Democracy had a very good day on Tuesday!
Democracy had a very good day on Tuesday, with significant victories notched by candidates, organizations and initiatives supported by Balloon Juice. Michigan was a clean sweep for candidates and initiatives we supported. Most (if not all) of the close races we supported elsewhere were successful, and the Democracy deniers in Nevada and Arizona appear to be on the way to losing (we hope).
We’ll have more on how our candidates did at a later date, but our work isn’t done yet for this cycle, so that analysis will have to wait! At least for a bit.
Georgia Runoff!
Control of the Senate hinges (again) on the Georgia run-off. Catherine Cortez Masto is locked in a nail-biter, with ballots in Nevada still being counted. If she loses, we have to win Georgia. If she pulls it off, all indications are that the Election Deniers will bombard her with frivolous challenges and delay the day she takes the oath of office as long as possible. Even if Cortez-Masto wins, if we lose Georgia, the Republicans would have a 50-49 majority until she is seated.
So we have to fight for Rev. Warnock in GA as if he is our 50th vote, regardless of what happens in NV. (Plus he elevates the senate just by being part of it!)
If Rev. Warnock could be our 51st vote, it would blunt the influence of you-know-who.
So we have a plan!
Rev. Warnock will undoubtedly be flooded with direct donations to the campaign. Therefore, just as we have done since 2021 began, we want to support on ‘boots on the ground’ to increase turnout in the run-off and build relationships for future elections. A further investment in the future!
Is everybody on board with that?
Four Directions is heading to Georgia, to focus on the Native American vote. There are as many as 145,000 Native Americans of voting age in Georgia, and history tells us that native voters vote their interests and vote for Democrats at a rate of at least 85%.
The Four Directions team has a track record in Georgia from 2020. They know what to do but they need money NOW to ramp up in Georgia ASAP.
So I have set the thermometer for $50,000 – with $25k to kickstart their operations, and then we’ll hope for another $25,000 to help fund ongoing efforts through the December 6, 2022 election day.
We’ll also be putting up a thermometer for Worker Power, who has the infrastructure in place to start canvassing in Georgia this Monday, but needs money and volunteers! But they have infrastructure in place, so donations to them can wait until we help get Four Directions launched in GA. More on this over the weekend!
We’re also looking at a third boots on the ground organization operating in Georgia to see if they are a good fit, and if so, to see whether we can be of assistance to them.
Stand by for more on that!
If you remember the stunt McConnell pulled in 2021, Schumer doesn’t have to hand over control until there’s a power sharing plan in place.
@Baud: Yep. I was hoping we would pull that move ourselves if we lost the Senate, which I do think we will. Or if they pull shenanigans with bullshit lawsuits to delay things.
If some people really want to give directly to Warnock’s campaign, I will put a link to a thermometer in the sidebar, but I really think boots on the ground is the way to go.
Share your thoughts in the comments, if you want.
How many voted the first time? Local news is saying that many Warnock voters didn’t turn out, so we need to focus on them. Not sure who them is though.
I’m in…
I’m in for it. I hate this 50/50 split and figure now the pressure will be on Manchin and/or Sinema to finally admit their true ambition so we need some spares.
I don’t have a lot of bucks so I’m glad to be able to leverage it with a team effort.
Okay, in for $50, now for a thousand more…
Just kicked in $100…
Thank you to WaterGirl for highlighting this!
[somewhat off-topic] May we also do a postcarding blog post for the Warnock runoff? If so, many thanks!
Mai Naem mobile
I am assuming there’s a Stacey Abrams related boots on the ground organization. I cannot believe anybody voted for Walker. Not even sure the guy has the competence to be a Senator.
@JPL: 2.3M. So about 400,000 fewer this election than the runoff in 2020.
I’m in. Glad we’re doing this.
@Mai Naem mobile: I’m sure that he doesn’t.
@Mai Naem mobile: Walker will lose Kemp’s coattails unless Kemp campaigns for him. That would mean that Walker would throw trump under the bus. I also think that Warnock loses crossover votes. Republicans won’t turn out for him alone.
@H.E.Wolf: Oh, yes, Mousebumples and I have planned a postcard writing party & music thread for Saturday at 8pm blog time.
I haven’t had time to do a post because I am trying to meet a deadline for a client. But dammit, this election stuff just won’t wait.
