In other words, Democrats fight for every human’s rights. Republicans fight for their prejudices & their paymasters. From a thread:
Perhaps more than any politician in the country, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has read this political moment right on abortion — and relished this fight in a key swing state. My latest column in the @MichiganAdvance.
— Susan J. Demas 🏔 (@sjdemas) October 4, 2022
Per the Michigan Advance, Michigan Republicans beg Whitmer to zip it on abortion rights:
When Gov. Gretchen Whitmer gave her keynote address at the Mackinac Policy Conference in May, it suddenly became clear how many pundits had misjudged this particular political moment.
You would have expected the Democrat to earn some polite applause at the traditionally stuffy confab dominated by CEOs, lobbyists and legislators, one where her predecessor, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, always seemed most at home.
But rather than play it safe by tossing out a few platitudes about growing Michigan’s economy and calling it a day, Whitmer decided to use the platform to talk about abortion, even before the U.S. Supreme Court sent shock waves by dumping Roe v. Wade.
“As we chase our collective success, we must also be a state where women have bodily autonomy and equal rights,” Whitmer declared, as the room erupted in cheers and applause…
In the months since, abortion has consistently rated as the top issue with voters this election, as one in three women in America has lost access to abortion in just a few months’ time. It’s flipped conventional wisdom about Republicans dominating the midterms on its head, as even voters in conservative Kansas decisively shot down an anti-abortion measure in August.
Perhaps more than any politician in the country, Whitmer has read this moment right — and relished this fight in a key swing state.
It’s a big reason why she’s dominated the gubernatorial race that was, at one time, billed as one of the most competitive in the country.
Naturally, this has absolutely incensed Republicans who have been trying to talk about anything except reproductive rights. They’re desperately counting Whitmer’s tweets on abortion and begging her to stop bringing up the subject — especially her GOP opponent, Tudor Dixon, who backs a ban with no exceptions for rape, incest or the mother’s health. (It’s gotten so sad that anonymous sources have taken to complaining to the media about how frustrated the campaign is over Whitmer’s “incessant” focus on abortion).
… Whitmer is making the case that there would be “incredible economic impacts” if abortion is banned in Michigan. That’s resonated with voters, who get the connection between basic rights and their financial well-being. (Sometimes it takes pundits a while to catch up)…
Dana Houle, who’s a professional campaign worker, just recirculated this tweet. Anybody got any additions / amendments?
i spent the past 2 weeks sifting thru the overwhelming mass of local elections happening across the country this fall to identify the ones that are most important for abortion access, and explain why as precisely as i can.
it's a big but critical one:
— Taniel (@Taniel) July 14, 2022
Whitmer’s impressive as all hell – would that all Ds would lean into defending reproductive rights so forcefully and well.
I know it’s not usually our ‘thing’ (maybe) as Dems, but as the horror stories keep mounting up about women being denied care for ectopic pregnancies and being denied their regular, prescribed medications due to concerns that the drug in question might be used to abort a pregnancy, it really should be the first thing Dem politicians and candidates talk about on the campaign trail. Like, non-stop. It’s not like the snooze media is going to pick up that ball and run with it, despite the very real impact.
As an old male dude I feel like an idiot to not have researched abortion better in my past. I have always been pro choice and holy heck my late wife was super progressive but I just never paid much attention to the health side of being pro choice. I sort of bought into the anti-abortion framing without knowing about ectopic pregnancies, the “abortion” drugs that treated other illnesses, etc.
The stupid Dobbs decision has at least made me more informed and I hope the rest of the country as well. Maybe we get national legislation on this.
Biden has promised that we will — if we hold the House and give him another couple of Senators.
J R in WV
This issue is my primary reason for being optimistic about this election not turning out the way the “pundits” expect it to turn. Women are furious, and rightfully so. I’m furious on behalf of all the women I’m close to, cousins mostly now, and friends and neighbors who have had kids.
I’m an old childless white guy, but my aunt had an ectopic pregnancy in the long ago now. If she hadn’t had prompt medical care she would have died, and I would be shy a beloved younger cousin, my only family member left in WV besides my Wife. So it means a lot to me that women need good comprehensive reproductive health care.
On her slow death bed my mom, a life long Republican as far as I knew, told me in confidence “Don’t tell your father, but I haven’t voted for a Republican for years now. I can’t abide their attitude on abortion!” We talked about it, and it was obvious to me that in her youth, perhaps in college, she lost someone she dearly loved to the effect of an illegal abortion. I can’t know if it was a cousin, she had dozens of them, or just a really close friend. But think how many people know someone like my mom!
