Please take 56-seconds and watch this video.
This is your sign to stop scrolling. We're less than two weeks out from this election and the most important thing we can do is get people to turn out. That's what it'll come down to.
Head to @votesaveamerica and find ways to get involved!
— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) October 28, 2022
Congratulations first!
We raised $27,000 to send 27 pairs of boots on the ground to AZ to get out the vote!
Big thanks to all the Balloon Juice Angels and to everyone who met the match. You guys are amazing!
So what’s up today?
To support individual candidates, I think these races in our Election Protection thermometer is likely our best option for the next couple of days. If you donate, I would ask you to PLEASE use Customize Amounts and consider giving to the 6 new people that we just added to the list.
Supreme Court in MI: Kyra Harris Bolden and Richard Bernstein.
Supreme Court in NC: Lucy Inman and Sam Ervin
SOS and AG races in WI: Josh Kaul (AG) and Doug La Follette (SOS)
Why are we adding these 2 races in Wisconsin? As you know, in Wisconsin, unlike other states, the AG is the office that controls elections. So we need the Democratic AG candidate to win. So why do we care so much about the SOS if they don’t control elections? Because if a Republican is elected SOS, the legislature can move responsibility for running elections from the Attorney General to the Secretary of State. (These bastards NEVER stop planning, never stop fighting, and we can’t either.)
TaMara says that Yadira Caraveo in Colorado can still really use our help. You can find her in the Winnable House Races Purple Districts thermometer – just be sure you customize amounts.
BlueGuitarist says that Eunic Ortiz can really still use our help. You can find her in the Local Races / Super Swing Districts thermometer – just be sure you customize amounts.
What’s Next?
Four Directions – where they are working like mad in Nevada – is putting me in touch with another group – that is putting boots on the ground in NV.
Four Directions is working on an introduction, and we may find that they could use our help, too.
What Can You Do Besides Donate?
Daily Kos has a whole page of opportunities to help get out the vote.
Every single thing we can do can affect the outcome.
What are you doing to affect the outcome?
Open thread.
I just can’t understand why there isn’t a huge enthusiasm gap this mid term. The GOP isn’t offering anything. What is driving the GOP to the polls?
Or is that something that the recent polling is not picking up? the likeliness of voting.
@moops: they are offering the whole maguffin, if they tip the House or the Senate, they deny any Democratic agenda from being fulfilled, no legislative wins, then in 2024 they rinse and repeat on a do-nothing Congress strategy.
@moops: No one knows who is going to turn out. So all the voter models are worthless – some will be right, some will be wrong, but there’s no way to know which is which.
Also, with the media and the pollsters putting their thumbs on all the sales, that has an influence, too.
I think the polls have little or no predictive value this year. Way too many wildcards.
We just don’t know what will happen, and that’s painful when everything is at stake.
@moops: Shorter: I am choosing to work, not worry.
Worry accomplishes nothing (except misery) and work can impact the outcome.
If you guys have info on any specific candidates that are poised on the knife’s edge, where money this late could still be useful, please share information in the comments.
Alison Rose
Defeating Democrats. That’s it. Owning the libs is still their first and foremost concern.
Villago Delenda Est
Don’t be complacent, but consider that the polls nowadays are GQp propaganda. Still GOTV. We’re going to make the MSM/Village look like dogshit.
What are you all planning to do in the next 7 days to impact the outcome?
@moops: White Supremacy/Patriarchy. The prospect of a National Abortion Ban. Outlawing Same-Sex Marriage. Outlawing Gender-Affirming Care. Rolling Back Civil Rights and The New Deal. Ending Social Security/Medicare Etc. They now have a SCOTUS that will go along with these things, wholeheartedly if GOP can win Congress. They know this is an opportunity to erase most of the gains of the 20th Century. They have been dreaming about this forever.
I don’t mean to blow up the thread, but does anyone have advice on how to just continue with life? There’s this convergence of the most awful job I’ve had in my life (which I cannot leave, apparently) and the hideous politics. I’m queer and disabled. I don’t have anyone else in my life I can talk to.
