"For months and months, all you heard from the press and the pundits was that Democrats are facing disaster. Remember that? All those polls, all those polls, God love them,” Biden says at DNC event. “Historic losses are on the way, a giant red wave. Folks, that didn’t happen.” pic.twitter.com/i982Gh6XuI
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 10, 2022
“And the fact that even those folks who may not like me or may not like somebody, but they agree with our agenda,” Biden said at post-midterms political event at DC’s Howard Theatre. “By the way, all the Democrats ran on the same agenda without being told.”
(photo @gardnerakayla) pic.twitter.com/D5oHMsLIP5— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 10, 2022
.@POTUS says he’s prepared to work across the aisle, but adds: “The American people have made it clear they expect Republicans to work with me as well.” pic.twitter.com/DHSxENHsoi
— Akayla Gardner (@gardnerakayla) November 10, 2022
Biden, at DNC event in DC, notes that R candidates who had denied 2020 election results have not denied their own losses this week.
“Tuesday was a good night for democracy.”
— Eli Stokols (@EliStokols) November 10, 2022
(I personally credit the Department of Justice for this outbreak of sanity — not only did they announce “possibly the most widespread election monitoring effort ever undertaken by the DOJ Civil Rights Division” Tuesday, but I suspect the ongoing prosecution of various Jan6 rioters have convinced a lot of potential domestic terrorists that the game might not be worth the sentence. Due props to the FBI, which announced that “Intentionally deceiving people who are eligible to vote so they don’t show up to the polls is a federal crime called voter suppression… report suspected incidents [here].” But, hey: Reward the behavior you want to instill — verified training trick.
Low bar for sure, but it really does make the post-election period a whole lot easier when the losing candidates say "yeah I lost" rather than "EVERYONE WATCH THIS GRAINY VIDEO OF THIS SUSPICIOUS LADY" https://t.co/rC4lOB3uoc
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 9, 2022
“Women made their voices heard, man,” Biden says, referencing impact of Dobbs on the midterms. “You all showed up and beat the hell out of ‘em.”
— Eli Stokols (@EliStokols) November 10, 2022
We don't know the full election outcome yet, but we know this: President Biden is already taking the results as validation of his economic policies.
In other words: Don't expect a big pivot.https://t.co/HuCAF2pzms
— Jim Tankersley (@jimtankersley) November 10, 2022
Why would he want to, Jim?
Stocks are headed for the best post-inflation day rally in more than a decade as slower-than-projected price growth sparked bets the Federal Reserve can downshift its aggressive rate-hike path, @business reports. More than 90% of stocks in the S&P 500 were swept up in the rally pic.twitter.com/Cy2pD5OjWO
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 10, 2022
Finally, some encouraging signs inflation is cooling (though we have a long way to go to normal)
-Groceries increased 0.4% in October, the smallest rise since December 2021
-Used cars and truck prices fell
-Airfares fell
-Clothing prices fell
-Natural gas fell
-Chicken fell pic.twitter.com/6XkWxTJ1tx— Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) November 10, 2022
Bill Arnold
Trump ranting today, November 10, 2022:
I was all in for Ron, and he beat Gillum, but after the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen…
Does anyone know what he is talking about? Did he order election interference in 2018, or was it benign? Has anyone been interviewed under oath about this?
mali muso
Every day Joe Biden makes me happy that he was my choice in the primaries. He has been far and away even better than I’d hoped for in a president.
I like that Biden is getting ahead of the MSM and saying what biipartisanship is going to mean.
Thank you, Anne. A new thread is minty.
I think we should clap back at all the GOP-coopted MSM who were trying to sell us a “red wave.”
To misquote Warren Buffet: the tide went out. And we got to see who was swimming without a suit. “It was just about all of them, Katie.”
That is a problem.
@mali muso: We have to have his back.
Jennifer Rubin, who should know better, thinks he should step back, since the Trump danger is past. She wrote that charmer a few days ago. One of the occasional missteps. Ma’am, there is more than just Trump facing this country.
@Ken: He’s not doing what they want liberals to do after every election and walk around navel gazing and saying that they are sorry to all their non-voters. Whereas Republicans these days get to double down on whatever cat litter conspiracy they’ve frightened themselves about at the moment.
