Hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected…
Ian has weakened into a tropical storm but is still expected to produce strong winds, heavy rains, and storm surge across portions of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said https://t.co/T4wkSmZKuc
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 29, 2022
nightmare fuel (video takes place over roughly 90 minutes) https://t.co/WWmcSS74vQ
— Gerry Doyle (@mgerrydoyle) September 29, 2022
Ian became a tropical storm, threatening catastrophic flooding in Florida, and was expected to emerge over the Atlantic near the Kennedy Space Center. https://t.co/ArS5zDx7Am
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 29, 2022
Real shark? Or just another DeSantis crony, trolling for taxpayer funds?
After over half a decade of debunking this hoax every time there was a flood or hurricane, I can't believe I'm looking at an honest-to-god street shark.
Good to finally meet you, pal. https://t.co/hwMWX4Peqo
— Jane Lytvynenko (@JaneLytv) September 28, 2022
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is capping her trip to Asia with a stop at the Demilitarized Zone dividing the Korean Peninsula as she tries to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to the security of its Asian allies. https://t.co/dYuFpRhzia
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 29, 2022
The U.S. will provide an additional $1.1 billion in aid to Ukraine, with funding for about 18 more advanced rocket systems and other weapons to counter drones that Russia has been using against Ukrainian troops, according to U.S. officials. https://t.co/XVMlCvbHd5
— The Associated Press (@AP) September 28, 2022
Crystal Ball: 2 gubernatorial rating changes:
Michigan and Pennsylvania
Leans D to Likely DExplained at:https://t.co/AFmrGeWFii
— Kyle Kondik (@kkondik) September 28, 2022
(Doug Mastriano and Tudor Dixon, both Trump-approved, are proving less-than-stellar candidates.)
Opinion by Deb Haaland: How we expunged a racist, sexist slur from hundreds of public lands https://t.co/Sokdbm5kAj
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 29, 2022
germy shoemangler
Hey guys, she’s available now.
I learned something with that Haaland op/Ed.
@germy shoemangler: No takers here.
@germy shoemangler:
Too old for Gaetz.
germy shoemangler
@OzarkHillbilly: @Baud:
I can fix her.
Betty Cracker
These flamingos can be safely restored to their habitat today, most likely. Bathroom break’s over!
@Baud: I figured it out from the picture. Pleased myself, since I don’t Wordle.
@germy shoemangler: What? She was married for 27 years? She’s much older than I thought. (No one has to give me her age.) And that just makes her repulsive behavior even more repulsive.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Good morning.
@germy shoemangler: Be my guest.
@Betty Cracker:
Of course dancing.
Also, if the Sunken Gardens weren’t sunken, maybe they wouldn’t have weather-related issues!
(I’ll see myself out.)
germy shoemangler
“That’s what she said”
Nothing to see here: Truss allies’ curious excuses for financial meltdown
Vladimir Putin
The Bank of England
(the lack of) Fracking
Keir Starmer
I’m only surprised they don’t blame Ozark hillbillies. Maybe that comes tomorrow..
@Betty Cracker: That looks more civilized than some hurricane parties I’ve heard about :)
Gage Goulding – NBC2 (@GageGoulding) tweeted at 5:32 AM on Thu, Sep 29, 2022:
#BreakingNews: An approximately 50-65 foot section of the Sanibel Causeway Bridge has fallen into the Gulf of Mexico. @NBC2 https://t.co/vOI2EvyVOY
@OzarkHillbilly: I hear J D Vance is campaigning on that.
@germy shoemangler:
She’s been available. Widely available!
This just removes one guy from the picture.
@Betty Cracker: how are you, Betty?
@OzarkHillbilly: It was not his choice, but Boris Johnson sure got out at the right time!
Nothing like the anti dem media – anyone else notice this – my bold
No doubt she is demonstrating the US commitment – where does the “she tries” come from other than a media that will not report/accept anything the Biden administration achieves.
Yeah, “widely denounced.” The fuckers can’t come out and say it’s a sham. Just “there are a lot of people who say it’s a sham, but who knows for sure?” Constantly finding new ways to disgust me, they are.
ETA: And of course, “sign agreements” – like Edgar Bergen signing an agreement with Charlie McCarthy. (I guess you have to be of a certain age to get the reference.)
