Day 4: Gonna chill in the office with Hodge between votes.
It’s been a long week! #SpeakerVote #HeyHodge
— Rep. Jimmy Gomez (@RepJimmyGomez) January 6, 2023
House members gather to mark the second anniversary of January 6th
Only one Republican member was present. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick.
— Kristin Wilson (@kristin__wilson) January 6, 2023
President Biden honors the late Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick posthumously. Accepting on his behalf are Sicknick’s parents.
— Joey Garrison (@joeygarrison) January 6, 2023
Rep. David Trone (D-MD) gets a standing ovation from fellow Dems as he casts a vote for Jeffries. Trone had shoulder surgery this morning and has returned to the Capitol to raise the threshold for McCarthy to reach majority.
— Jesse Rodriguez (@JesseRodriguez) January 6, 2023
After effectively turning it into a powerless ceremonial office. I still remember, after 40 years now, being in meetings with Speaker Tip O'Neill working on getting the Social Security rescue bill thru the House in 1983. McCarthy's not fit to shine Tip's shoes.
— AuntSophie ???? (@AuntSophie1) January 6, 2023
"Wow, the American people really don't like that we're lunatics, what should we do?"
"What if we stayed lunatics but added Paul Ryan's politically toxic policy agenda?"
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) January 6, 2023
Welp, looks like we’ve got a solid Dem majority in 2025.
Frontline Republicans who vote for this will be committing electoral suicide.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 6, 2023
Let. Them. Fight…
Wow, MTG ?
kevin mccarthy is a sniveling little spineless sellout,he is America last, he is morally bankrupt and a dictator that didn't even consider the great majority of Americans feelings, he is corrupt as all get out, I mean c, mon.
— Lady Lady Heidi A.B.🇺🇸🤝🇷🇺🤝🇮🇱♥️🦅🐻 (@LadyladyHeidiAB) January 6, 2023
Rep. Gomez has a MUCH better alternative than almost anybody in the Capitol.
For tonight’s Speaker vote, Biggs and Crane have both said no, they will not vote for McCarthy. Crane was one of the two they were really working on, along with Rosendale, so a disappointment for McCarthy.
Hunt and Buck are both returning to the House, so that means that McCarthy will need 218 votes. With the two votes from Hunt and Buck, he will have 216 (assuming everyone stays with him).
That leaves McCarthy to find 2 votes from Boebert, Gaetz, Good, and Rosendale.
MAGA Republican radicals did this for a balanced budget vote?
McCarthy’s latest strategy is to try to persuade holdouts to vote Present rather than for anyone but him. If he can persuade 3 of them to do that, that reduces the total number of votes for named candidates to 431, at which point his 216 votes would be a majority.
mali muso
Super excited…a friend has a connection that has scored me and the kiddo a tour of the White House (for later this month).
Per CNN, this is what McCarthy gave up:
@mali muso:
Reconvening in the dead of night to slip through all their crooked deals.
Finally, we’ll get to the bottom of Trump’s shenanigans!
That could be a potentially devastating move for Republicans, as they would need massive cuts to the safety net in order to make that goal, assuming that they mostly leave taxes and defense spending alone.
@PaulB: McCarthy had also offered holdouts specifically that he’d kick some Democrats of their choices off committees. I wonder if that’s still in there, and just not ‘official’ because he’ll do it anyway?
Amazing that almost all of those demands are “economic” issues, not culture war.
Alison Rose
If magic were real and I had some, I’d make it so any conservative misusing MLK’s words got an electric shock to their junk every time.
That’s my take on it. He threatened that even before the election, as payback for kicking MTG off of committees. He promised to retaliate by kicking a few Democrats off of committees in return, assuming that he has the votes.
ETA: A quick Google search shows that he promised to strip Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell of their assignments.
Can little Kevie get the votes?
The tension builds
Alison Rose
Also, Newsom was inaugurated today and his speech was really good (link should be cued up to the right spot, but if not, skip ahead to about 14:45). There’s a bit of California bragging, of course, but hey, it’s well-earned. His vision for the state and our future is a good one, and as we like to say here, since we do tend to be leaders in a lot of areas, as goes California, so goes the nation.
