My #25 Kitty Sunflower Love quilt block arrived, and it’s just stunning. I have tried 3 times to catch a picture of it, and none of my photos did it justice, so I gave up. A photographer I am not!
Here’s the photo Quiltingfool took of the first #25, and that doesn’t do it justice, either!
I think everyone has probably received all of their quilt blocks by now – please speak up if you haven’t. The #25 was definitely the most complex and time consuming, so that one got mailed out last.
What did the rest of you think of your Ukraine quilt blocks?
Open thread.
Quiltingfool is not just an artist, but she is an inspiration. Well over $10,000 raised for Ukraine from her quilts alone. Maybe even $15k, it’s been so long since I added that up, I can’t remember for sure!
I too ordered the #25 and was thrilled with the in-person block, as was my friend who received it as an early birthday present.
Another Scott
I see it on the “next” flyout button when I’m downstairs, so you should put it in the post. :-)
QuiltingFool does great work and is a wonderful human being.
@Another Scott: Except that even that photo from Quiltingfool just does not do it justice.
But okay, I’ll put it in so folks can sort-of see it. :-)
Old School
@Another Scott: Or at least link to the original picture.
@Old School: I just did.
edit: See, peer pressure is real. :-)
Old School
@WaterGirl: Saw that. Considered deleting my post, since we simul-posted, but I guess it’ll stay now.
If it looks even better in person, then wow!
Old School
Not that anyone here needs a reminder to vote, but this is still enjoyable.
New Deal democrat
I think there is something of an acid test of ElonTwitter today. Ken White, a/k/a Popehat, has chosen “NotElonMuskHat” as his Nym du jour.
If Musk bans him (I give it 50/50 odds), that’s the final nail in the coffin for me.
Here is my fearless prediction: just as Linux was the ultimate progenitor of Android, Mastodon (which seems to be Linux level klunky) will not be the replacement for Twitter, but will be tweaked into one by someone else.
@Old School: Friday, received a text from the CA SoS that my ballot has been received and tallied. Now is that so hard, rest of the country?
Alison Rose
I love my block so much, every time I see it, it makes me happy. I got the one with the three blue and yellow kitties piled on each other :)
@New Deal democrat: I agree with your predictions. Mastodon isn’t it, but the demand is obviously there so something will replace it
I wonder if he’ll hesitate to go after PopeHat because PopeHat is a very sharp lawyer. Maybe I’m giving Elmo way too much benefit of the doubt.
Old School
For some reason Ted Cruz was part of the Houston Astros World Series parade. The crowd was not overjoyed to see him.
@Old School: A fastball approaches, what, 100 mph? One could drastically improve Ted’s face.
It’s gorgeous! wow.
I ordered block number 24, Kitty with Headress, and it is gorgeous. Also came with a very cute thank you card!
Got mine weeks ago and it still makes me happy to look at it.
I received the block of the two art deco cats and had it framed. It is an amazing piece of art with a great story behind it.
My #3 is heartbreakingly lovely. Right now I just have it thrown over the back of my dark blue couch, which sets off its colors perfectly. I intended to hang it on the wall, but I like it so much where it is that I’m leaving it there for the time being. Kudos to QuiltingFool and WaterGirl as well for making all this possible.
If QuiltingFool has any squares left, I would be willing to donate again to get another to go with my original.
@greengoblin: the same or different from the one you have?
Is Quiltingfool still open to new orders of quilt blocks? I see the link is still there but wasn’t sure.
patrick II
When craft becomes art. Gorgeous.
@WaterGirl: different one. It was hard to whittle to the one. I started with 5!
I love my Patron. Once everything gets settled around here–kitchen refresh in progress and bathroom after that–I will get him a proper frame and on the wall he will go.
zhena gogolia
My blocks cheer me up every day. I had planned to give them away, but I haven’t quite brought myself to do that! I need them too!
@Kristine: Did the same here at the house of greengoblin. Kitchen in March followed by bathroom in June.
Good luck!
@greengoblin: Thanks! So far so good. A little dusty today–having a pass-through cut between the dining area-with-southern-exposure and my very dark living room. Most of the work will involve painting–walls, ceiling, cabinets–and new sink and countertops.
I love mine. Patron is hung in my bedroom and the cats will be going to my vet practice as a holiday present.
@Kristine: had a garden window replace the standard over sink window and it is cool what all the light does for a small kitchen.
Memory Pallas
@New Deal democrat:
The Musk ban on impersonation is only for blue check marks. Popehat doesn’t have one.
Oops…late to the thread! (I’m on left coast time.) I got mine a few weeks ago–the Kitty with Flower Crown and a large geometric Sunflower. Both are draped over furniture near my desk, so I can see them easily. They are indeed “works of art”–adding sunshine to the room!
Many Thanks to Quiltingfool!!
@skerry: Not right now, but she will be again at some point. I will have to remove the link for now
I think she has a few quilt blocks that are made but not spoken for. I will check with her on that and get details.
Hi, everyone! Late to this thread, just staggered out of the quilt cave! Thanks for all the lovely compliments! I have only one Ukraine block right now – it’s a Folk Art cat juggling a tank. Can’t remember the number offhand.
Right now I’ve got my hands full with a few contract quilts so I need to get those done before I can produce more blocks for Ukraine donations. I’m not done with doing what I can for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. They will need a helping hand for a while, even if the war ended right now. People lost family and friends, their homes, everything. Every bit we do can help someone! It is a blessing (mitzvah) to help others.
I’m always thinking about new blocks – I do like trying new ideas! I do have a small lap quilt finished for a future Ukraine donation, but there will be more!
Very late to the thread (HST currently). I ordered and received both Patron blocks, because my current notorious JRT looks like he is Patron’s cousin. The blocks were beautiful- so well done- but I’ve been on the road and have not yet found a proper place to display them. They are adorable and make me chuckle at myself about how much I look forward to the Daily Patron from Adam (along with his excellent information and all the interesting conments).
@Quiltingfool: Hello QF: would love the tank juggling cat if still available. It was my second choice and woyld be thrilled to have another chance!
@greengoblin: Donate and then get the verification to WaterGirl. She’ll let me know to send it to you. I have your address already!
No One You Know
We are overjoyed with the beauty, and subtlety, of our blocks. Looking forward to framing the beauty to warm our walls and hearts.
@Quiltingfool: I don’t know if you will see this but I have donated and sent the receipt to WaterGirl.