Covid deaths are unevenly distributed among Republicans and Democrats, but experts are still puzzling over why these differences exist.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 6, 2022
Moving from pandemic to endemic, as of Oct. 20th:
The @CDCgov has decided to stop tracking and releasing COVID-19 case and death data on a daily basis
These metrics will now be updated only once a week, the agency said today
— Alexander Tin (@Alexander_Tin) October 6, 2022
Most Americans have no plans to get another #COVID19 booster shot — this one, directed against #Omicron. If, as is widely expected by experts, another Omicron variant sweeps the US in Winter, we could see a serious impact.
— Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) October 5, 2022
This week I wrote in the @techreview China Report about ??, the pop-up window in Beijing's covid tracing app that frustrates its 20+ million residents and reveals the cracks in China's technocratic zero-covid system.
— Zeyi Yang ??? (@ZeyiYang) October 5, 2022
1/ When COVID meets mobilisation: newly mobilised Russian soldiers attached to the 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division have contracted COVID-19 en masse and are now locked in a train for quarantine, without medical care or ventilation. Translation follows: ??
— ChrisO (@ChrisO_wiki) October 5, 2022
Salam, please find the unroll here: Share this if you think it's interesting. ??
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) October 5, 2022
Short THREAD: Hospital admissions continuing to go up in England – 33% increase over last week.
Daily admissions back well over 1000 a day. 1/4
— Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 (@chrischirp) October 6, 2022
So yes, we are going up another wave, and the latest subvariants (e.g. BQ.1.1) will be adding to the mix soon, if not already. Very bad timing for the NHS where things are already terrible.
Get boosted if you can, wear a mask in crowded indoor spaces if poss & open windows! 4/4
— Prof. Christina Pagel 🇺🇦 (@chrischirp) October 6, 2022
"Herd immunity", "Natural immunity", "Hybrid immunity", yada, yada – it's all just "immunity".
What matters is "your" immunity and that of the "population" – both important. Key, is that that immunity will wane over time and the virus evolve new variants – hence biannual vax.
— Kristian G. Andersen (@K_G_Andersen) October 3, 2022
The United States is in a (relative) Covid-19 lull, with cases and hospitalizations falling as the wave driven by the BA.5 lineage of the Omicron variant recedes. But as if we needed a portent of an anticipated fall and winter wave, Covid is on the rise in some European countries.
What’s different, at least for now, is that there’s not one variant pushing the wave. Rather, scientists are tracking a bevy of new forms of Omicron, which are jockeying with each other as they compete to become the next dominant strain. Scientists are monitoring more than 300 sublineages of Omicron, World Health Organization officials said this week…
Just how big and damaging of a wave the emerging subvariants will drive can’t be predicted. In the U.S., whatever wave comes will build on a baseline of, as of now, some 390 people dying on average a day. It’s also not clear if one variant will outcompete its cousins, or if different combinations will get footholds in different parts of the world. (We’ll note here that the new subvariants don’t seem to completely reset the pandemic: The immunity people have built up from vaccinations and infections will likely continue to offer strong protection against severe outcomes for most, particularly if they’ve stayed up-to-date with boosters.)
But the concern about these newest sublineages is not just that they could drive up cases once more. Already, some monoclonal antibody treatments were rendered useless and had to be abandoned as the virus evolved. And in some lab experiments, the remaining antibody therapies — bebtelovimab, as well as Evusheld — can’t stand up to some of the new variants. (Just on Monday, the Food and Drug Administration warned that Evusheld, which is given to immunocompromised people to bolster their protection as a pre-exposure therapy, can’t neutralize certain SARS-2 variants.) That could leave people at high risk for severe Covid even more vulnerable…
“Administering a vaccine so close to the brain is really not a joke.” Existing Covid vaccines protect against severe disease, but aren't blocking transmission. The hope is intranasal vaccines might — but developing them won't be easy.
— Helen Branswell ???? (@HelenBranswell) October 3, 2022
Latest MWRA viral data (through 10/3) for the Boston-area showing some split results. Could be coming down a bit off a hump, but I wouldn't bet on a sustained decline right now.
— Nicholas Bauer, PhD ??????? (@BioTurboNick) October 6, 2022
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New Deal democrat
Biobot was updated yesterday, showing declines both nationwide and in all 4 Census regions, to a level equivalent to about 200,000 actual cases. Confirmed cases declined to 37,000, more than 70% below their June peak, and also lower than at any point since the initial 2020 wave except for one week in September 2020, 2.5 months around mid year 2021, and 1.5 months at the beginning of this past spring. There are no big outliers among the States. NY and NJ are declining again. There is an anomalous increase in KY.
Hospitalizations have declined to 24,300, almost 50% below their June peak, and also lower than at any point in the pandemic except for the same 3 periods identified for cases above.
Deaths have declined to 386, a little less than average for the past 6 months.
The CDC will update its variant data later this morning. It it anticipated that BA.5 will continue to fade as an alphabet soup of new variants increase their share.
It is apparent that we are having a seasonal autumn lull, before more indoor activities cause an increase during winter.
Finally, Dr. Eric Topol had a very interesting thread yesterday, highlighting a report that showed that vaccination + prior infection provided the most robust immunity of any combination, concluding that this “hybrid immunity” was “superior by far.” It made me think that inoculation with a low dose of the virus for those who have already been vaccinated would be a significant boon to health, especially among older people.
Git boosted and flu vaccine the other day. Get my 2nd shingles vax next week.
Matt McIrvin
@New Deal democrat: I suspect the risks of that sort of “hybrid variolation” approach would vastly outweigh the benefits. Infection does kill or permanently damage some vaccinated+boosted people, and I doubt there’s any way to adequately guarantee that your case would be a milder one than what you might get in the future. Maybe they could combine the mRNA vaccine with a killed-virus vaccine, or something along those lines.
Early in the pandemic before there were any vaccines at all, there was a brief vogue on right-wing Twitter for advocating injecting young volunteers with the virus to create an immune workforce. I don’t recall anyone with actual medical knowledge thinking this was anything other than a terrible idea.
The CDC doesn’t seem to want to regain the reputation that it has lost 😡😡
Monroe County, NY:
86 new cases on 10/04/22.
141 new cases on 10/05/22.
134 new cases on 10/06/22.
Not getting any better around here…
Gin & Tonic
@OzarkHillbilly: Got my Covid booster (my fifth vaccination for that, all told) on Tuesday. Sore arm on Wednesday, that was about it. I’ve had essentially no side effects from any of the five. Shingrix, on the other hand….
@Gin & Tonic: A sore arm is the worst I’ve ever had from a vaccine. Not even that this time. The first shingrix was a non event for me. I expect the 2nd to be the same.
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s Ministry of Health reported 1,794 new Covid-19 cases yesterday, for a cumulative reported total of 4,850,108 cases. It also reported four deaths, for an adjusted cumulative total of 36,391 deaths – 0.75% of the cumulative reported total, 0.75% of resolved cases.
37,854 Covid-19 tests were conducted yesterday, with a positivity rate of 6.4%.
There were 23,601 active cases yesterday, 563 more than the day before. 948 were in hospital. 368 confirmed cases were in ICU; of these patients, 24 confirmed cases were on ventilators. Meanwhile, 1,227 more patients recovered, for a cumulative total of 4,790,116 patients recovered – 98.8% of the cumulative reported total.
1,789 new cases reported yesterday were local infections. Five new cases were imported.
The National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) administered 1,491 doses of vaccine on 6th October: 158 first doses, 231 second doses, 579 first booster doses, and 823 second booster doses. The cumulative total is 72,363,797 doses administered: 28,103,747 first doses, 27,511,410 second doses, 16,240,110 first booster doses, and 508,530 second booster doses. 86.1% of the population have received their first dose, 84.2% their second dose, 49.7% their first booster dose, and 1.6% their second booster dose.
@Gin & Tonic: Oh yeah, that Shingrix vaccination is nasty, but definitely worth not getting shingles. I think we’re going to wait until the first of November to get our next vax, we got our 4th at the end of July.
Matt McIrvin
I think the vaccination messaging is muddled for the same reason the messaging about masks was muddled: it was established at a time when there was concern about rationing limited supply, and that set everyone’s expectations in a bad way.
@OzarkHillbilly: You are an outlier, then, and lucky. Almost everyone I know who had that vaccine had their arm hurt like hell at the injection site for a couple of days plus had a pretty strong reaction to both shots. Count your blessings.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Soprano2: On Wednesday, Colbert had Fauci as a guest. Neither had the new vaccine yet, but Fauci had been over his covid for three months, which meant he was now eligible. So he and Colbert walked down the street to a pharmacy where Fauci got the shot. Colbert asked him if he was concerned about what happened to Nikki Menage’s cousin’s friend
I was very disappointed when I went with Mr. Scout to his appointment with his ophthalmologist a few days ago. Here in California, masks are still required in all healthcare settings, but this medical office has decided to go with the CDC recommendations, not the CDPH ones. The signs have all been changed to “masks are highly recommended” and there were zero questions about COVID symptoms.
One positive, the staff was all masked and all of the patients we saw were still masked, too. Hopefully, no one will read those signs because we will be going to that office regularly for injections into his left eye.
Tony G
Regarding masking in Japan — that’s apparently been a significant part of the culture there long before covid. I’ve been married to a woman from Japan for 36 years, and I’ve been over there about 10 times. In crowded cities (all of the cities are crowded) it’s been common to see people wearing masks, long before covid. A combination, I suppose, of people avoiding infection and people avoiding spreading infection to others. A major reason, I guess, why covid’s impact on Japan has been a less than its impact on the US.
Tony G
“When COVID meets mobilization: newly mobilized Russian soldiers attached to the 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division have contracted COVID-19 en masse and are now locked in a train for quarantine, without medical care or ventilation.” I wonder what it will take for Russian soldiers to just start fragging and shooting their officers. Maybe that’s already happening, but is being covered up.
@Tony G:
“Ukraine needs to surrender for humanitarian reasons.” /Putin-worshipping Westerners.
@OzarkHillbilly: Side effects vary based on the people. My friend was hit hard by her most recent booster. I was hit, but a little less hard. I had joint pain in strange joints that do not typically hurt, felt less energetic, and had a lot of pain at the injection site. An Advil reduced the injection site pain, but the joint pain continued to do its thing.
Yesterday, I wore a mask for the first time in months. I took Spawn the Elder to a nonprofit outpatient behavioral health clinic for meds management (and they refused to assist, but that’s a different story), and they required masks inside. I will note that we were waiting outside for some time, and as people were lining up, there was a horrifying amount of coughing, snot, and hocking of loogies in the parking lot. Humans are disgusting.
Chetan Murthy
Yesterday I got a p100 respirator ( GVS SPR451 Elipse P100 ) delivered, and wore it to the gym to lift weights. I’ve been using an N95 mask ( ) and while it’s good, I can feel air escaping around the mask and fogging my eyeglasses. This respirator does none of that.
It’s a little harder on the breathing, but then, a good lung workout isn’t a terrible thing.
