There- that’s better.
Woke up this morning feeling like shit, but had to go the pharmacy to pick up some more meds and to honestly JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE. Got home, tried to go back to bed, and couldn’t sleep. Started to feel really weird- sneezy, and my nose was runny, and the soft tissue in the roof of my mouth itchy. I’d never felt this way before, so I though I should retest myself for covid. I have a lot of body, but I know it, and this was something new and unusual. Took the at home test, and sure enough, covid:
Called the doctor, they called in some anti-retrovirals, and I just went and got them and picked up some emergen-C which my friend Joelle swears by.
Ten more fucking days until this year is over. Ten more fucking days.
Chetan Murthy
John, so you got the Pax ?
Oh, John. As if you didn’t already have too much going on.
Well, I’m glad to see Santa is buckling up. And wearing UV eye protection. And is getting and using free COVID test kits. (Heyyy … wait a minute, is he a US citizen?!?)
Eh whatever. Days start getting lighter now.
So you have both influenza and Covid at the same time?
Raoul Paste
This too, shall pass, but what a rough ride
Ugh. Get better soon. I intend to stay in the house until I run out of toilet paper.
Emma from Miami
The itching roof-of-mouth thing — oh so familiar. I’m so sorry, John.
@Glidwrith: That’s special. I had strep and a viral infection at the same time once. It hit me – really hard, really fast. Wham!
So flu and Covid must knock you on your ass good and hard.
Ugh – sorry John, I hope you have a speedy recovery – luckily you are vaccinated. Of course, now you really have to stay indoors.
Take care man. Nothing worse than being sick over the holidays.
Can RSV be far behind?
Dan B
So sorry to hear this. Get well soon. The Paxlovid seems to work very fast, like 24 hours.
I’m so sorry. Wishing you a speedy recovery and may 2023 be gentle on you; you deserve some gentleness.
Oh, Cole! If it wasn’t for bad luck, you’d have no luck at all. Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor anyway. 😘
The Paxlovid will turn you around in about 18 – 24 hours.
I got COVID symptoms on the return of a cross country trip and felt like “hammered shit” (thank you John and Deadwood) so I immediately went to bed. The next morning the symptoms were just as bad (ain’t no flu) so I took the test. Positive. Called the doc and they called in the prescription, but my pharmacy probably was out and needed a delivery, so that evening, I took my first course. Woke up the next morning took 2nd course, and back to bed. Woke up six hours later and started to feel human.
That shit works. Dog bless modern medicine and even Big Pharma (subsidized by our tax dollars). After the Five Days of Paxlovid (should be a song), I was ready to go back to work, though I still needed a note from my doctor to override the 10 days out work protocol.
Go Paxlovid!
The Moar You Know
You got more than your share this lovely year.
You have been through so much lately and I hope you can take the next few days to be kind to yourself.
David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch
Bad Santa
I blame the folks who decided you needed hugs…
@MattF: You can order it on line, so need never leave.
BenCisco 🇺🇸🎖️🖥️♦️
I’ll be happy to see 2022 in the rearview, if for no other reason than to have you be past it. Yikes!!
Oh, no! Get well soon, Mr. Cole. We need you..
@TaMara: He needed hugs but not COVID and flu with hugs.
Get well soon. So sorry this has been such a rough year.
@David ⛄ 🎅The Establishment🎄 🦌 🕎 Koch:
John reminds me of this.
Take care of yourself and get all the rest you need!
I hear on the news that Covid is the most popular gift to give to others this season.
John Cole
@TaMara: the motherfuckers
Santa hat and blue overalls are the look. The shades are just the cherry on top.
I’m so sorry, what a shitty month (and year) for you. I hope you feel better very, very soon.
Math Guy
Get well. Stay warm. Peace .
Holy crap. I had strep just once, as a kid, and that was bad enough. I can’t imagine.
John, this year has been spectacularly shitty for you in a number of ways. I hope you recover quickly, and that 2023 brings you everything good.
