Don’t forget to turn your clocks back, and now is as good time as any to change the direction of your ceiling fans for winter. Remember, clockwise in winter, counter-clockwise in the summer.
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by John Cole| 84 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back, and now is as good time as any to change the direction of your ceiling fans for winter. Remember, clockwise in winter, counter-clockwise in the summer.
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Obviously it’s the same rule in the southern hemisphere, but for some reason my brain is insisting there must be a reversal somewhere….
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
You have to reverse the polarity!
@Ken: It’s Indiana.
In a music mood ….
Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli – We Will Meet Once Again
It would be nice to live in a place warm enough to run the ceiling fan in winter.
Thank you, John. My automatic coffee pot clock/timer is now ready for fresh brewed in the a.m.
All my other clocks adjust automatically. I only wish I could sleep in accordingly.
Cathie from Canada
One of the many lovely things about living here in Saskatchewan is that we don’t change our clocks anymore – we stay on the same time year round. Unfortunately our TV schedules take a hit every six months, so we do have to adjust our daily watching habits a bit.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Thanks for the reminders. What a full-service blog!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Florida is always an option ; )
@ian: Switching the fan rotation to down circulates the rising heat downward. It really makes a difference.
Time, you say?
The Kinks
Chambers Brothers
Pink Floyd
It’s a Beautiful Day
Avenue Q
Love this: Orkestra Obsolete play Blue Monday using 1930s instruments
man ,I think I spent a lot of time now adding people to follow on Mastodon. It’s like all over the place – so much diversity. a lot of scientists, professors, lawyers, comic book folks – all great people..
James E Powell
Did someone say something about time?
Culture Club
Cyndi Lauper
The Chicago Transit Authority
The Zombies
Bob Dylan
Major Major Major Major
You can’t tell me how to set my fan!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Does anyone know if Mastodon posts can be embedded in WordPress, like Twitter posts?
Here on the left coast CA, OR and WA passed laws for permanent daylight saving time. Turns out Congress must approve this move. Senate passed a bill, House can’t be bothered. Really seems like about as quick and easy as a bill can get.
Bonus: If we’d all settled for standard time it could have been done without the feds (if I understand correctly).
Standard time is my preference for the simple old fashion notion that noon should be when the sun is due south.
My ceiling fan is digital!
Don’t have ceiling fans but moved that John cares enough to tell us to reverse them nonetheless.
I did however close the attic windows this morning. Latest date at which it has ever made sense to, for those of you who need more evidence of climate change.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
This is a fun game:
Rolling Stones
Huey Lewis and the News
@mvr: My BF, his 77 year old mom and I went kayaking on a Wisconsin lake on Nov. 2nd. It was 73 degrees.
I’m not needing much convincing these days.
Time – Hans Zimmer
@Anoniminous: hah. It’s surprisingly good. I like it
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There is an ’embed’ option on the mastodon post that you can use to put into wordpress or somewhere else.
Main theme from the movie “Inception”
@NotMax: I’m spending the night in San Jose, which is where It’s a Beautiful Day is from (in 1969 it was still a small city).
A classic piece of pure NorCal psychedelia.
Alison Rose
Okay, I’ll play:
Groove Armada
Hot Chip
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thanks! I’m sure the Front Pagers are going to be linking to Mastodon a lot from now on
Major Major Major Major
@cain: yeah it’s just a blockquote at the end of the day.
(Sorry iPhone UI screwup)
@RaflW: Yeah, me either, unfortunately.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
All in all, it’s just another blockquote in the wall
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I see what you did there.
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Luckily I don’t have to turn back the clock. I don’t know how to program my VCR so it blinks “12:00” all day.
@Alison Rose:
Nice thing about these music threads is it kicks me out of my rut. I need to listen to those again.
Lacuna Synecdoche
John Cole @ Top:
I’m waiting to turn my clocks back until we know who will control the House and Senate, which is to say: I’m waiting until we find out if we should turn our clocks back an hour or 170 years.
@Alison Rose:
One more:
Sandy Denny – Who knows were the time goes
David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@NotMax: Time Has Come Today by the Chambers Brothers is still the best
On the lighter side:
Bill Withers – Lovely Day
The Rascals – A Beautiful Morning
The Monkees – Daydream Believer
The 5th Dimension – Age of Aquarius
Sting – Brand New Day
Alison Rose
@Anoniminous: Yay! I like bringing a little newness to our music threads. Next time I’ll throw a bunch of K-pop links around and see how well that goes :P
Lacuna Synecdoche
A few more notes on Time:
Tom Waits
Afrika Bambaataa & John Lydon
Major Major Major Major
@Alison Rose: everybody loves kpop!
Splitting Image
I know that many of you are tired of hearing about The Current Guy, but apparently Twitter is reaching out to some of the people they fired yesterday and trying to hire them back. It seems they fired everybody who was working on some projects that they actually want to go forward.
Alison Rose
@Major Major Major Major: You asked for it!
aespa – Girls
Red Velvet – Look
If I add more, FYWP will probably eat my comment, but those two are ones I’ve been bumping every day lately.
Time – Hootie and the Blowfish
@David 🌈☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
“Daylight Saving ends tomorrow, so the blinking 12:00 on your VCR should now be blinking 11:00” – Kevin Nealon, Weekend Update – SNL
This Cal v USC game is far more interesting than it should have been. Bears made it a game.
