In previous years, Presidents counted on respect from the House. Biden went in there knowing full well what would happen, and used it.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 8, 2023
With apologies to howler monkeys:
Wasn't one of the zoos missing a howler monkey? I think we've found it (with deepest apologies to howler monkeys).
— Miss T (Recipe For Murder now available!) (@TaMarasKitchen) February 8, 2023
Dark Brandon came to kick ass and eat ice cream, and he's all out of ice cream.
— BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️ (@mmpadellan) February 7, 2023
As I said in a comment, “Damn, I need some ice cream after that SOTU”
Discuss – anything but botox. JFC
Open thread
Huckabee Sanders up. Strange speech.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m sure Sarah Huckabee Sanders will top that, what with all of her no-doubt soaring oratory about the evils of wokeism. Or Wookieism.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Don’t they have some antisemites and insurrectionists to suck up to?
Another Scott
Great job, Joe!
Meanwhile, …
“Grandpa, what’s a ‘letter’???”
Neat stuff.
There’s always more to learn about the past.
Love that last tweet! The photo and the comment.
A stemwinder, a barnstormer, of a speech.
A couple post-speech things I’m curious about:
My Rep, Pramila Jayapal, spoke to Biden for a while, probably about Washington state issues. I’m curious mostly because, as I said, she’s my Rep.
And: while Biden was making his way to the exit, a tallish blonde woman stopped him, spoke in his ear for a long time, ended by saying “I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen,” and Joe directed one of his entourage to get her contact info. I wonder what that was all about.
Alison Rose
@Quinerly: Could not pay me enough to watch it.
Okay, no, you could. But it’d have to be a lot.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Jethrene, Jethrene, Jethrene, Jethreeeeeeeen
You’ll forever be our lyin’, bullyin’ possum queen
Raoul Paste
It’s really too bad that the Fox audience lives in a world of lies. What Biden said about the economy, the deficit, and trump’s deficit was completely true, but that impact will be lost on the suckers, who watch Fox
I don’t think Huckabee ever served on the pep squad or the cheerleaders, she’s got all the pizzazz of cement.
Huckabee telling the tale of how trump fucked up Xmas for a whole battalion of personnel.
The soldier had tears…. no he was openly weeping and all the strong men cried. ALL OF THEM
Jethrene can’t think anyone is watching her, right?
Citizen Alan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I generally try not to focus on appearances, but I have to wonder who recommended to Possum Queen that she deliver her nonsense with her hair parted down the middle and wearing a white bathrobe.
RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrOTATING TAG!
@HumboldtBlue: She only has a spark in her voice when she’s being mean.
@Alison Rose: it’s a campaign speech. I don’t recall a response like this one.
zhena gogolia
@different-church-lady: Haha, yeah!
@Hoodie: I turned her right off. Ugly, ugly person.
@Citizen Alan: I want to hang out with you.
Ed O’Keefe is saying that Santos’s response to being told by Romney that he should sit in back was to call Romney an “asshole” to his face.
The continuing MTG-ization of the GOP.
I see Possum Queen got her eye fixed. This is a dumb speech, they should quit doing a response.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Paleo Conservative (as he used to describe himself) Tom Nichols is unimpressed
@Citizen Alan: The cream colored dress matches her teeth. It was uncanny.
zhena gogolia
Let’s remember Michelle Wolf’s brilliant joke
@Quinerly: If she doesn’t complain about volcano monitoring or rehydrate on camera, she’ll be at least above average for GOP SOTU responses.
@Another Scott: This was fascinating.
@HumboldtBlue: last time I’ll say it….it’s a very, very odd speech.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Agree with Tom Nichols.
Sanders’ is not a speech for “independents.” It’s purely for the up is down crowd.
I don’t think it will play well if anyone who is not a loon watches it.
zhena gogolia
@Quinerly: Any recent howlers?
I turned it off within a minute or so of her bragging of outlawing CRT or whatever it is …
SHS told us the story of the legend that was TFG sneaking into Iraq(?) under cover of darkness, as if no president had ever accomplished such a daring feat. Boy, was he ever brave!