Mallard Filmore
@Alison Rose:
While *I* would certainly enjoy watching that, I don’t think that would stop them.
Could be, but if you assume that all of them are all in on the culture war stuff, McCarthy may not have needed to explicitly put it on the table.
If everyone agrees to pass an anti-CRT bill, an anti-transgender bill, an anti-abortion bill, then you don’t need to negotiate.
Democratic officials’ homes, offices shot up in New Mexico
karen marie
I was working and missed the end of today’s House party. Are they off for the weekend?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Is a balanced budget actually bad as a concept?
I looked back at my FB memories from this day two years ago. I wrote:
“If only there had been a way to foresee the occurrence of this totally unpredictable event, instigated by this totally unpredictable man.”
Another Scott
These folks are clowns with no memory at all of what it was like when these “policies” were in place in the past. E.g. the 72 hour thing. They were windowdressing and ignored when the choice was to uphold the stupid 72 hour thing or make the last flight home.
It’ll be interesting to see how much of a public battle there is about the rules.
Also too, catturd2 has spoken. Sorry Qevin.
The six remaining crazies having been sufficiently bought off will vote present thereby allowing McCarthy to become Speaker. Act I of the of the 118th Congress will then come to a close. The second act of the 118th Congressional shithow will then begin.
Mai Naem mobile
@PaulB: i don’t understand newbie Eli Crane. He doesn’t represent a bright red district like Gosar. It’s been represented by Dems before. I would have to look it up but my guess is that Debbie Lesko’s district is redder than Crane’s and Lesko voted for McCarthy all along.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
They sure are acting as if they won by a landslide and didn’t just barely win the House. It’s incredibly brazen. I can never get over that
Also FYI.
Over a million total? Magic 8-ball sez “Lkely.”
Oh, please. Like they’ll even get 12 bills written, much less out of committee.
No, they’re returning at 10:00 tonight to vote again. McCarthy insists he has the votes.
Wait till they learn the House supply cabinet doesn’t have crayon.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
National debt has been going down since Biden took office.
Debt or deficit?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
The deficit has, but not the actual debt IIRC
In a word, yes, it absolutely is. One simple scenario: let’s say that the country goes into a recession, there’s a stock market correction, people stop spending, etc.
In a balanced budget scenario, the federal government has to make additional cuts, since tax revenue would be down. This would both deepen and lengthen the recession. Even worse, the recession would mean greater demand on the safety net, so you’re reducing spending at the same time you’re increasing the need for the spending.
A balanced budget at the federal level is a truly terrible idea.
No, the annual deficit has decreased, but the overall national debt continues to rise. The last time the debt actually decreased was during the Clinton administration.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Because they’re assholes. Same reason they always bellow that a Democratic President never has a mandate.
Did mine eyes deceive me on driving very locally for couple of minor but necessary errands today? Gas prices for regular posted as under a fin at $4.99.
@PaulB: Not that this will make any impression to any one on the right.
@NotMax: The deficit has been going down under Biden. The national debt increases by the second every day.
Alison Rose
@Mallard Filmore: Look, I don’t kink-shame, but I don’t wanna know if MTG has a pain fetish.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): YES!!!
It would be disastrous at the federal level.
Punchbowl news reports that if McCarthy wins tonight, they plan to swear in members and pass the rules package immediately, a package that would include the concessions listed above.
Splitting Image
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Yes. The entire point is to force spending cuts simply by electing Republicans. With a balanced budget amendment, they could immediately cut taxes by 50% or 90% and force spending cuts to happen automatically.
State governments in the U.S. generally have to balance their budgets, which gives them no leeway whatsoever to deal with emergencies like hurricanes, earthquakes, and the like. That’s why FEMA has to be a federal agency. To say nothing of a localized downturn like Detroit’s auto industry. Michigan couldn’t use deficit spending to goose Detroit’s rebuild, so without federal help, the downturn became a depression.
Oops-a-doodle. Deficit. Blame it on only now getting around to pouring the first cuppa joe.
No wet noodles handy with which to flagellate self.
All I’ve heard is that Crane has said, “In my district they don’t support Kevin McCarthy.”