(Ukrainian band) Jinjer – Pisces
James E Powell
OMG! I turned it off when SC went up 34-14.
Pretty good day of college football.
“It’s About Damn Time,” Lizzo
This is a remix, but I like the original even better: “It’s About That Time,” Miles Davis
@James E Powell:
It was entertaining. The LSU win was an instant classic as well.
TCU, like Tennessee, is/was overrated and the defense, or lack thereof, will spell their doom.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): LOL!
“Koto Song,” Dave Brubeck Quartet from the album Time Out.
Also, swap all your dextrose for levulose. And turn all your mirrors upside down. Good night.
Two songs that have only time in common:
Time Warp
Time in a Bottle
Went to bed early, now I’m up. Watching Friends reruns. Weird to watch Chandler now that we know what Matthew Perry was going through.
@eclare: What was Matthew Perry going through?
@Baud: Massive drug addiction. In his words, 55 Vicodin a day. His colon burst a couple of years ago and he spent months in the hospital.
He just came out with a book and has been going on talk shows, late night, etc.
@eclare: Yikes! My stepson went through rehab at least five times (we’ve lost count) but nothing like this. My heart goes out to him and to his family.
ETA Multiple rehabs aren’t a source of shame. It’s normal. Five or more is normal. Edging to health instead of instant cure…Set your expectations to what is achievable.
Matthew Perry’s was more than a lot. But he’s rich. Still I feel for him and his family. Stressful!!
“Idle Moments,” Grant Green
@sab: Yes, he has the money to pay for rehab, a lot of people don’t. But it just shows how easy it is to be addicted. He says he was prescribed painkillers after some accident, and that was all she wrote.
I have been prescribed stuff after a surgery and after various dental procedures. I think from now on I’ll say no.
@eclare: So he’s now “Matthew Perry;”
@eclare: My husband had back surgery this summer that went somewhat wrong. Infection. He spent his whole summer balancing fear of addiction against the pain. Probably a good approach.
I don’t think his addiction risk was much. I have seen him quit smoking, drinking, drugs etc effortlessly without batting an eye. But he is exceptional. He was mostly worried about example for his kids.
@sab: That makes sense. I read your posts about your husband’s surgery. A good friend of mine was on painkillers for a few weeks after she fell down a flight of stairs and broke several bones. She weaned herself off, but she said it was hard.
How is your husband now?
@eclare: Agreed. Say no unless it hurts too much.
I tend to not feel pain too much. That is just my biology. My husband hurts a lot. That is his biology. But he is better at ducking pain killers than I will ever be. He knows the risks. I dismiss them
ETA I turn them down when pain is mild, which is my normal. Painlessness is not his normal
@eclare: He is getting much better but in pain a lot. But he is used to it. His new normal. Trouper.
@sab: I hate to hear that. Backs cause so many people pain.
@eclare: He has had back pain and one surgery since we were married 20 yesrs ago. This last surgery was really intense and painful. At one point after the infection we didn’t think he would survive. But he did, so we are good. Long recuperation, though.
@RaflW: (Climate change, not time. Or not primarily about time. )
@sab: We have dogs.
I have had retrievers who tore off toenails, or had their ears bitten spurting blood and they didn’t bat an eye. I also had a German Shepherd stub her toe in the hall and shriek for an hour.
We all have different nervous systems and different pain thresholds.
A dog’s belly doesn’t know that the time has changed.
I remember joking around with debbie when the time changed this Spring. Wherever she is, I hope debbie is in a good place.
Which really means that when/if the laws take effect, you’ll be effectively extending the western boundary of the Mountain Time zone to the Pacific, but not doing Daylight Savings anymore. When you go to Colorado in the winter, it’ll be the same time there as it is at your home.
I’m glad nobody’s proposing anything like that here in Maryland. It’s hard enough to get moving in the morning when it’s still dark at 7am. I’d hate to see that extended to 8am.
@Geoduck: Madness takes its toll.
@mvr: hyacinth bulbs just flowered in my flower box. Amid the detritus of barren tree limbs, fallen leaves that I won’t rake this season, withered hostas. It was 70F yesterday in my neck of Quebec province.
@Major Major Major Major: NO, they don’t. I’d rather bore my eye out with a spoon in a brace and bit arrangement.
@Booger: THAT’s just BAD.
Matt McIrvin
@lowtechcyclist: The Senate actually passed a federal bill to go to year-round daylight saving time this year. It was Marco Rubio’s baby but it had bipartisan support. But I haven’t heard of any sign of the House taking it up, so it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere (this is unusual for a contentious proposal in that support and opposition don’t follow the usual partisan patterns at all).
Matt McIrvin
I was so wary of the oxycodone I was prescribed after my knee replacement surgery that I tried to tough it out without it. Bad idea. It only took one or two doses to get me over the hump and then the OTC stuff was enough after that.
Matt McIrvin
@Splitting Image: Oh, man, I cannot imagine taking an offer like that unless I was in extremely dire straits, which most of these people probably are not.
Yes. The plants are responding to the changed weather in unusual ways. Our cherry tree is still mostly green and we have volunteer tomatoes that started to come up a couple of months ago next to the house where I put compost.
@LiminalOwl: I love Susan Werner! Her brother is a friend of mine :)