@MC: Can you see a therapist or is there a friend you can talk to?
My suggestion would be to do at least one small thing everyday that gives you joy.
It can be something small like a 10 minutes yoga session in the morning or a walk in your neighborhood.
@MC: I’m so sorry. If you are suffering any kind of suicidal ideations, please call a hotline or reach out to whatever mental health expert you have access to.
If it’s less extreme, more generalized anxiety/depression then: 1.) therapy/meds, 2.) activity (mental, physical, arts etc.), 3.) finding a good community online or in meatspace, 4.) getting more sleep, 5.) political action (phone/text-banking) are all things you might wanna try. I reconnected with an old friend recently and that really lifted my spirits.
@schrodingers_cat: This is a great practice. No matter how small or whatever it is, every tiny bit helps. For me it’s playing drums or tennis. For my wife it’s watching Brittish Mysteries or reading a good novel. Etc. It’s gonna be different for everyone.
According to Kristen Welker of NBC, there is a huge enthusiasm gap, but it belongs to the Rs. She didn’t tell me what polls she was looking at or where that info came from, but hearing her and that Karnaki guy and the elections chief on NPR tell it, we can just forget the House. Several of them casually told me to expect a 228-207, (or similar), R controlled house, and that is something I cannot believe.
We are all slaves to the likely voter model.
@MC: i have a meeting right now but will come back later.
@MC: yes please follow @schrodingers_cat‘s advice to find one thing a day to bring you some happiness. Seek mindfulness of doing that thing — I am doing this because I like it — while doing it.
If the job thing is a mess, then do you know any recruiters? I know people at ResourceWranglers which is a LGBTQ-staffed agency. They may be able to help.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
No joke. Somebody’s home.
This state is a red dye vat. This county is a drop of blue. The district has been redrawn. Who’s there?
My motivation to knock knock.
@Baud: apparently post Roe and Dobbs, no one has instituted a POVM as of yet (pissed off voter model).
I have to remind myself not to be sucked in to their horse race bullshit, while the GOP is polluting the airwaves with claims that the Dems are responsible for evil fetanyl being given away for free from south of the border to a crime wave of epic proportions being driven by illegal immigration and defunding of the police nationwide.
@MC: This is a good place to talk and there are people with knowledge who can help.
I don’t have so much knowledge in this area, but I know that getting good sleep is key to wellbeing on many levels.
@Baud: Yep. What gets me is that they’re all saying that, according to the most recent NYT, (what, them again?!), “polling”, the Rs are surging. Whatevs. All I can do is vote, early and often. ;)
@MC: Thank you for sharing MC.
It’s time for me to bring out my full spectrum lamp.
I appreciate the reminder.
SCOTUS rejected Lindsey’s emergency appeal.
Ha ha ha ha ha, Lindsey!
Wisconsin fun fact – LaFollette is a respected name in Wisconsin politics, and Doug has been elected SOS for (literally) decades, including with otherwise Republican administrations.
He’s held the office continuously since *1983* and he had talked about retiring, but his GOP opponent is an Trumptastic reality denier, so he’s running again.
Also – there some Dark LaFollette memes around, a la Dark Brandon. For those that want to Google.
Today, Jennifer Ruben has an article out:
Four Reasons to be Skeptical About Election Polling
“Pollsters should worry that their profession might soon be regarded as more like astrology than political science.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Mousebumples: Fighting Bob!
I early voted yesterday, bullied one son to go with me, and am bugging the other one to go when he can. Early voting is so much easier than voting on the day of. I have already tapped out my limited funds with contributions to Beto and Rochelle here in Texas. I did give a small amount to the Boots on the Ground effort.
Thanks to you for your tireless efforts during this campaign. You have ten times more energy than I have.