@Mai Naem mobile: Planning to talk with Fair Count, which is going to have a presence for the GA runoff. That’s the third group that I referred to up top.
I don’t want to say any more until I take with them. Four Directions is making introductions.
@Martin: The fake news painted it as more than that. Truthfully the changes in absentee ballots and drop off places hurt.
Joy in FL
in for $15 today. I donated at Senator Warnock’s site yesterday, but today I get to donate through a BJ thermometer : )
Qrop Non Sequitur
Comforting thoughts, I wish we could rely on this to be certain.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: I actually got an email from Newsom this morning asking for donations to Warnock, so I tossed him $25 that way. I like that other politicians are using their platforms to direct money his way!
@Qrop Non Sequitur: I hate that Warnock will lose the crossover votes though. As for Kemp’s/Walker relationship, Kemp appeared to be ready to campaign with him on the Sunday before election day and Walker declined. At least that is the rumor.
WV Blondie
Chipped in $25, and plan to donate directly to Sen. Rev. Warnock in the next day or two.
I just donated to Warnock directly and plan to invest. Fingers crossed we get nv and az
I sent $25 to the Warnock campaign earlier today, just because. And just now tossed $50 to the 4D thermometer. Thanks for organising this. Especially as a Georgia voter, I feel very strongly about this runoff race. Walker would be a fuckin disaster for this state.
WV Blondie
@JPL: I’d bet anything that Walker turned down Kemp because TFG wanted him to. I’m sure he wants to get on a stage in Georgia, and Walker is dumb enough to give it to him.
@WV Blondie: That’s what I am doing. Warnock’s ads are really good.
In for $25, and I think BotG is the way to go. And would love love love to see campaigns and PACs that still have some gas left jumping in for The Rev.
Another Scott
Every vote, and every seat, matters!
In for $100. (Have recurring donations to Fair Fight and Warnock, but not sure they continue after the general.)
In appreciation of the Four Directions.
This website.
and Warnock
We proceed with the work before we run off. I’m in.
Chipped in 25.
@JPL: It’s a little silly to compare turnout in a presidential election year to a mid-term. As I mentioned this morning, DeSantis received fewer votes in his big win than Joe Biden did in losing Florida in 2020.
@Baud: okay.
Oh ho ho, that is great news. You and Mousebumples rock!
Well, shoot. I gave directly on ActBlue earlier today.
I’m also going to again boost the signal on an opportunity for volunteers to contact Nevada voters about curing their ballots:
(FWIW, I signed up to do calling Sunday evening.)
Another Scott
Careful spending for bootsonaground is important. The Barnes/Johnson race in WI tells us that the monsters will have plenty of cash – we have to get out people out even when potentially being outspent.
(via jonrog1)
We don’t have to! Come to the Saturday night postcard party on the blog, and help make it more certain. It’s the new In thing. :)
Not directed at you, but the news report.
That seems counterproductive for walker, keep it up! Kemp won by lots of votes, don’t encourage his voters to come back and vote again.
Gave $100 (and I already have a recurring donation to Warnock from 2020 that I’ve left on)
We need to win this one…
Sorry about this naive/dumb question as I’ve tried to figure this out.
If you have previously maxed out the maximum FEC limits on donations for the 2021-2022 cycle for a candidate, one cannot donate again if the election goes to a run-off? Right?
@Joy in FL: Okay, so I just made a thermometer that goes direct to Rev. Warnock for the runoff, for those of you who prefer that.
You can donate through the link in the sidebar.
GA Rev. Warnock Runoff for the Senate!
Four Directions GA Warnock Runoff
Boots on the Ground Worker Power Warnock Runoff (same people that were in AZ, coming soon)
Direct to Warnock GA Runoff
In for $25.
Ok in for $50
@Baud: ha i know.
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: let me know when Fulton County announces early voting dates–we will be out of the country on December 6.
@Ignorant: Good question, I’ll try to find out.
Of course, if you give to Four Directions for the runoff, then there is no maximum and it doesn’t count as a direct donation to Warnock.
@JPL: Even if Kemp campaigns for Walker, I wonder how many of Walker’s voters who turned out mainly because of the Kemp-Abrams race will come out again just for Walker.
I think Democrats can keep their numbers up next month like they did the last time. The outcome will likely turn on the Republican dropoff. In the last runoff, Jon Ossoff’s vote* dropped by 90,000, I think. David Perdue’s dropped by over 200,000. This was opposite the typical pattern of a greater dropoff for Democrats. Many observers attributed this differential to large numbers of cranky Trumpers taking their resentment out on the establishment by sitting out.