Anecdotally, I’ve seen lots of anger about the loss of abortion rights from women I know who are NOT political (and in some cases, who have never before publicly expressed an opinion on any issues of the day). I think the anti-abortion people really thought a majority agreed with them, and now they don’t know what hit them. Hopefully this will help us considerably next month.
And yes, Whitmer is VERY impressive.
Dan B
My cousin got an abortion in Mexico and bled for days afterwards. She told no one but me, the Gay Liberation activist. Until talking about your personal experience is common it may be difficult to get legislation that sticks. 90% of what’s shouted in public are the crazed Christianists. It seems that the majority of Americans favor abortion but they hear the opponents loud and clear
Go Governor Whitmer! Show the way!
Another Scott
Eyes on the prizes.
(via jonrog1)
Living in Michigan I am seeing all of this up close. The Republicans have been demagoguing on abortion for decades, secure in the knowledge that the pro-choice side was complacent. Forced birthers would vote their one issue, pro-choicers thought Roe would last forever.
Well, guys, you got what you wanted. Good and hard.
Sure Lurkalot
Why are men able to get drugs that limit their fertility? All life is precious, no? Hard to go forth and multiply when your sperm count is one and it does the backstroke.
randy khan
When the other side complains that you’re talking about an issue more than they want you to – “She’s only talking about abortion! What about x?” – you know that that one issue is killing them. And it’s time to turn the screws on them.
Glad to see that Whitmer gets it.
Her opponent Tudor Dioxin with the lameo biker ad. Hilarity abounds
I know California is not the same as Michigan when we are discussing abortion rights. Whitmer is doing a wonderful job. But in this legislative session, the Dem supermajority in California passed a ton of laws protecting abortion rights, many that are designed to protect people seeking abortions from other states.
@randy khan: its using their perfected playbook against them….
in AZ, the political environment is flush with ads and on the GOP side, NO ONE even mentions abortion because they’re being hammered for their draconian stance.
On the GOP side, the preferred cudgel is Immigration (‘natch) and how the GOP would make us safe by building the wall and “getting tough”.
The GOP has controlled the statehouse and the lege for the last 8 years and guess what, they STILL apparently haven’t solved this crisis. When TFG and the GOP held control in all houses and THEY DID NOT SOLVE THIS CRISIS. in short, the GOP plan is to remodel the national border as if that will solve the problem, but open borders, sanctuary cities, booga booga boo.
Its the same tired playbook but any kind of half-ass analysis and follow up questions finds them seriously short of answers, ideas, but wholly hell, they are sure produced for maximum anxiety. Same game plan on the economy, no ideas on how to fix it, but we aren’t Democrats, so therefore, vote for us.
@ronno2018: Now you can feel like an old male dude who’s earned big time respect for being open to getting more informed. Definite respect to you and your late wife as well, at least from another random internet person.
circular reasoning
@Poptartacus: I have to admit that I know 2 of the individuals in this ad (suspect I know which one wrote and directed it) and live just miles from where it was filmed. None of them are “bikers” (obviously), and all of them are thrilled to have the viral attention because it gets their lame candidates name in the media.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The Postcards for Voters folks got back to me quickly today, and tonight I wrote 8 postcards to Ohio voters. I feel better.
circular reasoning
@Poptartacus: I live a few miles from where that was filmed and used to work with one of the people in it (his wife is also in it and i’m 99% was the writer/director). I’ll guarantee that they are pleased to have gotten their lame candidates name recognition boosted. So horrible to feel economically stuck to live in this dead zone.
Poe Larity
@Dan B: Will there be a series of commercials with those types of testimonies leading up to election day?
Another Scott
In other news, …
Hmm… :-/
(via nycsouthpaw)
My Representative, Sean Casten (D) (Illinois 6), has been running ads saying he’s in favor of legal abortion and the right to choose. His opponent has been keeping absolutely silent on that topic.
I’m now in the St. Louis area for family business, and I’m hearing radio ads from an Illinois Democratic candidate for representative, not sure if it’s federal or state. Her ads are also saying she’s pro-choice. This is for the St. Louis radio market in the south-eastern part of Illinois, which is very red except for the cities near St. Louis, so it’s interesting she’s taking that approach.
Regine Touchon
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I just did the same! Working on my fifteen now. Roe, Roe, Roe that vote.