@MC: I am not a Buddhist, or religious in ANY way, or even a meditator, but two things that have helped me are Ten Percent Happier–podcast, some meditation techniques, sleep meditations– and Lion’s Roar, a Buddhist magazine and website. Like many people, I have a tendency to go down mental rabbit holes, and it’s been helpful to have some concrete tools for not doing that, or getting out of it.
I don’t know if you have mobility limitations, but I find that exercise is absolutely vital for me; it’s best if it’s first thing in the morning, and at least some days it needs to be vigorous. It clears out the mental gunk.
I very much edit my web/news consumption. This place is one of the few that I spend any time on, and, much as I adore this place, there are threads I back away from on occasion.
At one point, after a tragedy, I found therapy very helpful–more folks are LGBTQ friendly, and willing to do telehealth, so maybe that is an option for you.
It may be that none of this will work for you. At the very least, know that you’re welcome here.
Remember the Georgia mother and daughter pollsters Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss?
Rudy Guiliani has been denied!
@piratedan: You forgot the kids pooping in litter boxes in schools.
Burning hot sphere of rage
Haven’t read the article yet, but I suspect that professional pollsters have been reduced to “intelligent” guesswork, probably no more accurate than reading this mornings coffee grounds. Screw ’em and vote! This House will be ours! Or so I hope.
Hatred, Dear.
What they always offer up
Pollster: “Do you plan to go to the polls and vote?”
Me (having already mailed my ballot): “No.”
Pollster: “Thank you.” (click)
Poll results: “Republicans surging among those planning to vote!”
Though I’m sure they wouldn’t make such an elementary mistake. Also, I wouldn’t have answered the phone.
James E Powell
I don’t think the right-wingers are as amped up as many seem to believe. At least they don’t seem to be uniformly one fire as they were when TFG was on the ballot or when a black man was in the White House. If they were, Tim Ryan wouldn’t be within a blue mile of Vance & Fetterman would be behind.
We have to focus on getting our people to vote. Nothing else matters.
NB – Today I received an email from the registrar reminding me to get my mail ballot in the mail. Every state should be like this. We have to make this our goal. Republicans will howl, but once voters have mail-in voting, they will see how much they like it.
A little green Muppet in an otherwise forgettable science fiction movie called it.
Almost Retired
These DKos links are fantastic. I always focus on (and go to) Las Vegas this time of year with a California group. But, based on these links, it looks like the real need is in the purple county of Washoe (Reno) and Carson City (an independent city). As much as I love going to Pahrump, I’m rethinking where to volunteer thanks to this. Also, I usually do better at Blackjack in Reno than in Clark County or Pahrump, so there’s that.
Also, $50 to Election Protection, because it’s not too late.
@Ken: There you go. It’s like the “right/wrong direction” about the country. Do I think the country is moving in the right direction? No, I do not, what with all the loonies clamoring to get on the GOP clown car and the resurgence of the Confederacy, but I sure as hell ain’t voting for any Rs any time soon.
@James E Powell: here in the Old Pueblo, we’re starting to see across multiple channels, the “reasonable Republicans ” ads promoting Democratic candidates, that touch upon the Democracy theme in how if you deny election outcomes, especially audits that they insisted upon that showed that votes for Biden were undercounted, then these people are not Republicans at all.
very low key, but essential in giving cover to anyone on the GOP side that is a never-Trumper to vote Dem.
no scary music or images, just people sitting at a kitchen table/counter and speaking to a camera.
@MC: can you adopt an animal? It’s very grounding
Omnes Omnibus
No link, but the blue bird tells me that the Sup Ct rejected Graham’s plea to avoid testifying in GA following Thomas’s temporary stay. Like some of us said, these sorts of temporary stays are not nefarious.
El Muneco
@JWR: TBF, 228-207 is pretty much what a model based entirely on fundamentals and the 2018 turnout would predict.
Early voting looks like it’s up roughly 25%, and while I don’t think that Dobbs will have as much impact as it should, I can’t believe the impact will be zero, either.
