this is a pretty big deal
— GONELIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 10, 2022
In response to my last post, a commentor posited that adding a Cherokee delegate to the House would lead to “more Republicans at the national level”.
The guy behind @golikehellmachi grew up in Oklahoma:
Five of Oklahoma’s largest tribes will publicly endorse Democrat Joy Hofmeister for governor at a press conference in Oklahoma City on Tuesday, a source with knowledge of the plans confirmed to The Frontier. | via @reesejgorman
— The Frontier (@readfrontier) October 10, 2022
… The endorsement will take place at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Petroleum Club in Oklahoma City.
“When it comes to working with the tribal nations in Oklahoma, (Hofmeister) understands our sovereignty is not a partisan issue or a threat, but instead is a chance to forge new partnerships while strengthening those that already exist because Oklahomans thrive together when we all work together,” The Five Tribe leaders said in a joint statement. “This year’s Oklahoma gubernatorial election is the most important in generations for all Oklahomans, and that’s why leaders of the Five Tribes are endorsing Joy Hofmeister to be Oklahoma’s 29th Governor.”
Stitt, who is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, has had a frosty relationship with tribes and tribal leaders during his first term as governor. Hoskin has already personally endorsed Hofmeister and has in the past called Stitt “the most anti-Native American governor in state history” for his constant fights with the tribes over gaming and jurisdictional issues.
Hoskin gave an impassioned speech in support of Hofmeister at the Mike Synar Memorial Bar-B-Q fundraiser event on Oct. 1.
“We have a governor who looks across this beautiful state and sees all of its diversity — diversity of people, diversity of communities — and he just sees opportunities to drive a wedge,” Hoskin said on stage, speaking to the crowd of about 400 people. “He looks across this state and sees tremendous resources and he’s squandered so many of those resources that could be used for the public good.”
During her campaign, Hofmeister has called for the state to have a better working relationship with the tribes…
The joint endorsement comes as Stitt’s lead over Hofmeister has evaporated in polling done by SoonerPoll. The most recent SoonerPoll showed Hofmeister with a three-point lead over Stitt, though Stitt released internal polling in response that showed him with a healthy 15 point advantage.
The most recent polling done by Amber Integrated, which was released in late September, showed Stitt up three points over Hofmeister…
Stitt has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump, the Oklahoma Fraternal Order of Police and 68 Republican legislators.
it is, but it hasn’t always been, and does not always *have* to be. also, stitt has been a terrible governor, even by republican standards, especially on tribal issues.
— GONELIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachi) October 10, 2022
It's rare that we get our collective act together like this. It'd be cool to see the other tribes join in – I know that the Osage have come out publicly against some of Stitt's policies.
— Justin Scott (@Agasgani) October 10, 2022
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Polling has been unreliable over the last few cycles, but I’d really like this to be true. I also don’t think Stitt releasing internal polling really means anything either. Who’s to say he’s not lying? It would be entirely within his interest to do so
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
It is really good to see these tribes flexing their political muscle. We all have a stake in the future.
Anne Laurie
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Probably best for everyone’s sanity, this cycle, if we treat polling using the old joke about advertising: Only half of the money spent on it is effective, but nobody knows which half.
It’s going to be done, it probably ‘needs’ to be done — if only to keep peoples’ attention focused — but it’s more useful as a barometer of such attention than as an instrument for predicting the outcome.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): tbh, I’ve kind of been suspicious regarding polling because like damn near anything else,you have to hope its being done in good faith….
are they getting a fair sample of the possible voters, depending upon how designate fairness… proportionate representation of all voters, by sex, by age, etc etc etc… are you asking who are you voting for or is someone asking loaded/leading questions.
Travis Kelce having himself a night.
Baby Jesus always smiles when Raiders lose.
I got polled just minutes ago via phone text! First time I’ve been polled since 2014 when I dropped my landline. I finally got to tell someone how much I detest Trump 😁
zhena gogolia
Looks like Ryan kicked Vance’s ass in the debate tonight.