Also, Woke and Crazy were tonight’s approved SOTU responses.
zhena gogolia
Well, I can’t watch SOTUs by anybody, but I’m glad to hear from you all that Biden wasn’t quite ready for the nursing home.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve got this muted but based on this tweet: 1) Jethrene is running for Popess of Oral Roberts U (is that institution still with us?) and 2) good for this kid
ETA: twitter keeps calling this the “Sanders speech” and I got confused
and muting again
Wanted to see the SHS white bathrobe. Caught her closing, saying that America is “the country where freedom reigns and liberty will never die.”
And she didn’t get smitten in a stroke of lightning for such brazen reversal of the GOP ambition to strangle freedom and immolate liberty! Dammit.
Mai Naem mobile
SHS’s rebuttal is the best of any recent GOP rebuttals I’ve seen and I am genuinely surprised. Its full of crap but it doesn’t look cringey like Booby Jindal’s and Lil Marco’s did.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Looking Green’s coat, the GOPers are really murdering dogs now for the hell of it.
Also The Onion
Not on Twitter, so please share any good (entertaining or insightful) social media you see.
@zhena gogolia: I mean, it would be quite satisfying to know that someone called Mittens that to his face in the people’s chamber. But what a pathetic and deeply distasteful messenger.
My pitbull just woke up, wagging her tail madly. Typical pitbull: life is amazing until you discover today’s disappointment.
No disappointments today except for that extra midday snack she didn’t trick me into ( yes you did get lunch, and breakfast, and dinner.)
ETA She is attentive so resident cats love her: we are lonely, please lick us.
I haven’t read any comments but I watched the speech and I have only one thing to say:
Ohio Mom
I hope to catch the “highlights”/worse of SHS’s rebuttal on Aaron Rupar’s twitter later. Probably tomorrow because I want to savor this moment.
@RaflW: Not sure I follow her argument. If “freedom reigns and liberty will never die,” then there is no dire emergency and we need not elect dimwitted, dog torturing yokels like members of the Huckabee family.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mai Naem mobile: I had it muted while reading tweets about it, and I did think she looked less angry and truculent than she always did while lying for trump
Another Scott
Change has to start somewhere, and sometimes it starts with small steps.
(via Oryx)
@zhena gogolia: hey do I get credit for it? I never inspired a rotating tag before!
Who did they photoshop Biden with for that last tweet?
Tom Nichol’s feed on the Sander’s speech was good times. I honestly had a fun time reading it. Plus I think it’s really the first time I’ve seen him fanboy Biden.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Nichols notes she refuses to name the “former president” she told the fake combat sir story about. I hope someone points it out to The Beast of West Palm Beach
Damn mastodon is all praise – I think POTUS knocked this out of the park and gave our side the adrenaline rush it needed to keep going forward. Well done.
Mallard Filmore
This was a campaign speech, totally unrelated to a SOTU response.
I wonder if she remembers Bobby Jindal?
Romney is just not with the current program:
i see that MTG was her usual charmingly bitchy self. I keep hoping she chokes on her own venom, but I doubt God loves me that much.
Per CNN re the Mitt Romney/Santos exchange:
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) told Rep. George Santos (R-NY): “You don’t belong here,” according to a member who witnessed the tense exchange in the House of Representatives chamber Tuesday night, CNNreports.
Different church lady beat me lol
So opposum queen didn’t rule?
@different-church-lady: I read that Santos’ response to Mitt was “Asshole,” which is true.
And I wonder why Romney said he (Santos) didn’t belong there, when financial chicanery is very near and dear to Mittens’ heart (well, heart-shaped facsimile). Maybe because Santos cheated people out of their money using ordinary scams, while Mittens cheated people out of their money, businesses, pensions, and livelihoods using only the finest white collar criminality.
“the choice is between normal and crazy”
I gotta agree with SHS on that.
@zhena gogolia:
this one was special.