Betty Cracker
@Lapassionara: All good here! It’s still raining and breezy, but we’re fortunate to have missed the worst of it. It’s 64 degrees right now, which is unseasonably cool, but super humid. We’re keeping an eye on the river and hoping it doesn’t flood.
Jonathan D. Salant (@JDSalant) tweeted at 4:16 PM on Wed, Sep 28, 2022:
Just a reminder that Florida @GovRonDeSantis, as a member of the U.S. House, voted AGAINST federal aid for New Jersey following Hurricane Sandy. #HurricaneIan
@Betty Cracker: 😊🤞
Good catch.
@germy shoemangler:
Talked to my sister this morning and they are not optimistic about their house on Captiva. Haven’t heard back from my parents yet about their condo in Naples. They are only a couple blocks from the pier and it looked like the area around their condo was completely flooded. They’re on the third floor so the concern is their roof not flooding. Ugh.
Also too I finally got COVID. So far the worst is the sore throat. It’s awful. I have some mild coughing and sneezing and a fever. I wasn’t able to get the omicron booster. All the appointments have been booked.
No lie told
🐝💉💉💉💉 Dr. Yadira Caraveo for CO-08 (@Needle_of_Arya) tweeted at 6:11 AM on Thu, Sep 29, 2022:
white supremacy is so powerful that white people so affected by it will break up their own countries, adopt fascism as a governing philosophy and even die of a preventable disease while trying to keep it
it’s literally a modern secular religion
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 For you and your family
Take care!
The Thin Black Duke
@OzarkHillbilly: Don’t worry. Tax cuts will fix everything.
The Thin Black Duke
@mrmoshpotato: MTG never outgrew her Mean Girl phase.
@MomSense: I’m sorry, The hits just keep coming, small and large and both…
This is absolutely VOTER SUPPRESSION 😡
Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) tweeted at 10:57 PM on Wed, Sep 28, 2022:
Fascist republicans in Brazos County, Texas have refused to restore an on-campus early voting site at Texas A&M University in College Stations for 2022 midterm elections. It’s the largest campus in Texas.
This is retaliatory voter suppression for students favoring Beto O’Rourke.
@TS: I suspect it has more to do with her being a black woman than a member of the Biden admin.
@OzarkHillbilly: There seems general agreement that Kwasi Kwarteng, Chancellor of the Exchequer, will be next on the list. He may be underbussed for crashing the economy, if they can do it in a way that doesn’t admit they crashed the economy.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Betty Cracker: Good to see you alive and kicking, BC.
Here’s hoping MTG’s divorce is at least in part tied to issues of spousal privilege in soon-to-be brought civil or criminal proceedings. That’s probably not the most likely motivating factor, but it’s what this screen-gazing spectator is rooting for. The other possibilities are more likely to repulse than to titillate.
Can’t tolerate the sight or sound of Trump, MTG, and Gaetz, and instead rely on BJ to do the looking and listening for me.
@TS: I was going to comment on this, too. The press uses “tries”, tried”, and “trying” in association with Biden and Democrats a lot. They don’t seem to use those words as much with Republicans for some reason. I think they are programmed to subconsciously telegraph Democratic failure with the word “try”.
@germy shoemangler:
Unless they’re highlighting the hypocrisy of their cruel policies or committing rape (which includes pedophilia) I don’t care even slightly who political figures sleep with or how. Marriages included.
EDIT – That sounded really brusque and I apologize for that. It’s not scolding you, just a statement of my attitude towards scandals like this.
The whole Republican cast of characters reminds me of high school. MTG is just like a girl I knew who was not bright and enjoyed being mean. She was the kind of person who would say if you don’t like X you should leave and go to Cuba. Just stunningly stupid and she thought her dumb retorts were such burns.
Hawley, Cruz, Cotton – all of those assholes remind me of the boys in my college prep classes. They were smart, but incredibly arrogant and didn’t realize how provincial they were. Honestly I don’t think going out in the world helped them. They all fell for Reagan, acted like Alex P Keaton and aspired to be Gordon Gekko.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: Boo. Feel better soon.
Agree. These people are Reaganism taken to its logical conclusion.
@OzarkHillbilly: Nope, if you pay attention you’ll notice they use the word “try” a lot in association with Biden and other Dems, too. NPR does it a lot.
@Soprano2: I agree with you. What I’m less sure about is whether the media uses the same language when it comes to the GOP, and I haven’t noticed because that doesn’t trigger me.