Ouch, that’s a real solid T line…
Emergen-C absolutely ROCKS for normal kinds of bugs. I have no idea if has any effect on our pandemic-category enemies, but I doubt it could hurt. You want the stuff in the blue packets — the orange ones are just super-doses of vitamin C.
@TaMara: Well, given the picture up top what would you do?
Feel better, John. Sounds like you’re doing all the things.
Hope you feel better.
@misterpuff: Yep, this stuff got both my wife & me through our Covid bouts (along with having our bodies well prepared by vaccines & boosters). We both felt normal after 5 days.
So sorry. Take Paxlovid! It turned around my symptoms in 4 days.
Fake Irishman
Dear God, Cole; you don’t screw around. Feel better man!
All four of my family has the ‘Rona: me, wife four-year old, one year old. I suspect daycare finally caught up with us. Everyone vaxxed to the max; and it has been very mild for all of us. It’s probably been the third worst respiratory infection I’ve had this fall. Oldest kid never even had a fever and was really pissed to miss her holiday party at school. (The class had been working hard a songs and art projects for parents)
Of course, we’ve all been cooped up in the house together for more than a week, and the kids are climbing the walls, but all told we’ll take it.
Carolina Dave
@John Cole:
Indeed, the well intentioned petri dishes of viruses.
Thanks for all you do to maintain this community of well intended jackals who love out pets and friends, grow gardens and travel across this amazing country and across the globe.
We also love food. And are not particularly fond of MAGA world.
Hoping you have an inverse 2023 in terms of luck, health and friendships
Sister Golden Bear
@John Cole: Sounds you need a social distancing cattle prod.
May the Pax be with you.
Merry fucking Christmas, Cole. Yeah, get the Pax.
My wife didn’t, because she was afraid she’d have the rebound when we got to Florida to spend Christmas with her folks. So after eight days of this shit, she’s still sick as a dog, it’s too late to take the Paxlovid, and we’ve canceled our plane (that was supposed to be tomorrow, dammit), hotel, and rental car reservations.
We’re hoping she might be well enough to head down on the 27th or 28th, but it ain’t looking good.
Yes, I’ve got Covid too, but my case is hardly worth the name. The head cold I had two or three weeks ago was worse than this.
ETA: And as of this morning, the kiddo was still testing negative. Of course, he spends his time at home holed up in his room, spending his time on TikTok, like probably most fifteen year olds in America. So he’s effectively isolated himself from his parents’ viruses by doing what he always does.
Joy in FL
I love that photo. It’s perfect for your post.
I hope you feel better soon. You’ve surely had enough to deal with.
@Chetan Murthy: if he did, I believe you could say he’s paxing.
Well, John, at least you’re doing better than Franco Harris.
The 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception was this Sunday, they were going to retire his number.
Randal Sexton
I second,third,fourth or fifth reccomend paxlovid. Fixed my terrible covid sore throat in 24 hours or so.
I so hate to tell you that nothing but the tax season and the physical calendar end with the year. At least everyone I know who’s had the plague says the antivirals are effective.
Your photo is reminiscent of what I always thought (feared) Santa Claus looked like.
Be well soon.
The experts say if symptoms return after pax, you’re in the inflammatory phase of covid. At this point you need steroids and probably blood thinners. This prevents long covid
Get well quickly!
Matt McIrvin
It seems like a lot of people are avoiding Paxlovid because of the rebound, even though as far as I know there is not an iota of evidence that Paxlovid rebound is worse than what you’d get without Paxlovid.
Anyway, all sorts of people I know are starting to get COVID again and it’s got me wanting to hole up and hide away.
The only benefit of bottoming out is that pretty much everything else is up. Hang tight, Cole. This, too, shall pass.
you’re ending the year with a bang John, sending thoughts for a speedy recovery and a much less stressful, boring new year.
@Spanky: OMG. and:
If Santa replied to his letters. Oh my.