So it’s reasonable to believe that 228-207 is somewhat pessimistic.
@Omnes Omnibus: Everyone gets due process rights. It doesn’t necessarily reflect the final outcome however.
I am so sorry. Find a small thing that gives you joy and try to do it everyday
Omnes Omnibus
@El Muneco: Why should 2018 models apply?
@ian: that’s a good description of Trump. Very prescient!
West of the Cascades
Just made calls for a couple of hours to Democratic voters in Otero County, NM – there are a couple of extra early voting locations in far-flung areas of the county for the end of this week only. Mostly voicemails, but people I’ve spoken to seemed genuinely glad to get details about where and when they can vote early this week!
@Omnes Omnibus: Not the original commenter, nor a pollster, but I presume they use a midterm model “voters turn out against the President’s party” and flip the parties for 2018->2022, then add in lower turnout for less regular voters (who are mostly Democratic voters).
@El Muneco: If it’s the models used in 2018, those models vastly under-predicted a Blue Wave.
@JWR: It’s a good article; Ruben is agreeing with what we basically think about polls.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Shorter OO: nyah, nyah, toldyaso.
I’m in pretty bad shape. I have chronic suicidal ideation, and it’s been flaring every day, along with sobbing breakdowns.
This job has me away from home five days a week, probably for months. I do have a cat, but he’s at home! Along with everything else that keeps me grounded.
Also I think I have some obstructed airway problems, because I wake up multiple times a night feeling out of breath. That on top of the severe stress, as well. Can’t get to the doctor because of the fucking job, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Add a “ so fuck you” to it and you got it.
patrick II
Meanwhile, in Brazil, Bolsonaro still hasn’t conceded even though his Communication Minister says he will concede defeat today. I think he is just stalling and trying to line up allies for a coup. I hope to be wrong, but we shall see.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yay! From the Washington Post:
@West of the Cascades: Thank you for that!
Matt McIrvin
@moops: A substantial portion of the electorate respond only to gasoline prices.
Omnes Omnibus
@MC: I have no advice. This is well outside my wheelhouse, but people here will listen and many will have good ideas. The rest of us will offer good thoughts and encouragement. We see you.
C Stars
@West of the Cascades: Wow, thank you! It takes a special kind of courage to call people in person.
@MC: Most urgent care centers are open until 10pm or later and usually on weekends. Can you go to one after work or on the weekend? The breathing problem is worrisome and should be diagnosed. At the very least, to help you get a good night’s sleep.
I’m sorry you are feeling bad right now. Hopefully, you can find a way to see a doctor and get some help.
If you already have a therapist, maybe you can make an appointment for a telemedicine appointment?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: My point is that it’s not really a “Yay!” moment. This was just ordinary administrative stuff. People scaremongered about it and they should not have. If the full Court had granted a stay, it would have been worthy of concern.
@Matt McIrvin: But that hasn’t really changed in the past month, whereas all of a sudden Republicans are supposedly much more enthusiastic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Eyeroller: Also, many of the Dobbs voters aren’t enthusiastic. They are enraged, fucking pissed off, grimly determined, etc.
@Omnes Omnibus: Why is it not a yay to find out that the SC is not going to shield him?
Chipped in to the election protection list as requested.
Didn’t see Yadira Caraveo in the other linked thermo?
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Because the Court gets hundreds (if not thousands) of bullshit petitions like this every year. The overwhelming majority are dismissed just like this. People made a mountain of a molehill.
@El Muneco: Totally agree with the “I can’t believe the impact [of Dobbs] will be zero” part, and that 25% looks good, too! How much above zero the impact of Dobbs will, I hope, be quite a lot.
every word is true
Matt McIrvin
@Eyeroller: It has changed, but it depends on where you are in the country. Until the past month, gas prices were dropping from their big peak in the summer. But then there was a huge new price spike that was localized to the West Coast, and elsewhere, the price drop stopped and in some cases reversed itself.
@WaterGirl: I agree (see my comment at #23).