@Ken: So many buses to be thrown under.
I wondered about that too.
@MomSense: MTG’s response highlighted the fact that her husband was a wonderful father who gave her wonderful children yadda yadda yadda. Whatever he has on her must be good. I think he wants to secure his half of the estate. She’s been having affairs for years, so I doubt that is it.
Take care of yourself, and Sanibel/Captiva is not accessible by car. ugh
Amir Khalid
When it comes to deflecting blame, PM Truss is displaying Jedi master-level skill.
@Soprano2: I don’t pay attention. Literally. No broadcast news of any type for me.
It’s really frustrating when pundits look back on Reagan like he was the glorious apex of the Republican Party. Missing his racism, arrogance and the way he vilified government and made selfishness a virtue was appalling at the time. His legacy is foreign policy blowback, extreme wealth inequality, the national debt, the intrusion of religious extremism into our politics, violence against our government, crumbling infrastructure, and much more.
@MomSense: Agree. It feels like for pundits and a lot of others, political history started with Clinton.
RIP Coolio.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: Yup. Maldistribution of wealth accelerated under Reagan’s policies. Plus the guy had Alzheimer’s while in office. Doesn’t that give any of his fans pause?
Today I learned this history of what Haaland calls a hateful word, so I won’t repeat it. In the back of my mind, I think I had heard recently it was derogatory, but her oped clarified it for me. Growing up, I only thought it meant “woman.” Now I know better, thanks to Secretary Haaland. Words do matter.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: There’s a generation for whom political history started with Reagan’s 1980 landslide, and that’s the lens through which they see absolutely everything.
Also glad to see Ms Cracker of Florida high up in the comments. Glad you made it through Ian.
Matt McIrvin
@MelissaM: As she said, it does mean “woman” in some Eastern Algonquian languages that colonists encountered early on, but they made it into a slur and applied it everywhere.
@Matt McIrvin: True. I should say negative political history. All bad things in politics stem from Clinton.
@Matt McIrvin: Reagan benefited from Carter’s deregulation and his choice of Volcker to head the Fed. Carter got the blame, and Reagan got the credit. But Carter was an engineer, and Reagan was a showman.
@Baud: I don’t know, but I did hear a story on NPR the other day about Republicans and they didn’t use that kind of language. I think it has to do with their subconscious feeling that Democrats are weak and feckless, while Republicans are strong. I went on that AP Tweet and commented to them about it because their usage was particularly egregious. “Trying” to demonstrate our commitment to our Asian allies? Really?
zhena gogolia
@MomSense: Oh, I’m sorry. I hope you recover quickly.
I suppose the one bad thing in politics that pre-dated Clinton was the borking of Bork. In the media’s eyes, that vote on the merits gave the GOP carte blanche to do whatever they wanted to with respect to the courts.
@Soprano2: Yes, it’s particularly egregious in this context. Are they going to follow up with our Asian allies to ask if the U.S. has shown its commitment?
Speaking of Jimmy Carter, he will turn 98 on Saturday. He and Rosalynn both use walkers these days, but still get out and about in Plains, regularly mingling with residents and tourists.
@Matt McIrvin: Everybody I grew up with/went to school with in my ultra white, working class hometown where everybody used to be a Democrat but are now Trumpers.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@SiubhanDuinne: Jimmy Carter is the best ex-president of my lifetime.
mali muso
@Baud:RIP Coolio. I was a senior in high school when Gangster’s Paradise was everywhere…it’s like the soundtrack to my memories of that era.
It’s striking and sad, how many Black rappers/singers have passed away recently, at ages that are far too young. Really illuminates how structural racism impacts health outcomes.
@mali muso: That is stark. Facts in plain sight.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
@germy shoemangler:
LOL – Granted, she very likely handles tingly bits in an expert fashion, but she oozes a miasma of “bunny boiler”.
Have your fun under any name but your own.
Sometime in the not too distant future (we aren’t there yet but it is inevitable now), an event like this will occur and the flood waters will simply never go away.
germy shoemangler
@Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg:
Rotating tag.
@mali muso:
I read a segment of an interview about, oddly enough, his relationship with Weird Al. Apparently he got really mad about Amish Paradise at the time. Later he realized he was wrong, that he was ‘being stupid’, apologized, and in the interview said that real men and people in general should admit when they’re wrong and apologize. That is a message too rarely heard. Bravo Coolio.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I agree, by far.