Hey John get better. Keep myself pretty quiet but have been following this place since you started it. Also Emergenc-E is pretty darn good.
Ohio Mom
@Matt McIrvin: Confirming what you said, I had Paxlovid rebound and while I felt like crap, I still felt way better than I did before the Paxlovid kicked in. I would take Paxlovid again, obviously hope I never have to.
Mary Richman
Sorry to hear it. Been there, done that about 6 weeks ago— had Paxlovid, chicken soup and my personal best home remedy— a mug of hot lemonade with a shot of tequila (or whatever hooch you have in the house). Hope you’re better soon.
@Matt McIrvin:
I know so many (vaxxed) people who finally got it this fall after dodging it for over two years. Now friends who had it once are getting it a second time. I had my 2nd bout in May, so hoping to avoid a 3rd case for awhile yet, but nothing is guaranteed with Covid, that’s for sure.
Hopefully you have a speedy recovery and have an otherwise pleasant holiday season!
Mai Naem mobile
Wow, John. Your year’s end is turning out to be quite craptacular. Hope the Pax works for you with no rebound. Remember lots of fluids. Hope you have a pulse oximeter on hand to keep an eye on your O2.
Another Scott
Feel better soon! And have a full recovery!!
Best wishes,
Sorry you are sick.
I use Emergen-C also. It is energizing, tastes like childhood tart sugar sticks. And importantly, adds liquid to your body’s essential fluid intake.
Hydrate my Friend
Chetan Murthy
I had read someplace that some doctors were thinking the answer to Pax rebound was “another course of Pax” ? Did that go anywhere ?
Since people are starting to get worried about Covid again, I thought I’d put in a plug for my new–fave P100 mask (which I think someone here recommended to me):
I can wear it snug against my face so there’s no fogging my eyeglasses (which I use as a test for whether the mask is well-fitted) and b/c it’s got an exit valve, I can even wear it when working out in the weight room. B/c not as hard to exhale as an N95.Wide straps, so doesn’t pinch the ears.
But that exit valve means that if you’re going into a venue that requires masks, they might ask you to take it off; so I always carry an N95 for that eventuality. Thing is, no such venues exist anymore, do they? So I figure, wearing this mask is no worse to my fellow man (and it so often *is* a man, sigh) than not wearing a mask at all.
Anyway, it’s a great mask.
The Santa hat… the Blues Brothers sunglasses… and the blue striped overalls… it’s too, too perfect. (Too too perfect what, I’m not sure. But whatever it is, it’s perfect.)
The only bright side to any of this is, maybe the anti-virals will also take out the flu. Fingers crossed.
Feel better soon!
Feel better Grand Blog Master… fluids fluids fluids. Ps.. does anyone have an idea of what we can call the 2020s? So far, this decade blows.
@Matt McIrvin: Yeah, I wasn’t so sure about Paxlovid (in a theoretical way) because the rebound thing doesn’t sound good, but I read last week that taking Paxlovid makes a big difference in terms of not getting long Covid, so I think that tips it pretty clearly in the “it’s a good idea to take it” column.
I got it on Dec 4th, got a scrip for Pax. Slept all of Day 1, was good by Day 4, then on Day 10 I got the rebound. Just finished the second quarantine yesterday. No sore throat, no runny nose finally, still congested though.
My NP put me on 50mg zinc, 5,000 units D, 500 C, and 880 Quercetin. Make sure you’re getting the zinc at least.
Dr Google thinks it’s a COVID rebound not a pax rebound. I haven’t heard anything in AL’s posts about steroids etc to avoid Long COVID after a rebound so I’m taking that advice with a grain of salt.
I’m sorry you got this on top of everything else, John. Keep taking care of yourself and get the Pax. It really helps.
Sorry you’re sick, Cole. What a crappy way to finish off a less than optimal year. We all hope you will be back to your sparkling best in 2023.