I think OO means it’s not some great legal moment and I will defer to him on that.
For us though, it is more of an emotional victory because Trump and all his cronies and minions seem to believe that the rule of law only applies to others. It’s nice when they get smacked down by the courts who rule based on the law.
@MC: I hope the best for you. You mentioned your job makes you unhappy yet is one you cannot leave. I would recommend finding ways to make this no longer the case. It seems to be a source of unhappiness for you.
If I may pry, is there some reason you could share? Is it the best pay you can find, transportation issues, or is there an insurance reason? If there is some specific thing that is tying you to the job, then the solution would be to find that need fulfilled at another place that gives less mental anguish.
Easier written than done, but I hope you can find something that makes you happier.
@schrodingers_cat: One thing a day is really good advice. I need to do this too on general principles.
@MC: I’m so sorry. I’ve been there, and it sucks. Telehealth counseling might be available given your travel schedule, if that’s something you think you can do. (I specifically said “can” rather than “want to,” because, if you’re anything like me, “want to” feels hard, too.) I’m glad you reached out here, though–THAT is really hard to do. I hope that you feel that you can do at least one of the things people here identified.
@Matt McIrvin: for instance….
heard that as of midnight last night, Ron DeSantis re-instituted the state gas tax in Florida, just in time for the election to crow about raising gas prices, which I am sure he will make sure to blame Biden for.
one other note about the polling that doesn’t seem to be taken into account….
the disparity in the number of GOP voters lost to COVID
The number of new voters that have registered post Roe/Dobbs
the trends at the actual ballot boxes that have shown Democratic wins, despite the polling numbers…
it all strikes me that its a concerted narrative to continue to sell the Red Wave because that’s what the media wants, either in their ability to continue to both sides governmental dysfunction or selling the horse race/doom for Democrats framing that has been in place since Biden won election.
West of the Cascades
@Omnes Omnibus: Just to add to Omnes’s comment – the text of the order denying the stay is below. Basically the Supreme Court noted that the district court already ruled that Graham cannot be questioned about his so-called “informal investigative fact-finding” pursuant to the Speech or Debate Clause, and that Graham can run to the district court if he feels the deposition questioning is getting too close to that.
So in this case, the ordinary procedure worked: very brief stay to let the parties quickly brief the issue, and then summary disposal without entering a stay. It would have probably been the same result if, say, Arizona had sought to depose Senator Kelly for some reason, and Justice Kagan (responsible in the first instance for stay petitions from the Ninth Circuit) had entered a brief stay (and the right wing blogosphere had lost their collective heads over it).
The application for stay and an injunction pending appeal
presented to Justice Thomas and by him referred to the Court is
denied. The order heretofore entered by Justice Thomas is
The lower courts assumed that the informal investigative
fact-finding that Senator Graham assertedly engaged in
constitutes legislative activity protected by the Speech or
Debate Clause, U. S. Const. Art. I, §6, cl. 1, and they held that
Senator Graham may not be questioned about such activities.
The lower courts also made clear that Senator Graham may return to the District Court should disputes arise regarding the application of the Speech or Debate Clause immunity to specific questions. Accordingly, a stay or injunction is not necessary to
safeguard the Senator’s Speech or Debate Clause immunity.
@WaterGirl: Me? Another canvassing shift, poll watching on 11/8, and working through the absentee ballot process with my college kid.
And sending money wherever WG thinks it’s effective. :-)
@Matt McIrvin: Coinciding with OPEC’s reduction of production. But I wonder why only the West Coast was affected so much more. Price gouging, perhaps. I am in Virginia and prices bumped up a bit then dropped back fairly quickly. Of course I mostly drive a Leaf so don’t pay that much attention. Anyway, I would not think that California is much of a risk for us regardless.
@piratedan: People have run the numbers and the impact is negligible and in many cases would just slightly reduce a large R margin anyway.
@RaflW: I will look, hang on. Okay, fixed now. Thanks for catching that.