A different dynamic will play out this time. Some Kemp/Warnock voters may stay home, but some will still come out and vote for Warnock again. But how many Kemp/Walker voters who came out to keep Stacey Abrams out of the Governor’s mansion will come back out to put Walker in the Senate?
* I use Ossoff’s numbers for comparison because Warnock was in a jungle primary with ~10 opponents. I think Warnock ran 20,000 votes ahead of Ossoff in the runoffs.
Excited to do postcards on Saturday with everyone!
And tonight/tomorrow, I’m going to check out the budget and see what I/we can swing for Georgia…
Qrop Non Sequitur
@H.E.Wolf: What do I need to start?
As 5:55 Eastern time, we have an Angel match for the Four Directions Runoff donations!
$1,000 match, same as the usual. Matching amounts up to $50 per person.
Let the matching begin!
@catclub: trump was the one who convinced Walker to get in the race. At the time Walker was living in Texas.
@WV Blondie: Maybe you can use the new link in the sidebar? I made a thermometer that goes direct to Rev. Warnock. It doesn’t show up as the thermometer until you click the link.
Like all our thermometers, it is set to NOT share your info with the campaign unless you give your permission.
GA Rev. Warnock Runoff for the Senate!
Four Directions GA Warnock Runoff
Boots on the Ground Worker Power Warnock Runoff (same people that were in AZ, coming soon)
Direct to Warnock GA Runoff
@SiubhanDuinne: If you want to do that again, there is now a link in the sidebar.
@WaterGirl: Random 4 Directions question – are they a 501c3 organization with a non political arm? My work will potentially match (*to a limited extent) donations of employees. I think I got Voces some money through that in the past…
Matt McIrvin
I’m in.
@Qrop Non Sequitur:
Supplies – you’ll need postcards (could upcycle some), postcard stamps, and pens/markers/etc.
To join #PostcardsToVoters from there, either text JOIN to 484-275-2229 or email [email protected]. 😊
Qrop Non Sequitur
@Mousebumples: Any particular criteria when selecting postcards?
@WaterGirl: Right, I knew that part. While I know there are a lot of great groups out there, I also want to give as much as is allowed directly to the candidate.
Thanks for checking.
@Mousebumples: I am asking Four Directions. Will let you know when I get an answer.
@JPL: He asked the wrong Walker to move. Should’ve asked Cordell instead of Herschel.
I’ll let myself out. This is why I don’t comment much.
@Baud: That wasn’t the presidential count. That was the special election count.
I donated to Warnock for the General election. It’s only right to follow up now for this.
So if you donate through the link in the sidebar, you should be good.
Direct to Warnock GA Runoff
@Qrop Non Sequitur:
I bought the Be A Voter cards off the etsy store, but historically I’ve used ones i had around the house. National Parks, travel postcards, scientists.
Most things are fine I think?
Qrop Non Sequitur
@Mousebumples: Sounds good. I’m in
But it was still in a presidential year. And you also can’t compare a runoff election to a midterm general election. Just seems like apples and oranges.
I didn’t mention above, I’m in for $100. I hope it matches.
What coattails? I heard one report that said 200,000 fewer Republicans voted for Walker than voted for Kemp.
The question is whether enough Georgia voters will want Walker to win just to blunt the Democrats.
In for $25.
I read somewhere that there are enough votes outstanding that this race may not go to a runoff afterall. Warnock is at 49.6% right now
What happened to Bobert?
In for $50. As a Georgia resident, I really really don’t want to be represented by a brain-damaged wife-beater. Plus Warnock is just awesome sauce to the max.
It’s hard to figure out what will happen. As someone above said, 2022 is so different from 2020 in so many ways, it’s hard to predict based on 2020. On the one hand, I’m sure Walker benefited from Kemp coattails, and I think there was less of a coattail effect for Warnock. He out performed Abrams by a fair amount. On the other hand, I think Trump suppressed the turnout on the GOP side in 2020 and I doubt that will happen this time. I assume Trump will campaign for Walker. But I’m sure Abrams will use her organization to help Warnock. We shall see…
@WaterGirl: Thanks! It wouldn’t be until 2023, I don’t think, but extra $ to support other Native projects feels like a net good, if possible. 😊
@Qrop Non Sequitur: awesome! Hope to see you at the postcarding party on Saturday.