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): A balanced budget is not bad in itself (the budget was more than balanced under Clinton, when there was a budgetary surplus), but requiring the budget to be balanced is bad. It would make some sense to try to run surpluses during boom times and deficits in recessions.
And, of course, Republicans always want to cut taxes to the bone and balance the budget by cutting social spending, regardless of how the economy is doing.
Kirk Spencer
@PaulB: So no time taken to ensure the recent changes were entered correctly? That’s never caused problems in the past. /s
zhena gogolia
@Alison Rose: Yeah.
Dan B
@NotMax: A six year old shot a teacher in Newport News.
Too bad there wasn’t a good six year old with a gun. /s
Mike in NC
“The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage,” Emperor Hirohito, surrender speech, 1945.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Matt McIrvin:
@Splitting Image:
Thanks for your depressing, but useful updates.
It sounds like a done deal for ratfucker McCarthy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yes. The comparison with a family budget is fatuous. Go read about the New Deal. Go read Keynes. Hell, make it less technical, read Galbraith.
Because the Real Americans vote for them and not for Democrats, of course. So if they lose an election it’s been stolen by illegitimate usurpers, and if they win it’s the will of the people.
Gaming this out, assuming that everyone but the 6 holdouts votes as they did earlier today. There will be 434 members voting tonight, with 216 votes for McCarthy, 212 votes for Jeffries, and 6 uncertain votes.
If 2 of the 6 vote for McCarthy, he wins.
If 1 of the 6 votes for McCarthy and 1 votes Present, McCarthy wins.
If 3 of the 6 vote Present, McCarthy wins.
Do you like social services? Because the whole-assed point of this “Balance the Budget/Cut Debt” wankery is to Defund the New Deal, and everything socially benefiting, since.
That’s it. That’s the whole game, and has been since the Conservative Movement started muttering about Debt in the late 1970s. the only thing that’s changed is that these yahoos are so committed to a concept that prior Conservatives just paid lip service to, they they’ll dismantle the core of American economic growth and stability — not to mention the WHOLE DAMN WORLD — without a decent replacement.
Balancing the budget has Nothing to do with real economic stability and responsibility.
Citizen Alan
The republicans will never be satisfied until the majority of Americans and the overwhelming majority of non white, non Christian Americans are homeless and starving.
I wonder if the full moon will generate enough tide to float The McCarthy off the stinking mud bank it’s been stuck on. Then at least at it will have a chance to sink in open water.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Is the size of the national debt and poor yields on bonds for the last decade related?
@Geminid: And, next Friday is the 13th.
Beautiful full moon out there tonight. Whether yokels be skulking and plotting under it, or not.
I regularly see $4.49 now and actually paid $3.99 last week near LAX.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): A balanced budget is bad if you want one every year. That’s a way to turn a recession into a depression.
Not really. There’s some crossover impact but it’s not that simple.
Another Scott
@Splitting Image: +1
Not only that, but being forced to have a balanced budget every year leaves money on the table that could be used for the economy to grow. It’s like demanding people buy houses with cash as opposed to taking out a loan. IIRC, some economist made a decent case that a healthy deficit is about 3% of revenue (which would be about $4.64T x 0.03 = $139B – so we are running high deficits now, but we’re still recovering from the Pandemic and decades of under-investment so that’s not unusual).
Plus, as a consequence of the way the federal budget accounting is done, if Social Security runs a surplus then it Increases the national debt. Why? Because SS money doesn’t sit in a vault somewhere, it gets loaned to the Treasury and moved out into the economy. And has to be paid back, so it’s a debt.
Most of the federal debt is money like that that we owe ourselves.
A balanced federal budget, and trumped-up panic about the federal debt (when Democrats are in office), are both colossally stupid ideas. The federal budget is not like a family budget, and it’s wrong to think that it is.
@PaulB: As always, thank you for the maths.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
When does the size of the debt start to matter?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): When there is a Democratic President!
The Thin Black Duke
These yahoos in the GOP have massive hard-ons just thinking about grabbing that Social Security and Medicare money. That’s it. Don’t overthink it.