Matt McIrvin
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Getting Fauci vaccinated on the show is brilliant.
Matt McIrvin
@OzarkHillbilly: Shot #2 of Shingrix was much much worse than shot #1 for me.
As for side effects of the vaccine, I got my second booster and my flu shot two weeks ago today, and I got a huge swollen lymph node under my collarbone on the same side I got the injection. It’s almost gone now. Just spoke with a colleague who is sick, and she said her daughter got a huge swollen lymph node from the COVID booster shot, too. So be aware. It freaked me out.
Another Scott
@Tony G: +1
I caught Influenza A on a conference trip to Nara in May 2019. There were scatterings of people in masks, which surprised me. “It’s not flu season, why the masks??”
Little did I know until I got tested at home, too late to do anything about it except stay in bed.
Masking is important!!
Matt McIrvin
@Tony G: In the early COVID pandemic days I remember a lot of articles explaining patiently that East Asian masking culture had no proven clinical benefit but was just some weird exotic cultural quirk. The whole line of discourse reads as really stupid now.
Van Buren
@Gin & Tonic: Same here.
Naomi Wu, whose tweet you used above, has been real clear that she thinks that Americans are a bunch of rat lickers.
I am not sure how we are critical of the CDC and the American response while being MORE critical of the Chinese response. The answer probably lies somewhere between those two things, but we included some rando dunking on the Chinese response as a tweet in this post because “America Fuck Yeah!”
I’m with the Japanese on this. I wear my mask everywhere that’s public. It’s just become a habit. I feel safer. Frankly, I don’t care if COVID is just like the flu. I’ve HAD flu and I was miserable for a week. Why would I want that again?
I’ve avoided COVID so far, but my Granddaughter started preschool and I expect to be more vulnerable again. The school itself if good. They keep the kids outside when they can, mask indoors and most of the kids are vaccinated, but still you never know.
Chetan Murthy
@Starfish: My understanding is that today, China is lagging in getting effective vaccines into arms. Maybe I’m wrong about that. But if that’s still accurate, then a nuanced understanding of China’s policy would be:
I feel like this has been a little bit of a lesson for me: early-on, I was starting to wonder if China was the exception to the rule that authoritarian regimes were incompetent; but then, hey presto! Xi didn’t disappoint, and yeah, they’ve been incompetent after all.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Matt McIrvin: I thought so too. It was also funny.
I’m still wearing an N95 whenever I’m indoors in public and plan to carry on doing so. Other than work I don’ t go out much anyway, at least out indoors IYSWIM. My last booster was the end of May so I’m planning on getting reboosted in a couple of weeks. Today is my bimonthly ( in the every 2 months sense) wasp & hornet shots – deep joy. Injections rarely bother me, the only ones I’ve ever hated were the old Cholera jabs, they hurt. The real drag with the venom shots are the anti- histamines I have to take, they turn me into a zombie.
I find it incredible that 400 deaths a day is seen as ho-hum
Tom Levenson
@Soprano2: I recently had my 1st Shingrix and had a minimal reaction. Minor arm ache for an hour, some fatigue the next day. I’ve been told the second often produces more of a reaction than the first tho.
@Soprano2: I do count them: 1, 2. When’s lunch? ;-)
Actually many more, my wife being #1, then my sons, their wives, my many granddaughters….
BenCisco 🇺🇸🎖️🖥️♦️
Got my booster late yesterday evening; this one hit a little harder than the last one. Still have a flu shot and shingles shots to come…
Tony G
@Baud: Actually Ukraine caused Putin to, reluctantly, launch that “limited Special Military Operation” by being insufficiently deferential. Ukraine got what’s coming to them.
WV Blondie
Hubbo and I both have had all the COVID shots we’re eligible for (so five to date), and we still wear masks almost every public place we go. But then, we do live in West Virginia … and we can’t account for all the stoopid around here.
Matt McIrvin
I’ve been watching those Biobot numbers for Boston too. What complicates things but is maybe illuminating is if you look at the rest of Massachusetts. The area around UMass-Amherst had a similar-looking spike a bit earlier. They seem to clear rapidly but some areas had multiple ones. The state publishes wastewater numbers for my own town’s sewage plant and those seem to be peaking a little later.
That last tweet ragging on “zero COVID idiots” is, I think, a person who has been spending too much time on Twitter. Introverts who want everyone to be a shut-in forever have zero pull in American society. They just stay shut in and post scary things online. There’s no point in resenting them–what matters is the people going around unvaxxed and unmasked and coughing on everything.
Roger Moore
@Chetan Murthy:
My impression is that China has been pretty good at getting people to take the shot. The problem is that for political reasons, they want to stick with their not very good domestically developed vaccine. It’s not effective enough to relax public health measures, especially not with the highly infectious variants that are circulating right now.
That said, they’ve also made a tradeoff in what kind of public health measures they take. We have adopted half-assed public health measures that let us continue life more-or-less as normal even during an outbreak. They have adopted very relaxed public health measures until someone gets sick, at which point they switch immediately to drastic lockdowns. Whether that’s an economically sensible approach depends on how frequent those lockdowns are.
New Deal democrat
@Matt McIrvin: Well, let me just lay out my thought process.
There’s pretty good evidence that the initial dosage of COVID particles correlates with the severity of the ultimate case (I think 300 particles was the threshold for where symptomatic cases are likely to develop).
The assumption that everybody, sooner or later, is going to have a COVID infection is pretty reasonable, I think. Let’s start with that assumption.
When that inevitable infection occurs, if might be low, medium, or high dosage. That’s the risk. Inoculating with low dosage (e.g., 250-300 particles) makes it much more likely that the person inoculated gets a very mild case. That’s a much lower risk than randomly getting a medium or high dosage.
In the case of vaccinated people, per the research the protection generated by hybrid immunity vs. vaccination alone against a severe case or one requiring hospitalization is 95% vs. 65%. That’s a very strong benefit.
Hence, except for those whose immune systems are compromised, a deliberate low dose infection would likely generate a substantial benefit at very low risk. That’s my thought process, anyway.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Greece: haven’t been able to track things recently, because the numbers went from daily reports to weekly. The 19 July report was the worst, at 367,629 for the week, 7-day average of 52,518. Latest report was 4 October, with 54,875 new cases reported for the week, for a daily average of 7,839. The last reporting week indicated 89 deaths, with a daily average of 13. ICUs reported 66 patients on ventilators.
On a personal note, I’m a little over 24 hours past my latest booster, Pfizer BA45, and aside from a cough that woke me up in the early hours of the morning, some minor aches that weren’t too much for OTC analgesics to handle, and a sore arm, I didn’t get hit too hard. Certainly less than some people of my acquaintance, still suffering two months after infection.
@Tony G: here’s an interesting Twitter thread by Mark Krutov of Radio Free Europe. The videos from Russia might be disinformation, but not only for the west. They might be part of an internal struggle between Wagner, Chechyans, and the Russian military establishment. Maybe these guys have Covid, maybe they don’t.
Ms. and I got our fifth shot yesterday. We’re a tad under the weather, but it’s a damn sight less bothersome than the covid we had last summer. (Thanks to the vaccines, our 75 and 78 year-old-selves mended just fine, thank you)
I’m not anti-social. I love going to concerts movies and basketball games, and I play in a community orchestra. The pandemic put a real crimp in my non-home life, but I’m at the point where I’m very comfortable in public as long as I’m masked. The evidence and advice I’ve gathered leads me to believe that crowded indoor congregate events or places are the places where transmission of the disease is most likely to occur, and that masks can help reduce transmission in those places. I don’t particularly love wearing masks–they make it harder for me to understand others and they seem to have given me the worst acne I’ve had since I was a teen–but it seems like a trivial price to pay to be able to enjoy the things I want to do while protecting myself and those around me. I have no patience with the snowflakes who are unwilling to take such minimal steps to protect those around them, and I resent the accusation that I’ve received elsewhere that supporting masking in indoor crowded public spaces is evidence of my lack of interest in my fellow human beings.
After bitching that the earliest booster appointment I could get was November, asked the clinic yesterday where I was getting the flu jab if they took dropins for covid. Turned out yes, only I had to do Moderna instead of Pfizer. So booster #3 it is. Hurts like hell this a.m., kind of like my second Pfizer, and I didn’t sleep. Can still work and it’s WFH today.
Heard an interview yesterday with the Japanese covid coordinator and he said their systems were so archaic they relied solely on paper to track vaccinations, nationwide.
A lot of COVID response criticism is based on defending one’s country’s or culture’s decisions versus others, irrespective of actual outcomes.
This is especially true of Western countries, where outcomes are worse than East Asian countries.
@New Deal democrat: If understand your thought process, then I should want a low-dose infection for better immunity? Nope. Until the medical profession understands the cause(s) and treatment for Long Covid, then no way.
The Up and Up
Family was supposed to all go together to get the new bi variant booster. In typical fashion it ended up being over three separate days with four cars involved. “What happened to riding in the same vehicle and then ordering food to go?” I was whiny the first day after and that was it. My father lingered in an achy daze for a week. He’s the one we are most concerned about health wise thus the drive to get the improved booster.
Fully agree with both parts of that, but more particularly the second. My reaction to Shingrix was the strongest I’ve had, but was gone in a day.
I feel fortunate my doctor makes all appropriate recommendations; this is not something I would have thought of on my own.
The health-care worker at the vaccine clinic recommended using ice or heat-and-ice on the area where the shot was administered: 10 min. at a time only, and end with ice if you’re alternating. First time I’d heard of that, in regard to inoculations.
I used ice only, and it seemed to help reduce the soreness. Wish I’d known to try it long since!
I am at the ophthalmologist’s office today for my appointment. I am sitting in a tiny room where there put you to wait for the dilating drops to do their thing. Two people in this tiny room are maskless and I am not happy. I have on a KN95 but still. Grrrrrr.
@trollhattan: I got Moderna after being Team Pfizer for all previous vaccines. Good to mix them up.
Glad you’re vaccinated, cuz you’ve mentioned you have air travel in your future.
WRT NBC story: Gah. What *not* a surprise. NPR is taking notes.
@rikyrah: Totally agree.
Now, they’re throwing the “masks in hospitals and medical settings” recommendation out the window, right ahead of flu season and a likely winter wave of Covid with new, more immune-evasive variants. Social distancing is done for, masking tossed out, vaccine requirements a no-starter, testing and tracking are so poorly executed that they are worthless, people with active respiratory disease are being allowed free range, unmasked, in medical facilities here in Ohio…
Hello, long Covid for more tens of thousands more people who would have been protected by masking in medical facilities. Hello, death or severe illness for many immunosuppressed people like me, who have no choice about going to these facilities for required medical care. Some of us will die because the CDC has decided that keeping smug MAGAts happy for an hour is worth far more than our lives; others will die because we will skip tests, procedures, check-ups because of the near certainty that, trapped in a poorly ventilated building with sick, unmasked people, we will contract Covid.