I’m going to be out canvassing this weekend, either making the drive to Spanberger or for a nearby mayor’s race where Republicans and trying to sneak into a Democratic city when the race isn’t high profile, and the asshole Dem state senator whose district includes the city isn’t supporting the Dem-endorsed candidate (the race is officially nonpartisan.)
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, you do have to admit that the current SC has not exactly been following precedent or the rule of law, no?
There is plenty of reason to mistrust them.
Matt McIrvin
@Eyeroller: My car gets 50 miles a gallon so it’s not actually a big deal for me, and I live in Massachusetts where it’s not that bad right now… but I fuel up at BJ’s (best prices in the area) and watching the other price-conscious folk lining up there has really made me appreciate just how much gasoline you have to put in one of those behemoth Escalades or Expeditions or F-250s. It’s one monstro gas-guzzler after another.
I’m sure he waited a bit to see where the conspiracies were going before trying them each on for size. (Politico)
He’s a dangerous fool.
patrick II
Chief Justice Roberts has just granted Trump a temporary stay preventing congress from seeing his tax returns. But, what, me worry?
Re: Dobbs decision motivating voter turnout, another poll says 50% of voters are motivated by the Dobbs decision. KFF Health Tracking poll from October.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@patrick II: Lindsey Graham got a temporary stay as well, but then the Court rejected his appeal. I’m hopeful that a similar dynamic will be in play with regard to TFG’s taxes.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: This is like the panic when Sotomayor granted a stay on petition involving abortion a few years ago and people took it as proof the that she was a secret forced birther because she was a Catholic. The Court (including her) voted to summarily dismiss.
IMO there are enough real reasons to worry that we should not look for specious ones. People said at the time that Thomas granted the stay that it shouldn’t be a cause for worry. That was correct. No worry, no celebration.
@frosty: Go you! Thanks for doing that.
@Redshift: I feel so much better after hearing everything people are doing. Thanks for doing that!
@patrick II: The Supreme Court is corrupt.
edit: The fact that they occasionally do the right thing does not make that an incorrect statement.
patrick II
Bolsonaro finally gave his speech, but he did not concede. It lasted 90 seconds and he said he was going to follow the constitution. We will see what that means.
patrick II
Agreed. But sometimes they like to keep up appearances so they have cover for their most corrupt acts.
We see you, MC, and feel your pain.
You’re welcome here.
I agree with the previous comments.
Suicidal ideation is a terrible burden
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
or text the Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Those should guide you to local urgent care and/or telemedicine options appropriate for your schedule and this very serious health challenge, and help you get a therapist and appropriate medication.
Some medication can effectively reduce suicidal ideation.
Difficulty sleeping is not a thing an individual does wrong, it’s a problem for many people. A sleep study can determine whether you have sleep apnea that interferes with getting adequate sleep. CPAP machines (continuous positive airway pressure) can help with sleep apnea; (stick with it even if it at first it feels like you’re being waterboarded).
potentially helpful
Listening to music, playing an instrument, singing (doesn’t matter if you can’t carry a tune with a bucket)
Political action: maybe text banking or writing postcards
Revisiting a childhood hobby or interest.
Check out that Ten percent happier podcast and let us know what you think.
Take care of yourself, keep us posted.
We shall overcome
@WaterGirl: It can be hard to tell with all that’s been going on, but the key thing for me is that even the regressive majority in the Supreme Court is still subject to rule of law. Their hands are at least somewhat tied by the structure they’re caught up in and their will is not absolute.
Even exercising as much influence as they can, they have to walk a line between tipping the balance in their favor and tipping it so far as to render their rulings and office meaningless. And like Putin, they have every incentive to portray invincibility no matter how thin a reed they’re hanging from. It can slip away from them in an instant if they push too far (again) and I’m sure they’re especially aware of that fact now.
So what I would generalize from seeing this particular outcome (despite not being a lawyer) is that rule of law is still in play. The process is still working and we can take advantage of this. All we have to do is keep going.
