In case anyone wants to talk politics on a Sunday…
On Friday, the DOJ formally appealed the appointment of special master in Mar-a-Lago documents case.
The appeal itself can be found at this link.
I believe the Trump team has about a month to respond – holy cow, that feels like a ridiculously long time – but apparently that’s considered pretty fast in the legal world.
I think the DOJ has done a remarkable job of writing their filings, appeals, etc in a way that can be mostly understood by lay people.
If I understand correctly: 1) the 11th Circuit technically could respond the day after the Trump response is due, and 2) even if the corrupt judge gums up the works in the meantime, every single thing she has done to gum up the works can be disappeared if the 11th rules in favor of the DOJ.
If any of our Balloon Juice attorneys want to weigh in, please correct me if I’m wrong, and I’m sure we would all love to hear your thoughts.
Open thread.
What else is there to talk about on Sundays outside of gardening?
BTW, I heartily approve of litigating Deadbeat Donald into the ground.
BJ attorneys, reading between the lines, is this one the brutal slap down that some of the others were?
@NorthLeft: I could read that in two ways, not sure whether you’re saying no one would want to talk about anything except gardening, or whether you’re saying that if we’re not talking about gardening then of course we want to talk about politics.
This Washington Post article is a great summary of the case the Jan 6 committee made against Trump.
Gift article.
Your Sunday Trump castrastrofuck read:
Co-founder of Trump’s media company details Truth Social’s bitter infighting
It’s a long read, but worth it just for the “Let Them Fight”/”Root For Injuries” vibe.
@jeffreyw: Sweet baby!
Another Scott
The DoJ is doing well, and a RWNJ court is being slapped down. Good, good. While it’s unfortunate that these things take time, Obama’s admonition to be careful about making court reforms rock solid so that they aren’t seen as political by the normies is important.
Still, Fight for 15!!
Meanwhile, you’ll be shocked, shocked to learn that rent increases are being driven by a proprietary algorithm controlled by a one vendor.
Anti-trust enforcement and similar fights against anti-competitive behavior needs to get much more attention at all levels of government. Parasites trying to collect monopoly rents are not good for the nation.
@dmsilev: Is that somehow related to the Tish James effort to stop the creation of a Trump Org 2.0, so his funds/activities from the Trump Org (frozen by James, I think) could be transferred there?
Re: Sunday Trump castastrofuck …
Damn! I threw away all our popcorn when the doc told me I had to cut the carbs!
Not a lawyer, but I wasn’t raised right, and hang out with some.
My understanding of procedural shenanigans available to a rogue deciderator in Florida is unfortunately slim. But as far as it goes, I think Cannon would have to encourage Cheeto to move for something to mess up the process that she could then make a new interlocutory determination on.
I was having trouble thinking of a non-crazy example, but then remembered who we’re talking about. So maybe Dollhands finally formally asserts executive privilege over some weird subset of seized documents, based on new joint Eastman/Yoo scholarship. It would be laughable, but could probably be made into enough of a mess that Justice would have to start a new round appeals and give the TV lawyers something to stroke their chins over the audacity about.
Susan Wild has a 13-point lead over her GOP opponent in PA-7.In May, it was a toss-up. Dobbs effect.Now Dems just gotta show up to vote.
However, won’t be pushing Susan Wild for PostCard writing.But there are many others who need our help.Emilia Sykes – still a toss-up against her Trump-endorsed opponent.
PostCards work. Please consider writing some. Better than sitting around worrying.
Get addresses at or click on my nym.
edit: Fell for old poll with same pics as today’s. Susan Wild not 13 points ahead. Can’t find new poll. Write PostCards for Susan Wild!
@Another Scott: Grift and greed. Front-line workers are being paid more, so they want to take that money in higher rent payments.
Just grift and greed? Or is this a power move in an effort to put those workers in their place and effectively claw back the gains they have made?
From Lawfare.
A short summary:
West of the Cascades
Under the expedited schedule, Trump’s brief is due November 10th and the DOJ reply is due November 17th. Here’s the scheduling order:
Note that the scheduling order specifies that a new, randomly-drawn panel will hear the merits of the DOJ appeal – not necessarily the same three judges who issued the stay order related to the classified documents. BUT the new judges’ opinions will certainly be informed by the reasoning and dicta in the order granting the stay.