Alison Rose
@Jackie: Video of Mitt talking to reporters
@Kelly: Lol, yeah, SHS might have wanted to workshop that phrase outside the Tucker mirrorverse.
TFG’s rabid response to President Biden’s SOTU:
Linked to Raw Story as they linked to TFG’s Social Media – which I won’t click on.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jackie: Santos apparently confirming after the speech that he called Romney an asshole
I guess it’s okay, as my little cousin used to tell his mother, ass isn’t a swear cause it’s in the Bible.
@Another Scott: Mary Queen of Scots poem wasn’t encoded. It was in Latin, understood by everyone well-connected in her day. I learned it in 9th grade Latin in 20th century USA.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: One of the very few times I agree with Mitt!
@Alison Rose: That deserves an embed:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Actually, George, that 142K might have a different story right now…
@Jackie: I still don’t understand why he doesn’t stroke out.
@TaMara: That’s gonna get a lot of air time tomorrow!😂👍🏻
Alison Rose
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Jeez, what a pathetic comeback.
Alison Rose
@TaMara: The way they’re crowded around him and all moving together is so weird. I wonder if his feet were even touching the floor.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It’s Santos: he probably made the whole thing up.
Another Scott
@sab: ? I’m a little lost.
He’s talking about encoded letters they found in a library. In the YouTube video, he says that she learned how to cypher when she was 9 years old.
Joe Biden giving the Dem response to Reagan’s 1983 SOTU speech. Pretty consisted, even the hair plugs (that’s not Botox territory is it?).
@different-church-lady: And then Mitt said “You shouldn’t be here”, and that when I roundhouse kicked him in the head. He started crying and his wife came over called him pathetic and we had sex, right there on the floor of Congress.
For what it is worth, CNN reporting Matt Gaetz SECRETLY added to the Weaponization of Government Subcommittee. Kevin McCarthy submitted the change to the Congressional Journal without any public announcement.
Gonna be a shitshow.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Anyone have a clue as to why the media didn’t find out the Santos issues until AFTER the election, cause if he had been running on the democratic party ticket I am sure if would have been revealed when he was nominated?
Mike in NC
Possum Queen was hired for no other reason than to appeal to the Bible thumpers who would otherwise despise Trump.
Ohio Mom
@HumboldtBlue: I think today’s Biden looks more muscular. He must have done a lot of working out between 1983 and now.
patrick II
Calling Romney an asshole is the first and only thing I have admired about Santos so far. I am only sorry he left out the word “pompous”.
Bill Arnold
“United States House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government”
It’s related to Nominative Determinism.
It will be fun when people start pointing this out when the subcommittee gets rolling.
@patrick II: There is zero reason to believe his account of what happened. What does Mitt say?
Omnes Omnibus
They were made aware by the D candidate. They didn’t care.
patrick II
Is it O.K. to say I agree with both of them?
@TS: He wasn’t taken seriously and the press thought he was a sure loser.
Entire family pulled alive from under the rubble in Syria
David Harris has died. Joan had a poignant announcement on her FB page.
@Alison Rose: @Elizabelle:
I’m pretty sure if Biden spent an hour talking to Sanders, he would no longer be even a little bit optimistic about the future of this country. Or anything else. The idea that people would actually vote for her for anything but capital punishment is impossible for my mind to grasp.
If there were such a thing as a “sourness” scale, Sanders would blow the fuse in the meter used to measure it.
(Note: I’m totally against capital punishment.)
Trump Shares Photos of DeSantis Alleging He Partied With High Schoolers (
Finally TFG does something useful.
@Omnes Omnibus:
As I thought, worldwide it seems the media is 99% supportive of right wing politics. I find it truly heartbreaking to see the massive divides between rich/poor in countries where post WWII, for the next 20-30 years this was not the situation.
Twitter drags Sinema for her SOTU dress: “I see Kyrsten Sinema skinned Big Bird for her outfit.” Article includes many pictures.
Omnes Omnibus
@TriassicSands: I am pretty sure you are wrong.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I thought she looked great.