@Geminid: Huh. My ex is a paramedic, and I know it’s not scientific, but he said everyone dreaded full moons. The crazy really came out.
Well, for starters, when a country cannot afford to pay the interest on the debt. You’re asking questions that could easily require book-length answers. There is nothing simple about these topics.
Well, other than that a balanced budget requirement at the federal level would be a truly awful idea.
@Geminid: You win the internets!
None of this mattered when the R house lowered the Corp tax rate to 21% from 35%. That is an unprecedented drop. I have worked in tax for thirty years, a decrease that big is staggering.
karen marie
@PaulB: Thank you!
That’s insane.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I haven’t heard that the Japanese people were hurting too much despite claims of “low growth.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Funny, but hasn’t the Fed kept interest rates artificially low for the last decade partly because of the high national debt as the debt servicing payments could put a strain the US’ finances if interest rates were higher? Isn’t low yields bad for investors, including retirees?
They wanted the delay to give them a little time to work on the last 6 holdouts, plus time to get Buck and Hunt back. Buck is returning from an unspecified medical issue and Hunt was with his wife and their premature infant. Both are supposed to be in the chamber this evening.
No. That’s not part of the Fed’s charter.
Edited to add that this is clearly a topic you’re obsessing over. Might I suggest you do some reading offline before pursuing this further?
Matt McIrvin
@Another Scott: Yeah, the funny thing is that even if we were to take the “household budget” analogy as valid, households use debt to finance things all the time. It can be done to excess, but it’s a tool in the toolbox.
Kirk Spencer
So I’m wondering if the push for the flat tax will make a resurgence?
Gads, I’m glad we kept the senate.
Talk about rubbing it in!
A few hours ago Politico Magazine put up an article titled:
It’s more like an indifferent take. The reporter found that outside a few Republican officials, even McCarthy’s supporters were not too wrapped up in the Speaker election (unlike people on a blog I could name!).
Democrats were gloating, and some people did not know who their congressman was.
Matt McIrvin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): No, they kept rates low as economic stimulus, to encourage spending and investment. Now they’re raising them to control inflation.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Regardless, the best way to reduce the deficit is to have Dems in charge so we can fix the tax code.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Matt McIrvin:
@Matt McIrvin:
Thanks for the explanations
@Alison Rose: Does EmptyGee have junk? Just curious.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think the Fed kept interest rates low because the economy was growing so slowly they were afraid raising them would put us back in a recession. The lower debt payments were an ancillary benefit.
Low rates do cause problems for some groups and maybe systemically in some ways, but they are not directly related to the deficit or national debt (I think).
Yup. It’s also a good way to determine if someone you’re talking to is serious about deficit reduction (rather than just mouthing partisan platitudes). If tax cuts are off the table, they’re not serious about the deficit. It’s pretty much that simple.
Matt McIrvin
@Kirk Spencer: What I’m hoping is that people are smarter about it now. Incredible to think there was a time when Jerry Brown had a flat tax proposal.
@Baud: Yesss! That’s the main thing, and fighting words to Republicans.
Alison Rose
@Hoppie: To me “junk” is gender neutral.
Sister Golden Bear
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Same as it ever was. They’ve acted like that repeatedly over the years.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I recommend you get the classic economics book for laypeople – The Worldly Philosophers, by Robert Heilbroner – and read/skim the chapter on Keynes.
I’m sure there are newer books out there, but my recollection is that Heilbroner was good at clear explanations, without talking down to the reader.
Alison Rose
John Oliver did a good episode explaining the National Debt a couple years back. Referring to Dubya as a “lovable little human rights violation” was a choice moment.
Sister Golden Bear
@Alison Rose: CNN needs to bring on a professional dominatrix to explain Kevin’s humiliation fetish.
@eclare: More anecdotal evidence: a feature about a woman magistrate I read a few years ago quoted her saying that domestic violence cases peaked during full moons.