But, the head of the CDC already made it clear earlier this year in her Freudian slip that in her mind it’s “good” that most deaths are the sick and elderly, so I know that my survival depends on remaining in near total isolation, and delaying / not getting any but the most vital medical care / procedures.
How are people with serious illnesses supposed to survive this? How are we supposed to be able to work and support ourselves? How the spouses of people too ill and at-risk to work supposed to work / go to the doctor/ without the consuming fear of bringing home Covid and killing their loved one or becoming too I’ll to care for their loved one crushing their mental health?
I’m in the midst of testing to try to see if the disturbing autonomic problems I am having are related to a pheochromocytoma. I am likely going to cancel my appointments, and take my chances, something I have never done before. It’s, literally, catch Covid and die from it because of immunosuppression/ clotting disorder/ history of past cytokine storm with infection, or try to wait it out and hope I don’t have a cardiac event from the new symptoms.
Nobody should be forced to make these kinds of decisions.
I have been in tears every day for the past week, knowing that there are so many people out there staring down the same awful decisions, and feeling every bit as alone, frightened and helpless as I do. This, after two plus years of isolation already. It is clear that our lives are considered worthless, and that we are entirely disposable.
@Elizabelle: Thanks! Will probably mask up on the plane anyway, but more of a general precaution than Fear of the Rona.
At this point I think I know fewer folks who have not had covid than those who have–and multiple bouts are much more common.
Bill Arnold
@Matt McIrvin:
When the masksforall meme was launched, and mask-wearing places like Hong Kong were clearly keeping COVID-19 infection rates low, I made a pot of coffee and read all the available literature on masks, and while all the pre-COVID studies sucked, there was enough total science to make a convincing case that masks would be helpful in significantly reducing R in a respiratory virus pandemic. (Most/nearly all studies about masks-v-respiratory-virus are post-COVID.)
Basically, it was broken, literally deadly false, public heath dogma, that affected health authorities in the US, in most western countries, and also the WHO. Took a long time to correct, and killed at least hundreds of thousands of humans worldwide.
The sad thing is that some of those disposable N95 masks can be reused a long time (light duty, for just shopping, I get a month out of one (Makrite), with no leakage felt); the efficiency is slightly reduced, but still, due to fit, much better than surgical masks; if ones with durable elastic bands had been made available in spring 2020 worldwide, the pandemic would have taken a different path, with much less mortality/long COVID.
@Bill Arnold: I’ll be masking for the foreseeable future, too. I’ve been able to locate some 3m n95s in a smaller size (better fit for me than the standard size, as I’m a petite person); they don’t have little areas of air leakage like the larger size did for me.
Until I found these, I was using a trick that an oncology RN friend showed me: fit the mask, then put a mirror close to your mouth and exhale heavily. Using a double thickness of bandage tape, seal the little gaps that you locate via noting where condensation appeared. Not pretty, but it got me through until I was able to get the smaller masks.
I am still amazed, as well, at the nonsense that was being bandied about early on regarding masking. Defying science and also common sense seems to be first-line order of the day.
Tony G
@Another Scott: Yeah, to state the obvious, Japan has a very different culture than the U.S. (in spite of the facade of American pop/corporate culture there). Conformity and consideration of others are prized there, in contrast to the “F*** You I Got Mine” ethos of many Americans. Japanese conformity, of course, has a lot of downsides, but it means that it’s easier to get people to cooperate in a crisis. Nara, and the larger neighboring city of Kyoto are particularly interesting places with their ancient temples. As I understand it, those are about the only cities that weren’t bombed into ashes in 1945, so the old buildings are still intact there.
Tony G
@Scout211: People are stupid. (Whether Americans are more stupid than most can be debated.). I live in New Jersey and visit NYC once every month or so. In recent months, in crowded subway cars, I’m sometimes the only person wearing a mask. There seems to have been a cultural shift within the past few months of many people deciding that hundreds of people dying of covid every day is just a normal thing that can be accepted and ignored. Just like the tens of thousands of deaths every year from gunshots or car accidents are accepted and ignored.
Bill Arnold
If e.g. stroke were caused by a respiratory virus[1], we’d probably wear masks more. And the stroke kill/permanent damage rate is similar to the current annualized COVID-19 kill/permanent damage rate (for Americans at least). And we’re in a “lull”; a new SARS-CoV-2 wave caused by a variant that isn’t blocked by current antibodies (either vaccine or real disease) would boost that annualized rate to e.g. cancer death rates, or heart disease rates.
As it is, if a government wanted auto accident death/injury rates similar to COVID-19 death/injury rates, it would need to mandate speeding and no seat belts and disabled air bags and drunk driving and texting while driving and mandatory loaded guns in cars to increase the rate of road rage incidents, and that still might not achieve the same rates.
[1] COVID-19 does increase the risk of stroke, significantly, even for mild cases (more for more severe cases), according to those large VA studies.
Noting “biannual” used to mean “semiannual.”
Have had the shingles vaccine and it was nothing more than a pin prick in the arm for me, both shots. Third booster for Covid had a bit of sore arm for a day. Now the first shot was a doozy for 2 days – spent in a fog in bed, but that’s been by far the worst of it.
I’m not sure I like that there are so many differing responses to Covid shots and yet there seems to be very little actual issues to the Covid vaccines, and considering how many people have had them that is pretty amazing.
I’ve had shingles. No one should ever think shingles is OK and not worth the shots. Covid is worse. Far worse. Shingles makes you want to die, Covid can literally kill you. How many here have had what I’ll call minor Covid? From the descriptions that sounds as bad or worse than shingles. Shingles hurt like hell, from the descriptions, Covid feels like actually being in hell. I personally, not in a vehicle, have been hit head on by a truck. I walked away. Shingles hurt worse. If Covid is worse than that, no thank you.
@Mel: Hi Mel. Don’t know if you’ll see this, but here’s my two cents. I’m 70+ and in a high-risk group, and this has been my strategy so far: I see the lulls and peaks as “running between the raindrops”, so once things head downward (looking at both hospital admissions and BioBot data) or appear to be in a lull, I schedule all the medical and household repair things as fast as possible. Right now, in the USA, things are moderately low, as Covid goes.
Will it go up into another peak this December and January? No one actually knows, but what we have now is a period where risk is decreased, particularly if you have all five vaccinations, and you always wear an N95 or better in indoor public settings. If there is a window of relative safety, right now is it, so do your medical activities ASAP. Nobody actually knows what December or January will be like.
I have a half-baked theory that Covid, or any other communicable disease, has an upper bound on transmissibility. You’re not going to get it from a Zoom call, nor from somebody on the other side of town. Omicron is already more transmissible than measles, previously the highest R0 known, so it’s right at the top of known transmission capability. It’s not going to go to infinity, and there’s a chance Omicron BA.5 might be close to that limit. Maybe. We are in unknown territory here, and a very different place than a year ago in overall exposure of the general population. But we are certainly in something like a lull now, so I would take full advantage of it, and would certainly NOT put off any life-critical medical testing and treatment.
@Ruckus: Also this, in the case of shingles:
One family member has been dealing with this since the summer. I’ve been told it applies to 20% of the cases (no idea how accurate that is, or what it is based on).
YY_Sima Qian
On 10/6 Mainland China reported 216 new domestic confirmed (48 previously asymptomatic), 1,267 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 0 new domestic suspect cases, & 0 new deaths.
Guangdong Province reported 41 new domestic confirmed (7 previously asymptomatic) & 34 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 7 domestic confirmed & 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 260 active domestic confirmed & 155 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Guangxi “Autonomous” Region reported 13 new domestic asymptomatic (4 at Guilin, 3 at Beihai, 2 each at Fangchenggang, Hezhou & Hechi) cases. 10 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 108 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 1 site at Fangchenggang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Hainan Province reported 7 new domestic confirmed (4 at Haikou & 3 at Wenchang) & 2 new asymptomatic (1 each at Dongfang & Sanya) cases, all from out of province. The province is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 2 sites at Haikou are currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Hunan Province reported 6 new domestic confirmed (3 previously asymptomatic, 3 at Hengyang, 2 at Yongzhou, & 1 at Zhangjiajie) & 23 new domestic asymptomatic (12 from Changsha, 4 at Changde, 2 each at Hengyang & Xiangxi Prefecture, & 1 each at Xiangtan, Yiyang & Zhuzhou) cases, all new domestic positive cases came from out of province. 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 32 active domestic confirmed & 49 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 3 sites at Yiyang & 1 at Hengyang are currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Yiyang & 1 each at Changsha, Hengyang, Yongzhou & Xiangtan at Medium Risk.
Hubei Province reported 56 new domestic asymptomatic (24 at Wuhan, 10 at Jingzhou, 9 at Xiantao, 6 at Jingmen, 4 each at Huanggang & Shiyan, 3 at Jingmen, & 1 each at Enshi Prefecture & Suizhou) cases. 2 of the cases at Jingmen came from out of province, 6 traced close contacts & under centralized quarantine, & 5 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. The cases at Jingzhou, Jingmen, Shiyan & Suizhou came from Xinjiang & under centralized quarantine since arrival. 16 of the cases at Wuhan are persons under centralized quarantine & 8 via community screening. The cases at Huanggang are persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed (at Wuhan) & 160 active domestic asymptomatic (62 at Wuhan, 42 at Jingzhou, 18 at Xiantao, 12 at Jingmen, 6 at Suizhou, 4 each at Huanggang & Xiaogan, 3 at Xiangyang, & 1 each at Ezhou, Huangshi, Tianmen & Yichang) cases in the city. 2 sites at Wuhan are currently at Medium Risk.
Inner Mongolia “Autonomous” Region reported 13 new domestic confirmed (6 previously asymptomatic) cases & 661 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 3 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 381 active domestic confirmed (338 at Hohhot, 13 at Baotou, 8 each at Chifeng & Erdos, 2 at Xilingol Prefecture, & 1 each at Wuhai & Tongliao) & 1,554 active domestic asymptomatic (880 at Hohhot, 11 at Chifeng, 5 at Bayan Nur, & 1 each at Alxa League, Hulun Buir, Tongliao & Xilingol Banner) cases in the region.
Gansu Province reported 15 new domestic asymptomatic (10, at Longnan, 4 at Baiyin District in Baiyin, & 1 at Xigu District in Lanzhou) cases, all from out of province & under centralized quarantine since arrival or tested positive upon arrival. 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 70 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Baiyin is currently at High Risk, & 6 at Medium Risk.
Shanxi Province reported 8 new domestic confirmed (4 at Taiyuan, 3 at Jinzhong, & 1 at Datong) & 21 new domestic asymptomatic (11 at Jinzhong, 6 at Taiyuan, & 1 each at Datong, Linfen, Lüliang & Xinzhou) cases. 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 51 active domestic confirmed (29 at Taiyuan, 6 each at Jinzhong & Lüliang, 3 each at Datong, Linfen & Xinzhou, & 1 at Shuozhou) & 60 active domestic asymptomatic (24 at Taiyuan, 14 at Jinzhong, 8 at Shuozhou, 7 at Datong, 5 at Linfen, & 1 each at Lüliang & Xinzhou) case in the province. 4 sites at Xinzhou, 3 at Taiyuan, & 1 each at Jinzhong & Shuozhou are currently at High Risk. 8 sites each at Taiyuan & Xinzhou, 6 each at Datong & Shuozhou, & 3 each at Jinzhong & Lüliang are currently at Medium Risk.
