Let’s win this!
We are less than two weeks out, so except for occasional races that need a boost, it’s all about turnout. So let’s help GOTV.
We have a new Balloon Juice Angel – eponymous has put up a $500 Angel match for our effort to put boots on the ground in AZ. If we can match her $500, that’s one more pair of boots on the ground for an entire week in Arizona.
We have met the first $500 match from eponymous!
I will announce a second match once we get through the first one!
Update at 2:50 pm: We have a new $500 match from HinTN! Just $38 more needed to reach the $500.
Here’s a link to an article about the Worker Action contribution in turning AZ blue in 2020.
Up to $50 per person will be matched – if you post your match and amount in the comments. Even if you were already matched by another Balloon Juice angel, the clock resets with every new Angel match – so you can be matched again!
The goal is to put 25 pairs of boots on the ground in AZ, and we are over 21 already!
Can we do it?
Open thread.
Boots on the ground: we have funded 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 pairs so far!
21 down, 4 to go!
The cowboy boots (#18) are in honor of Avalie’s dad. She said he’s a bright blue 81-year-old dot in a very red state!
I am pairing this with the Balloon Juice calendar reminder. So if you missed that because the posts are so close together, please check out the calendar reminder post, too.
I am counting the last 3 donations from the previous thread ($100 total) because they were made as I was putting together the post for the new angel match.
So we are starting this post at $100 toward the $500 match.
@WaterGirl: That is a very good article you linked to in the post. Thank you!
Another Scott
+$207. Time’s a wastin’ – let’s get this done soon.
Thanks to the angels, the bootsonaground, and all the jackals. And especially WaterGirl.
@Geminid: In case it’s not clear to anyone who reads the article, Unite Here recently changed their name to Worker Power.
@Another Scott: Thanks for that, Scott!
That should show up in the themometer soon, so I will get another pair of ” boots” ready to add to the boots up top.
And a second after I posted the comment… there it is!
We are now at $19,000 – 19 pairs of boots on the ground.
Can someone put me out of my misery and tell me whether it’s 19 pairs or 19 pair? (with an S or not with an S)
@WaterGirl: With absolutely no idea whatsoever, it’s pairs.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Another Scott:
Hey Scotty,
Beam me up.
Between Trumpism and climate change, Earth is no longer a desirable place to live.
$25 added.
Mo Salad
Another Ulysses.
Thanks to all who answered about pair vs. pairs of boots.
Memory Pallas
Donated $50.
@Nora: @Mo Salad: @Memory Pallas: Thank you!
We are at $275. That’s over halfway to the $500 match.
Warren Senders
In for $25 just now.
In for $50.
So much appreciation for the angels and the donors!
And for Avalie’s dad. :-) (This is why we don’t write off “red states” – better to think of them as “voter-suppression states”, and work to change that at the ballot box.)
@H.E.Wolf: What a wonderful idea. I am in one of those “voter suppression states” and appreciate your understanding.
ETA: I remember years ago when Texas was a sane state. I hope that one day we can regain that.
@Warren Senders: @realbtl:
Thank you! Your $75 brings us to $350!
Suburban Mom
I just kicked in $50 and voted early. Hoping that my now gerrymandered NJ congressional district will stay blue.
In for $25. As another resident of a voter suppression state, I also appreciate the change in description.
@Suburban Mom: I hope it stays blue, too!
That brings us to $400 for the match!
@eclare: Make that $425! Thank you!
@H.E.Wolf: @Josie: @eclare:
I just added a new rotating tag:
@WaterGirl: Perfect!
I just put $25 in the pot…the only way to fight voter suppression is from the ground up..
@WaterGirl: Thanks. You are fast.
@evodevo: Thank you!
That’s $450 for the $500 match. Just $50 left to go!
@Josie: :-)
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Late to the party, but plural only nouns would seem to cover this case too. One set of boots is a pair, multiple sets is pairs.
English is weird.
Matt McIrvin
Interesting attack campaign going on in Mass.: I just saw a Facebook ad by a Republican PAC alleging that Dem state auditor candidate Diana DiZoglio once worked for a “virulently homophobic” church, basically trying to make a liberal case for the Republican candidate. Judging from the comments the whole thing seems to be thoroughly confusing people. No idea what the merits of it are but of course suspect a massive ratfucking operation
…edit: yeah, this is about something she did when she was, like, 17, and has thoroughly renounced. The Log Cabin Republicans are involved.
@Matt McIrvin: I wonder if Fuck the Log Cabin Republicans would make a good rotating tag.
@Another Scott: Thank you. I have always said “pairs” for stuff like this but a bout of uncertainty set in. :-)
If we get another $50 for this match, I can announce the next fundraising match and then go walk on the treadmill. I have been sitting too long and am anxious to get moving. :-)
In for $50!
Mrs Ragbag
In for $100.
@RockDots: Yay! We have met the $500 match from eponymous!
Thank you to all who donated!
@WaterGirl: You have email.
Very long time lurker
$50 added to the effort. Thanks for organizing these.
Copying from previous thread, because WaterGirl says it’s OK to post this here:
Jack Dorsey is launching a new social media app called BlueSky Social!
Yes, a replacement for Twitter, launched by Twitter’s original CEO. Might be fine, might be crap, but what it won’t be is Musked.
If you want, you can enter your email to get on the waiting list for their beta launch. (I’ve already done so.)
@HinTN: I do not see a new email from you. ??