@WaterGirl: Ha! I guess it’s my not so subtle jab towards the sportsball enthusiasts who no doubt will be caught up in the many games going on today.
@dmsilev: I especially like that the whistleblower is saying that Trump demanded all the shareholders turn over some of their shares to Melania.
Seems perfectly legit. /s
Could rethuglicans have found a less qualified, worse human being to be their candidate?
I’m thinking it’s possible but rather unlikely.
I’m looking/thinking back over the last 50+ yrs that I’ve been voting and the concept that the rethuglicans have gotten far, far worse as a political party, their only positive (to them alone) direction has been how to get more money in their bank accounts and screw the country, the world and especially at least 90% of the population of this country, all for a big payday. They care only about their personal wealth, not the heath, welfare, and monetary value of the country. They are traitors to the ideals of this country, the founders, and the populace. They are greedy, hateful assholes. Not everyone with an R on their ballot is a rethuglican, some of them are just conservatives, likely want to go at a much slower speed or that the world shouldn’t be as we see it. They are wrong but not in that they can’t have their minds changed only in that they see the world differently. But the world does change and is changing. Much of the world has very conservative leanings that think that change is wrong because it takes away stability. But 7 or 8 billion humans will never be stable, there will always be someone who wants to rule the world or at least a corner of it and others who don’t want government because it always wants to control them. (Even though many of them need some control to not be harmful) Money will always be an issue because it’s how we deal with food, electricity, housing in a world of billions of us. It’s greed that is the world’s problem, that some have way, way too much and many have way, way too little money. This country was partially about having a more reasonable distribution of the wealth, but the last few decades of trying to make at least this country more equal in wealth distribution has failed rather spectacularly.
I have really no answers in how to solve this other than we all, or at least most of us, need to work together to repair and protect this country and all it’s citizens from the disaster that is the wealthy few percent of the country that think they should own it all, at everyone else’s expense.
This is number 3.
James E Powell
Baseball playoffs.
James E Powell
Only the courts can do slap downs.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, in China … France24:
No economy is immune from recessions and crashes after bubbles. China has not had a severe one in a long time. We’ll have to see how they address the problems and the discontent.
Anonymous At Work
Cough Cough Fodder for Adam Silverman cough
Three lines: convicts at front, press-gang in middle, regular behind. Only way is forward. If true, bad design since convicts has less moral compunction about fragging officer and surrendering towards freedom. Put the press-gang in front to absorb bullets like planned and convicts behind would be more likely to shoot retreating troops.
@James E Powell: Oh, good point!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I would like to know if there’s any possibility that Aileen Cannon’s short judicial career will suffer any consequences from her corrupt rulings. I gather it takes a lot to impeach a judge and we’re probably not close to that threshold.
No, Truth Social is Trump’s Twitter knockoff, a separate catastrophe.
@NorthLeft: A bunch of bulbs arrived in the mail yesterday. I don’t know where to plant them.
@Steeplejack: I know what Truth Social is. But then I got to the part in the article where they referenced Trump Org 2.0, which I thought was the exact same name being used in reference to what Tish James was taking action against.
I guess when you crime as much as Trump does, it can get a little messy. //
@sab: You might want to read any documentation that came with them. Some bulbs need bright sun, other’s don’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: No.
@James E Powell: Maybe we should start having a weekend Sports thread.
Sure Lurkalot
@WaterGirl: @Another Scott:
Rent optimizing software has been around for a while now, m/l based on the model of pricing airline seats. It made it easier to have a variety of lease lengths to end the landlord worry about lots of simultaneous vacancies. In other words, it could and can be used to optimize income without price gouging but of course not, oh silly me.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: It is another well written brief. They argue the same things that they have been since the beginning.
Anonymous At Work
@WaterGirl: Reading now but each and every aspect of The Youthful Federalist corrupt judge has been appealed successfully or pending. Once the 11th Circuit, including 2 Trump Appointees, ruled against Trump, the DoJ has gotten MUCH more aggressive since all but “Judge” Cannon aren’t falling on their swords for Trump.