Shaanxi Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (2 at Xi’an & 1 each at Ankang, Hancheng & Weinan) & 45 new domestic asymptomatic (19 at Xianyang, 14 at Xi’an, 7 at Weinan, 4 at Baoji, & 1 at Yangling) cases, 40 of the domestic positive cases came form out of province, 9 are persons under centralized quarantine, & 1 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure (at Baoji). 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 43 active domestic confirmed & 205 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Weinan, 5 at Xi’an, 3 at Baoji, & 2 at Shangluo are currently at High Risk. 9 sites at Shangluo, 7 at Xi’an, 6 at Baoji, 5 at Weinan, & 2 at Xianyang are currently at Medium Risk.
Ningxia “Autonomous” Region reported 6 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 5 at Zhongwei & 1 at Wuzhong) & 27 new domestic asymptomatic (12 at Zhongwei, 8 at Yinchuan, 7 at Litong District in Wuzhong, & 3 at Yuanzhou District in Guyuan) cases. 9 domestic confirmed & 127 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 23 active domestic confirmed & 931 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 144 sites at Zhongwei, 18 at Wuzhong & 2 at Guyuan are currently at High Risk. 55 sites at Zhongwei & 17 at Wuzhong are currently at Medium Risk.
Xinjiang “Autonomous” Region reported 96 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 29 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 506 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Shandong Province reported 3 new domestic confirmed (1 each at Binzhou, Tai’an & Yantai) & 7 new domestic asymptomatic (3 at Jinan & 2 each at Tai’an & Yantai) cases, 9 coming from out of province & under centralized quarantine since arrival, & a person under home quarantine. 1 domestic confirmed & 5 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 25 active domestic confirmed (12 at Qingdao, 7 at Jinan, 3 at Dongying, & 1 at Dezhou) & 92 domestic asymptomatic (40 at Jining, 13 at Dongying, 12 at Qingdao, 10 at Heze, 5 at Liaocheng, 3 each at Linyi & Weifang, & 1 each at Dezhou, Jinan, Yantai & Zaozhuang) cases in the province. 2 sites at Dongying & Jinan, & 1 at Jining are currently at High Risk. 6 sites each at Jining & Jinan, 4 at Dongying, & 3 at Qingdao are currently at High Risk.
Hebei Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Xinji) & 15 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Langfang, 4 at Zhangjiakou, 2 at Handan, & 1 each at Cangzhou, Dingzhou & Tangshan) cases, 8 persons under centralized quarantine & 8 persons from out of province. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 4 domestic confirmed & 75 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 5 at Zhangjiakou & 1 each at Baoding & Qinhuangdao are currently at High Risk. 18 sites at Zhangjiakou, 2 at Langfang, & 1 each at Baoding & Qinhuangdao are currently at Medium Risk.
Henan Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (3 previously asymptomatic, 1 at Gongyi in Zhengzhou) & 21 new domestic asymptomatic (7 at Ruzhou in Pingdingshan & 2 at Gongyi in Zhengzhou, & 12 persons transferred from out of province at unspecified locations) cases, all new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. There currently are 14 active domestic confirmed & 141 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Pingdingshan are currently at High Risk.
Liaoning Province reported 3 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, all at Chaoyang) case. There currently are 11 active domestic confirmed & 11 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Chaoyang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Jilin Province reported 7 new domestic asymptomatic (4 at Tonghua County in Tonghua & 3 at Changchun) cases, all persons funder centralized quarantine. There currently are 2 active domestic confirmed & 23 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Heilongjiang Province reported 3 new domestic confirmed (all at Harbin) & 10 new domestic asymptomatic (9 at Harbin & 1 at Daqing) cases, 12 are persons under centralized quarantine & 1 came from out of province (at Daqing). 18 domestic confirmed & 133 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 74 active domestic confirmed (48 at Jiamusi, 22 at Harbin, 3 at Heihe, & 1 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture) & 680 active domestic asymptomatic (353 at Heihe, 273 at Jiamusi, 37 at Harbin, 10 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 3 each at Mudanjiang & Qitaihe, & 2 at Daqing) cases in the province. 9 sites at Jiamusi, 10 at Heihe, & 1 each at Daqing, Hegang & Qitaihe are currently at High Risk. 54 sites at Jiamusi, 45 at Heihe, 4 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 2 at Qitaihe, & 1 each at Daqing & Hegang are currently at Medium Risk.
Beijing Municipality reported 5 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 1 each at Chaoyang, Changping & Daxing Districts) cases, all new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Tianjin Municipality reported 4 new domestic confirmed & 11 new domestic asymptomatic cases, all persons under centralized quarantine (13 from out of province). 3 domestic confirmed & 14 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 65 sites are currently at High Risk, & 16 at Medium Risk.
Shanghai Municipality reported 1 new domestic confirmed & 17 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 16 persons under centralized quarantine & 2 coming from out of province & found via community screening (1 each at Jiading District & Pudong New Area). There currently are 3 active domestic confirmed case in the city. The city is no longer publishing the number of active asymptomatic cases. 1 site is currently at High Risk, & 11 at Medium Risk.
Anhui Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Tongcheng in Anqing) & 6 new domestic asymptomatic (3 at Tongcheng in Anqing, & 1 each at Yuhui District in Bengbu, Dangtu County in Ma’anshan & Lingbi County in Suzhou) cases, all persons coming from out of province. 3 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 3 active domestic confirmed & 45 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Jiangsu Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 4 at Nanjing & 1 at Lianyungang) & 21 new domestic asymptomatic (9 each at Nanjing & Suzhou, & 1 each at Suqian, Xuzhou & Zhenjiang) cases, 1 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure (at Lianyungang) & the rest are persons from out of province. 1 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 48 active domestic confirmed & 74 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Lianyungang is currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Yangzhou, 3 at Xuzhou, & 2 each at Lianyungang & Nanjing are currently at Medium Risk.
Zhejiang Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (3 previously asymptomatic, 3 at Hangzhou & 1 each at Ningbo & Wenzhou) & 13 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Hangzhou & 5 at Jinhua) cases, 14 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine, & 1 via community screening. 2 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Fujian Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Xiamen) case, a person from out of province & under centralized quarantine since arrival. 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 14 active domestic confirmed & 2 active domestic asymptomatic cases remaining. 3 sites at Xiamen are currently at Medium Risk.
Jiangxi Province did not report any new domestic positive cases. 3 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 25 active domestic asymptomatic (19 at Ji’an, 4 at Nanchang, & 1 each at Yichun & Ganzhou) cases in the province. 2 sites at Ganzhou are currently at High Risk, & 3 at Medium Risk.
Sichuan Province reported 42 new domestic confirmed (15 previously asymptomatic) & 50 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 61 domestic confirmed & 52 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Chongqing Municipality reported 23 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 3 each at Ba’nan & Qijiang Districts & Xiushan County, 2 each at Dazu District & Wushan County, & 1 each at Jiangjin, Liangping, Nanchuan, Shapingba, Tongliang, Wanzhou, Wulong & Yongchuan Districts & Dianjiang & Fengjie Counties) & 26 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Yubei District, 4 each at Wushan & Xiushan Counties, 2 each at Hechuan & Liangping Districts, & 1 each at Bishan, Nan’an, Qianjiang, Rongchang & Shapingba Districts & Chengkou, Dianjiang, Fengdu & Pengshui Counties) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. There currently are 54 active domestic confirmed & 74 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 4 at Medium Risk.
Guizhou Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed & 13 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 15 domestic confirmed & 54 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 324 active domestic confirmed & 998 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Qinghai Province reported 1 new domestic asymptomatic (at Yulshul Prefecture) case. 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 3 active domestic confirmed & 16 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 4 sites at Haixi Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Tibet “Autonomous” Region reported 5 new domestic confirmed & 30 new domestic asymptomatic cases, all persons under centralized quarantine or via screening of residents under movement control. 18 domestic confirmed & 79 asymptomatic cases recovered. The region is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases.
Yunnan Province reported 23 new domestic confirmed (5 previously asymptomatic, 17 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 4 at Shaotong, & 1 each at Ruili in Dehong Prefecture & Kunming) & 26 new domestic asymptomatic (18 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture & 5 at Ruili in Dehong Prefecture) cases. 6 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 125 active domestic confirmed & 276 active domestic asymptomatic cases there. 24 sites at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 8 at Dehong Prefecture, & 3 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at High Risk. 10 sites at Dehong Prefecture, 8 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, & 6 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Imported Cases
On 10/6, Mainland China reported 72 new imported confirmed cases (6 previously asymptomatic), 101 imported asymptomatic cases, 0 imported suspect cases:
Overall in Mainland China, 214 confirmed cases recovered (64 imported), 621 asymptomatic cases were released from isolation (77 imported) & 54 were reclassified as confirmed cases (6 imported), & 20,589 individuals were released from quarantine. Currently, there are 2,957 active confirmed cases in the country (628 imported), 19 in serious/critical condition (1 imported), 9,544 active asymptomatic cases (800 imported), 0 suspect cases. 224,650 traced contacts are currently under centralized quarantine.
As of 10/6, 3,437.286M vaccine doses have been injected in Mainland China, an increase of 78K doses in the past 24 hrs.
As of 10/6, Hong Kong reported 4,369 new positive cases, 386 imported & 3,989 domestic, & 2 new deaths.
On 10/6, Taiwan added 50,779 new positive cases, 69 imported & 50,710 domestic (including 178 moderate & 50 serious). There were 52 new deaths (ages ranging from 40+ y.o. to 90+ y.o., actual dates of deaths range from 6/17 – 10/4, 51 w/ underly conditions, 16 fully vaccinated & boosted).
@OzarkHillbilly: Right there with you. Covid booster 3 weeks ago. 2nd shingles shot last week. Flu shot next wknd.
@Soprano2: I’m also a rarity. Neither shingles shot gave me any issues. 1st shot, only sore shoulder. 2nd shot, nada.
YY_Sima Qian
On 10/7 Mainland China reported 447 new domestic confirmed (167 previously asymptomatic), 1,301 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 0 new domestic suspect cases, & 0 new deaths.