I agree with the previous comments.
We see you, MC, and feel your pain.
You’re welcome here.
Suicidal ideation is a terrible burden
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. Good to do that today.
or Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Probably those can guide you to local
urgent care and/or telemedicine options appropriate for your schedule and this very serious health challenge
help you get a therapist and appropriate medication.
Some medication can effectively reduce suicidal ideation.
Many people have difficulty sleeping. A sleep study can determine whether you have sleep apnea that interferes with getting adequate sleep. CPAP machines (continuous positive airway pressure) can help with sleep apnea.
Some other things that could help:
Listening to music, playing an instrument, singing
Political action: text banking or writing postcards
Revisiting a childhood hobby or interest.
Listen to the Ten Percent Happier podcast and let us know what you think.
Take care of yourself
We’re stronger together
We shall overcome
“The Manhattan criminal fraud trialof the Trump Organization has been put on hold for the rest of the week after the company executive who was on the stand as a prosecution witnesson Monday and Tuesday tested positive for COVID-19.
Company controller Jeffrey McConney had coughed frequently throughout his testimony. On Tuesday, after a lunch break in the proceedings, a prosecutor told Judge Juan Merchan that McConney had just tested positive.
Merchan said the trial would resume Monday, Nov. 7.”
Jesus H LeChrist. I opened Musktter for 90 seconds and it’s all doom about Dems.
App closed. No reason to be that bonkers depressing when there’s still work to do.
Maybe that ahole buying the place will be good for my sanity by getting me to log off a lot more.
I should probably text bank this evening, too!
@patrick II: I had added an edit which you probably haven’t seen yet.
@patrick II: I agree with that statement.
@livewyre: They just took away the rights of every single woman in this country. Without blinking an eye.
In total violation of all precedent.
It is no longer fair to say that the rule of law is still in play.
*please read that last line as red, all caps, and flashing.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: I know you’re far too polite, as am I ( which is why I didn’t even think of it. )
@WaterGirl: To clarify the previous (collecting thoughts from outside the edit window), what I’m interested in is why they haven’t been all Trump all the time. If we were completely at their mercy and relying on them not to act corruptly, then they wouldn’t have had to hold back like this.
I think what we’re seeing is a vulnerability in even the most regressive judicial office – if not for the law, what do they have other than buildings and robes? How did they get any influence over us in the first place? From first principles, any corruption of the law should necessarily detract from the legitimacy of the office. Where the spirit of democracy comes in could be reminding ourselves of that and then putting it into practice.
Oooh, another Trump appointee is accused of multiple ethics violations.
Gin & Tonic
Look at the “featured speakers.” What do you notice?
@WaterGirl: I have to admit that I was hoping you weren’t going there. That’s where we part ways. If that were the case, there would be nothing left to fight for other than dominance of us against them.
Surely that’s not where you’re at. I would like to think we’re pulling for the same thing.
I’m still writing postcards and taking a break to let my hand muscles relax and read this thread.
@Gin & Tonic: Putin apologists? Ugh. I immediately blocked the so called “people’s forum”.
Joe Biden’s speech in Florida was the lead item on the 5pm CBS radio news. I expect the President covered a lot of ground, but it was his remarks on the Republican threats to Social Security and the Democrats’ cutting Medicare expenses that were featured in the report.
@WaterGirl: Sorry, not trying to flood. This is a bit of a hot button for me so I beg your patience.
To me it’s a matter of principle that rights are inalienable. No one changes what we deserve with the stroke of a pen. Officials serve the law, and the law serves us. So I see any departure from that as not an invalidation of the idea of law, but a failure to uphold it that we may rightfully protest.
Maybe we’re actually on the same page from different directions as far as that being where we are. There’s certainly a fight that we’re not out of. I’m just trying to figure out if the goal in principle is the same.
The Golux
Jahana Hayes, CT-5. Just sent her $50.