The Thin Black Duke
@mali muso: As Melvin van Peebles observed, black people “ain’t supposed to die a natural death.”
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Geminid: Yes. And I quibble with Reagan forward as the timeline… it’s starts with the untrue perception that Carter was somehow the poster child for failed one term presidencies. Then it moves to the Reagan years which is why pappy Bush is NOT treated as a poster child for failed one term presidents – he was too closely connected to Reagan to be considered a failure, so his loss to Clinton is portrayed as the county somehow letting him down – like he deserved a second term but somehow the fickle American public got hoodwinked by Clinton with an assist from Ross Perot.
But we have to start with a failed dem administration rather than looking back at Ford, or god forbid Nixon.
Yes, but did she glare menacingly across the border from an observation deck? I remember when vice presidents doing that caused the North Koreans to immediately suspend their nuclear program and cease missile tests forever.
germy shoemangler
I really enjoyed seeing Lizzo play that crystal flute. I wonder what James Madison would have thought?
germy shoemangler
Pence acted like a real yard dog with that stunt.
Edmund Dantes
@Frankensteinbeck: the segment is here…
It really is a great answer.
germy shoemangler
DeSantis trying his best not to be “petty”
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@rikyrah: Well, that’s depressing.
In happier news, my sister made it through. The house she was staying in is flooded, but she’s okay.
The kids are alright:
@Betty Cracker: Tamara, is that you?
@TS: That “tries to” is the first thing I noticed, and I had to look twice to make sure I saw what I thought I saw. Completely unprofessional for anyone claiming to be a journalist to write that.
Amir Khalid
I remember that photo. To me, it looked more like he’d forgotten his glasses and was squinting to make out something, anything, from a distance.
germy shoemangler
@mali muso: Rest in power, Coolio.
His number one hit:
He seems like a good guy.
Matt McIrvin
@Soprano2: You see it in left critiques of the Democrats, too, going back decades: the short version is always “the Republicans are evil and crazy but the Democrats are weak and useless.” It’s alive and well in international political rhetoric talking about the US scene, too.
I think that across the whole spectrum there’s a whiff of what psychologists used to call identification with the aggressor: being aggressive and mean makes you seem active and strong, and there’s a magnetism to it. How can anyone who wants to talk and vote compete with people who are willing to shoot you, or at least drop dark hints about it? But what would be the point of going that route?
John S.
@mali muso:
Even worse, a few of those talented artists died from accidental drug overdoses related to fentanyl. You can add Prince to that list as well.
@MomSense: I can’t watch MSNBC because “liberal” pundits such as Nichole Wallace look back upon the atrocities they enabled as Bush’s lackeys as serving in a great, noble, liberationist administration. MSNBC is Republican-lite. And yes, all TV “news” in not worth watching. God, does Michael Steele sleep in their NYC studio?
I see anti-Semitic shit Ten Bears has come out of hibernation. It’s so nice to pie a lunatic who promotes the idea that Jews wrote the “Protocols of the Elders of Zionism” in order to facilitate their own genocide for the greater good to create Israel. Brilliant! A credit to this blog! Anyone who deals with this turd is dealing with a quasi-nazi. Check out this crap’s past views on Yastreblyansky’s blog, “The Rectification of Names.” I think the asswipe with Ten Assholes for Brains was finally kicked off a few years ago.
@germy shoemangler:
It was pretty cool. Had no idea flutes could be 1. made of crystal and that 2. James Madison had one, for some reason. I wish she had played more than just a brief trill — she’s actually a quite skilled flutist.
@Matt McIrvin:
I agree. I find that a lot of people who criticize or look down on Dems, regardless of their ideology, do so from a toxic masculinity frame of reference.
germy shoemangler
A gift to Madison from France, apparently.
She twerked while playing it! I love her….
germy shoemangler
Do you have a link to his comments about the protocols? I’m not seeing it.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA):
I am relieved to hear that, and glad for all our Jackals and Jackal-adjacents who came through safely.
germy shoemangler
Miss Bianca
@rikyrah: no lie told indeed.
@germy shoemangler:
There’s an easy solution for all concerned.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA):
Yay! So glad to hear.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA): Good news.
@jonas: I was surprised myself. When I heard “crystal” last night my first thought was “oh, yeah, ‘healing energies.'” Roger Moore clued me in that it was glass, the sort of thing that needs to be kept out of my hands at all costs. Watching her walk across the stage to give it back all I could think of how I’d trip with it after step one, following up with an embarrassing time with a whisk broom and dust pan.