@eclare: my daughter used to be a labor and delivery nurse and she swore there were more babies born under full moons. She dreaded those nights, too!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): yes. Good lord you should know this by now. A nations finance doesn’t go in a fiscal year. You borrow when interest rates are low and invest in things that will pay off long term not that year. You pump money into the economy when times are bad and tax when things are booming too much. You spend when emergencies happen then pay like depressions, wars to exist and disasters which don’t happen to fit in fiscal balances.
it’s following tiny rules for timid minds which can’t deal with the big wide world. Like gold buggery. Governing by slogans not wisdom.
@Alison Rose:
Feminine when playing Black Eyed Peas, masculine when playing The Lonely Island.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I am so old that I remember when Bill Clinton and Al Gore not only balanced the budget they created a surplus. Then Bush the lessor got elected.
Alison Rose
@different-church-lady: LOLOL
James E Powell
@Mai Naem mobile:
The only Republicans I understand – meaning that what they do & say makes sense to me – are the loud & proud bigots. They are deplorable, even evil, but they make sense.
Stated another way.
And earned the undying enmity of shitlibs evermore.
the pale scot @ gmail
Just look at the UK’s austerity budgets after the financial meltdown. Every other developed country opened the spigots. The UK GDP stagnated while the rest of us grew at a decent rate.
12 years of Tory rule has devastated the NHS, the police, all indicators of well being are falling, and the Tories are still in la la land
@Sister Golden Bear: Maybe they’ll bring on the Democrats’ Chief Whip, Katherine Clark. She looks the part!
Poe Larity
They’re not going to have enough people to fill all those laptop committees.
@lollipopguild: And Greenspan argued that the govt having a surplus was bad.
James E Powell
@Omnes Omnibus:
Or simply compare 2009-2011 with 2020-2022.
McCarthy is confident enough about his victory tonight to whip votes for the House Rules package. Tom Emmer, “Majority Whip-Elect,” has sent out a note to House Republicans:
@Alison Rose: Got it. Or them, I guess. Thanks.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thank you, I’ll check that one out!
@the pale scot @ gmail:
Did you intend to change your balloon juice nym? Or did a stray “@gmail” accidentally make it into your nym?
I really need to know how all these offers are represented in the rules package, because if they’re just McCarthy making promises, or even just votes that are going to be taken, he might as well be farting show tunes for all it matters legislatively. ‘Present a budget’ is gigantically different from ‘only a balanced budget can be voted on.’
@The Thin Black Duke:
But they’re not talking about spending it on other things, or privatization. They’re talking about removing the money completely. The massive hard-on is for hurting people.
@PaulB: What a dick McCarthy is.
Many of these new reps likely have families that want to attend the swearing in, and he wants to do it in the fucking middle of the night?
What a dick! But I repeat myself.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
McCarthy has a monomaniacal obsession with becoming Speaker, even if he’s the weakest Speaker in history. It’s really weird. And yes he is a dick
@PaulB: Like in the Speaker contest, 5 defectors can sink the Rules. This is not neccessarily a done deal.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): no. Low interest rates for everything for a decade mean the feds also offer a low rate. Which is yield. They are safer than banks or other investments so their rates can be really low.
it also indicates the government hasn’t been competing for more bond money (offering higher rates to get people to choose bonds instead of other things like private stocks). This is partly because the government hasn’t been authorized to invest in enough things like infrastructure and research that it should have been and was in smarter times. It’s why our roads and bridges need repair, our education has fallen behind and hospitals are closing.
After the revolutionary war, our government invested in us, in a ton of things like roads and canals and later railroads which paid off for a more prosperous country. This group of fiscal balanced budget idiots think they understand money, but they are business idiots with slogans. Nearsighted slogans. And they are afraid.
“Beetles in the Bog,” War
James E Powell
Is it possible this clown show is going to continue till next week? I am already tired of it. I feel like McCarthy as a weak speaker constantly be harried by the crazies in his party is the best possible outcome for us. The looser his hold on his party, the more likely President Joe can twist enough arms to get things passed. Or maybe I’m just being overly optimistic.
But don’t you see?
McCarthy is hoping that this will come across as “strong, decisive action” after the days of uncertainty and incompetence. That there is no rush, that doing this overnight is completely unnecessary, doesn’t matter; he needs this pointless gesture and is hoping that the optics will work in his favor.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Seriously, thanks for the explanation : )
You’re absolutely right, but McCarthy thinks that he has the votes for the whole thing: not just himself as Speaker but also the votes for the rules, suitably modified with all of the concessions he has made.