Guangdong Province reported 47 new domestic confirmed (8 previously asymptomatic) & 27 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 5 domestic confirmed cases recovered. There currently are 302 active domestic confirmed & 174 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Guangxi “Autonomous” Region reported 1 new domestic confirmed (1 at Lingui District in Guilin) & 12 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Guilin, 3 at Dongxing in Fangchenggang, & 1 at Luzhai County in Liuzhou) cases, all except those at Fangchenggang coming from out of province. 10 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 110 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 1 site at Fangchenggang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Hainan Province reported 2 new domestic confirmed (both at Haikou) & 1 new asymptomatic (at Dongfang) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. The province is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 2 sites at Haikou are currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Hunan Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 3 at Shaoyang, & 1 each at Hengyang & Yueyang) & 7 new domestic asymptomatic (3 from Hengyang, 2 at Changsha, 1 each at Changde & Xiangxi Prefecture) cases. 1 of the cases at Hengyang was previously asymptomatic, & the other 3 are persons under centralized quarantine. The cases at Changsha, Changde & Shaoyang came from out of province. 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 36 active domestic confirmed & 54 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 3 sites at Yiyang & 1 at Hengyang are currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Yiyang & 1 each at Changsha, Hengyang, Yongzhou & Xiangtan at Medium Risk.
Hubei Province reported 108 new domestic asymptomatic (35 at Xiantao, 22 at Wuhan, 20 at Jingzhou, 9 each at Huanggang & Jingmen, 3 each at Enshi Prefecture, Ezhou & Yichang, 2 at Xiaogan, & 1 each at Shiyan & Tianmen) cases. 20 of the cases at Wuhan, 18 at Jingmen, the ones at Enshi Prefecture & Yichang, & 1 at Xiaogan came from Xinjiang & under centralized quarantine since arrival. The cases at Ezhou came from Tibet & under centralized quarantine since arrival. The cases at Xiantao, 2 at Jingzhou, 2 at Wuhan are persons under centralized quarantine. The cases at Jingzhou, Jingmen, Shiyan & Suizhou came from Xinjiang & under centralized quarantine since arrival. 6 of the cases at Jingmen are persons under centralized quarantine, 1 via screening of residents in Medium/High Risk areas, & 2 via community screening. 3 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed (at Wuhan) & 265 active domestic asymptomatic (83 at Wuhan, 60 at Jingzhou, 53 at Xiantao, 21 at Jingmen, 13 at Huanggang, 6 each at Suizhou & Xiaogan, 5 at Shiyan, 4 at Enshi Prefecture, Ezhou & Yichang, 3 at Xiangyang, 2 at Tianmen, & 1 at Huangshi) cases in the city. 2 sites at Wuhan are currently at Medium Risk.
Inner Mongolia “Autonomous” Region reported 251 new domestic confirmed (132 previously asymptomatic) cases & 386 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 1 domestic confirmed & 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 631 active domestic confirmed & 1,804 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Gansu Province reported 52 new domestic asymptomatic (27 at Longnan, 14 at Lanzhou, 7 at Tianshui, 2 at Min County in Dingxi, & 1 each at Huating County in Pingliang & Zhenyuan County in Qingyang) cases, all from out of province or their traced close contacts, under centralized quarantine since arrival or tested positive upon arrival. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 121 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Baiyin is currently at High Risk, & 6 at Medium Risk.
Shanxi Province reported 30 new domestic confirmed (7 previously asymptomatic, 17 at Qi County in Jinzhong, 6 at Taiyuan, 3 at Ruicheng County in Yuncheng, & 1 each at Bolin District in Datong, Ying County in Shuozhou, Hongdong County in Linfen & Lin County in Lüliang) & 32 new domestic asymptomatic (17 at Qi County in Jinzhong, 7 at Taiyuan, 6 at Hongdong County in Linfen, 2 at Ying County in Xinzhou) cases. There currently are 81 active domestic confirmed (35 at Taiyuan, 23 at Jinzhong, 7 at Lüliang, 4 each at Datong & Linfen, 3 each at Yuncheng & Xinzhou, & 2 at Shuozhou) & 85 active domestic asymptomatic (31 at Taiyuan, 24 at Jinzhong, 11 at Linfen, 8 at Shuozhou, 7 at Datong, 3 at Xinzhou, & 1 at Lüliang) case in the province. 4 sites at Xinzhou, 3 at Taiyuan, & 1 each at Jinzhong & Shuozhou are currently at High Risk. 8 sites each at Taiyuan & Xinzhou, 6 each at Datong & Shuozhou, & 3 each at Jinzhong & Lüliang are currently at Medium Risk.
Shaanxi Province reported 14 new domestic confirmed (9 at Hanzhong & 5 at Xi’an) & 29 new domestic asymptomatic (12 at Xi’an, 7 at Xianyang, 4 at Yulin, 3 at Baoji, 2 at Weinan, & 1 at Yangling) cases, 36 of the domestic positive cases came form out of province, & 7 are persons under centralized quarantine. 3 domestic confirmed & 18 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 54 active domestic confirmed & 216 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Weinan, 5 at Xi’an, 3 at Baoji, & 2 at Shangluo are currently at High Risk. 9 sites at Shangluo, 7 at Xi’an, 6 at Baoji, 5 at Weinan, & 2 at Xianyang are currently at Medium Risk.
Ningxia “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic confirmed (all at Zhongwei) & 33 new domestic asymptomatic (12 at Zhongwei, 10 at Yinchuan, 9 at Yuanzhou District in Guyuan, & 2 at Litong District in Wuzhong) cases, 11 coming from out of province. 4 domestic confirmed & 129 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 23 active domestic confirmed & 837 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 144 sites at Zhongwei, 18 at Wuzhong & 2 at Guyuan are currently at High Risk. 55 sites at Zhongwei & 17 at Wuzhong are currently at Medium Risk.
Xinjiang “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic confirmed & 344 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 33 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 4 active domestic confirmed & 817 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Shandong Province reported 12 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Weifang, 2 each at Jinan, Jining & Linyi, & 1 at Tai’an) cases, 11 coming from out of province & under centralized quarantine since arrival, & a person under home quarantine. 2 domestic confirmed & 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 23 active domestic confirmed & 98 domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Dongying & Jinan, & 1 at Jining are currently at High Risk. 6 sites each at Jining & Jinan, 4 at Dongying, & 3 at Qingdao are currently at High Risk.
Hebei Province reported 14 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Zhangjiakou, 3 each at Langfang & Qinhuangdao, & 1 each at Chengde & Hengshui) cases, 4 from out of province. 8 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 3 domestic confirmed & 81 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 5 at Zhangjiakou & 1 each at Baoding & Qinhuangdao are currently at High Risk. 18 sites at Zhangjiakou, 2 at Langfang, & 1 each at Baoding & Qinhuangdao are currently at Medium Risk.
Henan Province reported 24 new domestic asymptomatic (7 at Ruzhou in Pingdingshan & 3 at Zhengzhou, & 14 persons transferred from out of province at unspecified locations) cases, 20 persons under centralized quarantine & 4 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 2 domestic confirmed & 5 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 12 active domestic confirmed & 160 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Pingdingshan are currently at High Risk.
Liaoning Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Shenyang) & 4 new domestic asymptomatic (2 each at Anshan & Yingkou) cases, 2 persons under centralized quarantine, 1 from out of province, 1 via daily screening of persons in high risk occupations (at Yingkou), & 1 via community screening (at Yingkou). 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 11 active domestic confirmed & 14 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Chaoyang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Jilin Province reported 9 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Changchun & 1 at Meihekou) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. There currently are 2 active domestic confirmed & 32 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Heilongjiang Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Daoli District in Harbin) & 5 new domestic asymptomatic (4 at Harbin & 1 at Xing’an District in Hegang) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 15 domestic confirmed & 81 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 60 active domestic confirmed (37 at Jiamusi, 22 at Harbin, & 1 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture) & 604 active domestic asymptomatic (327 at Heihe, 229 at Jiamusi, 40 at Harbin, 10 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 3 each at Mudanjiang & Qitaihe, 2 at Daqing, & 1 at Hegang) cases in the province. 9 sites at Jiamusi, 10 at Heihe, & 1 each at Daqing, Hegang & Qitaihe are currently at High Risk. 54 sites at Jiamusi, 45 at Heihe, 4 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 2 at Qitaihe, & 1 each at Daqing & Hegang are currently at Medium Risk.
Beijing Municipality reported 3 new domestic confirmed (1 each at Chaoyang, Changping & Yanqing Districts) cases, 2 persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via community screening (at Chaoyang District). 2 domestic confirmed cases recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Tianjin Municipality reported 8 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 5 persons under centralized quarantine (3 from out of province), & 3 via community screening (a family cluster at Hexi District). 5 domestic confirmed & 7 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 65 sites are currently at High Risk, & 16 at Medium Risk.
Shanghai Municipality reported 2 new domestic confirmed & 21 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 20 persons under centralized quarantine & 3 coming from out of province & found via community screening (2 at Changning District & 1 at Pudong New Area). There currently are 5 active domestic confirmed case in the city. The city is no longer publishing the number of active asymptomatic cases. 1 site is currently at High Risk, & 11 at Medium Risk.
Anhui Province reported 9 new domestic asymptomatic (3 each at Taihe County in Fuyang & Suzhou, 2 at Bengbu, & 1 at Jinghu District in Wuhu) cases, 7 persons coming from out of province & 2 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure (both at Fuyang). There currently are 3 active domestic confirmed & 54 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Jiangsu Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 2 at Nanjing & 1 each at Wuxi & Yancheng) & 22 new domestic asymptomatic (6 each at Suzhou & Yangzhou, 4 at Xuzhou, 2 at Nanjing, & 1 each at Lianyungang, Nantong, Suqian, Wuxi, & Zhenjiang) cases, 15 persons under centralized quarantine, 10 from out of province & tested positive upon arrival, & 1 from out of province & found via community screening (at Wuxi). 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 52 active domestic confirmed & 92 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Lianyungang is currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Yangzhou, 3 at Xuzhou, & 2 each at Lianyungang & Nanjing are currently at Medium Risk.
Zhejiang Province reported 7 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Hangzhou & 1 each at Ningbo & Quzhou) cases, 5 persons under centralized quarantine, 1 from out of province & tested positive upon arrival, & 1 from out of province & found via community screening (at Hangzhou). 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Fujian Province reported 3 new domestic asymptomatic (all at Fuzhou) cases, all persons from Xinjiang & under centralized quarantine since arrival. 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. There currently are 12 active domestic confirmed & 2 active domestic asymptomatic cases remaining. 3 sites at Xiamen are currently at Medium Risk.
Jiangxi Province reported 2 new domestic asymptomatic (1 each at Xihu District in Nanchang & Tonggu County in Yichun) cases, both coming from out of province. There currently are 27 active domestic asymptomatic (19 at Ji’an, 5 at Nanchang, 2 at Yichun, & 1 at Ganzhou) cases in the province. 2 sites at Ganzhou are currently at High Risk, & 3 at Medium Risk.
Sichuan Province reported 44 new domestic confirmed (15 previously asymptomatic) & 47 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 38 domestic confirmed & 46 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Chongqing Municipality reported 17 new domestic confirmed (4 previously asymptomatic) & 23 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 25 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 71 active domestic confirmed & 91 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 4 at Medium Risk.