Also in this appeal, is it possible DoJ is warming up teh courts for searches at Bedminster and TO NYC offices? 3rd Circuit would hear both cases and it’s pretty evenly split with a few more Republican appointees from Reagan and Bush I than Carter/early Clinton appointees in semi-retirement. If the conservative 11th Circuit can’t find a reason to protect Mar-a-Lago, what reason would the Third try for protecting Bedminster, for example.
I’m purely speculating there but teh DoJ’s ultimate fear is that judges will fear getting involved in “political questions” because Trump injects politics into teh case. If that strikes you as asking for mercy as an orphan after killing one’s parents, you aren’t alone. But to quote Omar Little, “You take a shot at the king, you best not miss.”
@Anonymous At Work: Seems to me the current recruitment is more about getting rid of people Putin doesn’t like than actually winning the war. If all the criminals die or surrender then there’s space in the jails for anyone protesting.
Yesterday there was a report that two recruits from a “former Soviet republic” had opened fire in a Russian base in Belgorod, killing 11 before they were killed. Looks like they were from Tajikistan, and reacted to a Russian officer calling Allah a coward. Turn out that diversity and cultural sensitivity training in the military might not be such a bad idea after all.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Omnes Omnibus: Sigh. I was afraid of that. So the fact that we’ve been hearing that her rulings are completely nuts and/or illegal and laughed at by every competent lawyer, means absolutely nothing. You could install absolutely anybody or anything (an AI? A parakeet?) as a judge for life, and it makes no difference at all whether they know anything about the law.
@Scout211: Trump was to get 90% of the shares but he cannot share with his wife and sons. Both sons were coming in and demanding to “get paid” with shares. Just like the mob. I can see trump demanding 110% of the shares just “because”.
James E Powell
There was a time when sports was a more common subject of discussion here, but I guess not so much anymore. Perhaps the fact that our nation is in crisis on multiple levels is a greater concern.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: If it makes you feel any better, Cannon will find herself overwhelmed with mundane civil and criminal litigation that has no RW political angle and will become somewhat miserable after her Worholian 15 minutes have expired in something less than glory.
It’s possible and maybe likely that her happiest point has already come and gone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: FWIW most federal judges are pretty qualified and competent, but some idiots and hacks have always gotten through. That’s one reason appellate courts exist.
@WaterGirl: Documentation isn’t specific. Bunch of bulbs. Some this, others that.
@lollipopguild: He seems more the type to sell 110% than own it.
@sab: Hopefully the bulbs have names? In that case, google would be your friend.
ETA: Or the website of your supplier.
Omnes Omnibus
@Josie: Wow, this has managed to become a garden chat.
@sab: Where did the bulbs come from? Surely it tells you the name of each set of bulbs?
@Omnes Omnibus: If it’s Sunday, it’s …
Since OT, how about that Liverpool game?
Fanucci Trump boys were just wanting to wet their beaks.jeffreyw
We don’t have nearly enough posts about books, movies, TV series. We liked the Korean generational drama Pachinco on Apple TV, although it was pretty overtly fuck the fucking Japanese for what they did to us.
@Another Scott: Xi’s locking down term #3 and sounding more hellbent than ever on taking Taiwan by whatever scheme it requires.
I doubt he’s looking at Putin’s misadventure as anything more than “Don’t do it like that; besides, we’re smarter and our missiles work.”
Daoud bin Daoud
@Another Scott: but parasitic rent-seekers and white Christo-fascists are the future! (You think children are the future? Hah!)
I will keep that in mind when we need an open thread
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Even if you can’t be officially punished or fired, it’s never a fun job when your peers think you’re a dumbass and regularly send you official messages telling you so, while the people who can override you start from the assumption that your decisions are wrong.
@Omnes Omnibus: An intersectional thread.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Is that a rotating tag yet? ;-)
Question asked from a position of near-total ignorance about how the Federal judiciary works: couldn’t they just work around her – basically give her an office (which she “shall hold…during good Behavior”) and her salary (“which shall not be diminished during [her] Continuance in Office”), but not assign her any cases?