I got polled today via text.
Ohio Mom
As I understand it, it’s concerning if polling is less and less accurate because that is one way we can judge whether or not an election was conducted fairly — it’s suspicious if the final numbers are too far off from earlier polls. It suggests vote tampering.
As I mentioned the other day, I get polled about once a week (Ohio Dad and Son could also get polled regularly if they would ever pick up the landline when it rings). I always stay on the line and participate; sometimes it’s obvious it’s a push poll but most of them are legit. I do wonder what effect asking the same oldish lady has on overall polling accuracy and reliability.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: I’ve been expecting the ass kisser thing to become an ad or a meme or something (Maybe it has in OH?). Looks like this will help it along. I’d like to see how Vance responded.
Ryan also called for Biden to not run again in ’24. I’ll leave others to judge the wisdom of that.
@zhena gogolia: As Ryan said, “Ohio needs an ass kicker, not an ass licker.” Ryan was en Fuego 🔥
randy khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think Ryan is wrong, but I get that it could play well in Ohio.
@Ohio Mom: I haven’t been polled in ages, despite living in a pretty competitive district. Once in a blue moon, the caller ID will show “Gallup polling” or something and I always try to answer unless I’m impossibly tied up. I wonder how many “Out of Area — Suspected Spam” calls I’ve ignored that were actually polling outfits? Just identify yourself! It will make your job a lot easier!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@zhena gogolia:
He did. My folks watched it as well and loved the ass kisser thing. I thought Vance came across as a slick jackass
He kept trying the “you’ve been in Washington for 20 years and haven’t accomplished anything” route. He never denied being an “ass kisser” either, just tried to both sides it by saying Ryan kissed up to Schumer or something. Vance was always trying to both sides everything
Overall, I just felt like Ryan had more passion in how he talked about his connections to the state and the local area he’s from and how he relates that to his public service
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
It’s interesting that the commentor from the previous thread thought this would be an automatic addition of a Republican. Maybe and maybe not. I feel like the GOP will fight this, like they do most things that involve increasing representation. If they do fight this, the odds of the representative being or staying Republican go down.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wish they were all this honest
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t know how that dickhead thinks that’s a winner. The vast majority of normal people like birth control
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It’s a winner with his base. That’s all he cares about.
James E Powell
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Still waiting for a Republican to lose an election because of a position they took on abortion, birth control, or gay marriage.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Anne Laurie:
Probably a good thing to keep in mind
Good points
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
It looks like Masters is well on his way, at least *knock on wood*
And there’s always the example of Kansas, though not an election between two candidates
You’re right, but he needs more than his base to win a general election and saying you want to ban birth control of all things is so out of touch. I mean, how many married couples use birth control? Millions? Lots of single people use contraception/birth control too
My rock-ribbed New England Republican grandmother, born in the 19th century, who smuggled illegal birth-control supplies over the state line in the 1930s/1940s to help women at her church take control of their reproductive lives, would RISE FROM HER GRAVE.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Internal polling released by a campaign should always be ignored. It can be useful for internal campaign purposes, but it’s only released publicly when it says something the campaign likes. So even if the poll is done in an entirely legitimate way, that publication bias means it’s like claiming your team is undefeated because you only tell people about the games you won.
Alison Rose 💙🌻💛
According to the NYT, the strikes hit an educational institution, a medical facility, and apartment buildings.
But keep telling us we can’t call russia a terrorist state. I shudder to think the depths they would need to sink to in order to earn that designation.
@Redshift: My mom used to invest that way. Always talked about when her portfolio was up big for the day, never mentioned she was down 20% of the year.
@Alison Rose 💙🌻💛: Barry Goldwater ran on bombing the Vietnamese back to the stone age, and when we voted we said” No”.
That was Curtis LeMay, Wallace’s running mate in ’68. Goldwater’s ’64 campaign was nutso but not so blatant.