So, we may be measuring Twitter’s life in days rather than months.
The company lost 5 more executive/critical employees. Among those, the Chief Information Security Officer, the Chief Privacy Officer, and the Chief Compliance Officer. The company is racing toward the point that it won’t be able to operate due to staff losses.
Musk has already indicated he may have to have Twitter file for bankruptcy, which sounds bad, but I can’t imagine a bankruptcy court that would grant it. There are no shareholders to protect, Musk can clearly service the debt he’s taken on, and I don’t think anyone is going to buy that the failure was anyone’s fault other than Musks, so he can just eat the $44B.
@Bill Arnold: No, but I think the Senate Judiciary will get on it.
mali muso
No, I think we need more of him. “C’mon man!”
@Martin: This is absolutely insane. Its not like he hadn’t had months to decide what he wanted to do with it once it was his. He’s acting like consent decrees that the company made before he got there no longer apply.
This does not actually look good for the activists who claim that there is minimal long term damage from a lifetime of recreational pot smoking.
Can a company file for bankruptcy because “The Owner, President, and CEO is a goddamn idiot?”
(IANAL, Asking for a Friend)
something fabulous
I’m curious: Has anyone done a follow-up on all of our Jackal-adjacent candidates? I seem to recall: A jackal in TN running, someone’s wife running in I forget the state– Maine, maybe? couldn’t take direct contributions?, and someone’s cousin in CT I think? Probably others! How’d we do, y’all???
Gin & Tonic
@Martin: FTC compliance report was due today. One or more of those three C-levels would have been signing off on it. Oops.
Exactly. After TFG has been struck by lightning on a golf course, we will still have Trumpism. And we will still have GOP invertebrates pandering to those deplorables.
@Bill Arnold: I’d say the first question is, does anyone think he’s telling anything remotely close to the truth? I mean, would YOU allocate resources to an investigation based on some random sh!t that came out of DJT’s mouth?
Although probably somebody was assigned to look into it when they had time or something. But I can’t imagine it’s any kind of priority …
What’s the German for whoops-a-daisy?
twbrandt (formerly tom)
@Bill Arnold: good grief, that was a word salad of bad grammar, random capitalization, and run-on sentences. I have no idea what he’s talking with regard to sending in the DOJ.
As always, it’s all about him.
@Martin: Also someone managed to spoof the Eli Lily company on Twitter and announce that “insulin is now free.” That’s inspire advertiser confidence!
@NotMax: Oh FFS. This is seriously the type of fuck up you’d get if Yum! sent let kids run its digital marketing campaigns because they are young and would know about such new techy things, and those kids looked at the calendar and figured any Memorial day was like a three day weekend with beer pong on the menu.
Bill Arnold
I didn’t read it that way, if I’m looking at the same piece.
IMO it is time for some knife-work. Especially with the Warnock/Walker runoff. Maybe Biden should allow others to do the wet dirty work, but a knocked-down and confused opponent is more vulnerable.
I agree with her that Biden is underestimated.
I’d put it more strongly; his superpower is that his opponents underestimate him. Old, stutter, senile, a puppet, etc. It is a major exploitable weakness of his opponents.
Obama got some of this too; people were arguing with a straight face that he was a stuffed shirt. Mostly because they were racists.
@Martin: I wonder what that feels like, to the Twitter employees.
If they owned shares, they made bank, no?
But one man trashed all their hard work and efforts and late nights.
Very strange.
As to the conspicuous lack of widespread claims of “fraud!”, I think a big chunk of it also is that the media got bored with the story. Like, last time it was Exciting! Drama! and a regular feature of The Trump Show. But now it’s totally last season. The RWNJs are still howling about it, but it’s pretty much confined to their little echo-chambers. It’s not getting amplified this time around.
Maybe they can spare a few agents to bring in Trump, DeSantis, and Scott and sweat the truth out of them?
Anne Laurie
At least they didn’t announce it was kosher…
@Elizabelle: In the last few days, its become apparent that the best thing that can happen to Twitter employees right now is to be free of the company. Yeah the next company they work for might be worse and whatnot. But this is a company where I’m going to guess in a few weeks is going to start paying its employees with whatever crashed crypto currency Elon was hawking four months ago, if they will meet payroll at all.
