost article calls the piece of machinery a “drilling rig”. It’s not – it’s an oil pump. I’ve seen a million of those things over the decades. A drilling rig looks like a latticework tower along with associated equipment to manipulate drilling pipe.
Well, a “majority of the majority” (which was Rethuglicans), so it would be an equivalent amount, at least.