@Yutsano: This isn’t directed at you in particular, but… more and more I feel like “the base loves it!” is a reflex response that people like us go to very often whenever a right-wing jackass says something outrageous, and I think it’s become less and less meaningful. I mean, there’s almost no way it can ever be proven false, because if it turned out that literally everyone except five drunks at the end of the bar hated the thing, then we could just effortlessly redefine “the base” to mean those five guys. There is always some loyal fan base for any kind of awful bullshit, and I’m not sure it’s really necessary to keep pointing that out. And when you’re talking about someone like Masters who’s been an ultra-right conspiracist nutball his whole adult life, what does it even mean to say “oh, it doesn’t matter to him whether what he’s saying is hilariously unpopular with normal people, he’s playing to the base because he knows they love it”— he is the kind of person who loves that stuff.
I think this hand-waving also feeds a false sense of “the base” always being the same subset of those guys, which has never been true— the right is a coalition of racists, religious zealots, young materialist cynics, confused old people, rational business assholes, rational con artists, deluded con artists, etc., etc., and just because they’re all willing to get behind the same party for the sake of power doesn’t mean they all personally love or care about the same parts of the current party line. If polling is anywhere near accurate, between 80 and 90 percent of everyone in America is strongly in favor of birth control being available… so unless you’re defining “the base” as being a pretty tiny number of voters, I think it’s way more plausible to say that a lot of the people who might vote for Masters are going to do it in spite of that particular bullshit, not because they think it’s great.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Birth control in the form of the contraceptive pill is what gave women their freedom from men controlling their lives. Anyone wanting to remove the right to birth control is simply wanting to reinstate male control over women – I will never understand why any woman votes for these people.
They delude themselves into thinking the GOP is lying to own the libs to get votes or can be controlled even if elected.
@TS: Because it means They come for the Other Women, first.
The Thin Black Duke
@WereBear: Incredibly, I believe Republican women are unaware of how much Republican men hate women, period. Of course, by the time they find out, it’s too late.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Racism Uber Alles.
@The Thin Black Duke: Disagree, they know. A lot of women hate other women too. And those kinds of women trend Republican.
@The Thin Black Duke: They know, they just think there’s nothing that can be done about it since “that’s just how men are”.
Tim Ryan is on MJ. He’s good.
racism & misogyny seem to determine much of the political discourse – in way too many countries around the world. Not going to see MLK’s content defeating color in my lifetime
@NotMax: I was interested to find out that progressive radio show host Stephanie Miller is the daughter of William Miller, Goldwater’s running mate is 1964.
@TS: They believe they will be more comfortable living under white patriarchy than under some other system. Their husbands keep them happy, nice car, nice trips. Or the price for all that is he makes all decisions, they vote how he wants and don’t even think about it.
I’ve watched white liberal women who marry right wing guys slowly cede all control to their husbands. There are good reasons for black and brown women not to trust us. At any time, we can slip to the other side for personal gain.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Princess: Is it personal gain or are they just worn down and trying not to provoke a fight?
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: mostly personal gain. The current system benefits them and their friends. They’re perfectly content.
@piratedan: The absolute numbers given in poll results must be viewed with scepticism, fot the reasons you suggest. I think that a trend showing in the results obtained by a single polling outfit, month over month and week over week, gives more substantial information.
Oklahoma has its own political dynamics, but polling there may to some extent express national trends. This poll result makes me want to start looking up polling trends for races in other states.
@James E Powell: McCaskill opponent Todd Akin?
Mr. Hoskin’s line of attack on Stitt may be a good one. He did not cite policy differences, but rather a sort of meta issue: Stitt’s divisiveness. I’ve seen Democratic politicians make this and similar attacks, that their opponent is “radical,” “extreme,” “wants to take us backwards,” etc. These arguments may be especially effective with a certain cohort of Independent voters. Their ideology may be inchoate but they share a common animus towards extremism in either party.
While voting analysis and social science studies show that the bulk of independents are in practice reliable voters for one party or another, there is a minority who are genuine swing voters. While base mobilization seems to be the greater factor, elections in purple states and districts can still turn on how this cohort of Independents breaks.