@mali muso: I ran across the story of a woman, who wound up in prison, but it all started with falling in love with a jazz musician, and seeing how they were treated by society.
She said she understood why they took drugs to cope.
@germy shoemangler: She reminds me of the males who took “she’s crazy she’ll do anything” as an endorsement instead of a warning.
@Amir Khalid: I thought he looked constipated. Mother needs to work on his diet.
They are backed by the same people and think-tanks that have guided the UK Tories.
Miss Bianca
@germy shoemangler: meant to post this yesterday on the crystal flute thread, but got sidetracked by my life. Second time in a week I’d heard about crystal flutes, James Madison’s included.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Of course, whenever violence is associated (rightly or wrongly) with the left, it hardly helps us–see the way rhetoric turned BLM into a faux terrorist group. I suppose that’s just when they flip from sexism to racism as the primary attack angle. The violence isn’t something YOU (median white voter person) can identify with, because it’s those other people organizing a revolt.
@germy shoemangler: Same! Colbert showed it last night.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Ken: Seems like if they actually leaders they could prevent their caucus from blowing up the economy. “Leaders” is not the right term for people who warn about what the crazies on their side might do but are powerless to stop them.
Amir Khalid
Now that I’ve filled up my guitar rack, I really really shouldn’t be looking at bass guitars.
@Matt McIrvin:
If liberals didn’t unify conservatives, conservatives would be at each other’s throats. They need the conflict to make their toxic masculinity valuable. The fact is, although aggression shouldn’t be part of our day to day lives, there are situations where it is the best tool to use. The conservative agenda is to convince people that those situations are always present.
@Amir Khalid: Hahaha…
@Amir Khalid:
@Amir Khalid: Yes, that would be wrong.
germy shoemangler
How to Improve Your Memory, But Not Enough to Remember Your Childhood
Miss Bianca
Meanwhile…open thread and all…finally got my old dog Roxy, who had suddenly started vehemently coughing late last week, into the vet’s office for x-rays and…doc says it’s lung cancer.
What was it King Lear had to say on the subject of a loved one’s death?
Oh yeah…Howl, howl, howl, howl, howl.
How apropos.
Anyway…now comes the decision about euthanasia. As in, when? Now, that I know death is imminent and she can still function (eat, drink, go out to pee)? Or wait till even these minimal signs of quality of life are gone? I just don’t want to make a decision based on selfishness, as in, “I can’t bear to hear her suffering, so let’s get it over with” vs. “I can’t bear to let her go just yet.” Vet gave me Lasix (I think that’s what it’s called) to help clear fluid out of her lungs, but that’s not a cure by any means, just a chemical band-aid.
I don’t know. I can’t seem to think about it clearly. Help…?
@Miss Bianca:
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis.
@Amir Khalid: Maybe look at bass fiddles instead.
Kayla Rudbek
Good morning, everyone! I hope that all the jackals in Florida or with friends/relatives there are doing all right.
I need music recommendations in the genre of classical crossover (examples: Vitamin String Quartet, The Piano Guys, 2Cellos, What If Mozart Wrote “Born To Be Wild”). I want instrumental music to listen to while I work, and my classical playlist is tainted with bad memories. Any suggestions?
@Miss Bianca: Oh I’m so sorry about Roxy! With my two dogs, who both had cancer, the decision window was so short I really didn’t have time to think. I don’t know if that is better or worse.
Fuck cancer!
@Miss Bianca: When my good boy Hoss was diagnosed with late stage bone cancer, I knew it was time when he spent the whole day laying on the cool tile floor in the bathroom.
So sorry you are soon going to be facing the same.
@jonas: There is a longer clip of her playing at the library of Congress:
PS, although reported as “twerking,” not every butt shake is a twerk. But let us NOT debate that particular question.
@MomSense: Please take care of yourself!!
@Miss Bianca:
I’m so sorry. In my experience dogs don’t let on how much pain they are in so you have to look for signs. You will know. 💔
@Amir Khalid: gotta have a rhythm section, right?
@Amir Khalid:
PS A bass is, in fact, a guitar. 🎸
Tony Jay
@Miss Bianca:
Oh, fuck you cancer. That’s shitty news.