His vote counting thus far has been … lacking. We’ll see if he can count any better tonight.
Kirk Spencer
@Matt McIrvin:
I feel as though you have not been watching this whole speaker election thing. Except you did say “hope”, not “expect”.
BC in Illinois
Wait – – I thought that McCarthy’s masters were demanding that every bill have a 72-hour notice, so that all the members could pretend to read it.
Bolstering your point: Tony Gonzalez (R-TX), has now announced via Twitter that he is a “NO on the house rules package.”
I’m not sure he gives a shit about passing the rules package as promised or any other way once he’s Speaker. I think he’s made it pretty plain that the title is his goal. Once he’s got it, his motivation to fight for anything drops like a rock. I don’t know. We’re hearing rumors about promises, at this point.
I’ll be sad if McCarthy face plants again when I’m asleep.
@BC in Illinois: The rules package is not technically a bill is it?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It’ll either be helpful, or not. :) Feel free to pitch it into the wastebasket if it doesn’t appeal to you!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
By the way, thanks for your “live reporting” on threads on the GOP House Circus over the last couple of days. Protects my sanity lol
@PaulB: Yes, like his comment earlier: “I counted.” Like him saying that erases the past 4 days. Un-fucking-believable.
So, once they all get sworn in and the rules have been passed, can a Dem then stand up and demand a vote to vacate the speaker’s chair?
David 📢 Speaker 📢 Koch☑️
The local radio station that carries baseball broadcasts turns into Hate Radio overnight. During the summer, when I would go out at night, I’d start the car and Hate Radio would be on and all they did was SCREAM about Mexicans. Not exaggerating. Without except, it was SCREAMING hatred of Mexicans. And the person they personally attacked wasn’t the president or DHS, it was McCarthy. They kept frothing at the mouth that he’s a RINO and “betrayed us on the border”.
Golly, shouldn’t they allow 72 hours for members to read the rules package before voting on it? 🤔
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’d like to know the answer to that too
I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
@NotMax: I (cheerfully) paid $2.29 a gallon in Portland, Maine, yesterday. Of course, for an year and a half after Dorian in The Bahamas, gas and diesel were $7 a gallon, so anything under that looks comparatively acceptable to me.
@PaulB: The concessions McCarthy made to the radicals will be resented by other caucus members. Some may dig in their heels over various provisions. They may also want to hold out a vote or two as a “flex,” to show the radicals who prolonged this election that they can play the obstruction game as well.
@HumboldtBlue: I certainly hope so!
@Steeplejack: I hope there is a Dem who is willing to do just that. Point of order and all that.
Matt McIrvin
@Kirk Spencer: No, I mean the general public. There was a time when even US liberals were on board with these goofy schemes. They’re not any more.
The Pale Scot
@the pale scot @ gmail:
Sorry, I had JS turned off
@Geminid: People voting “no” on the Rules package would also send a message to McCarthy that he cannot take them for granted.
I’m not saying the Rules won’t pass, just that some in the caucus have good reason to jam it up.
David 📢 Speaker 📢 Koch☑️
Sure Lurkalot
As I recall, he also argued that credit default swaps were uber safe because of “counterparty surveillance”. Good times.
We still have Larry Summers rooting for higher interest rates and millions of unemployed. Because inflation is somehow only caused by workers, no rent seeking going on in America, no sir.
Chetan Murthy
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): This article by Krugman from …. 24 years ago lays out why forcing a balanced budget is a bad idea.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
@James E Powell:
“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” JK Galbraith
@Geminid: Heh — the EverKevin.
What is this reading of which you speak?
Fair Economist
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
In the long term, yes. For a modern financial system to work it needs large amounts of extremely secure and extremely liquid assets to trade. Only governmental debt qualifies. As the economy grows there needs to be more governmental debt to trade, which means the government must over time run a deficit.
Now there can be *too much* government debt and so sometimes temporary balanced budgets or small surpluses are good, and too large a deficit can be bad; but overall the government needs to run a deficit.