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: Yeah, she isn’t going to be well regarded by her colleagues. If it matters to her.
Red Alert!
Fell for old poll with same pics as today’s. Susan Wild not 13 points ahead. Can’t find new poll.
Write PostCards for her!
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Also, no. Cases are spread out between all the judges in the courthouse. She will get the same share as everyone else.
James E Powell
Hear, hear!
The need for recs has increased with the proliferation of streaming services.
ETA – I’m re-reading & re-loving Zorba the Greek. It’s one of those novels I would make required reading for all adults if I had that power.
@Another Scott:
Ah of course. Seems the beauty is it psychologically removes the moral responsibility and any remnants of a guilty conscience from the landlord.
”It” pushes you. “It”.
It was determined…the software had indicated…the algorithm decided…
And the landlords are just the passive messenger.
They really didn’t want to do a double digit increase next month! Honest! They were pushed into it! Alas, they couldn’t get enough traction against that algorithm.
You know that adage, don’t shoot the messenger? They might find some renters begin to ignore it.
Or as in the timeless poetry of Tyrone Green, C-I-L-L my lanlor!
eta: Well damn. Messed up my nym and now in moderation.
My nym should be GibberJack.
Phucking iPhone keyboard.
@Omnes Omnibus: Except for her colleagues who are Federalist Society hacks.
J R in WV
Just a wild stab in the dark: How about In the dirt?
. . . . ;~)
Learned a few things I was unaware of with Missouri’s new voter ID laws yesterday at election judge training.
Thing I was aware of:
Must be non-expired government issued photo ID.
Things I was not aware of:
Non-expired is being stretched to mean expired after last general election. So November 4, 2020. That will reset to Nov 9 2022.
A non-drivers photo ID can be obtained at no cost from the license bureau by stating it is for the purpose of obtaining ID to vote. I believe these are printed on the spot. So if you have an expired or lost ID, you can still vote provisionally, obtain the ID, return to your polling place, and have the provisional status removed from your ballot.
We now have no-excuse early voting starting two weeks before the election.
Voter registration is no longer per county, but statewide. If you are registered anywhere in the state before the 28 day threshold, you can vote in your district, even if you just moved into it.
I think that covers the important parts.
@MazeDancer: Since you have corrected the info there, I corrected it in your original comment, as well, to avoid confusion and bad information.
Tony G
This whole thing is like watching a “high speed chase” in which all of the vehicles are moving at two miles per hour.
@GibberJack: Fixed your nym and approved your comment.
@Tony G: Pretty much!
Though you did leave out “life or death” in your high speed chase description. :-)
@Omnes Omnibus:
And that’s a problem because…….?
@J R in WV: When I get bulbs, I screw them into light sockets. Not that I have to do that very often these days, given the lifetimes of CFLs and LEDs.
[slaps head] Oh, you mean that kind of bulb!
[Emily Litella voice] Never mind. [/ELv]
Tony G
@dmsilev: At least Trump is consistent. He’s being sued for illegal business practices, so he establishes a “Social Media” company and exercises illegal business practices.
J R in WV
We had a Korean sushi-style restaurant here for a while. Went there with friends one weekend winter storm evening, found that they had “Hiroshima” roll, “Nagasaki” roll, and TaDaa: “MacArthur” roll, all to celebrate the end of WW II with Japanese defeat. We laughed out loud, one by one.
@WaterGirl: Thanks. Publication used same pics of candidates so thought it was recent poll.
Wasn’t. My bad.
Trying to keep up with polls so I can rec tightest races to people who ask for PostCards. Like Marcy Kapture looking good. Emilia Sykes still too close.
But using the same pics got me.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Are there any in her courthouse? Also, I think there is a big difference between standard right wing judges and a pro-Trump hack like Cannon. This is also why I think that Trump’s law suits lose no matter who the judges are. The federalists will do shitty things for fed soc goals, but not for Trump.
