This time around, postcards are one way we can make a difference.
Addresses are from Voces de la Frontera. If you want to write postcards, send email to WaterGirl at and let us know your nym, which campaign you want to write for and how many addresses you would like to start with.
You can start writing at any time. Details at the link.
I think Brendan might be taking a nap :-) so we might have to supply our own music tonight.
Any postcard writers here tonight?
Wyatt Salamanca
I Got a Name – Jim Croce
Father and Son – Cat Stevens
Genesis – Jorma Kaukonen
@Wyatt Salamanca: Not sure why, but I haven’t listened to Jim Croce for a long time. Happy to be reminded.
John Prine I Remember Everything
@Kelly: We’ve lost so many great people / great musicians in the past few years. it’s shocking how many are gone.
Wyatt Salamanca
Music OT
I realize that these songs don’t fall within the singer songwriter category. This setlist is my tribute to Bethany Mandel’s marvelous, deer-in-the-headlights meltdown on the Hill’s Rising program when she was asked to provide a definition for the word “woke”.
I Can’t Explain – The Who
Stage Fright – The Band
Dazed And Confused – Led Zeppelin
Fuzzy about the pedigree but the title is apt. Celtus, Strange Day in the Country.
Keeping (sort of) the theme going, just for grins, .
@Wyatt Salamanca: Since brendan didn’t make it with his playlist, I removed that part from the post.
So any music is fine
edit: oops, I see that while I intended to delete the singer-songwriter portion or the post, my keyboard when rogue and I delete the wrong part. Remedied now.
Kris Kristofferson
Loving Her was Easier
Me and Bobby McGee
Sunday Morning Coming Down
Whoops. Fix.
Fuzzy about the pedigree but the title is apt. Celtus, Strange Day in the Country.
Keeping (sort of) the theme going, just for grins, Strange Things Are Happening.
Guy Clark My Favorite Picture of You
I’m here. Just been a crazy last few days.
Follow up from Tuesday’s thread – I’ve broken a bone in my arm near the elbow. Doing much better now, only a few days later, and no cast needed, at least.
And, in other news, my husband and I tested positive for Covid yesterday. We’ve avoided it for 3 years, but no longer. We haven’t tested the kids but my guess is they got it from the nanny, and we got it from them. Thankfully, we’re mostly doing okay. My husband has all the weird taste/no smell stuff, but otherwise, mostly just coldlike symptoms.
So far as postcards go, I dropped off my first batch of 160, I think, earlier this week and restocked my stamp supply. Got another 38 out for Jodi this morning, and I’m working on my 10 Spanish postcards next, to mail on Monday, hopefully.
I see PtV is doing a campaign for Jodi, too, so hopefully we’ve got an avalanche of postcards incoming to Wisconsin… 🤞
Jerry Jeff Walker Mr. Bojangles
Steve Goodman My Old Man
Wyatt Salamanca
Ok, thanks.
Writing postcards in Spanish
with these fabulous Playing for Change (PfC) videos:
La Bamba
Los Lobos, La Marisoul, and musicians from Veracruz Mexico, Argentina, Australia, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, and Mali
Oye Como Va
Carlos Santana (guitar) Cindy Blackman Santana (drums), Tal Wilkenfeld (bass), Tito Puente, Jr. (percussion), Cory Henry (keyboards), and many others, from New Orleans, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Haiti, the Congo, and Bahrain
In that case, doubling down (in a manner of speaking):
Cow Cow Boogie.
Tico Tico.
@BlueGuitarist: Glad to have another postcard writer here tonight! 🤩
Amir Khalid
Bruce Springsteen’s acoustic/folk music often gets overlooked by fans who think of him as a rocker. But here’s Dry Lightning from his Ghost of Tom Joad album, gracefully covered by Willie Nelson and Emmylou Harris.
A very young Steve Earle the Mercenary Song
and a little older Galway Girl
Comedy singers/songwriters Paul & Storm are always entertaining. Two of my favorites:
Write Like the Wind (George R. R. Martin) – Hard to believe that this was written 10 years ago.
Better Version of You – What parents might say to the firstborn child when the second child comes along. “That’s right, little tiger, it’s true: Mommy and Daddy are making a better version of you.”
@PaulB: That seems harsh! Not comforting at all to the firstborn. I guess that’s where the comedy part comes in?
Ben Wikler, Wi Dem chair, had said that the main priorities for this election were
statewide: the Wisconsins Supreme Court
state Senate district 8
local elections, especially Eric Genrich for mayor of Green Bay
Very pleased the addresses I got for Spanish language postcards are in Green Bay
so, as with super swing districts, can focus on turning out voters who can cast multiple votes in swing elections:
in Green Bay for Eric Genrich for mayor and Judge Janet for Justice and
in SD-08 for Jodi for Senate and Judge Janet for Justice
Do y’all know Andrew Bird? Amazing singer/songwriter, violinist and whistler.
You might like him. He has a ton of material out there but here are some of his better, more folky ones:
Lazy Projector (40 second intro)
Alison Rose
I’m going goth club memory lane on y’all then.
Peek-a-Boo – Siouxsie and the Banshees
Dead Stars – Covenant
Blue Lights – Fictional
Night Riders – Stromkern
Lucretia, My Reflection – Sisters of Mercy
Enjoy…or not, as the case may more likely be.
It’s definitely comedy. As they say in their intro, “There are thousands and thousands of lullabies, songs written to lull your children to sleep. There are very few, if any, songs designed to wake your children up.”
Kind of feeling all over the map today.
