Voces de la Frontera is here to answer questions tonight about the two ways you can help bring home wins in Wisconsin.
You don’t knave to live in Wisconsin to work with the Relational Voter Program, and you don’t even have to know anyone in Wisconsin to help with the phone bank.
– Voces de la Frontera Relational Voter Program
– Balloon Juice phone bank through Voces de la Frontera
Voces de la Frontera Relational Voter Program (RVP)
Voces de la Frontera Action would like to invite interested members of the Balloon Juice community to participate in our Relational Voter Program (RVP) for the fall election and beyond. The only requirement is that you have to have family, friends, or other folks in Wisconsin who you can contact and urge to register and vote for Tony Evers, Mandela Barnes, and Josh Kaul (for Attorney General). There’s no limit to the number of people you contact and you can do all of this in your free time, from home.
The RVP works through a phone app that helps you to reach out to your Wisconsin contacts by phone or text message, and record their responses to your appeal. Recording contact responses is important because looking at the recorded results allows us to track the progress of voter mobilization, and direct resources to the places where they are needed the most.
Jose Rivera, our RVP Volunteer Coordinator, will work with you to download the app to your phone, train you in its use, and provide you with coaching as necessary.
If you’re interested in participating in the RVP program , please join us on a Zoom call at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, September 28, where they will answer questions and provide additional details.
Please send email to me (WaterGirl) if you would like to attend the zoom next Wednesday.
Update on 9/27: There doesn’t seem to be enough interest to warrant going ahead with this opportunity.
Al Nichols
Evening, folks — Jose Rivera and I will be around to answer questions about the Voces de la Frontera Action RVP program.
Another Scott
Hi Al, kinda quiet in this thread.
I don’t have any friends or family in Wisconsin so I’m not able to help there. But I applaud your efforts and wish you continued success.
Al Nichols
@Another Scott: Yeah, it’s kinda dead in here. But thanks for your support, it means a great deal.
I don’t, and I don’t have the time to phonebank, but I applaud you guys and gals for doing it. Is there a donations page?
Thanks for the doing the good work!
Just finished dinner and dishes here in the Midwest (yes we eat late compared to our neighbors! Such is the fancy life of urban gays ;) )
Anyhoo. I can’t make the zoom later this week because of prior commitment. But I might be willing to contact some WI folks for the RVP. That said, most of the people I know there are already pretty set in their patterns (the good news is they’re likely voters! And the better news is they’re probably 80/20 D vs R).
Is it helpful to Voces for me to get these people recorded in the app? By doing so am I increasing their chances of being text-spammed later? (I ask, because I get an inordinate number of unwanted and irritating text messages. I’m an old, I guess. I don’t mind email. Email is quiet. I can’t turn off my text chimes because people I need to communicate with text me. But I have NO interest in texting with campaigns. Ever. On anything. At all. Not even once. Am I clear here? Sorry to be a grouch.)
Soooo, that’s my deal. Wanna help. Don’t want my mother-out-law getting texted by other people because I logged into an app and recorded that she’s a Dem and a likely voter.
Crabbiness aside, I’m a happy Voces donor and hope the overall project is a ripping success.
Al Nichols
@ian: Ian, sure, here’s a link.
And thanks a lot!
Al Nichols
@RaflW: Is it helpful get these people recorded? Absolutely, every little bit helps. You’re probably aware that in Wisconsin especially, these elections are won and lost on the margins.
We can’t text-spam anyone because we can’t access your contacts’ information. The app can access that information but spamming is not in their interest, they’d soon be out of business if they were to do so or to sell the information to a third party that did so.
If you’re interested in reading more about the app, the one we use is called “Impactive” and this is their web page.
Almost Retired
Late to the thread, and eager to learn how Voces will use the information and what the impact will be (if any) on the contacts we identify and load into the app. I only know a handful of people in Wisconsin, and am curious as to what kind of contact information will work (e.g, Facebook friends as my only point of contact without knowing their cellphone numbers, etc.)?
I’ve got friends and family in Wisconsin, but I’m busy Wednesday night. Will the Zoom be recorded?
Al Nichols
@Almost Retired: The impact on the contacts is a function of the persuasive skills of the contacters (that would be you all), but we offer training, support, and advice to make that easier. The impact on the campaign from the aggregated results can be meaningful, both in the hard-data sense (how many yes/maybe/no responses we are getting) and the soft-data, more anecdotal, sense (what are people saying when we talk to them).
For contact information, we suggest using your phone’s contact list as a starting point, so that would mean phone numbers. We’ve never experimented with Facebook friends so I can’t speak to that; it might be an interesting path to pursue with the app developers.
Please see the update added up top.