Guizhou Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed & 7 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 19 domestic confirmed & 55 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 306 active domestic confirmed & 950 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Qinghai Province did not report any new domestic positive cases. 2 domestic confirmed & 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 12 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 4 sites at Haixi Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Tibet “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic confirmed & 27 new domestic asymptomatic cases, all at Lhasa, all persons under centralized quarantine or via screening of residents under movement control. 4 domestic confirmed & 32 asymptomatic cases recovered. The region is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 17 site at Lhasa are currently at Medium Risk.
Yunnan Province reported 12 new domestic confirmed (10 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture & 2 at Ruili in Dehong Prefecture) & 26 new domestic asymptomatic (11 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 7 at Dehong Prefecture, 3 each act Qujing & Shaotong, & 2 at Lincang) cases. 2 domestic confirmed & 9 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 135 active domestic confirmed & 293 active domestic asymptomatic cases there. 24 sites at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 8 at Dehong Prefecture, & 3 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at High Risk. 10 sites at Dehong Prefecture, 8 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, & 6 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Imported Cases
On 10/7, Mainland China reported 54 new imported confirmed cases (7 previously asymptomatic), 123 imported asymptomatic cases, 0 imported suspect cases:
Overall in Mainland China, 159 confirmed cases recovered (49 imported), 542 asymptomatic cases were released from isolation (83 imported) & 174 were reclassified as confirmed cases (7 imported), & 23,667 individuals were released from quarantine. Currently, there are 3,299 active confirmed cases in the country (633 imported), 16 in serious/critical condition (1 imported), 10,252 active asymptomatic cases (833 imported), 0 suspect cases. 246,688 traced contacts are currently under centralized quarantine.
As of 10/7, 3,437.347M vaccine doses have been injected in Mainland China, an increase of 61K doses in the past 24 hrs.
As of 10/7, Hong Kong reported 4,900 new positive cases, 295 imported & 4,605 domestic, & 13 new deaths.
On 10/7, Taiwan added 44,534 new positive cases, 67 imported & 44,467 domestic (including 185 moderate or serious). There were 76 new deaths (ages ranging from 40+ y.o. to 90+ y.o., 71 w/ underly conditions, 26 fully vaccinated & boosted).
YY_Sima Qian
On 10/8 Mainland China reported 441 new domestic confirmed (103 previously asymptomatic), 1,307 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 0 new domestic suspect cases, & 0 new deaths.
Guangdong Province reported 34 new domestic confirmed (7 previously asymptomatic) & 21 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 4 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic confirmed cases recovered. There currently are 332 active domestic confirmed & 187 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Guangxi “Autonomous” Region reported 3 new domestic asymptomatic (1 each at Du’an County in Hechi, Xingning District in Nanning, & Daxin County in Chongzuo) cases, all except those at Chongzuo coming from out of province. 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 109 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 1 site at Fangchenggang is currently at High Risk.
Hainan Province reported 8 new domestic confirmed (both at Haikou) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 2 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. The province is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 4 sites at Haikou are currently at High Risk. 3 sites at Haikou & 2 at Wenchang are currently at Medium Risk.
Hunan Province reported 3 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 1 each at Hengyang, Xiangxi Prefecture & Yueyang) & 18 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Xiangxi Prefecture, 4 at Shaoyang, 3 at Hengyang, 2 at Yueyang, 1 each at Changsha, Cenzhou, Yongzhou & Zhangjiajie) cases. 1 of the cases at Hengyang was previously asymptomatic, & the other 3 are persons under centralized quarantine. The cases at Changsha, Cenzhou & Yueyang came from out of province. 5 of the cases at Xiangxi Prefecture are persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via community screening. The cases at Shaoyang are persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 39 active domestic confirmed & 70 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Hengyang are currently at High Risk. 13 sites at Xiangxi Prefecture, 4 at Yiyang, 3 each at Xiangtan & Yueyang, 2 at Hengyang, & 1 each at Changsha, Shaoyang & Yongzhou are currently at Medium Risk.
Hubei Province reported 31 new domestic asymptomatic (11 at Xiantao, 9 at Jingzhou, 6 at Wuhan, 3 at Enshi Prefecture, & 1 each at Huanggang & Jingmen) cases. 5 of the cases at Wuhan are persons under centralized quarantine, & 1 came form out of province & found via community screening. The cases at Jingzhou are persons under centralized quarantine (5 came from Xinjiang). The cases at Xiantao, Enshi Prefecture, Huanggang & Jingmen are persons under centralized quarantine. 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed (at Wuhan) & 294 active domestic asymptomatic (83 at Wuhan, 60 at Jingzhou, 53 at Xiantao, 21 at Jingmen, 13 at Huanggang, 6 each at Suizhou & Xiaogan, 5 at Shiyan, 4 at Enshi Prefecture, Ezhou & Yichang, 3 at Xiangyang, 2 at Tianmen, & 1 at Huangshi) cases in the city. All areas in the province are now at Low Risk.
Inner Mongolia “Autonomous” Region reported 207 new domestic confirmed (71 previously asymptomatic) cases & 424 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 40 domestic confirmed & 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 798 active domestic confirmed & 2,151 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Gansu Province reported 61 new domestic asymptomatic (53 at Chengguan District in Lanzhou, 5 at Baiyin County in Baiyin, 2 at Jinchang, & 1 at Zhuangliang County in Pingliang & Zhenyuan County in Qingyang) cases, all from out of province or their traced close contacts, tested positive upon arrival or via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 178 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Lanzhou & 1 at Baiyin is currently at High Risk. 3 sites at Baiyin are currently at Medium Risk.
Shanxi Province reported 20 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 8 at Yuncheng, 5 at Jinyuan County in Taiyuan, 3 at Qi County in Jinzhong, & 1 each at Luzhou District in Changzhi, Shuocheng District in Shuozhou, Qinshui County in Jincheng & Lishi District in Lüliang) & 16 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Qi County in Jinzhong, 4 at Taiyuan, 2 at Yanhu District in Yuncheng, & 1 each at Hongdong County in Linfen & Pingyao County in Jinzhong) cases. There currently are 101 active domestic confirmed (35 at Taiyuan, 23 at Jinzhong, 7 at Lüliang, 4 each at Datong & Linfen, 3 each at Yuncheng & Xinzhou, & 2 at Shuozhou) & 100 active domestic asymptomatic (31 at Taiyuan, 24 at Jinzhong, 11 at Linfen, 8 at Shuozhou, 7 at Datong, 3 at Xinzhou, & 1 at Lüliang) case in the province. 6 sites at Yuncheng, 4 each at Taiyuan & Xinzhou,& 1 each at Jinzhong & Shuozhou are currently at High Risk. 42 sites at Yuncheng, 15 at Taiyuan, 8 each at Shuozhou & Xinzhou, 5 at Datong, 3 at Jinzhong, & 2 at Linfen are currently at Medium Risk.
Shaanxi Province reported 20 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 9 at Hanzhong, 7 at Xi’an, 2 at Weinan, & 1 each at Yan’an & Yulin) & 30 new domestic asymptomatic (11 at Xi’an, 7 at Weinan, 6 at Baoji, & 3 each at Shangluo & Xianyang) cases, 27 of the new domestic positive cases came form out of province, 7 are persons under centralized quarantine, 2 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure (1 each at Baoji & Xi’an), & 1 via community screening (at Weinan). 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 74 active domestic confirmed & 244 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 8 sites at Weinan, 7 at Xi’an, 3 at Baoji, 2 at Shangluo, & 1 at Xianyang are currently at High Risk. 9 sites at Shangluo, 8 at Weinan, 6 each at Xi’an & Baoji, & 4 at Xianyang are currently at Medium Risk.
Ningxia “Autonomous” Region reported 3 new domestic confirmed (2 at Zhongning County in Zhongwei & 1 at Jinfeng District in Yinchuan) & 32 new domestic asymptomatic (18 at Yinchuan, 6 at Wuzhong, 5 at Yuanzhou District in Guyuan, & 3 at Zhongning County in Zhongwei) cases, 28 coming from out of region. 8 domestic confirmed & 132 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 18 active domestic confirmed & 737 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 82 sites at Zhongwei, 15 at Wuzhong, & 2 each at Guyuan & Yinchuan are currently at High Risk. 87 sites at Zhongwei, 14 at Wuzhong, & 1 at Yinchuan are currently at Medium Risk.
Xinjiang “Autonomous” Region reported 53 new domestic confirmed & 383 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 29 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 57 active domestic confirmed & 1,171 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Shandong Province reported 8 new domestic asymptomatic (2 each at Jinan & Yantai, & 1 each at Jining, Tai’an, Weifang & Zaozhuang) cases, all coming from out of province & under centralized quarantine since arrival or tested positive upon arrival. 3 domestic confirmed & 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 20 active domestic confirmed & 100 domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Tai’an & 1 at Jinan are currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Jinan, 4 each at Dongying & Tai’an, & 3 at Jining are currently at High Risk.
Hebei Province reported 12 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Qinhuangdao, 3 at Zhangjiakou, & 1 each at Ci County in Handan, Jing County in Hengshui, & Wuji County in Shijiazhuang) cases. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 3 domestic confirmed & 91 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 7 at Zhangjiakou, 5 at Qinhuangdao, & 4 at Handan are currently at High Risk. 35 sites at Zhangjiakou, 3 each at Handan & Qinhuangdao, 2 at Langfang, & 1 at Baoding are currently at Medium Risk.
Henan Province reported 8 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 7 at Zhengzhou) & 30 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Zhengzhou, 6 at Pingdingshan, 2 each at Luoyang & Xinyang, 1 at Nanyang, & 11 persons transferred from out of province at unspecified locations) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 3 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 20 active domestic confirmed & 186 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Pingdingshan are currently at High Risk.
Liaoning Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 2 at Jinzhou & 1 each at Chaoyang & Shenyang) & 20 new domestic asymptomatic (16 at Anshan & 2 each at Dalian & Yingkou) cases. The cases at Dalian, Jinzhou & Shenyang came from out of province & tested positive upon arrival. The case at Anshan, Chaoyang & Yingkou are persons under centralized quarantine. There currently are 15 active domestic confirmed & 33 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 3 sites at Anshan & 2 at Chaoyang are currently at High Risk. 2 sites each at Anshan & Chaoyang, & 1 at Tieling are currently at Medium Risk.
Jilin Province reported 7 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Changchun & 1 each at Baishan County in Baishan & Tonghua County in Tonghua) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. There currently are 2 active domestic confirmed & 39 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Heilongjiang Province reported 2 new domestic confirmed (both at Xiangfang District in Harbin) & 5 new domestic asymptomatic (2 each at Harbin & Qinggang County in Suihua, & 1 at Xing’an District in Hegang) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 7 domestic confirmed & 77 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 55 active domestic confirmed (30 at Jiamusi, 24 at Harbin, & 1 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture) & 532 active domestic asymptomatic (273 at Heihe, 195 at Jiamusi, 42 at Harbin, 10 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 3 each at Mudanjiang & Qitaihe, 2 each at Daqing, Hegang & Suihua) cases in the province. 6 sites at Heihe & 1 each at Daqing, Harbin, Hegang & Qitaihe are currently at High Risk. 9 sites at Jiamusi, 13 at Heihe, 2 each at Harbin & Hegang, & 1 each at Daqing, Qitaihe & Suihua are currently at Medium Risk.