Unlike Putin, I have trouble figuring out what’s going through Xi’s head, or where that will take him. I know he’s vastly more interested in soft power than military adventurism. I know he’s hardcore about maintaining the absolute authority of the Chinese government. He has a policy of cultural flatlining to the point he’ll commit genocide for it, and I don’t know if that’s bigotry, a way of maintaining authority, or both. He is utterly ruthless internally, but unlike Putin violent force isn’t his first resort. China’s pride is very important to him. And since Mao’s death, the top priority of the government since then has been to maintain gigantic economic growth and avoid the recession they’re about to hit.
The problem is, that’s a lot of points of information that don’t add up to a predictive model, unlike Putin, who’s a mean, megalomaniacal asshole with a burning grudge against the US and paranoid about his own safety. That has been a good model for predicting his behavior so far.
I’d like to put in a plug for this update from J. on Sanibel, in case you missed it yesterday.
Sanibel Update from J.
Tony G
@grumbles: It seems like the TV lawyers are stroking more than their chins.
The Federalist Society hacks on the 11th circuit appear to think she’s an embarrassing incompetent and told her so.
EDIT – For that matter, the Federalist Society hacks on the Supreme Court appear to have wanted nothing to do with her bullshit.
@Omnes Omnibus: Plus, if you’re a Federalist Society judge you’re probably supposed to put your thumb on the scale, just not do it in ways that call attention to it. She surely fucked up there, and mysteriously, she is doubling down.
@Frankensteinbeck: @Omnes Omnibus:
Excellent points!
Omnes Omnibus
@Josie: Because.
J R in WV
While it is true that LEDs and CFLs last a long time, it is also true that they don’t put out the same amount of light / lumens after a few years. So now we have a bunch of track lights 15 feet up with LEDs that are no longer bright as one would want over the kitchen counters.
Things look great, but the counters are dimly lit rather than brightly lit. Bad for knife work!
@Omnes Omnibus: I see (I guess).
@Scout211: also, DJT Jr and Eric demanded shares…even though they’ve had no dealings or responsibilities with TS.
Ohio Mom
@J R in WV: I did not know that about LEDs and CLFs but that explains so much. I keep thinking we bought the wrong wattage or Ohio Dad put in the wrong bulb. Nope, that’s just the way they are. Dim and getting dimmer.
Now I’m thinking I should have hoarded a lifetime supply of incandescent light bulbs. My old eyes need lots of lumens.
@jeffreyw: A number of K dramas are like that. Mr. Sunshine on Netflix in particular. Hubby and I have watched a lot of K drama since Covid hit. Currently watching Encounter, or Boyfriend, on Viki.
Dan B
@Ohio Mom: Look for Cree PRO Series LED’s. The problem with most LED’s is they are missing red and poor on other wavelengths so they look dull and get worse. The phosphors that make fir a full spectrum are expensive. Waveform is another great source.
Just jumping in for this OT…Selzer polling is showing that Michael Franken is within 3 points of Chuck Grassley.
Tony G
@WaterGirl: This young judge is to a typical Federalist Society judge as Trump is to someone like Reagan. They’re loud and proud about what they’re doing, because they fully expect to get away with everything.
Tony G
@Another Scott: When “YieldStar” becomes self-aware, we’ll really be in trouble.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Frankensteinbeck: I think Xi is motivated by view that the Chinese are superior and that the Chinese way is always the superior way. Anything that undermines that must be brought to heel. If you take that view, it explains a lot of his behavior.
@J R in WV: I’m very happy with the LED flood bulbs from FEIT Electric I’ve been using in the track lighting.
@Frankensteinbeck: I hear you but…Pffft. That is very small consequence for the seriousness and damage involved, one which she’d already decided it was worth to pay.
She also thinks she’s not going to have anyone who can override her in a few years. She is likely not wrong. She will be rewarded for her efforts when the Republicans are in a position to do so.
I imagine if I had been openly biased and corrupt in some of the jobs I’ve held. The opprobrium of peers, colleagues and stakeholders would be the least of the other very real legal and career-ending consequences I’d have.
I get it that federal judgeships are unlike any other field. We need judicial reform badly.
As historian Kristin Kobes du Metz observed, “Trump represents the fulfillment, rather than the betrayal, of many of white evangelicals’ most deeply held values.”