I guess my only advice at this horrible time is, what would you like your last memory of your friend to be like? Pained and scared or peaceful and happy?
@Immanentize: Except for when it’s a fiddle.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: Establishment Republicans are ambivalent about their radical partners.
1st Republican “leader:”
“Maybe we’re going too far.”
2nd Republican “leader:”
“Yeah, but what if it works?”
I think the leaders know that a default would not work, and will find some way to head it off. But they are fascinated by the prospect that the radicals who’ve taken over their party might help them take over Congress.
Miss Bianca
@Tony Jay: Oh, gahhhh, that opens up another can o’ worms for me – if I take her to the vet’s office to have the deed done, then she’s scared and anxious right before the needle goes in. I will have to see if the vet who did my Stella’s at-home euthanizing is still around and would be willing to come out.
Ugh, so many decisions to make all at once, so little coffee to deal with it all…
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
The former McKenzie Bezos is back on the market again, so I’ve still got a chance to live in a lifestyle to which I’d like to become accustomed.
Amir Khalid
@Miss Bianca:
My Bianca went suddenly. I didn’t get any advance warning. But you’ve been able to see this coming; and I think you will be able to sense when it’s time to let Roxy go. You will know. It won’t be premature and you won’t have let her linger in needless suffering. Have faith that you can and will do right by her.
@Miss Bianca: My measure is quality of life. As long as Roxy seems to have a good quality of life, and you can handle whatever measures are necessary to maintain that, I would do that. Once quality of life becomes an issue – they can’t walk, or eat by themselves, for example – then to me it’s time to think about the trip to the vet. It’s a hard decision because we can’t ask them how they feel and what they want. ETA -I’m so sorry you have to think about this, it really sucks even when you know you’re doing the right thing.
My understanding is that Yankovic always asked permission of the artists whose songs he was parodying, even though there’s no legal necessity for doing so. So I’m wondering what happened here.
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: Have I mentioned lately that I love you? : ) Honestly, you’re one of my favorite commenters here. Thank you for that insight, it helps.
Oh, and parenthetical aside: I’ve been considering taking up bass again myself. Wondering whether to go with another electric (I have a tear-drop-shaped Phantom Vox copy that’s a legacy from my ex, and I find it extremely awkward to play – it pretty much demands to be played standing up, because it’s so hard to hold sitting down, especially with no strap).
I used to have a Fender Jazz, which sounded great but was kind of heavy. Thinking about shopping around for a short-neck hollow body, maybe a DanElectro Silvertone or Jerry Jones Longhorn copy.
Heidi Mom
@Miss Bianca: I’m so sorry to hear that you’re faced with this decision.
@Amir Khalid:
No law against having two racks.
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: I meant to reply to you but somehow the comment got dusted. Anyhoo, thank you for what you said, it was just what I needed.
Oh, and I may be shopping for a bass guitar myself, also too. Want to take it up again for my band. I have a Phantom Vox copy that I’d like to trade in on something else – it’s a legacy from my ex and I find the teardrop shape makes it incredibly awkward to play sitting down, especially without a strap. Thinking of something light and short-necked, like a DanElectro Jerry Jones longneck or Silvertone copy.
Also thinking about an acoustic bass guitar, but I haven’t ever found one that I thought was really good, I may have to get the ex to build me one (he’s a luthier – I have a guitar I bought for him back when we were still married that I would be willing to trade back to him as partial payment.)
@Soprano2: And thank you too.
I love this place, even the people we disagree with, sometimes vehemently (NOT you, I hasten to add), will stop and grieve with us when our pets are ill or dying.
@rikyrah: spot-on
I cannot imagine being so in thrall to something so obviously hateful and hurtful to other people…but clearly for them, that’s the point.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: You can always get a bass rack.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: So sorry about Roxy. She’ll let you know when it’s time. Until then, spoil the loving fuck out of her.
mali muso
@lowtechcyclist: From what I understand, he (Yankovic) got the ok from Coolio’s management company but they hadn’t actually cleared it with him. Apparently, from then on Yankovic made a point of actually getting an ok directly from the artist being parodied.
or a fish
James E Powell
For me it isn’t everybody, but about 95%. It’s what led me to drop facebook.
Paul in KY
@Amir Khalid: The “I’m so dense I can’t possibly be responsible for this” defense. She’s played it well so far.