Beijing Municipality reported 6 new domestic confirmed (2 at Xicheng District & 1 each at Changping, Fangshan & Fengtai Districts) & 2 new domestic asymptomatic (both at Xicheng District) cases, 5 persons under centralized quarantine & 3 via community screening (2 at Xicheng District & 1 at Fengtai District). 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 3 sites are currently at High Risk, & 3 at Medium Risk.
Tianjin Municipality reported 4 new domestic asymptomatic cases, all persons under centralized quarantine (3 from out of province). 4 domestic confirmed & 11 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 6 sites are currently at High Risk, & 71 at Medium Risk.
Shanghai Municipality reported 2 new domestic confirmed & 19 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 19 persons under centralized quarantine & 2 coming from out of province & found via community screening (1 each at Putuo & Qingpu Districts). 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 7 active domestic confirmed case in the city. The city is no longer publishing the number of active asymptomatic cases. 1 site is currently at High Risk, & 24 at Medium Risk.
Anhui Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Taihe County in Fuyang) & 22 new domestic asymptomatic (15 at Taihe County in Fuyang, 3 at Hefei, 2 at Huaiyuan County in Bengbu, & 1 each at Lixin County in Bozhou & Yongqiao District in Suzhou) cases. The cases at Fuyang are traced close contacts under centralized quarantine. 2 of the cases at Hefei came from out of province, & 1 found via screening of persons in high risk occupations. The cases at Bengbu, Bozhou & Suzhou came from out of province. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 4 active domestic confirmed & 75 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Fuyang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Jiangsu Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, all at Nanjing) & 13 new domestic asymptomatic (3 each at Nanjing, Suzhou & Xuzhou, 2 at Nantong, & 1 each at Suqian & Wuxi) cases. 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 57 active domestic confirmed & 100 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Lianyungang is currently at High Risk. 5 sites each at Yangzhou & Suqian, & 2 each at Lianyungang & Nanjing are currently at Medium Risk.
Zhejiang Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (all previously asymptomatic) & 10 new domestic asymptomatic (9 at Hangzhou & 1 at Jiaxing) cases, 8 persons under centralized quarantine, 1 from out of province & tested positive upon arrival, & 1 from out of province & found via at home health monitoring (at Hangzhou). 2 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Fujian Province reported 4 new domestic asymptomatic (all at Fuzhou) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. There currently are 13 active domestic confirmed & 9 active domestic asymptomatic cases remaining. All areas of the province are now at Low Risk.
Jiangxi Province 13 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 14 active domestic asymptomatic (7 at Ji’an, 4 at Nanchang, 2 at Yichun, & 1 at Ganzhou) cases in the province. 2 sites at Ganzhou are currently at High Risk, & 3 at Medium Risk.
Sichuan Province reported 22 new domestic confirmed (5 previously asymptomatic) & 45 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 47 domestic confirmed & 40 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Chongqing Municipality reported 19 new domestic confirmed (7 previously asymptomatic) & 7 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 12 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine, 4 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure, & 3 via community screening. There currently are 90 active domestic confirmed & 91 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 4 at Medium Risk.
Guizhou Province reported 2 new domestic confirmed & 15 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 10 domestic confirmed & 35 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 298 active domestic confirmed & 930 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
At Qinghai Province 1 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 10 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. All areas of the province are now at Low Risk.
Tibet “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic confirmed (all at Lhasa) & 29 new domestic asymptomatic (26 at Lhasa & 1 each at Ngari Prefecture, Nagqu & Shigatse) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine or via screening of residents under movement control. 2 domestic confirmed & 44 asymptomatic cases recovered. The region is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 13 site at Lhasa are currently at Medium Risk.
Yunnan Province reported 14 new domestic confirmed (3 previously asymptomatic, 8 at Shaotong, 4 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture & 1 each at Longchuan County in Dehong Prefecture & Gejiu in Honghe Prefecture) & 36 new domestic asymptomatic (18 at Dehong Prefecture, 10 at Binchuan County in Dali, 6 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, & 2 at Honghe Prefecture) cases, 18 of the new domestic positive cases came from out of province. 4 domestic confirmed & 7 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 145 active domestic confirmed & 319 active domestic asymptomatic cases there. 34 sites at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 8 at Dehong Prefecture, & 6 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at High Risk. 11 sites each at Dehong & Sipsongpanna Prefectures, & 12 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Imported Cases
On 10/8, Mainland China reported 62 new imported confirmed cases (5 previously asymptomatic), 115 imported asymptomatic cases, 0 imported suspect cases:
Overall in Mainland China, 184 confirmed cases recovered (54 imported), 423 asymptomatic cases were released from isolation (93 imported) & 108 were reclassified as confirmed cases (5 imported), & 27,224 individuals were released from quarantine. Currently, there are 3,618 active confirmed cases in the country (641 imported), 13 in serious/critical condition (1 imported), 11,043 active asymptomatic cases (850 imported), 0 suspect cases. 274,285 traced contacts are currently under centralized quarantine.
As of 10/8, 3,437.442M vaccine doses have been injected in Mainland China, an increase of 95K doses in the past 24 hrs.
As of 10/8, Hong Kong reported 4,562 new positive cases, 328 imported & 4,234 domestic, & 3 new deaths.
On 10/8, Taiwan added 44,565 new positive cases, 108 imported & 44,457 domestic (including 213 moderate or serious). There were 62 new deaths (ages ranging from 30+ y.o. to 90+ y.o., 71 w/ underly conditions, 18 fully vaccinated & boosted).
YY_Sima Qian
On 10/9 Mainland China reported 434 new domestic confirmed (61 previously asymptomatic), 1,566 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 0 new domestic suspect cases, & 0 new deaths.
Guangdong Province reported 31 new domestic confirmed (4 previously asymptomatic) & 24 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 16 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic confirmed cases recovered. There currently are 347 active domestic confirmed & 205 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Guangxi “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic asymptomatic (1 each at Dongxing in Fangchenggang, Du’an County in Hechi, Binyang County in Nanning, & Rong County in Yulin) cases, all except the one at Fangchenggang coming from out of province. 8 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 105 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region. 1 site at Fangchenggang is currently at High Risk.
Hainan Province reported 3 new domestic confirmed (2 at Wenchang & 1 at Haikou) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. The province is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 4 sites at Haikou are currently at High Risk. 3 sites at Haikou & 2 at Wenchang are currently at Medium Risk.
Hunan Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (2 at Zhangjiajie & 1 each at Xiangxi Prefecture & Yueyang) & 18 new domestic asymptomatic (5 at Changsha, 4 at Hengyang, 3 each at Xiangtan & Xiangxi Prefecture, 2 at Yueyang, & 1 at Shaoyang) cases. The cases at Changsha, Hengyang, Shaoyang, Yueyang & Zhangjiajie are persons under centralized quarantine. The cases at, Cenzhou & came from out of province. 2 of the cases at Xiangxi Prefecture are persons under centralized quarantine & 2 via community screening. 1 of the cases at Xiangtan is a person under centralized quarantine, & 2 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. There currently are 43 active domestic confirmed & 88 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Hengyang are currently at High Risk. 13 sites at Xiangxi Prefecture, 5 at Xiangtan, 4 each at Changsha & Yiyang, 3 at Yueyang, 2 at Hengyang, & 1 each at Shaoyang & Yongzhou are currently at Medium Risk.
Hubei Province reported 48 new domestic asymptomatic (15 at Jingzhou, 10 at Jingmen, 8 each at Huanggang & Xiantao, 2 each at Enshi Prefecture & Xiangyang, & 1 each at Shiyan, Wuhan & Yichang) cases. The cases at Jingzhou, Jingmen, Huanggang, Xiantao & Yichang are persons under centralized quarantine (7 came from Xinjiang). The cases at Xiangyang came from out of province (1 under centralized quarantine since arrival). The case at Wuhan came from out of province & found via community screening. The cases at Shiyan was found via community screening. 5 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed (at Wuhan) & 337 active domestic asymptomatic (87 at Wuhan, 80 at Jingzhou, 72 at Xiantao, 32 at Jingmen, 22 at Huanggang, 9 at Enshi Prefecture, 6 each at Shiyan, Suizhou & Xiaogan, 5 each at Xiangyang & Yichang, 4 at Ezhou, 2 at Tianmen, & 1 at Huangshi) cases in the city..
Inner Mongolia “Autonomous” Region reported 119 new domestic confirmed (26 previously asymptomatic) cases & 559 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 18 domestic confirmed & 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 899 active domestic confirmed & 2,680 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Gansu Province reported 68 new domestic asymptomatic (67 at Chengguan District in Lanzhou & 1 at Jingyuan County in Baiyin) cases, all from out of province or their traced close contacts, tested positive upon arrival or via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 8 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 1 active domestic confirmed & 238 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Lanzhou are currently at High Risk. 1 site at Baiyin is currently at Medium Risk.
Shanxi Province reported 25 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 13 at Yanhu District in at Yuncheng, 7 at Taiyuan, 4 at Jinzhong, & 1 at Ningwu County in Xinzhou) & 14 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Taiyuan & 4 each at Qi County in Jinzhong & Yanhu District in Yuncheng) cases. 1 domestic confirmed & 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 125 active domestic confirmed (47 at Taiyuan, 30 at Jinzhong, 24 at Yuncheng, 7 at Lüliang, 4 each at Datong, Linfen & Xinzhou, 3 at Shuozhou, & 1 each at Changzhi & Jincheng) & 111 active domestic asymptomatic (39 at Taiyuan, 36 at Jinzhong, 12 at Linfen, 10 at Shuozhou, 7 at Datong, 6 at Yuncheng, & 1 at Xinzhou) case in the province. 6 sites at Yuncheng, 4 each at Taiyuan & Xinzhou,& 1 each at Jinzhong & Shuozhou are currently at High Risk. 42 sites at Yuncheng, 15 at Taiyuan, 8 each at Shuozhou & Xinzhou, 5 at Datong, 3 at Jinzhong, & 2 at Linfen are currently at Medium Risk.
Shaanxi Province reported 9 new domestic confirmed (8 at Hanzhong & 1 at at Xi’an) & 17 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Xi’an, 3 each at Baoji, Weinan & Xianyang, & 1 each at Yan’an & Yangling) cases, 11 of the new domestic positive cases came form out of province, 14 are persons under centralized quarantine, & 1 via community screening (at Xi’an). 3 domestic confirmed & 11 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 80 active domestic confirmed & 250 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 8 sites each at Baoji & Weinan, 7 at Xi’an, & 1 each at Hanzhong & Xianyang are currently at High Risk. 12 sites at Baoji Shangluo, 8 at Weinan, 7 at Xi’an, 4 at Xianyang, 2 each at Hanzhong & Shangluo are currently at Medium Risk.