@Mrs Ragbag: @JerseyBeard:
Thank you! Yours are the first donations toward the new Angel Match that just started!
That’s $100 toward the match, and even more toward boots on the ground. Yay!
$25 here
@JerseyBeard: Oh, and welcome to commenting!
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you, SD!
We are now at $125 for the new angel match from HinTN!
@CaseyL: I’m not sure about the name… BlueSkySocial
Why not FuckElonMusk? :-)
I had my boots on the ground for Jamie McLeod-Skinner OR CD 5 yesterday. Meant to go out again today but insomnia has turned me into a shapeless pile of mush. Here’s a report on my first ever day of canvassing. Jamie’s campaign seems well organized bearing in mind my sample size is one. They had me load the app Minivan on my phone which gave me a map of my area which flagged which homes they wanted me to knock at. Showed registration of the residents. Did not send me to any Republicans or folks whose ballots were in. Probably 60% weren’t home. The damn thing crashed when I put my phone in my pocket halfway through and I spent a half hour re-entering data from memory. Hit the sync button after every house once I got going again
A few Democrats that were very supportive and were had either just mailed it or were going to soon. Overwhelming percentage of prospects were “N” non affiliated or “I” Independent Party of Oregon. Since Oregon implemented automatic voter registration any time you apply for anything at the DMV non-affiliated grew to the largest subset of Oregon voters. Most of the N’s were not interested. There were a couple young N’s that didn’t know they were registered and sorta friendly. One guy was obviously stoned and the smell of weed rolling out his door. Really missed my chance there to say Jamie is supportive of legal weed and the Republican isn’t. Four young women N’s seemed to think the polite old man with the white beard was worth listening to. I think I might have picked up their votes. The Independent Party of Oregon is a weird beast. I think most of the people that register with it think they are what Oregon considers non-affiliated. Every Independent Party person I spoke to was clearly voting Republican though most just wanted me to go away. Jamie has the endorsement of the Independent Party. Nobody acted aggressive.
For that matter, why not SocialSecurity?
And we are at $20k, so we get to add another pair of boots / shoes!
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: As I said downstairs, some are claiming that Jack and Elon are on the same team – caveat emptor.
Also, Entrepreneur.com (from April).
@Another Scott:
Can you say more about that?
@Kelly: Appreciate the update!
Emily B.
$25 in the pot!
Okay, we are at $150 toward the $500 Angel Match from HinTN.
I am going to walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then I will check back in for donations and thank you notes.
Once we meet this match, I think we’ll be at $21,000!
edit: total updated to $150, thank you @Emily B.!
Funny story: Long long ago, Norman Lear divorced his first wife, Frances.
She got a considerable settlement, having been with him during his most productive and profitable years.
She spent a good part of that settlement launching a magazine called “Lear,” which (IIRC) was a kind of Cosmo-for-upscale-older-divorcees. A lot of copy was devoted to “overcoming” loss (divorce) and how your life isn’t defined by who you were (formerly) married to.
Many people commented that she should have called the magazine “Fuck You, Norman.”
There go two miscreants
In for $50
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: I can’t find what I was thinking of, but I did find this – Futurism.com:
(Insert How to be a fan of problematic things here.)
Only time will tell, of course, but people should know that Jack and Musk and all of those people are not our friends. They live on, and make their fortunes on, rage and engagement and lots of similar things which are dangerous to democracy and civil society and progress and the commonweal. Keep your wits about you as you think about where to go with your online calories.
That is all. HTH!
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@CaseyL: Musk and Dorsey are tight collaborators, as was revealed by their texts recently. Not a Musk-free alternative…
@There go two miscreants: Thank you! We have matched $200 of the $500 match.
I’m in for $50 as well.
@Jimmm: Thank you!
At $250, we are halfway there to the $500 match.
Just saw this. I’m in for $50.
I’ve wasted half my day on Twitter. Thanks to all the jackals who are doing more positive things and showing up. I appreciate you.
Joy in FL
just donated $12.
Thank you, BJ Angels.
@caphilldcne: @Joy in FL: Thank you both!
Together that’s $62 for the match, for a total of $312.
Yet Another Haldane
$50! Thanks, @WaterGirl and Angels!
@Yet Another Haldane:
Yet Another Haldane? I didn’t think we had any other Haldanes.
In any case, thanks so much for the donation!
That brings us to $362 – we are about 2/3 of the way to the match!
fake irishman
$100 for me. So that’s a $50 match, right? Thanks for bird-dogging this all cycle.
@fake irishman: Thank you! And yes, $50 will be matched, but the other $50 will still put boots on the ground. :-)
We are up to $412 now of the $500 match.
Let’s do this!
Another Scott
When good people turn out, good people win.
(via nycsouthpaw)
Just chipped in $50.
@WaterGirl: I’m gonna put $414 in there right now just to make the number a palindrome. 🙄
@HinTN: Welp, that didn’t work. Somebody hit it for 50 and my 414 made it 21062. So it goes.
@WaterGirl: I see it was @Ukai:
Woo hoo – you’ll get my other 86 yet.
@Another Scott: Fingers crossed Lula holds on and Brazil TFG doesn’t stage a coup.
@Ukai: Thank you!
That’s $462 of the $500 match has been met.
Just $38 and we’ll have met the match!
We hit $21,000, so here’s another pair of boots!
We still need $38 to meet the $500 match.
Fake Irishman
I was raised in the Midwest and taught that it was polite to bring my own match, even if some one else promised one. :)
@Fake Irishman: They raised you right!