Paul in KY
@MomSense: I hate the fucker, but compared to TFG, he’s like Bismarck & Abe Lincoln all rolled into one.
@tybee: Thanx for the chuckle.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Don’t be giving me ideas …
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: thanks, good advice and I plan to follow it.
Anybody with experience of the TenJet procedure for tennis elbow or other chronic tendon pain locations? Will ask also at next open thread if this one is dead.
Thanks in advance ( since tia is also transient ischemic attack)
@Miss Bianca: I have an Epiphone Rivoli with a 30” scale, you might want to look at those. Fender Mustang is the usual go-to short scale bass. Kathy Valentine (Go-Gos) started with that.
@Amir Khalid: Go for it! You might find you should be a bass player instead. I wish I’d known that a couple decades ago!
(Then I could be mediocre on two instruments)
Paul in KY
@Benw: mentioned in another (dead) thread that I saw him a couple weeks back at Riotfest. Great set. He played all his hits & looked like he was having a great time up there. Sure glad I saw him.
Paul in KY
@Miss Bianca: In humans, lung cancer is painful.
I could see why he would be mad because it came as a surprise. Gangster’s Paradise was real soulful look at crime around black communities and what lives these men lead.
But really great that he decided that his reaction was wrong – and apologized. That speaks a lot about him more than anything else.
Yankovic was really devastated as well – as I understand it and gave profits of the song back to Coolio.
@Amir Khalid: But what about a CRYSTAL guitar?
@misterpuff: Nah, that will just make you a target of some supervillain who’s trying to collect the Crystal Skull, Crystal Flute, and Crystal Guitar for mcguffinesque reasons.
@germy shoemangler:
She may be available.
She will never be in any way desirable.
@catclub: A close friend had that done for a chronic elbow injury and was very pleased with the results.
Travels with Charley
For Bianca: don’t know if this has already been suggested, but there is an organization called Lap of Love, which comes to your house to put a beloved pet down. They will also help assess if that is the right thing to do. This might be helpful to you….
@Miss Bianca: I don’t know where you are but Lap of Love has offices in the Northeast (I’m in Connecticut) Heard about them from a coworker. Have not used them myself though. I still am considering them for my Buddy as he is 16 and having health issues. And the vets office scares him…I don’t want that for him…
For a lot of them it actually did start with Clinton.
For a lot of us more seasoned folks, it started a lot longer ago than that. Also Clinton, being a not perfect person (who of us is?) didn’t exactly help himself. Also, the two parties, while quite a bit different, weren’t quite as far apart on, well, every damn issue. Over time, due to a number of reasons, the parties have separated quite a bit farther. Conservatives have lost a lot over my lifetime because people began to realize that getting politically and financially screwed on a continuous basis wasn’t as much fun as they were told. A lot of the conservative base is people who haven’t been able to figure that out or who are doing at least some of the screwing. You also have racism, a really, really strong dividing point that is taught behavior, and takes a hell of a lot to overcome, desire being one of the hardest things.
Matt McIrvin
@cain: Weird Al Yankovic seems to be an almost painfully nice guy and, these days, generally doesn’t do a parody without getting permission from the original artist, even if he’d have every legal right to. I wonder if that was a turning point.
(edit: ah, I see it was)
Matt McIrvin
@Ruckus: It often feels to me like conservatives haven’t really lost power at all. But they have gone from being genuinely majority-popular and even motivating liberals to move toward their position, back in the 1980s or so, to hanging on through every procedural trick imaginable combined with fanatic loyalty from their base and the occasional lucky break, even though a majority really don’t like them.
Matt McIrvin
@OGLiberal: Most of the people in the neighborhood I grew up in were Reagan Republicans to begin with, except for the weird drama geeks and such in my immediate social circle. And they still seem to be mostly pretty liberal.
(And the neighborhood itself is now far more ethnically diverse and solidly blue. It was a transition I saw beginning at the time.)
@Miss Bianca:
It is one of the hardest decisions ever.
As others have said, you will likely know, has eating stopped, has activity slowed down to far less than normal. They age faster than we do and that includes the ending part. You knew something was wrong, she knows something is wrong, it is life for all of us living creatures, one of the hardest parts.
I recommend if the vet can come to you. One of my neighbors had to put down his support dog, a couple of weeks ago and the vet came and it was as good as it gets. I think that a lot of vets will do this, they know what it means to both of you.