Ningxia “Autonomous” Region reported 4 new domestic confirmed (1 previously asymptomatic, 3 at Zhongning County in Zhongwei & 1 at Hongsibu District in Wuzhong) & 49 new domestic asymptomatic (42 at Yinchuan & 7 at Zhongwei) cases, 43 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine or movement control. 10 domestic confirmed & 178 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 12 active domestic confirmed & 607 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 74 sites at Zhongwei, 15 at Wuzhong, & 2 each at Guyuan & Yinchuan are currently at High Risk. 91 sites at Zhongwei, 14 at Wuzhong, & 9 at Yinchuan are currently at Medium Risk.
Xinjiang “Autonomous” Region reported 70 new domestic confirmed (5 previously asymptomatic) & 376 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 32 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 57 active domestic confirmed & 1,171 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Shandong Province reported 2 new domestic confirmed (both at Jinan) & 11 new domestic asymptomatic (4 at Yantai, 3 at Jinan, & 1 each at Jining, Liaocheng, Linyi & Zibo) cases, 12 persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 1 domestic confirmed & 8 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 21 active domestic confirmed & 103 domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 2 sites at Tai’an & 1 at Jinan are currently at High Risk. 5 sites at Jinan, 4 at Tai’an, 3 at Jining, & 2 at Dongying are currently at High Risk.
Hebei Province reported 20 new domestic asymptomatic (8 at Zhangjiakou, 5 at Handan, 4 at Langfang, 2 at Qinhuangdao, & 1 at Zhao County in Shijiazhuang) cases. 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 3 domestic confirmed & 105 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 8 at Zhangjiakou, 7 at Qinhuangdao, & 4 at Handan are currently at High Risk. 35 sites at Zhangjiakou, 3 each at Handan & Qinhuangdao, 2 at Langfang, & 1 at Baoding are currently at Medium Risk.
Henan Province reported 11 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 7 at Zhengzhou & 1 at Nanyang, & a person transferred from out of province to unspecified location) & 45 new domestic asymptomatic (33 at Zhengzhou, 6 at Pingdingshan, 2 at Nanyang, 1 at Jiaozuo, & 3 persons transferred from out of province to unspecified locations) cases, 49 persons under centralized quarantine. 1 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 30 active domestic confirmed & 228 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 6 sites at Pingdingshan are currently at High Risk.
Liaoning Province reported 4 new domestic confirmed (2 at Fushun & 1 each at Anshan & Tieling) & 26 new domestic asymptomatic (19 at Anshan, 2 each at Chaoyang & Shenyang, & 1 each at Dalian, Fushun & Tieling) cases. The cases at Chaoyang, Dalian & Fushun came from out of province & tested positive upon arrival. The case at Anshan & Chaoyang are persons under centralized quarantine. 1 of the cases at Tieling came from out of province, & the other is a traced close contact under centralized quarantine. 1 of the cases at Shenyang is a person under centralized quarantine, & the other via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 2 domestic confirmed & 4 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 17 active domestic confirmed & 55 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 5 sites at Anshan, 2 at Chaoyang & 1 at Fushun are currently at High Risk. 6 sites at Fushun, 5 at Anshan, 2 at Chaoyang, & 1 at Tieling are currently at Medium Risk.
Jilin Province reported 5 new domestic asymptomatic (4 at Changchun & 1 at Meihekou) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine. 1 of the cases at Changchun is a person under centralized quarantine, & 3 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. The case at Meihekou came from out of province & under home quarantine since arrival. There currently are 2 active domestic confirmed & 44 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
Heilongjiang Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Nan’gang District in Harbin) & 1 new domestic asymptomatic (at Qingan County in Suihua) cases, both persons under centralized quarantine. 6 domestic confirmed & 122 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 50 active domestic confirmed (25 at Harbin, 24 at Jiamusi, & 1 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture) & 411 active domestic asymptomatic (221 at Heihe, 125 at Jiamusi, 42 at Harbin, 10 at Greater Hinggan Prefecture, 3 each at Mudanjiang, Qitaihe & Suihua, 2 each at Daqing & Hegang) cases in the province. 5 sites at Heihe & 1 each at Daqing, Harbin, Hegang & Qitaihe are currently at High Risk. 14 sites at Heihe, 5 at Suihua, 2 each at Harbin, Hegang & Jiamusi, & 1 each at Daqing & Qitaihe are currently at Medium Risk.
Beijing Municipality reported 13 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 5 at Chaoyang District, 4 at Dongcheng District, & 1 each at Fangshan & Tongzhou Districts) & 3 new domestic asymptomatic (1 each at Chaoyang, Dongcheng & Daxing Districts) cases, 11 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine & 3 via community screening (1 each at Daxing, Dongcheng & Tongzhou Districts). The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 4 at Medium Risk.
Tianjin Municipality did not report any new domestic positive cases). 2 domestic confirmed & 12 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. The municipality is not publishing the count of active domestic positive cases there. 6 sites are currently at High Risk, & 35 at Medium Risk.
Shanghai Municipality reported 3 new domestic confirmed & 31 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 32 persons under centralized quarantine & 2 via community screening (1 from out of province, 1 each at Changning & Minhang Districts). There currently are 10 active domestic confirmed case in the city. The city is no longer publishing the number of active asymptomatic cases. 1 site is currently at High Risk, & 34 at Medium Risk.
Anhui Province reported 41 new domestic asymptomatic (28 at Taihe County in Fuyang, 7 at Bengbu, 3 at Yongqiao District in Suzhou, 2 at Tongguan District in Tongling, & 1 at Yaohai District in Hefei) cases. 25 cases at Fuyang are traced close contacts under centralized quarantine, 2 during at home health monitoring, & 1 via community screening. The cases at Suzhou were found via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. The cases at Bengbu & Tongling came from out of province. The case at Hefei recently came from Taihe County in Fuyang. 2 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 4 active domestic confirmed & 114 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Fuyang is currently at High Risk, & 2 at Medium Risk.
Jiangsu Province reported 1 new domestic confirmed (at Nanjing) & 18 new domestic asymptomatic (7 at Yangzhou, 5 at Suzhou, 3 at Xuzhou, 2 at Wuxi, & 1 at Nanjing) cases. The cases at Yangzhou & Nanjing are persons under centralized quarantine. The cases at Suzhou came from out of province. 2 of the cases at Xuzhou are persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via screening of residents under movement control. The cases at Wuxi were found via community screening. 1 domestic confirmed & 6 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 57 active domestic confirmed & 112 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province. 1 site at Lianyungang is currently at High Risk. 15 sites at Yangzhou, 10 at Lianyungang, 5 at Suqian, & 2 at Nanjing are currently at Medium Risk.
Zhejiang Province reported 7 new domestic confirmed (5 previously asymptomatic, 5 at Hangzhou & 1 each at Ningbo & Quzhou) & 7 new domestic asymptomatic (6 at Hangzhou & 1 at Wenzhou) cases, 8 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under home/centralized quarantine & 1 from out of province & tested positive upon arrival.
Fujian Province reported 5 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 3 at Xiamen & 2 at Fuzhou) & 4 new domestic asymptomatic (all at Fuzhou) cases, 6 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine & 1 via screening of persons deemed at risk of exposure. 1 domestic confirmed case recovered. There currently are 17 active domestic confirmed & 11 active domestic asymptomatic cases remaining. 1 site at Xiamen is currently at Medium Risk.
Jiangxi Province reported 4 new domestic asymptomatic (all at Nanchang) cases, all coming from out of province. 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 17 active domestic asymptomatic (7 each at Ji’an & Nanchang, 2 at Yichun, & 1 at Ganzhou) cases in the province. 2 sites at Ganzhou are currently at Medium Risk.
Sichuan Province reported 18 new domestic confirmed (9 previously asymptomatic) & 76 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 30 domestic confirmed & 24 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered.
Chongqing Municipality reported 10 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic) & 17 new domestic asymptomatic cases, 16 of the new domestic positive cases are persons under centralized quarantine or movement control, & 9 via community screening. 2 domestic confirmed & 1 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 98 active domestic confirmed & 105 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the city. 2 sites are currently at High Risk, & 4 at Medium Risk.
Guizhou Province reported 8 new domestic asymptomatic cases. 15 domestic confirmed & 31 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 283 active domestic confirmed & 907 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the province.
At Qinghai Province 1 domestic asymptomatic case recovered. There currently are 9 active domestic asymptomatic cases in the region.
Tibet “Autonomous” Region reported 5 new domestic confirmed (all at Lhasa) & 23 new domestic asymptomatic (22 at Lhasa & 1 at Ngari Prefecture) cases, all persons under centralized quarantine or via screening of residents under movement control. 18 asymptomatic cases recovered. The region is no longer publishing the count of active domestic positive cases. 13 site at Lhasa are currently at Medium Risk.
Yunnan Province reported 28 new domestic confirmed (2 previously asymptomatic, 15 at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 9 at Shaotong, 3 at Ruili in Dehong Prefecture, & 1 at Yuanjiang County in Yuxi) & 49 new domestic asymptomatic (14 at Binchuan County in Dali, 13 at Dehong Prefecture, 8 at Menghai County in Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 4 each at Honghe Prefecture, Fuyuan County in Qujing & Yuanjiang County in Yuxi, & 1 each at Zhenkang County in Lincang & Yiliang County in Shaotong) cases, 38 of the new domestic positive cases came from out of province. 5 domestic confirmed & 5 domestic asymptomatic cases recovered. There currently are 168 active domestic confirmed & 361 active domestic asymptomatic cases there. 34 sites at Sipsongpanna Prefecture, 7 at Dehong Prefecture, & 6 at Honghe Prefecture are currently at High Risk. 11 sites at Sipsongpanna Prefectures, 12 at Honghe Prefecture, & 10 at Dehong Prefecture are currently at Medium Risk.
Imported Cases
On 10/9, Mainland China reported 61 new imported confirmed cases (9 previously asymptomatic), 106 imported asymptomatic cases, & 1 imported suspect case:
Overall in Mainland China, 166 confirmed cases recovered (56 imported), 561 asymptomatic cases were released from isolation (69 imported) & 70 were reclassified as confirmed cases (9 imported), & 38,528 individuals were released from quarantine. Currently, there are 3,886 active confirmed cases in the country (646 imported), 12 in serious/critical condition (all domestic), 12,084 active asymptomatic cases (878 imported), 0 suspect cases. 274,285 traced contacts are currently under centralized quarantine.
As of 10/9, 3,437.516M vaccine doses have been injected in Mainland China, an increase of 74K doses in the past 24 hrs.
As of 10/9, Hong Kong reported 4,562 new positive cases, 328 imported & 4,234 domestic, & 3 new deaths.
On 10/9, Taiwan added 32,117 new positive cases, 49 imported & 32,068 domestic (including 133 moderate or serious). There were 57 new deaths (ages ranging from 40+ y.o. to 90+ y.o., 21 fully vaccinated & boosted).