If you (or anyone) get postcards done ahead of time, email them to WaterGirl and she can post them with that night’s thread! 😊
I’m in for $50.
@WaterGirl: OK thanks. Sorry to be nitpicky but the language here is for a “recount”. So would a run-off fall under this provision?
zhena gogolia
@JPL: I think maybe that was a typo for Walker.
I’ve gotten 5 emails from Warnock since 10 this morning begging for $$$. Just added a Bennie to the thermometer so I can continue deleting his emails without guilt.
@WaterGirl: @Ignorant: Same link as before, I had just copied the wrong part.
I’m in for 100
Did you all see that we have an angel match for the Four Directions Runoff donations? Starting at 5:55 Eastern.
@H.E.Wolf: That reminded of the Dobie Gray song:
Pianist Ramsey Lewis passed away recently, and I read in his obituary about the time he and his band mates were in a Washington, DC restaurant. They were discussing possible new material, and their waitress suggested they try Dobie Gray’s song.
“And the rest,” Lewis said, “is history.”
@Baud: It is, but it also suggests there’s realistically 400,000 votes to turn out if we get to work.
From CNN, some Georgia runoff tidbits
So, people cannot register to vote and cast a ballot in the runoff. Just current voters.
Encouraging early voting may be helpful.
I also hope there is a strong effort to try to get more Hispanic and Asian voters to support Warnock.
Is the match for Boots on the Ground or Warnock direct?
Just for the Four Directions Warnock Runoff.
@Ignorant: Ha!
@eachother: You are the first match!
@evap: Matches total $125 so far. thank you!
$50 from me. Will probably be repeated as my anxiety mounts.
@Spanky: That’s a $50 match!
total matching so far $175.
@Jackienc: Thank you! $50 of that is match, match total is now $225.
@SpaceUnit: Four Directions matching only! I should have said that! Fixing now.
In for $25
Yes. That is not an accident. That was in response to all the new voters that were registered for the runoffs in Jan 2021.
On the plus side, Walker is going to be out there on an island all by his lonesome for the next month while the national media turns its white-hot attention to this race and the question of who is Hershel Walker.
He isn’t going to be able to hide behind the rest of the GOP slate in GA and just coast along on the coat tails. He will have to get out there and make the affirmative case as to WHY we should vote for him.
Likewise, I have to wonder how many hard core loyal supporters he actually has. Most Republicans viewed him as a tool at best (in more ways than one). But I expect few GOPers are loyal Walker fans in the same way that Obama. Bernie, Trump, DeSantis, Beto other politicians have their loyal loving supporters who are going to go the extra mile and get out there to canvas and work.
Okay, in for $50
ETA: Thanks to whoever is providing the match!
@ljt: Assuming that was Four Directions Runoff, matching is at $250!
$25 and change to the boots.
@SpaceUnit: Thank you!
We have matched $300 of the $1,000 so far!
$100 to Four Directions. I just gave so I think it qualifies for $50 match – when I gave I hadn’t read all the comments so yay for the match!
@WaterGirl: Yes, Four Directions. Thank you!
I’m in for $100!
I live in Hall County GA and could also help on the ground if needed.
My $50 just now was for Four Directions.
I’m in on the Four Directions effort. How do we contribute?
@Qrop Non Sequitur:
Mousebumples got there first and brilliantly, with the FAQ page (I was offgrid with a soup project).
Yes, anything non-partisan, non-religious, and rated G is okay to use. Their overall motto is “fun, friendly reminders”, so that’s a good guideline.
I admire the folks who cut cardboard cereal boxes to 4″x6″ and write on the blank inside… but I’m more of a “cheap postcards at the secondhand bookstore” type. Found a real bonanza once: someone had donated a couple decades’ worth of their unused travel postcards!
Qrop Non Sequitur
@H.E.Wolf: Nice. I was going to check out the post office and hallmark store but the bookstore sounds like a good place to check too.
zhena gogolia
@Nancy: Okay, we have matched $325! thank you!
Qrop Non Sequitur
@zhena gogolia: Not only does he go after DeSatan, he goes after the wingnut media sphere and makes wild claims about a federal intervention in Florida elections to prevent supposed election theft that somehow drew zero attention from the media.