Mike E
That sotu was a Biden F*cking Deal, all prose but the way it shut up all of the ageist concern trolls was truly poetic!
Alison Rose
@Omnes Omnibus: I LOL’d
@different-church-lady: As Romney shouldn’t be in Congress.
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sheesh. And I’m pretty sure you take things too literally and didn’t understand the point of the comment, which was about how profoundly sour Sanders is. Or maybe you just like being contrary..
@dc: As if there were reason to believe Mitt?
Alison Rose
Isn’t that a requirement on this blog?
Omnes Omnibus
@TriassicSands: I am pretty sure you are wrong again.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: wingnuts hate socialism but love their Social Security, Medicare, and farm subsidies
@Alison Rose:
I don’t know. I never argue for the sake of arguing. Though, maybe, I’m be in the minority.
Anyway, I’ll give you a trillion dollars if you watch Sanders’ response from start to finish.
(Note: I’m not worried about having to pay up, since I seriously doubt you’ll survive the experience. So, please don’t try; I don’t want that on my conscience. Plus, some things just aren’t worth it. Oh, and I don’t have a trillion dollars. But you probably suspected that.)
My mother – God rest her soul – worked twenty-five years as office manager of Local 654 of the IBEW, which represented the construction electricians of Delco and Chesco, between the Twelve-Mile Arc and the Philly city limits, and she was one of Biden’s greatest stans.
Am sure she was chortling, there in Heaven, over the President’s callout tonight.
Peace out, Bro.
Fucking cancer
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Dangerman: Who?
Alison Rose
@TriassicSands: See, the problem is, the money would be useless because I would’ve clawed my entire face off by the end and I’m pretty sure that’s not a survivable condition.
Also too, I saw a headline at Slate that said “The symbolism of Sarah Huckabee Sanders” and I didn’t read it but that sentence alone makes my brain twitch.
Ugly is the only word to describe that “speech.”
If it were alive it would be the spawn of The Witch of Endor and Joseph Goebbels.
@Alison Rose: …starting with the bathrobe.
I don’t see much chance of this hurting DeSantis. Republicans will cheer the thought he was scoring with high school girls while their teacher.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
I had a woman today tell me that she was happy with her Medicare plan, but did not want “socialized medicine”.
it wasn’t worth the effort to try and explain it to her
@Steeplejack: Lol! My favorite is Big Bird photobombing the SOTU. Gotta wonder what goes on in her head.
@Alison Rose:
I tried to watch the Sanders response and had to turn it off. I could feel my will to live slipping away. My first real awareness of her was when she was Trump’s mouthpiece translating his lies into lies for the people. Seriously, there are very few people as unpleasant to watch and listen to as SH Sanders.
Early on in her response she said: “I’ll be the first to admit that President Biden and I don’t have a lot in common.”
Yeah, like humanity. Biden is all about being upbeat. Sanders is “Elect us or burn in a pit of socialist hell fire for all eternity.” Which is a perfect fit with the Republican Party.
Onward. things to do. G’night.
@lgerard: That’s like people who love the ACA, but are opposed to Obamacare.
I would have loved if Biden had taken Republican’s newfound love for Social Security and Medicare and told them they should follow through on that promise and raise the debt ceiling. They wouldn’t want to harm seniors, would they?
She doesn’t think “the government” should be involved in health care. She’s 68. overweight, and has hypertension and ulcerative colitis. Without Medicare she could not obtain health insurance at any price. but there is no explaining that to her. She nods her head, and then goes on thinking the same stupid thing.
You just answered you own question. But, I think it was rhetorical and you meant to do that.
Putin has lost another general.
Citizen Alan
Comments like this exasperate me. It’s like surrendering to willful ignorance. If ever confronted with someone who said that, I would probably lose my temper and scream “Your Medicare plan is SOCIALIST!”
@Citizen Alan:
You could just say, “I hope everyone will be able to have a good Medicare plan one day.”
ETA: FWIW, unlike Republicans and lefties, I don’t consider social welfare programs “socialism.”