That’s exploratory pot smoking.
@Peale: A lot of Musk’s wealth is tied up in Tesla stock. I see that stock rose over 7% today. But Tesla finished a little over $190 a share, and it was over $200 last week. I think the stock value is down 50% from its high last year, and it may be on a very slippery slope.
Completely agree. We should be dragging them every minute of every day. Worked for the GOP for the last forty or fifty years. Time to play hardball with these fucking assholes. They slag us because we let them. Biden is doing it with a smile. We can, too. We can all be DougJ.
Sad trombone headline in the Bezos WaPost:
Raise your hand if you said “back to Jersey.”
He’s going to drown his sorrows in crudites.
@something fabulous: Good question! As I recall, we have a commenter in greater Louisville running for a judgeship (Deputinize etc.), someone whose spouse was indeed running on a “clean campaign” pledge in Maine (?), and I believe Suzanne has a cousin (?) in the Connecticut legislature. We’ve heard about MomSense’s second cousin Janet Mills, who was successful in her re-election as Governor of Maine. An update is in order.
There’s a good (and non-paywalled) report on the last 24 hours or so of Twitter chaos at platformer.news.
It has a beautiful slow pitch quote from Musk: “We need roughly half of our revenue to be subscription.” That’s one goal he’ll be reaching soon, given the way Twitter’s hemorrhaging advertisers.
@Baud: Yep. Oprah is probably relieved that “crudités” is the first word that now comes to mind with Oz, and not her culpability.
zhena gogolia
@something fabulous: The cousin in Maine won, as governor. I don’t know about the others.
@Geminid: Every stock went up today because of the good inflation numbers.
I was there! :-D
It was a really nice volunteer appreciation event. And I got to experience firsthand what many have remarked on – one of Joe Biden’s major political skills is that he is absolutely authentic when he speaks. I’m sure he has speechwriters like any politician, but he clearly doesn’t have anyone telling him what to say, if you know what I mean.
Example from today: “You believed in the system, you believed in our institutions, and you fought for them!”
Also, a shout out to trains! (I thought about trying to get an “Amtrak Joe” chant going, but I didn’t want to interrupt.)
And a callback by Jaime Harrison to Howard Dean’s 50-State Strategy, saying “the 57 States and Territories Strategy is back!”
Very cool.
Mike in NC
@Bill Arnold: Trump is lying again like the filthy rat he has always been. There was no goddamn “ballot theft” being “stopped by the FBI”.
@Mike in NC: Nope. Its just the usual “counties with lots of immigrants and black people who never should be allowed to vote because they aren’t real citizens and therefore every vote they cast is illegal, but we can’t say that so I’m going to shout “fraud”” charge. My guess is that they stopped “stuffing the ballots” because they ran out of ballots to count.
@Redshift: How fun! It looks as though there was a lot of positive energy.
Onward and upward!
@Redshift: Yeah. One of the things I really hate about the liberal impulse to be good puritans and never allow themselves to be happy for more than 15 minutes, is that even after they do well, they just talk themselves into thinking that they didn’t do well. Which means we never properly thank the hard working volunteers who made our 15 minutes of elation possible. If you are a liberal and volunteered in any way to help, you have my permission to be happy for 17 1/2 minutes.
@NotMax: WTF? Kristallnacht Fried Chicken?
Mike in NC
@Elizabelle: Poor Doc Oz! He has to decide which one of his several mansions in Jersey needs a do-over.
@Redshift: Excellent!
Decency and competence are superpowers.
No surprise, perhaps, that our media betters cannot recognize those qualities, by and large.
Omnes Omnibus
It’s Edmund Fitzgerald Day.
mali muso
@Redshift: Really happy for you! I never made it to a smaller event like that, but I definitely have great memories of being very up close to Obama speaking at campaign events in 08 and 12. So inspiring!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Now that’s worthy of some tender cheese.
Omnes Omnibus
My little note to Ben Wikler. Note how close things were….
First CA update. We finally have the uncounted ballot status. There’s 4.8 million ballots still to count. Look, it’s a big state, okay! That number may go *up* tomorrow since we’re still collecting mail ballots. The current results are based on 5.9 million ballots, so with more mail coming in, we probably have half or a bit more than half of ballots counted. But that varies by county. The low population counties up north are all done, or effectively so.