@Matt McIrvin:
CA used to be far, far more conservative. My rep was a John Burch Society member 50-60 yrs ago. But it is one of if not the most liberal state now. Some of that is the population growth, some of that is folks moved here because it was changing, some moved here for the weather, some for all of the above. LA county is more populated than 39 states. The republicans in my area have a local office, looks like a small town 1 person law office with cast off folding chairs, and the only people I’ve seen in it are 2 white haired old farts who likely have been repubs forever and don’t have a clue, dems don’t need one and if they had one it would have to be the size of a supermarket. (Yes I have a white beard and am bald, I can say white haired old farts because I am one) Those little towns with not a lot going on that remain rethuglican do so because they don’t want change, they want to stay the way they have been for a lot of decades, they are afraid of change, even though it is going to change, like it or not. They are going to stand in the way and be as stupid as possible about it, they are going to bring in stupid younger folks because they are and that’s politics. They think their life is better because it doesn’t change, most of us old farts know it’s better because it HAS changed over time because we can see it. They can’t. Change wins over time, it always has and it always will, it’s the time it takes that is the problem.
@Amir Khalid: You’re right you shouldn’t. What you need is another guitar rack
@Miss Bianca: I’m so sorry. You’ll know when the time is right for her, until then give her your love and enjoy the company. It’s so very hard.
My sandy shack in the Sunshine State survived the storm surge.
Located in the Alpine region of Florida it is approximately 20 feet above sea level.
The neighbor advises a couple of trees harmlessly fell across the lawn.
Matt McIrvin
@Ruckus: But over the same time period, there’s a huge chunk of the Midwest that moved hard right– from a kind of prairie liberalism to something close to fascism– and now Florida seems to be doing the same. So the balance of power doesn’t shift so much overall.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Hope it’s not too late for you to see this:
Penguin Cafe Orchestra
they’ve been playing as a alternative chamber music group for four decades (OMG! has it really been that long), so you may have already heard them.
Now simply named Penguin Cafe:
NPR tiny desk concert 2017
@Matt McIrvin:
I believe some of that was people moving on to other, more liberal places or with better jobs or both. It just wasn’t there and other places offered more than the same old tired shit. Notice that even in the deepest red environs there are liberal areas, better cities, places that are not as likely to be run by minimal thinking power people who count every damn dime that might, just might make things better for everyone as a loss for them. A nation that takes care of those who can’t do as much, like my friend my age who has polio and has lived in a wheelchair for the past 25-30 yrs. Or any number of the other folks in the senior’s complex I live in, over 55 only but there is no upper limit. Someone gave the 96 yr old who rides around on her electric cart an apple phone and she can’t see well enough to figure it out so she was sent to the apple expert here, me. That shows you the level of apple expert here, just above that is the wrong color for a macintosh and it’s not ripe yet. We as an entire nation need to to better to be the nation that we are supposed to be, the one I was told in school that I lived in and the one that IMO has not really lived up to that very well. Joe and Kamala are doing a bang up job trying to make up for the total fucking disaster that was the Shit For Brains 4 disaster years. I have been voting for over 50 yrs and watching rethuglican presidents (and governors!) screw the pooch and every other animal for most of my 73 yrs. SFB is the worst of the lot by way, way too much. Their policies are similar to those small town mayors in rural rethuglican cities where the grift is still a large percentage of the total economy, and while it may (or may not) be direct grift, someone is getting wealthier and all of us are losing. We seem to have lost sight that government costs money (as most everything does), and that rethuglican governments costs a hell of a lot more over time, in money, health and life, that not everyone can be a productive-money making human for the grifters/rethuglicans and that money isn’t everything unless you are a greedy fuck.
We need to recognize that the rethuglicans lie more often than they breathe, and that they might not even actually realize they are, that’s how deep into it many of them are. We can no longer live like it’s every man for himself or even that it’s every person for themselves, that really does not work worth a shit. We are all in this together and we can never, ever get to the point of some place like Russia, where the leaders are grifting every other citizen and fucking them because they don’t see them as people, only producers or bodies to shove in front of bullets. And that is exactly what current day rethuglicans want, which is why a bunch of their congress people went to Russia on that 4th of July.
@Kayla Rudbek:
Maybe not exactly classical crossover, and I listen especially for Hannah Reid’s vocals, but in case you’re still checking back, I’ve been listening to a lot of London Grammar. Frequently orchestral anyway.