Thomas Levenson’s book “Money for Nothing” talks some about how the debt creation system the British created partly to clean up the South Seas Bubble was one of their great advantages against the French in the 18th century contest for worldwide supremacy. And they eventually won that supremacy carrying a debt twice the size of the one we have now (relative to the economy), just to indicate how much slack we have left.
Fair point. Not to mention that some of them are undoubtedly pissed off at the crazy caucus and how much McCarthy had to give them, so might register their displeasure by voting no on the rules package, even as they vote yes for McCarthy.
I’ve been spending far too much time online these past few days, so I’m going to take the evening off. I’ll find out tomorrow morning whether McCarthy succeeded or not. Be well, everyone.
@WaterGirl: Someone should get him a gold star chart for his new accomplishments. Counting!! What could be next!? ooooooo, I hear A is for Apple. . . . or maybe take a little rest and master the shape ball first.
karen marie
@PaulB: It finally pays to be on the west coast. It won’t be the middle of the night for me. Nice!
Thank you for all of your liveblogging today!
@Mallard Filmore:
Depends on the voltage. Something on the order of 440v might just get their attention.
karen marie
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Because on Monday we’re going to be back doing it all over again after a single House member calls for a new speaker vote. Hahahaha.
Can anyone find a link to
this debacleVote 14 on YouTube?Because I am not finding a link on YouTube or on CSPAN.
edit: Another Scott found it.
@scav: hahaha
Another Scott
Meanwhile, ICYMI,
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: This seems to be it:
Michael Bersin
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
If revenue was greater than expenditures in any given year and the surplus was socked away for a rainy day…wait, that will never happen.
National emergencies and natural disasters and pandemics, just to name a few, don’t pay attention to balanced budget amendments,
The culture war is being handled by Republicans at the state and local level.
@Another Scott: Thank you! How did you find that? Literally asking, not rhetorical!
I googled, I went to the CSPAN channel on YouTube. Nothing.
@WaterGirl: I think this is the C-Span link
@Scout211: Yeah, I had found that one, but it’s not video that you can play. Scott’s works, though!
@WaterGirl: It says it starts at 9:55.
@Scout211: Yes, I know that, too. :-) But all week there would be a play button even if the event hadn’t officially started yet.
It most certainly IS the Republican way. All that CRT and grooming stuff, those anti-trans and “don’t say gay” bills? And describing Latin American refugees seeking asylum here as an invasion? Those are most certainly “identity politics.” So get off your motherfucking high horse.
As for whether it’s the American way, that’s one thing the two parties are fighting over. You obviously believe it is, and we Dems believe it damn well shouldn’t be.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: In Chrome on Winders, I just opened a new tab and entered “” then it automagically converted to a search of that site and I continued typing “cspan”.
The first link under “Latest from C-Span” is that link.
[eta:] I’ve got a Google 1 subscription which includes YouTube/YouTubeMusic stuff, so that might be a difference. Dunno.
The new Rules have been posted (analysis).
Here is the document with the new rules.
@karen marie: Yup! PT is great for late ET breaking news. And live sports-ball!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The Federal government’s ability to borrow is what allows for economic stimulus during economic downturns to prop up the economy.
Another Scott
@Scout211: It’s laughable that they think the Senate is going to accept anything that comes over the wall subject to those rules.
“3/5 majority for any tax rate increases” – they’re afraid of tax increases and are trying to make them illegal so that they don’t actually have to do their jobs to fund the government.
Saying House Resolution 1096 no longer applies – that gave collective bargaining rights to employees of the House.
And so forth. They’re trying to break things and not be held accountable for the breakage.
Here’s hoping that there is some drama tonight, but I’m not expecting it. Even the GQP “moderates” are monsters.
@PaulB: He can’t derail a thread if he reads about it somewhere else.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That is not why I ask questions in threads. It’s something I’m working on
karen marie
@WaterGirl: Yeah, I just go to the CSPAN youtube channel and then choose “live.” Works every time!
@karen marie: I did exactly that this morning and it worked. When I did exactly that tonight for the 14th vote, it didn’t come up.