A bit more than a million in LA county alone. Orange County received 112,000 ballots yesterday and processed 59,000 of them, so it’ll be a week at this pace to clear the backlog here.
These are mostly by mail ballots. There’s 40,000 provisional to process and 65,000 provisional registration to process (provisional that also did a same-day registration). 68,000 that need to be cured or are duplicate and need to be resolved. 173,000 total and they’ll take a while. None of that is automated. (Hey New York – that’s at least 68,000 ballots that your state can’t generate from GOTV efforts because your voting rules are garbage.)
I don’t see todays counts in the race tallies yet. I’ll post on that later. The unprocessed data is transmitted separately from the counts from the day.
something fabulous
@rekoob: Oh yes of course, him too! Report in please, candidates!!
@Cameron: No, it was cheesy chicken to celebrate Kristallnacht. It’s not as bad if you think of it that way.
Maybe it’s worse…
Bill Arnold
@Mike in NC:
Probably not, but “every accusation is a confession” is a solid heuristic when DJT is involved.
@Martin: I wanted to change those rules, but the voters, including a lot of Democratic ones, decided they wanted Adams as mayor and voting to be as hard as it always is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bill Arnold: I only doubt it because the people involved, he first and foremost, couldn’t/wouldn’t have kept it quiet this long.
@Peale: My first reaction when I heard that stocks jumped was: “Wow, Wall Street finally figured out that the economy does better when Democrats are in charge!, and is expressing its relief at the weak Republican showing!”
AP just called WA-8 for Democratic incumbent Kim Schrier, so that’s another hold. Keepin’ hope alive for a Democratic House.
@rekoob: Yes, my cousin won re-election to the CT State House, 111th district.
I am sure she would love donations for the next cycle.
@Peale: Yes, and most of those stocks will stay up.
Not so Tesla, I believe. It’s value is not be founded on earnings or potential, but rather on Elon Musk’s prestige, and that is a depreciating asset.
My favorite thing about Joey B is that he clearly and unequivocally calls out the malarkey.
@Peale: Eric Adams got ~33% of 1st choices, and once the all the next ranked votes were distributed he beat Garcia by only 8000 votes, I believe.
The old rule was that a candidate winning less than 40% of the vote faced a runoff with the second place finisher. It’s impossible to tell for sure, but if the new ranked choice system had not been in place, Kathy Garcia might be Mayor of New York City now.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Geminid: And the demise of Twitter’s value is not going to help Tesla’s stock price at all.
Couldn’t happen to a more racist, misogynistic, and anti-union auto company.
Fuck Tesla.
JoeyB is not new to this.
But, he is true to this
It wasn’t his money. It’s Saudi Russian $$$$
James E Powell
FTFNYT reports
CA-41 with 53% of the votes counted
Calvert (R) 59,915 (50.5) Rollins (D) 58,630 (49.5)
@Elizabelle: Jenghazi Rubin is not someone to be trusted.
Ralston in NV says latest vote count cuts Laxalt lead to 9k and he will lose if percentages of the rest continue at or even near the same split
Mike in NC
@hueyplong: Laxalt sounds like something you take for constipation.
@Mike in NC: Hahaha….or something you sprinkle on the driveway to melt ice.
Things are looking cautiously optimistic for Marie Gluesenkamp Perez here in WA-3rd. She was one of the Balloon Juice supported candidates. She leads by about 6,000 and reportedly the bulk of the remaining vote is in Clark County (Vancouver) where she has been winning by +16. Since WA is all mail-in or drop-box we can’t isolate the vote down to precinct, just the county generally
CA update:
3 races called:
CA-23 – R hold
CA-25 – D hold
CA-40 – R hold
CA-03: R + 6.6 (open seat)
CA-06: D +11.6 (D incumbent)
CA-09: D +12.6 (D incumbent)
CA-13: R + 0.4 (open seat)
CA-21: D + 9.2 (D incumbent)
CA-22: R + 8.4 (R incumbent)
CA-26: D + 8.4 (D incumbent)
CA-27: R +12.8 (R incumbent)
CA-41: R + 1.0 (R incumbent)
CA-45: R + 9.2 (R incumbent)
CA-47: D + 1.6 (D incumbent)
CA-49: D + 3.4 (D incumbent)
The notable one here is CA-41 that went from a solid D lead to a small R one. The district is entirely in Riverside county and they have 242,000 ballots still to count. They’ve reported 300,000 so far.
