cannot wait to see the catfish show this becomes
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 30, 2022
Since CPAC comes but once a y… well, these days, approximately once every six weeks — but who wants to apply for a passport and risk “THEM” coming after you, when the tech makes it so easy to get your wages garnished for back child support and small court claims?
hey babe u up
— kilgore trout, death to putiner (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 30, 2022
A new dating app called The Right Stuff — co-founded by a former Trump body man — promises conservative romantics refuge in the dating world. One of the app’s co-founders, Dan Huff, spoke to us about his vision. 👇
— POLITICO (@politico) September 30, 2022
As we already knew, Peter Thiel has a low opinion of… breeders. “Founder & CEO” Johnny McEntee, per the NYPost in 2021:
President Trump’s 29-year-old body man took control of personnel in the final days of the administration — hiring beautiful young women and geeky guys that were called the “Rockettes and the Dungeons and Dragons,” a new book says.
With the White House in disarray in Trump‘s final year in office, Johnny McEntee, 29, emerged seemingly out of nowhere to become head of the ultra-powerful Presidential Personnel Office, according to “The Final Act of the Trump Show” by ABC’s chief DC correspondent, Jonathan Karl.
The MAGA fanatic — whose former job was carrying Trump’s luggage on trips — was “a f–king idiot,” a high-level cabinet secretary told Karl in an excerpt published by The Atlantic on Tuesday.
But McEntee convinced the commander in chief that he was the man to ferret out “secret Never Trumpers” who had infiltrated the White House — and soon became what a senior administration official described as “deputy president,” the bombshell book claims…
— zeddy (@Zeddary) September 30, 2022
How many of the first crop of users are LEOs trolling for domestic terrorists?
One of the prompts on the conservative-only dating app the Right Stuff: “January 6th was…”
— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) September 30, 2022
One Right Stuff app ambassador that @Noah_Kirsch and I spoke with hopes the app will ban right-wing males on the platform looking for “hookups.”
— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) September 30, 2022
… [D]espite the aim of enlisting female Capitol Hill staffers and right-wing politicos, the startup is already facing some problems.
For one, there’s an emerging legal dispute with another dating service, also called The Right Stuff.
That “The Right Stuff” has existed for more than two decades, but it has nothing to do with conservative politics.
The company is planning to send a cease-and-desist letter to the Thiel-backed operation, according to Michael Feigin, an attorney working on the case. The existing “dating service is for people that have higher levels of education, and many of them are left-wing, so they don’t like the confusion,” he said…
Still, another issue is actually getting users. Instead of drawing singles, the app has thus far largely drawn mockery, according to female Republican operatives who spoke to The Daily Beast.
Two Republican staffers in Washington, D.C., said many young conservative women have ignored McEnany’s outreach and have instead jeeringly passed around screenshots of her messages to group chats.
Other Republican staffers in D.C.—the sort who boast about downing drinks at the Navy Yard watering hole Mission and claim their pronouns are “Yee” and “Haw” on their Instagram profiles—told The Daily Beast the app has an array of possible problems, like liberals masquerading as right-wingers and the awkward potential of matching them with conservative staffers they already know.
“It’s all of Mitch McConnell’s staffers,” a female Republican operative said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because she still works in pro-Trump politics…
God bless intellectual property.
@Baud: also Republicans’ arrogant refusal to hire an intellectual property lawyer to vet which names they can legally use.
Anne Laurie
As my old man used to say, These guys couldn’t invent a fart after a bean dinner.
Just make the prompt “I did Nazi anything wrong with January 6th because…” already!
How do they not check this stuff before they launch?! Or do they just not care?
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Aside from the layup joke that an “alpha male” is one in need of serious debugging before it can be released out into the public domain, one major problem that the app doesn’t really address is that a lot of 21st-century American conservatives have, by and large, taken up the mantle of “unrepentant asshole”, which I’m fairly certain has been a turn-off and a red flag since roughly forever.
They need to leave Washington and come to the Midwest, which is full of their kind of girls.
Alito can kiss my arse.
@AlaskaReader: I think the views of Supreme Court spouses on the 2020 election have gone too far. What can you do?
@Baud: …show them the contempt they’ve earned.
Obligatory, I guess: “Catfish (Makes My Nature Rise),” The Four Tops
Uncle Jeffy
I’m betting that these “f*ing idiots think “intellectual property” refers to a liberal’s Volvo.
Which they fled to DC to get away from… and then complain…
@Uncle Jeffy: Who has Volvos anymore? I am 68. My mom had one that she loved, but it was a gas guzzling tank.
@WereBear: …”It’s not like home! Liberals everywhere and whites are a minority and the Democratic primary is the election.”
Well, then come home to the godforsaken place you left.
I love Ohio cities, but the hinterland not so much. Even the suburbs irk me.
@WereBear: All those girls want to get married and have kids in expensive private schools.