Villago Delenda Est
Cannon needs to be removed from the bench. And disbarred. And exiled to an ice floe.
Villago Delenda Est
@GibberJack: They’re not Christians at all. The loathe Jesus of Nazareth. He was a damn hippie.
@James E Powell:
My son had “the full catastrophe” inscribed on the inside of his wedding ring.
@Tony G: I was thinking of that too. Like Trump she says the quiet parts out loud. Like, with a bullhorn.
@MomSense: Seriously? I love being married but that made me laugh.
Dan B
@WhatsMyNym: Feit LED’s are especially lacking but there are much worse. I got Waveform and Cree Pro Series lights and gave away all my Feit lamps. At dinner at friends I realized that everyone looked greyish and the food was a bit drab. I gave them a couple Cree spots and it made a huge difference. It’s important for the long overcast Seattle winter days.
@WaterGirl: If she is a Federalist Society judge chances are she is not bright.
Tony G
@Omnes Omnibus: I have whatever the opposite of a green thumb is.
zhena gogolia
@sab: It’s Zorba’s term for marriage.
@GibberJack: When I was twelve years old I fully believed in the second coming. Fortunately I outgrew that. I am almost seventy now so I think my second thoughts were right.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Like presidents, judges can only be impeached and removed if convicted by Congress for “high crimes and misdemeanors”. There’s no law against being a really shitty jurist. You’ll just get overruled a lot on appeal and then whether that matters simply depends on how much shame you have. Cannon appears to have very little.
@NorthLeft: Cleveland Guardians beat the Yankees twice in the post season. Everyone, including me, thought the Yankees would clobber them.
Another Scott
One for Tony Jay: Wait for it…
Zorba says “wife children house everything – the full catastrophe”
@sab: Yankeee fan here, but have seen too much sports to think that about anything. Regarding last night though, unless there’s something I hadn’t heard, Aaron Hicks should send Aaron Boone a letter of introduction with a photo enclosure.
@J R in WV: We put an under the cabinet LED strip to deal with the darkness and nearly cutting off fingers. It’s a cheap and easy solution that I’m thankful for every time I turn it on.
@jonas: Asking the law cohort here, isn’t it a possibility that people like Judge Federalist Society here would say “I’m not making ANY real money doing this gig and I’m not interested in getting my reward in heaven, imma gonna resign and rake in mucho bank in a conservative white-shoe firm with my solid Senate-confirmed Federal credentials”?
@MomSense: ” . . . catastrophe”
There was a teevee show with that name.
Omnes Omnibus
@Layer8Problem: Anything is possible.
@Omnes Omnibus: “So you’re telling me there’s a chance.” :-D
@MomSense: I provided wife and house. He provided the rest, It still makes me laugh and I still love being married and I still love my stepkids.
Tony G
@WaterGirl: Sounds like a young, female version of Donnie.
Tony G
@jonas: Or maybe she’s assuming the the appeals courts will soon be as corrupt as she is. If the referees are crooked, you can commit as many fouls as you want.
@sab: I hope Cleveland clobbers them again, today!🤞🏻🤞🏻
@Jackie: Fingers crossed here.
I believe the Trump team has about a month to respond – holy cow, that feels like a ridiculously long time – but apparently that’s considered pretty fast in the legal world. @Tony G:
IANAL, but I believe that, in this case, delay does NOT work particularly to TFG’s advantage, because the 11th CA’s “bench slap” removed the DWCMs* from the Special Master’s (oooh) control, which means DOJ can keep using them in investigations and — should it come to that — in Grand Jury proceedings, and they really are the heart of both the obstruction and espionage cases (and please all I want for Christmas is for TFG to be indicted for espionage, pleasepleaseplease).
* documents with classification markings, because we really need some shorthand
@Layer8Problem: It starred Sharon Horgan who acts, writes and directs “Bad Sisters” on Apple TV. It’s a cute series about 5 sisters, one who is married to “the prick”, and their plots to kill him. Fun stuff.