@Origuy: waiting for General Pavel.
I forget if I saw this here, but too funny anyway.
The consensus is that it’s a picture of Manteca, about 65 miles from San Francisco. Oh, and “Montana Bananas”. Good band name.
“Nuh uh. Food comes for Whole Foods.*
–Response they were expecting.
@JWR: Yeah, I did see it here, at the end of Anne Laurie’s Tuesday Evening Open Thread: While We’re Waiting post.
@Baud: Srsly, don’t they know all us Elite Californians eat there?!
Mimi haha
@Citizen Alan: I have tried to explain how Medicare is socialist. Please don’t bother. They wont understand on purpose.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Mimi haha: try telling them how the NFL is socialist
One of the reasons we can’t have nice things is that Americans on the left and the right all think social welfare programs are socialism. They are not. You can have an entirely capitalist economy with robust social welfare programs including single payer healthcare.
Yeah, that’s really what western Europe is. Old school socialists would turn over in their graves if they heard people today describe that as socialism.
Ukrainian Oresident Zelenskyy flew to Great Britain this morning and is meeting with PM Sunak and other British officials. This is Zelenskyy’s second trip outside Ukraine since Russia invaded last February.
They didn’t want to know.
@Geminid: Sorry, that should read “President Zelenskyy.”
@Quinerly: Every HuckSter speech is a strange speech.
@Elizabelle: She isn’t trying for them, no one in the Republican party really is, she’s boxing out the territory under the net, trolling for MAGAts. None of them will reach beyond the crazy, before they lock up the crazy vote, THEN they will try to pull in the moderates, because all their “Friends” (read that as frenemies) are doing exactly the same thing, and she (they) have to get there FIRST. Unfortunately for them, Independents and Democrats have memories longer than a gnat, and they won’t get any of them. HuckSter and the “leading lights” of the Republican Party are trying to suck off Donny Doll-hands mob, and, one, it won’t work, and two, it won’t leave them any steering room that gets any of the non-crazies.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@RaflW: Thus proving Romney’s point
Another Scott
@brantl: There’s a fine line between acting out for attention and an unrecognized cry for help. The GQPers have been over the line for a while.
Joe’s right to keep trying to call them back to the side of sanity, but also right to keep pushing forward regardless – the world and the future cannot wait.
Paul in KY
@pat: Word on that! Dark Brandon rules.
To your point it would be more accurate to call them state sanctioned monopolies and/or public trusts. All the professional sports leagues have antitrust exemptions. Nonprofits enjoy antitrust exemptions to some extent as well, especially religious institutions.
Sherman Antitrust Act
The Federal Government enforces three major Federal antitrust laws, and most states also have their own. Essentially, these laws prohibit business practices that unreasonably deprive consumers of the benefits of competition, resulting in higher prices for products and services.
Conservative Chamber of Commerce types hate these programs because they involve an enormous amount of cash flow and they can’t profit off it. It’s the sole reason they are attacking the public school system and slowly replacing it with private schools and vouchers. They want to privatize SS so they can pour all that cash into the stock market and Ponzi schemes. They never intend to stop collecting SS on workers paychecks – that’s the dirty little secret that tanked W’s effort to privatize it. They just want access to all that cash flow.
Mitt’s just pissed at Santos because his dog torturing act didn’t cost him his election.
Paul in KY
@Omnes Omnibus: Maybe about Pres Biden being unoptimistic, but the Sanders comments are spot on, IMO.
Paul in KY
@Omnes Omnibus: I think it’s too tight, myself. Edit: Looked at your link and LOLed!!!
Paul in KY
@TriassicSands: She is, unfortunately, a non-attractive person, physically (and this would be if she had the greatest personality). When you throw in her personality (which is akin to Umbridge’s from Harry Potter combined with Anna Wintours’ on her most bitchy day) , you sure have a horrible soul.
Paul in KY
@JWR: Probably a reggae or jam band. Maybe Americana. You are right, though. Good band name!