I enjoy checking the ActBlue Ticker tracker from time to time:
(It starts right after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, which is why it starts with a bang.)
I bring it up now because donations lagged a tiny bit in the last couple of days before the election (I’m guessing people figured it was too late for their money to do any good); then Election Day the donations were a fraction of previous days (and a tiny fraction of previous weeks).
Then, the day after the election and today, right back to pre-Election Day numbers.
People want to win.
@way2blue: Click on the horizontal thermometer up top or the one in the sidebar.
look for Four Directions GA Warnock Runoff 2022
Match is for up to $50, to be matched you let us know – in the comments – how much you donated. thank you!
@schrodingers_cat: That would be superb, if could avoid a runoff. Of course, might face a recount, too.
There go two miscreants
I’m in for $100.
Matt McIrvin
Mine was for $100.
H 3 98% in
R L. Boebert
INCUMBENT 50.2% 160,432
D A. Frisch 49.8%
O Write-ins
@Qrop Non Sequitur: Those are great options also.
I’m hoping to recruit some younger relatives who spent their formative years in Atlanta. One of them is a big Stacey Abrams fan, so I figure it’s not much of a step to Warnock postcards. :-)
Qrop Non Sequitur
@H.E.Wolf: Recruitment is a powerful tool if employed successfully.
@There go two miscreants: @Matt McIrvin:
Thank you! That brings us to $425 toward the $1,000 match!
I’m in for $25!
@Redshift: And that makes $450 toward the match! thank you
$100 in at Four Directions.
OT. Story form this past weekend:
@H.E.Wolf & @Qrop Non Sequitur:
If you need to pickup postcard stamps, USPS sells pre-stamped postcards, too. Not super heavy cardstock weight, but they get the job done.
If you have options, I prefer the postcards with the decor on the same side of the postcard as the spot for the address. The full other side is then open for my handwriting to fill up, lol.
If you want to see some examples, you can try to track down the previous postcard party posts, or I had a Twitter thread from Midterms –
And the #PostcardsToVoters hashtag should also pull up more examples from others, too.
So many reasons why I can’t go to GOTV in Georgia – but postcards, I can do. 😊
@Mai Naem mobile: Not even sure the guy has the competence to be a Senator.
Never stopped any Repub before.
Mrs Ragbag
In for $100.
In for $25 and $5 monthly
@NotMax: Yes. I am in Ohio and that was in our newspaper.
I hate this. Maybe time to buy a gun. Have I said how much I hate this? Maybe still time to buy a gun. Have I said how much I hate guns? Stiil, maybe time to buy a gun.
Qrop Non Sequitur
@sab: I want to attain proficiency only.
Thanks WG!
In for 50 for 4 Directions, and 25 for Warnock’s campaign
Sandia Blanca
We’re in for $100. Thank you WaterGirl! My immediate instincts were to give to Warnock, but my wise hubby pointed out that you would probably come up with a good boots-on-the-ground solution.
@Steppanhammer: Thank you so much! We are halfway to the $1k match!
@sab: Gun wouldn’t help you in that situation. That’s the big myth of guns. How many guns were around Reagan when he was shot? Zillions. Didn’t help. They’re somewhere between terrible and useless for self-defense in normal society.
Now, if you want preemptively shoot your neighbor, guns are *great* for that.
@Percysowner: @Mrs Ragbag: Thank you! That’s $575 toward the match.
And thanks for the monthly donation!
@BlueGuitarist: That gets us to $675 – 2/3 of the way through the match.
@Sandia Blanca: That takes us to $725!
Your husband is a smart man. :-) Does he also comment on Balloon Juice?
In for 25.
Sandia Blanca
@WaterGirl: No, only vicariously (sometimes I will post one of his pithy comments). He reads it every day though.
We were just going upstairs and I accidentally trod on Ponyo’s tail My immediate reaction was to apologize, because it was a huge mistake and she whimpered.
Then being evil, I thought ” I can leverage this.” End of story. There is an end to this story, but I am not about to discuss it.
Ponyo is still okay with an intact tail and tale.
$100.00 put into Four Directions!
@sab: Ponyo is a kitty or dog? I forget.
@Sandia Blanca: Tell him I appreciate his faith in me. :-)
@sixthdoctor: @EighthCousin:
Thank you both! We are now at $800 toward the match. Yay!
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: dog
Gonna order some postcards either for Sat or for my Indivisible meeting on Sunday.