My thesis has been that the vote would be ballpark even split early mail/same day machine/late mail with early and late mail looking similar and leaning D. That’s generally what happened in 2018 and 2020, though same day 2020 was smaller and 2018 was larger.
All of the other races they moved D to some degree, and if 41 moved a bit R that wouldn’t be a problem but it moved a LOT R. Could be it was a reporting error, or they’re processing some R heavy drop box/vote center, etc. But something happened there that doesn’t fit my thesis. Unfortunately Riverside doesn’t give much information on what they’re doing to help me sort it out. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. It was unusually strong for the Dem before, so maybe it was some same-day that didn’t get processed?
Katie picked up a little bit more margin. That’s how it went the last few elections.
Just to put some stakes in the ground, the first 340,000 by mail (early mail) in OC where CA-47 is located was +13 D in district, the 300,000 same day were -12 D in district. The 40,000 (these are USPS so distributed across the county) processed today were +0.6 D for district. We’ve got 360,000 still to process so at this pace she’d pick up 5.4 more points, so about 40% as D leaning as the early mail. This isn’t a prediction, just curious how it’ll play out. We’ll see how things look after tomorrow. We really need CA-13 and CA-41.
I’m not doing proper data science here, just winging it. I’m retired.
@Elizabelle: A lot of them were supposed to get equity this month. They’re basically all suing. My guess is there’s going to be a lot of constructive discharge suits filed as well.
I see you.
@Gin & Tonic: Redefining the concept “pyramid scheme.”
randy khan
As someone born and raised in New Jersey, please, no – he’s not our fault. Maybe some nice desert island somewhere.
randy khan
Not that it matters in any way, but I happened to be on New York Avenue when Biden left the White House to go this afternoon’s event. There’s nothing like a Presidential motorcade to stop things in their tracks in Washington. (It involves dozens of police cars and motorcycles, two limos (one with POTUS, one without), an ambulance, and a bunch of vans and SUVs. It’s quite a spectacle.
James E Powell
I find it hard to be hopeful for CA-41. As I mentioned, I live here. It is Trump country.
I am very impressed with Rollins & his campaign. I never expected it to be close.
Cook Political Report calls Arizona for Mark Kelly!
@James E Powell: Yeah, it could have a different dynamic than other places, but I’m curious why it does.
Lawrence O’Donnell’s interview with new MA DA Andrea Campbell is well worth a watch.
@Martin: is CA-49 chopped liver? I just looked and gave a big sigh of relief. The SD County part of that district is coming through. Levin’s lead over the R guy has doubled since last night. Mike’s broken through 100K votes. Last night he had a <4K vote lead. Now he’s 6600+.
Maybe I should have not fretted so much, but the whole North County is still, yeah, well. Never mind that the OC bit of 49 is the reversal of our votes. Well, San Clemente, ffs. Pace MaryG.
@Cacti: I was just reporting that happy news in the Ukraine thread!
James E Powell
I am in the southernmost part of the district. This area is filled with retired military who came north from San Diego.
@James E Powell: and good riddance too.
But, as we say down here, Thank Goodness for Pendleton
@Yutsano: YES
@SectionH: Yeah, I’m working off the thesis that if we get through early mail and same day and are +D, then the late mail should keep us +D. But 49 is a D incumbent, so it’s not a gain, but a hold. The question is whether a +D favorable late mail can claw back the currently +R districts.
@Martin: Yeah, it’s a Hold, watch me have all the Thanksgiving I need this year, but srsly, it was fucking Issa’s seat until 2018. So it is Not an obvious Hold.
This map says a lot of where GQP votes are in California. From the CA SoS election results website. I hope it works this time.
Sorry, but the OC is conspicuous in a certain way. And you can try the Lt Gov or state Treasurer or the rest – not much changes. I haven’t looked at the Props voting, that may take a while.
@Peale: Husk is Husk, pot didn’t have anything to do with it. Born venal, die venal.
and that is a depreciating asset
That is about as nice a way to say Elon as I can think of.