All of the PA Dem candidates have spent time touting their pro-choice bona fides since the campaign season has ramped up. It helps that Mastriano and Oz have given them so many opportunities on this, so they’ve pounded this since Labor Day. But Whitmer was on this earlier than anyone. She’s a badass with great political instincts. She could be a president.
Ohio Mom
@circular reasoning: I am reminded of Andy Warhol’s prediction that “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.”
This is your neighbors’ fifteen minutes. As viral laughing stocks..
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Regine Touchon: Once I contacted them, everything was easy. And yeah, Roe, Roe, Roe that vote.
@Ken: Until we got redistricted, Casten was my rep. I hope he does well
Ohio Mom
I mentioned the other day that Monday night, Ohio Dad and I served as audience members at a televised debate between our incumbent Congressman (R) and his challenger (D).
The rules were that the audience was to be silent, no applause, no nothing. Which everyone complied with until the Democrat challenger mentioned abortion rights. Then there was an loud outburst of clapping and hooting.
Made me hopeful. The only way the Democrat challenger can win is if the Republican suburban moms in our district go for him.
@circular reasoning:
Assume it was filmed in Gratiot County? I spent many of my childhood summers staying with a family who owned a farm there, about midway between Alma and Ithaca (Sumner, to be precise). Haven’t been back to that particular bit of Michigan for nearly 70 years.
circular reasoning
@Ohio Mom: True. What really saddens/scares me is that these are seemingly intelligent and “good” people who are not going to be capable of reflecting on being a laughing stock. Instead they will only dig in deeper. Last election my Biden yard sign was only stolen. In the coming elections I’m concerned that I’ll have bullet holes in the house instead. All the more reason to be sure to have it I suppose, but it really is a consideration in mid-michigan.
I read somewhere a few days back, that PE teachers are now required to electronically keep a record of menstrual cycles (googled and can’t find) for middle and high school students.
Myself, I’d refuse to let my daughter give that info – or refuse to make her take PE.
Has anyone else seen any info about this?
Got my ballot in the mail today. Easy peasy to fill out: Fetterman, Shapiro/Davis, Deluzio and Matzie. All sealed up and going into the campus mail tomorrow. Now that’s out of the way, I can concentrate on getting others to the polls.
Dan B
@Poe Larity: I saw an ad like that last night. It was very heartening. Women and men who support abortion are mostly invisible like us gaylings were before Stonewall and easy to demonize. Putting a face in almost any venue makes a huge difference.
@Jackie: I thought that can’t be true. But it is sort of true in Florida for females in athletics. Link
Anne Laurie
There was a rumor going around on social media that the Florida Athletic Association was requiring female students to track their menstrual cycles as an anti-trans measure. Closest I’ve been able to find, in actual news reporting, is stories like this:
There will no doubt *be* people who try to interpret these old health-record regulations to prevent trans girls from competing, but so far it seems to be just rumors & posturing…
ETA: Or, what Scout211 reports just above my comment.
@Dan B: It’s really hard to talk in public about abortion without disclosing if one has had one, or if a loved one has had one. And since many people understandably do not want to make those kinds of disclosures to crazy strangers, the support for the choice position is less visible. But, among my woman friends, we have all talked about abortions, but also miscarriages, experiences with birth control methods, problems with pregnancies, etc etc etc. I would bet that most women know someone who had a pregnancy go very, very wrong. And of course, most men do, too….but they don’t know that they know.
Dan B
@Suzanne: I found it very frightening to talk about being gay and it was dangerous. I was booted from architecture school. The Chicago Mafia took out a contract on us. Friends shunned me. But if I were not one of thousands who decided that hiding made us victims because we were invisible and our persecutors were loud and angry. It is scary still.
@Scout211: Thank You! That’s close to the article I read!
@Anne Laurie: I didn’t read what I saw as anti trans, but as a means to track possible missed periods suggesting possible pregnancy. As if young girls just starting their periods have a regular cycle! My daughter is in her 30’s, BUT if she was a middle or high school student – NO WAY would I allow her to give anyone outside of me or her doctor this info.
James E Powell
They never gave a rat’s ass about whether they had a majority. They had Jesus & rich people on their side.
Abortion is being mentioned in my district in KS. Sharice Davids (thank you Balloon Juice for supporting her!) is making clear that she’s pro- choice and wants politicians out of doctor’s offices. Her opponent went all in on all abortion should be banned back when Roe protected her from having to follow through. She doesn’t want to talk about it any more.
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