I am in for 10.00
@WaterGirl: Just gave to both…
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
I’m in for another $50 for 4D through the thermometer up top!
I also gave directly to Rev. Warnock through one of his emails a few minutes earlier.
@BQuimby: Thank you!
For the 4 directions match, I need to know how much you donated there.
@CTLurker: @Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!):
Wow we have almost met the first angel match. $860, just $140 to go!
In for $50.
Four Directions (I got it right this time!) is a great way to extend our reach.
Woohoo!! Where UncleEbeneezer goes, so goes the nation! :-)
I did $25.
@H.E.Wolf: Sadly not the case in 2016 :(
@rekoob: Four Seasons, Four Directions, Four Winds,
314 Flavors, they all work. :-)Thank you!
We have matched $910 of the $1,000 match!
Okay, I’m closing the laptop for the evening because I’m exhausted. So we need $90 more of matches up to $50 per person to meet the first angel match.
Once that is met, the new $1,000 match starts. So if you donate to the Four Directions thermometer overnight, put your donation amount in the comments and it will be matched.
When I get up in the morning I’ll do the math, but anything up to $50 per person overnight will be matched.
Good night, all. We’ll likely know more about some of the outcomes tomorrow, at least.
James E Powell
It’s hard but not impossible to close a 1000 vote gap with what’s left. Keep hope alive!
In for $25.
In for 25.00
Okay, in for $100.
In for $100 to Four Directions
In for $50 to the Four Directions Warnock fund. Thanks for doing this!
In for $25.
Side question: how does ActBlue tipping work? Do y’all do it? I used to give the 10% with every donation but when EVERY Democrat running for any state office all the way to Senator of EVERY state started sending me multiple texts and emails daily I figured they were making enough $ from selling my info and stopped tipping. I don’t want to be unfair to them because the site is handy. Any advice?
Thanks, WaterGirl. You’re doing so much.
Donated $100.
Might there be an angel in the wings (here on BJ or otherwise)?
@ORSoder: I also used to always tip, but now I tip more selectively. I don’t have a rule; I just sometimes choose to tip, sometimes not.
I also pitched $10 to Warnock directly. It somehow doesn’t sit 100% right with me to say “he’ll get a lot of money, so no need to give him more”, even though I can’t deny that, indeed, he’ll get a lot of money. I figure giving him $10 and Four Directions $100 is a good way to put a dollar amount on my reasoning here. Not sure if it’s “optimal”, but I can live with it.
@WaterGirl: Thank you for your efforts and energy especially with work projects looming.
Now I hope you can take a tiny break and let this thing roll on. Maybe finish your project and sleep some.
Just tossed in $200. Maybe we can’t get to 52, but if we win this one, neither Manchin nor Sinema can screw us over individually; it will take both of them together.
Besides, I want Warnock to stay in the Senate, just because of the sort of person he is.
@Haroldo: @StringOnAStick: @dc: Thank you!
That completes Angel match #1!
@Jesse: Well, we do have a link for direction donations to Warnock in the sidebar for those who prefer to donate to Rev. Warnock directly!
Direct to Warnock GA Runoff
Comment #161 starts match #2!
@mvr: @Jean: @Grace: @ORSoder: @Jesse: @lowtechcyclist: Nice to wake up to!
We have met $275 of the new angel match for $1,000!
Memory Pallas
Added $100.00 to Four Directions GA thermometer.
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
I came here last night to suggest we do this, but of course WaterGirl was already on the case! Got pulled away and didn’t get a chance to donate then, but I will now. I haven’t read the comments (heck, I haven’t even read the post), but I did learn this morning that winning 51 instead of just 50 means that Dem committees will have subpoena power, so that makes this race especially important. I mean, Rev Warnock is an important voice in the Senate in his own right, but as the fifty-first senator..
ETA: did I need to say how much I donated? I donated $100.
In for $25.00.
ETA: And $25.00 direct to Warnock
Donated 100 to FourDirections.
randal m sexton
Warnock is a good man,Walker is not. I’m in for a hundo. I do so wish I had not put my cell phone number on my actblue bio. Its sorta trashed my text messages. Oh well.
@Memory Pallas: @KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager)): @Josie: @mac:
Thank you! That takes us to $450 toward the current $1,000 match.
We have a new thread for the new double-angel match!
In for 100.
$100.00 each Four Directions and Direct.