@raven: We just finished off Bad Sisters based on Betty Cracker’s referral the other day. Nice work! And god did I want to nail that bastard’s feet to a floor somewhere.
Today’s local paper has a front-page story about a 41-year-old pregnant woman whose water broke at 18 weeks. Before Dobbs she could have been helped in Joplin; now, there was nothing they could do as long as there is a heartbeat even though the fetus was non-viable. She ended up in Illinois for an abortion. The consequences of Dobbs aren’t going to fade away anytime soon.
@Soprano2: Are the mobile clinics in Illinois on the State line up and running yet?
@Villago Delenda Est: Likely dusky hued and certainly Jewish too.
Doubt He would have made it to Golgotha alive before our white evangelicals lynched him. Or shot him with an AR-15. Or some cop kneeled on his neck.
But because they profess to believe in His infinite mercy maybe they would just have ICE throw him in a cage for a year and then deport him. He might get very lucky and be trafficked by Desantis to Martha’s Vinyard.
At the very least however He’s obviously a fuckin’ lib socialist groomer, which means He’s a pedo, which means He deserves to die.
Forgive them for they know not what they do. Yeah, but sorry JC, they know exactly what they are doing.
White Evangelical Christianity has become a cultural and political identity. “White supremacist nationalists” is what they really are. They worship mammon. Power, wealth, status. All fungible manifestations of the same thing. Trump is the fulfillment of their values not a betrayal of them.
There was something on twitter where they had polled white evangelicals and were shocked to find that nearly 40% denied the divinity of Christ.
The debate was that surely those respondents misunderstood the question because otherwise they were saying they were, uh, not really Christians?
Me, I just laughed, Ya think?
Dan B
@Soprano2: There seem to be daily horror stories because of Dobbs. I’m at a loss for words. All I want to do is yell.
Mai Naem mobile
@dmsilev: why do all of TFG’s sycophants look either like frat boys or mafioso? All of them.
@Dan B:
Completely disagree about the color range of FEIT bulbs. I live on the Olympic Peninsula, so same winter light issues, plus fog the rest of the year. I’m using the Par20 floods to light the kitchen counters.
Tony G
@GibberJack: “White Evangelical Christianity”. Finally a cult that’s even worse than Catholicism?
Dan B
@WhatsMyNym: I’ve done a great deal of comparison, including photographic documentation. The typical issue is a shortfall of clear red. A few months ago I got lights for an artist who has a windowless studio. The difference was amazing. I haven’t had any Feit LED’s for years so hopefully they’ve improved.
Ohio Mom
@Dan B: Thanks, will do.
Dan B
@WhatsMyNym: Cree has a PRO Series Par 20 for approximately $7. The CRI is above 90. The only brand with higher R9 is Soraa. Their Par 20 is $29. I have a few Soraa lamps and can’t tell the difference with the Cree lamps.
I’ve got Soraa MR16’s on an oil painting and on a blbrown Chinese screen with lotus and Koi. With the Feit light I couldn’t see the lotus leaves and the Koi had no orange. With the Soraa the lotus flowers pinkish stamens look as good at night. The Koi have noticeable orange tones and the lotus leaves are discernable even though some of them are very dark green against dark brown.
Ohio Mom
@Soprano2: That’s how old I was when I was pregnant with Ohio Son.
Thankfully I was blissfully unaware of everything that could have gone wrong — these months since Dobbs I have learned a lot about all the ways pregnancies can take wrong turns. Usually through reading sad stories like the one you just told.
Dan B
@Ohio Mom: I hope you like them. I have lots of oil paintings, ceramics, wood sculptures, and some variegated pink, white, and green indoor plants that all glow at night with very low light levels. Plus the downstairs shower has big beige tiles that looked grey beige but look nice and warm with a very bright downlight.
Tony Jay
Cracking game. Best Liverpool performance of the season against the 12 men from Manchester.
@Another Scott:
Oh, that’s a lovely bit of work. Lots of LOL.
@prostratedragon: i don’t know.
Citizen Alan
Given her relative youth, my expectation is that she will be a viable choice for a right wing presidential appointment to an appellate court for at least the next 20 years. She’s not going anywhere.
Kayla Rudbek