Ella in New Mexico
Jesus you got the double whammy of Flu AND COVID? How are you still walking?
Get well soon, John.
“The Twatty Twenties” works for me.
How I miss the I-79 corridor!
Hang in there John. A flu/Covid combo sounds awful, but what you endured with the shoulder injury and non-compliant OSHA mopping practices (I’m not even going to get into mustard-gate), and physical therapy and all, this sounds like a really awful immune reboot with early intervention. Take care. Hydrate, communicate and then hibernate would be my strategy.
I haven’t had communicable ailments in ~2 years or so. The other edge of the sword lurks!
See you on the other side:)
Merry Christmas to all and to John a good night!
@SiubhanDuinne: that works… it just seems like we are getting all of the horrors of the 20th century in a few years… fucking catastrophic without end
It’s 106 miles to Chicago. You’ve got a full tank of gas, a santa hat, Covid, and you’re wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.
ETA: Dangit. Casey L upthread beat me to the BB reference. but ok.
Sorry to hear you’re sick on top of everything else. Take the medication, keep hydrated and get well soon
🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 for you, Cole. Take that medicine
Aw, I’m late to this, but John’s look is completed by the sunglasses:
But, John, sorry about the Covid – hope you get better soon!
Jeez, John, sorry to hear this.
if troubles come in threes, however, this is the third. Get well soon – this, too, shall pass.
Lawsamercy, John. What else?
We love you.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Matt McIrvin: I finally got COVID in early September, the symptoms being fever and headache. Started Paxlovid the day I tested positive and it made me feel human again in 2 days. I did get a rebound, with upper respiratory (mucus, like a regular cold), but it wasn’t a big deal. I was perfectly happy to experience a mild rebound to avoid long COVID!!
I was hoping you evaded COVID but when you said how badly your throat hurt, I had a feeling. I didn’t get approved for paxlovid but it really helped my parents.
Hope you feel much better soonest.
My friend from high school is now an ICU nursing supervisor in NE Arkansas. His hospital was opening a new ICU in March 2020 in order to shut down the old ICU. Nothing got shut down and they were slammed with covid from the get go. When we got covid in May of this year, he told me to take guaifenesin (generic Musinex), Robitussin (not necessarily DM), pain/fever relief (Motrin) and Paxlovid. That shit works. He also said to keep up the OTC meds on schedule for two weeks after and you won’t get rebound covid. I took guaifenesin, robitussin, and motrin every 4 hours for two weeks and didn’t get rebound covid. He said it keeps depriving the virus the chance to grow in a welcoming medium. It worked for me and my son both. Also drink something strongly flavored like lemonade or tomato juice taking Paxlovid. It helps wash the bitter, nasty taste out of your mouth sooner. Eat something with it every time you take a dose. Doesn’t have to be much but give it something to mix with in your stomach so it doesn’t eat through. Drink even when you don’t feel thirsty. Good luck.
Yikes. Feel better man. May these 10 days pass without further incident during your recovery.
John, I am so sorry. It’ll get better.
I got it last week in the airport, despite bing vaxxed.
I got on Pax the same day. The worse was over in three days. Get better soon.
You look like a late period Henry VIII of England playing Santa Claus. Healthier looking than the old bugger, at least. It’s the beard that does it. Sorry I blurted it out like this, but I couldn’t think of a more polite way of saying it.
After 2020, 2021, and 2022, I can’t wait to see what 2023 will bring, beside the expected government shutdown and one or more impeachments for Biden.
Been a terrible year for me as well. Hang in there buddy. 23 gotta be better.
@bbleh: He “employs” legions of presumably underpaid manufacturing workers in a mysterious foreign location. Sounds pretty American to me.
Jesus, Cole, your melon is impressively huge! I know you’ve been saying that for a long time, it finally registered just how big your haid is. Get better soon!
The flip from negative test to positive when you have some sort of symptom(s) is a bit weird. Clearly you have something but…..