So McAntee was. like, Trump’s dresser? Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but wasn’t it kind of gay?
Seems like with a little time on our hands and some creativity, we could break some extremely hard and tiny hearts. Jackal group project?
ETA or bring about some conversion experiences, possibly. Think of it as Psyops.
Guess they should have developed a conservative Google first to search the term The Right Stuff…
Remember Conservapedia?
He was the bodyman. Same as Charlie on West Wing.
@sab: I had a 1988 wagon (Great White Shark) that got acceptable gas mileage and was probably the last standard transmission Volvo in Texas, but I left it with my retired dad when I left the country. He’s an inveterate shade-tree mechanic and the poor beast eventually succumbed to an engine fire. I really miss that car.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a fella.
Anne Laurie
Nope, just his coat-holder (a fine old political tradition). The guy behind & slightly to the side of a *major* politician, the one carrying the discarded jacket, breath mints, lip balm, speech notes, the envelope(s) of unmarked cash — all the impedimenta that would unnecessarily clutter a news photo.
Having a coat-holder of one’s own is a sign that a politician at least aspires to be someone photogs might besiege at any moment. It’s not usually a ticket to political office, but it’s a nice resume tidbit for someone who wants a career working behind the scenes. (IIRC, a couple of President Obama’s former coat-holders are now podcasters.)
All this stuff already successfully exists for conservative ‘Christians’ ™ so this is just another techie/dudebro “we’re not like them, ladies” effort to get some without the no-sex-before-marriage, birth-control-is-murder bullshit.
@Anne Laurie:
TIL I need a coat holder.
Anne Laurie
I thought that was Cole’s job! — Coat-holder, plus personal security.
Tony Jay
That moment when you realise that the de facto MAGAt look is ‘cueball- headed goatee-dyer with Corinthian teeth-eyes’ and it all makes sense.
Falling Diphthong
Hypothesis: It was never intended to be a successful ongoing dating app. The business model is to get an upfront payment from a bunch of dudes who want to own the libs, then close up shop in a few weeks while blaming those libs.
Thus not bothering to check if the name was available, advertising to men when they need women, etc.
Why not have kids in hospitals?
Actually I like the idea of “The Right Stuff” banning pronouns.
How else are these rightwing incel guys going to discover that they’re a perfect match for each other?
Patricia Kayden
And what’s wrong with dating McConnell’s staffers? They’re as far up Trump’s behind as you are since you’re still working in “pro-Trump politics”.
@bjacques: gotta take issue. You didn’t have a 1988 Volvo that got decent gas mileage because that car didn’t exist. Older volvos were notorious for poor fuel economy, unless maybe compared to F150s
@Falling Diphthong: You might just be right! The con artists are scamming the con artists!
@p.a.: Remember Conservapedia?
I just checked, and it seems Conservapedia is still a thing. Their current headline:
In total? Wikipedia gets 255 million page views every day.
“We had to build this app to survive” is a profound admission of weakness. I can see why Republican Hill women are mocking that nonsense.
Omnes Omnibus
A metric shit ton of soccer moms drive XC60s and XC90s. Not as pretentious as a Range Rover or BMW X5 but higher status than a Toyota Highlander or Honda Pilot.
@Omnes Omnibus: also, back in the late 80s/early 90s the quintessential mom car was the volvo 240 (or slightly upscale the 740) wagon. Had to have at least 150k on the odometer. Comparing Volvo odometer readings was kind of a sport in those days.
@Jinchi: I’d guess that if a DC area woman is really into pegging, she’d have good luck on that app, tho.
(Sorry if you’re seeing this unwholesome content on a Sunday morning. I didn’t choose to FP this topic! (How’s that for conservative-style blameshifting?))
@Patricia Kayden:
I think she’s referring to them as the liberals. I assume that’s the case when any trumper references McConnell by name. No, I’m not making that up.
This is why what passes for conservative comedy is useless. “Me” is what they’re looking for. That’s an actual pronoun that would obviously mock what the gender pronouns are meant to achieve.
Sometimes I prefer wondering why they’re so offensive to why they’re so stupid.
Wilson Heath
If they have to rebrand because the existing use of the name, they could always use “There’s Plenty of Fasc.”
Chris Johnson
@Wilson Heath: Ha, read that out and the joke is even better (i.e. it can also be spelled ‘fash’)
Kayla Rudbek
FYI, the US trademark application has to have a real mailing address for the applicant (not a FedEx/UPS/P.O. Box) if anyone wants to go look these people up (although applicant’s domicile address also works for that and can be kept confidential). But these bozos probably can’t figure out that process…
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
Did anyone else think “Ashley Madison” when reading this?
@RaflW: I kind of want to know what pegging is, but I don’t want to google it. You can decide whether I will be happier knowing, or not knowing. :-)
Anne Laurie
@WaterGirl: Urban Dictionary is a good source here (though still NSFW).