Phil Ochs, by way of Alfred Noyes, The Highwayman.
An original unoriginal composition by Peter Schickele, Quodlibet.
@BlueGuitarist: Good point! I think Racine or Kenosha might also have a notable mayoral race!
re broken bone and Covid: yikes, so sorry
awesome that you’re getting so much done in these circumstances, but take care of yourself, and
as Bob Dylan put it in Forever Young,
“always do for others and let others do for you”
Mailed my (first?) 49 for Janet and Jodi in SD-08
hoping to finish my (first?) 40 for Janet and Eric in Green Bay.
And a couple more rocking’ ones from Mr. Bird:
Fitz & Dizzyspells
@BlueGuitarist: Your postcard came through!
Looking good!
@WaterGirl: That looks great! I might add an Eric mention on my 10 cards, too!
@Mousebumples: Sorry to hear about the Covid. My wife and I got it about 6 weeks ago after 3 clear years. I hope it’s as mild for you both as it was for us. Basically cold & sore throat. I was fine after a week or so, my wife had a bad case of the sniffles for a few weeks
We finished and mailed our first 50 for Supreme Court this past week and i have (by email) put in a small request for a few more (but not more than we can do in a day or so given other commitments). No hurry as it will be tomorrow before we will do them.
Also, on the Steve Earle theme, his two Iraq War albums were, along with Balloon Juice, a couple of the things that kept me sane in the early to mid aughts. As well as James McMurtry. More of a Rock thing than just singer/songwriter, though of course they both are singers and songwriters.
@Mousebumples: Oh right, you did get a few spanish cards, so as long as your addresses are in Green Bay, you are welcome to add Eric for mayor.
When BlueGuitarist asked about that, I got the correct wording from Voces for that.
Some old favourites of mine
Tom Petty – Refugee
Big Country – In a Big Country
The Only Ones – Another girl – another planet
@mvr: Your 10 addresses are in the mail. :-) email.
Sorry to hear about bones and covid. Glad that the bone seems to not need a cast.
I got my first bout in early February. I was fully vaxed and it wasn’t too severe, though I notice that I got tired a bit earlier than usual on our regular walk on the prairie a week or so back which is 3 weeks later.
I recommend paxlovid if you can get it. Leaves a horrible taste in one’s mouth but we avoided anything too dire possibly as a result or possibly as a result of the prior vaccinations. In any case I was OK enough to work around the house while I was isolating at home. But I’m old so it was not hard to get antivirals via telemedicine. It may be different if you are younger. I don’t know.
@WaterGirl: Thanks!
I just checked and I got them.
@Mousebumples: Interesting.
I have been handing out Brown County – for Spanish cards
the OH Indivisible group took all 1800+ addresses for Racine.
I have been handing out Milwaukee for everyone else.
If you want to check on the the other mayoral race (Racine vs. Kenosha)… if it turns out to be Racine I could give a heads up to the Indivisible group that is writing for Racine.
But i know you have a lot on your plate, so don’t worry about it if it’s not convenient.
And another Spanish postcard from Mousebumples!
@WaterGirl: I recognize the name, and I assume the last word is “mayor”. What is the first word?
@mvr: I forgot to say WOW! on the first 50 cards!
I admire everyone who is writing.
Upside down! And Eric Genrich also!
@WaterGirl: No “Wow” is appropriate really. Jenny wrote most of them. I’m finding writing by hand harder as I get older, at least writing so another person can read it. I used to get held after school for penmanship in grade school. So I mostly print. But I think old age and lack of practice makes that harder than it used to be. I don’t think Jenny finds it easier, but she has a bit more grit about this than I do.
@mvr: The WOW! was for both of you, and I stand by it! :-)
Sure Lurkalot
I’m a newbie postcarder so I asked WG for (only) 20 addresses. I found the exercise fairly relaxing and listening to a podcast or music makes the time go fast. In short, hardly a chore. I’m a bit tied up to do more this election but I will definitely participate in other drives in the future. Maybe get some cooler pens. Or make my own postcards.
Thanks everyone.
They are wordier at Voces. They clearly don’t write postcards. :-)
@Sure Lurkalot: Everything helps!
Plus cool pens are fun.
@Sure Lurkalot: Thanks for the 20 postcards! As a Wisconsinite, I appreciate the effort!
@WaterGirl: Haha, yeah. I didn’t have much room on my postcards, with the length of their Spanish text as is, but that was a quick translation I could do myself. Though I did double check tambien didn’t have an accent or anything that I’d forgotten about.
@WaterGirl: Yay OH Indivisibles! I finished my postcards yesterday.
No kidding!
Thanks again to everyone for the chat and postcarding and music tonight! I’m off to bed – can’t speak for others but Covid is making me extra tired!
Hope to see some/all of you for Tuesday’s music & postcarding thread!
Trivia Man
Tonight I went to a live event, Pod Save America at the Barrymore. Ben Winkler, Mandela Barnes, and the three folks from PSA. Big take away is that in 2010 the progressive candidate was up by 9 points 2 weeks out, then a huge dump of out of state money came rushing in to goose republican turnout. If just one more voter turned out in every precinct – the state of Wisconsin would be in much better shape today.
Special guest was Judge Janet and it was nice to hear her speak. She says “I can not promise anything” in regards to future cases, but she also indicates that her judicial philosophy tells her that some of the recent decisions were decided wrongly.
A full house, very white crowd, a lot of enthusiasm.
Trivia Man
Five To One
Throwin’ Stones
When the Music’s Over
@Trivia Man: Thanks for the report! It sounds like a great experience.