Old School
@Gin & Tonic:
I only recognize two of those names, so I’ll hold out for “And More.”
Omnes Omnibus
@livewyre: “Are you completely corrupt?”
“No, not completely.”
from The Illusionist
@MC: When I need to bust through to where the other good suggestions here might work I slap on the headphones and listen to the album that starts with this: “Lizard Point “.
What’s the news out of Israel?
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic: I notice projectile vomiting in my immediate vicinity.
Matt McIrvin
@Eyeroller: COVID is not that deadly in the first place, and even a large majority of the vulnerable and right-leaning elderly population got at least one or two shots, reducing their risk of death considerably. Recall also that for the first year or so of the pandemic it was predominantly killing Democratic voters in the urban Northeast, which balances things out a bit.
Gin & Tonic
@Old School: “The Real Path to Peace in Ukraine” featuring, naturally, not a single Ukrainian.
@Matt McIrvin:
God can’t do anything right.
@Gin & Tonic:
But we’re the imperialists!
@MC: Adding that one can come to a place where one has to manufacture lame excuses to continue. Keep doing that, and a deeper love could evolve.
@Baud: I have not checked. Polls must be closed now. The Times of Israel and Jerusalem Post will give good coverage. Haaretz is better but it’s paywalled.
I’m rooting for Israel to break the world record on election frequency.
Again, $50 to the WI candidates.
@Baud: This is the 5th since 2019. They could have a 6th next Spring, but I think that this time either Netanyahu’s coalition will win 61 Knesset members and he’ll be the next PM, or Defense Minister Benny Gantz will form a government along the lines of the current one, with the addition of two Ultra-Orthodox parties.
That coalition could last a while, although there will be squabbling about Saturday bus service.
J R in WV
Well, Wife and I drove to the rural county seat this afternoon, had lunch at a comfort food joint that serves great biscuits and gravy (Mine), or biscuits and eggs and bacon (Wife’s) and then went to the courthouse. There I got tax receipts for the cars, in order to renew registration on one of the cars, and WE BOTH EARLY VOTED !!!
Election guy said over 900 people have early voted, which is a lot of people in our rural county, esp for an off year like these midterms. Very short ballot, in and out in very little time, Got stickers.
I remain sold that this is a blue wave election after Dobbs and the resultant election results in Kansas, polling being a fiction for the enhancement of click-fed $$~!~
Someone suggested this site to I haven’t tried it yet.
@J R in WV:
Sounds like a good day.
@J R in WV: A Blue Wave and biscuits too. Can’t beat that!
J R in WV
@Matt McIrvin:
Many years ago my brother asked me to spend some time in Houston TX house sitting with his dog while he and his family went skiing in Utah. I drove his giant white SUV, and thought driving it all week on one tank of gas was pretty good.
Then the day before they came home I went to fill it up. 55 gallons!!! It wasn’t getting good fuel mileage, it had a supertanker sized tank!!!
@J R in WV:
No wonder gas got expensive.
Sister Golden Bear
@Eyeroller: CA uses a different blend of gas, due to air quality regulations, which is only produced by refineries on the West Coast. Which invaribly partially shut down for “maintenance” whenever gas prices drop — as surely as the swallows return to Capistrano.
Another Scott
This Haaretz link works for me in a Private Browsing window.
Maybe Bibi will get thrown in the slammer before he can take office. We can hope I guess.
@ian: insurance is part of the reason, of course, but there’s a family obligation here, too. I don’t want to reveal too much, as I think some people I know follow BJ. Thank you for your kind words.
Say, Watergirl, what is your opinion of a Miami Herald piece lambasting Democrats in Florida? Do you really think Florida is turning hard red?
Jim Appleton
I mentioned this to a friend who said paying people to GOTV is undemocratic.
In reply, I reminded this is
A) all about compelling decided voters simply to follow through, and
B) you wanna talk about undemocratic, tell me what’s democratic about vastly greater sums spent by antidemocrats to falsely influence and affect elections.